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Three sectors of the south Barbados prism between 1000 and 2000 m depth were explored by the French submersible Nautile. Chemosynthesis-based benthic communities were discovered on several structures affected by diapirism, including mud volcanoes, domes and an anticlinal ridge. The communities are associated with the expulsion of methane-rich fluids which is a wide-spread process in the area. These communities are dominated by large bivalves and vestimentiferans which harbour chemoautotrophic symbiotic bacteria. The symbiotic bivalves include two species of Mytilidae and one of Vesicomyidae, with dominance of a methanotrophic mussel. Cartography of the benthic communities, interpretation of thermal measurements and observation of sedimentary patterns have been used to define the life habits of each of the three species of symbiotic bivalves. Each species has a characteristic preference for different conditions of edaphic and fluid flow: the dominant methanotrophic mussel appears to require high velocity vents and hard substratum. The vesicomyids and the other species of mussel are able to take up sulfide from the sediments, and so are associated with low seepages, but also require soft sediment. The three bivalve species are assumed successively to colonize the top of a diapiric ridge, in a succession related to the temporal evolution of fluid flow and sedimentation. The composition of the bivalve assemblages, their densities and biomasses all differ between the several mud volcanoes and domes studied, and these parameters are thought to be related to the spatial and temporal variations of fluid expulsion through the structures, and the lithification processes linked to fluid expulsion. One very active dome is at present colonized by an exceptionally large and dense population of the methanotrophic mussel. In contrast, communities in another area, on the domes and volcanoes that are currently inactive, were colonized by only a few living vesicomyids and mussels, both associated with sulfur-oxydizing bacteria, and there were numerous empty shells. The densities and biomasses of symbiotic bivalves were far greater in the area studied than in a deeper mud volcano field on the same prism that had been studied previously. This is consistent with a report that methane production is greater in the southern region of this accretionary prism than in the northern. Numerous non-symbiotic organisms were observed in and around the areas of the seeps, some are endemic to the seep communities, including some gastropods and shrimps, others are either colonists or vagrants from the surrounding deep-sea floor. Filter feeders were very abundant, and some of these, like the serpulids and large sponges, may also be dependent on the chemosynthetic production. Faunistic composition of both symbiotic and non-symbiotic taxa, of the assemblages around these cold seeps, is closely related to that reported for communities living on hydrocarbon seeps in the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

A number of diagenetic properties were studied in sedimentary rocks exposed along a 25 km across-strike transect on Barbados, the crest of the Barbados accretionary complex. The island of Barbados consists of three structural levels: a lower (mostly Eocene or undated) basal complex composed of quartzose turbidites, hemipelagites and melange; an intermediate level (Eocene to Miocene) of nappes composed mostly of calcareous pelagite; and a Pleistocene coral cap. Diagenetic studies concentrated on the basal complex although preliminary data from the nappes are also presented. The following subjects were studied: (1) clay mineralogy (% illite interlayers in mixed-layer clays); (2) vitrinite reflectance; (3) organic type and maturation, by Rock-Eval pyrolysis; (4) thermal alteration index of spores and pollen; (5) dry bulk density; (6) silica mineralogy. Taken together, the data can be interpreted to indicate maximum temperatures attained during diagenesis of less than 80°C. Based on a uniform palaeogeothermal gradient of 15°C km?1, and a temperature at the sediment/water interface of 10°C, maximum burial depths of basement complex rocks were about 2–5 km. Minimum possible burial depths are < 1 km. No across-strike changes in maturation are observed indicating that these trench-associated rocks were uplifted uniformly. Mudstones are typically rich in total organic carbon (> 1 %), and are immature. Organic matter was derived mostly from terrigenous or oxidized sources (type III kerogens), although some marine planktonic sources are indicated locally (type II kerogens). Organic matter is therefore primarily gas-prone.  相似文献   

