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邓羽 《地理研究》2016,35(2):353-362
城市空间自组织是一种潜在的城市发展机制。当前中国正处于快速城市化进程中,正确认识和发挥自组织机制,有效复合空间规划的管控效应,将对城市空间良性扩展至关重要。通过构建空间逻辑斯蒂模型,阐释了城市空间扩展的基本机制,定量诠释了城市空间扩展在“面状”空间规划与“点线状”交通基础设施规划引导下呈现出连续性和复杂性并存的自组织特征。“面状”空间规划体现在区位择优发展、临近建成区拓展等规律,“点线状”交通基础设施规划主要表现为城市空间扩展的不完全预知性。在此基础上,采用相同模型对研究区全域、城市规划建设区、非城市规划建设区进行对比研究,进一步揭示了“面状”空间规划对城市空间扩展的强制性管控作用和“点线状”交通基础设施规划的空间引导作用。因此,为了有效预防规划失效并引导城市空间的良性增长,应当科学使用、谨慎布局“面状”空间规划,需要构建一套顾及城市空间自组织机制,以自下而上的“点线状”交通基础设施规划为基础,并充分发挥好自上而下的“面状”空间规划强制管制功能与“点线面”相协调的综合管控方案。  相似文献   

Xjantaocity,lyingbetween112'56'E~113'49'E,30'04'N~30'32'N,issighttedinJianghanPlainofcentral-southHubeiProvince.ItneighboursWuhancitytotheeastQianjiangstytothewest,facesHonghucityandJianlicountytotilesouthacrosstheDongiinhiverandissepalatedbyHanjianghiverfromThalnencityandHallchuancountytothenorth.Itcoversanareaof2535km2.In1992itStotalpopulahonwasestjjnatedat143.2x10',ofwhichnon-agricultulalpopulahontotalled35.49x10',accounhngfor24.79%ofthecity'stotalpopulahon.ItsGNPwas24.3x108yUan,of…  相似文献   

J Murdoch 《Area》2004,36(1):50-58
This article argues that policy discourses need to be set within the heterogeneous resources that governments routinely use to govern across the state/non-state divide. It employs the governmentality perspective to show how a discursive coalition in the planning for housing sector uses such resources to embed a new rationality of 'planning for sustainability' in a host of differing local arenas. The article extends the governmentality approach by proposing that this 'embedding' process is geographically uneven as the discourse becomes enmeshed in differing economic and environmental circumstances. The analysis thus reveals a geography of governmentality by showing how local actions intrude upon the functioning of governmental networks.  相似文献   

I.IntroductionTheEuropeanscientistshavelongagorecognizedtheimportantvalueofthesystematiclandscapestudyandapplieditsuccessfullytoanumberoflocalandnationalplanningpolicies.TheWorkingGroupofLandscapeEcoplanningwhichwasestablishedbyIALE(InternationalAssoc…  相似文献   

Since the late 1990s, there are growing studies on the development of cellular automata (CA) as a simulation tool for assisting urban and regional planning in China. Rapid urban development is the main reason that this country has become one of the best places to test the methodology of CA and analyze the effectiveness of using these models. This paper attempts to summarize the experiences and issues of using CA to solve various environmental and planning problems in China. The analysis is based on the literature review using the search engines of ISI Web of Science and Google Scholar. These experiences could be important for those who want to apply CA in developing countries. For example, which environmental and ecological problems can be solved by using this bottom-up approach? What are the data inputs to these models and how can they be calibrated? Our analyses indicate that CA have the great potential to support land-use planning and policy analysis for fast-growing regions. Some specific features of using CA in China are also identified in the literature review, including delineation of urban growth boundary, prevention of illegal development and formulating zoning schemes. The CA studies in this fast-growing country provided valuable experiences for other developing countries to solve a series of simulation and planning problems by using this bottom-up approach.  相似文献   


Urban spaces have long been places to think through human relationships with nature. The recent shift in thinking from urban green space as outcome to urban greening as a process provides an opportunity to consider more explicitly how we engage with more-than-human worlds in urban spaces, in more differentiated ways, and for what ends. In this paper we contribute to growing interest in improved urban sustainability and well-being by bringing human geography perspectives on more-than-human worlds into conversation with the literature on urban greening. Drawing on key examples oriented around urban trees, we consider two main themes: sensibilities and belonging. We argue for an understanding of urban places as collective achievements that not only involve knowing and living with diverse humans and non-humans but also involve the re/making of sensibilities and belongings. Through this paper, we aim to open dialogue about how more-than-human geographies might help us to differently understand urban trees, contemporary urban greening, and people–plant relations.  相似文献   

