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对湖北秭归县五龙剖面五峰组—龙马溪组下段黑色岩系的微量元素和有机碳含量进行了系统采样分析,结果表明,U/Th、Ni/Co、V/Cr和WSc比值等判别指标能够很好的响应各时期氧化还原条件和海平面的变化,对奥陶系—志留系界线附近的地层缺失也有明显的指示作用.另外,U/Th、Ni/Co、V/Cr和V/Sc比值与TOC值之间表现出良好的正相关关系,表明这些古环境判别指标在一定程度上可用来指示五峰组和龙马溪组的有机碳含量变化.通过对五龙剖面及周边地区富有机质页岩厚度、TOC值和含气性的对比分析,推断五龙地区和西侧的鼓锣坪地区、东侧的九畹溪地区构成隆凹相间的格局,这一认识对区域内的页岩气有利目标区预测具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

田巍  王传尚  白云山  李培军 《地球科学》2019,44(11):3794-3811
上泥盆统佘田桥组是湘中地区页岩气勘探的重要层系之一.为了探讨湘中地区涟源凹陷上泥盆统佘田桥组黑色泥页岩有机质富集机理,系统采集了区内湘新地3井佘田桥组20个泥页岩岩心样品,开展有机碳含量、主量元素、微量元素以及稀土元素等地球化学特征测试,分析佘田桥组页岩的古盐度、古气候、古氧化还原条件和古生产力等古沉积环境.结果表明:佘田桥组底部层段有机碳含量较高(1.28%~2.68%),平均值为1.69%.页岩主要成分为SiO2(50.27%)、Al2O3(13.66%)、CaO(11.55%).微量元素Rb、Sr和Zr富集而Co、Mo、Sc和Hf亏损.Sr/Ba、化学蚀变指数(CIA)、Th/U、V/Sc、V/Cr、δU比值表明佘田桥组富有机质页岩段沉积环境为淡水-半咸水、干旱的贫氧-次富氧环境,贫有机质页岩段为咸水、干旱-半干旱的富氧环境.结合区域层序地层特征,综合对比佘田桥组有机碳含量(TOC)与古氧化还原条件、古生产力条件的相关性,揭示出涟源凹陷佘田桥组富有机质页岩段有机质富集的主控因素为古氧化还原环境,而贫有机质页岩段有机质主要来源于陆源供给.   相似文献   

针对湘中地区邵阳凹陷二叠系龙潭组页岩气资源评价,部署了页岩气调查井2015H-D3井,通过现场解析气等相关样品测试定量分析了页岩含气性特征及其影响因素,并借助气体稳定碳、氢同位素对气体成因进行了初步探讨.结果显示:钻深从150m处开始出现气显,随深度增加,解析气含量呈现先逐渐增大后减小的趋势,300~425m为最高含气层段,累计厚度达125m,现场解析气含量全部大于0.5m^3/t,最高为2.35m^3/t,平均1m^3/t,证实龙潭组具良好页岩气资源潜力.当埋深大于300m时,解析气含量受有机碳含量控制,而埋深小于300m时,解析气含量并不简单受控于有机碳含量,而是受到保存条件的严重制约.气体碳、氢同位素测试显示δ13C1介于-29.87‰~-36.82‰,平均为-34.52‰,δ13C_2介于-29.45‰~-31.02‰,平均为-30.09‰,δD1介于-131.20‰~-178.40‰,平均为-167.40‰.气体成因分析揭示龙潭组页岩气属热成因中的油型气类型.基于沉积现象判断龙潭组为海陆过渡相环境,与氢同位素判断结果基本吻合,但目前还无法确定具体判定区间.  相似文献   

