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在多次各向异性散射理论的基础上,本文重新推导了方向性散射系数的球函数展开式.引入特征时间的概念,来定义震源处初始地震波脉冲宽度,并在地震波能量密度积分方程中引入任意给定频率的初始脉冲能量谱密度的解析表达.通过离散波数方法求解了修正的地震波能量密度积分方程.基于积分方程的数值解,研究了不同散射模式对S波能量密度包络曲线的影响.计算结果表明:随着震源距的增加,在S波到时之后,多次各向异性散射模式与多次各向同性散射模式合成的能量密度包络差异逐渐增大.其中通过多次前散射模式,我们可以得到不同震源距的尾波能量密度包络的同一衰减趋势,以及S波能量密度包络随着震源距的增加而出现的展宽现象.最后,利用美国内华达州Wells地震余震的台站记录验证了多次前散射模式的实用性与有效性.  相似文献   

本文以von Kármán型随机介质为非均匀介质模型,通过数值计算并结合实际观测资料对比分析介质非均匀性参数对散射波包络宽度的影响.结果表明散射波传播距离、频率、介质粗糙程度及介质非均匀体尺度因子的变化均可引起散射波包络的展宽,但散射波传播距离、散射波频率对散射波包络宽度的影响只是表象,而造成散射波包络变宽的根源则是介质粗糙程度及与非均匀体尺度因子;随着介质粗糙程度的增大,介质非均匀体尺度因子对散射波包络宽度的贡献速率增大.  相似文献   

长白山天池火山区S波包络展宽的特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
高频S波随着传播距离的增大其均方根(RMS)包络逐渐变宽,把这种现象称为S波的包络展宽现象。S波传播路径上随机分布的非均匀体对S波的多次前向散射和绕射作用是导致S波包络展宽现象的主要原因,因此可用S波的包络展宽现象来研究介质的非均匀性。采用S波包络峰值延时对S波包络展宽现象进行量化。S波包络峰值延时定义为S波初至与其RMS包络峰值最大值之间的时间差。文中对长白山天池火山区204个小震记录进行了S波包络展宽分析,研究发现长白山天池火山区小震S波包络展宽现象明显,S波包络峰值延时与震中距、频率呈正相关;运用统计学方法获取了长白山天池火山区不同频带下S波包络峰值延时与震中距之间的关系。研究结果对认识S波包络展宽的特征以及定量研究长白山天池火山区介质的非均匀性具有重要意义  相似文献   

用确定性地球模型很难对地震图中尾波给出合理解释,这一现象在区域地震记录中表现得尤为明显.震源与观测点之间随机分布的非均匀体引起弹性波的散射可能是造成尾波的主要原因之一.尺度不同的非均匀体所引起的地震波散射强度有所差异,通过研究散射波可获取地球内部非均匀结构的信息.  相似文献   

地球内部不同尺度的非均匀体会引起高频地震波的散射,这些散射携带了大量关于地球内部介质非均匀精细结构的信息,可通过研究地震波散射信息来获取地球内部介质结构非均匀性.非均匀介质速度微扰动是造成地震波散射的最主要起因,也是引起地震波尾波和散射波包络展宽的主要因素.  相似文献   

观测和研究表明,地球内部存在着不同程度的介质非均匀性,由地震波所揭示的介质非均匀尺度可达8个数量级。根据散射体与地震波长之间的大小关系,将地球内部介质非均匀性分为两类:即大尺度非均匀性(长波长非均匀性)和小尺度非均匀性(短波长非均匀性)。在当代地震学中,用确定性方法研究大尺度非均匀性已是众所共知的事情,目前技术方法也已比较成熟;对小尺度非均匀性的研究则是一个全新的研究领域,其理论探索和方法研究还处于起步阶段,本文重点对3D小尺度介质非均匀性进行了研究。  相似文献   

S波包络时间差影响因素的数值分析di   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介质非均匀性可引起高频S波包络的展宽.S波包络展宽是定量研究岩石圈中随机速度非均匀性的有力工具.S波的初至与其均方根包络最大振幅的一半之间的时间延迟定义为S波包络时间差,该时间的大小可反映介质非均匀性强弱.采用有限差分算法模拟了2D von Kaacute;rmaacute;n型随机介质中S波包络的展宽现象,统计分析了影响S波包络时间差的主要因素.结果表明,随机介质中S波传播的距离、随机介质速度扰动率及S波频率均可对S波包络时间差产生影响.相比较而言,速度扰动率对S波包络时间差影响程度最大,S波传播距离次之,S波频率影响程度最小.   相似文献   