罗文斌  谭荣 《地理研究》2012,31(6):1103-1110
根据对城市旅游与城市发展协调性概念的界定,从城市经济水平、社会发展、公共交通、城市绿化、环境保护和旅游水平等6个方面,构建了城市旅游与城市发展协调性评价指标体系,并运用熵权TOPSIS法,对杭州市2001~2009年的城市旅游与城市发展协调性进行了定量评价。结果发现:杭州市9年间城市旅游与城市发展协调系数呈现持续递增趋势,2009年为0.8043,达到"非常协调"等级水平。尽管如此,但各年之间的改善系数却并未呈现出逐年递增的趋势。随着城市发展水平的提高,杭州市旅游与城市发展存在同步推进规律,两者之间协调状态会持续朝着理想最优方向推进。然而,各年协调状态改善程度非持续递增现象说明杭州城市旅游与城市发展协调状态存在"恶化"的风险,需要对其密切关注。  相似文献   

While there are extensive studies of urban 2D forms, research on the varying geometric features and spatial distribution patterns of urban 3D spaces is comparatively rare. In this paper, we propose a coupled model, known as BPANN-CBRSortCA, which is based on a back propagation artificial neural network (BPANN) and case-based reasoning technology with sort cellular automaton (CBRSortCA) to simulate future urban building heights and their spatial distribution. BPANN–CBRSortCA uses BPANN to predict the vertical extrusion of building heights and uses CBRSortCA to simulate horizontal urban expansion. The BPANN–CBRSortCA model is innovative because of its capabilities to simultaneously project urban growth in the vertical and horizontal dimensions. The proposed model also overcomes the limitations of the traditional cellular automata models that cannot simulate ‘diffused’ urban expansion. This research used Wuhan City as a case study to simulate vertical and horizontal urban expansion from 2015 to 2025. The results showed the following: (1) in the next 10 years, new build-up will mainly appear along the edge of Hongshan and Hanyang Districts or will occupy bare land in the form of ‘filling’ and (2) the tallest buildings will be mainly located to the south of East Lake in Hongshan District and on undeveloped land within the city. These simulation results can provide a reference for future urban planning.  相似文献   

Though relationships between urbanization and tree cover are generally well studied, the effect of redevelopment on urban trees, at the scale of the individual property, is not well understood. Developing knowledge in this area is important in order to limit tree loss during redevelopment and thus, ensure sustained ecosystem services. Here, we explore the removal or retention of trees adjacent to building demolition in Christchurch, New Zealand. We mapped the presence or absence of individual trees on 123 properties prior to, and following, building demolition. Using a classification tree (CT) analysis, the presence or absence of 1209 trees was modelled as a function of: tree-related variables, property-related variables, and economic variables. The CT model estimated tree presence/absence with overall accuracy of 80.4%. Results show that 21.6% of all trees were removed as a consequence of building demolition, resulting in a tree canopy cover reduction of 19.7% across all 123 properties. The CT showed that tree crown area was the most important variable for predicting the presence/absence of trees, whereby trees with small crown areas (<7.9 m2) were most frequently removed, especially if they were within 0.7 m of a demolished building. Land value was also an important determinant of tree presence/absence, such that tree removal was more prevalent on properties with higher land value ($/m2). The results provide important new insights into some of the reasons for tree removal or retention during redevelopment at the scale of the individual property where most tree-related decisions are made.  相似文献   

王云才 《地理研究》2003,22(3):324-334
城市化是我国21世纪经济社会全面发展的重要推动力量,城乡一体化整合发展是城市化发展的战略主题。面向都市圈的游憩产业和游憩景观成为郊区发展中最活跃的经济成分和景观要素。科学合理地利用郊区开放空间和进行游憩景观规划对保护都市圈景观生态环境具有重要意义。本文以北京市郊区为例,在典型研究郊区景观利用与景观生态破坏和定量评价景观行为相容度的基础上,论述了都市郊区景观开发与游憩景观规划的规律、游憩景观区域规划和乡村游憩景观规划,并提出了建设北京市郊区完善的游憩景观体系和景观生态保护的具体措施。  相似文献   

