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An updated list of earthquakes and earthquake parameters (location, homogenized magnitude, macroseismic data) for the southern Baltic Sea area reveals activity north of the sea, whereas there are very few epicentres in the sea itself and in the region south of it. This is the first study to combine seismological data for the whole region to cover also the sea. Macroseismic data for the 1930 earthquake were reinvestigated leading to an intensity of V–VI (MM or MSK scale), a radius of perceptibility of 135 km and an unusually big focal depth of about 40 km. It is difficult to correlate individual earthquakes with specific faults, but some seismotectonic relations are suggested, e.g. for the Tornquist zone, the predominant structure of the region. Only few reliable focal-mechanism solutions exist. Possible seismogenic processes (ridge push, isostasy, etc) are discussed.  相似文献   

白广斌  赵杰  易剑 《岩土力学》2014,35(Z2):488-494
针对某核电取水隧洞工程,采用非线性的动力分析方法,用Flac3D建立大型三维有限差分模型,模拟隧洞洞口段在场址时程地震波作用下的地震响应规律,同时通过建立隧洞洞口处回填高边坡的二维有限元模型,进行洞口边坡在地震动作用下的稳定性分析,得出其边坡滑动面位置和动力安全系数时程曲线。通过场址地震波的输入,探讨隧洞洞口及边坡的结构响应特点,得出隧洞洞口衬砌内力随地震波作用的时程变化曲线,绘制隧洞衬砌内力图,同时给出隧洞洞口段高边坡安全系数。分析结果表明,隧洞洞口抗震的薄弱部位位于隧洞拱肩及边墙位置。分析方法及结论对于隧洞的抗震设计具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Southern Okinawa Trough represents an early stage of back-arc rifting and is characterized by normal faulting and microearthquakes. Earthquake distribution and deep structure of fault was investigated to clarify active rifting in the southern Okinawa Trough, where two parallel grabens are located. A network of ocean bottom seismometers (OBSs) that displayed the hypocenters of 105 earthquakes were observed for a period of 4 days in southern-graben (SG). Most of the microearthquakes occurred in a cluster about 7 km wide, which on a cross-section striking N45°E dips 48° to the southwest. Relocated hypocenters, which are recorded by a local seismic network, show scattered distribution around the southern-graben. There are no remarkable surface faults in the southern-graben. On the other hand, the recalculation of hypocenter locations of 1996 earthquakes swarm recorded by a local seismic network suggests that the swarm is associated with normal faulting on the southern side of northern-graben (NG). Thus, the undeveloped southern-graben is located to the south of the developed northern-graben. Southward migration of rifting, which may be caused by migration of volcanism, could thus be occurring in the southern Okinawa Trough. The extension rate computed for the southern Okinawa Trough from the fault model of the northern-graben is 4.6 cm/year, which is 59–102% of the extension rate (GPS measurements). This result indicates that the majority of extensional deformation is concentrated within the center of the northern-graben in the Okinawa Trough.  相似文献   

