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The paper outlines the formulation of the problem of calculating the electromagnetic field components due to a horizontal magnetic dipole placed over a multilayered earth model with one of the layers having exponential variation of conductivity with depth. Analytical solutions and numerical computations are performed for three-layered earth models possessing the described conductivity variation in the transition layer. It is assumed that the conduction currents dominate the displacement currents. Results presented here show the influence of the transition layer thickness and the conductivity contrast between the top and the bottom layers on electric and magnetic field components. The results show a characteristic dependence on the conductivity inhomogeneity.  相似文献   

The electromagnetic response of a horizontal electric dipole transmitter in the presence of a conductive, layered earth is important in a number of geophysical applications, ranging from controlled‐source audio‐frequency magnetotellurics to borehole geophysics to marine electromagnetics. The problem has been thoroughly studied for more than a century, starting from a dipole resting on the surface of a half‐space and subsequently advancing all the way to a transmitter buried within a stack of anisotropic layers. The solution is still relevant today. For example, it is useful for one‐dimensional modelling and interpretation, as well as to provide background fields for two‐ and three‐dimensional modelling methods such as integral equation or primary–secondary field formulations. This tutorial borrows elements from the many texts and papers on the topic and combines them into what we believe is a helpful guide to performing layered earth electromagnetic field calculations. It is not intended to replace any of the existing work on the subject. However, we have found that this combination of elements is particularly effective in teaching electromagnetic theory and providing a basis for algorithmic development. Readers will be able to calculate electric and magnetic fields at any point in or above the earth, produced by a transmitter at any location. As an illustrative example, we calculate the fields of a dipole buried in a multi‐layered anisotropic earth to demonstrate how the theory that developed in this tutorial can be implemented in practice; we then use the example to examine the diffusion of volume charge density within anisotropic media—a rarely visualised process. The algorithm is internally validated by comparing the response of many thin layers with alternating high and low conductivity values to the theoretically equivalent (yet algorithmically simpler) anisotropic solution, as well as externally validated against an independent algorithm.  相似文献   

Calculation using integral equations of the electromagnetic response of a geologic body which is much more conductive than the surrounding media requires the use of both current pulse and current tube basis functions. The impedance matrices for such cases can be large and expensive to form, factor, and solve. However, if the surrounding media is layered and the scatterer is symmetric under symmetry operations which preserve the depth of transformed points, then we can apply group representation theory to drastically reduce storage and computation requirements. I discuss this application of group representation theory in detail, using the symmetry groupC 2 for purposes of illustration. In a sample calculation for a body which is invariant under the symmetry operations of the groupC 2 , storage was reduced by a factor of 4, matrix formation time was reduced by a factor of 2, and the sum of matrix factorization and solution times was reduced by a factor of 10.  相似文献   

采用刚度矩阵方法结合Hankel积分变换,求解了层状黏弹性半空间中球面SH、P和SV波的自由波场.首先,在柱坐标系下建立层状黏弹性半空间的反轴对称(柱面SH波)和轴对称(柱面P-SV波)情况精确动力刚度矩阵.进而由Hankel变换将空间域内的球面波展开为波数域内柱面波的叠加,然后将球面波源所在层的上下端面固定,求得固定层内的动力响应和固定端面反力,将固端反力反向施加到层状黏弹性半空间上,采用直接刚度法求得固端反力的动力响应,叠加固定层内和固端反力动力响应,求得波数域内球面波源动力响应.最后由Hankel积分逆变换求得频率-空间域内球面波源自由场,时域结果由傅里叶逆变换求得.文中验证了方法的正确性,并以均匀半空间和基岩上单一土层中球面SH、P和SV波为例分别在频域和时域内进行了数值计算分析.研究表明基岩上单一土层中球面波自由场与均匀半空间情况有着本质差异;基岩上单一土层中球面波位移频谱峰值频率与场地固有频率相对应,基岩面的存在使得基岩上单一土层地表点的位移时程非常复杂,振动持续时间明显增长;阻尼的增大显著降低了动力响应的峰值,同时也显著减少了波在土层的往复次数.  相似文献   

