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魏海  秦博  彭建  金鑫 《地理研究》2014,33(5):831-841
土地资源是最重要的自然资源,低丘缓坡开发能够为土地资源紧张地区产业发展提供重要的资源保障,而土地开发适宜性评价则是开展低丘缓坡综合开发利用的基础性工作,其核心在于综合评定低丘缓坡未利用地开发的适宜类型及其程度。以乌蒙山集中连片特殊困难片区为例,本研究在明确界定低丘缓坡范围的基础上,构建了低丘缓坡耕地、建设用地开发适宜性评价指标体系并基于GRNN模型划分土地开发适宜性等级;重点关注集中连片土地开发的规模化效益,采用邻域算法对研究区低丘缓坡综合开发适宜性进行评价。研究结果表明,乌蒙山片区低丘缓坡土地开发潜力巨大,耕地、建设用地开发单宜区面积分别为31.37 万hm2和3.84万hm2,其中多宜区面积达1.79 万hm2;而考虑同现有用地类型及土地开发类型的空间邻接关系,基于规模效益原则综合权衡,多宜区中0.84 万hm2更适宜开发为耕地,0.69 万hm2更适宜用于建设用地开发,0.26 万hm2因空间孤立而不作为土地开发区;综合开发适宜性评价确定耕地、建设用地开发区面积分别为27.68 万hm2和2.21 万hm2。研究结果对于乌蒙山片区低丘缓坡综合开发具有重要的实践指导意义。  相似文献   

保护耕地资源,“坚决守住1.2×108 hm2(18亿亩)耕地红线”,是中国政府的一项基本国策。以新疆为代表的干旱区绿洲农业,近年来耕地面积增长很快,从1995-2008年均每年增加15.4×108 hm2,这对抑制全国耕地面积下滑和促进新疆农业发展起了重要作用,但同时也对生态环境带来严重影响。如何在保护生态的前提下使耕地面积稳中有增,通过在玛纳斯河流域利用遥感图像解释和实际调查,提出通过绿洲内部土地综合整治,改变现土地利用中的“破碎化”程度,提高净耕地利用系数的思路;在不开荒不增加引水量情况下,耕地面积一般可增加8%~10%,而在一些土地利用规划差和管理粗放地区可增加到15%。通过土地整合使土地化零为整,还为节水灌溉、发展现代农业、实行农业规模化、集约化经营及农民致富创造了条件。  相似文献   

甘肃省荒漠化宏观监测研究   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:9  
马立鹏  李晓兵 《中国沙漠》2002,22(2):122-128
"甘肃省荒漠化宏观监测研究"是全国荒漠化监测的组成部分。文章依据联合国《荒漠化防治公约》中有关规定,结合《全国荒漠化监测技术方案》,首次划定了荒漠化气候类型区,确定了甘肃省荒漠化潜在发生范围;应用先进的"3S"技术与抽样理论相结合的调查方法,对荒漠化本底现状与演变动态进行了全面评价;首次查清了全省荒漠化(风蚀、水蚀、盐渍化)的有关翔实数据并进行了程度分级。结果表明:①甘肃省荒漠化潜在发生范围为2300万hm2,占省实际管辖面积的50.57%,荒漠化土地面积17784918.25 hm2,占荒漠化潜在发生范围的77.33%,占甘肃省实际管辖面积的43.73%。@荒漠化土地按程度划分:轻度荒漠化面积1777482.86 hm2;中度荒漠化面积5464505.98 hm2;重度荒漠化面积5862203.28 hm2;极重度荒漠化土地面积4680726.13 hm2。③荒漠化土地面积按气候区分:干旱区9919533.90 hm2;半干旱区6320399.25 hm2;亚湿润干旱区1544985. 10hm2。④荒漠化土地按类型划分:风蚀荒漠化14290986.25 hm2;水蚀荒漠化2806446.45 hm2;盐渍荒漠化687485.15 hm2。⑤甘肃省沙化土地总体呈蔓延趋势。本监测期沙化上地总面积为1113.4万hm2,占监测总面积200554.0 km2的 55.52%,较1994年增加了18491.32hm2,每年增加37898.26hm2,年递增率为0.34%。  相似文献   

