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ngstr?m-Prescott公式是联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)推荐的计算地表有效总太阳辐射(Rs)数据以支持参考作物需水量估算等研究的简便方法。本文以优选中国综合农业分区的?ngstr?m-Prescott公式系数as、bs为目标,采用最小二乘回归方法,以全国范围内121个地面气象站点1957—2010年的逐月Rs和日照百分比数据计算获得了各农业区的逐月as、bs系数,并以2011—2016年的Rs观测值为真值,比较验证了分别以as、bs系数回归值和FAO的建议值计算的Rs相对精度。结果表明,38个农业子区逐月的站点平均as、bs系数取值无论是在时间上还是在空间上均存在不稳定性,且与FAO的推荐值存在明显差异。整体上,以as、bs系数回归值计算的Rs相对精度要优于FAO的建议值计算的Rs相对精度,但是在各农业子区内,前者并不是在所有月份均优于后者。综合考虑二者的精度比较结果,建议在全国大规模的实践中,东北区、内蒙古及长城沿线区、黄淮海区、黄土高原区、甘新区仍然使用FAO推荐的?ngstr?m-Prescott公式系数,而在长江中下游区、西南区、华南区、青藏区则建议以矫正后的站点均值作为?ngstr?mPrescott公式的系数;在局部区域高精度的计算中,建议使用优选值作为?ngstr?m-Prescott公式的系数以获得最优的Rs估算值。本研究方法简单、可操作性强,在现有的数据条件下,对提高地表太阳辐射和参考作物需水量的计算精度有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

2012年农业部启动中国重要农业文化遗产发掘工作以来,通过两批申报与评选,有39个传统农业系统入选中国重要农业文化遗产,其中涉及林业19项、种植业14项、农业复合系统4项、其他2项。从遗产系统的起源来看,历史在1000年以上的农业系统有24个。从民族特征来看,20个遗产系统位于少数民族聚居区。当前,农业文化遗产地普遍面临着生态系统的退化与破坏,传统农业技术和农业景观的遗失与废弃,农业规模化与产业化发展滞后,农户的利益分享与激励不足等问题。相对其他遗产类型,农业文化遗产的保护与发展更为复杂和困难。为实现农业文化遗产的可持续发展,要充分发挥政府的主导作用和财政扶持功能,探索农业文化遗产保护与发展的市场化途径与适应性管理,建立多方参与和惠益分享机制,加强农业文化遗产的基础研究工作。  相似文献   

?ngstr?m-Prescott equation (AP) is the algorithm recommended by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations for calculating the surface solar radiation (R_s) to support the estimation of crop evapotranspiration.Thus,the a_s and b_s coefficients in the AP are vital.This study aims to obtain coefficients a_s and b_s in the AP,which are optimized for China’s comprehensive agricultural divisions.The average monthly solar radiation and relative sunshine duration data at 121 stations from 1957–2016 were collected.Using data from 1957 to 2010,we calculated the monthly a_s and b_s coefficients for each subregion by least-squares regression.Then,taking the observation values of R_s from 2011 to 2016 as the true values,we estimated and compared the relative accuracy of R_s calculated using the regression values of coefficients a_s and b_s and that calculated with the FAO recommended coefficients.The monthly coefficients,a_s and b_s,of each subregion are significantly different,both temporally and spatially,from the FAO recommended coefficients.The relative error range (0–54%) of R_s calculated via the regression values of the a_s and b_s coefficients is better than the relative error range (0–77%) of R_s calculated using the FAO suggested coefficients.The station-mean relative error was reduced by 1%to 6%.However,the regression values of the a_s and b_s coefficients performed worse in certain months and agricultural subregions during verification.Therefore,we selected the a_s and b_s coefficients with the minimum R_(s )estimation error as the final coefficients and constructed a coefficient recommendation table for 36 agricultural production and management subregions in China.These coefficient recommendations enrich the case study of coefficient calibration for the AP in China and can improve the accuracy of calculating R_s and crop evapotranspiration based on existing data.  相似文献   