On the basis of the dispersion relation of magnetotelluric response functions (MTRF), a filter coefficient algorithm has been made, with which the corresponding impedance phase data can be estimated using a set of apparent resistivity data. The tests of theoretical models and observed magnetotelluric (MT) data show that this algorithm is effective. Comparing the impedance phase estimated using dispersion relation with the observed phase, it can be checked whether the dispersion relation between the observed apparent resistivities and phase data was satisfied. The use of phase data corrected using the dispersion relation in the joint inversion for MT impedance is advantageous to obtain more reliable inversion results. The problems on the one-dimensional joint inversion for the (MT) apparent resistivity and the apparent resistivity of the frequency electromagnetic sounding (FEMS) with horizontal electric dipole, whose observed frequency bands are linked up each other, are studied. The observed data of two kinds of electromagnetic (EM) methods at two sites are used to inverse, the comparison with the drilling data show the results are more reliable. To supply the phase data of FEMS using the dispersion relation, for the apparent resistivity-phase data and impedance real part-imaginary part apparent resistivities of two kinds of EM methods the imitated MT joint inversions are made, and more similar results also are obtained. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 91–96, 1993. The projects sponsored by the Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation.  相似文献   


利用层状大地中偶极源响应的正演算法, 计算地中电偶极源激发的极低频地震电磁场并分析其在地球环境下的传播特征.设计了多个水平层状地球模型, 分别模拟和展示了深埋地中的电偶极源的响应和空间分布特征.重点分析了含地壳波导+LAI波导模型的高阻大地中, 倾斜电偶极源激励响应随观测点的偏移距和垂直位置、激励源深度、地壳波导结构和参数变化时各场量响应的幅频特征.研究表明, 用倾斜电偶极源模拟和分析高阻大地中孕震电磁辐射的响应及在大地电磁系统中的传播特性是可行的; 模拟的高阻大地中的电磁辐射在地壳波导和LAI波导中均表现有慢衰减或幅值增强特性, 但两个波导效应具有不同的频率选择性; 高阻大地中的电磁辐射在波导的高阻介质中具有幅值强、衰减慢的特点.建议在高阻地层出露的地表、井中或海底的高阻岩层中以及大气层中布设测站.


An electromagnetic field is generated through the accelerating movement of two equal but opposite charges of a single dipole. An electromagnetic field can also be generated by a time-varying infinitesimal point charge. In this study, a comparison between the electromagnetic fields of an infinitesimal point charge and a dipole has been presented. First, the time-domain potential function of a point source in a 3D conductive medium is derived. Then the electric and magnetic fields in a 3D homogeneous lossless space are derived via the relation between the potential and field. The field differences between the infinitesimal point charge and the dipole in the step-off time, far-source, and near-source zones are analyzed, and the accuracy of the solutions from these sources is investigated. It is also shown that the field of the infinitesimal point charge in the near-source zone is different from that of the dipole, whereas the far-source zone fields of these two sources are identical. The comparison of real and simulated data shows that the infinitesimal point charge represents the real source better than the dipole source.  相似文献   

Tropical montane cloud forests (TMCF) receive additional (‘occult’) inputs of water from fog and wind-driven rain. Together with the concomitant reduction in evaporative losses, this typically leads to high soil moisture levels (often approaching saturation) that are likely to promote rapid subsurface flow via macropores. Although TMCF make up an estimated 6.6% of all remaining montane tropical forest and occur mostly in steep headwater areas that are protected in the expectation of reduced downstream flooding, TMCF hillslope hydrological functioning has rarely been studied. To better understand the hydrological response of a supra-wet TMCF (net precipitation up to 6535 mm y−1) on heterogeneously layered volcanic ash soils (Andosols), we examined temporal and spatial soil moisture dynamics and their contribution to shallow subsurface runoff and stormflow for a year (1 July 2003–30 June 2004) in a small headwater catchment on the Atlantic (windward) slope near Monteverde, NW Costa Rica. Particular attention was paid to the partitioning of water fluxes into lateral subsurface flow and vertical percolation. The presence of a gravelly layer (C-horizon) at ~25 cm depth of very high hydraulic conductivity (geometric mean: 502 mm h−1) intercalated between two layers of much lower conductivity (7.5 and 15.7 mm h−1 above and below, respectively), controlled both surface infiltration and delayed vertical water movement deeper into the soil profile. Soil water fluxes during rainfall were dominated by rapid lateral flow in the gravelly layer, particularly at high soil moisture levels. In turn, this lateral subsurface flow controlled the magnitude and timing of stormflow from the catchment. Stormflow amount increased rapidly once topsoil moisture content exceeded a threshold value of ~0.58 cm3 cm−3. Responses were not affected appreciably by rainfall intensity because soil hydraulic conductivities across the profile largely exceeded prevailing rainfall intensities.  相似文献   

