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In areas with topographic heterogeneity, land use change is spatially variable and influenced by climate, soil properties, and topography. To better understand this variability in the high-sediment region of the Loess Plateau in which soil loss is most severe and sediment diameter is larger than in other regions of the plateau, this study builds some indicators to identify the characteristics of land use change and then analyze the spatial variability as it is affected by climate, soil property, and topography. We build two indicators, a land use change intensity index and a vegetation change index, to characterize the intensity of land use change, and the degree of vegetation restoration, respectively. Based on a subsection mean method, the two indicators are then used to assess the spatial variability of land use change affected by climatic, edaphic, and topographic elements. The results indicate that: 1) Land use changed significantly in the period 1998-2010. The total area experiencing land use change was 42,302 km2, accounting for 22.57%of the study area. High-coverage grassland, other woodland, and forest increased significantly, while low-coverage grassland and farmland decreased in 2010 compared with 1998.2) Land use change occurred primarily west of the Yellow River, between 35 and 38 degrees north latitude. The four transformation types, including (a) low-coverage grassland to medium-coverage grassland, (b) medium-coverage grassland to high-coverage grassland, (c) farmland to other woodland, and (d) farmland to medium-coverage grassland, were the primary types of land use change, together constituting 60% of the area experiencing land use change. 3) The spatial variability of land use change was significantly affected by properties of dryness/wetness, soil conditions and slope gradient. In general, land use changed dramatically in semi-arid regions, remained relatively stable in arid regions, changed significantly in clay-rich soil, remained relatively stable in clay-poor soil, changed dramatically in steeper slopes, and remained relatively stable in tablelands and low-lying regions. The increase in vegetation coincided with increasing changes in land use for each physical element. These findings allow for an evaluation of the effect of the Grain to Green Program, and are applicable to the design of soil and water conservation projects on the Loess Plateau of China.  相似文献   


The built-up area of Addis Ababa and its surrounding towns is expanding into the peri-urban region leading to high losses of farmland, directly influencing the food production for the urban population. This paper investigates the patterns of settlement growth in the region surrounding Addis Ababa and their impact on peri-urban agriculture using an urban spatial scenario design model. The effects of two population density scenarios are explored within the framework of a proposed master plan. The model output was used to estimate areas of different suitability levels that would be lost to the modelled settlement expansion. The settlement area in 2038 would represent 29% of the case study’s total area in the low-density scenario but only 19% in the high-density scenario. Compared to the low-density scenario, the high-density scenario would only require a third of the agricultural land transformed into settlement areas. Settlement development would contribute to higher losses of land suitable for cultivating important export products, high nutritional value and import-substituting products. The scenario approach can support sustainable regional planning for settlement expansion that conserves valuable farmland in the peri-urban area and contributes to building capacity for strategic planning of the city regions of sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

With the advent of climate change,winter temperatures have been steadily in-creasing in the middle-to-high latitudes of the world.However,we have not found a corre-sponding decrease in the number of extremely cold winters.This paper,based on Climatic Research Unit (CRU) re-analysis data,and methods of trend analysis,mutation analysis,correlation analysis,reports on the effects of Arctic warming on winter temperatures in Hei-longjiang Province,Northeast China.The results show that:(1) during the period 1961-2018,winter temperatures in the Arctic increased considerably,that is,3.5 times those of the Equator,which has led to an increasing temperature gradient between the Arctic and the Equator.An abrupt change in winter temperatures in the Arctic was observed in 2000.(2) Due to the global warming,an extremely significant warming occurred in Heilongjiang in winter,in particular,after the Arctic mutation in 2000,although there were two warm winters,more cold winters were observed and the interannual variability of winter temperature also increased.(3)Affected by the warming trend in the Arctic,the Siberian High has intensified,and both the Arctic Vortex and the Eurasian Zonal Circulation Index has weakened.This explains the de-crease in winter temperatures in Heilongjiang,and why cold winters still dominate.Moreover,the increase in temperature difference between the Arctic and the Equator is another reason for the decrease in winter temperatures in Heilongjiang.  相似文献   

