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In order to study the seasonal variation of large volume airgun signals in Hutubi, Xinjiang, we analyzed 2,936 signals of airgun source excitations during 2015-2016 received by a seismograph on the bank of the excitation pool. Firstly, the RMS value of the signal amplitude and the daily average temperature were compared after linearly superimposing the signal in days, to analyze the influence of the surface ice cover on the excitation energy release of the airgun source. The result shows that the ice cover will reduce the excitation energy, and the thicker the ice cover is, the more obvious the excitation energy reduces. Secondly, the time-frequency analysis method was used to analyze the influence of the surface ice cover on the signal frequency. It is concluded that the existence of the ice cover has little effect on the signal frequency, but it will affect the intensity of the signal around 4Hz between 1-2s after excitation. The cause of these phenomena is that the ice cover affects the bubble oscillation, which in turn affects the energy conversion. The study shows that when using the cross-correlation delay method to calculate the wave velocity, the signals can be divided into two periods according to the daily average temperature:with or without ice cover on the upper surface of the excitation pool. This can help eliminate the influence of the source variation and improve the accuracy of the monitoring results. 相似文献
通过搜集辽宁地震台网1997~2004年8个台站记录的ML≥2.5地震观测资料,结合前期工作,对岫岩5.4级地震前后地震波特征进行了分析。结果表明:在岫岩5.4级地震前,P波初动、P波和S波振幅比、小震综合节面解及岫岩ML≥4.0地震震源机制解等同时出现明显的变化。 相似文献
研究了华东地区15个地震序列的振幅比、初动方向和初动半周期资料。得到:大震(主余型序列中的主震或震群型序列中最大地震)前后的P波初动方向,除人们熟知的由优势分布转化为紊乱外,还有可能呈优势分布,优势方向改变的特征。余震序列的P波初动方向和振幅比特征可能有助于预测强余震。初动半周期特征可能用于区别的前震和余震。 相似文献
荣代潞 《地震地磁观测与研究》2014,(3):1-7
利用哥伦比亚大学 GCMT 目录给出的祁连山中东段地区中强地震震源机制资料,研究较大区域(34°-41°N,100°-106°E)的应力场;利用该地区布设的中法微震数字监测台网多年监测资料和甘肃数字监测台网资料,使用 P 波和 S 波初动及振幅比联合反演方法,反演中小地震震源机制解和发震应力场。结果表明,地区构造应力大致为北东40°-45°水平向压应力;景泰地区主压应力方向约北东45°,绝大多数地震为走滑型。天祝-古浪地区有相当部分的逆断层地震分布,主压应力方向约60°,P 轴仰角在10°左右优势分布,大致为水平应力场。这与大区域构造应力场和断层实际分布基本一致。 相似文献
2016年门源6.4级地震为甘—青地区孤立地震事件,且震中附近地磁台站分布均匀,分析总结此次地震前后地磁谐波振幅比变化特征。结果显示:①地震发生前后,震中附近台站地磁谐波振幅比下降—转折—恢复的异常变化过程,持续时间约1—2年;②震中距较小的台站记录显示,地震基本发生在谐波振幅比曲线转折恢复的变化后期阶段,且异常持续时间长;震中距较大的台站记录显示,地震一般发生在曲线趋势性下降—转折阶段,且异常持续时间稍短;③地震发生后,距震中较近的台站1年内YZHx(NS)和YZHy(WE)方向所有或大部分周期基本趋于恢复状态,且同步变化;距震中较远的台站1年内YZHx(NS)和YZHy(WE)方向大部分周期未达到恢复状态,且不同步变化显著。 相似文献
叠加甘肃和青海数字测震台网记录到的甘肃祁连山大容量气枪连续激发的大量观测波形。结果显示,单次激发的气枪震源信号最远可以在距气枪震源304km的古浪台(GLT)识别,通过110次叠加的信号最远可以追踪到412km的安西台(AXX),4 600次叠加的信号最远可以在距气枪震源677km的乌图美仁台站(WTM)观测到。研究结果可为提高甘肃祁连山大容量气枪主动源观测系统的监测能力和微弱信号的提取能力,探讨祁连山区域内部介质速度变化等工作提供重要的科学意义。 相似文献
