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Field and laboratory investigations were performed to identify the principal mechanisms of the hydrochemical groundwater evolution among low mineralised groundwater in the Triassic Bunter sandstone aquifer of the Odenwald low mountain range, central Germany. Hydrochemical composition comprises low pH, SO4-rich shallow groundwaters issued by springs (Ca-Mg-SO4-type) grading to SO4-poor deep groundwaters with near-neutral pH (Ca-HCO3-type). Batch experiments of the original rock were run to determine primary mineral alteration reactions and the origin of dissolved ions. Principal experimental reactions comprise the decomposition of anorthite, K-feldspar, biotite and jarosite as mineral components of the original sandstone rock and the formation of clay minerals of the smectite group (Ca-montmorillonite, beidellite), and iron hydroxides as secondary minerals. Mobilisation of fluid inclusion in quartz grains contributes to Na and Cl concentrations in the leachates. The evolution of deep groundwater circulation proceeds by mineral alteration reactions calculated by the inverse modelling of both primary and secondary minerals to produce low-T mineral phases. The dissolution of K-feldspar converts Ca-montmorillonite to illite (illitisation). The formation of Na-beidellite correlates with decreasing concentration of Na in solution. Mineral reactions further proceed to the formation of kaolinite as stable mineral phase. As indicated by modelled adsorption curves, the decrease of SO4 concentrations during groundwater evolution relates to the adsorption of SO4 on iron hydroxides. The leaching of calcite indicated for individual groundwaters relates to the distribution of loess in the appropriate catchment areas.  相似文献   

为了进一步了解我国北方新生代玄武岩地下水的赋存规律和形成演化机理,以河北省张北县玄武岩地下水为研究对象,在野外采集地下水样、测定水化学和同位素组成的基础上,利用统计分析、离子比例系数、氢氧同位素、反向地球化学模拟等方法,对区内玄武岩地下水的水化学形成机制进行了研究。结果表明:沿地下水径流方向,研究区内玄武岩地下水中多数离子质量浓度呈现增大趋势,补给区的地下水化学类型以HCO3-Ca·Mg为主,TDS质量浓度多小于500mg/L,排泄区地下水中阴离子以Cl-和SO42-为主,阳离子以Na+为主,TDS质量浓度多大于1 400mg/L;研究区地下水补给来源为当地大气降水;硅铝酸盐、岩盐、硫酸盐的风化溶解是地下水中离子的主要来源;溶滤作用、阳离子交替吸附作用和农业施肥等人类活动影响是控制地下水化学形成的主要作用。  相似文献   

黄金瓯  鲜阳  黎伟  张达政  庄晓明 《地球科学》2021,46(7):2565-2582
滨海平原地区地下水流系统水化学场演化过程复杂,同时受古海侵咸化以及现代人类活动影响,当前对其专门分析的研究较少.以杭嘉湖平原为例,综合运用多元统计和水化学分析方法,对采集的78个深层孔隙承压水样品水化学数据进行解译.研究表明:区内水化学分区可划分为"古海侵区"、"径流排泄区"、"海水咸化区",水化学类型依次为Na-Cl...  相似文献   

郑来林 《地球学报》2002,23(3):229-232
对陕西略阳细碧角斑岩的矿物学、岩石学、岩石地球化学、以及全岩O同位素的研究,认为细碧角斑岩是海水与玄武安山岩的交代产物;交代作用初期岩石中的Na2O含量升高,而MgO、CaO降低;交代作用后期岩石中的MgO升高而Na2O含量降低,即在整个过程中岩石的Na2O含量有一个最大值,而MgO有一个最小值.矿物组合由钠长石、绿帘石、少量绿泥石组成,最终产物为绿泥石和石英.  相似文献   