Paludification intensity and peat deposition on Haukkasuo bog in southeastern Finland were studied with peat stratigraphic investigations by taking 79 samples for 14C carbon dating and 164 volumetric samples. Peat formation of Haukkasuo, a concentric raised bog, began about 10 400 cal. BP. Lateral expansion has been largely controlled by the flat clayey floor, which has favoured rapid growth of the bog. During the first 400 years of its existence the bog covered one-fifth, and in the following 2000 years one-half, of its present extent. The long-term carbon accumulation rate averages 22.3 g C/m2/yr in the central part of Haukkasuo and 16.7 g C/m2/yr in its margins. The highest rates of carbon accumulation over 500-year periods were recorded in the central part of the bog in 6500–5500, 3500–2500 and 1500–0 cal. BP. The rate of vertical peat increment was higher than average in these periods, and the peat was mainly slightly humified and, when close to the surface, un compacted. The rate of carbon accumulation was lowest in 5500–3500 and 2500–2000 cal. BP, when the rate of vertical growth was lower than average and the peat was more humified than average. The formation of peat, the rate of vertical peat increment and the succession of peat types in Haukkasuo have mainly been controlled by hydrological changes caused by local factors, although climatic factors might also be important. In particular, the formation of slightly humified peat in 3300–2700 cal. BP and during the last 1300 years can be related to humid climate.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify the main mesoscale features and mechanisms responsible for the generation of an extreme precipitation event as a contribution to improving the modelling of processes that produce HPEs. The event occurred during the morning hours on 22 November 2010 over the Dubrovnik coast in Croatia and the hinterland mountain range of the southern Dinaric Alps and caused severe flash floods and landslides and consequent interruption of traffic and electricity supply as well as other infrastructural damage. The analysis is geographically focused on the southern portion of the eastern Adriatic region, which is prone to relatively frequent heavy precipitation events that occur mostly in autumn. This area is one of the rainiest in Europe with expected annual amounts of precipitation greater than 5,000 mm in the mountainous hinterland. The mechanisms responsible for the formation of convection were analysed using synop measurements, satellite data and numerical experiments performed with the WRF model, which was set up at the convection-permitting resolution in the innermost domain. Satellite data were used to identify the precipitation systems and to estimate the intensity of the precipitation during the period of interest. The development of the precipitation system was connected to a strong large-scale ascent over the southern Italy and southern Adriatic due to the advection of warm air and cyclonic vorticity advection, which increases with height. The numerical simulations highlighted the essential role of a southerly low-level jet stream in the transport of warm and moist air towards the affected area. The convergence of two branches of low-level marine air favoured convection triggered over the coast and sea. Furthermore, numerical sensitivity experiments suggested that the orography of the Dinaric Alps plays an essential role in the precipitation maximum over the mountainous hinterland, but also that the orography was not the crucial factor in the heavy precipitation near Dubrovnik. This study highlights the need for a dense network of observations, especially radar measurements, to validate the simulated mechanisms and improve numerical forecasts via data assimilation.  相似文献   

A diagnostic study was conducted to examine the effectiveness of malodor removal from a large-scale municipal waste treatment plant in an urban area. To this end, the odor pollution status was investigated from a total of 16 spots in the treatment facility to cover the dual treatment lines consisting of regenerative thermal oxidation (first stage) and a wet chemical scrubber (second stage). As a simple means to learn more about the odorant removal efficiency of different treatment units, samples collected from ambient spots as well as before and after each treatment unit were analyzed for 22 key offensive odorants (i.e., reduced sulfur compounds, carbonyl compounds, nitrogenous compounds, volatile organic compounds, and fatty acids) along with dilution-to-threshold ratios based on the air dilution sensory test. The removal patterns differed greatly between different odorant groups across different processing units. The effectiveness of this dual treatment system was optimized for such odorants as hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, while it was not the case for others (e.g., some aldehydes and organic acids). The results thus suggest the need for the validation of the efficiency in many types of odor processing units and for establishing new control techniques to cover a list of odorants un-subordinate to preexisting methods.  相似文献   

The scarcity of water resources in semiarid regions is usually accompanied by brief periods of quite intense precipitation that can generate potentially catastrophic floods. In such regions, the use of runoff water for aquifer recharge can contribute to both flooding prevention and effective management of water resources. This paper presents the results of a study undertaken in southeastern Spain focusing on the recharge induced by a number of engineering structures (check dams) and gravel pits. The current network of check dams consists of 107 dams, of which 64 are located over permeable substrates and so we can induce recharge of the storm runoff retained therein. The hydrological model was performed using the curve number method (CN) of the Service for the Conservation of Soils, utilizing code HEC-HMS. Results indicate that the proportion of runoff infiltrated through the check dams varies from 3% to more than 50%, according to the effective volume of water dammed and the substrate. In addition, hydrological modelling was carried out in a subbasin taking advantage of the presence of one of a number of gravel pits. The gravel pits are situated in the apical sectors of alluvial fans that overlie hydrogeological units that are widely overexploited, and so they are well positioned for use for artificial recharge. In this case, we conclude that a pit is capable of retaining and infiltrating the combined runoff volumes for various return periods (5, 25, 50, and 100 years). Furthermore, the simulation carried out suggests that the recharge processes in these environments are intimately linked to episodic storm events. The incorporation of hydrogeological criteria in the design and construction of check dams could therefore be very useful for the optimum management of water resources in semiarid zones.  相似文献   

Rheology and seismotectonic regime in the northern central Mediterranean   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The connection between thermal field and mechanical properties is analysed in the northern central Mediterranean region, extending from the Ligurian-Provençal basin to the Adriatic foredeep. As the thermal regime is still far from equilibrium in most of the tectonic units, transient thermal models are used. The temperature-depth distribution is estimated in four areas affected by the volcanic activity, which from the Neogene to the Present shifted from Corsica to the Apenninic arc. In the Adriatic foredeep, the thermal effects of the recent thrust-faulting phase in the buried sectors of the northern Apennines are taken into account.

