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邵关  王为成 《海洋测绘》2007,27(1):66-69
研究南海环流的方法很多,采用GDEM资料,运用P矢量方法,得出了南海春季、夏季局部的上层流场分布情况.通过分析并结合UCM-60超声海流计和ADCP走航式测流仪相关实测数据,初步验证了这种研究南海上层季节环流所用的数值计算方法.  相似文献   

三维斜压陆架海模式的应用: 南海上混合层的季节变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从一个三维斜压陆架海模式的数值模拟结果来揭示南海上混合层的季节变化规律,结果表明:(1)在南海北部上混合层的厚度(即混合层的下界深度)具有明显的季节性变化,与在南海南部上混合层的变化明显不同,前者的混合强度的变化幅度远比后者的要大得多.(2)在中南半岛中部东岸外海的西边界区域内,由于经常受冷涡控制,下层冷水涌升,上层水体层化显着,使得该海区垂直混合减弱.(3)在一些气旋(反气旋)涡的边缘,混合层厚度等值线分布密集,且水平梯度较大.(4)南海上混合层的厚度分布特征与上层环流的分布格局之间存在着较好的地转调整关系.  相似文献   

Upper Ocean Sensitivity to Wind Forcing in the South China Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Layered Ocean Model (NLOM) has been used to investigate the sensitivity of the upper South China Sea (SCS) circulation to various atmospheric wind forcing products. A 1/16° 6-layer, thermodynamic Pacific Ocean north of 20°S version of NLOM has been integrated using observed climatological monthly mean winds (Hellerman and Rosenstein, 1983) and climatologies based on two atmospheric prediction models: the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). ECMWF products include the 10 meter winds (at both 1.125° and 2.5° resolution) and surface stresses (1.125°). The NCEP forcing (1.875°) is a surface stress product. Significant differences exist in the wind stress curl patterns and this is reflected in the upper ocean model response, which is compared to observational data. The model experiments suggest the generation of the West Luzon Eddy is controlled by positive wind stress curl. The degree of Kuroshio intrusion into the SCS, however, is not affected by wind stress curl but is governed by the coastline geometry of the island chain within Luzon Strait. The summertime offshore flow from the Vietnamese coast is present in all simulations but the dipole structure on either side of the jet is variable, even among experiments with similar wind stress curl patterns. The ECMWF surface stresses exhibit spurious coastal wind stress curl patterns, especially in locations with significant orographic features. This manifests itself in unrealistic small scale coastal gyres in NLOM. High resolution basin-scale and coastal models might be adversely affected by these stresses. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Researches on the currents in the South China Sea (SCS) and the interaction between the SCS and its adjacent seas are reviewed. Overall seasonal circulation in the SCS is cyclonic in winter and anticyclonic in summer with a few stable eddies. The seasonal circulation is mostly driven by monsoon winds, and is related to water exchange between the SCS and the East China Sea through the Taiwan Strait, and between the SCS and the Kuroshio through the Luzon Strait. Seasonal characteristics of the South China Sea Warm Current in the northern SCS and the Kuroshio intrusion to the SCS are summarized in terms of the interaction between the SCS and its adjacent seas.  相似文献   

利用GDEM温盐资料,采用P矢量方法计算了与温盐资料时间序列相对应的不同季节、不同层深的南海海洋环流及流涡系统,并且得出了相关的结论。  相似文献   

利用1980年1月至2007年12月逐月的南海上层海洋热含量和逐层海温资料,分析了南海夏季风爆发早年和晚年前一年冬季和春季南海上层海洋热含量的时空分布特征及其与南海夏季风爆发的关系,并在此基础上,进一步探讨了热含量影响南海夏季风爆发早晚的可能原因。结果表明,南海上层海洋热含量的变化集中体现在中南部(8°~16°N,110°~120°E),而且热含量变化的信号在南海100~200 m之间最强。季风爆发早、晚年的冬春季,南海中南部热含量呈反位相变化。当南海夏季风早(晚)爆发,热含量为正(负)距平。南海夏季风爆发早晚与前期1~5月份南海中南部上层海洋热含量有显著负相关关系,尤其是3月份相关关系最好。当热含量为正(负)距平时,上层海洋异常得到(失去)热量,增大(减弱)了季风爆发前陆地冷海洋暖的海陆温差,有利于南海夏季风的早(晚)爆发。  相似文献   