This article reconsiders the epistemic and geographic boundaries that have long separated scholarship on urban water poverty and politics in the Global North and South. We stage an encounter between the seemingly dissimilar cases of Tooleville outside of the city of Exeter in California’s Central Valley and Bommanahalli outside of Bangalore, India, to illuminate the geography of water marginalization at the fringes of urban areas, and to deepen cross-fertilization between two geographic literatures: environmental justice (EJ) and urban political ecology (UPE). We argue that there is scope for transnational learning in three arenas in particular: (1) water access, (2) state practice, and (3) political agency. In so doing, we aim to advance a genuinely post-colonial approach to theory and practice in the pressing arena of urban water politics.  相似文献   

Urban expansion is one of the major causes of many ecological and environmental problems in urban areas and the surrounding regions. Understanding the process of urban expansion and its driving factors is crucial for urban growth planning and management to mitigate the adverse impacts of such growth. Previous studies have primarily been conducted from a static point of view by examining the process of urban expansion for only one or two time periods. Few studies have investigated the temporal dynamics of the effects of the driving factors in urban expansion. Using Beijing as a case study, this research aims to fill this gap. Urban expansion from 1972 to 2010 was detected from multi-temporal remote sensing images for four time periods. The effects of physical, socioeconomic, and neighborhood factors on urban expansion and their temporal dynamics were investigated using binary logistic regression. In addition, the relative importance of the three types of driving factors was examined using variance partitioning. The results showed that Beijing has undergone rapid and magnificent urban expansion in the past forty years. Physical, socioeconomic, and neighborhood factors have simultaneously affected this expansion. Socioeconomic factors were the most important driving force, except during the period of 1972–1984. In addition, the effects of these driving factors on urban expansion varied with time. The magnitude of the unique effects of physical factors and neighborhood factors declined while that of socioeconomic factors increased along with the urbanization process. The findings of this study can help us better understand the process of urban expansion and thus have important implications for urban planning and management in Beijing and similar cities.  相似文献   

1IntroductionLand use change has received lots of attention internationally (Turner etal., 1994). Understanding of the mechanism of land use change and its adverse effect on the environment is conducive to understanding of population, resources, environment and sustainable economic development on the global, national and regional scales. With the rapid rise in human population, human-induced changes in land use form an important component of regional environmental change. In China, to emphasi…  相似文献   

Maintenance of steady streamflow is a critical attribute of the continental river systems for safeguarding downstream ecosystems and agricultural production.Global climate change imposes a potential risk to water supply from the headwater by changing the magnitude and frequency of precipitation and evapotranspiration in the region.To determine if and to what extent the recent climate changes affected streamflow in major river systems,we examined the pattern of temporal variations in precipitation,temperature,evapotranspiration and changes in runoff discharge during 1958–2017 in the headwater region of the Yellow River in northeastern Tibetan Plateau.We identified 1989 as the turning point for a statistically significant 14% reduction in streamflow discharge(P 0.05) for the period 1989–2017 compared with 1958–1988,approximately coinciding with changes in the monthly distribution but not the interannual variations of precipitation,and detected a mismatch between precipitation and runoff after 2000.Both annual precipitation and runoff discharge displayed fourand eight-year cyclic patterns of changes for the period 1958–1988,and a six-year cyclic pattern of changes for the period 1989–2017,with two intensified two-year cyclic patterns in the changes of precipitation and a three-year cyclic pattern in the change of runoff further detected for the later period.Our results indicate that the temporal changes in runoff are not strictly consistent with the temporal variations of precipitation in the headwater region of Yellow River during the period 1958–2017.In particular,a full recovery in annual precipitation was not reflected in a full recovery in runoff toward the end of the study period.While a review of literature yielded no apparent evidence of raised evapotranspiration in the region due to recent warming,we draw attention to increased local retention of rainwater as a possible explanation of differential changes in precipitation and runoff.  相似文献   

