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气候暖干化对中国北方干热风的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
综述并阐明了干热风气象灾害在指标类型、时空分布、形成原因、发生环境、危害特征、防御技术等6个方面的内容,干热风危害特点具有明显温度猛增、湿度骤降的突变性和昼夜维持干热天气分不开.气候暖干化是北方现代气候变化的基本特征,气候变暖尤其使极端气温显著升高,气候变干使降水量持续偏少,出现了明显干旱化趋势.干热风发生次数与气候变暖呈显著正相关,与气候变干呈显著反相关.干热风对气候暖干化的响应十分敏感,气候暖干化使干热风发生区域扩大、次数增多、强度增强、危害加重.因此,防御干热风和干旱化危害刻不容缓.  相似文献   

针对我国北方地区常见的几种农业气象灾害:干旱、低温冷害、霜冻和干热风,对其各类指标进行了归纳和描述。干旱指标是从监测、防御、经济损失评估、社会经济发展水平和科技进步5个方面来分别描述;冷害指标就目前常见的几类进行了简要介绍;霜冻指标多针对不同作物给出具体判别标准;干热风指标从气象、判别、危害和防御4个方面进行了描述。总结了不同指标的优缺点,同时也对这些灾害指标目前存在的问题和今后改进的方向提出了看法,为形成北方地区农业气象灾害指标体系奠定基础,同时为今后该地区各类农业气象灾害的监测、评估及防灾减灾工作提供参考与支撑。  相似文献   

甘肃省干热风的气候特征及其对气候变化的响应   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
对全省80个站1961-2006年资料统计6-7月干热风次数,采用小波分析其演变周期,用相关方法研究干热风对气候变化的响应.结果表明:甘肃干热风可划分为最重区、较重区、最轻区和无干热风区;近46 a来全省和河西的干热风次数随时间的变化呈增加趋势,小波分析显示出存在准6 a周期演变;干热风气象灾害对气候变化的响应十分敏感,在气候暖干时期干热风强度强,次数多,危害重,而在气候凉湿期强度弱,次数少,危害轻.  相似文献   

廊坊市地下水位下降漏斗的气象成因分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
何平 《地下水》2009,31(3):48-50
由于人类社会生产生活过程中过度开采地下水引发了地下水降落漏斗,加之全球气候变暖,大面积干旱等极端天气气候事件频繁发生,使得水资源短缺已成为制约经济社会可持续发展的重要因素.研究气象干旱对地下水降落漏斗演化过程的影响将为提出防御地下水降落漏斗的进一步发展提供充分的科学依据.通过对廊坊市地下水漏斗发展演化过程与逐年降水的相关分析,揭示了地下水降落漏斗的气象干旱响应模式,即气象干旱促使人类过度开采地下水资源,从而进一步加剧水文干旱、地下水降落漏斗及地面沉降灾害.同时,提出了合理开采地下水、提倡中水回用、推广节水灌溉等对策.  相似文献   

城市化的加速和人口聚集不仅加剧了城市冠层热岛效应,还影响高温热浪事件,二者的叠加效应将严重影响城市发展和居民健康。目前部分研究认为热浪与热岛之间存在协同加强的变化特征,但是热浪与城市热岛的叠加效应仍存在较大差异性。通过全面回顾和总结国内外关于热浪与热岛协同作用差异性方面的研究,并从气候背景、局地环流以及城市形态等方面探讨了城市高温的形成机制。在不同气候背景和局地环流条件下,热浪与热岛协同作用呈现出显著的时空差异性,尤其是局地环流的调节作用不可忽视。近10年提出的局地气候区分类在热浪与热岛协同作用方面的研究已经取得了一些成果,但是有必要从城市三维形态方面入手进一步探索其响应特征。目前,未统一标准的热浪定义对深入理解热浪—城市热岛相互作用带来了不确定性。当下需要更全面地了解热浪和热岛带来的城市过度变暖的时空差异性及其形成机制和调节因素,为高温监测和城市居住环境改善提供更详细的指导和理论支撑。  相似文献   