The general context consists of convergence involving westward subduction of the Adriatic plate. This process caused anti-clockwise rotation of Corsica and Sardinia, which led to formation of the Ligurian marginal basin, and also resulted in crustal doubling and overthrusting in the northern Apennines and rifting in the northern Tyrrhenian.

Seismic activity is focused in the internal and external zones of the Apenninic arc, where low surface heat flux is observed, and in the western margin of the Ligurian-Provençal basin. This is a consequence not only of lateral variations in the thermal field but also of the different tectonic settings. Regional extensional patterns in the shallow crust, with minimum principal stress axes trending N60°E and E-W, are observed in the northern and in the southern sectors of the Apenninic arc, respectively. A compressional regime at depths greater than 30 km is observed below the northern sector of the arc, while to the south a change in the structure of the lithosphere is marked by a decrease in deeper seismic activity. Thrust faults and strike-slip faults with a thrust component support a compressional regime along the western margin of the Ligurian basin with maximum principal stress axis oriented N120°E.

Two lithospheric cross-sections across the study region are constructed, based on structural, thermal, gravity, rheological and seismic data. There is clear evidence of the presence of the subducting slab of the Adriatic plate, corresponding to a thickening of the uppermost brittle layer. The crustal seismicity cut-off corresponds to temperatures of 320–390°C. A brittle layer of considerable thickness is present in the uppermost mantle beneath Variscan Corsica and the Adriatic foredeep, with estimated seismic cut-off temperature of about 550 ± 50°C.  相似文献   

High As contents in groundwater were found in Rayen area and chosen for a detailed hydrogeochemical study. A total of 121 groundwater samples were collected from existing tube wells in the study areas in January 2012 and analyzed. Hydrogeochemical data of samples suggested that the groundwater is mostly Na–Cl type; also nearly 25.62 % of samples have arsenic concentrations above WHO permissible value (10 μg/l) for drinking waters with maximum concentration of aqueous arsenic up to 25,000 μg/l. The reducing conditions prevailing in the area and high arsenic concentration correlated with high bicarbonate and pH. Results show that arsenic is released into groundwater by two major phenomena: (1) through reduction of arsenic-bearing iron oxides/oxyhydroxides and Fe may be precipitated as iron sulfide when anoxic conditions prevail in the aquifer sediments and (2) transferring of As into the water system during water–acidic volcanic rock interactions.  相似文献   

湘东南及湘粤赣边区中生代地质构造发展框架的厘定   总被引:25,自引:8,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
湘东南及湘粤赣边区属南岭中段北部,是研究华南中生代构造背景与演化的良好窗口.通过同位素年代学和地质地球化学研究,确定了区内中生代3个时代花岗岩的时限与构造环境,并结合对区内中生代不同时代陆相盆地和火山岩的性质与形成机制,构造变形和成矿作用的期次与特征等研究,厘定出研究区中生代地质事件序列的框架.从早至晚分为早三叠世-中三叠世早期前造山阶段(Ⅰ)、中三叠世后期-中侏罗世初陆内造山阶段(Ⅱ)、中侏罗世早期-晚侏罗世后造山阶段(Ⅲ)、白垩纪板内裂谷阶段(Ⅳ)等4个大的地质发展阶段,其中陆内造山阶段(Ⅱ)进一步划分为4个亚阶段(Ⅱ1~Ⅱ4).前造山阶段(Ⅰ)为稳定海相沉积阶段.中三叠世后期(Ⅱ1)为陆内俯冲汇聚高峰期,形成大量NNE向为主的逆冲断裂与褶皱,并使陆壳增厚.中三叠世末-晚三叠世后期(Ⅱ2)挤压相对松弛,大量壳源花岗岩浆形成并侵位(233~210Ma).晚三叠世末-早侏罗世(Ⅱ3)为同造山上隆伸展环境,形成NNE向裂陷含煤盆地,高Na低K的拉斑玄武岩喷发.中侏罗世初期(Ⅱ4)为NNE向左旋汇聚走滑造山,发育逆冲断裂且前期裂陷盆地反转成为山前冲断收缩盆地.中侏罗世早期-晚侏罗世后造山阶段(Ⅲ),大量后造山花岗岩侵位(174~135Ma),同时发生大规模成矿作用;侏罗纪末期发生过短暂的挤压事件.白垩纪板内裂谷阶段(Ⅳ)形成盆-岭构造和变质核杂岩构造、双峰式火山岩和次火山岩、酸性岩脉及具有AA型花岗岩特征的上堡小型岩体等组合.文章最后就华南地区燕山早期构造环境和中生代不同阶段构造-岩浆活动特征的形成机制等问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

