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现代黄河三角洲粉土触变性研究及其应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对现代黄河三角洲砂质粉土和粉质粘土触变性的对比试验研究,阐述了黄河口粉土的触变性。试验结果对解释粉土的失稳机制、解决工程地基的稳定性和防止地质灾害等具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Free-fall of a sphere in fluid is investigated at a Galileo number of 204 by direct numerical simulations (DNS). We mainly focus on the effects of different degrees-of-freedom (DOFs) of the sphere motion during free-fall. The characteristics of free-fall are compared with those of flow past a fixed sphere. Additional numerical tests are conducted with constraints placed on the translational or rotational DOFs of the sphere motion to analyze different DOFs of sphere motion. The transverse motion contributes significantly to the characteristics of free-fall; it results in the retardation of the vortex shedding, leading to the decrease of the Strouhal number. In addition, the transversal sphere motion exhibits the tendency to promote the sphere rotation. On the contrary, the effects of the sphere rotation and vertical oscillations during free-fall are negligible.  相似文献   

Investigated in this study is the flow-induced vibration of a nonlinearly restrained curved pipe conveying fluid. The nonlinear equation of motion is derived by equilibrium of forces on microelement of the system under consideration. The spatial coordinate of the system is discretized by DQM (differential quadrature method). On the basis of the boundary conditions, the dynamic equation is solved by the Newton-Raphson iteration method. The numerical solutions reveal several complex dynamic motions for the variation of the fluid velocity parameter, such as limit cycle motion, buckling and so on. The result obtained also shows that the sub parameter regions corresponding to the several motions may change with the variation of some parameters of the curved pipe. The present study supplies a new reference for investigating the nonlinear dynamic response of some other structures.  相似文献   

To make a curvilinear motion in the horizontal plane is one of the most contents for realizing the maneuverability of the supercavitating vehicle. It is significant to achieve the controllability and maneuverability of the vehicle in three dimensions both theoretically and practically on research. Models of angle of attack, gravity and inertial force effects on the supercavity in the horizontal curvilinear motion are established, respectively. The supercavity is simulated based on these models in combination with Logvinovich model and the unsteady gas-leakage rate model at the given ventilation rate, and the effect of the inertial force on it is analyzed numerically. Results show that the maximum deviation of the center line of the cross section of supercavity towards the outward normal direction of its trajectory increases as the cavitation number or curvature radius decrease and always occur in the tail because of the increase of inertial effects along the axis of supercavity from the cavitator when other models and flow parameters are constant for the given trajectory curvature. For the variable curvature, the supercavity sheds due to its instability caused by the time-varying angle of attack. The deviation increases along the length of supercavity if the curvature remains the same sign.  相似文献   

Zhao  Liang  Wang  Peng  Sun  Chun-ya  Song  Bao-wei 《中国海洋工程》2019,33(3):322-332
The flying-wing underwater glider (UG), shaped as a blended wing body, is a new type of underwater vehicle and still requires further research. The shape layout and the configuration of the internal actuators of the flying-wing UG are different from those of "legacy gliders" which have revolving bodies, and these two factors strongly affect the dynamic performance of the vehicle. Considering these differences, we propose a new configuration of the internal actuators for the flying-wing UG and treat the flying-wing UG as a multi-body system when establishing its dynamic model. In this paper, a detailed dynamic model is presented using the Newton-Euler method for the flying-wing UG. Based on the full dynamic model, the effect of the internal actuators on the steady gliding motion of vehicle is studied theoretically, and the relationship between the state parameters of the steady gliding motion and the controlled variables is obtained by solving a set of equilibrium equations. Finally, the behaviors of two classical motion modes of the glider are analyzed based on the simulation. The simulation results demonstrate that the motion performance of the proposed flying-wing UG is satisfactory.  相似文献   

为分析碟形越浪式波能发电装置初步设计方案的合理性和不足,应用三维势流理论和波浪的辐射-衍射理论,结合水动力分析软件AQWA,计算在规则波浪作用下装置浮体6个自由度上运动的响应幅值算子(RAOs),考虑不规则波浪、风、流载荷的共同作用,对装置在工作海况和恶劣海况下的运动响应进行数值模拟分析,得到其时间历程结果。结果表明:装置结构外形设计合理,装置在其锚链张力腿锚泊系统定位下,运动响应满足工作稳定性要求和安全性要求。  相似文献   