Multiscale variability of a macrobenthic community inhabiting fine sediments on the West African Equatorial margin was assessed during three cruises as part of the BIOZAIRE research program. Spatial scales ranged from 15 to 550 m (within station) and from 1000 to 7000 m (between stations). Principal Coordinates of Neighbour Matrices (PCNM) allowed the detection of multiscale patterns of variability within a location, while a binary coding of the sampling stations was used at broad spatial scales. Significant patterns were observed at 170 and >4000 m. The two spatial scales displayed similar biotic responses, with the Scaphopoda and Bivalvia having patterns that were opposite to the Pholoidae. A spatio-temporal patchwork of environmental variables might explain the observed patterns. Practically, these results emphasis the need to develop balanced and crossed designs among the sources of variation (geography, time, depths).  相似文献   

Cold seeps are among the most heterogeneous of all continental margin habitats. Abiotic sources of heterogeneity in these systems include local variability in fluid flow, geochemistry, and substrate type, which give rise to different sets of microbial communities, microbial symbiont-bearing foundation species, and associated heterotrophic species. Biogenic habitats created by microbial mats and the symbiotic species including vesicomyid clams, bathymodiolin mussels, and siboglinid tubeworms add an additional layer of complexity to seep habitats. These forms of habitat heterogeneity result in a variety of macrofaunal and meiofaunal communities that respond to changes in structural complexity, habitat geochemistry, nutrient sources, and interspecific interactions in different ways and at different scales. These responses are predicted by a set of theoretical metacommunity models, the most appropriate of which for seep systems appears to be the 'species sorting' concept, an extension of niche theory. This concept is demonstrated through predictable patterns of community assembly, succession, and beta-level diversity. These processes are described using a newly developed analytical technique examining the change in the slope of the species accumulation curve with the number of habitats examined. The diversity response to heterogeneity has a consistent form, but quantitatively changes at different seep sites around the world as the types of habitats present and the size-classes of fauna analyzed change. The increase in beta diversity across seep habitat types demonstrates that cold seeps and associated biogenic habitats are significant sources of heterogeneity on continental margins globally.  相似文献   

本文对2018年利用“海龙Ⅲ”ROV在南海东北部陆坡采集到的多金属结核样品进行了矿物学和地球化学分析。结果表明研究区结核以棒状为主,具有2层结构。结核外层的矿物学和元素组成特征与水成型多金属结核较为相似。结核内层多发育孔洞,以针铁矿为主,有黄铁矿残余,Fe、As元素含量高,Mn、REE等元素含量低。NH-2结核样品内部的碳酸盐组分的全岩δ13C为-30.91‰。所研究结核样品的早期形成过程与冷泉活动密切相关,结核生长后期冷泉活动停止或是减弱,在等深流作用下结核黄铁矿被氧化成针铁矿,之后锰铁氧化物继续在结核外部生长。  相似文献   

Release of methane from the seafloor throughout the world's oceans and the biogeochemical processes involved may have significant effects on the marine sedimentary environment. Identification of such methane release events in marine sediment records can hence provide a window into the magnitude of ancient seeps. Here, we report on analysis of the geochemical composition of samples in a 12.3 m long sediment core (DH-5) collected from a seep site in the South China Sea (SCS). Our aim has been to investigate whether the evidence for the presence of methane release event within sediments is discernible from solid-phase sediment geochemistry. We show that sedimentary total sulfur (TS), δ34S values of chromium reducible sulfur (δ34SCRS) along with total organic carbon (TOC) and total inorganic carbon (TIC) content can be used to infer the presence of methane release events in cold seep settings. At least three methane release events were identified in the studied core (Unit I at 400–550 cm, Unit II at 740–820 cm, and Unit III at 1000–1150 cm). According to the characteristic of redox-sensitive elements (eg., Mo, U and Mn), we suggest that methane flux has been changed from relatively high (Unit I) to low (Unit II and III) rates. This inference is supported by the coupled occurrence of 34S-enriched sulfides in Unit II and III. AMS 14C dates from planktonic foraminifera in Unit I suggest that high methane flux event occurred at ∼15.4–24.8 kyr BP, which probably resulted in locally-focused aerobic methane oxidation. Overall, our results suggest that TS, TOC, TIC and δ34SCRS have potential for identifying present and fossil methane release events in marine sediments.  相似文献   