基于地貌分区的1990-2015年中国耕地时空特征变化分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
地形地貌通过分配地表水分和热量制约耕地的利用形式和成效,对耕地质量具有非常重要的决定意义,以地貌分区的视角研究中国耕地变化具有重要意义。根据1990-2015年中国6期土地利用空间数据和地貌分区数据,运用GIS空间叠加分析方法,分析中国耕地1990-2015年的面积变化和空间分布格局,进一步探讨不同地貌分区下的耕地新增与流失方向。结果表明,中国耕地面积略有增加,但总体变化不大,耕地面积从1990年的17715万hm2增加到2015年的17851万hm2,平均每年增加5.44万hm2,每年增幅仅为0.03%。耕地主要分布在平原地区,台地、丘陵次之;新增耕地主要来源为草地、林地和未利用地。东部平原低山丘陵区(I)耕地面积最大,而西北高中山盆地高原区(IV)耕地动态度明显高于其他地貌区。空间上呈现“南减北增,新增耕地的重心向西北移动”的特征。1990-2015年间,西北高中山盆地高原区(IV)和东部平原低山丘陵区(I)为耕地面积增长区,平均每年增加耕地面积分别为8.9万hm2和5.4万hm2;东南低山丘陵平原区(II)和西南中低山高原盆地区(V)为耕地面积减少区,平均每年减少耕地面积分别为5.9万hm2和2.8万hm2;而华北—内蒙东中山高原区(III)和青藏高原高山极高山盆地谷地区(VI)耕地面积几乎没有变化,平均每年变化仅为0.15 万hm2和0.06万 hm2。耕地流失主要发生在东部平原低山丘陵区(I)和东南低山丘陵平原区(II),主要原因为城镇化进程加快带来的建设用地对优质耕地的大量占用;而新增耕地主要发生在西北高中山盆地高原区(IV),多来自于对草地和未利用地的开垦。  相似文献   

北京市耕地资源价值体系及价值估算方法   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
北京市为例尝试设计了耕地资源价值体系, 分析其价值关系, 进而探讨耕地资源经 济价值、社会保障价值、生态价值的估算方法, 并对北京市1990-2005 年耕地价值进行了定 量测算。研究结果表明: ① 北京市耕地资源单位面积经济价值呈较快增长, 1990 年为 12.57×104 元/hm2, 2005 年为108.12×104 元/hm2; ② 耕地资源社会保障价值供给能力和农 村居民的需求水平相距甚远, 1997 年供给能力为49.19×104 元/hm2, 需求水平为160.56×104 元/hm2, 2005 年供给能力为74.82×104 元/hm2, 需求水平为305.48×104 元/hm2。可见, 耕 地作为农民重要的社会保障资源已不堪重负, 农村社会保障体系亟待建立; ③ 生态价值供给 能力总体呈下降趋势, 1994 年达到171.21×108 元, 2005 年为70.87×108 元, 大量耕地减少 是重要的影响因素。但基于人口增加和人们生活水平不断提高, 生态价值的总体需求和多元 需求呈不断增长趋势, 所以需要保持和提高耕地表面的植被覆盖度, 为此政府有必要对农民 因种植耕地给予其一定的生态补偿。  相似文献   

田富强 《干旱区地理》2017,40(3):640-646
基于实际粮食产量与抛荒耕地种植粮食作物条件下粮食总产量关系的分析方法有助于促进耕地红线制度改进。依据全国粮食总产量、种植面积与耕地面积数据,构造2016-2033 年粮食产量与耕地面积红线耦合的基本、法定、过渡、新型与理想耦合红线标准;分析阶段性耦合与可持续耦合两种升级路径。研究表明:2001-2015 年,全国耕地面积与粮食产量耦合不足。据此,提出以新增建设用地指标与抛荒治理面积挂钩的政策建议;在抛荒比例11.12%的条件下,新增单位面积建设用地,治理28.85 倍抛荒耕地;2017、2021、2025、2029、2033 年分别实现有效利用1.200×108 hm2、1.243×108 hm2、1.279×108 hm2、1.314×108 hm2、1.349×108 hm2 耕地,粮食总产量分别比基期增加4.838×106、2.4190×107、4.354 2×107、5.321 8×107、8.824 6×107 t;红线耦合系数分别达到0.882 471、0.909 740、0.937 008、0.950 643与1;有效利用耕地增加12.5%,粮食总产量提升14.2%。  相似文献   