各向异性层状介质中视电阻率与磁场响应研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
针对任意各向异性地层,利用极向型和环向型标量位函数,导出相应的直流电视电阻率和磁电阻率的磁场响应关系.计算了各向异性地层的直流电视电阻率和磁电阻率响应特征,重点分析了电阻率测深方法与磁电阻率探测方法对地下各向异性介质的探测能力.文中采用状态矩阵的分析方法,首先采用极向型和环向型标量位构造了各向异性层状介质电场与磁场的通解,利用各层界面电场、磁场的连续性及地面激励源的耦合条件,推导了不同层之间电磁场的状态矩阵,建立了空间电场与磁场的递归计算关系.其次,针对递归计算中指数项数值计算的不稳定性,借用状态矩阵的性质,导出了将不稳定指数计算项转化为稳定的指数项的转换关系.针对横向各向同性(TI)介质中极向位与环向位解耦的特点,导出了电磁场的直接积分解.最后,采用解析解验证了算法的正确性,给出了多层各向异性地层模型的视电阻率和磁场响应曲线,分析了直流电法探测裂缝性地层、估计裂缝分布性状的可能性.  相似文献   

文中推导出单轴各向异性媒质半空间上方垂直磁偶极源电磁场的精确解析表达式. 应用圆柱波函数的球面波展开式和超几何函数理论,场分量中的索末菲尔德型积分被表示成快速、绝对收敛的球面波函数系展开式;展开系数是以物性参数为复宗量的勒让德多项式. 该展开式数学物理意义明显,并且不受场点和源点的位置、媒质的物性参数和频率等条件的限制. 利用本文的结果可十分方便地计算和分析任意场点处的电磁场分布.  相似文献   

This study examines runoff and sediment generation rates within the road prism on unsealed road segments in the Cuttagee Creek catchment near Bermagui in New South Wales, Australia. A large (600 m2) rainfall simulator was used to measure runoff and sediment yields from each of the potential sediment and runoff sources and pathways. These included the road surface, table‐drain, upslope contributing area and cutslope face, and the entire road segment as measured at the drain outlet. Experiments were conducted on two major types of road (ridge‐top and cut‐and‐fill) of varying traffic usage and maintenance standard for two 30‐minute simulations of increasing rainfall intensity. From the range of possible sources within the road prism, the road surface produced the dominant source of excess runoff and sediment at each site with limited contributions from the table‐drain, cutslope face or contributing hillslope. Sediment generation varied significantly with road usage and traffic intensity. Road usage was strongly related to the amount of loose available sediment as measured prior to the experiments. Table‐drains acted primarily as sediment traps during the low rainfall event but changes in sediment concentration within the drains were observed as runoff volumes increased during the higher rainfall event of 110 mm h?1, releasing sediment previously stored in litter and organic dams. The experiments demonstrate the potential roles of various features of the road prism in the generation and movement of sediment and water. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrological modelling is an important tool for research, policy, and management, but uncertainty remains about parameters transferability from field observations made at small scale to models at the catchment scale and larger. This uncertainty compels the need to develop parameter relationships that are translatable across scale. In this study, we compare the changes to modelled processes as resolution is coarsened from 100‐m to 1‐km in a topographically complex, 255‐km2 Colorado River headwater catchment. We conducted a sensitivity analysis for hydraulic conductivity (K) and Manning's n parameters across four orders of magnitude. Results showed that K acts as a moderator between surface and subsurface contributions to streamflow, whereas n moderates the duration of high intensity, infiltration‐excess flow. The parametric sensitivity analysis informed development of a new method to scale effective hydraulic conductivity across modelling resolutions in order to compensate for the loss of topographic gradients as resolution is coarsened. A similar mathematical relationship between n and lateral resolution changes was not found, possibly because n is also sensitive to time discretization. This research provides an approach to translate hydraulic conductivity parameters from a calibrated coarse model to higher resolutions where the number of simulations are limited by computational demand.  相似文献   

