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Based on biomass investigations,soil respiration and plant photosynthesis measurement of dominant trees in Hailuogou valley of Mt.Gongga,Southwest China,the carbon(C) storage,absorption and release for several typical woodlands in sub-alpine zones have been discussed.For Abies fahri forest of 3,000 m above sea level,the Cstorage amount is 177.4t/ha for above-ground biomass and 143.2 t/ha for soil below-ground biomass. The annual gross C fixed by vegetation photosynthesis is 20-24 t/ha. The C release by canopy respiration is 3.0-5.5 t/ha for arbors and 10-19 t/ha for surface soil and roots.The annual net C fixed of forest ecosystem is about 6.0-7.1 t/ha.At lower elevations,the amount of C released by woodlands is higher than that of woods at higher elevations.The C fixed capacity of renewed forest with middle-aged trees is higher than that of mature forest.Before becoming over-matured forest,woodland is an important sink of C whereas bareland in woods is the source of atmospheric C.  相似文献   

为探明气候变化对商丘地区冬小麦产量的影响,根据1991~2010商丘市气候资料和小麦产量资料,利用数学统计与Thornthwaite Memoriae模型,结合未来气候预测结果定量分析了气候变化对冬小麦产量的影响。结果表明,冬小麦产量整体上呈波动上升趋势;主成分分析表明,气温、降水量、蒸发量与极端温度为影响冬小麦产量的主要气候因子,蒸发量过大及极端低温对冬小麦生产不利。商丘地区“暖湿型”气候有利于冬小麦生产力的提高,“冷干型”气候对冬小麦生产最为不利;未来几十年内气候可能将向“暖湿型”变化,对商丘地区粮食作物产量的提升较为有利。  相似文献   

1 IntroductionThe Loess Plateau region covers an area of 62.4(104 km2 and lies in the center of northern China. Urbanization and economic development have been quickened in recent decades. Both the number of towns established and scale of cities have increased. Although the pace of urbanization has been accelerated, the eco-environmental control in urban areas still lags behind relatively. Moreover, the construction and development of cities damaged the already vulnerable eco-environment to …  相似文献   

In this study, we attempt to put forward a conception of landscape ecological niche, enlightened by international scholars on extending the ecological niche theory from spatial niche to functional niche. That is helpful for comprehensively appraising landscape spatial patterns and ecological functions, also, presents a new method for analyzing landscape features from multidimensional aspects. The practice process is demonstrated by taking Yan'an region in northwestern China as a case. Firstly, the indices system including spatial attribute and functional attribute is established for assessing landscape ecological niche. Additionally, two-dimensional figures are drawn for comparing the spatio-temporal features of landscape ecological niche in 1987 and 2000 among the 13 administrative counties. The results show that from 1987 to 2000, towards Yan'an region, spatial attribute value of landscape ecological niche changes from 1.000 to 1.178 with an obvious increment, and functional attribute value changes from 0.989 to 1.069 with a little increment, both of which enhance the regional landscape ecological niche. Towards each county, spatial attribute value of landscape ecological niche increases to different extent while functional attribute value changes dissimilarly with an increment or a decrement.  相似文献   

In areas with topographic heterogeneity, land use change is spatially variable and influenced by climate, soil properties, and topography. To better understand this variability in the high-sediment region of the Loess Plateau in which soil loss is most severe and sediment diameter is larger than in other regions of the plateau, this study builds some indicators to identify the characteristics of land use change and then analyze the spatial variability as it is affected by climate, soil property, and topography. We build two indicators, a land use change intensity index and a vegetation change index, to characterize the intensity of land use change, and the degree of vegetation restoration, respectively. Based on a subsection mean method, the two indicators are then used to assess the spatial variability of land use change affected by climatic, edaphic, and topographic elements. The results indicate that: 1) Land use changed significantly in the period 1998-2010. The total area experiencing land use change was 42,302 km2, accounting for 22.57%of the study area. High-coverage grassland, other woodland, and forest increased significantly, while low-coverage grassland and farmland decreased in 2010 compared with 1998.2) Land use change occurred primarily west of the Yellow River, between 35 and 38 degrees north latitude. The four transformation types, including (a) low-coverage grassland to medium-coverage grassland, (b) medium-coverage grassland to high-coverage grassland, (c) farmland to other woodland, and (d) farmland to medium-coverage grassland, were the primary types of land use change, together constituting 60% of the area experiencing land use change. 3) The spatial variability of land use change was significantly affected by properties of dryness/wetness, soil conditions and slope gradient. In general, land use changed dramatically in semi-arid regions, remained relatively stable in arid regions, changed significantly in clay-rich soil, remained relatively stable in clay-poor soil, changed dramatically in steeper slopes, and remained relatively stable in tablelands and low-lying regions. The increase in vegetation coincided with increasing changes in land use for each physical element. These findings allow for an evaluation of the effect of the Grain to Green Program, and are applicable to the design of soil and water conservation projects on the Loess Plateau of China.  相似文献   