A lower amphibolite Alpine shear zone from the Fibbia metagranite (Gotthard Massif, Central Alps) has been studied to better understand the parameters controlling strain localization in granitic rocks. The strain gradient on the metre‐scale shows an evolution from a weakly deformed metagranite (QtzI–KfsI–AbI–BtI ± PlII–ZoI–PhgI–Grt) to a fine banded ultramylonite (QtzII–KfsII–AbII–PlII–BtII–PhgII ± Grt–ZoII). Strain localization is coeval with dynamic recrystallization of the quartzofeldspathic matrix and a modal increase in mica, at the expense of K‐feldspar. The continuous recrystallization of plagioclase during deformation into a very fine‐grained assemblage forming anastomosed ribbons is interpreted as the dominant process in the shear zone initiation and development. The shear zone initiated under closed‐system conditions with the destabilization of metastable AbI–ZoI porphyroclasts into fine‐grained (20–50 μm sized) AbII–PlII aggregates, and with minor crystallization of phengite at the expense of K‐feldspar. The development of the shear zone requires a change in state of the system, which becomes open to externally derived fluids and mass transfer. Indeed, mass balance calculations and thermodynamic modelling show that the ultramylonite is characterized by gains in CaO, FeO and H2O. The progressive input of externally derived CaO drives the continuous metamorphic recrystallization of the fine‐grained AbII–PlII aggregate into a more PlII‐rich and finer aggregate. Input of water favours the crystallization of phengite at the expense of K‐feldspar to form an interconnected network of weak phases. Thus, recrystallization of 50% of the bulk rock volume would induce a decrease of the strength of the rock that might contribute to the development of the shear zone. This study emphasizes the major role of metamorphic reactions and more particularly plagioclase on strain localization process. Plagioclase represents at least one‐third of the bulk rock volume in granitic systems and forms a stress‐supporting framework that controls the rock rheology. Therefore, recrystallization of plagioclase due to changes in P–T conditions and/or bulk composition must be taken into account, together with quartz and K‐feldspar, in order to understand strain localization processes in granites.  相似文献   

The relationships between stratigraphic and tectonic setting, recharge processes and underground drainage of the glacierised karst aquifer system ‘Tsanfleuron-Sanetsch’ in the Swiss Alps have been studied by means of various methods, particularly tracer tests (19 injections). The area belongs to the Helvetic nappes and consists of Jurassic to Palaeogene sedimentary rocks. Strata are folded and form a regional anticlinorium. Cretaceous Urgonian limestone constitutes the main karst aquifer, overlain by a retreating glacier in its upper part. Polished limestone surfaces are exposed between the glacier front and the end moraine of 1855/1860 (Little Ice Age); typical alpine karrenfields can be observed further below. Results show that (1) large parts of the area are drained by the Glarey spring, which is used as a drinking water source, while marginal parts belong to the catchments of other springs; (2) groundwater flow towards the Glarey spring occurs in the main aquifer, parallel to stratification, while flow towards another spring crosses the entire stratigraphic sequence, consisting of about 800 m of marl and limestone, along deep faults that were probably enlarged by mass movements; (3) the variability of glacial meltwater production influences the shape of the tracer breakthrough curves and, consequently, flow and transport in the aquifer.  相似文献   

Abstract Oligocene to Miocene fluvial sandstones from the Swiss Molasse Basin were analysed for sandstone framework composition, heavy minerals, whole‐rock geochemistry and detrital chrome spinel chemistry. Samples were taken from the proximal part of the basin close to the Alpine main thrust and are chronostratigraphically calibrated between 31 and 13 Ma. Sandstone composition allows the identification of different source rocks, and their variation in time and space place constraints on the Oligocene to Miocene evolution of the Central Alps. In the eastern part of the basin, sandstones document a normal unroofing sequence with the downcutting from Austroalpine sedimentary cover into Austroalpine crystalline rocks and, slightly later at ≈ 21 Ma, into Penninic ophiolites. In the central part, downcutting into crystalline basement rocks occurred at ≈ 25 Ma, and the removal of the sedimentary cover was much more advanced than in the east. This may be interpreted as a first signal from the doming of the Lepontine area. At ≈ 20 Ma, extensional tectonics in the hinterland led to the first exposure of low‐grade metamorphic rocks from the footwall of the Simplon Fault in the Central Alps. Erosion of these rocks persisted up to the youngest sediments at ≈ 13 Ma. In the western part of the basin, a contribution from granitoid and (ultra)mafic rocks is documented as early as ≈ 28 Ma. The source for the (ultra)mafic detritus is Penninic ophiolites from the Piemonte zone of the western Alps, which were already exposed at the surface at that time.  相似文献   