唐承丽  吴艳  周国华 《地理研究》2018,37(2):292-306
城市群、产业集群与开发区的协同发展是实现城市群地区可持续快速发展的重要手段。在已有文献研究的基础上,基于宏观与微观相结合的视角,梳理了城市群、产业集群与开发区三者之间的关系及互动机制。认为城市群是新型城镇化的主体形态,是产业集群和开发区发展的空间载体,城市群为开发区和产业集群发展提供生产要素、服务和市场;开发区是城市群的创新创业高地与产业集聚、集群发展的重要场所,是城市群的重要生产功能区;产业集群是产业发展的重要组织形式,是推动开发区和城市群发展的重要驱动力。产业集群与开发区共享着城市群的资源与服务,开发区通过产业集聚与创新,产业集群通过产业链延伸、耦合与创新,与城市群形成生产要素、市场交易、创新与服务等方面的多维度相互作用,最终实现三者的协同发展。基于城市群、产业集群与开发区规模、结构、职能和创新等4个方面的17个指标,采用典型相关分析法,以长株潭城市群为案例区,对城市群、产业集群与开发区两大变量组进行了互动因素与强度的量化分析,结果表明:① 长株潭城市群、产业集群与开发区已形成有效互动。其中,城市群通过经济规模、城市结构、创新投入与产出、服务职能的发展,促进产业集群的经济规模、产业集聚、经济效益与产业创新,以及开发区的建设品质、产业集聚与产业效率的发展。开发区通过产业集聚与创新效率的提高,产业集群通过产业规模、效益协同开发区效率的提升,强化了城市群规模、结构、创新与职能的发展。② 长株潭城市群通过经济规模、结构、创新与服务四类因子,对产业集群与开发区产生了全面的促进作用,但产业集群与开发区并未完全协同地促进城市群发展。③ 要进一步提升产业集群的效益与开发区的效率,加强其对城市群发展与繁荣的支撑作用,全面实现三者的多维良性互动,提高城市群的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

Urbanization is an important issue concerning diverse scientific and policy communities. Computational models quantifying locations and quantities of urban growth offer numerous environmental and socioeconomic benefits. Traditional urban growth models are based on a single-algorithm fitting procedure and thus restricted on their ability to capture spatial heterogeneity. Accordingly, a GIS-based modeling framework titled multi-network urbanization (MuNU) model is developed that integrates multiple neural networks. The MuNU model enables a filtering approach where input data patterns are automatically reallocated into appropriate neural networks with targeted accuracies. We hypothesize that observations classified by individual neural networks share greater homogeneity, and thus modeling accuracy will increase with the integration of multiple targeted algorithms. Land use and land cover data sets of two time snapshots (1977 and 1997) covering the Denver Metropolitan Area are used for model training and validation. Compared to a single-step algorithm – either a stepwise logistic regression or a single neural network – several improvements are evident in the visual output of the MuNU model. Statistical validations further quantify the superiority of the MuNU model and support our hypothesis of effective incorporation of spatial heterogeneity.  相似文献   

土地利用规划环境影响评价指标与案例   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
土地利用规划环境影响评价,是针对土地利用的宏观结构调整与布局对环境与生态的可能影响作出的预测性评估。本文从生态保护、土地退化防治、耕地资源保障、建设用地增长的适度性与后效、耕地占补平衡的生态风险等5个方面,设计了11个指标用于预测和评估土地利用规划对环境、生态和土地资源的可能影响程度,并以《1997~2010年全国土地利用总体规划纲要》为案例进行了实际应用。结果表明,所提出的指标能较好的预估土地利用规划方案的实施对环境、生态和土地资源的潜在影响,为规避土地利用调整可能出现的不良环境与生态影响,提供有益的决策支持。  相似文献   

戚伟  刘盛和  周侃  齐宏纲 《地理研究》2019,38(10):2473-2485
研制人口与城乡布局是编制空间规划的必然要求和重点任务之一,旨在促进人口及城乡布局与资源环境承载能力相匹配,形成与“三区三线”相适应的人口和城乡布局,推进人口和城乡可持续发展。本研究提出一套“自上而下”与“自下而上”集成的人口与城乡布局研制方法。首先,总量控制,采用队列要素法、联合国法等完成基于行政区划单元的人口与城镇化水平预测;其次,因地制宜,以栅格为基本评价单元,实现城乡人口空间化,根据国土空间规划“三区三线”底图,核算现状超载和新增承载人口;最后,弹性集成人口与城镇化水平空间集疏态势以及地方国民经济发展诉求,划分人口增长地域类型、城镇增长类型、城镇规模等级等,完成人口与城乡布局。在此基础上,本研究以省级空间规划试点福建省为案例,将研制方法与研制实践相结合,实现福建省空间规划的人口与城乡布局总图绘制。以期为各尺度国土空间规划中的人口与城乡布局研制提供参考。  相似文献   

土地利用/土地覆被变化研究:寻求新的综合途径   总被引:198,自引:26,他引:198  
蔡运龙 《地理研究》2001,20(6):645-652
土地利用/土地覆被变化是很复杂的现象,参与该项目的研究人员要避免“瞎子摸大象”那样的片面性,必须寻求新的综合研究途径。为此,不能简单地沿袭传统土地利用研究的思路和方法,需要不断提出新的研究论题;对土地利用变化驱动力必须有一种普遍的、综合的认识;需要将多个案例研究联结为一个可代表区域空间异质性的网络,需要作多空间尺度的研究,从而将地方尺度和区域尺度的土地覆被动态联系起来;需要发展新的研究方法,并将从农户调查到遥感数据的各种信息综合起来;尤其需要形成关于土地利用/土地覆被变化的综合科学理论框架  相似文献   