小兴安岭东南伊春地区晚三叠世—早侏罗世二长花岗岩中普遍具有岩浆混合成因MME型暗色微细粒闪长质包体和同深成岩墙—中基性脉岩群等,反映出壳幔混合成因的特点,而正长-碱长花岗岩具铝质A2型花岗岩的特征,两者的岩相学、主微量及同位素特征显示,其形成均与古亚洲洋闭合之后大陆碰撞向碰撞后转变的伸展崩塌构造环境下的底侵作用有关。两者形成时代、成因及物质来源和成矿构造背景等特征上的相似性,也反映在矿床成矿系列的相似性上,二长花岗岩表现出Mo-Pb-Zn-Fe-Au-Ag矿床成矿系列,并以Mo、Pb成矿作用强烈为特征,而正长-碱长花岗岩矿床成矿系列表现为Zn-Pb-Cu-Mo-W-Fe,其成矿作用较弱且分散,同时也说明了成矿系列中存在一定差异,这可能与壳幔混合程度不同有关;早中生代花岗岩有关成矿特征、矿床类型、矿化强度、矿化类型等矿床成矿系列上的差异,说明该地区仍具有巨大的多金属找矿潜力。  相似文献   

Quartz-plagioclase veins in the Västervik area, southeastern Sweden, show macroscopic and microscopic characteristics that indicate a metasomatic mode of origin. Comparison of the mineralogical composition of the veins and the host rocks shows that biotite and kalifeldspar, which both are abundant in the host rocks, are scarce in the veins. Plagioclase is much more abundant in the veins than in the host rocks. Modal analyses were used to compare the compositions of veins and host rocks. The quartz-plagioclase veins are considered to have originated by supercritical aqueous solutions.
Zusammenfassung Quarz-Plagioklas-Adern in der Nähe von Västervik in Südost-Schweden haben makroskopische und mikroskopische Kennzeichen, die auf ein metasomatisches Entstehen hinweisen. Aus Modalanalysen erweist sich, daß Biotit und Kaliumfeldspat, die im Nebengestein sehr allgemein sind, in den Adern fast ganz fehlen. Plagioklas ist in den Adern sehr allgemein vertreten und im Nebengestein nur spärlich. Eine Bildung durch überkritische wässerige Lösungen wird als wahrscheinlich angenommen.

Résumé Des filons constitués de quarz et de plagioclase dans la région de Västervik dans la partie sud-est de la Suède montrent des caractères macroscopiques et microscopiques qui indiquent une origine métasomatique. La comparaison de la composition minéralogique des filons et celle des roches encaissantes montre que les minéraux qui sont abondants dans les roches encaissantes, la biotite et les feldspaths alcalins, sont peu fréquents dans les filons. D'autre part, la plagioclase est beaucoup plus abondante dans les filons que dans les roches encaissantes. Les compositions des filons et des roches encaissantes ont été comparées à l'aide des analyses modales. Des solutions aqueuses supercritiques sont considérées d'être responsables pour la formation des filons.

- Västervik, , , , . - , . , .