西北地区特色作物对气候变化响应及应对技术的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
总结了白兰瓜、 大樱桃、 酿酒葡萄、 苹果、 桃、 当归、 党参、 黄芪、 甘草、 枸杞等10种特色作物的生长发育、 种植区域、 气象灾害、 生物量、 产量与品质等对现代气候暖干化的响应特征. 结果表明: 气候暖干化使多年生特色作物萌芽或返青提早, 生长发育速度提前加快; 瓜果类作物全生育期缩短, 根类作物全生育期延长; 使种植区的高度提高150 m左右, 向更高纬度扩展, 种植面积迅速扩大. 对旱作农业区的特色作物气候产量下降, 对灌溉农业区的影响较少, 有利于喜温凉特色作物气候产量增加, 对较耐旱的影响较轻, 对不够耐旱受到较大的影响.有利于提高瓜果类作物的品质, 尤其含糖量提高. 提出了建立特色作物种植基地或示范区, 实现农工商产业系列服务, 创建现代农业发展模式和管理新模式适应气候变化; 制定精细化综合农业自然资源区划, 合理调整种植结构; 根据未来气候预测和不同气候年型调整作物种植比例; 加强气象灾害监测、 评估、 预警与防御工作等4个方面的措施应对气候暖干化.  相似文献   

论气候变暖背景下干旱和干旱灾害风险特征与管理策略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
干旱是全球影响最广泛的自然灾害,给人类带来了巨大的危害,近百年气候显著变暖使干旱灾害及其风险问题更加突出。目前,对干旱和干旱灾害风险的内在规律理解并不全面,对气候变暖背景下干旱和干旱灾害风险的表现特征认识也比较模糊。在系统总结国内外已有干旱和干旱灾害风险研究成果的基础上,归纳了干旱灾害传递过程的基本规律及干旱灾害的本质特征,综合分析了干旱灾害风险关键要素的主要特点及其相互作用关系,讨论了气候变暖对干旱和干旱灾害风险的影响特点,探讨了干旱灾害风险管理的基本要求。在此基础上,提出了干旱灾害防御的主要措施及干旱灾害风险管理的重点策略。  相似文献   

青海省气象灾害的若干气候特征分析   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
罗生洲  汪青春  戴升 《冰川冻土》2012,34(6):1380-1387
利用1984-2007年气象灾害资料, 分析了青海省各类气象灾害的发生机率及时空分布特征.冰雹、 暴雨洪涝、 雪灾、 干旱和雷电及霜冻是青海省主要气象灾害, 连阴雨、 大风、 沙尘暴、 冻害、 渍涝、 高温、 龙卷风、 大雾为青海次要气象灾害.在地域分布上, 海南州和海东地区是青海气象灾害多发和危害严重地区; 玉树州和果洛州属于气象灾害发生较少和危害较轻地区.就行政县域而言, 西宁市湟中县、 海南州兴海县、 贵德县为青海气象灾害多发县, 果洛州班玛县、 久治县、 玉树州治多县则是青海省气象灾害较少和危害较轻县份.年内5-6月出现的气象灾害种类最多, 4-9月份是气象灾害高发期.在1984-2007年间, 暴雨洪涝、 冰雹、 雷电灾害发生次数呈增多趋势, 其他灾害发生次数增多趋势不甚明显.  相似文献   

<正>跨区地质灾害意指涉及不同管辖区域。根据灾害地质作用及危害机制的空间特征,可分为灾害地质体跨区、跨区危害和次生跨区危害等三类应对情景。随着经济社会的快速发展,此类灾害将会多见,尤其是后者情景。我国《突发事件应对法》明确规定"涉及两个以上行政区域的,由有关行政区域共同的上一级人民政府负责,或者由各有关行政区域的上一级人民政府共同负责"。但是,由于存在应急预案、应对资源和应对策略的跨区分异性,长期以来一直没有操作层面的应对方案可资借鉴。相比非跨区问题,在预警响应与处置技术层面  相似文献   

