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中国北方季风边缘区沙漠/沙地如何响应气候变化及其反馈研究对于理解干旱半干旱地区现代地表过程及其未来环境演变趋势有重要的科学意义.库布齐沙漠作为中国北方季风边缘区中东部唯一的以流动、半流动为主的沙漠,现代地表景观与周围沙地(如毛乌素沙地、浑善达克沙地、科尔沁沙地等)明显不同.晚第四纪以来库布齐沙漠与季风边缘区中东部沙地环...  相似文献   

李育  刘媛 《地理学报》2016,71(11):1898-1910
为了探讨中国长时间尺度湖泊时空演变规律和潜在的驱动机制,本文在柯本气候分区和中国季风—非季风区的划分基础上,对中国34个有明确数据的典型湖泊运行CCSM 3.0气候模拟系统和水量能量平衡模型模拟其水位变化,同时利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料对中国按水汽输送划分的季风区进行验证。结果表明,末次盛冰期以来中国湖泊演化主要受千年尺度大气环流的驱动影响,在各个柯本气候区内没有明显的规律性。末次盛冰期以来,在季风区中国湖泊演化主要有早中全新世湖泊水位相对较高以及末次盛冰期和早全新世湖泊水位均较高2种演变规律;在东亚干旱区主要有中晚全新世期间湖泊水位相对较高以及末次盛冰期和中全新世湖泊水位均较高2种演变规律。本文为中国过去气候变化及湖泊演化机制研究提供新的证据,同时为人类全面认识末次盛冰期以来湖泊水位变化提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

末次盛冰期时,太行山区的植被以草原为主,森林覆盖率低于10%或更少;17000-10000aB.P.是一快速增温时期,森林覆盖率已比现在高,达20%-30%;10000-8000aB.P.的早全新世,森林植被进一步扩展,达20%-40%,太行山北段高于南段;8000-5000aB.P.是太行山森林覆盖度最好的时期,约50%或更多,但太行山南段的森林已开始遭到人类活动有选择的破坏;5000-2500aB.P.植被略有减少;2500aB.P.至今,在人类活动和气候变凉干的作用下,太行山区的森林遭到毁灭性的破坏,1949年之前,森林覆盖率降至5%以下,解放后封山育林,森林覆盖率虽有所恢复,也仅11.6%。植树造林仍是太行山区持续发展、生态建设的重要任务。  相似文献   

末次冰期以来太行山区的植被演替   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
末次盛冰期时,太行山区的植被以草原为主,森林覆盖率低于10%或更少;17000-10000aB.P.是一快速增温时期,森林覆盖率已比现在高,达20% ̄30%;10000-8000aB.P.的早全新世,森林植被进一步扩展,达20% ̄40%,太行山北段高于南段;8000-5000B.P.是太行山森林覆盖度最好的时期,约50%或更多,但太行山南段的森林已开始遭到人类活动有选择的破坏;5000-2500a  相似文献   

末次冰期以来柴达木盆地沙漠形成与演化   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
通过热释光测年,结合剖面岩性岩相特征、粒度等环境指标的综合分析,对柴达木盆地各地形面上古风成砂剖面进行了详细分析研究。将柴达木盆地沙漠形成与演化划分为3个阶段:21~15 kaBP的末次盛冰期是柴达木盆地大规模沙漠活动时期;15~10 kaBP的晚冰期柴达木盆地沙漠经历了多次扩展和固定缩小的波动演化;10 kaBP以来的全新世盆地沙漠经历了固定缩小和再次扩张的演化过程。自21 kaBP末次盛冰期以来,随着全球气候的波动变化,盆地沙漠虽经历了多次扩展与固定缩小的两相组合式波动演化过程,但流沙活动至今尚未完全停止过。现今盆地流沙活动是末次盛冰期以来沙漠演化过程中新近经历的又一阶段,是末次盛冰期流沙活动的承袭。  相似文献   

末次冰消期是全球气候与环境出现较大变化的时段,其间发生了一系列气候突变事件,在全球不同地区以不同方式回应着这些事件的变化过程。综述了末次冰消期以来青藏高原高寒干旱区、西北干旱区、云贵高原湿润区以及东部平原地区的湖泊沉积记录的古气候演化特征,探讨了气候变化的驱动机制,并提出未来该研究领域亟待深入开展的工作,包括拓展高分辨率湖泊沉积记录的气候演化时间序列研究,提升学科交叉和与其他地质记录的对比研究,加强中国第四纪湖泊数据库和全球气候变化研究,以及加强水汽来源示踪研究。  相似文献   

