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Little is known about long-term changes in estuarine fish populations and related environmental variations. Fishes in the temporarily open/closed East Kleinemonde Estuary were sampled bi-annually, in summer and winter, using seine and gill nets between December 1994 and July 2005. A total of 18 families, represented by 33 species, were recorded. The 10 most abundant species caught were consistently recorded in catches each year, but CPUE of individual species varied on an annual basis and this can often be related to mouth state. Multivariate analyses of the annual marine fish community identified two distinct groups, with more species recorded during years that succeeded spring (September to November) mouth-opening events than in years following no mouth-opening events in spring. Interannual community stability (IMD) and seriation (IMS) also increased from the years following no opening events in spring to the years that succeeded spring opening events. These results highlight the importance of the timing of mouth opening to the marine fish community in a temporarily open/closed estuary. This study reinforces the importance of long-term studies to understanding community changes in estuaries caused by environmental variations over different time scales.  相似文献   

While there is already a comprehensive understanding of the effects of environmental variables, such as dissolved oxygen, temperature and salinity, on the structure, biomass and metabolism of aquatic biota in estuarine habitats, the effect of sedimentation, a harmful underlying factor, remains unclear. The aim of this study was to assess the differences in fish assemblages along the freshwater to salt water gradient of a large tropical estuary, and to evaluate the effects on them of habitat disturbance associated with shallow water sedimentation in the intertidal areas. Fish and environmental variables were recorded in the upper, middle and lower salinity zones of the estuary at ebb tide in both the dry and wet seasons. Sediment samples associated with different levels of habitat disturbance were analysed using granulometry, and their organic content and dissolved oxygen levels were quantified. Water temperature, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen levels were also measured. Habitat disturbance was found to be correlated with the density, biomass and richness of fish assemblages. A total of 77 species were recorded, forming two distinct fish assemblages, with the Eleotridae family dominating in the upper zone, and Gerreidae, Gobiidae and Tetraodontidae the most common in the middle and lower estuary. Changes in the structure of fish assemblages, including reductions in density, biomass and richness, were associated with disturbance to natural features, where muddy sediment was replaced by sandy sediment and the quantity of organic matter fell. Atherinella brasiliensis was the species which showed a preference for the disturbed areas in the middle and lower zones, while Dormitator maculatus showed a preference for them in the upper estuary. They may be taken as indicators of habitat disturbance due to shallow sedimentation.  相似文献   

A three-year gill-net survey of the ichthyofauna of the Mbashe Estuary, conducted between 1980 and 1982, i.e. prior to the construction of a barrage on the river in 1984, was repeated during the period 1985–1988. The mean number of species caught per month, the mean total abundance of fish and the mean abundance of Mugil cephalus per sample decreased significantly after the construction of the barrage. The later period was characterized by high rainfall, but no significant changes in the salinity or transparency regime were recorded. The decline in total abundance of fish, and in M. cephalus in particular, may have occurred as a result of a depleted food web caused by the removal of silt and organic matter from the Mbashe Estuary by the severe flood of February 1985, the subsequent lack of replenishment as a result of retention of most of the suspended material by the barrage as well as the continued sediment scour of successive but less severe floods during the following years.  相似文献   

