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干旱半干旱区草原灌丛化的原因及影响-争议与进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高琼  刘婷 《干旱区地理》2015,38(6):1202-1212
灌丛化作为全球干旱半干旱区草原普遍发生的现象,其定义为草原生态系统中灌木/木本的生物量、密度、盖度的增加以及草本的生物量、密度、盖度的减少。草原灌丛化是气候变化和人类活动多种因素综合作用的结果。过度放牧被认为是引发草原灌丛化的主要原因之一。最新的研究结果表明过度放牧并不能导致草原灌丛化,但过度放牧后实施休牧却改变了草本与灌木的种间作用,有可能导致灌木的扩张。灌木入侵草原长期以来被认为是草原的退化,结论来源于干旱区土壤沙化的情形,在沙化的灌木林中,土壤碳库被局限于灌木株丛及其周边,使草原的碳截留和储存降低。但最近的全球性集成研究表明草原中灌木覆盖率盖度增加对生态系统可以产生积极作用,灌木可以增加土壤水分的下渗,有利于生态系统的水分储存和和养分的转化(如加强氮的矿化过程)。草原灌丛化对生态系统结构和功能影响存在景观尺度和斑块尺度上的差异。进一步研究适应灌丛化过程的管理机制,综合不断变化的气候条件因素和地域因素,采取合理的草原管理策略,对于全球草原区生产具有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

Assessing the climate change risk faced by the ecosystems in the arid/humid transition zone(AHTZ) in northern China holds scientific significance to climate change adaptation. We simulated the net primary productivity(NPP) for four representative concentration pathways(RCPs) using an improved Lund-Potsdam-Jena model. Then a method was established based on the NPP to identify the climate change risk level. From the midterm period(2041–2070) to the long-term period(2071–2099), the risks indicated by the negative anomaly and the downward trend of the NPP gradually extended and increased. The higher the scenario emissions, the more serious the risk. In particular, under the RCP8.5 scenario, during 2071–2099, the total risk area would be 81.85%, that of the high-risk area would reach 54.71%. In this high-risk area, the NPP anomaly would reach –96.00±46.95 gC·m~(-2)·a~(-1), and the rate of change of the NPP would reach –3.56±3.40 gC·m~(-2)·a~(-1). The eastern plain of the AHTZ and the eastern grasslands of Inner Mongolia are expected to become the main risk concentration areas. Our results indicated that the management of future climate change risks requires the consideration of the synergistic effects of warming and intensified drying on the ecosystem.  相似文献   

监测土地利用/覆盖及生态系统服务价值变化是评估生态工程效益最直接有效的方式。以京津风沙源治理工程区为研究区,基于土地利用/覆盖变化面积和植被覆盖度等指标,从土地利用/覆盖类型转换和土地覆盖渐变两个角度揭示区域土地利用/覆盖变化过程;并运用改进的当量因子法,评估同期生态系统服务价值的变化。结果表明:区域草地面积超过总面积的一半,总体上呈现草地和耕地集中分布,林地、沙丘零散镶嵌的格局。1990—2018年,区域沙地、草地面积减少,耕地、林地面积增加;同时,沙地上表现出植被覆盖增加的渐变特征,增速为每10年约增长4.22%。同期区域生态系统服务价值呈现出先减少后增加的趋势,生态工程实施后,2010—2018年生态系统服务价值增加明显。1990—2018年,生态系统服务价值总体上增加了3 655.21亿元,其中,由土地利用/覆盖类型变化导致的价值增加量为120.53亿元,而由土地覆盖渐变导致的增加量为5 355.04亿元。土地覆盖渐变对生态系统服务价值的影响不容忽视,我们建议在生态建设过程中,不仅要重视退耕还林、未利用地造林种草等土地利用/覆盖方式的改变,更要关注草地和林地的修复和恢复,注重生态工程成果的维持和质量的提升。  相似文献   

气候变化情景下中国自然生态系统脆弱性研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
赵东升  吴绍洪 《地理学报》2013,68(5):602-610
本研究以动态植被模型LPJ 为主要工具,以区域气候模式工具PRECIS 产生的A2、B2和A1B情景气候数据为输入,模拟了未来气候变化下中国自然生态系统的变化状况,应用脆弱性评价模型,评估中国自然生态系统响应未来气候变化的脆弱性。结果表明:未来气候变化情景下中国东部地区脆弱程度呈上升趋势,西部地区呈下降趋势,但总体上,中国自然生态系统的脆弱性格局没有大的变化,仍呈现西高东低、北高南低的特点。受气候变化影响严重的地区是东北和华北地区,而青藏高原区南部和西北干旱区受气候变化影响,脆弱程度明显减轻。气候变化情景下的近期气候变化对我国生态系统的影响不大,但中、远期气候变化对生态系统的负面影响较大,特别是在自然条件相对较好的东部地区,脆弱区面积增加较多。  相似文献   