冷水珊瑚也称为深水珊瑚, 在生物多样性、生态资源和科研价值等方面具有重要意义。文章对采自南海北部冷泉区的冷水珊瑚骨骼碎屑进行测定, 鉴定出冷水珊瑚2个种(Crispatotrochus sp.1和Crispatotrochus sp.2), 以及4个属[Balanophyllia (Balanophyllia)、Balanophyllia (Eupsammia)、LochmaeotrochusEnallopsammia]。测定的冷水珊瑚的δ13C为-7.36‰~-1.15‰, δ18O为-1.38‰~3.67‰, 与全球冷水珊瑚碳氧同位素组成相似, 但明显不同于南海暖水珊瑚、冷泉碳酸盐岩及低温热液成因碳酸盐岩的碳氧同位素组成。  相似文献   

Mud volcanoes (MVs) are abundant along the eastern Mediterranean subduction zones, recording mud breccia extrusion over long timescales (106 years), but to date relatively few have been recognised in the northern Ionian Sea on the Calabrian accretionary prism (CAP). In the present study, the seafloor distribution and recent activity of MVs is investigated across a 35,600 km2 sector of the CAP using a regional acoustic dataset (multibeam bathymetric and backscatter imagery, integrated with subbottom profiles) locally ground-truthed by sediment cores. A total of 54 MVs are identified across water depths of 150–2,750 m using up to four geophysical criteria: distinctive morphology, high backscatter, unstratified subbottom facies and, in one case, a hydroacoustic flare. Fourteen MVs are identified from 3–4 criteria, of which five have been previously proven by cores containing mud breccia beneath up to 1.6 m of hemipelagic sediments (Madonna dello Ionio MVs 1–3, Pythagoras MV and the newly named Sartori MV), while nine others are identified for the first time (Athena, Catanzaro, Cerere, Diana, Giunone, Minerva, ‘right foot’, Venere 1 and 2). Forty other as yet unnamed MVs are inferred from 1–2 geophysical criteria (three from distinctive morphology alone). All but one possible MV lie on the inner plateau of the CAP, landwards of the Calabrian Escarpment in a zone up to 120 km wide that includes the inner pre-Messinian wedge and the fore-arc basins, where they are interpreted to record the ascent from depth of overpressured fluids that interacted with tectonic structures and with evaporitic or shale seals within the fore-arc basins. The rise of fluids may have been triggered by post-Messinian out-of-sequence tectonism that affected the entire pre-Messinian prism, but Plio-Quaternary sedimentation rates and depositional styles support the inference that significant mud volcanism has taken place only on the inner plateau. Sedimentation rates across the CAP applied to a 12 khz sonar detection depth of 225 cm imply that all MVs with backscatter signatures (50 of 54) have erupted mud breccias within the last 56 ka, and within the last 12.5 ka in the fore-arc basins. Ages of eruption estimated from the depth of cored mud breccias at five MVs, and a seismo-stratigraphic relationship at a sixth, indicate episodes at the last glacial maximum ca. 20 ka BP and during the postglacial period. Eruptive episodes within the Calabrian MV province constitute recurrent geohazards, separated by longer periods of quiescent (subdued) fluid seepage that are likely to support gas hydrate formation and chemosynthetic ecosystems.  相似文献   

We investigate the estimation of gas hydrate and free gas concentration using various rock physics models in the Cascadia accretionary prism, which is one of the most intensively studied regions of natural gas hydrate occurrences. Surface seismic reflection data is the most useful and cost-effective in deriving seismic velocity, and hence estimating gas hydrate and free gas across a BSR with depth, if a proper background (without gas hydrate and free gas) velocity is chosen. We have used effective medium theory of Helgerud et al. (EMTH) and, a combination of self-consistent approximation and differential effective medium (SCA-DEM) theory coupled with smoothing approximation for crystalline aggregate. Using the SCA-DEM (non-load-bearing) and EMTH (load-bearing) modeling, we calculate the average saturations of gas hydrate as 17 and 19%, respectively within ~100 m thick sedimentary column using velocity, derived from the surface seismic data. The saturations of gas hydrate are estimated as 15 and 18% using the SCA-DEM, and 20 and 25% using EMTH from the logging-while-drilling and wire-line sonic velocities, respectively. Estimations of gas hydrate from Poisson’s ratio are in average 50% for EMTH and 10% for SCA-DEM theory. We obtain the maximum saturation of free gas as 1–2% by employing the SCA-DEM theory either to seismic or sonic velocities, whereas the free-gas saturation varies between 0.1 and 0.4% for EMTH model. The gas hydrate saturation estimated from the sonic velocity and the free gas saturation derived from both the seismic and sonic velocities using the SCA-DEM modeling match quite well with those determined from the pressure core data in the study region.  相似文献   

