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Lead isotope data on galenas from the Bambui group, Minas Gerais have been assembled and discussed. The isotope data, when plotted on the Single Stage Model III lead isotope development curve of Cumming and Richards (1975), yield 207/206 ages of 650±50 m.y and a linear array of data points with negative model ages, which intercept the growth curve at 650±60 m.y and 1850±150 m.y. The radiometric dates coincide with the two major orogenic episodes, the Brazilian and the Transamazonian. The data are interpreted in terms of a two stage model, where the source of lead for galenas, formed during Brazilian orogeny, is the basement rocks of Transamazonian age. The calculated Th/U value for the source rock is 2.9±0.3. The geographical distribution of lead isotope ratios shows a zonation in Vazante Paracatu region, an area containing large deposits of zinc. The implication of the distribution on the ore formation is discussed.  相似文献   

Corrections for systematic bias, and a better regression method, are tested on the lead isotope data of Heyl, Delevaux, Zartman and Brock (1966). The new calculations suggest the time of mineralization in the Upper Mississippi zinc-lead district is more likely to lie in the range Mid Devonian (370 my) to Upper Pennsylvanian (280 my) on any reasonable assumption for the age of the basement. It is argued from the isotopic trends that the ore lead in this district was simply derived by radiogenic addition to lead originally derived from rocks of basement age, although the data do not exclude residence in the Lower Paleozoic sediments as an intermediate step. An isotopically different magmatic component is not required. Correlation with the geology suggests that genesis of the deposits probably was related to regional tectonic deformation in Middle to Late Paleozoic time.
Zusammenfassung Korrekturen systematischer Fehler und eine bessere Regressionsmethode wurden anhand der Blei-Isotopendaten von Heyl, Delevaux, Zartman und Brock (1966) getestet. Diese neuen Berechnungen unter Annahme eines vernünftigen Alters des Grundgebirges zeigen, daß die Zeit der Mineralisation im Oberen Mississippi Zink-Blei Distrikt eher zwischen Mitteldevon (370 Millionen Jahre) und Oberkarbon (280 Millionen Jahre) zu setzen ist. Auf Grund der Verteilung der Isotopenverhältnisse wird auf eine einfache Formierung (durch Addition radioaktiver Zerfallsprodukte zum ursprünglichen Blei im Gestein mit demselben Alter wie das Grundgebirge) des Bleies im Bleierz geschlossen. Die Meßresultate schließen jedoch eine Ablagerung im Unterpaläozoikum als Übergangsstufe nicht aus. Magma mit andern Isotopenverhältnissen wird nicht angenommen. Vergleiche mit der Geologie deuten darauf hin, daß die Bildung der Ablagerungen im Zusammenhang mit tektonischen Deformationen im Mittleren bis Oberen Paläozoikum erfolgte.

对鄂尔多斯盆地西缘晚三叠世大地构造环境和区域应力场与石沟驿地区上三叠统沉积速率、碎屑组分和盆地充填样式等构造环境判别的综合分析,认为晚三叠世石沟驿地区为逆冲挤压构造环境,冲断带挤压挠曲作用形成前陆前渊拗陷,物源区为再旋回活动的褶皱冲断带.与典型前陆盆地相比,位于冲断带前缘的鄂尔多斯盆地为具石沟驿等前渊拗陷的类前陆盆地.晚三叠世石沟驿地区逆冲挤压和六盘山地区整体隆升的构造背景揭示,牛首山一罗山一带的西缘逆冲带构成晚三叠世鄂尔多斯原型盆地的西南部边界,石沟驿地区上三叠统是盆地延长组边缘相沉积.上述认识有助于扩大鄂尔多斯西缘中生界和古生界的油气勘探远景.  相似文献   

对四川省西昌盆地上三叠统白果湾组碎屑岩的主量元素、微量元素、稀土元素进行综合研究,得出其主量元素具有富SiO2、CaO、P2O5,贫Al2O3、TFe2O3、MgO、Na2O、K2O的特征; 微量元素具有富Zr、Cs、Th、U等特征; 稀土元素总量相对较高,轻重稀土元素分馏明显,轻稀土较重稀土相对富集,具有中等负铕异常。白果湾组物源区为长英质岩区,属于被动大陆边缘区; 白果湾期的气候经历了湿润→干旱→湿润→干旱的变化过程; 成分成熟度总体偏低,呈现高→低→高→低的变化规律,与CIA变化趋势呈负相关。本次研究为该区晚三叠世环境演化研究提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