选择长江南京下关-栖霞山段作为研究河段,根据南京长江大桥、四桥附近的地质钻孔资料,运用Mapinfo软件,绘制南京长江大桥、四桥附近长江古河槽地质剖面示意图.在拟建南京长江四桥附近的6个钻孔采集了年代样品,在-59.33 m深度上河床相圆砾石层中沉积物样品中有机质的14C年代为14 682±110 aBP,据此判断,位于该沉积层下部的上一期沉积旋回应在15 000 aBP之前.结论认为,该研究河段约-65~-90 m的深槽为末次盛冰期时的长江河槽.古河槽相对狭窄陡峭,形成局部深切.槽中充填了一次从粗到细的沉积旋回.  相似文献   

对青藏高原东北部共和盆地冬其剖面的化学元素与粒度分析表明,末次盛冰期以来区域冬夏季风总体上呈现此消彼长的关系,气候出现多次冷干-暖湿旋回。15.82 ka BP之前冬季风最强,夏季风最弱,为末次盛冰期时的冷干气候,但21 ka BP之前气候可能寒冷偏湿。15.82~9.5 ka BP夏季风明显增强,冬季风衰弱,气候明显转暖,其中老仙女木时期(14.7~13.7 a BP)和新仙女木时期(12.1~9.5 ka BP)气候相对冷干,而B-A时期(13.7~12.1 ka BP)气候相对暖湿。全新世以来冬夏季风出现多次波动,9.5~7.0 ka BP夏季风相对较强,气候相对暖湿;7.0~5.1 ka BP冬夏季风强弱交替频繁,气候出现冷干-暖湿旋回;5.1~2.7 ka BP夏季风总体较强,气候温暖湿润;2.7 ka BP 之后冬季风明显增强,气候趋于冷干。此外,区域冬夏季风演变过程与极地冰芯记录的冷暖事件大体一致,可以认为共和盆地气候变化是全球气候变化的区域响应。  相似文献   

沙漠古气候重建对于了解区域古气候演变具有重要意义.通过以巴丹吉林沙漠东南缘巴润宝日陶勒盖(BRBG)剖面为研究对象,进行全样地球化学、分组分分粒级元素地球化学及Sr同位素分析,重建该地区末次冰期期间(66.8~41.0 ka)的气候演化模式.研究表明:66.8~41.0 ka呈现残留组分高Sr/Ca值、酸溶组分及残留组...  相似文献   

宋粤华 《盐湖研究》2004,12(2):70-71
黄土在世界上分布范围相当广泛,覆盖了大约10%的地球陆地表面,集中分布在温带和沙漠前缘的半干旱地带。黄土和次生黄土分布区是世界上工业高度发展和人口集中的地区。在我国,黄土和次生黄土的分布面积超过了10000000km^2(包括华北和黄淮平原的次生黄  相似文献   

末次冰盛期(LGM)是地质历史时期一个极端干冷的典型模态,气候恶化,中国剧烈降温,降温幅度自南向北依次增大,华中、华北年均温较今低8~10℃;降水普遍减少,北方年均降水量只有现代的30%~40%,长江以南地区为现代的60%~80%。因气候恶化,植被净初级生产力(NPP)减少,资源密度也下降,中国北方人类活动迅速衰弱,遗址数量较MIS3和PG时期明显减少,遗址分布南缩;同时狩猎采集出现迁移更频繁、流动性更强的行为模式。LGM中国自然带系统南移,当时遗址主要分布在华北和黄土高原中南部的温带草原,以及东北的寒温带森林-草原带;同时随着自然带与猛犸象动物群的南移,西伯利亚人群南迁,带来了新兴的适用于草原环境的细石器技术,是北方人类对LGM恶化环境的调整与适应的重要体现。为适应LGM中国长江中下游冷湿的环境,发明了陶器,是南方人类在LGM深化资源的加工过程和扩大资源利用范围的具体体现。  相似文献   

腾格里沙漠南缘末次冰盛期以来沙漠演化与气候变化   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
位于现代季风区边缘的沙漠黄土边界带,具有高度的不稳定性,末次冰盛期以来历经多次北进南退移动和暖湿、冷干变化。依据对腾格里沙漠南缘白岩沟剖面的黄土古土壤风成砂序列的年代测定,建立了腾格里沙漠南缘末次冰盛期以来沙漠演化的时间序列,并结合剖面各地层的粒度分析、色度分析和CaCO3分析结果,认为末次冰盛期该区主要经历了两次沙漠强烈扩张、两次退缩以及一次小幅度扩张的阶段。而全球变化所导致的东亚冬、夏季风变化是沙漠正、逆过程演变的主要驱动因子。  相似文献   