基于多时间节点遥感数据和公里网格单元,采用变化强度指数、核密度估计和洛伦兹曲线等方法,研究1990—2020年河南省沿黄6个县(市)耕地资源变化强度、类型及空间分布均衡性的演变规律与过程。结果表明:(1)研究区耕地变化强度大,1990—2000年增加15 720.77 hm2,增幅2.58%,2000—2020年减少16 185.47 hm2,减幅2.59%,水域滩涂、未利用地开发和还林还湿、建设用地占用是耕地变化的主要原因。(2)耕地核密度位于80~100 hm2/km2的高密度范围内,空间差异化特征显著,低密度区由沿黄滩区向城镇演变,呈环状延伸,集聚特征明显,城镇化不断挤压农业生产空间。(3)各时期耕地变化不一,1990—2000年以耕地增加为主,强度大、范围广,沿黄滩区变化强度在35.01%~100.00%。2000年后,受退耕和建设用地占用影响大,耕地大幅减少,集中于城镇和农村居民点周边,耕地非农化问题突出。(4)耕地空间分布具有一定均衡性,2000年以前均衡性增加,2000年后呈连续下降趋...  相似文献   

根据"中国土壤系统分类中基层分类研究"的要求,以河西走廊临泽样区为例,在前人研究资料的基础上,对河西走廊临泽样区耕地以土系为单元,进行了土壤生产潜力综合评价和初步研究,并得出结果:高潜力地,包括兰家堡系、倪家下营系,面积为8 936.582 hm2,占样区土地总面积的27.33%;低潜力地,包括东三村系、盘石营系、化音系、曹家庄系和五三村系,面积为2 483.251 hm2,占样区土地总面积的6.21%。  相似文献   

焦伟  刘新平  张琳  梁玲霞 《干旱区地理》2018,41(6):1396-1404
60 a来塔里木河流域耕地面积净增100×104 hm2,在流域内部形成众多生态环境安全问题。通过选取水资源生态环境指数、社会生态环境指数和生态环境压力指数,运用ESDA空间分析方法和GWR模型对塔里木河流域35 a间土地开发与生态时空演变特征和空间响应关系进行研究,构建"土地开发-生态风险预警"模型,得出以下结论:1980-2015年克孜勒苏州和喀什地区生态等级正向转移比例较大,有84.86%的比例由较低等级(I)正向转移为低等级(Ⅱ);和田地区的克里雅河流域,阿克苏北部区域以及塔里木河末端且末县等级退化严重,负向转移比例23.46%。和田、阿克苏、喀什地区每增加1.0×104 hm2未利用地开垦规模,综合生态环境分值下降0.60到0.35,而克孜勒苏州则上升1.3~2.1;上游喀什与中游阿克苏两地区每1.0×104 hm2生态退耕,每年将分别化解32.06×104 t和15.60×104 t化肥污染压力。阿克苏地区与巴音郭楞州土地开发生态风险达到环境资源承载力指数的75%以上,预警程度超过Ⅱ级,而克孜勒苏州土地开发处于生态安全范围。每1.0×104 hm2未利用土地开发,全流域风险指数增长均值为0.003 4,下游巴音郭楞州在增加15×104~20×104 hm2耕地后,生态风险将逼近并超过环境预警界限,上游克孜勒苏州将在15 a之后进入中度警告阶段。  相似文献   

沿海淤泥质滩涂是中国重要的耕地后备资源之一,滩涂围垦新增的大量耕地资源的生产潜力能反映滩涂土壤粮食安全保障能力大小。本文以江苏省如东县滩涂围垦区为例,在现有的光温水气候生产潜力模型的基础上,引进基础地力贡献率和盐分限制因子作为土壤有效性系数,构建沿海地区土地生产潜力模型,并通过水稻和小麦产量对模型结果进行初步验证。研究表明:该模型具有一定可行性。滩涂围垦区水稻产量土壤基础地力贡献率为55%~59%;小麦基础地力贡献率为50%~80%。未脱盐的1982年滩涂围垦区水稻和小麦产量受到盐分阻碍的系数分别为0.73和1.00。2007年垦区由于盐分太高不能种植水稻,小麦产量受到盐分阻碍系数为0.35。未脱盐的1982年滩涂垦区土壤基础地力修正后的水稻和小麦土地生产潜力分别为12235.84和6502.23 kg/hm2;土壤盐分修正后的土地生产潜力分别为15677.42和10329.39 kg/hm2;土壤基础地力和盐分共同修正后的土地水稻和小麦生产潜力分别为8934.97和6502.23 kg/hm2。与实地调查的水稻产量(9750 kg/hm2)和小麦生产潜力(6000 kg/hm2)相比,目前土地生产力远小于盐分限制下的土地生产潜力,与基础地力和盐分双重限制下的土地生产潜力接近,改善土壤施肥技术可以进一步提高土地生产力。  相似文献   