柯贤忠  王晶  钟石玉  高旭 《中国地质》2019,46(3):629-641
德新和轧轧龙铅锌矿是冈底斯西段银铅锌多金属成矿带典型的热液脉型铅锌矿床,关于其成矿物质来源及与纳如松多铅锌矿成因联系的研究鲜有开展。本研究利用单矿物和全岩稳定同位素方法对德新和轧轧龙铅锌矿的主要金属硫化物和含矿花岗斑岩进行了S、Pb同位素组成分析和示踪,结果显示德新铅锌矿硫化物δ34SVCDT为3.5‰~7.4‰,平均值为6.1‰;含矿花岗斑岩δ334SVCDT为4.4‰~6.2‰,平均值为5.7‰;轧轧龙铅锌矿金属硫化物δ334SVCDT为2.7‰~8.3‰,平均值为5.1‰;德新和轧轧龙铅锌矿铅同位素比值比较稳定,变化范围基本一致;铅同位素μ值为9.48~9.82,平均值为9.64;△β、△γ变化范围基本一致,均值相差较小,表明则学地区热液脉型铅锌矿金属硫化物和斑岩具有一致的S、Pb同位素组成,铅同位素具正常铅特征;暗示硫源可能主要由花岗岩类提供,铅源则可能主要来自上地壳物质。综合前人研究认为,德新、轧轧龙热液脉型铅锌矿和纳如松多铅锌矿具有一致的硫、铅同位素组成,三者应存在成因上的联系,可能属于同一成矿系统产物;花岗斑岩为则学地区热液脉状铅锌矿化提供了成矿物质。  相似文献   

脉状黝铜矿型铜矿床是产于兰坪-思茅盆地中的一种新的铜矿床类型。碳酸盐及CO2包裹体的δ13C值大多在-4‰~-7‰之间变化,显示碳来自地幔。矿石中铅同位素组成与盆地中喜马拉雅期碱性岩长石中铅的同位素组成一致,方解石和铁白云石的87Sr/86Sr比值接近或稍高于碱性岩的87Sr/86Sr的比值,显示矿石锶、铅与碱性岩锶、铅是同源的,均来自于上地幔。硫化物中硫的δ34S值大多集中在0~-4‰之间,显示其硫主要是深部来源并有少量的地壳硫参与。包裹体水的δ18O和δD值显示成矿流体的水为大气降水、岩浆水和变质水的混合物。结合其它质、地球化学特征,笔者认为这类矿床的成因类型为壳-幔混合热液成因型。  相似文献   

基于北羌塘坳陷上三叠统基干剖面实测资料,开展地层层序划分对比和沉积相研究,建立沉积演化模式,揭示对羌塘盆地油气勘探的指示意义。结果表明:(1)北羌塘坳陷晚三叠世卡尼期—诺尼期可以划分为2个Ⅲ级层序,区域上沉积了4套地层,第1个Ⅲ级层序对应于甲丕拉组(LST)和波里拉组(TST、HST),第2个Ⅲ级层序对应于阿堵拉组(SMT、TST和HST)和夺盖拉组(RST);(2)北羌塘坳陷甲丕拉组沉积期主要沉积相为扇三角洲和三角洲,波里拉组沉积期可分为沿岸生物礁模式、远端变陡缓坡模式和碳酸盐岩台地模式,阿堵拉组沉积期主要以海岸、浅海陆棚相和三角洲相为主;(3)波里拉组外缓坡亚相和阿堵拉组浅海陆棚相可形成良好的灰泥岩类烃源岩,其中以阿堵拉组广覆式浅海陆棚相泥质烃源岩最重要,波里拉组油苗以海相成因和中高成熟度为主,主要来源于波里拉组外缓坡亚相泥灰岩,后期低熟油来自阿堵拉组浅海陆棚相混合型有机质。北羌塘坳陷发育多个大型富烃凹陷,上三叠统具有良好的生烃成藏条件,研究对深化羌塘油气地质认识,聚焦油气勘探目的层系具有重要地质意义。  相似文献   

