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多溴联苯醚在海洋生物中的富集及毒性效应评述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)作为一种新型的持久性有机污染物,在海洋环境中广泛存在,对海洋生物的影响也日趋加大,因此评价PBDEs的海洋生态效应十分必要.本文在简介海水中PBDEs化学行为的基础上,依次阐述PBDEs在海洋浮游生物、底栖动物、游泳生物体内的富集,其沿海洋生态食物链(网)的传递规律与毒性效应,还展望了PBDEs海洋生态效应今后需加强的研究内容.  相似文献   

王睿  林锟  王江涛  谭丽菊 《海洋科学》2021,45(4):189-200
多溴二苯醚(PBDEs)属于新兴污染物,是一种性能优良的阻燃剂,在各种工业产品中广泛应用,而且存在于世界各地的海洋环境中.PBDEs还有持久性、远距离迁移性、生物累积性等特点,对海洋生态系统和人类造成严重危害.与此同时渤海又是我国唯一一个半封闭型的内海,有较差的自净能力以及与外界海水交换的能力,因此渤海区域PBDEs的...  相似文献   

本文研究了中国四省区(福建、广东、广西和海南)共16处红树林湿地表层沉积物中多溴联苯醚(polybrominated diphenyl ethers, PBDEs)和5种替代型溴系阻燃剂(alternative brominated flame retardants, ABFRs)的污染特征, 包括十溴二苯乙烷(decabromodiphenyl ethane, DBDPE)、1, 2-双(2, 4, 6-三溴苯氧基)乙烷[1, 2-bis (2, 4, 6-tribromophenoxy) ethane, BTBPE]、六溴苯(hexabromobenzene, HBB)、五溴甲苯(pentabromotoluene, PBT)和五溴乙苯(pentabromoethylbenzene, PBEB)。结果表明, PBDEs、DBDPE和BTBPE在我国红树林湿地沉积物中广泛存在, 而HBB、PBT和PBEB仅在部分红树林湿地检出。PBDEs总含量的均值范围为1.39~293ng·g-1(干重), 其污染程度具有明显的空间差异性(p=0.016), 并且与当地人口和经济水平显著正相关(p<0.01)。在红树林沉积物样品中, BDE 209是最主要的同系物, 占PBDEs总含量的72%~96%; DBDPE和BTBPE是最主要的ABFRs, 浓度的均值范围分别为0.489~29.4ng·g-1(干重)和0.0127~1.11ng·g-1(干重)。BDE 209与其替代品DBDPE的含量显著正相关(p<0.01), 反映出二者在红树林湿地沉积物中空间分布的相似性, 这说明BDE 209和DBDPE可能具有相似的污染源和/或环境行为。DBDPE与BDE 209的浓度比值范围为0.0839~0.925, 表明我国红树林湿地沉积物中DBDPE的污染水平还未超过BDE 209, 但ABFRs逐渐替代使用而带来的环境问题不容忽视。  相似文献   

Concentrations of seven polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) congeners were examined in flounder (Platichthys flesus) and sediment in three southern Baltic Sea sites, representing a range of exposure conditions, in order to evaluate spatial differences in PBDE contamination. Additionally, PBDEs were measured in muscle, liver, and gonads of flounder from one of the sites in order to examine inter-tissue distribution. Mean muscle Σ7PBDE levels, in the range of 10–21 ng g−1 lipid, showed inter-site differences attributed to the distance from the Gulf of Gdańsk, and were overall lower than reported earlier in herring, sprat, and salmon. Biota sediment accumulation factors (BSAFs) for Σ7PBDE and individual BDE congeners, in the range of 0.5–24.5, were generally consistent with predicted models for persistent hydrophobic halogenated contaminants. Wet weight (wet wt) PBDE levels in muscle and liver, but not in gonads, were related to tissue lipid content and did not correlate with the fish length and weight. These tissues differed in PBDE levels and profiles as a result of varying lipid content and presumably lipid composition and congener-specific physico-chemical properties.  相似文献   