Introduction There are various factors affecting the propagation of earthquake waves. Usually these fac- tors include the earthquake source, the path and the site effects. Simulations of the earthquake wave propagation and the strong ground motion are an adequate way to exhibit these factors (Virieux, 1986; Levander, 1988; Frankel and Vidale, 1992; Frankel, 1993; Graves, 1993, 1996a; Olsen et al, 1995; Pitarka et al, 1996; Pitarka, 1999). The most popular numerical method in use is the gri… 相似文献
针对山地地震勘探数据低信噪比问题,近地表散射波分离意义显得尤为突出,地震干涉测量法为此提供了一种技术手段.本文将地震干涉测量理论和散射理论结合起来,导出了近地表散射波地震干涉测量表达式,分为互相关型和褶积型表达式,它们由实际波场和背景波场干涉测量构成.根据近地表散射波分离理论,结合陆上地震勘探实际观测系统,采用褶积和反褶积混合型地震干涉测量配置,用实际地震资料展示了近地表散射波分离技术的应用效果.经过理论分析和砾石区实际资料试验,表明地震干涉测量不仅能分离测线上散射源产生的散射波,而且能分离部分侧面散射波.该技术的优点在于它适应于起伏地形和不均匀近地表结构,并且不需要起伏地形和近地表速度信息.为了从实际资料中消除近地表散射波,本文采用多道匹配滤波自适应减法,在砾石区见到较好效果. 相似文献
选取位于东部沿海的高邮、新沂、陵阳、昌黎4个台站2011年全年12个月的地电场分钟值观测资料,利用小波变换法计算其半日波,与位于内陆的大同、石嘴山、古丰台进行对比,分析沿海地区地电场半日波日变幅的变化规律,研究得到:(1)高邮等4台在2011年部分月份单月发生2次半日波日变幅增大、减少的现象,同一台站不同月份此现象的发生时间几乎一致(阴历日期),不同台站同一月份此现象的发生时间不同,而位于内陆地区的地电场台站未观测到此现象。(2)通过研究台站测区及周围环境与半日波日变幅变化的相关性,初步分析认为位于沿海地区的台站是否容易观测到半日波日变幅周期性变化可能与测区是否紧邻大型水系有关;而位于沿海地区的台站观测到地电场半日波日变幅每月2次增大、减少的发生时间可能与台站的地磁经度有关。(3)探讨了引起东部沿海地区半日波日变幅周期性变化的可能原因。 相似文献
地震波CT成果具有图像直观可靠、信息量丰富及适用性强等优点。实践成果表明,地震波CT技术在工程地质勘查、建筑物无损检测、大坝安全检测以及防渗墙质量检测等方面都有良好的探测效果。SIRT算法是地震波CT理论较为成熟的算法。本文提出一种基于Eikonal解的思想,费马原理,惠更斯原理及弯曲波前假设的有限元分析的FDM算法的Matlab计算机程序。该算法程序克服了SIRT算法的缺点,可以成功地处理任意变化的速度、高速对比、尖锐的边界和任意的测量布局。给出几个数值模拟实例进行实践,将两者结合在一起,前后对比,得出结论,并指导工程实践应用。 相似文献
用反射地震方法研究物理海洋-地震海洋学简介 总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20
地震海洋学是通过传统反射地震勘探方法研究物理海洋学的一种新方法.相对于传统的接触式温盐深测量方法,该方法具有较高的横向分辨率和能快速对整个海水剖面成像等优点,是一种非常有前途的新方法.本文将详细阐述反射地震方法在探测海洋锋温盐细结构、刻画水团边界、海洋内波、黑潮等方面的研究进展.目前海水层温度差异主要通过叠加剖面的反射轴振幅计算得到,但是叠加剖面并没有做真振幅处理.为了解决计算过程中的误差,最后提出在地震海洋学仲利用真振幅偏移结果可以使计算更加合理的设想. 相似文献
Lower Cretaceous red sedimentary rocks from the depositional basin of East Qilian fold belt have been collected for a paleomagnetic study. Stepwise thermal demagnetization reveals two or three components of magnetization from dark red sandstones. Low-temperature magnetic component is consistent with the present Earth Field direction in geographic coordinates. High-temperature magnetic components are mainly carried by hematite. The mean pole of 19 sites for high-temperature magnetic components after tilt-correction is λ=62.2°N, φ=193.4°E, A95=3.2°, and it passes fold tests at 99% confidence level and reversal tests at 95% confidence level. The paleopole is insignificantly different from that of Halim et al. (1998) from the same sampling area at the 95% confidence level. Compared with paleomagnetic results for North China, South China, and Eurasia, our results suggest that no significant relative latitudinal displacement has taken place between Lanzhou region and these blocks since Cretaceous time. Remarkably, the pole of Lanzhou shows a 20° clockwise