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Reproductively active oysters were fed daily with 0.2 g algal paste containing 0, 0.1, and 1.0 microgram polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) (1:1:1 mixture of Aroclor 1242, 1254 and 1260) for either 15 or 30 days, and accumulation of PCBs in different organ tissues and eggs assessed. The effects of PCB exposure on lipid content, lipid class and fatty acid composition were also evaluated. PCBs were accumulated by the oysters and transferred to the eggs. PCB accumulation in oysters was dose, time and tissue dependent. Mean PCB contents were 3150, 1970, and 250 ng/g dry wt., respectively, in the visceral mass, gills + mantle and muscle of oysters fed algal paste containing 1.0 microgram PCBs for 30 days. The PCBs in the eggs from the same oysters reached 671 ng PCBs/g dry wt. Feeding oysters with PCB-sorbed algal paste for 30 days significantly increased phospholipid and free fatty acid contents in gills + mantle tissue compared to the same tissues in the undosed control.  相似文献   

Elevation of metal concentrations in coastal environments associated with anthropogenic enrichment pose a significant threat to estuarine organisms. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationships between cellular responses that may be potentially valuable as indicators of chronic stress and metal-contaminated sediments. For these studies, hatchery-reared juvenile oysters were deployed in situ at 15 sites for approximately 1 month around Charleston Harbor, SC. The effects on lysosomal destabilization and glutathione concentrations were determined; and the relationships between the cellular responses and sediment metal concentrations were described. Both single metal and multiple metal parameters (based on total metal concentrations, aluminum normalizations, and summed sediment quality guidelines) were considered. Generally, significant correlations were observed for individual metal analytes and multiple metal parameters. Since many of the individual metal analytes covary, the responses may reflect overall contaminant loading rather than responses to individual metals. Methods for estimating overall contaminant loading based on multiple analytes provide a more realistic estimate of potential adverse effects.  相似文献   

单体牡蛎诱导变态的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了得到壳型规则、大小均一的单体牡蛎,作者以葡萄牙牡蛎(Crassostrea angulata)和长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)眼点幼虫为材料,从肾上腺素(EPI)浓度梯度、处理时间梯度和眼点幼虫密度梯度3个因素诱导产生不固着变态的单体牡蛎。结果表明,葡萄牙牡蛎用EPI处理24 h的最适浓度为5×10–4 mol/L,不固着变态率为72.8%,在该最适浓度下,最佳处理时间为12 h,不固着变态率为82.7%。长牡蛎用EPI处理6 h的最适浓度为5×10–5 mol/L,不固着变态率为53.2%,在该最适浓度下,最佳处理时间为8h,不固着变态率为56.8%,眼点幼虫密度在80个/m L以下EPI处理效果没有显著性差异。对长牡蛎幼虫进行后续生长测定,结果显示EPI处理组幼虫的壳长、壳高和存活率要高于对照组,表明EPI可能促进牡蛎幼虫变态长出次生壳并提高其生存能力。  相似文献   

The esterification of two model vertebrate steroid hormones – estradiol (E2) and dehidroepiandrosterone (DHEA) – was studied in the oyster Crassostrea virginica. The activity of acyl-CoA:steroid acyltransferase was characterized in microsomal fractions isolated from oyster digestive glands. The apparent Km and Vmax values changed with the fatty acid acyl-CoA used (C20:4, C18:2, C18:1, C16:1, C18:0 or C16:0), and were in the range of 9–17 μM, and 35–74 pmol/min/mg protein for E2, and in the range of 45–120 μM, and 30–182 pmol/min/mg protein for DHEA. Kinetic parameters were also assessed in gonadal tissue. The enzyme saturated at similar concentrations, although conjugation rates were lower than in digestive gland. Preliminary data shows that tributyltin (TBT) in the low μM range (1–50) strongly inhibits E2 and DHEA esterification, the esterification of E2 being more sensitive to inhibition than that of DHEA. Overall, results indicate that apolar conjugation occurs in oysters, in both digestive gland and gonads, at a very similar rate to mammals, suggesting that this is a well conserved conjugation pathway during evolution. Esterification, together with other mechanisms, can modulate endogenous steroid levels in C. virginica, and might be a target for endocrine disrupters, such as TBT.  相似文献   