The Lima estuary (NW Portugal) is at the end of an international watershed, whose potential role as a spawning and nursery habitat for local fish populations has not been previously examined. To address this knowledge gap, fortnightly plankton surveys were conducted between April 2002 and April 2004. A total of 12,903 larvae, belonging to 20 families and 50 taxa were collected, with a mean abundance of 8 individuals per 100 m3. Gobiidae was the most abundant family comprising 71% of the total catch, followed by Clupeidae with 12% of the total. The top six abundant taxa (Pomatoschistus spp., Sardina pilchardus, Ammodytes tobianus, unidentified Clupeidae, Symphodus melops and Solea senegalensis) represented 91% of the total catch. Fish larvae showed a seasonal trend with abundances increasing during spring and summer. Diversity was generally low (H = 0.65) with high dominance of very few taxa. Near the ocean, the larval fish assemblage was more diverse due to the presence of marine species. In the lower estuary Channel zone, abundance was lower than in the two upstream salt marsh zones (North and South zones) and no statistical differences in abundance or diversity values were found within the latter zones. ANOSIM results demonstrated seasonal differences in the species composition, mainly during the second winter period which was typified by a pelagic species A. tobianus. The community in the Channel zone was more diverse in comparison with the other zones, which were highly dominated by the most abundant species. The spatial and temporal trends of the most abundant species were typical for Iberian estuaries, with the exception of the low abundance of anchovy larvae and the unusually high numbers and frequency of S. pilchardus, usually mentioned as accidental in estuarine systems. Overall results suggest that the Lima estuary larval fish assemblage has a strong seasonality and affinity to the salt marsh zones. It seems that spawning seasonality controlled the presence of temporary estuarine residents, while environmental aspects controlled the general abundance trend of the resident species.  相似文献   

We collected fishes and environmental variables in three zones (upper, middle and lower) of a small open tropical estuary during flood tide. The aim was to test for differences in fish assemblages along a gradient from freshwater to marine waters and to detect any seasonal variation in fishes and environmental variables across these zones. A total of 111 species (18 in the upper, 50 in the middle and 66 in the lower estuary) were recorded, forming three distinct fish assemblages, with the family Eleotridae dominating in the upper, Gerreidae in the middle, and Sciaenidae in the lower estuary. Only two species (Geophagus brasiliensis in the upper and the middle zones, and Eucinostomus argenteus in the middle and the lower zones) composed more than 1% of the total number of individuals in more than a single zone. Short‐term (tidal) changes in salinity in the middle estuary were associated with different assemblages in the three estuarine zones, even in winter, when the differences in salinity are lowest between the middle and the lower zones. Seasonal variation in salinity was irrelevant, except in a protected sidewater lagoon in the middle estuary. Low salinity seasonal change may be related to the lack of seasonal variation in the structure of fish assemblages in all estuarine zones.  相似文献   

The fish assemblage structure was analyzed along an estuarine gradient of a small macrotidal estuary (the Canche, France). Fishes were collected every two months between May 2006 and July 2007 from 12 sampling stations using a 1.5-m beam trawl with a 5 mm mesh size in the cod end. To complement this information, sampling was also performed using 15-m fyke nets (8 mm mesh size in the cod end). For each sample, abiotic (temperature, salinity, pH, oxygen, turbidity, river flow, wind speed and depth) and biotic (macro crustacean species abundances) were recorded. Throughout the study, 28 fish species belonging to 20 families were collected. Fish catches were dominated by juveniles, especially Young-Of-the-Year (YOY) for the majority of the species. According to the Index of Relative Importance (IRI), common goby Pomatoschistus microps, flounder Platichtys flesus, sprat Sprattus sprattus, sea-bass Dicentrarchus labrax and plaice Pleuronectes platessa were the most abundant species, together accounting for 99.2% of the total IRI. Estuarine residents (ER = 66.2%) and marine juvenile migrants species (MJ = 31.4%) were the most important ecological guilds. The structure of the fish assemblage and its relationship to environmental variables was examined using multivariate techniques. Cluster and non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) analysis defined six distinct groups in the Canche estuary, which are discriminated by specific species (SIMPER). Spatio-temporal variations in fish assemblage structure reflect the density peaks of the most abundant species. Spearman rank correlations and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed that among the ten environmental variables examined, temperature, salinity and Crangon crangon (a potential predator for YOY fish or prey for older ones) are the three most important factors influencing fish species richness and abundances. Our observations reinforce the idea that certain fish species may have different life history styles in different geographic areas. The present study highlights the necessity of a better knowledge of the connectivity between estuaries and adjacent marine areas. The Canche constitutes an important ecosystem for fishes and as it is subject to little anthropogenic disturbance; its ichthyofauna can be viewed as a reference or normal assemblage for small temperate macrotidal estuaries.  相似文献   

