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A one-particle three-dimensional stochastic Lagrangian model fortransport of particles in a horizontally-homogeneous atmosphericsurface layer with arbitrary one-point probability density functionof Eulerian velocity fluctuations is suggested. A uniquely definedLagrangian stochastic model in the class of well-mixed models isconstructed from physically plausible assumptions. These assumptionsare: (i) in the neutrally stratified horizontally homogeneous surface layer, the vertical motion is mainly controlled by eddies whose size is of order of the current height; and (ii), the streamwise drift term is independent of the crosswind velocity. Numerical simulations for neutral stratification have shown a good agreement of our model with the well-known Thomson's model, with Flesch and Wilson's model, and with experimental measurements as well. However there is a discrepancy of these results with the results obtained by Reynolds' model.  相似文献   

In a turbulent fluid, the time a particle needs to travel from a point source to the observation point, can be considered as a random variable. It is shown that the probability density function (pdf) for this random variable is determined by the Lagrangian particle position pdf. The characteristics of the transport time pdf are discussed for the simple case of a turbulent fluid moving with a constant mean velocity.  相似文献   

A number of authors have reported the problem of unrealistic velocities (“rogue trajectories”) when computing the paths of particles in a turbulent flow using modern Lagrangian stochastic (LS) models, and have resorted to ad hoc interventions. We suggest that this problem stems from two causes: (1) unstable modes that are intrinsic to the dynamical system constituted by the generalized Langevin equations, and whose actual triggering (expression) is conditional on the fields of the mean velocity and Reynolds stress tensor and is liable to occur in complex, disturbed flows (which, if computational, will also be imperfect and discontinuous); and, (2) the “stiffness” of the generalized Langevin equations, which implies that the simple stochastic generalization of the Euler scheme usually used to integrate these equations is not sufficient to keep round-off errors under control. These two causes are connected, with the first cause (dynamical instability) exacerbating the second (numerical instability); removing the first cause does not necessarily correct the second, and vice versa. To overcome this problem, we introduce a fractional-step integration scheme that splits the velocity increment into contributions that are linear (U i ) and nonlinear (U i U j ) in the Lagrangian velocity fluctuation vector U, the nonlinear contribution being further split into its diagonal and off-diagonal parts. The linear contribution and the diagonal part of the nonlinear contribution to the solution are computed exactly (analytically) over a finite timestep Δt, allowing any dynamical instabilities in the system to be diagnosed and removed, and circumventing the numerical instability that can potentially result in integrating stiff equations using the commonly applied explicit Euler scheme. We contrast results using this and the primitive Euler integration scheme for computed trajectories in a drastically inhomogeneous urban canopy flow.  相似文献   

In this paper, we evaluate the Lagrangian velocity structure function constant, C0, in the inertial subrange by comparing experimental diffusion data and simulation results obtained with applicable Lagrangian stochastic models. We find in several different flows (grid turbulence, laboratory boundary-layer flow and the atmospheric surface layer under neutral stratification) the value for C0 is 3.0 ± 0.5. We also identify the reasons responsible for earlier studies having not reached the present result.  相似文献   

We present a new measure for the rotation of Lagrangian trajectories in turbulence that simplifies and generalises that suggested by Wilson and Flesch ( Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 84, 411–426). The new measure is the cross product of the velocity and acceleration and is directly related to the area, rather than the angle, swept out by the velocity vector. It makes it possible to derive a simple but exact kinematic expression for the mean rotation of the velocity vector and to partition this expression into terms that are closed in terms of Eulerian velocity moments up to second order and unclosed terms. The unclosed terms arise from the interaction of the fluctuating part of the velocity and the rate of change of the fluctuating velocity.We examine the mean rotation of a class of Lagrangian stochastic models that are quadratic in velocity for Gaussian inhomogeneous turbulence. For some of these models, including that of Thomson ( J. Fluid Mech. 180, 113–153), the unclosed part of the mean rotation vanishes identically, while for other models it is non-zero. Thus the mean rotation criterion clearly separates the class of models into two sets, but still does not provide a criterion for choosing a single model.We also show that models for which = 0 are independent of whether the model is derived on the assumption that total Lagrangian velocity is Markovian or whether the fluctuating part is Markovian.  相似文献   

Recently Wilson and Flesch (Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 84, 411-426, 1997) suggested that the average increment d z to the orientation = arctan(w/u) of the Lagrangian velocity-fluctuation vector can be used to distinguish the better Lagrangian stochastic models within the well-mixed class. Here it is demonstrated that the specification of d z constitutes neither a sufficient or universally applicable criterion to distinguish the better Lagrangian stochastic models within the well-mixed class. The hypothesis made by Wilson and Flesch that Lagrangian stochastic models with /PE irrotational are zero-spin models, having d z=0, is proven  相似文献   