Numerical Study of the Upper-Layer Circulation in the South China Sea   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Upper-layer circulation in the South China Sea has been investigated using a three-dimensional primitive equation eddy-resolving model. The model domain covers the region from 99° to 122°E and from 3° to 23°N. The model is forced by the monthly averaged European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) model winds and the climatological monthly sea surface temperature data from National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC). Inflow and outflow through the Taiwan Strait and the Sunda shelf are prescribed monthly from the Wyrtki estimates. Inflow of the Kuroshio branch current in the Luzon Strait is assumed to have a constant volume transport of 12 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3/s), and the outflow from the open boundary to the east of Taiwan is adjusted to ensure the net volume transport through all open boundaries is zero at any instant. The model reveals that a cyclonic circulation exists all year round in the northern South China Sea. During the winter time this cyclonic eddy is located off the northwest of Luzon, coinciding with the region of positive wind stress curl in this season. This cyclonic eddy moves northward in spring due to the weakening of the northeast winds. The cyclonic circulation becomes weak and stays in the continental slope region in the northern South China Sea in the summer period. The southwest wind can raise the water level along the west coast of Luzon, but there is no anticyclonic circulation in the northern South China Sea. After the onset of the northeast monsoon winds in fall, the cyclonic eddy moves back to the region off the west coast of Luzon. In the southern South China Sea and off the Vietnam coast, the model predicts a similar flow structure as in the previous related studies. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

利用1980年1月至2007年12月逐月的南海上层海洋热含量和逐层海温资料,分析了南海夏季风爆发早年和晚年前一年冬季和春季南海上层海洋热含量的时空分布特征及其与南海夏季风爆发的关系,并在此基础上,进一步探讨了热含量影响南海夏季风爆发早晚的可能原因.结果表明,南海上层海洋热含量的变化集中体现在中南部(8°~16°N,11...  相似文献   

The destiny of the North Pacific Intermediate Water in the South China Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The previous studies show that the spreading path of the subtropical salinity minimum of the North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) is southwestward pointing to the Luzon Strait. Based on the P -vector method and generalized digital environmental model (GDEM) data, the volume transport of NPIW through Luzon Strait and the upward transport on the NPIW lower and upper boundaries are calculated to examine the destiny of NPIW in the South China Sea (SCS). On the annual mean, the estimation of NPIW transport into the SCS through the Luzon Strait is 1.72 Sv (1Sv=10 6 m 3 /s). The upward transport over the SCS is 0.31 Sv on the NPIW upper boundary and 1.31 Sv on the NPIW lower boundary. There is no strait or passage deeper than the surface for the NPIW to extend, except for the Luzon Strait. For the volume balance in the SCS NPIW, the volume transport of 2.72 Sv has to flow out of the SCS NPIW layer through the Luzon Strait.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial variations of sea surface circulation in the South China Sea were revealed with use of altimetric data provided by TOPEX/POSEIDON from December 1992 to October 1997. The estimated distribution of sea surface dynamic heights from altimetric data coincide well with the results of observation by Soong et al. (1995) and Chu et al. (1998). The RMS variability of sea surface dynamic height, which is obtained after tidal correction based on Yanagi et al. (1997), is high in the central part of the South China Sea, the Gulf of Tongking, the Sunda Shelf and the Gulf of Thailand. The high RMS variability in the Gulf of Tongking, the Sunda Shelf and the Gulf of Thailand is due to set up and set down of sea water by the East Asian monsoon, which is northeasterly during winter and southwesterly during summer. Also, the high RMS variability in the central part of the South China Sea is due to the variations of basin-wide circulation. The circulations are dominant in the central part of the South China Sea during summer and winter, an anticyclonic circulation during summer and a cyclonic circulation during winter. It is suggested that these circulations are controlled by the East Asian monsoon. Hence, there is an interannual variability of the basin-wide circulation associated with the variation of the East Asian monsoon.  相似文献   