This study describes the spatial and temporal dynamics of the copepod fauna in the estuary of the Caeté River, a highly dynamic environment characterized by a unique set of hydrological and hydrodynamic attributes. This ecosystem is part of the Amazon Coastal Zone (ACZ), which sustains one of the world's largest continuous tracts of mangrove forest. In the present study, a predominance of high‐energy conditions characterized by macrotides and strong tidal currents was observed throughout the year. Salinity (0.03 ± 0.05–40.00 ± 0.84) and temperatures (26.43 ± 0.10–30.08 ± 0.43 °C) were higher than during the rainy season at all sampling stations. The highest chl‐a concentration (3.92 ± 1.47–17.63 ± 2.60 mg·m?3) was recorded at the most oligohaline (innermost) station during the rainy season, while no spatial or seasonal pattern was found in dissolved nutrient concentrations, except for phosphates, which exhibited the highest concentrations during the dry season. A total of 22 copepod taxa was identified, of which the most abundant were Oithona hebes, Oithona oswaldocruzi, Acartia tonsa, Paracalanus quasimodo, Euterpina acutifrons and Pseudodiaptomus marshi. Copepodites and nauplii were also recorded. Mean total copepod abundance varied from 710.73 ± 897 individuals (ind.)·m?3 at the inner station to 236,486 ± 398,360 ind.·m?3 near the mouth of the estuary (outermost station). The results reflected rainfall‐influenced oscillations in hydrological variables, mainly salinity, which determined shifts in the distribution of copepods and their community structure within the study area. This pattern may be typical of estuaries in the ACZ with similar hydrodynamic and hydrological attributes that are not influenced by the Amazon River plume.  相似文献   

To investigate the changes in the fish assemblage of the Sine Saloum estuary (Senegal) over a 10-year period, it was surveyed during a complete hydrological cycle (three principal hydro-climatic seasons) first in 1992 and then in 2002–2003. The sampling protocol for the two surveys was identical, using the same sampling technique, the same collection periods, and the same sampling stations.  相似文献   

Water samples were collected in order to study the spatial variation of photosynthetic pigments and phytoplankton community composition in the Lembeh Strait(Indonesia) and the Kelantan River Estuary(Malaysia)during July and August 2016, respectively. Phytoplankton photosynthetic pigments were detected using high performance liquid chromatography combining with the CHEMTAX software to confirm the Chl a biomass and community composition. The Chl a concentration was low at surface in the Lembeh Strait, which it was 0.580–0.682 μg/L, with the average(0.620±0.039) μg/L. Nevertheless, the Chl a concentration fluctuated violently at surface in the Kelantan River Estuary, in which the biomass was 0.299–3.988 μg/L, with the average(0.922±0.992) μg/L. The biomass at bottom water was higher than at surface in the Kelantan River Estuary, in which the Chl a concentration was 0.704–2.352 μg/L, with the average(1.493±0.571) μg/L. Chl b, zeaxanthin and fucoxanthin were three most abundant pigments in the Lembeh Strait. As a consequence, phytoplankton community composition was different in the two study areas. In the Lembeh Strait, prasinophytes(26.48%±0.83%) and Synechococcus(25.73%±4.13%) occupied ~50% of the Chl a biomass, followed by diatoms(20.49%±2.34%) and haptophytes T8(15.13%±2.42%). At surface water in the Kelantan River Estuary, diatoms(58.53%±18.44%)dominated more than half of the phytoplankton biomass, followed by Synechococcus(27.27%±14.84%) and prasinophytes(7.00%±4.39%). It showed the similar status at the bottom water in the Kelantan River Estuary,where diatoms, Synechococcus and prasinophytes contributed 64.89%±15.29%, 16.23%±9.98% and 8.91%±2.62%,respectively. The different phytoplankton community composition between the two regions implied that the bottom up control affected the phytoplankton biomass in the Lembeh Strait where the oligotrophic water derived from the West Pacific Ocean. The terrigenous nutrients supplied the diatoms growing, and pico-phytoplankton was grazed through top down control in the Kelantan River Estuary.  相似文献   