Thermal internal boundary layers in onshore air flows have a significant influence on pollutant diffusion in coastal areas. Although several models for this diffusion problem exist, measurements for model verification are scarce. In this paper, we present a set of wind tunnel observations and examine the performance of a Lagrangian stochastic model. The good agreement between the model simulation and the tunnel measurements confirms the usefulness of the Lagrangian stochastic model for practical purposes. Sensitivity tests of the model to turbulence statistics show that uncertainty in velocity skewness to the extent of observational scatter does not seem to have a significant influence on pollutant dispersion, while uncertainties in turbulence intensity (variance) significantly influence the dispersion pattern.  相似文献   

Recently Du ( Boundary-Layer Meteorology 83, 207–219, 1997) estimated the value of the Lagrangian velocity structure constant, C0, in the inertial subrange by comparing experimental diffusion data and simulation results obtained with the one-dimensional form of Thomson's model ( J. Fluid Mech. 180, 529–556, 1987). Du reported that for several different flows (grid turbulence, a wind-tunnel boundary layer and the atmospheric surface layer under neutral stratification) the value of C0 is 3.0±0.5. Here, it is shown that optimal model agreement with experimental diffusion data for the wind-tunnel boundary layer is, in fact, obtained when C0=5.0 ± 0.5. It is also shown that accounting for the skewness of velocity statistics and finite Reynolds number effects does not significantly change this estimate for the value of C0. It is suggested that one-dimensional Lagrangian stochastic models are inconsistent with the supposed universality of C0.  相似文献   

One-dimensional Lagrangian dispersion models, frequently used to relate in-canopy source/sink distributions of energy, water and trace gases to vertical concentration profiles, require estimates of the standard deviation of the vertical wind speed, which can be measured, and the Lagrangian time scale, T L , which cannot. In this work we use non-linear parameter estimation to determine the vertical profile of the Lagrangian time scale that simultaneously optimises agreement between modelled and measured vertical profiles of temperature, water vapour and carbon dioxide concentrations within a 40-m tall temperate Eucalyptus forest in south-eastern Australia. Modelled temperature and concentration profiles are generated using Lagrangian dispersion theory combined with source/sink distributions of sensible heat, water vapour and CO2. These distributions are derived from a multilayer Soil-Vegetation-Atmospheric-Transfer model subject to multiple constraints: (1) daytime eddy flux measurements of sensible heat, latent heat, and CO2 above the canopy, (2) in-canopy lidar measurements of leaf area density distribution, and (3) chamber measurements of CO2 ground fluxes. The resulting estimate of Lagrangian time scale within the canopy under near-neutral conditions is about 1.7 times higher than previous estimates and decreases towards zero at the ground. It represents an advance over previous estimates of T L , which are largely unconstrained by measurements.  相似文献   

A new parameterization for turbulentdispersion in a convective boundary layer isproposed. The model is based on turbulentkinetic energy spectra and Taylor's diffusiontheory. The formulation, included in an advanceddispersion model, has been tested and comparedwith vertical and lateral dispersion schemesreported in the literature, using data from fieldexperiments. The application of a statisticalevaluation shows that the proposedparameterization has the best overall fit to the data.  相似文献   

A simple Lagrangian stochastic model for the trajectories of particle pairs in high Reynolds-number turbulent flows is presented. In this model, the velocities of particle pairs are initially correlated but subsequently each particle moves independently. The independent single-particle trajectories are simulated using Thomson's model [J. Fluid Mech. 180, 529–556, 1987]. This two-particle model exactly satisfies the well-mixed condition for Gaussian turbulence when length scales, characterizing the two-point Eulerian velocity correlation function, vanish. Temperature variances, due to heat released as a passive scalar from an elevated plane source, within a model plant canopy (Coppin et al. Boundary Layer Meteorol. 35, 167–191, 1986) are shown to be well predicted by the model. It is suggested that for strongly inhomogeneous flows, the two-point Eulerian velocity function is of secondary importance in determining the simulated trajectories of particle pairs compared to the importance of ensuring satisfaction of the two-to-one constraint (Borgas and Sawford. J. Fluid Mech. 279, 69–99, 1994); i.e ensuring that one-particle statistics obtained from the two-particle model are the same as those obtained from the corresponding one-particle model. Limitations of this modelling approach are discussed.  相似文献   

We show that a forward Lagrangian stochastic (LS) model simulates well the ensemble-averaged concentration transient due to a short time (5 min) point source in the uniform atmospheric surface layer. In LS models, computational particles, which may not descend below ground level, are necessarily reflected at an imposed (artificial) boundary above ground. Model results were rather insensitive to the placing of the lower reflection boundary, and no definite benefit stemmed from including a parametrization for unresolved delays/displacements beneath the lower boundary.  相似文献   

The inertial subrange Kolmogorov constant C 0, which determines the effective turbulent diffusion in velocity space, plays an important role in the Lagrangian modelling of pollutants. A wide range of values of the constant are found in the literature, most of them determined at low Reynolds number and/or under different assumptions. Here we estimate the constant C 0 by tracking an ensemble of Lagrangian particles in a planetary boundary layer simulated with a large-eddy simulation model and analysing the Lagrangian velocity structure function in the inertial subrange. The advantage of this technique is that it easily allows Reynolds numbers to be achieved typical of convective turbulent flows. Our estimates of C 0 is C 0=4.3±0.3 consistent with values found in the literature  相似文献   