台湾岛西南海域福尔摩沙海脊冷泉区地形地貌特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用水深数据和ROV近海底影像资料,对福尔摩沙海脊冷泉区的海底地形地貌和冷泉系统的海底表征进行了描述和分析,并讨论了二者之间的响应关系。结果表明,相对于船载多波束数据而言,近海底多波束测深系统所获得的数据能更高精度地反映冷泉区海底地形地貌特征,是研究冷泉系统不可或缺的基础资料。基于ROV近海底观测影像资料,福尔摩沙海脊冷泉系统整体表现为局部被化能自养生物群落覆盖并有流体喷口零星分布的巨大自生碳酸盐岩岩丘,海底表征主要包括形态各异的自生碳酸盐岩结壳或岩体、化能自养生物群落、流体喷口、还原性沉积物等几种形式。研究表明,福尔摩沙海脊冷泉区的地形地貌特征与冷泉系统海底表征具有良好的响应关系,并且该区的地形地貌特征主要受控于出露于海底的自生碳酸盐岩的形态特征及规模。首次揭示了福尔摩沙海脊冷泉区地形地貌特征与其海底表征之间的响应关系,以期为后续的冷泉研究提供必要的背景资料支持。  相似文献   

Based upon 2D seismic data, this study confirms the presence of a complex deep-water sedimentary system within the Pliocene-Quaternary strata on the northwestern lower slope of the Northwest Sub-Basin, South China Sea. It consists of submarine canyons, mass-wasting deposits, contourite channels and sheeted drifts. Alongslope aligned erosive features are observed on the eastern upper gentle slopes (<1.2° above 1,500 m), where a V-shaped downslope canyon presents an apparent ENE migration, indicating a related bottom current within the eastward South China Sea Intermediate Water Circulation. Contourite sheeted drifts are also generated on the eastern gentle slopes (~1.5° in average), below 2,100 m water depth though, referring to a wide unfocused bottom current, which might be related to the South China Sea Deep Water Circulation. Mass wasting deposits (predominantly slides and slumps) and submarine canyons developed on steeper slopes (>2°), where weaker alongslope currents are probably dominated by downslope depositional processes on these unstable slopes. The NNW–SSE oriented slope morphology changes from a three-stepped terraced outline (I–II–III) east of the investigated area, into a two-stepped terraced (I–II) outline in the middle, and into a unitary steep slope (II) in the west, which is consistent with the slope steepening towards the west. Such morphological changes may have possibly led to a westward simplification of composite deep-water sedimentary systems, from a depositional complex of contourite depositional systems, mass-wasting deposits and canyons, on the one hand, to only sliding and canyon deposits on the other hand.  相似文献   

Two mud volcano fields were explored during the French–Dutch MEDINAUT cruise (1998) with the submersible NAUTILE, one south of Crete along the Mediteranean Ridge at about 2000 m depth (Olimpi mud field) and the other south of Turkey between 1700 and 2000 m depth (Anaximander mud field) where high methane concentrations were measured. Chemosynthetic communities were observed and sampled on six mud volcanoes and along a fault scarp. The communities were dominated by bivalves of particularly small size, belonging to families commonly found at seeps (Mytilidae, Vesicomyidae, Thyasiridae) and to Lucinidae mostly encountered in littoral sulfide-rich sediments and at the shallowest seeps. Siboglinid polychaetes including a large vestimentiferan Lamellibrachia sp. were also associated. At least four bivalve species and one siboglinid are associated with symbiotic chemoautotrophic bacteria, as evidenced by Transmission Electronic Microscopy and isotopic ratio measurements. Among the bivalves, a mytilid harbors both methanotrophic and sulfide-oxidizing bacteria. Video spatial analysis of the community distribution on three volcanoes shows that dense bivalve shell accumulations (mainly lucinids) spread over large areas, from 10% to 38% of the explored areas (2500–15000 m2) on the different volcanoes. Lamellibrachia sp. had different spatial distribution and variable density in the two mud volcano fields, apparently related with higher methane fluxes in the Anaximander volcanoes and maybe with the instability due to brines in the Olimpi area. The abundance and richness of the observed chemosynthetic fauna and the size of some of the species contrast with the poverty of the deep eastern Mediterranean. The presence of a specialized fauna, with some mollusk genera and species shared with other reduced environments of the Mediterranean, but not dominated by the large bivalves usually found at seeps, is discussed.  相似文献   