Concerns have emerged regarding the presence of human-use pharmaceuticals in aquatic environments. We investigated the status of contamination by 29 human-use pharmaceuticals as well as wastewater indicator compounds, fecal sterols and the synthetic endocrine disruptor nonylphenol, in marine sediments from Masan Bay, one of the most contaminated bays in Korea as a result of untreated and/or treated sewage. Among the 29 pharmaceuticals determined, 10 including antacid, analgesic, antibiotic, and antipruritic compounds, and metabolites of caffeine and nicotine were detected in all sediment samples. Cimetidine, acetaminophen, and 1,7-dimethylxanthine were the most frequently detected pharmaceuticals (frequency > 50%), and at high concentrations. The highest concentrations and detection frequencies were at stations located close to wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) outfalls and at the river mouth. The spatial distributions of pharmaceutical were significantly correlated with those of wastewater compounds. These results indicate that occurrence of the pharmaceuticals in marine environments is likely associated with direct sewage inputs, such as WWTP effluents and with other sewage-influenced sources, such as river discharge.  相似文献   

Concentrations of ten polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and eight methoxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers (MeO-PBDEs) in mullet (Mugil cephalus) and sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) collected from the Bizerte Lagoon and the Mediterranean Sea were investigated. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of these compounds in marine fishes from Tunisia. The PBDE mean concentrations in fish from Bizerte Lagoon were 45.3 and 96.2 ng g(-1) lw respectively in mullet and sea bass, while the concentrations of these compounds in mullet and sea bass from Mediterranean Sea were 7.80 and 27.9 ng g(-1) lw respectively. MeO-PBDE concentrations in mullet and sea bass from Bizerte Lagoon ranged from 6.46 to 286 ng g(-1) lw and from 49.4 to 798 ng g(-1) lw respectively, while the concentrations of these compounds in mullet and sea bass from Mediterranean Sea ranged from 190 to 401 ng g(-1) lw and from 353 to 578 ng g(-1) lw respectively. The total PBDEs and total MeO-PBDEs concentration in fish from Bizerte Lagoon were similar or slightly lower than those reported for other species from other locations around the world.  相似文献   

王翠  孙琪  姜尚 《台湾海峡》2012,31(1):27-33
基于美国普林斯顿大学的河口、陆架和海洋模式(ECOM),建立了厦门海域三维变边界的物质输运模型,模拟了厦门海域污水处理厂尾水排放口附近无机氮的响应系数场.结果表明,厦门市尾水排放口中,石渭头排放口响应系数明显小于其他排放口,其排放口中心点的响应系数仅为其他排放口的0.08~0.50;其次是澳头、海沧和筼筜排放口;而杏林、同安、集美以及翔安排放口的响应系数相对较大,说明该区域水动力条件较弱,污染物扩散缓慢,不是理想的排放口.建议将杏林排放口优化调整至海沧排放口,集美、同安、翔安排放口优化调整至澳头排放口进行排放.该研究可为厦门海域尾水排放口选址优化提供科学依据,为厦门海域入海污染物总量控制和海洋环境管理提供参考价值.  相似文献   

Polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) concentrations were measured in the blubber of five mother-pup pairs of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) from Sable Island, Nova Scotia (NS) sampled in 1995 and in 20 harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) from British Columbia (BC) sampled in 1991-1992. Concentrations in maternal grey seals from Sable Island averaged 112+/-55.2 ng/g lipid (mean+/-s.d.) and were over twice the concentrations measured in their pups; higher brominated PBDEs showed a distinct decline in PBDEs transfer efficiency in mother-pup pairs as a function of increasing K(o/w). Hepta-BDEs and higher molecular weight (MW) congeners appear not to be transferred efficiently from the grey seals mother to pup during lactation on the basis of lipid/water partitioning (as indicated by ln K(o/w)) and this may be a consequence of molecular size (MW>600 Da) which may limit diffusion and partitioning. PBDE concentrations in blubber from harbour seals from the Strait of Georgia averaged 319+/-132 ng/g lipid (mean+/-s.d., n=13), while those from the more remote and less contaminated Quatsino Sd. averaged 27.8+/-11.8 ng/g (mean+/-s.d., n=7). Tri- to hexa-BDEs were appreciably enriched in Strait of Georgia harbour seals relative to those from Quatsino Sd, suggesting that the former were closer to PBDE sources. The main congeners identified in all samples were BDEs 47, 99, 100, 153 and 154. Data were compared to those in ringed seals sampled from Holman, North West Territories (NWT), in 1996. The Holman samples had a higher proportion of lower bromination congeners, and a lower proportion of higher bromination congeners, than did the Sable Island and BC seal samples, consistent with selection in favour of more volatile compounds during atmospheric transport to the Arctic.  相似文献   