We investigate the relative dispersion properties of the well-mixed class of Lagrangian stochastic models. Dimensional analysis shows that, given a model in the class, its properties depend solely on a non-dimensional parameter, which measures the relative weight of Lagrangian-to-Eulerian scales. This parameter is formulated in terms of Kolmogorov constants, and model properties are then studied by modifying its value in a range that contains the experimental variability. Large variations are found for the quantity, g* = 2gC0− 1, where g is the Richardson constant.  相似文献   

Full-scale observations from two urban sites in Basel, Switzerland were analysed to identify the magnitude of different processes that create, relocate, and dissipate turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) in the urban atmosphere. Two towers equipped with a profile of six ultrasonic anemometers each sampled the flow in the urban roughness sublayer, i.e. from street canyon base up to roughly 2.5 times the mean building height. This observational study suggests a conceptual division of the urban roughness sublayer into three layers: (1) the layer above the highest roofs, where local buoyancy production and local shear production of TKE are counterbalanced by local viscous dissipation rate and scaled turbulence statistics are close to to surface-layer values; (2) the layer around mean building height with a distinct inflexional mean wind profile, a strong shear and wake production of TKE, a more efficient turbulent exchange of momentum, and a notable export of TKE by transport processes; (3) the lower street canyon with imported TKE by transport processes and negligible local production. Averaged integral velocity variances vary significantly with height in the urban roughness sublayer and reflect the driving processes that create or relocate TKE at a particular height. The observed profiles of the terms of the TKE budget and the velocity variances show many similarities to observations within and above vegetation canopies.  相似文献   

Profiles of velocity variances based on observations in flat rural areas are well established, and are used for modelling turbulent dispersion in all types of regions including those of complex terrain and urban areas. Surface-based and balloon observations are used to assess the profiles in both rural and urban areas. It is shown that, with good meteorological inputs for the locality of friction velocity and surface sensible heat flux, the profiles are equally well suited to urban areas. The sensitivity of the profiles to the input meteorological data, in particular using numerical weather prediction (NWP) data, is discussed. This highlights the limitations of NWP data for dispersion modelling and stresses the importance of schemes for modelling urban meteorology.The British Crowns right to retain a non-exclusive royalty-free license in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the concentration probability density function (pdf) is of importance in a number of practical applications, and a Lagrangian stochastic (LS) pdf model has been developed to predict statistics and concentration pdf generated by continuous releases of non-reactive and reactive substances in canopy generated turbulence. Turbulent dispersion is modelled using a LS model including the effects of wind shear and along-wind turbulence. The dissipation of concentration fluctuations associated with turbulence and molecular diffusivity is simulated by an Interaction by Exchange with the Conditional Mean (IECM) micromixing model. A general procedure to obtain the micromixing time scale needed in the IECM model useful in non-homogeneous conditions and for single and multiple scalar sources has been developed. An efficient algorithm based on a nested grid approach with particle splitting, merging techniques and time averaging has been used, thus allowing the calculation for cases of practical interest. The model has been tested against wind-tunnel experiments of single line and multiple line releases in a canopy layer. The approach accounted for chemical reactions in a straightforward manner with no closure assumptions, but here the validation is limited to non-reacting scalars.  相似文献   

Large-eddy simulation and Lagrangian stochastic dispersion models were used to study heavy particle dispersion in the convective boundary layer (CBL). The effects of various geostrophic winds, particle diameters, and subgrid-scale (SGS) turbulence were investigated. Results showed an obvious depression in the vertical dispersion of heavy particles in the CBL and major vertical stratification in the distribution of particle concentrations, relative to the passive dispersion. Stronger geostrophic winds tended to increase the dispersion of heavy particles in the lower CBL. The SGS turbulence, particularly near the surface, markedly influenced the dispersion of heavy particles in the CBL. For reference, simulations using passive particles were also conducted; these simulation results agreed well with results from previous convective tank experiments and numerical simulations.  相似文献   

The turbulence field obtained using a large-eddy simulation model is used to simulate particle dispersion in the convective boundary layer with both forward-in-time and backward-in-time modes. A Lagrangian stochastic model is used to treat subgrid-scale turbulence. Results of forward dispersion match both laboratory experiments and previous numerical studies for different release heights in the convective boundary layer. Results obtained from backward dispersion show obvious asymmetry when directly compared to results from forward dispersion. However, a direct comparison of forward and backward dispersion has no apparent physical meaning and might be misleading. Results of backward dispersion can be interpreted as three-dimensional or generalized concentration footprints, which indicate that sources in the entire boundary layer, not only sources at the surface, may influence a concentration measurement at a point. Footprints at four source heights in the convective boundary layer corresponding to four receptors are derived using forward and backward dispersion methods. The agreement among footprints derived with forward and backward methods illustrates the equivalence between both approaches. The paper shows explicitly that Lagrangian simulations can yield identical footprints using forward and backward methods in horizontally homogeneous turbulence.  相似文献   

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