In this study, a 6 m long core (16,000 BP) at the center of the dry Lake Yiema, a closed lake of Shiyang River drainage in Minqin Basin of the arid northwestern China, was retrieved to recover the history of climate changes and lake evolution in the area. Five radiocarbon dates on organic matter were obtained. A chronological sequence is established based on these five dates and other dates from nearby sites. Magnetic susceptibility, particle size and chemical composition were analysized for climate proxies. The proxies indicate that a drier climate prevailed in the Shiyang River drainage during the last glacial. Lake Yiema was dry and eolian sand covered most part of the lake basin. During the early and middle Holocene, a moister climate prevailed in the drainage. Climate became dry stepwise with an abrupt transition from one stage to another during the entire Holocene and became driest since about 4,200 BP. Maximum dry climate spells occurred at about 12,000-10,000 BP and after about 4,200 BP. A dry climate event also existed at about 7,600 BP. Periodical sand storms with about 400-yr cycle happened during the middle Holocene. Desiccation processes of the lake started at 4,200 BP, and were accelerated since the last 2,500 yrs by the inflow water diversion for agriculture irrigation. During the past 2,500 yrs, the lake size has been closed associated with the human population, implying that the human impact has been accelerating the lake desiccation superimposed on the natural climate deterioration.  相似文献   

The computer simulation of a Lake Baikal seismic profile located in the Selenga River Delta area resulted in a lake level record of the last 600 kyr. This curve demonstrates several low-magnitude episodes and both a dramatic 300 m fall and a more than 150 m increase of the lake level relative to present situation. The greatest change in paleo-lake depth at 300 ka corresponds in time with the major glaciation in the Eastern Siberia and is probably the response of the lake to this climatic phenomenon. The results of this study conform with existing hypotheses on the regional tectonic history and climatic events.  相似文献   

Feng  Yingying  Yang  Xiaoping 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(12):2101-2121

Knowledge of moisture sources is of great significance for understanding climatic change and landscape evolution in desert environments. In this paper, we aim to clarify moisture origins for the Alashan (Alxa) Sand Seas (ALSS) in western Inner Mongolia and their transport pathways during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the mid-Holocene using modern analogues and paleoclimatic simulations. Precipitation data for the period 1959–2015 from meteorological stations in the study area and wind and specific humidity data from the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) daily re-analysis were adopted to determine the moisture sources of summer precipitation in the ALSS. In addition paleoclimate simulations under PMIP3/CMIP5 protocols were used to detect the atmospheric circulation and precipitation at 21 ka BP and 6 ka BP over the ALSS. We also reviewed paleoclimate records from the ALSS to acquire a semi-quantitative re-construction of the moisture history during the late Pleistocene and Holocene. Our results suggest that the summer monsoon transported water vapor from the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea to the ALSS during July and August, causing increased precipitation. The dominant moisture source was from the southwest monsoon, while the East Asian summer monsoon also partly contributed to precipitation in the ALSS. The increased humidity during the period 8.2–4.2 ka BP in the ALSS, as derived from both climate simulation outputs and sedimentary records, was caused by monsoons according to the outputs of simulations. At 21 ka BP, the moisture sources of the ALSS were greatly associated with the prevailing westerlies.


The westerly winds and East Asian summer monsoon play a leading role in climate change of southwestern North America and eastern Asia since the Last Glacial Maximum(LGM),respectively.Their convergence in arid and semi-arid regions of the Asian continent(AAC) makes the regional climate change more complicated on the millennial-scale.There are still limitations in applying paleoclimate records and climate simulations of characteristic periods to investigate climate change patterns since the LGM in this region.In this study,we adopt two indexes indicating effective moisture and rely on a continuous simulation,a time slice simulation,and numerous paleoclimate records to comprehensively investigate the cli-mate change modes and their driving mechanisms since the LGM in AAC.Results demon-strate a millennial-scale climate differentiation phenomenon and three climate change modes possibly occurring in AAC since the LGM.The western AAC largely controlled by the westerly winds is featured as wet climates during the LGM but relatively dry climates during the mid-Holocene (MH),coinciding with the climate change mode in southwestern North America.Conversely,dry conditions during the LGM and relatively wet conditions during the MH are reflected in eastern AAC governed by the East Asian summer monsoon,which leans to the climate change mode in eastern Asia.If climate change in central AAC is forced by the in-teraction of two circulations,it expresses wet conditions in both the LGM and MH,tending to a combination of the southwestern North American and eastern Asian modes.Precipitation and evaporation exert different intensities in influencing three climate modes of different periods.Furthermore,we identify the significant driving effects of greenhouse gases and ice sheets on westerly-dominated zones of AAC,while orbit-driven insolation on monsoon-dominated zones of AAC.  相似文献   