平面二维流场中质点运动的可视化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对平面二维流场中质点运动的可视化进行了研究,提出了一种适用于三角形非结构化网格系统中质点运动轨迹的跟踪算法,利用数值计算方法的稳定性限制条件对质点位置的搜索算法进行了优化,极大地降低了算法的时间复杂度,提高了计算效率,采用Shepard插值法求解质点的速度,四阶龙格库塔方法积分质点的运动轨迹,选用Visual Fortran语言实现了质点运动的动态显示,将本文方法与平面二维潮流模型相结合,用于渤海潮流场中质点运动规律的研究,初步得出了渤海中质点运动和水效换的一些规律。  相似文献   

A mathematical model of primary oil migration as a separate phase out of compacting shales is presented. During burial and oil generation, source rock porosity decreases and oil saturation increases until residual oil saturation is reached. At this stage oil is expelled out by capillary and excess fluid pressure gradients. The model is a system of differential equations which relate changes in oil and water saturation in time to water and oil flow out of the source rock during burial. An additional set of equations for periods of erosion of overburden are also provided. The equations can be numerically solved by finite difference method. If oil and water flow is to be simulated during oil generation, then at each time step, changes by oil generation in oil and water saturations and porosity must be calculated. The solution procedure is briefly outlined.  相似文献   

Incipient Motion of Sediment Under Currents   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
Summarized in the paper are the author's studies on incipient motion of sediment in recent 40years.In addition to the forces of gravity,drag and lift,the cohesive force and the additional static pres-sure are important for fine particles.The relations between three stages of incipient motion are defined byuse of instantaneous velocity.Formulas for initial velocity and critical shear stress are given and overallverified by the author's and others'experimental data.  相似文献   

使用波潮仪、流速计以及浊度计现场测量记录海堤前的波高、潮高、流速和浊度值,与室内测定的浊度和水中悬浮颗粒物含量对应值比较,分析计算浊度与现场测量波高、潮高、流速水动力因素间的相关性,得出堤前泥沙起动的决定性水动力因素。在悬移质运移为主情况下,由于海堤的阻挡,波浪破碎产生的旋涡和紊动是泥沙起动的主要动力因素,泥沙起动量与波高值呈现较高相关性;海堤前复杂水动力条件中,波浪破碎前的流速值与悬移质泥沙起动量相关系数较小,启动流速的主要组成部分是破波产生的旋涡和紊动的流速。  相似文献   

姿态传感器在水深测量中的应用   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
姿态传感器作为高精度动态海洋测量仪器,已被广泛地与船载海洋测量设备配套使用。姿态传感器能够改正或消除船载仪器由于船体的垂荡、横摇和纵摇引起的测量误差,大大提高测量精度。举例介绍了姿态传感器在单波束和多波束水深测量中的应用,并对姿态传感器的动态补偿特性进行了探讨和分析。  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - A stable analytical solution is obtained for wave fields of seismic waves in a planetary-sized sphere using the new asymptotic behavior of the Bessel...  相似文献   

横摇性能是评价浮标在海上运动稳定性的重要参数之一,它直接影响浮标在海中漂浮的姿态和对天线束宽的要求,这对于卫星通讯浮标尤为重要,因此大多数的浮标主体外形为横摇性能较好的球体,但是球体浮标不适合被无人机携带。本文设计了一种用于空投横摇性能较好的圆柱体浮标,通过研究圆柱体浮标尺寸形状与横摇性能的关系,分析不同尺寸下圆柱体浮标横摇性能随直径与高度的比值(径高比)的变化趋势。同时,分析了同种海况下球体浮标横摇性能随直径的变化趋势作为对比,发现圆柱体浮标的横摇放大因子随径高比增大而先增大后减小,从而确定多圆柱体浮标的设计方案,数值模拟该形状浮标在5级海况下的横摇性能,计算得到稳定状态下的最大横摇角度小于20°。另外进行了海上试验,浮标在有效波高为1 m的海浪中的最大横摇倾角约为16°,符合设计要求。  相似文献   