土地流转是实现农业适度规模经营的必经之路,理解土地流转的空间差异及影响因素具有重要意义。基于2003-2013年农业部农村固定观察点系统的169511个住户样本,本文揭示了中国土地流转的区域差异,并采用Heckman两阶段模型识别土地流转区域差异的影响因素,旨在为促进土地流转提供科学参考。结果发现:① 2003-2013年间,土地流转率从17.09%上升到24.1%,年均增幅近0.7个百分点;南方土地流转较为活跃,比如福建等地流转率超过30%,而北方土地流转率较低;② 转入土地支付租金平均为283.74元/亩,55.05%的转入户并未支付租金;相反,转出土地获得租金为243.23元/亩,52.63%的农户转出土地未获得租金;目前中国土地的“零租金”流转率超过50%;③ 土地质量、地理区位、交易费用、家庭及村庄特征等对土地流转的区域差异具有显著影响;土地质量和地理区位在平原地区的边际效应较大,但在丘陵和山区,交易成本已成为影响土地流转的重要因素。土地“零租金”流转的实质是土地资源错配的一种表现,丘陵和山区边际化及交易费用偏高降低了土地资源的潜在价值。政府应努力降低土地流转中面临的各类交易费用,建立健全土地流转的补偿机制,同时关注丘陵和山区的土地资产贬值和撂荒现象。  相似文献   

为掌握中国农地细碎化问题研究进展,本文采用概括和比较分析的手段,从农地细碎化的概念内涵、主要研究内容、研究方法等方面对农地细碎化研究进行梳理和概括。归纳出已有研究的几个特点:①农地细碎化的内涵较为清晰且已经得到了广泛认可,但对细碎化程度的衡量方法还需进一步深入;②目前的中国农地细碎化研究主要集中在细碎化成因及其对农业生产的影响方面,以其负面影响的研究最为丰富;③农地细碎化与农地流转、土地整理的关系引起了研究的重视,但是目前主要集中于农地流转对减轻细碎化程度的探讨,土地整理对细碎化作用的研究十分缺乏;④农地细碎化研究涉及的主要是回归分析、生产函数模型等经济学研究方法,利用地理空间分析和景观生态学方法探讨农地细碎化问题的研究有待进一步深入。最后探讨了还需要进一步深入研究的内容。  相似文献   

重庆市山区农户耕地转入特征及其影响因素   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
何威风  阎建忠  周洪 《地理科学进展》2014,33(11):1566-1576
耕地流转有利于缓解耕地撂荒和闲置问题,促进土地规模化经营,但已有山区的研究侧重耕地转出,且未深入分析农户耕地转入的特征.本文运用重庆市“两翼”地区12 个典型村的1015 份农户调查问卷,从地块尺度详细分析了农户耕地转入的特征,并通过Tobit 模型,定量分析了农户转入耕地面积的影响因素.结果表明:①农户多无偿转入耕地,但仍主要转入质量好、坡度小、离家近的地块;因受地形影响,转入地块又多为旱地,且难灌溉、面积小,并存在“去粮化”和粗放化经营.②农户特征方面,转入耕地的农户多为普通农户,经营耕地规模小、效益低,且地块细碎化程度高.③影响因素方面,农业劳动力比例、农业收入、农具数量和耕作面积对农户转入耕地面积有显著正向影响,而户主年龄、地块平均面积和地区哑变量则武隆县有显著负向影响.  相似文献   