The State of Santa Catarina produces the greatest quantity of edible mollusks in Brazil. To guarantee sanitary qualify, mollusk cultures should be monitored for contamination by pathogenic microorganisms. A self-purification or "depuration" system that eliminates Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium contamination from oysters has been developed and evaluated. The depuration process occurred within a closed system, in which 1000 L of water was recirculated for 24 h. The water was sterilized with ultraviolet (UV) light, chlorine, or both together. Oysters (Crassostrea gigas) artificially contaminated with S. typhimurium were harvested every 6 h. Samples of oyster tissue were excised and both the presence and numbers of bacteria were determined. Combined UV light and chlorine treatments resulted in total elimination of bacteria within 12 h. Polymerase chain reaction detected bacteria in water exposed to the three treatments. This pioneering study is the first of its kind in Brazil and represents a major contribution to commercial mollusk culture in this country.  相似文献   

Recent declines in Chesapeake Bay oyster populations have been attributed to disease, and reduced water quality from pollution. The stress associated with pollutant exposure may reduce energy available for growth and reproduction. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are lipophilic contaminants that may potentially affect mobilization of lipid reserves, increasing reliance on glycogen stores, which could otherwise be utilized to supply energy for gametogenesis. Thus, PCBs may indirectly affect glycogen stores in oysters in a deleterious manner. To test for this effect, reproductively inactive oysters were exposed to PCBs by feeding individuals 0.7 g of algal paste containing 0, 0.35, or 3.5 μg PCBs daily for 8 weeks. Additionally, a group of oysters was exposed to PCBs (0, 0.35, and 3.5 μg) plus 0.3 g of non-toxic artificial sediment to examine interactive effects of sediment particles and PCBs. Adductor muscle, mantle, and gonadal tissues were analyzed for glycogen content. Results suggest that glycogen content is reduced in the adductor muscle with increasing PCB exposure, but there are no effects of PCBs in the mantle and gonadal tissues.  相似文献   

Biogenic reefs built by oysters and other suspension feeders are vital components of estuarine ecosystems. By consuming phytoplankton, suspension feeders act to suppress accumulation of organic matter in the water column. Nutrient loading increases the rate of primary production, thereby causing eutrophication. As suspension feeders consume more organic matter from increasing abundance of phytoplankton, their rate of growth should also increase if they are food limited. We show here that the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin), from St. Mary's and Patuxent rivers, Chesapeake Bay, grew faster during anthropogenic eutrophication relative to C. virginica before eutrophication. Growth of shell height, shell thickness and adductor muscle increased after eutrophication began in the late 18th century. After 1860, growth decreased, perhaps reflecting the negative effects of hypoxia, harmful algal blooms, disease and fishing on oyster growth. These results are consistent with the view that an increasing supply of phytoplankton resulting from eutrophication enhanced growth of C. virginica between 1760 and 1860, before oyster reefs were degraded by destructive fishing practices between 1870 and 1930. Alternative factors, such as changes in water temperature, salinity, and fishing are less likely to be responsible for this pattern. These results have implications for restoration of oyster reefs in order to mitigate the effects of eutrophication in estuaries, as well as the paleoecological relationship between suspension feeders and paleoproductivity.  相似文献   

对广西钦州湾近江牡蛎(Crassostrea rivularis)体有机氯农药(HCHs和DDTs)和多氯联苯(PCBs)的残留水平进行监测与分析。结果表明:近江牡蛎体中HCHs、DDTs和PCBs的质量比分别为ND~0.23μg/kg、0.01~0.21μg/kg和ND~2.3μg/kg;检出率分别为45%、100%和95%,3种污染物含量符合国家《海洋生物质量》第一类标准和无公害水产品质量要求。相对国内其他海区而言,钦州湾近江牡蛎受HCHs、DDTs和PCBs污染程度处于低污染水平。  相似文献   

采用改良的DMEM(HG)培养基,建立了近江牡蛎(Crassostrea hongkongensis)鳃细胞体外培养技术,包括鳃组织块培养法和胰酶消化培养法。结果表明,组织块培养法接种6 h后,细胞开始从组织块中迁出,细胞形态较小,呈圆形、椭圆形或多边形,直径3~6μm。培养至3 d时,细胞在组织块周围形成生长晕。培养至6 d时可进行细胞传代,本次实验细胞已传至第6代。胰酶消化法接种约2 h后,细胞逐渐贴壁,从形态上主要分为两类,一类为小型细胞,形态为圆形、椭圆形或多边形,直径3~6μm,数量多,增殖速度较快;另一类为大型细胞,形态为圆形、椭圆形或多边形,直径10~20μm,部分细胞内部含有颗粒,数量较少,增殖速度较慢。培养至2 d时可进行细胞传代,传代培养物中的优势细胞皆为小型细胞。本次实验细胞已传至第6代。  相似文献   