Multi-biomarker indexes were analyzed for two piston cores from potential cold seep areas of the South China Sea off southwestern Taiwan. Total organic carbon(TOC) normalized terrestrial(n-alkanes) and marine(brassicasterol, dinosterol, alkenones and iso-GDGTs) biomarker contents and ratios(TMBR, 1/Pmar-aq, BIT) were used to evaluate the contributions of terrestrial and marine organic matter(TOM and MOM respectively) to the sedimentary organic matter, indicating that MOM dominated the organic sources in Core MD052911 and the sedimentary organic matter in Core ORI-_(86)0-22 was mainly derived from terrestrial inputs, and different morphologies were the likely reason for TOM percentage differences. BIT results suggested that river-transported terrestrial soil organic matter was not a major source of TOM of sedimentary organic matter around these settings.Diagnostic biomarkers for methane-oxidizing archaea(MOA) were only detected in one sample at 172 cm depth of Core ORI-_(86)0-22, with abnormally high iso-GDGTs content and Methane Index(MI) value(0.94). These results indicated high anaerobic oxidation of methane(AOM) activities at or around 172 cm in Core ORI-_(86)0-22.However in Core MD052911, MOA biomarkers were not detected and MI values were lower(0.19–0.38), indicated insignificant contributions of iso-GDGTs from methanotrophic archaea and the absence of significant AOM activities. Biomarker results thus indicated that the discontinuous upward methane seepage and insufficient methane flux could not induce high AOM activities in our sampling sites. In addition, the different patterns of TEX_(86) and U_(37)~(K′) temperature in two cores suggested that AOM activities affected TEX_(86)37 temperature estimates with lower values in Core ORI-_(86)0-22, but not significantly on TEX_(86) temperature estimates in Core MD052911.  相似文献   

The Blake Outer Ridge is a 480–kilometer long linear sedimentary drift ridge striking perpendicular to the North American coastline. By modeling free-air gravity anomalies we tested for the presence of a crustal feature that may control the location and orientation of the Blake Outer Ridge. Most of our crustal density models that match observed gravity anomalies require an increase in oceanic crustal thickness of 1–3 km on the southwest side of the Blake Outer Ridge relative to the northeast side. Most of these models also require 1–4 km of crustal thinning in zone 20–30 km southwest of the crest of the Blake Outer Ridge. Although these features are consistent with the structure of oceanic fracture zones, the Blake Outer Ridge is not parallel to adjacent known fracture zones. Magnetic anomalies suggest that the ocean crust beneath this feature formed during a period of mid-ocean ridge reorganization, and that the Blake Outer Ridge may be built upon the bathymetric expression of an oblique extensional feature associated with ridge propagation. It is likely that the orientation of this trough acted as a catalyst for sediment deposition with the start of the Western Boundary Undercurrent in the mid-Oligocene.  相似文献   

Carbonate samples were collected from the northern Okinawa Trough in the East China Sea in 2013.The petrology,mineralogy,carbon and oxygen isotopes,and rare earth elements(REEs) of these samples were analyzed.Aragonite,high-Mg calcite,and dolomite were the main carbonate minerals,the contents of which varied greatly among the carbonate samples.Petrological observations revealed the common occurrence of framboidal pyrites.The δ13C values of carbonates varied from-53.7‰ to-39.3‰(average...  相似文献   