Computer simulation of random errors in the measurements for the double spike technique applied to Pb isotope analyses, indicates that normalized error multiplication factors for the calculated values of isotope ratios lie in the range 2 to 3. The optimum isotopic composition of the tracer is about 207Pb204Pb = 2.0 and the optimum ratio of amount of tracer to amount of unknown is about P = 1.0. Determination of errors in the fractionation factor alone does not adequately describe the ultimate errors in the calculated isotope ratios except under special circumstances. Uncertainty in the actual composition of the tracer is closely proportional to uncertainty in the unknown composition. The purity of the spike is unimportant at least as long as the separated 207Pb and 204Pb isotopes are greater than 90% pure.  相似文献   

Strontium isotope evolution of Late Permian and Triassic seawater   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The 87Sr/86Sr values based on brachiopods and conodonts define a nearly continuous record for the Late Permian and Triassic intervals. Minor gaps in measurements exist only for the uppermost Brahmanian, lower part of the Upper Olenekian, and Middle Norian, and only sparse data are available for the Late Permian. These 219 measurements include 67 brachiopods and 114 conodont samples from the Tethyan realm as well as 37 brachiopods and one conodont sample from the mid-European Middle Triassic Muschelkalk Sea. The Late Permian/Lower Triassic interval is characterized by a steep 1.3 × 10−3 rise, from 0.7070 at the base of the Dzhulfian to 0.7082 in the late Olenekian, a rate of change comparable to that in the Cenozoic. In the mid-Triassic (Anisian and Ladinian), the isotope values fall to 0.7075, followed again by a rise to 0.7081 in the Middle/Late Norian. The 87Sr/86Sr values decline again in the Late Norian (Sevatian) and Rhaetian to 0.7076.The sharp rise in the 87Sr/86Sr values during the Late Permian/Early Triassic was coincident with widespread clastic sedimentation. Because of the paucity of tectonic uplifts, the enhanced erosion may have been due to intermittent humid phases, during mainly an arid interval, coupled with the absence of a dense protective land plant cover following the mass extinction during the latest Permian. The apex of the 87Sr/86Sr curve at the Olenekian/Anisian boundary coincides with cessation of the large-scale clastic sedimentation and also marks the final recovery of land vegetation, as indicated by the renewed onset of coal formation in the Middle Triassic. The rising 87Sr/86Sr values from the Middle Carnian to the Late Norian coincide with the uplift and erosion of the Cimmeride-Indosinian orogens marking the closure of the Palaeotethys. The subsequent Rhaetian decline that continues into Jurassic (Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary), on the other hand, coincides with the opening of the Vardar Ocean and its eastern continuation in the Izmir-Ankara Ophiolitic Belt.Samples from the Upper Muschelkalk are more radiogenic than the global trend. This may reflect separation of the basin from the open ocean. Due to strong meteoric influx from a large land mass in the north, the Germanic Basin became increasing brackish up section in the north and east, but because of the high evaporation rates, the salt content was not much reduced in the southern and central basin where a rich, but increasingly endemic, marine fauna survived.  相似文献   

The oxygen isotope composition of 56 Hercynian granites and 42 pre-Hercynian gneisses has been investigated. In addition some mineral δ 18O data and 5 δD values of whole rocks have been obtained. The granites from the N-Schwarzwald show, in general, relatively uniform δ 18O values between 11.5 and 13.5‰, those from the S-Schwarzwald are less uniform and lighter in 18O and range from 2.3 to 11.5‰. The gneisses from the pre-Hercynian basement exhibit more or less the same variation and range from 1.7 to 10.4‰. δ 18O values <6‰ only occur in the S-Schwarzwald and obviously indicate hydrothermal interactions of meteoric waters, which probably took place after the emplacement and solidification of the granites and which equally affected granites and gneisses. Due to the nearly identical 18O/16O ratios of S-Schwarzwald granites and gneisses, it is proposed that such gneisses in the pre-Hercynian basement qualify as the precursor rocks of the S-Schwarzwald, granites whereas for the N-Schwarzwald granites crustal rocks with heavier δ 18O values, unknown from the present surface, have to be postulated. This distribution is also reflected on a 87Sr/86Sr-18O/16O diagram.  相似文献   