“学生化”的城中村社区——基于广州下渡村的实证分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
何深静  钱俊希  吴敏华 《地理研究》2011,30(8):1508-1519
学生化作为绅士化现象的一种类型,是高等教育规模扩张背景下学生群体对于城市空间进行重构的现象。起因于学生群体的居住偏好,以及投资者与房屋所有者的寻租行为,面向学生群体的居住空间开始产生并聚集,形成独特的学生化社区,并由此产生一系列的社会,经济与文化影响。基于对学生化现象相关研究的综述,本文对于广州市中山大学邻近的下渡村学...  相似文献   

本文基于2014年厦漳泉城市群交通网络数据和调查数据,采用问卷调查确定城内交通时间及交通时间满意度时间阈值,应用凸壳理论划分城际理论小时交通圈,继而利用城内交通时间修正城际理论小时交通圈,生成城际实际小时交通圈,并结合百度地图划分基于交通时间满意度的城内小时交通圈。研究结果表明:①城际理论小时交通圈均超过本市域范围,而厦门、漳州和泉州各城市城际实际小时交通圈面积相较于城际理论小时交通圈大幅缩小,缩小幅度分别为91.7%、82.9%、83.9%,覆盖区域主要为各自市域范围;②受访者城内交通时间为31~61 min;而使用公交车通常需60 min以上到达汽车站、90 min以上到达动车站,处于不满意甚至很不满意的时间阈值内,其中非常不满意占主导地位;③67.71%的受访者对城际交通时间表示很满意或满意,但69.1%受访者对城内交通时间表示很不满意或不满意。厦漳泉城市群城内交通系统有待改善,建议应完善厦漳泉交通网络尤其是城内交通网络。  相似文献   

This article engages with the coproduction of urban space by focusing on a slum upgrading project in Recife, Brazil. It argues that the urban situation is essentially inconsistent, unpredictable and unstable. It documents the history of urban planning in Recife, paying special attention to the coexistence of two different planning traditions, one aimed at what city planners call the informal city, which is participatory, bottom up and democratic, yet susceptible to be corrupted by political clientelism, and another aimed at the formal city, which is ‘strategic’, top down, technocratic and neoliberal. It argues that the informal/formal binary operates as a disjunctive synthesis that separates social actors rather than connecting them and provides the coordinates within which processes of coproduction take place. The disjunctive synthesis renders possible all sorts of fantastic imaginations that both disavow and reveal the missing ground of the city. Community leaders play a central role in the coproduction of urban space and function as the symptom of this absent ground. The article concludes that participatory urban development interventions aiming to curtail the role of community leaders end up as veritable tyrannies of participation, which should be seen as evidence of the disjointed character of planning rather than as forms of effective governmentality.  相似文献   

段亚明  刘勇  刘秀华  何东 《地理科学进展》2019,38(12):1957-1967
多中心已成为中国大多数城市的空间发展战略,多中心结构的有效识别对于规划效果评价、规划策略制定具有重要意义。相比于百度热力与手机信令数据,腾讯宜出行数据具有时空分辨率高、获取成本低的优点,可精细比较城市主副中心的人口集聚能力,为多中心结构的动态识别提供新的手段。论文以重庆主城区为例,基于连续一周的宜出行热力数据,利用核密度分析等方法,识别其多中心城市结构、影响范围与组团发育情况。结果表明:作为山地城市,重庆在自然限制、经济驱动与规划引导下主动选择了“多中心、组团式”结构。重庆内环以内的各个城市中心人口高度集聚、用地规模相近、发育相对成熟,并强于内环以外的副中心。研究指出,西永、茶园副中心及外围组团的发展与人口集聚能力有待提高。  相似文献   

赵丽元  韦佳伶 《地理科学进展》2020,39(11):1898-1908
城市内涝灾害频繁,用地开发与空间扩张被普遍认为是其致因之一。对比武汉市遥感数据,1984—2017年,超过30%的自然水体被填占开发,城市建设开发活跃、填湖造陆强度大。论文以武汉市为例,采用二项Logistic模型,定量分析不同降雨强度情景下的内涝影响因素。研究表明,填湖造陆将极大地增加极端降雨情景下城市滨水区域的内涝风险。城市地形地势、排水管网条件、用地类型以及邻域用地结构等因素,也直接影响内涝风险。基于2种不同的用地开发策略,预测城市内涝风险结果显示,城市用地的不当开发将引致严重内涝风险。依据内涝风险的空间分布预测结果,论文提出了相应的改善策略,以为科学地制定防涝减灾规划提供参考。  相似文献   

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