李辉  王华忠 《地球物理学报》2015,58(4):1317-1332
在给出真实模型和相应光滑背景模型的情况下,如何计算扰动模型(散射体)产生的散射波场是一个有实际意义的正演问题.在Gabor变换域描述散射体,且入射波场为短时宽带信号时,散射波场可以在频率域用高斯束或时间域用高斯波包描述.相对于波动方程方法,高斯束和高斯波包的计算效率更高;背景模型光滑时,高斯束和高斯波包方法的精度也接近波动方程方法.文中导出了声波假设下应用高斯束和高斯波包计算散射波的方法.测试分析了高斯波包的计算精度.给出了一般散射体的散射波模拟策略.同时针对一个理论模型完成了本文方法计算散射波的实验,实验结果表明高斯波包散射波计算方法是有效可行的.  相似文献   

四川宜宾地区S波分裂特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用纵横比与偏振分析相结合的方法测定了2013年4月25日~2015年12月31日四川宜宾地区10个台站S波分裂参数,即快波偏振方向和慢波延迟时间。结果表明,华蓥山断裂两侧台站呈现不同的快波偏振优势方向,断裂带以西的台站偏振优势方向为NW向,与区域应力场方向一致;位于断裂带以东的台站优势偏振方向为NE向,与断裂走向一致。在地震密集分布区域内的CNI台的优势偏振方向为NE向,与台站附近的断裂带走向基本一致。研究区域南段的3个台站(JLI、YAJ、XWE)优势偏振方向近NS向。各个台站平均慢波延迟时间在3.07~11.95ms/km范围内,慢波延迟时间最大的台站是CNI台,距离2013年4月25日06时10分M_L5.2地震震中位置最近,这反映出震源区地震波各向异性程度较强。CNI台站的慢波延迟时间显示,在2015年2月7日M_L4.8地震前观测到慢波延迟时间有明显的上升趋势。  相似文献   


随着多分量采集技术的发展,弹性波逆时偏移技术在三维各向异性介质复杂地质构造成像中得到了广泛的应用.然而耦合的P波场和S波场,会在传播过程中产生串扰噪声,降低弹性波逆时偏移的成像精度.为了解决这一问题,本研究针对具有倾斜各向异性对称轴的三维横向各向同性(Transverse Isotropy,TI)介质,提出了一种矢量弹性波场快速解耦方法,可以有效提高偏移剖面的成像质量.该方法首先通过坐标转换,将观测系统坐标系的垂直轴旋转到TI介质的对称轴方向,在新坐标系下,根据具有垂直对称轴的三维横向各向同性(Vertical Transverse Isotropy,VTI)介质中的分解算子,推导出三维TI介质解耦算子表达式.接着引入一种在空间域快速计算分解波场的方法,来实现空间域矢量P波场和S波场分离,极大地提高了计算效率.最后,通过点积成像条件,将提出的P/S波分解方法引入到三维TI介质弹性波逆时偏移中,得到高精度的PP和PS成像.与以往的波场分解方法相比,本文方法具有数值稳定和计算效率高的特点.数值算例表明,应用上述三维TI分解算子得到的偏移剖面有效压制了噪声,提高了成像质量.


Based on the formulation of a multiple non-isotropic scattering process, a characteristic source time is introduced to define the initial impulse width of energy density at the source. An analytical expression of the initial intensity spectral density of a seismic wave is incorporated into the integral equation of seismic wave energy density. And, a recursive formula of Green’s function is derived to obtain the higher order Green’s function, which is included to describe the stronger non-isotropic scattering process. Then, the effect of the scattering pattern on the energy density envelope is investigated by the modified scattering theory. Significant differences are found in the decay of the energy density envelopes with distances using different scattering patterns. The envelope synthesized by the forward dominated scattering pattern is larger than the results obtained by the isotropic and backward dominated scattering pattern. Different scattering patterns are also used to fit the observation data from the aftershocks of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. It is concluded that the envelopes synthesized by the forward scattering pattern can match the data better than the isotropic and backward dominated scattering cases, and a new interpretation of the coda wave is given. Finally, using the forward dominated scattering pattern, the envelope broadening of the observed data is reproduced.  相似文献   

Biot theory was based on two ideas: the coupling factor to quantify the kinetic energy of fluid and Darcy permeability to quantify the dissipation function. As Biot theory did not well predict attenuation of ultrasonic S wave, we modify the theory to better characterize the S wave attenuation. The range of the coupling factor is at first estimated in view of fluid mechanics. Application of the original theory to water-saturated Boise sandstone and brine-saturated Berea sandstone shows that the model prediction significantly underestimates the S wave attenuation ultrasonically measured. For this reason, we replace Darcy permeability with variable permeability to improve the fluid momentum equation. The new model yields predictions of phase velocity and the quality factor both close to the ultrasonic measurements. The reason why the improved model is superior to Biot theory is that variable permeability is based on the Stokes boundary layer at the fluid–solid interface, thus accurately quantifying the viscous stress between the two phases. Finally, the length scale of the viscous stress is calculated in the mesoscopic sense.  相似文献   