在讨论游憩商业区(RBD)定义与深度访谈的基础上,通过形状指数、土地利用动态度等指标测度典型旅游城市阳朔县RBD的形成与发展,并对其影响因素与成长机制进行路径分析,研究表明:(1)阳朔RBD的形成源于旅游业的发展,西街是RBD演变的初始地。以西街为基础衍生出“十字”、“工字”、南北“日字”与网状结构的RBD形态。1979~2005年,阳朔RBD空间形态上经历了从线性状态向网状的空间形态变化,而土地利用类型的动态变化经历了较长时期的平稳扩展时期后,2003~2005年开始急速扩展。(2)在土地市场、地方政府政策、大型事件以及外部控制等多种因素的影响下,阳朔RBD的变化呈现短期均衡,这种均衡是“旅游投资一旅游产业规模”,“游客人数一旅游产业规模”正反馈,“消费预期一游客人数”、“旅游121碑一游客人数”、“旅游产业规模一地价”负反馈共同作用下旅游用地从西街向其外围拓展,并不断循环的结果。(3)在客观存在的竞标地租与利益群体的集体选择行为下,阳朔RBD呈现从西街开始向外围扩展并最终形成以其为中心的网状结构。由于RBD的边界尚未有权威的界定,其外部性也没有办法得到量化。  相似文献   

The Hexi Inland River Basin in an arid region of northwestern China was chosen as the study area for this research. The authors define the vulnerability of an oasis social-ecological system to glacier change; select 16 indicators from natural and socioeconomic systems according to exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity; and construct a vulnerability-assessment indicator system aimed at an inland river basin in the arid region of Northwestern China. Vulnerability of the oasis socialecological system affected by glacier change in the study area is evaluated by Spatial Principal Component Analysis(SPCA) under the circumstance of glacier change. The key factors affecting the vulnerability are analyzed. The vulnerability of the oasis social-ecological system in the Hexi Inland River Basin affected by glacier change is of more than medium grade, accounting for about 48.0% of the total number of counties in the study area. In terms of the spatial pattern of the vulnerability, the oasis economic belt is the most vulnerable. With the rapid development of the area's society and economy, the exposure of the system to glacial changes is significantly increased; and an increase in glacial meltwater is not enough to overcome the impact of increased exposure, which is the main reason for the high vulnerability. Based on the result of the vulnerability analysis and combined with the present industrial structure in the Hexi Inland River Basin, near-,medium-, and long-term adaptation initiatives are put forward in the article.  相似文献   

lWhyDoResearchontheEWDEstimationWaterisoneoftilemostachvefactorsintilearidecosystem.Thechamcteristicsoftheandwatershedecosystemaregrcahydeterminedbyits11ydrologicalcycling.Forexample.watertransmissionandconversioncontrolsthevndahonofdieandoasis.Waterisalsooneofthepri~elementSwhich"desitpossibletodevelopeconomicactivity'.Howet,er.itsecologica-IbenefithasalwaysbeenignoredallerFoundationitem:UndertheauSPicesof'TheNahonalgthFive-YearPlanPeriod"KeyProjectforSciencesandTechnology(No.96-912…  相似文献   

Frich, Povl and Brandt, Erik: Holocene talus accumulation rates,—and their influence on rock glacier growth. A case study from Igpik, Disko—West Greenland. Geografisk Tidsskrift 85: 32–44 Copenhagen, October 1985.

The Igpik area is located ten km east of Godhavn on the south-coast of the island Disko. Geologically the area is dominated by Tertiary basalt formations.