Summary A widespread volcanism mainly consisting of pyroclastic products and lava flows is found in the Southern Alps of Lombardy. The volcanics are interbedded with Anisian-Ladinian carbonatic sequences and continental terrigenous or transitional deposits of Ladinian-Carnian age. The petrographic and geochemical data for this volcanism indicate a calc-alkaline affinity with characters similar to those of convergent continental margins. In this sector of the Alps the geological evidences show that in the middle Triassic general extensional movements were the dominant deformation event, and do not support the existence of a subduction zone during this period. The apparent contrast between the tectonic environment and the type of magmas erupted in the Anisian-Carnian is tentatively explained by partial melting during the early stage of rifting of an upper mantle deeply modified during the previous Hercynian orogenesis and contaminated by crustal material. This hypothesis is in agreement with the preliminary Sr isotopic ratios (0.705 and 0.709). K/Ar and Rb/Sr ages on biotites date the beginning of the volcanism at around 225 m.y.
Zusammenfassung In den Südalpen der Lombardei befindet sich ein weitverbreiteter Vulkanismus, der hauptsächlich aus pyroklastischen Produkten und Lavaströmen besteht. Vulkanische Produkte sind mit anisisch-ladinischen beckenartigen Karbonat-Schichtfolgen oder mit ladinisch-karnischen kontinental-terrestrischen oder Übergangsablagerungen eingebettet. Die petrographischen und geochemischen Daten für diesen Vulkanismus weisen auf eine den konvergenten Kontinentalschelfen ähnliche kalkalkaline Affinität hin. In diesem Sektor der Alpen zeigen die geologischen Beobachtungen, daß die dominanten Verformungsereignisse der mittleren Trias allgemeine Dehnungsbewegungen waren und weisen nicht auf die Existenz einer Subduktionszone zu dieser Zeit hin. Der scheinbare Widerspruch zwischen dem tektonischen Milieu und dem im Anis bis Karn ausgeworfenen Magmatyp wird versuchsweise mit einer Teilaufschmelzung eines während der vorhergehenden herzynischen Orogenese tief veränderten und mit Krustenmaterial verunreinigten oberen Mantels während der Frühphase einer Grabenbildung erklärt. Diese Hypothese ist im Einklang mit den präliminaren Sr-Isotopenverhältnissen (0.705 und 0.709). K/Ar und Rb/Sr Altersmessungen an Biotiten datieren den Anfang der vulkanischen Tätigkeit um 225 Ma.

Résumé Un volcanisme très répandu constitué surtout par des produits pyroclastiques et par des coulées de lave se trouve dans les Alpes Méridionales en Lombardie. Ces produits volcaniques sont intercalés dans la série carbonatique du bassin d'âge Anisien-Ladinien et dans les dépôts terrigènes continentaux ou transitionnels d'âge Ladinien-Carnien. Les données pétrographiques et géochimiques de ces produits volcaniques montrent une affinité calcoalcaline avec des caractères semblables à ceux des marges continentales convergentes. Dans le Trias moyen de cette partie des Alpes, les données géologiques indiquent que le motif dominant de la déformation est un mouvement d'extension très répandu, tandis qu'il n'y a aucune évidence de l'existence d'une zone de subduction durant cette période. Le contraste entre le style tectonique et le type de magma mis en place dans l'Anisien-Carnien, peut être expliqué par une fusion partielle du manteau supérieur pendant un stade précoce d'effondrement modifié intensément pendant la précédente orogenèse hercynienne et contaminé par des matériaux d'origine crustale. Cette hypothèse est en accord avec des données préliminaires des rapports isotopiques du Sr (0.705 et 0.709). Des âges K/Ar et Rb/Sr sur des biotites donnent 225 m.a. environ pour le début de l'activité volcanique.

, . . . , , . , , - , . , , . , . (0,705 0,709). / / , 225 .

