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Neolithic culture series in the Yishu River Basin developed in the order of Beixin culture-Dawenkou culture-Longshan culture-Yueshi culture. During the early and middle stage of Longshan culture (4600-4300 cal. yr BP),the climate in the Yishu River Basin was warm and wet. Paddy-oriented agriculture planted paddy was very developed. The society was flourishing with great amount of archaeological sites. The cooling starting in 4200 cal. yr BP made the paddies shortfall in output or even no seeds were gathered. This situation in-tensified the discrepancy between population and resource. The scarcity in natural resource led to substantial decrease in population and subsequent drop in archaeological sites. About 4000 cal. yr BP Longshan culture was displaced by Yueshi culture which was relatively un-derdeveloped,simple and unsophisticated. 相似文献
根据孢粉、湖泊、考古、历史文献等方面资料 ,本文分析了山东全新世以来史前文化繁荣的环境特点 ,认为全新世大暖期 ( 8 0~ 3 0kaBP) ,气候温暖湿润 ,是史前文化繁荣时期 ,其中大暖期鼎盛阶段 ( 8 0~ 6 0kaBP) ,气温高于现今 2 5~ 3 0℃ ,降水量高于现今 40 0mm ,属于亚热带落叶阔叶和常绿阔叶混交林景观。新石器时期 ,人类对自然环境的依赖性仍较大 ,对环境破坏微弱 ,以渔猎生活方式为主。 相似文献
山东北部地区聚落遗址时空分布与环境演变的关系 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
利用GIS软件对山东北部地区聚落遗址时空分布特征进行分析,并结合双王城剖面沉积环境分析和前人研究成果探讨了聚落时空分布与环境演变之间的关系。结果表明:距今8000-5000 年间,在气候温暖湿润和海面相对较高的环境背景下,人类活动主要集中在海拔相对较高(20~200 m),地形较为平坦(坡度< 2°)的洪积台地和冲积平原上;西部平原地区由于地势低洼,容易积水而发生水患,因而很少有遗址分布。距今5000 年之后,气候暖湿程度降低,海平面持续下降,人类活动范围明显向海扩展;西部低洼地区在气候变干和海面降低的双重影响下,自然环境得到改善,也开始被古人广泛开发利用。这一时期区域文化繁荣发展,逐渐形成社会结构复杂、城邦林立的初期文明。然而距今4000 年左右,由于气候变化和洪患灾害加剧,史前文化开始明显衰落。商周时期气候环境趋于稳定,文化发展再次兴盛。北部滨海平原地区随着生产技术的进步,人类适应区域资源环境条件,在早期农业人群难以定居的滩涂地上形成以盐业生产为主要经济活动的聚落群。 相似文献
楼兰古城的兴衰及其与环境变化的关系 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
楼兰古城是古丝绸之路上位于中亚的重要通道站,但后因历史上气候周期变化及平原湖泊河口三角洲淤各使河流自然道的地理原因,在公元前开始至3世纪进入楼兰的河水逐渐减少,最终主河道变迁而使楼兰城南北河干涸,环境迅速恶化,导致楼兰消亡。 相似文献
重庆巫山张家湾遗址2000年来的环境考古 总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15
通过对重庆巫山张家湾西汉遗址T911剖面进行粒度、磁化率等环境替代指标的分析研究,结果表明,汉代该区发达的农业、手工业生产使人们盲目砍伐树木,使该区植被严重退化,使生态环境恶化,降水集中、坡地表面松散沉积丰富、缺乏植被保护等使流水侵蚀、坡地径流发育,导致水土流失严重,该区的人类文明因此而衰落,同时研究发现,该区在竺可桢划分的中国4次温暖期与4次寒期扣的第2次寒冷期(公元初至公元600年)仍为温暖期,这是由于该区西北面与东南面均有高大山脉包围,一定程度上阻挡了来自北方的冷空气进入本区的缘故,该区气候演变在一定程度上可能受西南季风的影响,至少该区在汉代气候演变与西南季风的强弱有某种相关关系,作为一个相对独立的气候变化单元,研究其气候变化与人类文明发展的耦合关系具有重要的理论意义与实际意义。 相似文献
在对渭河流域东部全新世黄土剖面磁化率、粒度、Rb/Sr、CaCO3等气候指标测定分析的基础上,结合已测定的光释光(OSL)年龄和古文化研究的最新成果,探讨了该区环境演变与人类古文化演进的历史及其相互关系。研究发现,在9.34~6.77 ka BP全新世最适宜的气候条件下,在7.80~7.30 ka BP出现了老官台文化,之后发育了仰韶早期文化;在全新世中期6.77~5.48 ka BP干冷气候初期出现了仰韶文化最繁荣的庙底沟类型文化;中后期随资源环境的持续恶化,该区出现了仰韶文化衰落的西王村类型文化;在全新世中晚期的5.48~3.12 ka BP气候再次发生好转推动了该区龙山文化的发展;4.60~3.76 ka BP期间频繁发生的洪水事件可能进一步强化了人地关系,并进而推动了该区文化进入夏商人类文明时期;3.12 ka BP以来趋于干冷的气候在推动该区人类文明进一步发展的同时,人类活动对环境影响的强度和范围也日益加大。渭河流域古文化得以延续发展至今,一方面说明气候环境的变化并未超越先民适应能力的范围,另一方面也说明渭河流域具有先民维持生存和发展的优越资源环境条件。 相似文献
Environmental change and cultural response around 4200 cal. yr BP in the Yishu River Basin, Shandong
Neolithic culture series in the Yishu River Basin developed in the order of Beixin culture–Dawenkou culture–Longshan culture–Yueshi culture. During the early and middle stage of Longshan culture (4600–4300 cal. yr BP), the climate in the Yishu River Basin was warm and wet. Paddy-oriented agriculture planted paddy was very developed. The society was flourishing with great amount of archaeological sites. The cooling starting in 4200 cal. yr BP made the paddies shortfall in output or even no seeds were gathered. This situation in-tensified the discrepancy between population and resource. The scarcity in natural resource led to substantial decrease in population and subsequent drop in archaeological sites. About 4000 cal. yr BP Longshan culture was displaced by Yueshi culture which was relatively un-derdeveloped, simple and unsophisticated. 相似文献