Based on our numerical model for wave scattering problems due to P and SV wave incidences and the frequency domain analysis procedure, the effect of canyon topographic and geologic conditions on ground motion due to P and SV earthquake wave incidences has been extensively studied in this paper. The numerical results from this research illustrated that: (1) canyon topographic and geologic conditions can dramatically affect both peak value and frequency contents of the free field motion along the canyon surface during an earthquake; (2) a canyon may be subjected to stronger ground motion when its predominant frequency is in coincidence with the predominant frequency of the incident earthquake wave; (3) a stronger wave mode conversion effect can be induced by a steeper canyon bank or a softer weathered stratum on the canyon surface in the case of an earthquake wave incidence; (4) compared with harmonic wave incidences, the amplification effect of a canyon on the incident earthquake wave is a little weaker due to the average self-healing effect of the earthquake wave.  相似文献   

A novel method of synthesizing seismic wave using wavelet reconstruction is proposed and compared with the traditional method of using theory of Fourier transform. By adjusting the frequency band energy and taking it as criterion, the formula of synthesizing seismic wave is deduced. Using the design parameters specified in Chinese Seismic Design Code for buildings, seismic waves are synthesized. Moreover, the method of selecting wavelet bases in synthesizing seismic wave and the influence of the damping ratio on synthesizing results are analyzed. The results show that the synthesis seismic waves using wavelet bases can represent the characteristics of the seismic wave as well as the ground characteristic period, and have good time-frequency non-stationary.  相似文献   

At longer periods, scattered ScS waves sometimes dominate over coda waves at large lapse times. Examining recordings of seismic envelopes at 9 IRIS seismic stations of regional earthquakes with focal depths deeper than 150 km in periods from 1 to 20 s for a wide lapse time range up to 2000 s, we found significant frequency dependence. The coda decay gradient at short periods is steeper than that at longer periods; however, the change of coda gradient associated with the ScS arrival becomes distinct as the period becomes longer. In particular, a clear offset of coda amplitude appears in central Asia for 10 and 15 s period bands. The multiple isotropic scattering process of S-waves in the heterogeneous mantle can be simply simulated by using the Monte Carlo simulation method based on the radiative transfer theory in scattering media. Assuming a two-plane-layer attenuation structure and smoothed velocity model of the PREM, we estimated the average total scattering coefficients of S-waves such as 7.52 × 10 4∼1.32 × 10 3 km 1 and 2.08 × 10 4∼6.23 × 10 4 km 1 at 4 s, and 4.51 × 10 4∼7.37 × 10 4 km 1 and 2.80 × 10 5∼2.71 × 10 4 km 1 at 10 s, for the lithosphere and the upper mantle and for the lower mantle, respectively. Our results indicate that scattering occurs mostly in the lithosphere and the upper mantle and support that medium heterogeneity spreads over the whole mantle though its scattering power is small. Strong scattering occurs beneath central Asia and Papua New Guinea, whereas the scattering beneath Italy and regions of east Russia is much weaker. The numerical calculation enables us to confirm that much stronger scattering than intrinsic attenuation causes the offset behavior with coda decay gradient change after the ScS arrival for 4 and 10 s period bands in some regions.  相似文献   

基于Born散射理论,推导了适用于常速和变速背景的一维速度反演公式。与经典的Bleistein逆散射反演公式相比,本文考虑了声波在一维有限空间中的传播,选取的边界条件更合理。改进后的公式也揭示了积分道(对反射系数的积分)与绝对速度的关系,更有实用价值。  相似文献   

Theoreticalresearchesonthree-dimensionalcodawavescatteringproblemYong-AnNIE;JianZENGandDe-YiFENG(聂永安,曾健,冯德益)(SeismologicalBur...  相似文献   

本文将普遍声逆散射微扰论应用于弹性波层析成像问题,在Born变换下推出了以旋转角为补偿参数的各阶微扰重建公式,实现了对非均匀各向同性散射体内3个参数(质量密度ρ和两个Lamé系数λ,μ)的同时重建. 对于层析成像问题,在弹性波的传播过程中P波与SV波有耦合,但它们不会和SH波发生耦合,于是可以得到3个形式相对简单的标量方程. 在Born变换下,在散射波中引入微扰参数,将散射体的3个参数分别按该微扰参数展开,然后利用二维自由空间的Green函数分别得到散射的P波、SV波和SH波的积分表示. 最后,经一维傅氏变换后,得到Born变换下散射体3个参数的各阶微扰重建公式.  相似文献   

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