High-resolution δ13CCARB analysis of the Permian–Triassic boundary (PTB) interval at the Laolongdong section, Beibei, near the city of Chongqing, south China, encompasses the latest Permian and earliest Triassic major facies changes in the South China Block (SCB). Microbialites form a distinctive unit in the lowermost 190 cm above the top of the Changhsing Formation (latest Permian) at Laolongdong, comparable to a range of earliest Triassic sites in low latitudes in the Tethyan area. The data show that declining values of δ13CCARB, well-known globally, began at the base of the microbialite. High positive values (+3 to 4 ppt) of δ13CCARB in the Late Permian are interpreted to indicate storage of 12C in the deep waters of a stratified ocean, that was released during ocean overturn in the earliest Triassic, contributing to the distinctive fall in isotope values; this interpretation has been stated by other authors and is followed here. The δ13CCARB curve shows fluctuations within the microbialite unit, which are not reflected in the microbialite structure. Comparisons between microbialite branches and adjacent micritic sediment show little difference in δ13CCARB, demonstrating that the microbialite grew in equilibrium with surrounding seawater. The Early Triassic microbialites are interpreted to be a response to upwelling of bicarbonate-rich poorly oxygenated water in low latitudes of Tethys Ocean, consistent with current ocean models for the PTB interval. However, the decline of δ13CCARB may be due to a combination of processes, including productivity collapse resulting from mass extinction, return of deep water to ocean surface, oxidation of methane released from methane hydrate destabilisation, and atmospheric deterioration. Nevertheless, build-up of bicarbonate-rich anoxic deep waters may be expected as a result of the partial isolation of Tethys, due to continental geography; release of bicarbonate-rich deep water, by ocean upwelling, in the earliest Triassic may have been an inevitable consequence of this combination of circumstances.  相似文献   

Lead isotope determinations were made on galenas from three strata-bound sulfide ores in the early Proterozoic (Svecokarelian) Bergslagen district of central Sweden and four epigenetic deposits in the Älvdalen and Vansbro districts in the early to middle Proterozoic post-Svecokarelian belt. The leads from the strata-bound Bergslagen deposits show exceptional isotopic homogeneity over large areas. Their isotopic composition suggests the existence of a pre-Svecokarelian crust in the district and is consistent with exhalative-sedimentary ore formation in an active continental margin environment. The Vansbro and Älvdalen leads display constant compositions within each district, but marked divergence between the districts. Their compositions preclude derivation exclusively from recycled Svecokarelian lead and suggest a substantial lead contribution from a mantle-like source. The difference between model ages and geologic ages for many of the deposits, with a small but significant excess of radiogenic lead, suggests a significant deviation of the Fennoscandian Shield from conventional global lead evolution models.  相似文献   

Precise Pb isotopic data are reported for 19 galenas and 2 other minerals from the Archaean Pilbara District of Western Australia. Repeated measurements on the Broken Hill Standard Ore show good agreement with published calibrations from two other laboratories, and an overall 95 percent confidence level within ±0.05 percent per mass unit, whether fractionation correction is by the double-spike procedure or by use of a simple mass-dependent factor. Two stratiform deposits yield the most primitive ratios (206Pb/204Pb=11.89; 207Pb/204Pb=13.69; 208Pb/204Pb=31.79) and model ages in good agreement with the 3.45 Ga age on zircons from volcanics correlatable with the host-rocks. Other minor galena occurrences, with quartz-vein association, appear to be younger, with position along the growth curve surprisingly consistent with the age sequence predicted from field observation. The data also extend the time-range of previously-reported trends in apparent U/Pb of the conceptual Pb source, and reveal new features of the corresponding Th/U systematics: a generally-observable trend in the Archaean of Australia, Southern Africa and West Greenland is that the source Th/U seems significantly higher than is allowed for in any of the current Pb-growth models. In detail, the sample-sample variations in indicated source parameters are in many cases correlatable with the nature of the neighbouring rocks and emphasise that, whereas Pb isotope rations in the galenas of huge deposits may well serve as a convenient sampler of overall trends in the Earth's crust, subeconomic occurrences such as these may reveal valuable information about local variations in U-Th-Pb distribution.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - The paleogeography and basin type of Upper Triassic flysch (Langjiexue Group) in the eastern Himalayan Orogen are disputed. In order to shed new light on...  相似文献   