The Mondego estuary fish assemblage was studied for the accumulation of PCBs. Three sampling stations were visited along an estuarine salinity gradient, and, in total, 15 species were collected. Analysis of PCBs revealed no significant differences among the sampling stations, although differences were observed among the fish assemblages. Fish assemblages could be divided into three groups. The first group comprised those with higher concentration (more than 10 ng g 1, dw), included the species Gobius niger, Sardina pilchardus, Anguilla anguilla, Pomatoschistus microps, Chelidonichthys lucerna and Liza ramada; the second group with medium concentration (5–10 ng g 1, dw), included the species Pomatoschistus minutus, Dicentrarchus labrax, Atherina presbyter, Chelon labrosus, Diplodus vulgaris, Platichthys flesus and Cilata mustela; and a third group with low concentration (less than 5 ng g 1, dw), included the species Solea solea and Callionymus lyra. A positive correlation was found between lipid content and PCB concentrations. To evaluate the influence of the residence time of species on the accumulation of PCBs, species were divided into two groups: species that spend more than 3 years in the estuary, and species that spend less than 3 years in the estuary. Species that spend more than 3 years in the estuary presented higher concentrations than species that spend less than 3 years in the estuary. CBs 138 and 153 had higher concentration, and tended to increase with time spent in the estuary.  相似文献   

Freshwater inflow has a strong impact on the biological, chemical and physical characteristics of estuaries, which in turn affect the distribution and abundance of estuarine organisms. Increased climatic variability associated with climate change is predicated to modify precipitation patterns, which will likely intensify floods in estuaries. The demersal fish assemblage of the freshwater-dominated Great Fish Estuary, South Africa, was sampled using beam trawls, monthly, from December 2013 to November 2014. The first six months of the study were characterised by river flooding and high flow, with estuarine conditions found only in the mouth region; this was followed by six months of intermediate flow, with estuarine conditions recorded up to 10 km from the mouth. River flooding and subsequent reduced salinity resulted in a decrease in species richness and abundances of fishes in the estuary, with only two estuarine species (Glossogobius callidus and Psammogobius knysnaensis) and one marine migrant (Solea turbynei) recorded following river flooding (201 m3 s?1), in January 2014. The greatest species richness and abundances among both marine and estuarine fishes were recorded during intermediate flow conditions. We conclude that although freshwater inflow into estuaries is important for the nursery function of these systems, flooding—especially in freshwater-dominated estuaries—may cause a temporary decline in the abundance of most marine and estuarine fish species, including important bentho-pelagic marine migrant fishery species, such as Argyrosomus japonicus and Pomadasys commersonnii.  相似文献   

入海河口河海分界的若干思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
河口是河海之间从陆地因素为主向海洋因素为主转化的过渡地区.关于入海河口的河海分界问题,国际上已有法律先例.在法律方面,相关部门对有关法律、法规的理解不同,对河海界限存在不同认识.在自然科学方面,存在着不同的专业强调不同的划界方法的问题;在管理方面,存在着根据各自认为的管理权限提出的河海界限问题.世界各国的海洋管理实践证明,河口属于海岸带综合管理的重要区域.研究河海划分的科学问题,目的是为了管理,但管理不仅依赖于自然科学,同样也依赖于社会科学.河口属于"国家所有",无论哪个政府部门都是代表国家行使管理权利.不管哪个部门,在河口区管理过程中,都必须根据有关法律法规,从严管理,为可持续发展服务.河口管理应该有利于生态系统的维护和保全,坚持以生态系统为基础的管理.  相似文献   