中国北方干湿过渡区生态系统生产力的气候变化风险评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
气候变化风险是人类社会发展面临的严峻挑战,评估识别对气候波动响应敏感且复杂的干湿过渡区生态系统所面临的气候变化风险是一个重要科学问题,对区域气候治理和风险管理具有科学意义.本文利用参与耦合模式比较计划第五阶段(CMIP5)的多气候模式多情景数据,通过改进和验证Lund-Potsdam-Jena(LPJ)动态全球植被模型...  相似文献   

Assessment of vulnerability for natural ecosystem to climate change is a hot topic in climate change and ecology, and will support adapting and mitigating climate change. In this study, LPJ model modified according to features of China's natural ecosystems was em- ployed to simulate ecosystem dynamics under A2, B2 and A1B scenarios. Vulnerability of natural ecosystem to climate change was assessed according to the vulnerability assessment model. Based on eco-geographical regions, vulnerability of natural ecosystem to climate change was analyzed. Results suggest that vulnerability for China's natural ecosystems would strengthen in the east and weaken in the west, but the pattern of ecosystem vulner- ability would not be altered by climate change, which rises from southeast to northeast gradually. Increase in ecosystem vulnerable degree would mainly concentrate in temperate humid/sub-humid region and warm temperate humid/sub-humid region. Decrease in eco- system vulnerable degree may emerge in northwestern arid region and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau region. In the near-term scale, natural ecosystem in China would be slightly affected by cli- mate change. However, in mid-term and long-term scales, there would be severely adverse effect, particularly in the east with better water and thermal condition.  相似文献   

新疆地处干旱和半干旱气候区,明确其生态系统的碳汇大小及其对气候变化的响应对研究中国干旱区植被碳汇及其对陆地碳平衡的贡献具有重要意义。基于最新地面气象观测数据,利用大气植被相互作用模型AVIM2(Atmosphere-Vegetation Interaction Model 2),在0.05°×0.05°经纬度空间网格上估算分析了1961-2015年新疆净生态系统生产力(NEP)的时空分布特征及其对气候变化的响应。研究结果表明:近55 a新疆NEP平均值为14.4 gC·m-2,没有明显变化趋势。空间上看,约40%地区的NEP呈下降趋势,主要分布在天山两麓的城市人口聚集区;而60%地区NEP呈上升走势,其主要分布在新疆昆仑山脉、天山山区和人烟稀少的荒漠地区。新疆NEP对降水量变化更为敏感,气温的变化对NEP的影响并不显著。虽然新疆平均碳汇随着年降水量的变化而在源与汇之间波动,但是从多年平均来看,新疆仍然为碳汇区。  相似文献   

Zhang  Chi  Wu  Shaohong  Leng  Guoyong 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(8):1219-1232
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Based on simulations by the Beijing Climate Center climate system model version 2 (BCC-CSM2), the possible changes in net primary productivity (NPP) of the...  相似文献   

The revegetation protection system(VPS)on the edge of the Tengger Desert can be referred to as a successful model of sand control technology in China and even the world,and there has been a substantial amount of research on revegetation stability.However,it is unclear how meso-and micro-scale revegetation activity has responded to climatic change over the past decades.To evaluate the relative influence of climatic variables on revegetation activities in a restored desert ecosystem,we analysed the trend of revegetation change from 2002 to 2015 using a satellite-derived normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI)dataset.The time series of the NDVI data were decomposed into trend,seasonal,and random components using a segmented regression method.The results of the segmented regression model indicate a changing trend in the NDVI in the VPS,changing from a decrease(?7×10?3/month)before 2005 to an increase(0.3×10?3/month)after 2005.We found that precipitation was the most important climatic factor influencing the growing season NDVI(P<0.05),while vegetation growth sensitivity to water and heat varied significantly in different seasons.In the case of precipitation reduction and warming in the study area,the NDVI of the VPS could still maintain an overall slow upward trend(0.04×10?3/month),indicating that the ecosystem is sustainable.Our findings suggest that the VPS has been successful in maintaining stability and sustainability under current climate change conditions and that it is possible to introduce the VPS in similar areas as a template for resistance to sand and drought hazards.  相似文献   

Extreme rainstorm and the subsequent flood increasingly threaten the security of human society and ecological environment with aggravation of global climate change and anthropogenic activity in recent years. Therefore, the research on flood mitigation service (FMS) of ecosystem should be paid more attention to mitigate the risk. In this paper, we assessed FMS in the Upper Reaches of Hanjiang River (URHR), China from 2000 to 2014 using the Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS-CN) model, and further simulated the future FMS under two climate scenarios (in 2020 and 2030). The results reveal that the FMS presented a fluctuating rising trend in the URHR from 2000 to 2014. The FMS in southern URHR was higher than that of northern URHR, and the change rate of FMS in the upstream of URHR (western URHR) was higher than the downstream of URHR (eastern URHR). The future FMS under scenarios of Medium-High Emissions (A2) and Medium-Low Emissions (B2) will decrease consistently. As land use/land cover changes in the URHR are negligible, we concluded that the change in FMS was mainly driven by climate change, such as storm and runoff. Our study highlights that climate scenarios analysis should be incorporated into the assessment of hydrologic-related services to facilitate regional water resources management.  相似文献   