A general geomorphological classification of this area, which covers approximately three square kms, has been made. Based on radiocarbon ages of former marine levels in the Disko Bugt area, the beginning of talus accumulation has been determined for two talus cones situated on raised beaches. They have ages of 5800 and 7900 14C y. B.P. Using theodolite readings, the volumes of three different talus cones have been determined and two average talus accumulation rates have been calculated for the cones located on raised beaches. These values are transformed into an average Holocene rockwall retreat rate of 0.0005 and 0.0015 m/year, respectively. The total volume of two lobate rock glaciers is calculated to be 2.2 mill, cu.m and as they are located inside 9000 years old local moraines, the average Holocene mass-transfer through the third talus cone has been estimated to 1.4 106 tons×m/sq.km/y. Finally the results are discussed, with reference to other areas, and as a possible threshhold for the initiation of rock glaciers.  相似文献   

Different government departments and researchers have paid considerable attention at various levels to improving the eco-environment in ecologically fragile areas. Over the past decade, large numbers of people have emigrated from rural areas as a result of the rapid urbanization in Chinese society. The question then remains: to what extent does this migration affect the regional vegetation greenness in the areas that people have moved from? Based on normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data with a resolution of 1 km, as well as meteorological data and socio-economic data from 2000 to 2010 in Inner Mongolia, the spatio-temporal variation of vegetation greenness in the study area was analyzed via trend analysis and significance test methods. The contributions of human activities and natural factors to the variation of vegetation conditions during this period were also quantitatively tested and verified, using a multi-regression analysis method. We found that: (1) the vegetation greenness of the study area increased by 10.1% during 2000-2010. More than 28% of the vegetation greenness increased significantly, and only about 2% decreased evidently during the study period. (2) The area with significant degradation showed a banded distribution at the northern edge of the agro-pastoral ecotone in central Inner Mongolia. This indicates that the eco-environment is still fragile in this area, which should be paid close attention. The area where vegetation greenness significantly improved showed a concentrated distribution in the southeast and west of Inner Mongolia. (3) The effect of agricultural labor on vegetation greenness exceeded those due to natural factors (i.e. precipitation and temperature). The emigration of agricultural labor improved the regional vegetation greenness significantly.  相似文献   

贡嘎山东坡海螺沟的河川径流特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对贡嘎山高山水文观测试验系统进行了简要介绍,并对海螺沟冰川河以及黄崩溜沟的径流特征进行了初步探讨。由于大气降水同是冰川河及黄崩溜沟径流的重要补给来源,故其径流量的季节变化明显带有大气降水过程的烙印,显得丰、枯分明。在冰川河,冰雪融水和地下水在枯水季节的稳定补给改变了大气降水对冰川河径流的年内分配过程;在黄崩溜沟,由于冰雪融水和地下水对其径流的补给非常有限,大气降水过程对其径流过程的影响便明显大过冰川河。  相似文献   

Mountain glaciers have an obvious location advantage and tourist market condition over polar and high latitude glaciers. Due to the enormous economic benefit and heritage value, some mountain glaciers will always receive higher attention from commercial media, government departments and mountain tourists in China and abroad. At present, more than 100 glaciers have been developed successfully as famous tourist destinations all over the world. However, global climate change seriously affects mountain glaciers and its surrounding environment. According to the current accelerated retreat trend, natural and cultural landscapes of some glaciers will be weakened, even disappear in the future. Climate change will also inevitably affect mountain ecosystems, and tourism routes under ice and glacier experience activities in these ecosystems. Simultaneously, the disappearance of mountain glaciers will also lead to a clear reduction of tourism and local economic benefits. Based on these reasons, this paper took Mt. Yulong Snow scenic area as an example and analyzed the retreat trend of a typical glacier. We then put forward some scientific and rational response mechanisms and adaptation models based on climate change in order to help future sustainable development of mountain glacier tourism.  相似文献   

横断山区典型海洋型冰川物质平衡研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
玉龙雪山发育着对气候变化响应极为敏感的典型海洋型冰川。基于2008-2013年共5个物质平衡年观测数据,对玉龙雪山规模最大的白水1号冰川物质平衡特征进行分析,为评估横断山区气候和冰川变化之间的关系奠定基础。结果表明:2008-2013年白水1号冰川物质平衡最大值仅为-907 mm w.e.,最小值则达到-1872 mm w.e.。2008年冰川平衡线高度为4972 m,2009-2013年白水1号冰川积累区近乎消失。白水1号冰川积累期主要集中于10月至次年5月,6-9月为强消融期,积累量几乎为零,消融量占全年80%,属冬春季积累型冰川。2008-2009、2011-2012和2012-2013年平均物质平衡梯度为1230 mm w.e. (100 m)-1,消融期物质平衡梯度小于年物质平衡梯度,消融期初与消融期末物质平衡梯度小于100 mm w.e.(100 m)-1。  相似文献   

