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The paper presents a synthesis of the approach recently developed to constrain the nature and the age of recent element mobility in weathering profiles. The approach relies on a comparison of variations of trace elements and U-series disequilibria in weathering profiles. It is exemplified in the case of old lateritic profiles from the Kaya toposequence, Burkina Faso. Trace elements and 238U---234U---230Th disequilibria have been analysed in whole rock samples from two pits located in very contrasted topographical positions. Trace element data show that the whole toposequence is marked by an intense chemical remobilization, including uranium, from the cap to the lower part of the profiles. 238U---234U---230Th disequilibrium data outline that all the levels of the profiles are affected by recent U---Th fractionations, and that each level of the toposequence is marked by U gains and losses. The chronological approach developed in this paper leads to an age of about 400 kyr for the dismantling of the iron cap, and ages ranging from 0 to 400 kyr for U accumulation in the pink clay horizon of the profiles. The depth repartition of U accumulation in the profile implies that the remobilisation processes in this toposequence varied through time, on time constants similar to those of climatic variations. To cite this article: F. Chabaux et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   

The historical stratotypes of the Aquitanian and Burdigalian in the Aquitaine Basin are studied here by using the tools of facies sedimentology and the concept of sequence stratigraphy. This analytical method combines recognition and sequential organization of facies, and several types of stratigraphic markers. This method allows identification of at least six depositional sequences within the Miocene of the Saucats area: the four lower ones belong to the Aquitanian, the fifth one to the whole Burdigalian, while the sixth sequence corresponds to the Serravallian. In addition, this method provides evidence of a period of emersion before each transgression, suggesting potential fluvial erosion. Nevertheless, these phases are of lower amplitude than those observed in the Rhodano-Provençal Basin.


Les stratotypes historiques de l’Aquitanien et du Burdigalien, en Aquitaine, sont étudiés ici en termes de sédimentologie de faciès et de stratigraphie séquentielle. Cette méthode d’analyse combine la reconnaissance et l’organisation séquentielle des faciès à plusieurs types de repères stratigraphiques. Elle permet d’identifier au moins six séquences de dépôt dans le Miocène de la région de Saucats : les quatre premières dans l’Aquitanien, la cinquième pour le Burdigalien et la dernière pour le Serravallien. Elle a également permis de mettre en évidence des phases d’émersion anté-transgression, suggérant de possibles érosions fluviatiles, mais d’ampleurs inférieures à celles reconnues dans le Bassin miocène rhodano-provençal.  相似文献   

The rheological study of colloidal suspensions contributes to the understanding of the aggregation phenomena of colloidal particles within a suspended fluid. The infra-2-μm (equivalent diameter) fraction of a bulk material, Volclay MX-80 bentonite was intensively analysed in order to understand the relative rheological data scattering observed with Li-smectite suspensions, prepared with the usual saturation procedure. A good mineralogical characterisation, especially for secondary minerals, coupled to a verification of cation exchanges on clayey fraction allowed us to propose a new way for investigating the observed differences of the bentonites rheological behaviour. Indeed, for a well Li-saturated smectite obtained from the purified infra-2-μm fraction, rheological data proved to be very accurate and perfectly reproducible. This emphasises the role of other minerals as well as the commonly observed discrepancy between the rheological behaviours of natural and industrial bentonites.  相似文献   

This study concerns post-cultural dynamics in the semi-arid South-West of Madagascar (Analabo area, near the Mikea Forest). A synchronic comparison was performed on a set of abandoned fields plots aged from 2 to 30 years and on forest and savanna reference ecosystems, located on cambic arenosols developed from same Quaternary dune sands. The studied parameters concerned mainly a few physical and chemical soil properties (density, permeability, compaction, texture, C, N, K, P content). Important changes occur in the post-cultural succession: an increase of the soil density and compaction, and decrease of the soil upper layer permeability. Consequently, slash and burn cultivation leads to a packing and an induration of the soil surface. Results about edaphic indicators have shown that the physical parameters used better discriminate various stages of evolution than the chemical parameters do. The multivariate analysis of soil indicators shows that vegetative succession over 30 years in a forest ecosystem cleared, burnt, cultivated and left, does not lead to features corresponding to a closed-canopy forest but rather to those of a tree savanna with open, mixed woody-herbaceous vegetation. The primary dense dry deciduous regeneration of the primary forest is very low or nil. In the semi-arid SW Madagascar (Analabo region), post-cultural dynamics conditions consists in a savanna-formation process, controlled by: (1) the intensity and duration of the disturbance (during the cultivation phase); and (2) the more drastic environmental conditions (including both climate and soil).  相似文献   