张韦  林汉伟 《地层学杂志》2000,24(4):300-302
广东中、新生代叶肢介组合序列被划分为 10个组合 ,即晚三叠世 1个 ,早、中侏罗世 3个 ,白垩纪 4个 ,早第三纪 2个 ,代表粤东—粤西河湖沉积特征群落。广东东江起源于早侏罗世晚期 ,定型于晚白垩世。西江起源于晚白垩世早期 ,定型于早第三纪  相似文献   

Geoarchaeological investigations of Bronze Age (10th–4th centuries B.C.), early historical (4th–10th centuries A.D.), and premodern to modern paddy soils (11th Century A.D. to contemporary) in South Korea were carried out to understand soil alteration by irrigated rice agriculture. After a review of ancient cultivation micromorphology, especially in the context of wet‐rice agriculture, paddy soils were examined from two archaeological sites, Gulhwa and Pyunggeo, which had been both intermittently occupied since the Bronze Age. This paper highlights anomalous pedofeatures (silty clay concentration features or SCCFs), repeatedly observed in both historical and modern paddy fields, which were studied using soil micromorphology, energy dispersive X‐ray spectrometry (EDS), and microprobe analysis. Results suggest that there are several types of SCCFs, optically distinguishable from other textural pedofeatures. It is concluded that these SCCFs are probably associated with hydromorphic processes, formed under the influence of a tillage and repeated irrigation specific to paddy fields.  相似文献   

The Pb, Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of biomonitors (lichen, moss, bark) and soil litter from different regions in the Rhine valley, as well as of <0.45 μm particles separated out of ice of the Rhône and Oberaar glaciers and lichens from the Swiss Central Alps, have been determined in order to deduce the natural baseline of the atmospheric isotopic compositions of these regions, which are suggested to be close to the isotopic compositions of the corresponding basement rocks or soils at the same sites. 206Pb/207Pb and 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios are positively correlated. Most polluted samples from traffic-rich urban environments have the least radiogenic Pb and Sr isotopic compositions with 206Pb/207Pb and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 1.11 and 0.7094, respectively. These ratios are very different from those of the atmospheric baseline for the Vosges mountains and the Rhine valley (206Pb/207Pb: 1.158–1.167; 87Sr/86Sr: 0.719–0.725; εNd: −7.5 to −10.1). However, this study indicates that the baseline of the atmospheric natural Pb and Sr isotopic compositions is affected by anthropogenic (traffic, industrial and urban) emissions even in remote areas. Lichen samples from below the Rhône and Oberaar glaciers reflect the baseline composition close to the Grimsel pass in the Central Swiss Alps (87Sr/86Sr: 0.714 − 0.716; εNd: −3.6 to −8.1). The 143Nd/144Nd isotope ratios are highly variable (8ε units) and it is suggested that the variation of the 143Nd/144Nd is controlled by wet deposition and aerosols originating from the regional natural and industrial urban environments and from more distant regions like the Sahara in North Africa. The least anthropogenetically affected samples collected in remote areas have isotopic compositions closest to those of the corresponding granitoid basement rocks.  相似文献   