A geophysical survey was undertaken at Wiri area of the Andong in southeastern Korea to delineate subsurface structure and to detect the fault zone, which affected the 1997 mountain–hill subsidence and subsequent road heaving initiated by the intense rainfall. Electrical resistivity methods of dipole–dipole array profiling and Schlumberger array sounding and seismic methods of refraction and reflection profiling were used to map a clay zone, which was regarded as the major factor for the landslide. The clay zone was identified in electrical resistivity and seismic sections as having low electrical resistivity (<100 Ωm) and low seismic velocity (<400 m/s), respectively. The clay zone detected by using geophysical methods is well correlated with its distribution from the trench and drill-core data. The results of the electrical and seismic surveys showed that slope subsidence was associated with the sliding of saturated clay along a fault plane trending NNW–SSE and dipping 10°–20° SW. However, the road heaving was caused by the slope movement of the saturated clay along a sub-vertical NNE-trending fault.  相似文献   

Wei Du  Robert L. Goble 《GeoJournal》1990,21(3):273-282
This paper briefly reviews several large-scale modeling systems for nuclear power plant accidents in the United States, and summarizes our recent modeling results for the effects of key meteorological conditions, radioactive release characteristics, and evacuation strategies on radiation doses. This work was intended to be useful in the formulation of emergency plans for nuclear power plant accidents. The sensitivity analyses establish a scale for comparing impacts at various locations and over time depending on the variation of those key parameters, and have clear implications for emergency planning.  相似文献   

在野外露头观察与实测的基础上,将钻井、录井及实测资料相结合,运用沉积学与层序地层学相关理论方法,对渝东南地区五峰-龙马溪组沉积特征和层序充填特征进行深入研究,并探索油气地质意义。五峰-龙马溪组页岩野外沉积特征明显,识别度高,厚度60~130 m,下部为硅质页岩,向上砂质含量逐渐增加,岩性过渡为泥质粉砂岩。通过测井曲线特征、岩性、沉积构造响应及海平面升降,可将五峰-龙马溪组划分为4个三级层序,海侵体系域和高位体系域对称发育,横向上连续性较好,纵向上特征明显;Sq1海侵体系域在研究区内广泛发育,沉积一套硅质页岩,Sq2上部开始发育高位体系域沉积,对应为泥质粉砂岩沉积,Sq3下部发育海侵体系域泥岩沉积,Sq4以高位体系域为主,发育泥质陆棚相炭质页岩沉积。五峰-龙马溪组在整个层序充填过程中受到构造运动和海平面升降的控制,物源主要来自东南缘雪峰古隆起,早期的火山热事件为页岩中大范围硅化现象提供硅质来源的同时,为该时期浮游生物提供了生存条件,促进了五峰-龙马溪组页岩中有机质的发育,为页岩气富集成藏提供了充足的气源。  相似文献   

工程区高地应力判据研究及实例分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
对原地应力状态的准确把握是地下工程稳定性评价的重要基础,而选择可行的高地应力判据是进行地应力状态评价的前提条件。在详细分析现有各种原地应力评价判据的基础上,提出可行的高地应力判据,并在判据模型中引入了国际上认可度非常高的Shoerey模型,但该模型没有考虑岩体变形模量和岩石弹性模量的区别。通过广泛研究目前国内外关于岩体强度的理论和方法,引入Hoek-Brown岩体强度估算理论,补充完善了Shoerey模型。云南禄丰某工程隧道,工程区共布置两个地应力测孔,测试结果较为离散。利用应力状态评价和数据拟合方法,推算出最大埋深部位的应力值达19.29 MPa,而岩体整体强度仅为5.243 MPa。按照强度应力比和Shoerey模型的评判标准,该隧道洞身部位的应力状态均为极高应力状态,应引起重视。对原地应力状态评价的一般方法和步骤进行了概括总结,以方便其他工程参考使用。  相似文献   

对松辽盆地东南隆起区姚家组地层进行系统的地球化学分析,结果表明:本区细碎屑岩中含有较多的稳定组分。通过对微量元素PAAS标准化及稀土元素标准化曲线配分模式研究,研究区内姚家组地层应来自同一物源区。CIA值及Th/U值表明源区经历了中等的风化作用;Th/Sc和Zr/Sc比值变化范围小,地球化学特征基本受源岩控制,物源区岩石未经过沉积再搬运。根据源岩构造背景判别图解,并结合前人的研究成果认为:姚家组地层的母岩主要为花岗岩(海西期和燕山期),并有少量燕山期中酸性喷出岩;源岩来自大陆边缘,为大陆岛弧火山岩系。通过Sr/Cu,Ni/Co,V/Cr,U/Th等比值综合分析,姚家组沉积时为干热气候,水体富氧,因此造成姚家组厚层的红色泥岩沉积。  相似文献   

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