马历  龙花楼  张英男  屠爽爽  戈大专 《地理学报》2018,73(12):2364-2377
基于中国县域1991年、2000年、2010年3期截面数据,利用定量和GIS空间分析法,研究了在快速城镇化背景下,农业劳动力变化与农业经济发展的耦合特征和时空格局。结果表明:① 1991-2010年中国县域农业劳动力总体呈减少趋势且减少幅度逐渐增加,1991-2000年、2000-2010年分别减少4.91%和15.50%;从空间分布上看,中国农业劳动力数量呈“东减西增”的空间演变特征。② 1991-2010中国县域农业经济呈持续增长态势,总量增长140.13%,但区域差异明显;农业产值占区域GDP的比重逐渐减小,呈现出东低西高的分布特征。③ 产劳弹性系数的耦合类型主要以农业经济、农业劳动力“同增”的增长型和农业经济增长、农业劳动力减少的集约型为主,分别分布在中国的西北和东南部地区;耦合类型为“滞后型”“衰落型”和“衰退型”的区域与中国贫困发生率高的地域较为吻合,1991-2010年各耦合类型整体呈良性发展态势。最后根据产劳弹性系数的耦合类型和空间分布特征,提出促进一二三产融合发展和乡村经济振兴的政策建议。  相似文献   

中国城市脆弱性的综合测度与空间分异特征   总被引:21,自引:5,他引:21  
方创琳  王岩 《地理学报》2015,70(2):234-247
城市脆弱性是指城市在发展过程中抵抗资源、生态环境、经济、社会发展等内外部自然要素和人为要素干扰的应对能力。当这种抗干扰的应对能力低于某一临界阈值时,城市即进入脆弱状态。城市脆弱性是城市资源脆弱性、生态环境脆弱性、经济脆弱性和社会脆弱性的综合体现。城市脆弱性的评价与调控研究对提升中国城镇化质量、实现可持续发展具有重要意义。采用系统分析方法和综合指数评价法,从资源、生态环境、经济和社会4个方面确定10项分指数、选取36个具体指标,构建了中国城市脆弱性综合测度指标体系,并确定测度标准值,对中国地级以上城市脆弱性及其空间分异做了总体评价。研究表明,中国城市脆弱性呈现明显的"级差化"分异特征,总体处于中度脆弱状态。按照这种差异,将中国城市脆弱程度划分为低度脆弱、较低脆弱、中度脆弱、较高脆弱和高度脆弱5个级别。城市脆弱性呈现显著的"梯度化"和"集群化"空间分异,东部地区城市脆弱性明显低于中西部地区,城市群地区脆弱性低于其它地区。城市脆弱性与城市规模存在一定的对应关系,规模越大的城市脆弱性相对越小。资源型城市脆弱性明显高于综合性城市,职能综合性强的城市脆弱性相对较低。城市经济增长的快慢不能反映城市脆弱性的高低,经济高速增长并不意味着城市脆弱性就低。如何科学测度城市综合脆弱性,如何应对和降低城市脆弱性,是本研究试图回答的问题。该研究为丰富城市脆弱性与城市可持续发展理论,为解决快速城市化、工业化进程中的城市资源枯竭、生态环境破坏、经济增长方式的转变及系列社会问题等提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Xilin Liu  Junzhong Lei 《Geomorphology》2003,52(3-4):181-191
Based on the definitions of the United Nations, the assessment of risk involves the evaluation of both hazard and vulnerability. This forms the basis of a generalized assessment model of debris flow risk. Hazard is a measure of the threatening degree of an extreme event and is expressed theoretically as a function of event magnitude and frequency of occurrence. Mathematically, it is the definite integral area under the magnitude–frequency curve. Based on the need for a model applicable in regions that lack data, a new method that incorporates theoretical concepts with empirical analysis is presented to calculate the regional hazardousness of debris flows. Debris flow hazard can be estimated from gully density, mean annual rainfall and percentage of cultivated land on steep slope. Vulnerability is defined as the potential total maximum losses due to a potential damaging phenomenon for a specified area and during a reference period. On a regional scale, it is dependent on the fixed assets, gross domestic product, land resources and population density, as well as age, education and wealth of the inhabitants. A nonlinear, power-function model to compute the vulnerability degree is presented. An application of the proposed method to Zhaotong prefecture of Yunnan province, SW China, provides high accuracy and reasonable risk estimates. The highest risk of debris flow is in Zhaotong county with a value of 0.48; the lowest risk of debris flow is in Yanjin county with a value of 0.16. The other counties have debris flow risks ranging from 0.22 to 0.46. This provides an approach for assessing the regional debris flow risk and a basis for the formulation of a regional risk management policy in Zhaotong prefecture.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to quantify agricultural land degradation in the Ruba Gered watershed, Ethiopia. The watershed was divided into 12 land mapping units (LMU) after superimposing maps of soil, slope, land use/cover, and elevation. Subsequently, cultivated land was delineated to assess degradation types and severity based on standard approaches. Sheet erosion was estimated using the revised universal soil loss equation. Composite soil samples were collected from each LMU to quantify key soil nutrients (OM, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, and available potassium) lost by sheet erosion. The annual average soil loss due to sheet erosion was estimated to be 17.4 t ha?1 yr?1, with average annual nutrient losses estimated as 246.5 kg ha?1 organic matter, 12.4 kg ha?1 total nitrogen, 0.1 kg ha?1 available phosphorus, and 1.6 kg ha?1 available potassium. The study revealed that substantial quantities of soil and nutrients are lost every year in the study area due to severe sheet erosion. This amount of nutrient loss severely degrades soil and reduces soil fertility.  相似文献   