In the southern Adula nappe (Central Alps), two stages of regional metamorphism have affected mafic and pelitic rocks. Earlier eclogite facies with a regional zonation from glaucophane eclogites to kyanite-hornblende eclogites was followed by a Tertiary overprint which varied from greenschist to high-grade amphibolite facies. Despite a common metamorphic history, contrasting equilibration conditions are often recorded by high-pressure mafic eclogite and adjacent predominantly lower-pressure pelite assemblages. This pressure contrast may be explained by different overprinting rates of the two bulk compositions during unloading. The rates are controlled by a mechanism in which dehydrating metapelites provide the H2O required for simultaneous overprinting of enclosed mafic eclogites by hydration.Quantitative mass balance modelling based on corona textures is used to show that overprinting of metapelites during unloading involved dehydration reactions. The relatively rapid rate of dehydration reactions led to nearly complete reequilibration of metapelites to amphibolite facies assemblages.After the formation during high-pressure metamorphism of mafic eclogites, later lower-pressure reequilibration by hydration to amphibolites was slow, and therefore incomplete, because it depended on large scale transport of H2O from adjacent, dehydrating metapelites.The facies contrast observed between rocks of different bulk composition is thus a consequence of the general tendency of metamorphic rocks to retain the most dehydrated assemblage as the final recorded state.  相似文献   

The Tal y Fan Intrusion is an altered olivine dolerite sheetemplaced into a coeval sequence of subaqueous volcanic rocksof Caradoc (Ordovician) age in NE Snowdonia, Wales. Primarymineral and chemical variations across the 110 m thick sheetsuggest that the magma was drawn from a zoned magma chamber,although the intrusion consolidated predominantly as a singlecooling unit. An horizon of ferrodolerite resulted from in situfractionation. Secondary mineral assemblages are indicativeof the prehnite-pumpellyite and prehnite-actinolite fades, suggestingmetamorphic alteration conditions of approximately 310?C and1-85 kb. Major elemental variation largely reflects primarymineral variations across the intrusion, although Ca, Al, andNa show limited mobility in the outermost 4-5 m, related tobreakdown of plagioclase feldspar during metamorphism. The LILelements Rb, Sr, K, and Ba were highly mobile, particularlyin the marginal zones, whereas Th, in addition to the incompatibleelements Zr, Y, Ti, P, Nb, Ta, Hf, and the REE, was immobileeven in the marginal zones. Accordingly petrotectonic modellingbased on discriminant diagrams using these immobile elementsis considered most reliable. The Tal y Fan Intrusion has characteristicstransitional between N-type and E-type MORB, similar to tholeiiticwithin plate basalts. In contrast with other Ordovician volcanicsequences of the Welsh Basin, no subduction component is identifiedin the Tal y Fan magma, the LIL element enrichment observedbeing related to alteration  相似文献   

超压盆地流体动力系统与油气运聚关系   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
流体动力系统是盆地流体分析中的核心问题。本文以莺歌海盆地和东营凹陷为例,分别探讨了泥-流体底辟型和盐底辟型盆地流体动力系统特征。研究表明,超压盆地内流体动力系统决定了不同成因流体流动的驱动机制和方询及流体域分布,进而控制油气运聚的全过程。  相似文献   

The Morcles microgranite is located in the N–E termination of the Aiguilles Rouges massif (External Crystalline Massifs, Switzerland). It outcrops as dykes, a few meters to 150 m in thickness, intruding the Aiguilles Rouges polymetamorphic basement, and presents variation of texture from granophyric to rhyolitic. We present here for the first time, in situ U–Pb zircon dating of the Morcles microgranite/rhyolite based on laser-ablation—inductively coupled plasma—mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) data. Results indicate late Variscan emplacement ages at ~303 and ~309–312 Ma, a major Caledonian inherited component age at ~445–460 Ma, and secondary inherited ages ranging from Pan-African (550–1000 Ma) to Paleoproterozoic (2.3 Ga). Geochronological and geochemical data indicate that the Morcles microgranite/rhyolite shares a common origin with the higher (or “H”) facies of the neighbouring Vallorcine granitic intrusion. This close affinity is further corroborated by the geographical alignment of both intrusive bodies on either side of the Rhone Valley. The fine-grained texture of the microgranite groundmass and the rhyolite indicates a very rapid cooling rate and emplacement close to the surface, suggesting that the Morcles microgranite/rhyolite may constitute the shallow-level counterpart of the Vallorcine granite. The mineralogical assemblages observed in the Morcles microgranite/rhyolite support the idea of high-temperature melting conditions provided by underplating of mantle-derived magmas during the Carboniferous extension of the Variscan cordillera.  相似文献   