滑动屋盖摩擦控制系统对地震频谱和结构刚度的鲁棒性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地震功率谱密度函数的频率范围和结构刚度变化对滑动屋盖摩擦控制系统减震效果的影响分析表明 :控制系统减震效果对地震功率谱的频域宽窄不敏感 ,而对功率谱所覆盖的结构自振频率敏感 ;结构刚度发生± 15 %的变化对减震效果的影响不大。分析还表明 ,滑动屋盖摩擦控制系统对于结构非线性地震反应有显著的减震作用  相似文献   


交流输电线产生的工频电磁场及其谐波成分一方面会对传统电磁法的观测信号造成极大干扰, 另一方面也可将其利用进行大地电性结构探测.电力行业以及传统地球物理领域在计算输电线工频电磁场时都存在诸多近似和假设, 计算精度较低.本文同时考虑输电线实际排列形式和大地电导率, 给出了输电线工频电磁场的准确计算方式, 并对其特性进行分析.结果表明, 实际输电线产生的电磁场与传统上基于单条无限长导线获得的结果并不一致, 各相线空间位置会导致叠加后的电磁场在多处存在变号现象, 使得电磁场随距离增大并不是光滑衰减, 且实际输电线产生的电磁场随距离增大整体上衰减的速度更快, 但在几千米范围内其强度仍不可忽略.本文提出的特定输电线系统产生的工频电磁场计算方法对规避或利用该电磁场都具有重要意义.


Concentrations of chloride in excess of State of New Hampshire water‐quality standards (230 mg/l) have been measured in watersheds adjacent to an interstate highway (I‐93) in southern New Hampshire. A proposed widening plan for I‐93 has raised concerns over further increases in chloride. As part of this effort, road‐salt‐contaminated groundwater discharge was mapped with terrain electrical conductivity (EC) electromagnetic (EM) methods in the fall of 2006 to identify potential sources of chloride during base‐flow conditions to a small stream, Policy Brook. Three different EM meters were used to measure different depths below the streambed (ranging from 0 to 3 m). Results from the three meters showed similar patterns and identified several reaches where high EC groundwater may have been discharging. Based on the delineation of high (up to 350 mmhos/m) apparent terrain EC, seven‐streambed piezometers were installed to sample shallow groundwater. Locations with high specific conductance in shallow groundwater (up to 2630 mmhos/m) generally matched locations with high streambed (shallow subsurface) terrain EC. A regression equation was used to convert the terrain EC of the streambed to an equivalent chloride concentration in shallow groundwater unique for this site. Utilizing the regression equation and estimates of one‐dimensional Darcian flow through the streambed, a maximum potential groundwater chloride load was estimated at 188 Mg of chloride per year. Changes in chloride concentration in stream water during streamflow recessions showed a linear response that indicates the dominant process affecting chloride is advective flow of chloride‐enriched groundwater discharge. Published in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Electromagnetic induction measurements (EM) were taken in a saline gypsiferous soil of the Saharan-climate Fatnassa oasis (Tunisia) to predict the electrical conductivity of saturated soil extract (ECe) and shallow groundwater properties (depth, Dgw, and electrical conductivity, ECgw) using various models. The soil profile was sampled at 0.2 m depth intervals to 1.2 m for physical and chemical analysis. The best input to predict the log-transformed soil salinity (lnECe) in surface (0–0.2 m) soil was the EMh/EMv ratio. For the 0–0.6 m soil depth interval, the performance of multiple linear regression (MLR) models to predict lnECe was weaker using data collected over various seasons and years (R a 2 = 0.66 and MSE = 0.083 dS m-1) as compared to those collected during the same period (R a 2 = 0.97, MSE = 0.007 dS m-1). For similar seasonal conditions, for the DgwEMv relationship, R 2 was 0.88 and the MSE was 0.02 m for Dgw prediction. For a validation subset, the R 2 was 0.85 and the MSE was 0.03 m. Soil salinity was predicted more accurately when groundwater properties were used instead of soil moisture with EM variables as input in the MLR.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor K. Heal