对全球气候变化对地质灾害的响应关系,尤其是对滑坡和泥石流灾害的响应关系进行了综述。工业化革命以来,特别是近几十年来全球气候发生着重要的变化,全球几乎所有地区都经历着升温过程。全球气候变化对极端天气事件(极端降雨、气温升高、强风和洪水灾害)的影响尤为强烈,并且增加了地质灾害的发生风险。其中,水循环和气温的变化是影响地质灾害发生的直接因素。气温上升会导致大气层含水量升高、冰川冻土退化、海平面上升、蒸发作用增强;水循环变化会导致降雨频率、降水周期、降水强度的改变。日益增加的极端天气与同岩土体相互作用,导致了不同类型地质灾害的发生,严重威胁着人类的生活起居。  相似文献   

This paper summarized six aspects such as the harm characteristics, type and index, climatic characteristics, causes, responding to globe changes, protecting technology and answering tactics of hot-dry wind and high temperature heat wave. There is distinction and relationship between hot dry wind and high temperature heat wave. This includes that both of hot-dry wind and high temperature heat wave belong to serious shorter time scale weather disasters. Lower humidity and higher temperature are their main characteristics. The two causes of abnormal circulation characteristics and impacts of the disasters from climate change are basically the same. The disasters may occur in the same area during the same period. Arid season is helphul for their development and aggravation damage. There are differences on harm characteristics, type and index, climatic characteristics, protecting technology and answering tactics in this two weather disasters in that the high temperature heat wave is the comprehensiveness meteorological disasters and dry-hot wind is the agrometeorological disasters.  相似文献   

The Cretaceous is a typical period for studying the greenhouse climate and the earth system interactions, and the world's most extensive terrestrial strata are mainly in East Asia, especially in China. Continental sediments can effectively reflect the paleo-climate change, but the previous studies of the Late Cretaceous paleo-climate, based on the combined characteristics of continental climate-sensitive sediments, were barely found in China. To obtain the Late Cretaceous paleo-climate characteristics of China, the distribution characteristics of different continental climate-sensitive sediment types in the early, middle and Late Cretaceous in China were studied in detail. According to the distribution and combination characteristics and types of continental climate-sensitive sediments, seven climate types can be divided: 1) warm-humid and warm-dry climate; 2) hot and dry climate; 3) hot-dry and arid climate; 4) hot-dry and semiarid climate; 5) hot-dry and hot-wet climate; 6) hot-dry and warm-humid climate; 7) hot-dry and warm-dry climate. The results show that in the early Late Cretaceous, the hot and dry climate was the most widespread, followed by warm-humid and warm-dry climate, but the climate was drier than the paleo-climate of the previous study of Early Cretaceous. Hot and dry climate zone became wider in the Coniacian and Maastrichtian; furthermore, it covered Xinjiang to the east of China from east to west after the Santonian Period. The hot-dry and semiarid climate zone was nearly latitudinally distributed from the northwest to the southeast and it shows a further increase in aridification. Global geological events, paleogeographic features and regional tectonic evolution had significant impacts on the paleoclimate of China in the Late Cretaceous, such as global eruptive events of volcanoes led to the temperature increase in China in the early Late Cretaceous; coastal mountain ranges in southeastern China led to the drying of the Late Cretaceous climate in southern China; Xuefeng Mountains, Wuling Mountains, Nanling Mountains and Tai-hang Mountains were the dividing line between the hot and dry climate zone and hot-dry and arid climate zone in the early Late Cretaceous, and Altun Mountains were the dividing line between the southeastern section of the hot and dry climate zone in western China in the middle Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Heat wave of 2015 over India, a natural disaster with 2500 human deaths, was studied to understand the characteristics, associated atmospheric circulation patterns and to evaluate its predictability. Although temperatures are highest in May over India, occurrence of heat wave conditions over southeast coastal parts of India in May 2015 had been unanticipated. Analyses revealed that isolated region of Andhra Pradesh (AP) had experienced severe heat wave conditions during May 23–27, 2015, with temperatures above 42 °C and the sudden escalation by 7–10 °C within a short span of 2–3 days. Short-range weather predictions with Advanced Research Weather Research and Forecasting model at 3-km resolution, up to 72-h lead time, have been found accurate with statistical metrics of small mean absolute error and root-mean-square error and high index of agreement confirming the predictability of the heat wave evolution. Analyses have indicated that regional atmospheric pressure disparities within the Eurasia region, i.e., increased pressure gradient between the Middle East and India, had been responsible for increased northwest wind flow over to northwest India and to southeast India which have advected higher temperatures. Estimates of warm air advection have shown heat accumulation over AP region, due to sea breeze effect. The study led to the conclusion that changing pressure gradients between Middle East and India, enhancement of northwest wind flow with warm air advection and sea breeze effect along southeast coast blocking the free flow have contributed to the observed heat wave episode over coastal Andhra Pradesh.  相似文献   