Global understanding of farmland abandonment: A review and prospects   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
Since the 1950s, noteworthy farmland abandonment has been occurring in many developed countries and some developing countries. This global land use phenomenon has fundamentally altered extensive rural landscapes. A review of global farmland abandonment under the headings of “land use change–driving mechanisms–impacts and consequences–policy responses” found the following: (1) Farmland abandonment has occurred primarily in developed countries in Europe and North America, but the extent of abandonment has varied significantly. (2) Changing socio-economic factors were the primary driving forces for the farmland abandonment. And land marginalization was the fundamental cause, which was due to the drastic increase of farming opportunity cost, while the direct factor for abandonment was the shrink of agricultural labor forces. (3) Whether to abandon, to what extent and its spatial distributions were finally dependent on integrated effect from the physical conditions, laborer attributes, farming and regional socio-economic conditions at the village, household and parcel scales. With the exception of Eastern Europe, farmland abandonment was more likely to occur in mountainous and hilly areas, due to their unfavorable farming conditions. (4) A study of farmland abandonment should focus on its ecological and environmental effects, while which is more positive or more negative are still in dispute. (5) Increasing agricultural subsidies will be conductive to slowing the rate of farmland abandonment, but this is not the only measure that needs to be implemented.Due to China’s rapid urbanization, there is a high probability that the rate of abandonment will increase in the near future. However, very little research has focused on this rapid land-use trend in China, and, as a result, there is an inadequate understanding of the dynamic mechanisms and consequences of this phenomenon. This paper concludes by suggesting some future directions for further research in China. These directions include monitoring regional and national abandonment dynamics, analyzing trends, assessing the risks and socio-economic effects of farmland abandonment, and informing policy making.  相似文献   

1990-2010年中国耕地变化对粮食生产潜力的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
刘洛  徐新良  刘纪远  陈曦  宁佳 《地理学报》2014,69(12):1767-1778
1990年以来,在国家生态环境保护工程实施、经济快速增长等因素的影响下,中国耕地数量与空间格局发生了巨大变化,对粮食生产潜力造成了巨大影响。本文采用GAEZ模型,结合中国气象、地形、土壤等因素,定量分析了中国耕地粮食生产潜力空间特征以及1990-2010年中国耕地变化对粮食生产潜力的影响。主要结论如下:① 2010年全国耕地粮食生产潜力总量为10.55亿t,全国耕地平均粮食生产潜力为7614 kg/hm2。中国耕地粮食生产潜力存在显著的空间差异,总体表现为东部高而西北部较低的趋势,并且高值区主要分布在长江中下游地区和华南区。② 1990-2010年的20年间,中国耕地粮食生产潜力变化表现出明显的时空差异,总体呈现南减北增、总量减少的基本特征。新增耕地粮食生产潜力的重心逐步由东北向西北转移。耕地粮食生产潜力总量净减少297万t,占2010年全国实际粮食总产量的0.29%。③ 在1990-2000年与2000-2010年两个时期,耕地变化对耕地粮食生产潜力影响差异明显。前10年,耕地粮食生产潜力总量净增加1011万t,主要集中在东北平原区和北方干旱半干旱区;后10年,耕地粮食生产潜力总量净减少1308万t,主要集中在长江中下游地区和黄淮海平原区。从总体看,近20年来耕地粮食生产潜力总量增加主要是由林、草地和未利用土地开垦所导致,而耕地粮食生产潜力总量减少主要是由城市扩展和退耕还林还草所导致。  相似文献   

The quantity and spatial pattern of farmland has changed in China, which has led to a major change in the production potential under the influence of the national project of ecological environmental protection and rapid economic growth during 1990-2010. In this study, the production potential in China was calculated based on meteorological, terrain elevation, soil and land-use data from 1990, 2000 and 2010 using the Global Agro-ecological Zones model. Then, changes in the production potential in response to farmland changes from 1990 to 2010 were subsequently analyzed. The main conclusions were the following. First, the total production potential was 1.055 billion tons in China in 2010. Moreover, the average production potential was 7614 kg/ha and showed tremendous heterogeneity in spatial pattern. Total production in eastern China was high, whereas that in northwestern China was low. The regions with high per unit production potential were mainly distributed over southern China and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Second, the obvious spatiotemporal heterogeneity in farmland changes from 1990 to 2010 had a significant influence on the production potential in China. The total production potential decreased in southern China and increased in northern China. Furthermore, the center of growth of the production potential moved gradually from northeastern China to northwestern China. The net decrease in the production potential was 2.97 million tons, which occupied 0.29% of the national total actual production in 2010. Third, obvious differences in the production potential in response to farmland changes from 1990 to 2000 and from 2000 to 2010 were detected. The net increase in the production potential during the first decade was 10.11 million tons and mainly distributed in the Northeast China Plain and the arid and semi-arid regions of northern China. The net decrease in the production potential during the next decade was 13.08 million tons and primarily distributed in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River region and the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain. In general, the reason for the increase in the production potential during the past two decades might be due to the reclamation of grasslands, woodlands and unused land, and the reason for the decrease in the production potential might be urbanization that occupied the farmland and Green for Grain Project, which returned farmland to forests and grasslands.  相似文献   