周侃  申玉铭  任旺兵 《地理学报》2011,66(10):1355-1367
通过对中国31 个省(市、自治区)近4000 个服务业企业的问卷调查,从服务业企业认知与体验的视角出发,对“十一五”时期中国服务业政策效应进行综合测度和影响因素分析,进而探讨服务业政策与服务业企业的作用机制,并提出中国服务业政策调整和优化的建议。结果表明: “十一五”时期服务业企业对服务业政策的认知水平不高,认知度受到营业额、劳动力素质、行业类型、行业地位和政策环境等因素的显著影响。企业对服务业政策的体验水平接近比较满意, 影响政策体验水平的因素主要有政策认知度、员工人数、效益、所有制类型、行业地位和政策环境等。针对中国服务业政策与服务业企业的作用机制,应从深化服务业体制改革、完善社会保障体系、平衡内外资鼓励政策、拓宽政策支持覆盖面、构建服务业企业对服务业政策实施情况的反馈机制等方面着手,推动转型期中国服务业向高比重、高效率方向发展。  相似文献   

以湖南省为研究区,采用250 m×250 m空间分辨率的MODIS-NDVI数据,结合相应时间段的气象数据,使用改进的CASA模型,模拟并分析该区域2000-2013年间的植被NPP的时空变化特征,并借助统计分析方法对不同土地覆盖类型中植被NPP的变化趋势及其显著性,NPP与气候因子的相关性进行量化分析.结果表明:① 该区域的净初级生产量年际变化特征明显,年净初级生产量分布在41.62~125.40 Tg C/yr之间,平均值为86.34 Tg C/yr,总体来看,14年间湖南省植被净初级生产量呈波动减少趋势,年际减少趋势为2.70 Tg C/yr;② NPP空间分布差异较大,基本特点是西高东低,南高北低,从西南向东北呈逐渐递减趋势,其中,各植被分区的NPP有明显差异;③ 2000-2013年,湖南省植被NPP呈极显著增加(slope >0,p < 0.01),显著增加(slope > 0,0.01 ≤ p < 0.05),无明显变化(p ≥ 0.05),极显著减少(slope < 0,p < 0.01)和显著减少(slope < 0,0.01 ≤ p < 0.05)的区域分别占总面积的比例为5.40%,2.02%,61.64%,16.79%和14.15%.植被NPP变化趋势总体上显示为减少的趋势,而不同土地覆盖类型的植被NPP变化趋势及显著性存在较大差异,其中草地的NPP变化趋势最为显著,接着依次是森林,其他土地,建设用地和农田;④ 分析不同土地覆盖类型的植被NPP对气候因子的响应,发现NPP与降水量之间的相关关系强于其与温度的相关关系.  相似文献   

Understanding the Changing Planet: Strategic Directions for the Geographical Sciences(UCP),published by the National Research Council(USA),and its comments in The Professional Geographer propose that uppercase and plural "Geographical Sciences"(GS) is the strategic direction for geography in the next decade for better understanding of our rapidly changing planet. According to these comments,UCP valued technologies and tools excessively("task"),and did not pay much attention to methodology("discipline"). Actually,both"task" and "discipline" are geographical wings,especially in the time of "big science".Enlightenment from UCP and its comments is the strategic direction that should be balanced between "task" and "discipline",GS should be a three-dimensional construct of a disciplinary system,methodology,and technologies and tools,and this system should be scientific humanism based on scientific spirit and directed by humanism. During the last 60 years,Chinese geographers devoted themselves to GS,including practice and theory. Obviously progress and outlook are proposed as interdisciplinary GS,Earth Surface Sciences(ESS) and Geographical Construction(GC). The disciplinary system of GS is very complex,and is composed of such human knowledge domains as sciences,technologies,engineering,and philosophy. The main mission is to research the open,complex,and macro earth system(not only scientifically,but also humanistically),and one significant methodology is "comprehensive integration of qualitative and quantitative means"(CIQQM). At the same time,another changing direction in Chinese geography is Human-Economic Geography(HEG).  相似文献   

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