rotation with respect to those of North China, South China, and Eurasia. Geological information indicates that the crustal shortening in the western part of Qilian is greater than that in eastern part. In this case, the clockwise rotation of sampling area was related to India/Eurasia collision, and this collision resulted in a left-lateral strike-slip motion of the Altun fault in north Tibetan Plateau after the Cretaceous. 相似文献
Yunpeng Zhang Weitao Wang Wei Yang Min Liu Jinbo Su Xiaobin Li Jun Yang 《地震科学(英文版)》2021,34(5):399-412
On May 21, 2021, an MS6.4 earthquake occurred in Yangbi, Yunnan province, China, which exhibited typical foreshock-mainshock-aftershock characteristics. To better understand the velocity structure of the focal area and adjacent fault zones, Pg/Sg travel times at 12 seismic stations for the local earthquakes with ML ≥ 1.5 from 2009–2019 and the Yangbi sequence in May of 2021 were used to invert the three-dimensional (3D) structures for both vP and vP/vS. The obtained structure extends deeply to 15 km for area (25°N–26.5°N, 99.5°E–101°E) at a horizontal resolution of 10× 10 km, and the accuracy of the vP velocity was verified using airgun signals excited by the Binchuan Airgun Transmitting Seismic Station (BATSS). The resulting vP and vP/vS images correlate with existing fault zones and the Yangbi sequence, including: (1) The shallow velocity structure at 0 km agrees with local topography, where the Binchuan basin exhibits low-vP and high-vP/vS values. From 3–15 km, vP and vP/vS show variations, and the boundaries are consistent with the main faults (e.g., the Weixi-Qiaohou-Weishan, Honghe, and Chenghai faults). (2) The largest foreshock (MS5.6), mainshock (MS6.4), and largest aftershock (MS5.2) occurred near the boundaries where both vP and vP/vS have clear contrasts. (3) Small earthquakes are also concentrated in the transition zone between high- and low-vP and vP/vS anomalies, and are biased toward low-vP/vS zones. (4) Boundaries in vP and vP/vS are observed at 20 km west of the Weixi-Qiaohou-Weishan fault, indicating that there may exist one hidden fault. 相似文献
山西中部中等地震前地震波异常特征 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
以山西太原遥测台网7个子台(榆次,东山,平遥,太谷,交城,汾阳,介休)和太原台十几年的地震观测资料为基础,分析几次中等地震前地震波波速比,振幅比,地震波初动符号,S波衰减率,尾波持续时间的异常。结果表明,地震波参数的分析可以提取中等地震前的异常信息,在1991年忻州5.1级地震的前兆异常反映明显。 相似文献
系统分析了甘肃祁连山地区7个氡台点短期异常映震情况。通过对该区数据特点的分析。数据的处理采用了一阶差分法,求出各个台点的月异常频次,如果异常后(包括异常出现的月份)3个月内出现地震,则认为异常与地震对应,否则为虚报。分析发现连城与古浪台对应率比较好,对应率都在50%以上,黄茂,矿物台最差,虚报率接近75%;漏报率都比较低,都在30%以下;异常频次值的大小与地震以及地震的大小并无直接的关系;异常与震中距也无线性关系。 相似文献
背景噪声与地震信号的强度或周期差异决定地震震相是否可从视觉上有效识别.为寻找平稳背景噪声中地震信号的视觉可识别判据,研究能反映两者频率差异及强度差异的参量用于上述两种信号对比,得到背景噪声中地震信号视觉可识别条件的量化判据,并用实际观测资料及仿真数据进行验证.在此基础上,针对功率谱计算过程中的校正环节进行讨论,利用Albuquerque实验室给出的测试实例阐明USGS标准中功率谱计算的规范步骤及细节. 相似文献