春季南海南部上混合层数值模拟与数值实验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用一维湍动能模式对南海南部的 SST及混合层进行数值模拟和数值试验。结果表明 :TKE模式能够模拟南海南部的海表面温度 SST以及除南海南部 5月中旬以外的上混合层深度随时间变化基本特征。在 5~ 6月 ,SST的日振荡主要依赖于短波辐射的日变化 ,风的混合作用抑制了 SST的日周期振荡。春季夏季风爆发期间 ,南海海面潜热通量和感热通量与短波辐射和风应力相比较 ,是一个对 SST和混合层影响较小的量。在春季南海南部 ,短波辐射作用能使 SST升高的最大值约为 4℃ ;潜热和感热通量能使 SST的下降的最大值为 3℃。风应力对南海混合层深度随时间变化趋势起着决定的作用 ,并能使其深度加深 2 0~ 30 m,而短波辐射则使混合层的深度变浅2~ 3m,潜热和感热通量会使混合层的深度加深 1~ 2 m。在春季南海南部 ,热通量对混合层深度的影响与风应力相比要小得多  相似文献   

南海东北部亚中尺度过程时空分布特征   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
基于高分辨率模型2009-2012年的模拟结果,本文对南海东北部亚中尺度过程的时空分布特征进行了研究。模拟结果表明,南海东北部上层广泛存在着相对涡度接近于局地行星涡度的亚中尺度过程。统计结果发现,亚中尺度过程的相对涡度的分布具有着明显的非对称性,即正涡度明显强于负涡度。这意味着相比于负涡度,具有正涡度的亚中尺度过程要更为活跃,而这主要是由离心不稳定导致。同时,亚中尺度过程在时间分布上表现出明显的冬强夏弱的季节变化特征。通过对该海区亚中尺度过程可能生成机制的分析发现,该季节变化与流场拉伸和混合层的厚度有着密切关系,冬季更强的流场拉伸和更深的混合层有利于通过锋生过程和混合层不稳定为亚中尺度过程生成提供更多的能量。  相似文献   

The Japan Sea Intermediate Water; Its Characteristics and Circulation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In the southern Japan Sea there is a salinity minimum layer between the Tsushima Current Water and the Japan Sea Proper Water. Since the salinity minimum corresponds to the North Pacific Intermediate Water, it is named the Japan Sea Intermediate Water (JIW). To examine the source and circulation of JIW, the basin-wide salinity minimum distribution was investigated on the basis of hydrographic data obtained in 1969. The young JIW, showing the highest oxygen concentration and the lowest salinity, is seen in the southwestern Japan Sea west of 133°E, while another JIW with lower oxygen and higher salinity occupies the southeastern Japan Sea south of the subpolar front. Since the young JIW shows high oxygen concentrations, high temperatures and low densities, the source of the water is probably in the surface layer. It is inferred that the most probable region of subduction is the subarctic front west of 132°E with the highest oxygen and the lowest salinity at shallow salinity minimum. In addition, property distributions suggest that JIW takes two flow paths: a eastward flow along the subarctic front and an southward flow toward the Ulleung Basin. On the other hand, a different salinity minimum from JIW occupies the northern Japan Sea north of the subarctic front, which shows an apparently higher salinity and high oxygen concentration than JIW. However, this salinity minimum is considered not to be a water mass but to be a boundary between overlying and underlying water masses. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Surface maps of nitrate, phosphate and silicate of the East China Sea (ECS) have been constructed and are described. Reports on exchanges of material between the ECS and the South China Sea (SCS) through the Taiwan Strait are reviewed. Recent advances seem to have reversed the earlier view that the SCS exports nutrients to the ECS through the Taiwan Strait. This is because the northward flow of seawater in the summer carries little nutrient. On the other hand, the waters flowing southward along the coast of China in winter carry orders of magnitude higher nutrient concentrations. The outflow of subsurface waters from the SCS, however, is the major source of new nutrients to the ECS continental shelves because these subsurface waters flow out of the Luzon Strait, join the northwardly flowing Kuroshio and enter the Okinawa trough. Around 10% of the nutrients exported from the SCS through the Luzon Strait upwell onto the ECS shelf. These inputs are larger than the aggregate of all the rivers that empty into the ECS, contributing 49% of the externally sourced nitrogen, 71% of the phosphorous, and 54% of the silica for the ECS.  相似文献   