Glycogen, a polymer of glucose, is an important means of storing energy. It is degraded by glycogen phosphorylase (GPH) and hexokinase (HK), glycogen phosphorylase, and hexokinase cDNAs (Ca-GPH andCa-H...  相似文献   

实时定量RT-PCR方法检测太平洋牡蛎中的诺沃克样病毒   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了Taqman 实时定量RT-PCR方法检测诺沃克样病毒(Norwalk-like Virus,NLV)的方法,并对中国的牡蛎样品进行了分析.选取GⅡ型NLV的RNA聚合酶区域,利用Primer Express 2.0软件设计引物和探针,建立了定量RT-PCR反应体系.将含有NLV扩增片段的质粒10倍梯度稀释,作为标准品进行反应以确定检测灵敏度并制备标准曲线.结果表明,质粒密度在6×106,6×105,6×104,6×103,6×102,6×101,6个拷贝之间,共7个数量级的范围内,定量RT-PCR反应都有"S"型扩增曲线,检测灵敏度为6个拷贝.制备的标准曲线中,病毒拷贝数(X)与Ct值的关系为Ct = -3.36lg X 37.11,相关系数R2=0.998.对中国37批太平洋牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas Thunberg)样品进行了定量检测,有6批样品为阳性,并根据标准曲线测定了NLV的含量.  相似文献   

以水解度为指标,比较了6种蛋白酶对香港巨牡蛎(Crassostrea hongkongensis)的水解效果。在单因素考察实验的基础上,采用Box-Behnken模型响应面设计,建立香港巨牡蛎蛋白酶解的二次回归模型,确定最佳的水解条件。实验结果表明,海产品专用蛋白酶对香港巨牡蛎蛋白的水解效果优于其他蛋白酶,该酶的最佳水解条件为:酶与底物比为5.93%,酶解时间为4.07 h,酶解温度为54.6℃。在此条件下,海产品专用蛋白酶酶解香港巨牡蛎蛋白的水解度达到25.73%±2.39%。本研究为香港巨牡蛎的开发和利用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

以香港巨牡蛎(Crassostreahongkongensis)基因组DNA为模板,采用正交设计及单因素比较试验,分别对Mg^2+、dNTPs、引物、TaqDNA聚合酶和DNA模板浓度的PCR原料进行优化,并通过温度梯度PCR,筛选适宜的退火温度。确立了香港巨牡蛎的最适ISSR—PCR反应体系:25μL反应体系中含PC...  相似文献   

首次在长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)中克隆得到一种新的贝壳基质蛋白nacrein-like protein F3的全长c DNA序列。nacrein-like protein F3基因c DNA全长1499bp,其中编码区长度为1242bp,编码一条含413个氨基酸残基的多肽链。氨基酸序列比对和结构域分析均表明其为合浦珠母贝(Pinctada fucata)nacrein的同源蛋白,含有1个保守的α-碳酸酐酶结构域,但由于重复结构域的插入,α-碳酸酐酶结构域被间隔成2个亚结构域。系统进化分析显示nacrein-like protein F3与贻贝(Mytilus californianus)nacrein-like protein进化关系最近。此外,在软体动物中,双壳纲nacrein-like proteins进化速度相对较快,推测与寒武纪时期剧烈的环境变化有关,如影响贝壳形成的海水化学变化。  相似文献   

长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)串联重复序列分析研究较少,为了研究其在基因组转录本的基本结构特征并为长牡蛎中遗传多样性研究中提供有益的信息,利用NCBI公共数据库中的57 139条长牡蛎ESTs序列对串联重复序列结构类型、分布、丰度等进行系统比较分析.分析结果表明:1)长牡蛎EST中共有小卫星串联重复序列8...  相似文献   

多肽菌素作为一类具有抗菌活性的生物短肽,是一种可以替代抗生素的生物肽。为了推广多肽菌素在水产养殖中的应用,本研究以长牡蛎(Crassostreagigas)人工育苗为基础,以添加2×10–6 mol/L青霉素钠为对照组,以添加5个不同浓度(2×10–6、4×10–6、6×10–6、8×10–6、10×10–6 mol/L)多肽菌素为实验组,研究多肽菌素在长牡蛎人工育苗生产中的应用。结果显示:(1)在长牡蛎种贝培育方面,培育前8天各组差异不显著(P> 0.05),培育后期添加6×10–6 mol/L多肽菌素组存活率均最高,对照组最低,且培育至32天时该实验组均显著高于其他组(P<0.05)。(2)在长牡蛎幼虫培育方面,幼虫壳高日增长量在添加6×10–6 mol/L多肽菌素组中最大,为11.57μm/d,而对照组仅为9.61μm/d;幼虫存活率方面对照组始终最低,而添加6×10–6 ...  相似文献   