冯起 《沉积学报》1998,16(2):129-133
全新世以来塔克拉玛干北部(以下简称塔干北)主要沉积物组成为亚粘质土、细砂夹杂着粉砂。分析该区域沉积物的分层结构和粒度组成、化学元素、孢粉、碳酸钙、矿物表明:区域气候以干燥为主,并存在着高温与冷凉的温度波动,且气候的这种变化与全球气候的变化紧密相关。塔干北气候变化受全球径向环流影响较大,纬向环流影响较小。  相似文献   

为探究注采参数对松辽盆地干热岩物理力学及波动特征的影响,对不同注采参数下高温遇水冷却后花岗岩进行纵、横波波速测试试验和抗压强度试验。分别考虑注采参数(岩样温度、水温、高温遇水循环次数) 与岩样物理力学特征(外观形态、峰值强度、弹性模量、泊松比)、波动特征(纵、横波波速) 的关联性,建立不同注采参数下力学特征与波动特征拟合曲线,并研究搁置过程中不同岩样温度、不同水温条件下岩体物理力学及波动特征变化规律。研究发现:(1) 搁置初期,岩样温度越高,质量、纵、横波波速、弹性模量降幅越大;水温升高,质量、纵、横波波速、弹性模量降幅先增大后减小。(2) 对采热过程中岩体物理力学及波动特征影响由大到小的注采参数依次为靶区温度、注水循环次数、注水温度。提升岩样温度、增加注水循环次数,岩样力学与波动特征均逐渐下降,提高注水温度变化规律与其相反;经历600℃高温,岩样纵波波速、横波波速、峰值强度、弹性模量降幅分别达到53.44%、58.02%、66.56%、79.84%,高温遇水循环5 次 后降幅依次达到33.61%、33.63%、34.22%、56%。(3) 影响岩样力学与波动特征关联性的注采参数由大到小依次为岩样温度、高温遇水循环次数、水温。此研究能够为松辽盆地热采注采参数的选取提供一定参考。  相似文献   

海洋飞沫及其对海—气相互作用影响的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
按照海水滴生成机制和粒径大小,由海浪破碎生成的海洋飞沫分为膜滴、射滴和裂滴三大类,较小的海水滴在大气中滞留时间长,成为云的凝结核,对长期气候变化有重要影响,较大的海水滴参与海—气界面动量和热量交换过程,有利于热带气旋的形成和发展。海洋飞沫的生成与海上风速、海浪、海流和大气稳定度等因素有关,但由于缺乏观测数据,刻画海洋飞沫效应的关键物理量——海洋飞沫生成函数通常用海上风速进行参数化,忽略其他因素的影响,彼此间的差异非常大,给研究海洋飞沫对气候和海—气相互作用的影响造成困难,需要进一步开展海洋飞沫的观测,考虑风速之外的其他因素对海洋飞沫生成函数的作用,改进海洋飞沫热量和动量效应的参数化方案,进而阐明海洋飞沫对气候和海—气相互作用的影响。  相似文献   