In China's Loess Plateau severe gully erosion(LPGE)region,the shoulder-line is the most intuitive and unique manifestation of the loess landform,which divides a landform into positive and negative terrains(PNTs).The spatial combination model of PNTs is of great significance for revealing the evolution of the loess landform.This study modeled and pro-posed the Surface Nibble Degree(SND),which is a new index that reflects the comparison of the areas of PNTs.Based on 5 m DEMs and matched high-resolution remote sensing images,the PNTs of 164 complete watersheds in the LPGE were extracted accurately,and the SND index was calculated.The spatial distribution trend of SND was discussed,and the relation-ship between SND and the factors that affect the evolution mechanism of regional landform was explored further.Results show that:(1)The SND can be calculated formally.It can quantify the development of the loess landform well.(2)The SND of the LPGE has evident spatial differentiation that increases from southwest to northeast.High values appear in Shenmu of Shaanxi,Shilou of Shanxi,and northern Yanhe River,whereas the low values are mainly distributed in the southern loess tableland and the inclined elongated ridge area of Pingliang in Gansu and Guyuan in Ningxia.(3)In the Wuding River and Yanhe River,the SND decreases with the increase in flow length(FL).In the North-Luohe River and Jinghe River,the SND increases with FL.(4)SND is significantly correlated with gully density and sediment modulus and moderately correlated with hypsometric integral.As for the mechanism factors analysis,the relationship between loess thickness and SND is not obvious,but SND in-creased first and then decreased with the increase of precipitation and vegetation in each geographical division,and we found that the land use type of low coverage grassland has greater erosion potential.  相似文献   

Based on development data relating to China–Africa International Cooperation Parks(CAICPs) from 2003 to 2018, this study examined the transnational investment network of CAICPs using the social network analysis method. The number of CAICPs is increasing.Textiles and apparel, agricultural and food processing, trade logistics and management,building materials and construction, and electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing are the leading industries chosen by most CAICPs. These parks have pr...  相似文献   

以Landsat5TM遥感影像、农户调查数据和统计数据为基础数据,运用3S技术提取了案例区河北省文安县1995~2007年土地利用变化信息,分析了杨树扩张的时空格局;并从农户杨树种植决策行为视角,运用数理统计、投入产出法分析了杨树扩张占地的驱动因素。结论如下:(1)杨树林地扩张幅度大、速率快。(2)杨树扩张所用土地92.14%来源于耕地,"杨上粮下"现象突出。(3)杨树扩张速率的空间差异显著。杨树扩张受生产要素、土地产品市场及政策因素的综合驱动,其中劳动力因素和经济因素起主要作用。(4)非农从业人员比率和农民年人均收入越高,杨树扩张速度越快。在劳动力由富余转为相对稀缺的情况下,农户为提高经济收益,倾向选择耗工少,劳动生产率较大的杨树,是杨树扩张占地的根本原因。  相似文献   

京津冀地区县域环境胁迫时空格局及驱动因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周侃  李会  申玉铭 《地理学报》2020,75(9):1934-1947
环境胁迫反映人类生产生活过程中污染物输出对区域环境系统产生的综合压力。本文基于县域污染物排放和人口社会经济数据库,运用熵权法综合测度县域环境胁迫指数(ESI),解析2012—2016年京津冀地区环境胁迫的时空格局及各类主体功能区环境胁迫特征,并针对县域环境胁迫的空间效应,在STIRPAT模型框架基础上,运用地理加权回归方法定量估计县域环境胁迫的社会经济驱动力。结果表明:① 京津冀地区面临的环境胁迫态势显著缓解,2012年以来ESI降幅达到54.68%。其中,以北京、唐山、天津、石家庄等中心城区以及滨海新区下降最为显著,县域环境胁迫程度由中心城区向外围呈梯度递减,到2016年环境胁迫高等级县域已经消除;② 5年间京津冀地区县域环境胁迫的空间溢出效应趋强,并在津唐地区呈现空间锁定和路径依赖;③ 优化开发和重点开发区域两类城市化地区是京津冀水气环境的主要承压区,其环境胁迫程度占京津冀地区全域的65.98%,仍然是环境污染防治与管控的重点区域;④ 人口规模和经济发展水平是县域环境胁迫的控制性因素,此外还受环境处理技术水平、农业生产投入强度、国土开发强度以及城镇化等因素影响;⑤ 各驱动因素对县域环境胁迫的驱动作用存在空间异质性,需针对驱动力作用强度及其空间差异,采取差别化环境治理与源头减排对策,精准提升京津冀地区环境协同管制效果。  相似文献   

Research on the carbon budget and zoning for carbon compensation in major functional zones(MFZs) is important for formulating strategies for low-carbon development for each functional zone, promoting the collaborative governance of the regional ecological environment, and achieving high-quality development. Such work can also contribute to achieving peak emissions and carbon neutrality. This paper constructs a theoretical framework for the carbon budget and carbon compensation from the perspecti...  相似文献   