通过对两根沉积柱GHE27L和GHE24L的总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)、C/N比值及稳定碳同位素(δ13Corg)的分析,本文探讨了21.1 ka BP以来南海北部陆坡神狐海域沉积有机质的组成特征及可能的古气候/环境信息。沉积柱GHE27L的TOC含量、TN含量、C/N比值及δ13Corg值分别为0.53%~1.81%,0.07%~0.18%,8.2~16.0和-23.6‰~-20.3‰。沉积柱GHE24L各参数则分布为0.45%~1.65%,0.09%~0.24%,5.3~12.2和-22.6‰~-20.4‰。沉积柱总体有机质的剖面变化显示,末次盛冰期以来南海北部沉积有机质具有海洋和陆地混合来源,但以海洋有机质来源为主。冰期陆源有机质对总有机质的相对贡献比全新世高。末次盛冰期南海北部气候相对干旱,C4植被发育。全新世夏季风增强、降雨增多。自2.0 ka BP以来,人类活动对南海北部海洋初级生产力产生一定的影响。  相似文献   

The Gulf of Cadiz lies astride the complex plate boundary between Africa and Eurasia west of the Betic-Rif mountain belt. We report on the results of recent bathymetric swathmapping and multi-channel seismic surveys carried out here. The seafloor is marked by contrasting morphological provinces, spanning the SW Iberian and NW Moroccan continental margins, abyssal plains and an elongate, arcuate, accretionary wedge. A wide variety of tectonic and gravitational processes appear to have shaped these structures. Active compressional deformation of the wedge is suggested by folding and thrusting of the frontal sedimentary layers as well as basal duplexing in deeper internal units. There is evidence for simultaneous gravitational spreading occurring upslope. The very shallow mean surface and basal slopes of the accretionary wedge (1° each) indicate a very weak decollement layer, geometrically similar to the Mediterranean Ridge accretionary complex. Locally steep slopes (up to 10°) indicate strongly focused, active deformation and potential gravitational instabilities. The unusual surface morphology of the upper accretionary wedge includes “raft-tectonics” type fissures and abundant sub-circular depressions. Dissolution and/or diapiric processes are proposed to be involved in the formation of these depressions.  相似文献   

滨海城市社区的空间形态及其海岸线表现出一定程度的复杂性,发展量化描述方法对于其可发展研究有重要的理论与应用价值。本研究基于分形理论,以滨海城市厦门的高浦社区为研究对象,利用计盒法对该滨海社区空间形态和边界进行复杂性分析和分形维计算,研究社区空间形态复杂性演变规律。结果表明:作为典型海湾渔村的高浦社区空间形态具有分数维,呈现分形结构特性。自1989年至今,该社区空间形态的分形维数呈现增长态势;社区边界的分形维数呈现下降态势。社区空间形态的分形维数与社区建筑占地面积、建筑总面积、建筑密度、容积率都表现出相关性。这表明滨海社区在快速城市化进程中,社区规模急剧扩张可能会导致空间形态和边界复杂性的显著变化。  相似文献   

Seasonal and spatial variations in the macrobenthic community in an intertidal gulfweed field offNaozhou Island were investigated from April 2011 to January 201...  相似文献   

Whereas the data on mesozooplankton in the epipelagic offshore Mediterranean Sea are extensive, less information is available about plankton in the deeper layers. The present study aims to describe the vertical and horizontal structure and distribution of mesozooplankton species and their associations down to 1,200 m in the water of the Southern Adriatic Sea. Zooplankton were sampled using a Nansen net of 200‐μm mesh size during two cruises in the winters of 2015 and 2016, extending from the coast to the open sea. In total, 203 zooplankton taxa were identified. The community was dominated by copepods, representing between 67% and 91% of the total abundance. The highest total densities were recorded in the upper layers where a high proportion (up to 36%) of appendicularians was also observed in the first sampled year. Five groups of samples were determined based on their community structure. In 2015 communities were distinct between the 0 and 50 m layer and the underlying one (50–100 m), whereas in 2016 epipelagic waters were inhabited by a more uniform mesozooplankton community. The mesopelagic and deep‐water fauna, especially copepods, showed a relatively stable composition in both sampling years Overall, our study confirms the oligotrophic character of the Southern Adriatic, with occasional density outbreaks of appendicularians under favourable conditions.  相似文献   

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