川中地区上三叠统须四段砂体厚度大,沉积稳定,为近物源区的三角洲沉积特征。沉积过程中,物源供应速率与可容纳空间增长关系的变化,导致须四段砂体自下而上由水退式、河道式和水进式三种不同成因类型的砂组纵向叠合而成;层序界面之上的河道式砂组为物性最好的成因砂体。水退式砂组主要由高能削截式河道、削截式河口坝和远砂坝组成,河道式砂组主要包括冲蚀下切式河道和高能削截式河道,水进式砂组主要包括低能河道、低能削截式河道、完整式河口坝和下缺式河口坝。由于不同的砂体组合,不同成因砂体间形成了不同的成岩相和储集相,河道式砂组以绿泥石衬边和溶蚀成岩相为主,物性好,为好的储集体;水进式砂组由压实和胶结相为主,物性较差;水退式砂组中溶蚀相和胶结相发育,物性较好,为中等的储集体。由于河道式砂组与水退式砂组呈沉积不整合相接触,呈现镶嵌关系,对天然气的运移起到通道作用,同时河道式砂组在平面上分布范围大,其中的高能削截式河道沉积稳定,为油气的富集提供了足够的空间,向上的水进式砂组发生储层致密化,形成有利的盖层,使河道式砂组发育区成为川中天然气富集的有利部位。  相似文献   

藏北双湖地区上三叠统肖茶卡群的重新厘定及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
在双湖地区肖茶卡一带上三叠统肖茶卡群中发现2套砾岩,根据岩石组合、生物化石和界面特征,以2套砾岩为标志层。将原肖茶卡群分解为3个组级岩石地层单位,由下至上分别为肖切堡组、角木茶卡组和日干配错组。从岩石地层、生物地层和层序地层方面阐述了3个组级地层单位的特征和划分的意义。  相似文献   

Mineral and isotope studies were undertaken on migmatites from the Schwarzwald, Moldanubian zone of the Variscan belt. The aims of the study were to date the migmatite formation and to determine the processes involved in migmatization in order to evaluate their influence on isotopic resetting. Textural evidence and the comparison of mineral compositions from leucosomes and mesosomes of two centimetre-scale migmatite profiles, respectively, suggest that migmatitic textures and mineral assemblages were formed by metamorphic segregation (deformation-enhanced mass transport) rather than by partial melting (anatexis). The results of Rb-Sr thin-slab dating on these profiles indicate that Sr isotopes were not completely reset during migmatization. No true isochron ages, but ages of approximate isotopic homogenization were obtained on the thin slabs by calculating 87Sr/86Sr ratios back to various stages in their evolution. The coincidence of these Rb-Sr data with U-Pb ages of monazites from migmatites and non-migmatitic gneisses shows that gneisses and migmatites were formed during the same high-temperature event in the Carboniferous (330-335 Ma). The observation that high-temperature metamorphism failed to equilibrate Sr isotopes on the centimetre-scale imposes limitations on the use of conventional whole-rock isochron techniques in dating migmatites.  相似文献   

川中—川南地区上三叠统沉积相研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
综合分析岩心、露头剖面和测井资料,认为川中—川南地区上三叠统发育三角洲相和湖泊相,其中,三角洲相可进一步划分为三角洲平原、三角洲前缘和前三角洲三个亚相,湖泊相则可细分为滨湖和浅湖两个亚相。不同时期三角洲相和湖泊相发育程度不同。须一段、须三段、须五段和须六段以湖泊沉积为主,由东向西,水体逐渐加深。须二段和须四段以三角洲沉积为主,湖泊沉积分布范围较小。须二段发育时期,研究区北部构造活动强烈,沉积物供给充分,三角洲相主要由北向南延伸;须四段沉积时期,由于北部构造活动逐渐减弱,东南部沉积物供给增加,三角洲相主要由东南向西北方向延伸。随着周缘构造活动的变化,研究区沉积范围逐渐扩大。早期沉积范围仅局限于宜宾—泸州以北地区,中晚期沉积范围扩大,宜宾—泸州以南地区开始接收沉积。  相似文献   

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