周侃  殷悦  陈妤凡 《地理学报》2022,77(9):2219-2235
揭示水污染物排放的驱动因素及尺度效应是研究城市群演化环境效应的重要议题,也是实现城市群水污染物协同减排和水环境协同治理的重要前提。以长三角城市群的305个县域为例,选取化学需氧量(COD)和氨氮(NH3-N)两项特征污染物指标,在2011—2016年水污染物排放时空格局分析基础上,采用空间滞后模型(SLM)和空间误差模型(SEM)评估城市群水污染物排放的驱动因素,构建多尺度地理加权回归(MGWR)模型诊断驱动力的尺度效应及空间异质性。结果显示:常住人口规模、城镇化水平和经济发展水平对水污染物排放呈现全域层面的正向驱动,而工业化水平、社会固定资产投资、外商直接投资、地方财政分权程度以局部的微观作用为主;固定资产投资在杭嘉湖及沿海地区对COD和NH3-N排放均呈较强正向驱动,工业化水平在太湖流域及浙江全域对COD排放呈正向驱动;外商直接投资对NH3-N排放呈局部抑制作用,外资投入的“污染光环”效应在苏北、皖北、浙南等城市群边缘区较为突出;地方财政分权在城市群中心区对COD排放具有明显抑制作用,反映出地方环保意识提升和多层级环境规制强约束的积极影响。建议引导绿色生产生活方式以降低水污染物排放基数,在工业生产、资本投入和财政收支等领域嵌入环境倒逼机制,系统构建与水环境承载力相适应的城市群高质量发展格局。  相似文献   

长期以来土地利用/覆被变化一直是全球关注的热点话题,研究城市建设用地时空演变特征,准确定位城市功能是促进城市科学、持续发展的重要保障。以京津冀地区13个城市1985-2015年的城市建设用地为研究对象,运用定量与定性结合的方法,分析城市建设用地时空演变特征;利用多元线性回归、通径分析、地理探测器等方法,诊断城市建设用地时间演化过程与空间演变格局分异的主导驱动因子,通过深入分析各主导因子的驱动机制,对京津冀的城市发展进行功能定位。结果表明:① 京津冀地区城市建设用地的扩张规模、速率、方向和稳定性等存在明显的差异,将城市类型分为协调稳定型、协调波动型、不协调稳定型、不协调波动型;② 城市建设用地时间演化过程的主导驱动因子包括GDP指数、人口密度指数、财政收入指数,空间演变格局差异的主导因子包括到城市中心距离、到主要河流距离、到主要公路距离;③ 根据分析结果,将京津冀地区13个城市规划为核心经济引领城市、重点经济拓展城市和稳定经济涵养城市,对促进京津冀地区协调统筹和一体化发展具有参考价值。  相似文献   

Mu  Xufang  Fang  Chuanglin  Yang  Zhiqi 《地理学报(英文版)》2022,32(9):1766-1790
Journal of Geographical Sciences - The continuous growth of urban agglomerations in China has increased their complexity as well as vulnerability. In this context, urban resilience is critical for...  相似文献   

Under China’s innovation-driven development strategy, venture capital has become an important driving force in urban agglomeration integration and collaborative innovation. This paper uses social network analysis to analyze spatiotemporal differences of venture capital in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration for the period 2005–2015. A gravity model and panel data regression model are used to reveal the influencing factors on spatiotemporal differences in venture capital in the region. This study finds that there is a certain cyclical fluctuation and uneven differentiation in the venture capital network in the Beijing- Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration in terms of total investment, and that the three centers of venture capital (Beijing, Shijiazhuang and Tangshan) have a stimulatory effect on surrounding cities; flows of venture capital between cities display certain networking rules, but they are slow to develop and strongly centripetal; there is a strong positive correlation between levels of information infrastructure development and economic development and venture capital investment; and places with relatively underdeveloped financial environments and service industries are less able to apply the fruits of innovation and entrepreneurship and to attract funds. This study can act as a reference for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration in building a world-class super urban agglomeration with the best innovation capabilities in China.  相似文献   