Leptocephali of the genusSaurenchelys in the family Nettastomatidae were collected from the coastal area of Pohang, Korea and described as the first record from Korean waters.S. stylura andS. lateromaculatus are characterized by two intestinal swellings, the pattern of pigments in the notochord, and by smaller pectoral fins than those of other genus. They are very similar to each other but they are distinguished by the pattern of pigments in the notochord and the intestinal swellings.  相似文献   

宋迪  徐佳  单宝田  王栋 《海洋科学》2014,38(2):102-106
<正>随着我国工厂化养殖业的飞速发展,养殖规模与日俱增,如何实现养殖废水的有效循环使用,避免由此导致的水生态环境问题引起广泛关注。由于养殖过程中需向水体中投放饵料和化学品,作为养殖生物的营养和消毒剂,所以养殖废水中除含有剩余饵料外,还含有化学物质及富含氮、磷的养殖生物排泄物等有害物质。若不处理直接排放,可加剧邻近水域富营养  相似文献   

臭氧对西施舌胚胎孵化率和幼虫摄食生长与成活的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了臭氧处理后的海水对西施舌(Coelomactra antiquata)胚胎孵化率、幼虫摄食率、生长率和成活率的影响。结果表明,臭氧处理后的海水的化学耗氧量(COD)及NH 4-N的浓度明显下降。西施舌胚胎在通入臭氧(4.17mg/L)10min的海水中,孵化率最高,为97%,在充入臭氧25min的海水中孵化率最低,为72.7%;西施舌幼虫在充入臭氧10~15min的海水中和未经处理的海水中生长较快;幼虫在充入臭氧5min和10min的海水中成活率有所提高。将幼虫放在多次充入臭氧的海水中培养,再放回未经臭氧处理的海水进行17h和30h恢复,30h后其死亡率达85%,而在充入臭氧时间短的的海水中死亡率较低,为33.3%,表明西施舌幼虫的生理机能受到了臭氧的不可恢复破坏。  相似文献   

工厂化海水养殖水处理常用制剂   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着人们对海产品需求的日益增加,在海洋捕捞量不能满足市场需求的情况下,海水养殖业得到了迅猛的发展。然而粗放型经营、资源依赖型水产养殖方式导致的生态失衡、环境恶化、资源萎缩的状况已十分严重。闭合循环工厂化养殖方式具有节水、占地少、养殖效率高和对环境污染较轻等优点,因此得到了迅速的发展。该养殖技术主要采用循环水养殖,将养殖废水处理后循环使用,  相似文献   

Species belonging to the genus Bysmatrum are peridinoid, thecate, photosynthetic dinoflagellates. The plate formula of Bysmatrum spp., arranged in a Kofoidian series, is almost identical to that of Scrippsiella spp. Bysmatrum spp., which were originally classified as Scrippsiella spp., but were transferred to the genus Bysmatrum spp. because of separation of the intercalary plates 2a and 3a by plate 3??. Whether this transfer from Scrippsiella spp. to Bysmatrum spp. is reasonable should be genetically confirmed. Dinoflagellates were isolated from 2 solar saltons located in western Korea in 2009?C2010 and 3 clonal cultures from Sooseong solar saltons and 2 clonal cultures from Garolim solar saltons were successfully established. All of these dinoflagellates were identified as Bysmatrum caponii based on morphology analysis by light and electron microscopy. The plates of all Korean strains of B. caponii were arranged in a Kofoidian series of Po, X, 4??, 3a, 7??, 6c, 4s, 5?, 0 (p), and 24??. When properly aligned, the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences of the 3 Sooseong strains of B. caponii were identical, as were those of the 2 Garolim strains. Furthermore, the sequences of the 3 Sooseong strains were 0.01% different from those of the Garolim strains. However, the sequences of SSU rDNA of these Korean B. caponii strains were 9% different from that of Bysmatrum subsalsum and > 10% from that of any other dinoflagellate thus far reported. In the phylogenetic trees generated using SSU and LSU rDNA sequences, these Korean B. caponii strains formed a clade with B. subsalsum which was clearly divergent from the Scrippsiella clade. However, this Bysmatrum clade was phylogenetically close to the Protoperidinium and/or Peridinium clades. The results of the present study suggest that Bysmatrum spp. are markedly different genetically from Scrippsiella spp..  相似文献   