This study examines the spatio-temporal structure of diatom assemblages in a temperate estuary (Ria de Aveiro, Western Portugal). Eighteen monthly surveys were conducted, from January 2002 to June 2003, at three sampling sites (at both high and low tide) along the estuarine salinity gradient. The relationship of diatom assemblages and environmental variables was analysed using the STATICO method, which has been designed for the simultaneous analysis of paired ecological tables. This method allowed examination of the stable part of the environment-diatom relationship, and also the variations of this relationship through time. The interstructure factor map showed that the relationship between the 11 environmental variables and the abundance of the 231 diatom species considered was strongest in the months May and September 2002 and January, February and May 2003. The stable part of the species–environment relationships mainly consisted of a combined phosphate, chlorophyll a and salinity gradient linked to a freshwater-marine species gradient. A more pronounced gradient was observed in January, February and May 2003. Diatom assemblages showed clear longitudinal patterns due to the presence of both marine and freshwater components. May and September 2002 had the least structured gradients with marine-estuarine species appearing in the freshwater side of the gradient. The most complete gradient in February 2003 could be considered, in terms of bio-ecological categories, as the most structured period of the year, with a combination of strong marine influence in the lower zone and freshwater influence in the upper. The best-structured gradients were during periods of a diatom bloom. Stable diatom assemblages (with a strong structure and a good fit between the diatoms and environment) are described and characterized. This study shows the efficiency of the STATICO analysis. The inclusion of space-time data analysis tools in ecological studies may therefore improve the knowledge of the dynamics of species–environmental assemblages.  相似文献   

This study has determined the ways in which the density, number of species, species composition and trophic structure of free-living nematode assemblages in the subtidal waters of a large southern hemisphere microtidal estuary change spatially and seasonally, and has explored whether those four biotic characteristics are related to certain environmental factors. Based on data derived from samples collected seasonally at 12 sites throughout the estuary, the densities and number of species of nematodes decreased progressively with distance from estuary mouth, to reach a minimum at sites where salinities were most variable, and then increased slightly in the uppermost part of the estuary where salinities were least. Densities were also generally greatest in spring, due largely to increases in the abundance of epistrate-grazing species at this time and thus when the amount of primary food (microphytobenthos) peaked. The spatial distribution of the composition of the nematode assemblages was closely correlated with salinity and, to a lesser extent, grain-size composition and amount of particulate organic material (%POM) in the sediment. Although species composition changed sequentially along the estuary, the change was particularly pronounced between sites above and below the area where salinities started to decline markedly and become more variable and %POM increased markedly. This reflected, in particular, far greater abundances of Spirinia parasitifera at the six downstream sites and of Theristus sp. 1 at the six sites further upstream. Species composition underwent pronounced seasonal cyclical changes at all sites, presumably reflecting interspecific differences in the timing of peak reproduction and thus of recruitment. The trophic structure of the nematode assemblages changed both spatially and temporally in relation to the relative abundance of different food sources. Thus, for example, non-selective deposit feeders, such as Theristus sp. 1, dominated samples in the upper estuary, where %POM was by far the greatest, and was rare or absent at downstream sites. Conversely, epistrate grazers, such as species of the Chromadoridae, were most abundant at downstream sites in spring, when the density of the microphytobenthos reached its maximum.  相似文献   

珠江口及邻近水域鱼类群落结构研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
詹海刚 《海洋学报》1998,20(3):91-97
根据1986~1987年珠江口及邻近水域底拖网鱼类采样资料,运用系统聚类与排序等多元分析方法和群落多样性指数,研究该水域鱼类群落结构及其与环境因素的关系,分析结果把该水域鱼类划分为淡水、河口和沿岸3个群落,分别位于莲花山,虎门河道、珠江河口伶仃洋和珠江口浅海水域,各群落结构组成呈沿盐度梯度而成带分布的格局.淡水群落结构简单稳定,沿岸群落结构比较复杂,河口群落受水动力过程和生物活动影响最大,群落结构的季节变化较为显着.  相似文献   