川南普格杏仁状玄武岩晶洞中产出大量石英、水晶、沥青、葡萄石以及铜矿物,根据其产状和矿物组合分为石英沥青、水晶-沥青及水晶-葡萄石球粒三种类型晶洞。水晶-葡萄石晶洞中矿物组合具明显球粒形貌特点,球粒由中心柱状 水晶及垂直水晶柱面生长的葡萄石球粒内圈与铜矿物球粒外圈组成。铜矿物球粒具有明显圈层结构,由自然铜核、黑铜矿 幔、硅孔雀石与孔雀石壳组成。野外及镜下观察显示,铜矿物集合体形态受自然铜形状和产出控制,铜矿物球粒主要分布 于多个葡萄石球粒边缘的汇聚处,核部自然铜为球粒状;脉状铜矿物由一向伸长自然铜与黑铜矿、硅孔雀石等矿物组成, 分布于晶洞裂隙中。碳同位素与红外光谱研究表明晶洞中的沥青为生物成因,属石油沥青,有机质可能来自下二叠统 (P13)碳酸盐。晶洞中矿物为含有机质成矿溶液依次结晶而成,其顺序为:玉髓或石英→水晶、沥青与自然铜→自然铜与 葡萄石→黑铜矿→硅孔雀石→孔雀石→方解石。沥青的螺旋生长花纹特征、水晶中包裹体均一化温度以及水晶中沥青与自 然铜之间的关系显示,沥青是有机质(原油)受热裂解转变而成,其形成温度约为290~230℃,自然铜的结晶温度为230~ 160℃。  相似文献   

地下水的水质演化预测一直以来是一个难点,单纯依赖于历史数据所反映的水质演化趋势预测未来水质,存在较大的局限性。以石家庄地区为研究区,提出将现状人为活动对地下水的影响程度作为校正因子,修订历史数据所表现出来的水质演化趋势,预测未来水质变化的方法。并以石家庄地区浅层地下水代表性指标总硬度、TDS、NO3-、Fe4项指标作为预测指标,尝试预测了2025年代表性指标的演化情况。结果表明:TDS和总硬度恶化的区域主要为灵寿县东南方向、藁城区和无极县靠近滹沱河河道附近等区域;Fe恶化的区域主要为石家庄市区中部以及东南部等区域;NO3-恶化的主要区域为鹿泉区与灵寿县交界附近、石家庄市区西北以及藁城区靠近滹沱河河道附近等区域。预测结果与研究区水文地质条件、人为污染源的排放以及地下水的开采等因素影响下的情况较为吻合。  相似文献   

The biotite isograd in pelitic schists of the Waterville Formationinvolved reaction of muscovite + ankerite + rutile + pyrite+graphite + siderite or calcite to form biotite + plagioclase+ ilmenite. There was no single reaction in all pelites; eachrock experienced a unique reaction depending on the mineralogyand proportions of minerals in the chlorite-zone equivalentfrom which it evolved. Quartz, chlorite, and pyrrhotite werereactants in some rocks and products in others. All inferredbiotite-forming reactions involved decarbonation and desulfidation;some were dehydration reactions and others were hydration reactions.P-T conditions at the biotite isograd were near 3500 bars and400 °C. C-O-H-S fluids in equilibrium with the pelitic rockswere close to binary CO2-H2O mixtures with XCO2 = 0.02–0.04.During the biotite-forming reaction, pelitic rocks (a) decreasedby 2–5 percent in volume, (b) performed – (4–11)kcal/liter P-V work on their surroundings, (c) absorbed 38–85kcal/liter heat from their surroundings, and (d) were infiltratedby at least 0.9–2.2 rock volumes H2O fluid. The biotite isograd sharply marks the limit of a decarbonationfront that passed through the terrane during regional metamorphism.Decarbonation converted meta-shales with 6–10 per centcarbonate to carbonate-free pelitic schists. One essential causeof the decarbonation event was pervasive infiltration of theterrane by at least 1–2 rock volumes H2O fluid early inthe metamorphic event under P-T conditions of the biotite isograd.Average shale contains 4–13 per cent siderite, ankerite,and/or calcite, but average pelitic schist is devoid of carbonateminerals. If the Waterville Formation serves as a general modelfor the metamorphism of pelitic rocks, it is likely that worldwidemany pelitic schists developed by decarbonation of shale caused,in part, by pervasive infiltration of metamorphic terranes byseveral rock volumes of aqueous fluid during an early stageof the metamorphic event.  相似文献   