长牡蛎早期胚胎发育中脂肪酸和氨基酸组成变化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用生物化学方法研究了长牡(Crassostrea gigas)早期胚胎发育过程中脂肪酸、氨基酸组成变化情况,分别获取受精后0、6、12、24h的胚胎或幼虫进行检测和分析,结果如下:在受精卵中共检测到27种脂肪酸,豆蔻酸(14:0)、软脂酸(16:0)、硬脂酸(18:0),EPA(20:5ω3)和DHA(22:6ω3)...  相似文献   

海水酸化暴露可对海洋生物产生多层面的影响。本研究以潮间带野生与潮下带养殖长牡蛎(不同生境背景)的不同组织(鳃、外套膜及消化腺)为研究对象,分析在室内调控p CO2模拟海水酸化暴露条件下,其基础代谢活动、能量代谢以及氧化应激相关指标的变化情况。结果显示:海水酸化暴露后,两种长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)的基础代谢过程均受到了一定抑制作用且受影响程度差异明显。潮间带野生与潮下带养殖长牡蛎的关键生理过程(能量代谢及氧化应激)对海水酸化暴露存在不同的响应变化,表明两种长牡蛎应对海水酸化的调节机制可能存在差异。依据PLS-DA分析结果显示,在所有生理指标中,对样本的差异贡献较高(VIP值>1)的指标为:SDH、AST、ATPase、ATP含量、糖原含量、CAT、GST及SOD,表明海水酸化暴露后,在两种长牡蛎的3种组织中上述指标的响应变化程度更大。综合评价分析多个生理指标的整体变化揭示:在海水酸化暴露条件下,潮间带野生长牡蛎比潮下带养殖长牡蛎对海水酸化的生理响应更为剧烈;相比于鳃及消化腺组织,长牡蛎外套膜组织可能受影响更大。  相似文献   

为了评估香港牡蛎二倍体及三倍体幼虫生物学特征,于2013~2015年,在湛江和北海两地比较了二倍体及三倍体幼虫生长、存活及变态差异,计算了三倍体优势率,评估了倍性与环境效应互作对其表型性状的影响。结果表明:三倍体D形幼虫显著大于二倍体幼虫,之后,伴随着个体增长,生长优势逐渐增大,15日龄时的三倍体优势率为8.9%~9.1%。三倍体幼虫存活力与二倍体相当,未出现大量致死现象。三倍体变态规格显著大于二倍体,其优势率为5.1%~5.3%;三倍体变态时间显著低于二倍体,但其变态率与二倍体相当,不存在显著差异(p>0.05)。经过双因子分析模型的方差分析检测,发现倍性和环境效应都会对香港牡蛎幼虫生长产生显著影响(p<0.001),环境是影响幼虫存活率及变态的主要因子(p<0.05)。  相似文献   

从微藻粒径大小、饵料密度以及营养价值角度,选取牟氏角毛藻(Chaetoceros muelleri)、亚心形扁藻(Platymonas subcordiformis)、球等鞭金藻(Isochrysis galbana)分别作为硅藻、绿藻和金藻的代表,开展了不同规格的香港巨牡蛎对3种微藻在同等密度、同等生物量混合条件下的摄食选择性研究。结果显示,香港巨牡蛎在两种不同混合藻条件下对3种不同微藻摄食选择性有显著性差异(P<0.01)。3种藻相同密度混合条件下,大、中、小3种规格香港巨牡蛎更倾向摄食粒径较大的亚心形扁藻,且贝类规格越大选择倾向性越低,摄食选择效率分别为0.32、0.35、0.48,对球等鞭金藻无明显选择性。3种藻等生物量混合条件下,香港巨牡蛎对亚心形扁藻和球等鞭金藻的摄食有选择性,且规格大小对选择效率影响显著(P<0.01),个体越小选择性越强,小规格香港巨牡蛎倾向滤食亚心形扁藻(P<0.01),大、中规格更倾向摄食粒径较小的球等鞭金藻。两种混合条件下,香港巨牡蛎都对牟氏角毛藻都有负的选择效率,而且牟氏角毛藻密度越高负值绝对值越大。微藻的细胞大小、形状、营养价值以及香港巨牡蛎的个体大小都对摄食选择性有着明显的影响,香港巨牡蛎的摄食选择性在现场海区中还明显受到生境及食物条件的限制。  相似文献   

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