Farmland abandonment is a type of land use change in the mountain region, and this change is under rapid development. Whether farmland transfer can prevent this process and promote the effective allocation of land resources or not is a question worth studying and discussion. With the help of the previous research findings, the objective of this paper was to find out the role of farmland transfer on preventing farmland abandonment, by using the methods of multiple view with two factors, and single factor correlation analysis. The results showed that: (1) At village level, a significant negative correlation between farmland transfer and farmland abandonment existed in the study site, with R2 = 0.7584. This correlation of farmland with high grade farming conditions presented more outstandingly. The fitted curve for the farmland at Level I had the largest R2 at 0.288, while that for the farmland at Level IV had the smallest R2 at 0.103. Which indicated that farmland transfer could prevent the abandonment of farmland with high grade farming conditions? (2) At plot level, the abandonment rate of farmland with high grade farming conditions was significantly lower than that of farmland with poor grade farming conditions. It was the lowest at 10.49% for the farmland with Level I farming conditions, whereas the farmland with Level I farming conditions was 26.21%. Abandoned farmland was mainly contributed by farmland with Level IV farming conditions in the study site. (3) At village level, the role of farming conditions on farmland abandonment was insignificant. The univariate correlation analysis revealed that the abandonment ratio was negatively correlated with the proportions of farmland at Levels I and II and their accumulated proportion; however, their R2 were small at 0.194, 0.258, and 0.275, respectively. The abandonment of farmland with high farming conditions still existed. The abandonment ratios of farmland at Levels I and II were high at 9.96% and 10.60%, respectively. This presented that farmland transfer on behalf of the land rental market was still not developed. (4) However, the village possessed the high rate of farmland transfer, and its rate of farmland abandonment with high grade farming conditions was all lower. When the transfer ratios of farmland were over 20%, the abandonment ratios of farmland at Levels I and II were 6.47% and 6.92%, respectively. Farmland abandonment was still controlled by the improvement of land rental market. And the functions of land rental market optimizing the utilization of farmland resources have been presented to a certain degree. (5) To further improve the marketing degree of land rental, the probability of farmland abandonment could be reduced. Especially, their function to farmland with high grade farming conditions was very obvious, and could avoid the waste of farmland resources with high grade farming conditions.  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal changes in Chinese land circulation between 2003 and 2013   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Land circulation is an important measure that can be utilized to enable agricultural management at a moderate scale. It is therefore imperative to explore spatiotemporal changes in land circulation and the factors that drive these variations in order to maintain and increase the vitality of the land rental market. An initial analysis of spatiotemporal patterns in land circulation is presented in this study on the basis of data from 169,511 farm households between 2003 and 2013. The rural fixed observation point system advocated by the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture was utilized for this analysis, and Heckman two-stage models were developed and estimated in order to identify the drivers of regional differences in land circulation at the national scale and at the levels of different terrains. The results of this study show that the rate of land circulation in China rose from 15.09% to 25.1% over the course of the study period, an average rate of 0.8%. More specifically, data show that the rate of land circulation in the south of China has been higher than in the north, that the average land rental payment was 4256.13 yuan per ha, and that 55.05% of households did not pay such a fee during the land circulation process. In contrast, the average rent obtained was 3648.45 yuan per ha nationally even though 52.63% of households did not obtain any payments from their tenants. The results show that land quality, geographic location, transaction costs, and household characteristics have significantly affected land circulation in different regions of China. Specifically, the marginal effects of land quality and geographic location were larger in the plain regions, while transaction cost was the key factor influencing land circulation in the hilly and mountainous regions. The signal identified in this study, rent-free land circulation, is indicative of a mismatch that has led to the marginalization of mountainous regions and higher transaction costs that have reduced the potential value of land resources. Thus, as the opportunity cost of farming continues to rise across China, the depreciation of land assets will become irreversible and the phenomenon of land abandonment will become increasingly prevalent in hilly and mountainous regions in the future. The transaction costs associated with the land rental market should be reduced to mitigate these effects by establishing land circulation intermediaries at the township level, and the critical issues of land abandonment and poverty reduction in hilly and mountainous regions should arouse more attention.  相似文献   