Roadway instability has always been a major concern in deep underground coal mines where the surrounding rock strata and coal seams are weak and the in situ stresses are high. Under the high overburden and tectonic stresses, roadways could collapse or experience excessive deformation, which not only endangers mining personnel but could also reduce the functionality of the roadway and halt production. This paper describes a case study on the stability of roadways in an underground coal mine in Shanxi Province, China. The mine was using a longwall method to extract coal at a depth of approximately 350 m. Both the coal seam and surrounding rock strata were extremely weak and vulnerable to weathering. Large roadway deformation and severe roadway instabilities had been experienced in the past, hence, an investigation of the roadway failure mechanism and new support designs were needed. This study started with an in situ stress measurement programme to determine the stress orientation and magnitude in the mine. It was found that the major horizontal stress was more than twice the vertical stress in the East–West direction, perpendicular to the gateroads of the longwall panel. The high horizontal stresses and low strength of coal and surrounding rock strata were the main causes of roadway instabilities. Detailed numerical modeling was conducted to evaluate the roadway stability and deformation under different roof support scenarios. Based on the modeling results, a new roadway support design was proposed, which included an optimal cable/bolt arrangement, full length grouting, and high pre-tensioning of bolts and cables. It was expected the new design could reduce the roadway deformation by 50 %. A field experiment using the new support design was carried out by the mine in a 100 m long roadway section. Detailed extensometry and stress monitorings were conducted in the experimental roadway section as well as sections using the old support design. The experimental section produced a much better roadway profile than the previous roadway sections. The monitoring data indicated that the roadway deformation in the experimental section was at least 40–50 % less than the previous sections. This case study demonstrated that through careful investigation and optimal support design, roadway stability in soft rock conditions can be significantly improved.  相似文献   

Contact metamorphic facies in a large roof remnant within thecomposite Sierra Nevada batholith vary from actinolite hornfelsto pyroxene-hornfels facies. Hornblende-hornfels facies rockssurround most plutons. The pyroxene-hornfels facies, definedby the appearance of hypersthene in mafic rocks, occurs onlywhere two aureoles overlap. The rate of reaction of biotite plus quartz to hypersthene plusK feldspar plus water in the pyroxene-hornfels facies was controlledby the rate of escape of water. The reactants are still presentin the rocks; hypersthene was not stable where water pressurewas as high as load pressure but was able to form locally aswater vapor escaped and water pressure fell below load pressure. The reaction of epidote to andradite took place in the high-gradepart of the hornblende-hornfels facies and in the pyroxene-hornfelsfacies rocks. Hydrothermal experiments show that this reactiontakes place in the range 575 to 600 C at 2,000 bars. The highestcrystallization temperature within the hypersthene-bearing rocksis estimated to have been 750 C. The recrystallization temperatureof the clinopyroxene-bearing mafic hornfelses in the hornblende-hornfelsfacies is estimated to have been 625 to 650C, and that ofthe hornblende-bearing mafic hornfelses to have been 525 to550C. Interpretation of the fabric of the hypersthene rocks suggeststhat most of the heat was transferred to the walls by conductionand radiation. The main effect of hot magmatic vapor was toproduce a retrograde zone at the end of the recrystallizationperiod. The duration of the high-temperature phase of the metamorphismis estimated to be of the order of 105 years.  相似文献   

河南光山县千鹅冲矿床属于癍岩型钼矿床。矿床围岩蚀变硅化、钾长石化、黄铁矿化、绢云母化、绿帘及绿泥石化、高岭土化等多叠加出现,强弱不等。其中硅化、钾长石化、绢云母化、黄铁矿化发育较强且与矿化关系密切。研究表明:在岩浆期后的各成矿阶段,石英、钾长石、磁铁矿、辉钼矿、含矿流体等经过充填、沉淀,在岩体上部围岩中形成了多期矿化细脉叠加、范围集中、规模巨大的钼矿体。  相似文献   

地下水水质评价方法应以人体健康为依据,同时满足原理简单、计算简便、物理意义明确三个特点.基于地下水水质标准GB/T14848-93,修订了其分级限值,使得评价结果的物理意义更为明确.本文根据华北平原地下水水质测试结果评价了水质状况,对水中主要有机和无机组分在区域上的分布特征及可能来源进行了分析.为了使地下水水质评价的结果更加适合我国的国情,提出了地下水饮用适宜性评价意见,并对评价结果进行了讨论.  相似文献   

陶芸  陈锁忠  都娥娥 《水文》2011,31(3):76-81
在分析研究区浅层地下水空间分布特征的基础上,采用同位素与化学分析相结合的方法研究苏锡常浅层地下水的补径排条件。利用氢氧同位素的分析结果,建立潜水与微承压水的δD-δ18O关系曲线,分析潜水含水层与河流、湖泊等地表水体关系以及微承水的蒸发程度;利用放射性同位素氚与14C研究微承水与现代水的补给关系;利用常规的水化学分析方法研究浅层地下水补给源的变化问题。结合研究区地下水水位、地层岩性、地形、地貌等多方面因素综合分析了浅层地下水的补径排条件,从而指导苏锡常地区浅层地下水合理开发利用。  相似文献   