古南海的展布范围以及俯冲消亡过程等一直是地质学家们争论的焦点问题。这不仅与南海扩张诱因密切相关,而且对南海地球动力学研究有重大的指导意义。在研究前人文献的基础上,对南海南部造山运动以及古南海俯冲过程之间的关系进行详细的论述。结果表明,南海南部构造活动主要分为两期:第一期运动从早白垩纪到晚白垩纪,古太平洋的洋壳俯冲到婆罗洲岛下方,俯冲带位于现今卢帕尔线一带,引起了曾母-南沙地块不断向西南婆罗洲靠近,并于晚白垩纪引发了碰撞造山运动。由于婆罗洲自身是由众多地块拼合而成,所以在始新世期间发生了多期碰撞之后的地块变形重组事件。最终在晚始新世(37 Ma)完成最后一期变形(沙捞越运动)。第二阶段是晚始新世(35 Ma)到中中新世(15.5 Ma),位于西巴拉姆线以东至菲律宾卡加延一带的古南海从西巴拉姆线以东,向婆罗洲岛下方俯冲,随后扩散到沙巴以及巴拉望岛以南的地区,直至菲律宾的民都洛岛一带停止俯冲。由此产生的拖曳力是南海扩张的主要诱因。与古太平洋板块俯冲产生的效果相似,古南海的俯冲使得婆罗洲岛与南沙地块不断靠近。在中中新世(15.5 Ma),引起南沙地块与婆罗洲岛在沙巴地区的碰撞(沙巴造山)以及巴拉望北部陆壳与菲律宾岛弧的碰撞而停止。由此带来的不整合面在南海南部普遍可见,甚至到达了巴拉望岛一带。而现今南沙海槽与巴拉望海槽并非是俯冲带的前渊,前者是对沙巴新近纪增生楔重力驱动变形的响应,后者是巴拉望岛北侧伸展背景下产生的半地堑盆地,在后期增生楔的作用下发生强烈沉降所形成。真正的俯冲带则分别位于南沙海槽东南部以及巴拉望海槽东南部。据现有证据推测,最少在10 Ma之前古南海就在菲律宾民都洛一带停止俯冲,从而完成了整个古南海的封闭。  相似文献   

Effect of Langmuir circulation on upper ocean mixing in the South China Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Effect of Langmuir circulation (LC) on upper ocean mixing is investigated by a two-way wave-current coupled model. Themodel is coupled of the ocean circulationmodel ROMS (regional ocean modeling system) to the surface wave model SWAN (simulating waves nearshore) via the model-coupling toolkit. The LC already certified its importance by many one-dimensional (1D) research andmechanismanalysis work. This work focuses on inducing LC’s effect in a three-dimensional (3-D) model and applying it to real field modeling. In ROMS, theMellor-Yamada turbulence closuremixing scheme is modified by including LC’s effect. The SWAN imports bathymetry, free surface and current information fromthe ROMS while exports significant wave parameters to the ROMS for Stokes wave computing every 6 s. This coupled model is applied to the South China Sea (SCS) during September 2008 cruise. The results show that LC increasing turbulence and deepening mixed layer depth (MLD) at order of O (10 m) in most of the areas, especially in the north part of SCS where most of our measurements operated. The coupled model further includes wave breaking which will bringsmore energy into water. When LC works together with wave breaking,more energy is transferred into deep layer and accelerates the MLD deepening. In the north part of the SCS, their effects aremore obvious. This is consistent with big wind event in the area of the Zhujiang River Delta. The shallow water depth as another reasonmakes themeasy to influence the oceanmixing as well.  相似文献   