The Nador lagoon ecosystem (North-East of Morocco) displays a major socioeconomic interest. In fact, it is essential to evaluate consequences of anthropogenic activities in the lagoon especially by organic matter studies (nature and distribution) in the sedimentary compartment. Surface sediments show variable rates in total organic carbon and in sulfur, high in some cases (7.5 and 1.8% respectively). These high contents are recorded in the center of the lagoon. Their distributions are controlled by the hydrodynamism and the anthropogenic degree. The molecular biomarkers analyses and especially n-alkanes distribution reveal: a zone of marine influence; and a zone of continental influence. The occurrence of pentacyclic triterpanes with a typical distribution of a thermally mature organic matter reveals a contamination due to petroleum products in the entire lagoon except for the center. Coprostanol occurrence near cities indicates wastewater effluents inputs and reducing conditions underlined by high values of stanols/sterol ratios. Thus, the organic contamination (petroleum by-products and wastewater effluents) occurs in the vicinity of the cities whereas the littoral edge and center remain weakly affected by these contaminations.  相似文献   

The Sarliève marsh sediments (Massif Central, France) contain two tephras. The first tephra [, ca. 12 000 BP], regionally well known, enables to date the beginning of lacustrine infill to the Lateglacial. The second tephra, the ‘tephra de Sarliève’, the emitting volcano of which is unknown, would be dated to around the Early Subboreal from pollen data. This occurrence, after the discovery of the ‘tephra de Beaunit’, emphasizes that volcanic eruption(s) occurred in the ‘Chaîne des Puys’ or in the volcanic Cézallier more than 1000 years after the last known eruption (Pavin) in the ‘Chaîne des Puys’ at around 6.6/6.7 ka (5800/5900 BP). In the Sarliève piles, these tephras, well preserved in thick and more silicated deposits of deltas, were not observed in carbonated basin sediments where they were altered. The abundance of authigenic zeolites formed during the Lateglacial in restricted depocentre lacustrine waters allows us to detect initial CF1 tephra occurrence. To cite this article: A. Fourmont et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

Mafic rocks from the Bamenda volcanic province along the Cameroon Volcanic Line have been dated from 17 to 0 Ma. Associated with some trachytes and rhyolites, this volcanism covers a period of more than 25 Ma. The studied rocks are basalts to mugearites. Most of them have been contaminated by continental crust during their transit to the surface. The oldest rocks are the most contaminated. One group of samples shows high Eu, Sr and Ba contents. This characteristic is not due to crustal contamination process, but has a mantle source origin. We argue that these characteristics have been acquired by mixing of melts formed by partial melting of mantle pyroxenites with melts formed in mantle peridotites. Such pyroxenites have been observed as mantle xenoliths in the Adamaoua province, and their chemical and isotopic compositions are consistent with such a model.  相似文献   

We analysed the stable isotopes (18O and 2H) of rainwater and drip water within a cave (Nerja Cave) located in the unsaturated zone of a carbonate aquifer. Rainfall is more abundant and presents lower isotopic content in winter, while the volume of drip water is greater and its isotopic content is lower in summer. The flow analysis of 18O through the unsaturated zone confirms the seasonal lag between rainfall and the appearance of drip water in the cave and reveals that the unsaturated zone of the aquifer, in the sector of the cave, behaves like an inertial system with a strong capability to modulate the input signal. To cite this article: F. Carrasco et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

The Hamadan area is characterised by various metamorphic rocks where the slates yielded Jurassic fossils. The entire column, representing the Mesozoic from at least the Jurassic to the Mid-Cretaceous, has been affected by tectono-metamorphic events and the emplacement of Late Cretaceous granitic rocks. A timing of these events is based on the 40K–40Ar ages carried mainly on separated amphiboles, biotites and muscovites, and interpreted as the ages of their isotopic closure. Results are ranging between 91 and 70 Ma. To cite this article: A. Baharifar et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).


La région de Hamadan expose des roches métamorphiques dont les termes les moins transformés contiennent des fossiles jurassiques. Au cours du Crétacé supérieur, elle a été affectée par un événement tectono-métamorphique régional et elle a été le siège d'une activité plutonique. Les résultats des datations 40K–40Ar des amphiboles et des micas séparés des roches métamorphiques et plutoniques qui s'étagent entre 91 et 70 Ma montrent l'importance de ces événements et leur étalement au cours du Crétacé supérieur. Pour citer cet article : A. Baharifar et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

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