Land circulation is an important measure that can be utilized to enable agricultural management at a moderate scale.It is therefore imperative to explore spatiotemporal changes in land circulation and the factors that drive these variations in order to maintain and increase the vitality of the land rental market.An initial analysis of spatiotemporal patterns in land circulation is presented in this study on the basis of data from 169,511 farm households between 2003 and 2013.The rural fixed observation point system advocated by the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture was utilized for this analysis,and Heckman two-stage models were developed and estimated in order to identify the drivers of regional differences in land circulation at the national scale and at the levels of different terrains.The results of this study show that the rate of land circulation in China rose from 15.09% to 25.1% over the course of the study period,an average rate of 0.8%.More specifically,data show that the rate of land circulation in the south of China has been higher than in the north,that the average land rental payment was 4256.13 yuan per ha,and that 55.05% of households did not pay such a fee during the land circulation process.In contrast,the average rent obtained was 3648.45 yuan per ha nationally even though 52.63% of households did not obtain any payments from their tenants.The results show that land quality,geographic location,transaction costs,and household characteristics have significantly affected land circulation in different regions of China.Specifically,the marginal effects of land quality and geographic location were larger in the plain regions,while transaction cost was the key factor influencing land circulation in the hilly and mountainous regions.The signal identified in this study,rent-free land circulation,is indicative of a mismatch that has led to the marginalization of mountainous regions and higher transaction costs that have reduced the potential value of land resources.Thus,as the opportunity cost of farming continues to rise across China,the depreciation of land assets will become irreversible and the phenomenon of land abandonment will become increasingly prevalent in hilly and mountainous regions in the future.The transaction costs associated with the land rental market should be reduced to mitigate these effects by establishing land circulation intermediaries at the township level,and the critical issues of land abandonment and poverty reduction in hilly and mountainous regions should arouse more attention.  相似文献   

Ecological land rent is the excess profit produced by resource scarcity, and is also an important indicator for measuring the social and economic effects of resource scarcity. This paper, by calculating the respective ecological land rents of all the provinces in China for the years 2002 and 2007, and with the assistance of the software programs ArcGIS and GeoDA, analyzes the spatial differentiation characteristics of ecological land rent; then, the influencing factors of ecological land rent differentiation among the provinces are examined using the methods of traditional regression and spatial correlation analysis. The following results were obtained: First, ecological land rent per unit of output in China shows stable distribution characteristics of being low in the southwestern and northeastern provinces, and high in Hebei and Henan provinces. There is also an increasing tendency in the central and western provinces, and a decreasing one in the eastern provinces. In general, the spatial distribution of ecological land rent per unit of output in China is quite scattered. Second, the total ecological land rent shows significant spatial aggregation characteristics, in particular the provinces in China possessing high total amounts of ecological land rent tend to be adjacent to one another, as do those with low total amounts, and the spatial difference characteristics of the eastern, central and western provinces are distinguished. The Bohai Rim, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta are shown to be highly clustering regions of total ecological land rent, while the western provinces have very low ecological land rent in terms of total amount. Third, population distribution, economic level and industrial structure were all important influencing factors influencing ecological land rent differentiation among provinces in China. Furthermore, population density, urbanization level, economic density, per capita consumption level and GDP per capita were all shown to be positively related to total ecological land rent, which indicates that spatial clustering exists between ecological land rent and these factors. However, there was also a negative correlation between ecological land rent and agricultural output percentage, indicating that spatial scattering exists between ecological land rent and agricultural output percentage.  相似文献   

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