安徽淮河流域全新世环境演变对新石器遗址分布的影响 总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11
安徽淮河流域是我国自然条件多重过渡地带和古代文化交汇地区,新石器时代演绎了多期古文化,石山子文化时期以渔猎为主,大汶口文化时期渔猎与农耕并重,而龙山文化时期以农耕为主,渔猎为辅。利用野外考古资料和已有考古研究成果,系统地梳理本区新石器文化发展进程,利用钻孔孢粉、年代数据等恢复本区全新世自然环境演变过程,并将考古资料和环境演变研究有机地结合起来,探讨该地区全新世环境演变和古文化发展的关系。研究表明,随着全新世大暖期的开始,新石器早期出现石山子文化,地方特征明显。6.5 kaBP~ 5.5 kaBP气候暖湿,受高海面和洪涝灾害等的影响,地表环境恶劣,导致文化发展中断、考古遗址缺失,5.5 kaBP~4.0 kaBP气候趋干,自然条件有利于人类生存,大汶口、龙山文化逐渐繁荣。与中原、山东地区相比,本区在新石器文化发展阶段、遗址数量和分布变化等方面存在较明显差异。 相似文献
关中西部漆水河全新世特大洪水与环境演变 总被引:14,自引:6,他引:14
古洪水水文学研究是全球变化研究的前沿课题。本文通过对漆水河流域深入调查研究, 在漆水河与湋河交汇的二级阶地全新世黄土-土壤剖面中发现古洪水沉积夹层, 利用沉积地貌学、沉积学、考古学和释光年代学方法, 确定了在全新世时期的11500 年内, 漆水河曾经在4650~4600a BP、4600~4300a BP、4300~4100a BP 和3100~3000a BP 发生了4 期20 次洪水事件。通过利用水位-流量关系模型, 计算出这4 期20 次特大洪水的洪峰流量, 大大延长了洪水水文数据序列, 并建立了漆水河全新世洪水频率曲线, 科学、系统地提高了漆水河洪水水文学计算精度, 增强了渭河流域防洪减灾和水资源开发当中洪水频率分析的可靠性。这项研究成果对于我国著名的农业科技城-杨凌的防洪减灾、水资源开发和生态环境建设具有重要的应用价值, 同时填补了渭河流域古洪水水文学研究的空白, 对于渭河流域生态环境综合治理具有重要的科学意义。 相似文献
SUN Huilan CHEN Yaning LI Weihong LI Feng CHEN Yapeng HAO Xingming YANG Yuhui 《地理学报》2010,20(5):652-666
In this paper, the monthly precipitation and temperature data collected at 7 stations in the Ili River Basin from 1961 to 2007 were analyzed by means of simple regression analysis, running mean, db6 wavelet function and Mann-Kendall test. This study revealed the characteristics of climate change and abrupt change points of precipitation and temperature during different time scales in the Ili River Basin within the past 50 years. The results showed that the precipitation increased from the mid-1980s until 2000 and has continued to increase at a smaller magnitude since 2000. Over the studied period, the precipitation increased significantly during the summer and winter months. The temperature increased greatly in the late 1980s, and has continued to show an increasing trend from the year 2000 to present. The temperature increases were most significant during the summer, autumn and winter months. In terms of different geographies, the temperature increase was significant during the winter in the plains and hilly regions; the increase was also significant during autumn in the intermontane basins. The climate change trends in the Ili River Basin were consistent with the changing trends of the North Atlantic Oscillation and the plateau monsoon. 相似文献
新疆伊犁河流域气候变化(英文) 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
In this paper, the monthly precipitation and temperature data collected at 7 stations in the Ili River Basin from 1961 to
2007 were analyzed by means of simple regression analysis, running mean, db6 wavelet function and Mann-Kendall test. This
study revealed the characteristics of climate change and abrupt change points of precipitation and temperature during different
time scales in the Ili River Basin within the past 50 years. The results showed that the precipitation increased from the
mid-1980s until 2000 and has continued to increase at a smaller magnitude since 2000. Over the studied period, the precipitation
increased significantly during the summer and winter months. The temperature increased greatly in the late 1980s, and has
continued to show an increasing trend from the year 2000 to present. The temperature increases were most significant during
the summer, autumn and winter months. In terms of different geographies, the temperature increase was significant during the
winter in the plains and hilly regions; the increase was also significant during autumn in the intermontane basins. The climate
change trends in the Ili River Basin were consistent with the changing trends of the North Atlantic Oscillation and the plateau
monsoon. 相似文献