The present research aims at clarifying the effects of freak wave on the motion and dynamic responses of a semisubmersible. To reveal the effects of mooring stiffness, two mooring systems were employed in the model tests and time-domain simulations. The 6-DOF motion responses and mooring tensions have been measured and the 3-DOF motions of fairleads were calculated as well. From the time series, trajectories and statistics information, the interactions between the freak wave and the semisubmersible have been demonstrated and the effects of mooring stiffness have been identified. The shortage of numerical simulations based on 3D potential flow theory is presented. Results show that the freak wave is likely to cause large horizontal motions for soft mooring system and to result in extremely large mooring tensions for tight mooring system. Therefore, the freak wave is a real threat for the marine structure, which needs to be carefully considered at design stage.  相似文献   

该文研究水下横向输液管道的动力特性 ,假定管道系统承受外界均匀流的作用 ,同时考虑管内流体流动的影响 ,建立了水下输液管道侧向振动的微分方程。采用 Hermite插值函数和Galerkin法离散得到其有限元标准形式。研究管内流动为恒定流时输液管道长度、内部流体流动速度对管道动力特性的影响及管内流动含有谐波挠动的情况下输液管道固有频率的变化。结果表明 ,在管内恒定流动的情况下 ,输液的自振频率随管道长度及管内流速的增加而降低 ,同时管内流动的谐波挠动对管道的自振频率也有影响。  相似文献   

纯方位目标运动分析的自适应衰减记忆滤波算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为减小纯方位目标运动分析问题中由于运用扩展卡尔曼滤波所带来的线性化误差对解算精度的影响,提出了自适应衰减记忆扩展卡尔曼滤波算法。利用新息序列的概率分布特性,引入了自适应水平的概念,并研究了滤波中衰减因子的自适应问题,在此基础上构造了衰减因子的最佳自适应选取方法。对比仿真分析表明,新算法较原有算法滤波效果有所改善,增强了稳定性,提高了精度。  相似文献   

渤海油田中深层轻质油气流富集,原油密度小,气油比高,普遍处于气液同存的的交错相态。由于轻质油、气层荧光、气测等录井特征相似,加之部分井眼条件差,测井资料不完善,造成流体识别难度大。对目前常用的气测录井系统开展轻质油气藏流体性质评价研究发现,基于常规气测组分(C1—C5)的3H组合模型呈现一定的规律性,但与传统解释模型存在差异,结合星型图流体相分析法,可有效识别渤海油田PL7区块凝析气与轻质油,流体界面明显。对于FLAIR气测录井系统,针对测量组分(C1—C8)引入能够敏感反映油气丰度变化的气指数、油指数和水指数3个流体指数,依据这3个流体指数的纵向组合形态和变化趋势,可准确识别油气性质,对渤海油田轻质油气藏的流体评价优势明显。该研究促进了所在区块油气分布格局和储量的落实,在其他钻遇轻质油气流的区块具有较高的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

—Analytical and numerical investigation is made of the source potential for floating structurewith forward speed in waves.A particular form is selected for numerical applications,where the double in-tegral of the Green function is transformed into the single one and the oscillation characteristics forintegrands in the specific computation domain are treated numerically.A comparison of calculated exam-p1es with published data is given and it shows that the numerical simulation is satisfactory and the accura-cy is adequate to engineering application.  相似文献   

An engineering numerical model for three-dimensional motion of multichain-buoy mooringsystem in shallow water and survival condition is given in this paper.Shooting-aim method is employedfor solving the dynamic equations of chain system in order to match the computation of buoy motion.Theresponses of buoy and chain have been computed for different wind-wave-current directions and differentrigidity of chain.The results show that the present numerical model is reasonable.  相似文献   

Vibrating-Rocking Motion of Caisson Breakwater Under Breaking Wave Impact   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The possible motions of a caisson breakwater under dynamic load excitation include vibrating, vibrating-sliding and vibrating-rocking motions. The models of vibrating motion and vibrating-sliding motion have been proposed in an early paper. In this paper, a model of vibrating-rocking motion of caisson breakwaters under breaking wave impact is presented, which can be used to simulate the histories of vibrating-rocking motion of caisson breakwaters. The effect of rocking motion on the displacement, rotation, sliding force and overturning moment of breakwaters is investigated. In case the overturning moment exceeds the stability moment of a caisson, the caisson may only rock. The caisson overturns only in case the rocking angle exceeds the critical angle. It is shown that the sliding force and overturning moment of breakwaters can be reduced effectively due to the rocking motion. It is proposed that some rocking motion should be allowed in breakwater design.  相似文献   

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