川西螺髻山冰川侵蚀地貌研究   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
定量分析发现影响该地区冰斗形态的因素有海洋性较强的气候,朝向北(极向),朝向东和较大的地形起伏四种。槽谷的横剖面可以公式化为Y=a·X~b,槽谷形态不对称由冰川差异侵蚀和冻融差异所致。发现两种冰川侵蚀裂痕,即挤压剪切裂痕和拉张剪切裂痕。  相似文献   

基于矿产资源空间位置的研究方法对勘探找矿具有重要意义。设计开发了基于空间位置关联分析和预测方法,该方法根据隐伏矿体预测的相似-类比理论,通过分析已公开的矿产资源空间分布数据,获取已知矿种的相关性,进一步对隐伏矿体进行分析和预测。以我国西部部分地区的矿产资源空间分布数据为样本,采用Apriori算法分析已知矿种空间位置上的关联关系,通过分析得出该区域矿种的共生和伴生等关联关系,获得隐伏矿体的预测结果。通过与现有成果对比证明该方法的有效性和可行性,利用GoogleEarth等可视化的工具进行预测结果展现,以便更好地进行对比研究。研究的创新点在于设计开发了基于空间位置关联分析和预测方法,利用该方法对已知矿种空间位置进行关联分析,推导出所在区域矿种的共生和伴生等关系,对隐伏矿体进行了分析预测。  相似文献   

Zeolites are among the most common products of chemical interaction between groundwaters and the Earth's crust during diagenesis and low-grade metamorphism. The unique crystal structures of zeolites result in large molar volumes, high cation-exchange capacities, and reversible dehydration. These properties influence both the stability and chemistry of zeolites in geologic systems, leading to complex parageneses and compositional relationships that provide sensitive indicators of physicochemical conditions in the crust. Observations of zeolite occurrence in Tertiary basaltic lavas in the North Atlantic region indicate that individual zeolite minerals are distributed in distinct, depth-controlled zones that parallel the paleosurface of the plateau basalts and transgress the lava stratigraphy. The zeolite zones are interpreted to have formed at the end of burial metamorphism of the lavas. Relative timing relations between various mineral parageneses and crustal-scale deformal features indicate that the minerals indicative of the zeolite zones formed within 1 million years after cessation of volcanism. Empirical correlation between the depth distribution of zeolite zones and the temperatures of formation of zeolites in geothermal systems provides estimates of regional thermal gradients and heat flow in flood-basalt provinces. Similarly, the orientations of zeolite zones can be used to distinguish synvolcanic and post-volcanic crustal deformation. Because zeolites that characterize the individual zones display different ion-exchange selectivities for various cations, reactions between groundwaters and zeolites in basaltic aquifers can result in depth-controlled zones where individual elements are concentrated in the crust. This is established for Sr, which is concentrated by at least an order of magnitude in heulandite, resulting in an overall Sr enrichment of lavas in the heulandite-stilbite zeolite zone.  相似文献   

武汉市区第四系含水层地下水有机污染敏感性研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
在详细调查武汉市水文地质条件和地下水污染现状的基础上,获得了高精度的武汉市水环境中微量有机污染物的组成数据。所检测出的有机组分达30余种,以苯及相关苯系物为主,污染程度较高的地下水主要分布在人口密集区和工业,商业区,应用改进的DRASTIC模型-地下水污染敏感性评价模型,在GIS平台上,编制了武汉市区地下水污染敏感性分区图。根据其评价结果,建议集中对那些敏感性相对较高的区域采取有效的环保措施,开发利用时应作出风险评价。  相似文献   

太原市属于我国北方的半干旱地区,地下水资源是区内最重要的供水水源。然而,该地区代表性地下水的水质演化趋势与常规污染物分布特征表明,区内地下水已经遭受污染,在研究区南部,地下水污染问题尤为突出。分析了研究区地下水污染的原因,结果表明人类活动是最主要的因素,包括地下水开采、工业与生活废弃物的排放、农业污灌、化肥及农药的施用、采矿活动等。  相似文献   

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - Support failures in mine drifts represent potential hazards that threaten underground mine safety and productivity. The aim of this study is to determine...  相似文献   

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