C. J. PENG 《地质学报》1944,(Z1):98-114
正 The discovery of bauxite from a number of places in Kueichou in 1941 made by Dr. S. S. Yoh and his colleagues [13] is of economic as well as scientific significance. In the following year, the writer, in collaboration with Dr. C. Y. Li, had an opportunity of making an investigation of the three de  相似文献   

Vertical movements of a crustal block in connection with denudation, sedimentation or overthrusting, respectively, lead to a change in the temperature field. This process can be used to correlate the uplift and temperature history of a rock sample in a quantitative way. The uplift rate may change over a period of time. The effect of the radiogenic heat sources has been taken into account in the calculations.For the reconstruction of the uplift history of a high mountain range, paleotemperature data for the rock (blocking temperatures) in conjunction with radiometric ages must be available.Two uplift models are presented for the Leventina/Verzasca region (Central Swiss Alps).
Zusammenfassung Vertikalbewegungen eines Krustenblocks in Verbindung mit Erosion bzw. Sedimentation oder Deckenüberschiebung führen zu einer Veränderung des Temperaturfeldes. Dies kann benutzt werden, um die Hebungs- und Temperaturgeschichte einer Gesteinsprobe quantitativ miteinander zu verknüpfen. Dabei darf sich die Hebungsrate zeitlich ändern. Bei den Berechnungen wird der Effekt der radiogenen Wärmequellen berücksichtigt.Zur Rekonstruktion der Hebungsgeschichte eines Hochgebirges müssen Paläotemperaturen des Gesteins (Blockungstemperaturen) in Verbindung mit radiometrischen Altern vorliegen.Für das Gebiet Leventina/Verzasca (Schweizer Zentralalpen) werden zwei Hebungsmodelle vorgestellt.

Résumé Les mouvements verticaux d'un bloc de la croûte terrestre, sous l'effet de l'érosion, la sédimentation, ou le recouvrement par des nappes conduit a des changements dans la répartition des températures. Ce processus peut être employé pour corréler quantitativement l'histoire des températures et des mouvements verticaux durant une certaine période. L'effet de la source radiogénique de chaleur est prise en considération pour le calcul.Pour la reconstruction de l'histoire des mouvements verticaux d'une zone montagneuse, les paléotempératures d'un échantillon de roche (températures de blocage) en conjonction avec les âges radiométriques doivent être données.Deux modèles présentés concernent la région de la Leventina/Verzasca (Alpes centrales de Suisse).

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Contribution no. 306 of the Institut für Geophysik, ETH Zürich.  相似文献   

为深入研究盐源盆地龙马溪组黑色岩系的沉积环境、构造背景及物源属性,指导区域页岩气勘探及相关研究,本文利用电感耦合等离子体质谱技术研究了盐源盆地南缘龙马溪组黑色页岩的稀土元素地球化学特征和沉积环境。结果表明:该区稀土总量偏低,轻稀土富集重稀土亏损,轻重稀土分异较大;δCe_N均值为0.87,显示弱的负异常,δEu_N值为0.66~1.43,变化范围较大,说明源岩成分复杂;La_S/Yb_S均值为1.31,说明研究区构造背景主要为被动大陆边缘,源岩为古老沉积岩、花岗岩及中基性岩的混合物,推测康滇古陆为其提供了主要物源。δCe_S为负异常,δEu_S为正异常,La/Ce1等特征均指示沉积期水体为还原环境,推测为深水陆棚沉积,且受到一定程度热水沉积影响。深海热液带来丰富的营养元素有利于有机质形成,还原水体环境有利于有机质保存,使得研究区龙马溪组泥岩页富含有机质,且富有机质页岩段厚度较大,由此初步认为龙马溪组泥页岩为优质烃源岩储层。  相似文献   

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