This 3-year study provides a large-scale perspective of fish assemblage structure across an ocean–estuarine ecotone, given range of salinity encountered (0.1–32) based on sampling at 12 stations along 40 km from the Mullica River (river), Great Bay (bay), and the adjacent inner continental shelf (ocean) in southern New Jersey. Otter trawl (4.9 m, 6 mm mesh) collections were dominated by young-of-the-year of most of the 49 species encountered. Species richness and abundance appeared greatest in the ocean, decreased (with an increase in inter-station variability) in the bay, and appeared to increase again towards the uppermost river stations. The same areas contained three non-discrete, but identifiable, fish assemblages based on Detrended Correspondence Analysis. Members of the Triglidae and Stromateidae characterized the ocean and bay, whereas representatives of the Percichthyidae and Ictaluridae characterized the river. Several species, including Anchoa mitchilli and Cynoscion regalis, exhibited a ubiquitous distribution across the sampling area. Further analyses with Canonical Correspondence Analysis identified salinity and geographic distance, among the variables examined, as the most important determinants in shaping the assemblages. Other contributors included habitat heterogeneity and water depth. In summary, these observations indicate that large-scale patterns in the structure of this estuarine fish assemblage are primarily a result of individual species' responses to dominate environmental gradients, as well as ontogenetic migrations, whereas smaller-scale patterns appear to be the result of habitat associations that are most likely driven by foraging, competition, and/or predator avoidance.  相似文献   

The occurrence of fish larvae and the effect of diel and tidal variation on catches was studied at about biweekly intervals for a year in Whangateau Harbour, a small well mixed northern New Zealand estuary. Larvae from 31 taxa were identified. The annual pattern of larval occurrence was typical for fish in temperate waters, with a major peak of abundance in early summer. For six taxa, larval densities were significantly greater in night-time than in daytime catches, and analysis of length-frequency distributions suggested that for two species this was due to daytime net avoidance.No significant differences were found between the densities of larvae caught on flood and ebb tides, but changes in length-frequency distributions were significant for two species. Recently hatched larvae of an unidentified goby were found leaving the harbour, where they were probably spawned, while older larvae of this species appeared to be recruiting back in. Larvae of the flounder Rhobosolea plebeia were also apparently recruiting into the harbour. In the absence of a two-layered circulation pattern larvae relied upon tidal transport for recruitment, and probaby ensured their retention by rapidly settling to the bottom.  相似文献   

Estuarine and sheltered coastal habitats that contain physical structure are potentially important nurseries for juvenile fish. Many of these structured habitats, however, are potentially vulnerable to stressors such as elevated turbidity. Quantifying the benefits that structured habitats provide to juvenile fish may therefore be an important step in the management process. We investigated the value of structured habitat for juvenile fishes in northeastern New Zealand, using artificial seagrass units (ASUs) with varying blade density. ASUs were predominantly settled by juvenile snapper (Pagrus auratus) and spotty (Notolabrus celidotus). The density of both snapper and spotty was greatest on ASUs with the highest blade density. For snapper, a gradient in abundance was present (with higher abundance closer to the harbour mouth), suggesting either a gradient in the supply of recruits or a potential recruitment shadow effect. The size distribution of juvenile snapper (12–70 mm fork length) was very similar on both sampling trips, despite the 2‐month interim period, suggesting an ontogenetic habitat shift dependent on size. The condition of juvenile snapper from ASUs with the highest blade density was also greater than the other ASU treatments. Overall, these results provide new empirical evidence that habitats with physical structure within shallow estuarine systems are important to early stage juvenile fishes such as snapper, and indicate that the location‐specific context of that habitat is also likely important.  相似文献   

The species composition, abundance and diversity of demersal fish assemblages has been investigated in an oligotrophic coastal bay in the Aegean Sea which is a designated zone for the development of aquaculture. Samples were collected using experimental trawling, before the establishment of fish cages in the area during early June 1987 and after attaining the maximal production of the aquaculture zone in late May 2001. The overall abundance of the fish assemblage increased by a factor of 4 and the average trophic level of the fish community increased from 3.59 to 3.79. Traditional diversity indices showed an increase in dominance but the distinctness measures of biodiversity showed that the overall structure obtained after the establishment of fish farming was not phylogenetically impoverished. Multivariate analysis showed that the community differences between the two periods are quantitative rather than qualitative. Comparisons in length frequencies between the two periods indicated that specimens of the species compared were either similar or larger in the second period. The species favoured by the presence of aquaculture were not the ones normally feeding on the food pellets under the cages but those normally occurring in the fishing grounds of the study. It is concluded that the release of nutrients from fish farming in nutrient-poor systems can have a positive effect on local fisheries with no visible negative change in species composition or biodiversity.  相似文献   

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