To study the historical and current status of the environmental levels of organotin compounds in Chinhae Bay in southeast Korea, mussels (Mytilus edulis galloprovincialis), oysters (Crassostrea gigas) and sediment cores were analysed for tributyltin (TBT) compounds. TBT concentrations were higher in oysters (mean: 0.25 μg TBT-Sn/g dry wt) than in mussels (mean: 0.20 μg TBT-Sn/g dry wt). The major sources of TBT are in the inner bay, and the highest TBT concentrations of 0.50 μg TBT-Sn/g (mussels) and 0.74 μg TBT-Sn/g (oysters) were observed at the site adjacent to the port. Concentrations of TBT decreased sharply with distance from the inner bay toward the outer bay and there was little TBT in the outer bay. A significant correlation was observed between this distance and the tissue TBT content of oysters and mussels. The concentration and percentages of TBT in sediment cores decreased with depth as a result of debutylation. Half-lives of TBT and dibutyltin (DBT) in sediments were 6.9 and 11.6 y, respectively. The TBT concentrations in mussels were higher than those in sediments by a factor of 4–7.  相似文献   

海洋沉积物中碳的来源、迁移和转化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类活动每年向大气排放的CO2约为65亿t,其中留在大气中的约占50%,大洋吸收约16亿-20亿t,陆地生态系统大约吸收0.7亿~1.4亿t(Bates,2001;Battle et al.,2000),还有大约13亿t找不到去处,称为大气CO2丢失项,而陆架边缘海有可能是这丢失项的去处。近海沉积物是大气二氧化碳的接受者,同时当条件合适时沉积物中的碳又可被释放重新进入水体乃至大气中,是碳循环中的重要源与汇,因此海洋沉积物在碳循环中的作用是全球碳循环的一个关键环节。虽然近十年来这方面的研究已经引起众多学者的关注,对沉积物中的碳循环进行了较大量的研究,取得了一系列成果,但海洋沉积物在碳循环中的作用和过程至今并未查清,具体体现在海洋沉积物在海洋碳循环中起什么作用?起多大作用?在哪些方面影响和控制海洋碳循环?这些均需要科学家们长期的艰苦努力,以便在更深入、更系统和更高层次上研究解决困扰当今人类的涉及碳循环这一重大环境科学问题。 海洋沉积物为海洋环境中的一个主要研究对象,其中的碳与水体-生物体以及大气、入海河流等进行着不间断的交换、大气中的气体碳经过复杂的海洋生物地球化学过程转化为水体中的溶解碳,再变为颗粒碳,经沉降最终形成沉积物,在适宜的条件下上述的反过程同样会发生。因此,研究海洋沉积物中的碳在其循环中的作用是非常困难的。碳是最主要的生源要素,更是生命活动能流、物流中最重要的元素,几乎所有的生物地球化学循环过程都与它有关,因而有关碳循环的研究是目前全球变化研究的热点。许多国际研究计划均以此为核心研究内容。如国际地圈与生物圈计划(IGBP)中的全球海洋通量联合研究(JGOFS)、全球生态系统动力学(GLOBEC)以及上层海洋与低层大气研究计划(SOLAS)等(唐启升,2001;宋金明,2000)。碳循环研究以 JGOFS计划2001年基本结束为标志,通过近十几年的研究,取得了丰硕的成果,系统了解了海洋循环的过程及界面碳通量,对全球碳循环也有了一个初步的了解。为进一步深入开展这方面的研究作者从海洋沉积物中碳的形态与来源、海水及颗粒物中碳与沉积物碳的关系、表层沉积物再悬浮对碳循环的影响以及沉积物中碳的早期成岩作用等几个方面阐述了海洋沉积物中碳循环目前的研究进展。  相似文献   