南海混合层深度的季节变化及年际变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过分析新的SODA(Simple Ocean Data Assimilation)资料,得到南海混合层时空场的分布特征,剖析了南海混合层深度的季节及年际变化特征。资料分析表明:南海混合层存在着显著的季节和年际变化,且两者的均方差分布存在一定的差异。在季节变化中,冬季混合层在南海北部及西北陆架区深,在南海南部及吕宋冷涡处浅;夏季混合层在南海西北部浅,东南深。南海这种混合层深度分布特征除了与热通量的季节变化有关外,在相当大的程度上与季风引起的Ekman输送及Ekman抽吸有关。混合层深度距平场EOF(Empirical Othorgnal Function)第一模和第二模时间变化的主信号均为周期的年际变化信号,其中第一模态约为3 a,第二模态则有1.8,2.4和4.3 a的3个显著周期。EOF第一模显示混合层深度在南海东南部年际变化幅度最大,且滞后Nino3指数7个月时相关性最好(相关系数为0.422 3);EOF第二模显示在南海南部和北部混合层深度呈反位相变化。  相似文献   

利用2009-2012年南海南部海域4个调查航次的CTD资料,计算了南海南部海域的动力高度,分析了季风转换期南海南部上层的环流结构。结果表明:2009年夏初(6月),调查区上层环流结构已经初具夏季形态,越南离岸流已明显出现;2010年秋末冬初(11月),上层环流结构基本转换为冬季环流形态,越南离岸流消失,纳土纳流出现;2011年秋季中期(10月),南海南部的环流处于夏季向冬季转换形态,越南离岸流减弱,但调查区域夏季的反气旋式环流依然存在;2012年9月夏末秋初,南海南部的环流仍然与夏季的形态相近,越南离岸流依然存在,其两侧的环流结构也与夏季相同。本文的分析结果还较为清晰地给出了南海南部环流由夏季向冬季转变的动态过程。  相似文献   

根据历史文献分析,已知南海海名最早出现于周宣王(827BC--782BC在位)时的《江汉》诗中。秦汉之间214BC—111BC时著的《山海经·海内东经》篇,记述了现时广东省三水和广州以南地区当时为海,称南海。这可从《史记》和《汉书》的记述,以及现代珠江三角洲的考古学、第四纪地质学和河口演变的研究成果所证实。南海古时别名涨海,明清时期外国人称为大明海和大清海。清朝以来,外国人把它翻译成(或称作)英文“South China Sea”,而近代某些中国人再把这个英文名词直译成汉文“南中国海”,忽视“南海”固有的中文名称。民国和中华人民共和国政府先后出版的地图和其他正式出版物,皆只用“南海”名。  相似文献   

基于MOM模式的物理框架,妥善考虑了开边界的物理过程,改造和发展了一个区域海洋数值模式。本模式不仅可以方便地调整开边界条件,使之满足边界的特定物理条件,而且可以方便地做针对性修改,使模式更加可靠。改进后的模式具有MOM模式物理概念明确、公式便于理解、结果便于表达的全部特点,同时克服了MOM模式边界条件不完整、程序不易调整、参数难以改变的缺点。区域性模式比全球模式的计算速度快很多倍,可以成为区域性研究的有效工具。将此模式应用于南海,利用Hellerman&Rosenstein气候态风应力驱动模式10a,得到与全球模式效果相当的结果。模式模拟结果展现了南海流场的季节特征,在模式分辨率下表现出了多涡结构。根据模拟的流场计算了南海与其它海域的水交换通量。在年平均意义下,外海水通过吕宋海峡进入南海,南海水通过台湾海峡、民都洛海峡和卡里马塔海峡流出南海。各海峡水通量具有明显的季节变化。  相似文献   

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