Due to global warming, glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau(TP) are experiencing widespread shrinkage; however, the mechanisms controlling glacier variations across the TP are still rather unclear, especially on the northeastern TP. In this study, a physically based, distributed surface-energy and mass-balance model was used to simulate glacier mass balance forced by meteorological data. The model was applied to Laohugou No. 12 Glacier, western Qilian Mountains, China, during2010~2012. The simulated albedo and mass balance were validated and calibrated by in situ measurements. The simulated annual glacier-wide mass balances were-385 mm water equivalent(w.e.) in 2010/2011 and-232 mm w.e. in 2011/2012,respectively. The mean equilibrium-line altitude(ELA) was 5,015 m a.s.l., during 2010~2012, which ascended by 215 m compared to that in the 1970 s. The mean accumulation area ratio(AAR) was 39% during the two years. Climatic-sensitivity experiments indicated that the change of glacier mass balance resulting from a 1.5 °C increase in air temperature could be offset by a 30% increase in annual precipitation. The glacier mass balance varied linearly with precipitation, at a rate of130 mm w.e. per 10% change in total precipitation.  相似文献   

为认识全球变暖背景下中国西部大陆性冰川与海洋性冰川物质平衡变化及其对气候响应,本研究以天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川和藏东南帕隆94号冰川为例,结合大西沟与察隅站气象资料,对1980 — 2015年两条冰川的物质平衡变化特征及差异进行了分析。结果表明:36 a来乌源1号冰川与帕隆94号冰川物质平衡总体上均呈下降趋势,累积物质平衡达-17102与-8159 mm w.e.,相当于冰川厚度减薄19与9.01 m,且分别于1996、2004年左右发生突变。同期两条冰川所处区域年均温呈显著上升趋势,而降水量却表现出不同的变化态势;二者年内气温分配相仿,但降水分配差异较大。初步分析认为气温上升是导致乌源1号冰川与帕隆94号冰川物质亏损的主要原因,冰川区气温和降水变化幅度的差异和地性因子(坡度、冰川面积)的不同使得乌源1号冰川对气候变化响应的敏感性高于帕隆94号冰川,由于目前海洋性冰川物质平衡监测时段相对较短,为深入研究中国西部冰川物质平衡变化及过程仍需加强对冰川的持续观测。  相似文献   

Simulation and analysis of river runoff in typical cold regions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is generally agreed that global warming is taking place, which has caused runoff generation processes and apparently total runoff amount changes in cold regions of Northwestern China. It is absolutely necessary to quantify and analyze earth surface hydrological processes by numerical models for formulating scientific sustainable development of water resources. Hydrological models became established tools for studying the hydrological cycle, but did not consider frozen soil or glacier hydrology. Thus, they should be improved to satisfy the simulation of hydrological processes in cold regions. In this paper, an energy balance glacier melt model was successfully coupled to the VIC model with frozen soil scheme, thus improving the models performance in a cold catchment area. We performed the improved VIC model to simulate the hydrological processes in the Aksu River Basin, and the simulated results are in good agreement with observed data. Based on modeling hydrological data, the runoff components and their response to climate change were analyzed. The results show: (1) Glacial meltwater recharge accounts for 29.2% of runoff for the Toxkan River, and 58.7% for the Kunma Like River. (2) The annual total runoff of two branches of the Aksu River show increasing trends, increased by about 43.1%, 25.95×106 m3 per year for the Toxkan River and by 13.1%, 14.09×106 m3 per year for the Kunma Like River during the latter 38 years. (3) The annual total runoff of the Toxkan River increased simply due to the increase of non-glacial runoff, while the increase of annual total runoff of the Kunma Like River was the result of increasing glacial (42%) and non-glacial runoff (58%).  相似文献   

气候变化对流域径流的影响显著,但不同流域径流对各气候因子敏感性不同,具有明显的空间分异性。本文以位于半湿润、湿润地区的松花江、子牙河以及西苕溪流域为例,基于Budyko 水热平衡经验模型,采用归因分析方法分离了气象要素趋势性变化对年径流和潜在蒸发变化率的贡献与差异性。结果表明:1960-2008年,在上述3个流域中,降水趋势性变化对年径流变化的贡献比潜在蒸发大。松花江和子牙河流域各气象要素趋势性变化对潜在蒸发变化率的贡献排序为:温度>风速>水汽压>日照时数,而西苕溪流域为:温度>日照时数>风速>水汽压。在气候要素共同作用下,松花江和子牙河流域平均年径流分别以0.48和1.51 mm a-2的速率减少,而西苕溪流域年径流则以1.42 mm a-2的速率增加。所得结果加深了气候变化对径流影响机制和程度的认识,可作为流域水资源适应性管理的科学依据。  相似文献   