Industrial agglomeration is a highly prominent geographical feature of economic activities, and it is an important research topic in economic geography. However, mechanism-based explanations of industrial agglomeration often differ due to a failure to distinguish properly between the spatial distribution of industries and the stages of industrial agglomeration. Based on micro data from three national economic censuses, this study uses the Duranton-Overman(DO) index method to calculate the spatia...  相似文献   

黄宇金  盛科荣  孙威 《地理学报》2022,77(8):1953-1970
产业集聚是经济活动最突出的地理特征之一,也是经济地理学重要的研究对象,然而对产业集聚的机制解释往往由于没有很好的区分产业空间分布形态和产业集聚阶段而出现偏差。本文基于3次全国经济普查企业微观数据,利用DO指数方法计算了2004—2013年京津冀地区三位数制造业行业的空间分布形态,利用Hurdle模型定量解释了集聚形成和集聚提升两个阶段的影响因素及其差异性。结果表明:① 2004年、2008年和2013年京津冀地区分别有124个、127个、129个三位数行业集聚,技术密集型和劳动密集型制造业集聚强度较高,但整体集聚强度出现下降,从0.332下降至0.261。② 制造业集聚存在两阶段且主导因素存在差异。在集聚形成阶段,企业主要考虑基础条件,农业资源和交通运输有负向作用,劳动力池和外商投资有正向作用;在集聚提升阶段,企业更侧重于集聚经济和政策等因素,产业内部关联和产业外部关联有正向作用且前者作用更强,开发区主导产业政策和电力燃气水资源起负向作用。③ 影响因素对产业集聚的作用具有尺度效应,均随距离扩大呈现减弱趋势,但不同因素对距离的反应存在差异。  相似文献   

京津冀城市群大气污染的时空特征与影响因素解析   总被引:28,自引:5,他引:28  
京津冀城市群是中国雾霾最严重的区域,在京津冀协同发展背景下,探究该地区大气污染的时空分布和影响因素具有重要意义。运用空间自相关分析和三种空间计量模型,分析了京津冀202个区县PM2.5的时空分异特征,创新性地对自然与人文影响因素贡献及其空间溢出效应进行系统地甄别和量化。结果表明:2000-2014年来京津冀城市群PM2.5浓度整体呈上升趋势,季节上呈秋冬高、春夏低,空间上呈东南高、西北低的特点,且城市建成区PM2.5浓度比周围郊区和农村平均高10~20 μg/m3;2014年仅有13.9%的区县空气质量达标,PM2.5浓度存在显著的空间集聚性与扩散性,城市间交互影响距离平均为200 km,邻近地区的PM2.5每升高1%,将导致本地PM2.5至少升高0.5%;社会经济内因对PM2.5主要是正向影响,自然外因主要是负向影响;影响因素中对本地大气污染的直接效应贡献强度依次是:年均风速>年均气温>人口密度>地形起伏度>第二产业占比>能源消费>植被覆盖度,人均GDP、年降水量和相对湿度对本地PM2.5没有显著影响;对邻近地区大气污染具有显著空间溢出效应的因素排序是:植被覆盖度>地形起伏度>能源消费>人口密度;对于自然和人文影响因素应分别采取针对性的适应策略和调控策略,加强区域间联防联控与合作治理,在城市群规划中注重环保规划与立法。  相似文献   

中国城市群从区域向空间网络的转变,成为城乡统筹发展功能的主体地域单元。基于“交通—产业”的耦合视角,以京津冀城市群为研究区域,选取北京、天津、石家庄、唐山作为城市群发育的辐射中心,结合空间网络分析、引力模型、多层次空间结构MSS-Tree算法,测度识别京津冀城市群空间结构及现状发育范围。结果发现:①京津冀城市群还不成熟,辐射中心周边的辐射发育区“岛、洞”现象明显,表现为连片分布的大城市阴影区;其中北京市周边缺乏成熟副中心,天津市受到北京极化作用影响,辐射区大幅萎缩;石家庄、唐山辐射区发育不足,需首先加强自身经济建设;②交通、产业辐射发育范围重合度较低,交通的先导作用加速了中小城镇生产要素流失,形成环京津贫困带。据此提出了自下而上整合、由内向外扩展的地区发展策略建议。  相似文献   

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