Surface sediment from the coastal bays of Gwangyang and Masan in South Korea were analyzed for their contents and isotopic values of organic carbon and total nitrogen. The sources and diagenetic alteration of organic matter were also assessed. Total organic carbon varied from 0.22% to 3.48% (average = 1.40%, n = 75), and C/N ratios varied from 2.4 to 15.2 (average = 8.79, n = 75). δ13Corg ranged from −19.92‰ to −25.86‰ (average = −21.21‰, n = 75), and δ15NTN ranged from 8.57‰ to 3.93‰ (average = 6.49‰, n = 75). Total organic carbon in both areas was associated with grain-size, with higher contents in finer grained sediment. The high carbon content observed in Masan Bay sediment correlated with its higher C/N ratio. δ13Corg and δ15NTN varied widely, attributable to various influences such as the input of terrestrial organic matter and diagenetic alteration. The depleted δ13Corg and higher δ15NTN observed in the sediment of Gwangyang Bay reflected terrestrial supply, implying that biogeochemical processes, i.e. bacterial degradation, were more active in Masan Bay sediment, which showed less depleted δ13Corg and higher δ15NTN than Gwangyang Bay sediment. δ15NTN was the more useful indicator of biogeochemical processes in the highly anoxic sediment. These results indicate that the δ13Corg and δ15NTN of sedimentary organic matter in coastal bays can indicate the source and degree of diagenetic alteration of sedimentary organic matter.  相似文献   

Five new species of the family Lichomolgidae associated with solitary ascidians are described from the east coast of Korea. Two new genera are proposed: Protomolgus n. gen. to incorpotate Protomolgus duplex n. sp. and P. singularis n. sp., and Dontimolgus n. gen. to incorporate Dontimolgus brevicaudatus n. sp. Protomolgus n. gen. characteristically has a four-segmented female maxilliped and a bipartite mandible. Dontimolgus n. gen. possesses a large, tooth-like process on the first maxillary segment and three spines on the third exopodal segment of leg 3. Other two new species described are Lichomolgus infirmus n. sp. and L. pectinatus n. sp.  相似文献   

以点带石斑鱼(Epinephelus malabaricas)、半滑舌鳎(Cynoglossus semilaevis)养殖排放水为处理对象,在生产现场研究了竹环填料生物滤器处理高盐度、低氨氮负荷海水养殖废水的运行效果以及挂膜阶段和稳定运行阶段微生物群落变化规律。结果表明,点带石斑鱼养殖废水进水氨氮质量浓度为0.93~1.33 mg/L,氨氮去除率达到27%~39%,挂膜时间需45 d;半滑舌鳎养殖废水进水氨氮质量浓度为0.38~0.52 mg/L,氨氮去除率达到20%~30%,挂膜时间需65 d。另外,对生物滤器挂膜阶段和稳定运行阶段的氨氧化细菌数量和亚硝酸氧化细菌数量进行了统计,氨氧化细菌的数量在点带石斑鱼和半滑舌鳎养殖排放水处理系统中分别达到104~105 CFU/mL和103 CFU/mL,亚硝酸氧化细菌数量则分别达到104 CFU/mL和103 CFU/mL,并分析了温度、进水氨氮负荷、反硝化作用对半滑舌鳎养殖废水生物滤器亚硝酸盐积累现象的影响。  相似文献   

In this study, seawater samples were collected from Goseong Bay, Korea in March 2014 and viral populations were examined by metagenomics assembly. Enrichment of marine viral particles using FeCl3 followed by next-generation sequencing produced numerous sequences. De novo assembly and BLAST search showed that most of the obtained contigs were unknown sequences and only 0.74% of sequences were associated with known viruses. As a result, 138 viruses, including bacteriophages (87%), viruses infecting algae and others (13%) were identified. The identified 138 viruses were divided into 11 orders, 14 families, 34 genera, and 133 species. The dominant viruses were Pelagibacter phage HTVC010P and Roseobacter phage SIO1. The viruses infecting algae, including the Ostreococcus species, accounted for 9.4% of total identified viruses. In addition, we identified pathogenic herpes viruses infecting fishes and giant viruses infecting parasitic acanthamoeba species. This is a comprehensive study to reveal the viral populations in the Goseong Bay using metagenomics. The information associated with the marine viral community in Goseong Bay, Korea will be useful for comparative analysis in other marine viral communities.  相似文献   

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