Zhao  Guining  Zhang  Zhengyong  Liu  Lin  Li  Zhongqin  Wang  Puyu  Xu  Liping 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(6):988-1004
The glacier mass balance(GMB) is an important link between climate and water resources and has remarkable regulatory functions in river runoff. To simulate changes of the GMB and to analyze the recharge rates of glacier meltwater to runoff in the Manas River Basin(MRB) during 2000–2016, MOD11 C3, TRMM 3 B43 and other multi-source remote sensing data were used to drive the degree-day model. The results showed that:(1) the accuracy of the remote sensing meteorological data can be corrected effectively by constructing the temperature and precipitation inversion models, and the characteristics of glacial climate can be finely described through downscaling. The average annual temperature was –7.57 °C and the annual precipitation was 410.71 mm in the glacier area of the MRB. The zone at an altitude of about 4200 m was a severe climate change zone, and above and below that zone, the temperature drop rates were –0.03°C/100 m and –0.57°C/100 m, respectively, while precipitation gradients were –2.66 mm/100 m and 4.89 mm/100 m, respectively.(2) The overall GMB was negative with a cumulative GMB of up to –9811.19 mm w.e. and the average annual GMB fluctuated between –464.85 and –632.19 mm w.e. Besides, the glacier melted slowly during 2000–2002 and 2008–2010, but rapidly for 2002–2008 and 2010–2016, while the most serious loss of the glacier occurred in 2005–2009. Moreover, the vertical changes of the GMB increased at 244.83 mm w.e./100 m in the ablation zone but only at 18.77 mm w.e./100 m in the accumulation zone.(3) The intraannual runoff strongly responded to the change of the GMB especially in July and August when the loss of the GMB accounted for 75.4% of the annual loss, and when runoff accounted for 55.1% of the annual total. Due to differences in the annual precipitation and snow meltwater outside the glacier, the interannual glacier meltwater recharge rates fluctuated between 19% and 31%. The recharge rate of glacier meltwater to runoff in the MRB was close to that for other basins in the Tianshan Mountains, which may be used as a basis to confirm the reliability of the estimated GMB results. Furthermore, based on the present findings, it is recommended that the research community pursue studies on the GMB in other alpine river basins.  相似文献   

中国全球气候变化影响研究方法的进展   总被引:24,自引:4,他引:24  
李克让  陈育峰 《地理研究》1999,18(2):214-219
着重介绍了中国全球气候变化影响研究中有关方法的最新进展,其中包括实验室、农田和野外观测实验;冰芯、树木年轮和历史文献方法;数值模式研究,特别是静态模式和动态模式研究。最后,指出了存在的问题,以及研究展望。  相似文献   

基于多源遥感数据的玛纳斯河流域冰川物质平衡变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冰川物质平衡变化是连接气候和水资源的重要纽带,对河川径流有重要的调节功能。本文采用MOD11C3和TRMM 3B43等多源遥感数据驱动度日模型,模拟了2000—2016年玛纳斯河(简称玛河)流域冰川物质平衡过程,并分析了冰川融水对径流的补给规律。结果表明: ① 通过构建气温及降水反演模型能有效校正气象遥感原数据的精度,且经降尺度后能较精细刻画冰川区气候变化特征。冰川区年均气温和降水量分别为-7.57 ℃和410.71 mm,海拔4200 m处为气候变化剧烈地带,气温直减率以其为界上下分别为-0.03 ℃/100 m和-0.57 ℃/100 m,降水梯度分别为-2.66 mm/100 m和4.8 mm/100 m,海拔大于4700 m后降水又以5.17 mm/100 m递增。② 研究期内流域冰川持续呈负平衡状态,累积物质平衡达-9811.19 mm w.e.,年均物质平衡介于-464.85~-632.19 mm w.e.之间。垂向物质平衡在消融区和积累区分别以244.83 mm w.e./100 m、18.77 mm w.e./100 m递增。2000—2002年、2008—2010年冰川消融减缓,2002—2008年、2010—2016年消融加剧,其中2005—2009年期间冰川亏损最为强烈。③ 年内河川径流对冰川物质平衡变化响应强烈,尤以7月、8月物质平衡亏损最为严重占全年总量的75.4%,使得同期河川径流量占全年径流总量的55.1%。年际冰川融水补给率波动于19%~31%之间,可能是不同年份降水和积雪融水补给率差异较大所致。玛河与天山北坡其他河流冰川融水贡献率非常接近,也进一步证实了本研究物质平衡估算结果的可靠性。本研究可为其他流域冰川物质平衡研究提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

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