Citation Bouksila, F., Persson, M., Bahri, A., and Berndtsson, R., 2012. Electromagnetic induction predictions of soil salinity and groundwater properties in a Tunisian Saharan oasis. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (7), 1473–1486.  相似文献   

本文对六盘山天池长11 m的GSA孔湖泊沉积岩芯样品进行了磁化率、非磁滞剩磁、等温剩磁测试.结果表明GSA孔岩芯磁性矿物主要是亚铁磁性及反铁磁性矿物.六盘山天池湖泊沉积物的磁性参数变化主要受控于两种模式:整体而言,高(低)粉尘输入指示了夏季风弱(强),成壤作用强(弱)指示夏季风强(弱).质量磁化率χ等参数清晰地记录了6200年来六盘山天池地区的气候变化历史,可分为6200 1300 cal a B.P.及1300 cal a B.P.至今两个阶段.6200年来的六盘山天池湖泊沉积物磁学数据在千年时间尺度上基本与东部季风区变化趋势相似.但是在百年时间尺度上有着较大的差异,这是由于六盘山天池地区的气候变化不仅仅受控于夏季风,同时还受到人类活动导致的黄土高原植被覆盖变化、冬季风变化等因素的影响.  相似文献   

付晓  杨长卫  韩宜康 《地震工程学报》2016,38(5):775-782,807
设计并完成了1∶10大比例尺的边坡大型振动台模型试验,试验模型尺寸为4.4m×4.4m×1.8m(长×宽×高),斜坡模型表面包含30°、45°、50°、60°四个不同坡度的坡面,模拟岩体材料采用重晶石粉、河砂、石膏、黏土和水按比例配制而成。通过输入不同类型、幅值、频率的地震波来研究模型边坡的动力响应规律,在试验数据分析中采用三维局部坐标系。试验结果表明:边坡临空面方向和竖直方向的加速度高程放大效应随坡面角度的增大而增强,在坡面角度由45°→50°变化时增长趋势呈明显"台阶状"形式,而边坡走向方向的峰值加速度高程放大效应基本不随坡面角度变化;边坡各向的峰值加速度的高程放大效应随着输入地震波幅值的增大而减小,表现出"量级饱和"特性;加速度傅里叶谱的频谱成分随着高程的增大,边坡岩体对于试验模型自振频率f周围的频率成分具有显著的放大作用,而对于其他频率成分则具有滤波作用;加速度反应谱沿高程的形状基本一致,并且卓越周期对应的反应谱幅值沿高程具有一定的放大作用,而在其他周期T处,尤其是长周期部分(低频部分)则存在一定的减小作用,对于临空面方向来讲,具有明显的波峰现象。试验结果有助于揭示边坡在地震作用下的失稳机制,为边坡工程的抗震设计提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

海底油气藏及天然气水合物的时频电磁辨识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
提出了伪随机多频海洋电磁法观测方案.采用伪随机多频信号作为激励场源,多偏移距同线偶极-偶极同时观测,相关辨识海底地电系统的频率特性和冲激响应,可以在时间域和频率域同时辨识海底高阻薄层.在时间域,瞬变冲激时刻可以直接指示海底地层电导率的变化;在频率域,利用多个频率的电场响应计算的频散率及其道闻变化量,相对相位道间变化量对高阻薄层有很好的反映.从而实现对海底油气及天然气水合物的多参数辨识.  相似文献   

地铁车站的强地震反应分析及设计地震动参数研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进行了地铁地下车站的地震反应分析,探讨了地铁车站地震反应的主要影响因素,介绍了地面与基岩间峰值相对位移的确定及其在地下结构抗震设计中的应用,初步研究了地铁车站埋深对结构地震反应的影响。分析结果表明,地震引起的地基变形是影响地下结构动力反应的决定性因素,结构峰值变形反应与自由场峰值变形反应之间近似存在简单的线性关系;相对于设计基本地震加速度,地面与基岩间峰值相对位移(PGRD)对于地下结构抗震分析及设计是一种更为合理的设计地震动参数。  相似文献   

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