Climate and land-use changes are projected to threaten biodiversity over this century. However, few studies have considered the spatial and temporal overlap of these threats to evaluate how ongoing land-use change could affect species ranges projected to shift outside conservation areas. We evaluated climate change and urban development effects on vegetation distribution in the Southwest ecoregion, California Floristic Province, USA. We also evaluated how well a conservation network protects suitable habitat for rare plant species under these change projections and identified primary sources of uncertainty. We used consensus-based maps from three species distribution models (SDMs) to project current and future suitable habitat for 19 species representing different functional types (defined by fire-response – obligate seeders, resprouting shrubs – and life forms – herbs, subshrubs), and range sizes (large/common, small/rare). We used one spatially explicit urban growth projection; two climate models, emission scenarios, and probability thresholds applied to SDMs; and high-resolution (90 m) environmental data. We projected that suitable habitat could disappear for 4 species and decrease for 15 by 2080. Averaged centroids of suitable habitat (all species) were projected to shift tens (up to hundreds) of kilometers. Herbs showed a small-projected response to climate change, while obligate seeders could suffer the greatest losses. Several rare species could lose suitable habitat inside conservation areas while increasing area outside. We concluded that (i) climate change is more important than urban development for vegetation habitat loss in this ecoregion through 2080 due to diminishing amounts of undeveloped private land in this region; (ii) the existing conservation plan, while extensive, may be inadequate to protect plant diversity under projected patterns of climate change and urban development, (iii) regional assessments of the dynamics of the drivers of biodiversity change based on high-resolution environmental data and consensus predictive mapping, such as this study, are necessary to identify the species expected to be the most vulnerable and to meaningfully inform regional-scale conservation.  相似文献   

山区农村土地利用转型与小农经济变迁耦合机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过山区土地利用转型与小农经济变迁的耦合关系分析,可以揭示山区人地关系的变化过程和机理。随着工业化、城镇化的快速推进,山区农村人地关系发生深刻变化,小农经济变迁驱动土地利用转型,土地利用转型进一步促进小农经济变迁。在阐述土地利用转型及小农经济变迁内涵和特征基础上,结合实证探讨二者间的耦合机理,以期为乡村振兴战略的实施提供理论支撑和现实参考。研究表明:① 山区农村土地利用转型与小农经济变迁相互影响,耦合演进。② 山区农村土地利用转型重点体现在农村宅基地、耕地及林地三类用地上。③ 中国小农经济已发生四次变迁,而山区小农经济变迁在第四次中表现较为明显,其阶段特征主要为农村人口向城镇迁移,土地流转频繁,土地规模经营趋势增强。④ 山区小农经济变迁引发耕地空间形态及功能转型,山区耕地转型进一步促进小农经济变迁。⑤ 山区小农经济变迁及农户生计策略非农化转变促使农户对宅基地结构及功能的需求发生变化;闲置废弃宅基地综合整治可显化农村土地资产价值,增加农民土地财产性收入,促进小农经济变迁。⑥ 通过云南省砚山县耕地利用转型案例剖析,验证了本文提出的山区农村土地利用转型与小农经济变迁的耦合机理。  相似文献   

Quantitative evaluation and driving mechanism analysis of vegetation dynamics are essential for promoting regional sustainable development. In the past 20 years, the ecological environment in Altay Prefecture has changed significantly due to global warming. Meanwhile, with increasing human activities, the spatiotemporal pattern and driving forces of vegetation variation in the area are uncertain and difficult to accurately assess. Hence, we quantified the vegetation growth by using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) on the Google Earth Engine (GEE). Then, the spatiotemporal patterns of vegetation from 2000 to 2019 were analyzed at the pixel scale. Finally, significance threshold segmentation was performed using meteorological data based on the correlation analysis results, and the contributions of climate change and human activities to vegetation variation were quantified. The results demonstrated that the vegetation coverage in Altay Prefecture is mainly concentrated in the north. The vegetation areas representing significant restoration and degradation from 2000 to 2019 accounted for 24.08% and 1.24% of Altay Prefecture, respectively. Moreover, spatial correlation analysis showed that the areas with significant correlations between NDVI and temperature, precipitation and sunlight hours accounted for 3.3%, 6.9% and 20.3% of Altay Prefecture, respectively. In the significant restoration area, 18.94% was dominated by multiple factors, while 3.4% was dominated by human activities, and 1.74% was dominated by climate change. Within the significant degradation area, abnormal degradation and climate change controlled 1.07% and 0.17%, respectively. This study revealed the dynamic changes of vegetation and their driving mechanisms in Altay Prefecture, and can provide scientific support for further research on life community mechanism theory and key remediation technology of mountain-water-forest-farmland-lake-grass in Altay Prefecture.  相似文献   

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