通过对获取的巢湖湖泊沉积岩芯的磁化率与粒度组合特征的分析,结合孢粉及相邻其它区域的环境考古资料,得出该岩芯柱样所反映的环境变化信息。结果表明:(1)巢湖湖泊沉积物磁化率曲线在117 cm以下总体上比较平稳而略有下降,117 cm以上人类活动所导致的侵蚀作用加剧使得磁化率值异常升高;(2)本岩芯柱样117 cm以下样品的磁化率强度与粘土的百分比含量呈正相关,而与粉砂组分的百分比含量成负相关;(3)根据磁化率与粒度组合变化特征,结合孢粉分析及全新世以来区域气候变化背景,9 870 Cal a B.P.以来的巢湖流域古气候环境演变可以划分6个不同的时期:9 870~7 000 Cal a B.P.,气候呈温和略干的特点;7 000~4 750 Cal a B.P.,气候温暖湿润;4 750~2 170 Cal a B.P.,流域气候温和干燥,巢湖湖盆局部地区可能出露水面以上;2 170~1 040 Cal a B.P.,气候总体上温和湿润,但是冷暖波动明显;1 040~2 00 Cal a B.P.流域处在温凉稍湿的时期,人类活动逐渐加强;200 Cal a B.P.至今,流域总体上处于相对温暖湿润阶段。  相似文献   

Modern climate research has shown that the Asian summer monsoon water vapor transport is limited to the eastern part of the Qilian Mountains. On the Holocene millennial-scale, whether the northwest boundary of the summer monsoon varies according to climate change is a key scientific issue. Yanchi Lake is located in the northern Qilian Mountains and the middle of the Hexi Corridor, where the modern climate is less affected by the Asian summer monsoon. It is a key research area for examining the long-term variations of the Asian summer monsoon. Paleoclimatic data, including AMS ^14C dates of pollen concentrates and bulk organic carbon, lithology, grain-size, mineral composition and geochemical proxies were acquired from sediments of Yanchi Lake. The chronological results show that the lower part of the lacustrine section is formed mainly in the Late Glacial and early Holocene period, while the proxies' data indicate the lake expansion is associated with high content of mineral salts. The middle part of this section is formed during the transitional period of the early and middle Holocene. Affected by the reworking effect, the pollen concentrates AMS^14C dates from the middle part of the section are generally older than those from the lower part. Since the mid-Holocene, Yanchi Lake retreated significantly and the deposition rate dropped obvi- ously. The Yanchi Lake record is consistent with the Late Glacial and Holocene lake records in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the climatic records in typical monsoon domain, which indicate the lake expansion and the strong Asian summer monsoon during the Late Glacial and early Holocene. The long-term monsoonal pattern is different from the lake evolution in Central Asia on the Holocene millennial-scale. This study proves the monsoon impacts on the northwestern margin of the summer monsoon, and also proves the fact that the northern boundary of the summer monsoon moves according to millennial-scale climate change.  相似文献   

Qinghai Lake and Zhuye Lake, ~400 km apart, are located in the northwest margin of the Asian summer monsoon. Water of these two lakes mostly comes from the middle and eastern parts of the Qilian Mountains. Previous studies show that the Holocene climate changes of the two lakes implied from lake records are different. Whether lake evaporation plays a role in asynchronous Holocene climate changes is important to understand the lake records. In this paper, we used modern observations beside Qinghai Lake and Zhuye Lake to test the impact factors for lake evaporation. Pan evaporation near the two lakes is mainly related to relative humidity, temperature, vapor pressure and sunshine duration. But tem-perature has different impacts to lake evaporation of the two lakes, which can affect Holocene millennial-scale lake level changes. In addition, differences in relative humidity on the millen-nial-scale would be more significant, which also can contribute to asynchronous lake records.  相似文献   

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