Heat wave has become a severe problem over China in recent year. Based on daily air temperature data from 719 meteorological stations in China in the period of 1961-2012, the heat wave events were classified into three levels by duration: weak HW, medium heat wave and strong heat wave. This paper describes the spatial and temporal characteristics among three levels of heat wave over China during the period 1961-2013. The results showed that the number of hot days displayed a weakening trend from the 1960s to the early 1990s, followed by a strengthening trend from the late 1990s up to now. Long-term linear trends in hot days had significant regional differences, for instance, the number of hot days in southwest and southern China growing sharply than other regions; three levels heat wave occurred in different regions that weak heat wave usually occurred in the northwest and middle part of China while strong heat wave mainly happened in the southern part of China. When it came to the first day of heat wave, weak heat wave occurred earliest in China, and it happened around July 3rd while medium heat wave and strong heat wave always started on July 13th and July 14th, respectively. In general, the earliest heat wave was always found in southwest China while the last ones usually occurred in southern part and southwest China. Increasing trend of three levels heat wave were found in the entire country, except for southwest China. The trend of the last day of heat waves showed significant difference between northern and southern part of China. The last day of weak and medium heat wave occurred later in the south China, while strong heat wave happened earlier in north China.  相似文献   

Data obtained from the 30m high MONTBLEX tower installed at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur are described. Data on wind speed and direction, temperature and humidity were recorded during the first week of July 1989 at six levels on the tower. They indicate some of the atmospheric surface layer characteristics. Using two levels of tower data involving wind speed and temperature a profile method was used for computing the surface fluxes of heat and momentum. A method for calculating the surface roughness length using the data was also used to obtain the vertical windspeed profile. The computed wind profile was compared with observations, while the surface roughness length was compared with values obtained by a least square fit. The computed surface fluxes were compared with theoretical values obtained by an energy budget method which uses only wind data at one level. The agreement was reasonably good.  相似文献   

为了研究高温巷道下围岩-隔热支护体系温度场的分布情况,基于围岩散热、能量守恒原理和异步长有限差分计算方法,建立了围岩-支护体系一维非稳态下的有限差分方程,编制相应解算程序,探讨了通风时间、围岩导温系数、温差、隔热层厚度和导热系数对围岩调热圈温度场的影响规律。研究结果表明:隔热层能延缓围岩散热和减少巷道风流对围岩的扰动,加快巷道降温;调热圈半径随通风时间增加、围岩导温系数增加、隔热层导热系数增加和厚度减少而增加。围岩温度梯度随通风时间增加而降低,随风流和原岩温差增大而增大;研究提高了对高温巷道调热圈特性及隔热结构的认知,对合理安排隔热支护有一定指导作用。   相似文献   

溪洛渡等河道型水库具有库容大且径流量大的特点,热动力过程和水温分布迥异于天然河流或湖泊。通过温度链对溪洛渡水库坝前水温进行长期高频监测,选取升温期和降温期典型时段,分析表层水温的昼夜变化和温跃层的内波现象;计算表面热交换,并分析其对水温变化的影响。结果表明:水面混合层在水面热交换的控制下周期性出现和消失;在升温期水面吸热对于变温层升温过程有重要影响;在降温期,水面失热驱动了垂向混合,入流降温形成侵入流,共同控制变温层的降温过程;温跃层中24 h周期的内波形成与出流日调节有直接因果关系。与实测数据计算的水面热通量相比,采用气象站日值数据的溪洛渡数值模型的模拟值偏小。  相似文献   

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