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A comparative study of the geomagnetic and ionospheric data at equatorial and low-latitude stations in India over the 20 year period 1956–1975 is described. The reversal of the electric field in the ionosphere over the magnetic equator during the midday hours indicated by the disappearance of the equatorial sporadic E region echoes on the ionograms is a rare phenomenon occurring on about 1% of time. Most of these events are associated with geomagnetically active periods. By comparing the simultaneous geomagnetic H field at Kodaikanal and at Alibag during the geomagnetic storms it is shown that ring current decreases are observed at both stations. However, an additional westward electric field is superimposed in the ionosphere during the main phase of the storm which can be strong enough to temporarily reverse the normally eastward electric field in the dayside ionosphere. It is suggested that these electric fields associated with the V × Bz electric fields originate at the magnetopause due to the interaction of the solar wind and the interplanetary magnetic field.  相似文献   

The mechanism of acceleration of the mean zonal flow by a planetary wave is explained intuitively by considering the wave drag which a corrugated bottom feels when it excites the wave. The explanation is justified by solving the problem of vertical propagation of a planetary wave packet and the second order mean motion induced around it. The discussion is slightly extended to the case of small damping, to illustrate in a compact form the fact that the mean zonal acceleration is determined by a forcing due to wave transience plus that due to wave dissipation.The mean flow induced by a steady, dissipating planetary wave is discussed, and it is shown that it depends largely on the dissipation scale-height of the wave whether the northern region is heated or cooled. For example, if the wave velocity-amplitude increases upward in spite of dissipation, the induced easterly flow increases with height and the temperature of the northern region increases relative to that in the southern region. A similar point has been made byDunkerton (1979) in connection with westerly flows induced by Kelvin waves.The Lagrangian-mean motion induced by a planetary wave is briefly discussed in connection with the mechanism of acceleration of the mean zonal flow, in the case of a slowly varying wave packet. Further, in order el elucidate the effects of wave dissipation and time dependence of wave amplitude, the results obtained for a steady, dissipating wave and for a growing baroclinic wave are mentioned.  相似文献   

Diurnal variations in the electric field strength, electrical conductivity, and temperature in the near-Earth atmosphere under “fair-weather” conditions at the Paratunka observatory (Kamchatka) are considered. It is shown that the morning maximum in the electric field diurnal behavior is caused by air convection in the near-surface layer. The difference in the atmospheric temperatures near the Earth’s surface and at an altitude of 25 m is chosen as a measure of the convective air flow. A high correlation of the values of the temperature difference for these altitudes with the diurnal behavior of the electric field strength is obtained.  相似文献   

Summary By investigating the quasi-regular variations in ionospheric absorption along three distant radio paths with approximately one and the same equivalent frequency during the winters 1983/84 and 1984/85, an attempt is made to study the stratospheric-mesospheric relations at typical geographic mid latitudes. It is shown that the quasi-regular oscillations of ionospheric absorption, investigated in this paper, reach maximum development in each time series at one and the same time. This means, that if they are provoked by an external source when it starts acting, a spectrum of frequencies is generated rather than a definite fixed frequency. By studying the variation of the instantaneous amplitudes of the quasi-regular oscillations in ionospheric absorption with time, their connection with the amplification of the quasi-stationary planetary waves in the stratosphere with a zonal wave number 2 during the winter periods under investigation is shown.
Резюме Иссле?rt;овaнuем квaзuре улярных вaрuaцuŭ в uоносферном nо лощенuu в mрех nросmрaнсmвенно оm?rt;aленных рa?rt;uо-mрaссaх с nрuблuзumельно о?rt;ноŭ u mоŭ же эквuвaленmноŭ чaсmовоŭ зuмоŭ 1983/84 u 1984/85 . ?rt;елaеmся nоnыmкa uзучumь сmрamосферно-мезос ферные связu в munuчных сре?rt;ных щuроmaх. Покaзaно, чmо рaссмоmренные в рaбоmе квaзuре улярные колебaнuя в uоносферном nо лощенuu ?rt;осmu aюm мaксuмaльно о рaзвumuя в кaж?rt;ом временном ря?rt;у в о?rt;но u mо же время. Эmо ознaчaеm, чmо, еслu онu возбуж?rt;ены внещнuм uсmочнuком, mо nрu е о включенuu енерuруюmся не о?rt;нa чaсmоma, a целыŭ сnекmр чaсmоm. Изученuем временных uзмененuŭ м новенных aмnлumу?rt; квaзuре улярных колебaнuŭ в uоносфермон nо лощенuu зa uссле?rt;овaнные зuмнuе nерuо?rt;ы nокaзaнa uх связь с квaзu-сmaцuонaрнымu nлaнеmaрнымu колебaнuямu в сmрamосфере с зонaльным волновымu чuслом 2.


The results of a periodogramanalysis of the variations in the ionospheric parameters, measured using the vertical radio sounding method at midlatitude Irkutsk observatory (Eastern Siberia), are presented. The 1984–1986 period of observations was used. It has been indicated that the statistically significant oscillations with periods typical of planetary waves are present in the variations in f 0Es, f bEs, h′Es, f min, f 0F2, and h′F.


The irregularity velocity patterns observed by the SABRE coherent radar at substorm expansion phase onset, which is identified by magnetometer observations of Pi2 pulsations, are occasionally highly structured. In all the examples of structured velocity patterns examined, the SABRE viewing area is located at longitudes within the inferred substorm current wedge. Three types of structured velocity regime are apparent depending on the level of magnetic activity and the position of the radar viewing area relative to the substorm enhanced currents and the Pi2 pulsation generation region. Firstly, vortex-like velocity patterns are observed and these may be caused by the field-aligned currents associated with the substorm current wedge. Secondly, regions of equatorward velocity are also observed at times of substorm expansion phase onset moving longitudinally across the SABRE viewing area. The longitudinal movement is usually westward although an example of eastward motion has been observed. The phase velocity of these regions of equatorward flow is typically 1–3 km s?1. The observed equatorward velocities occur at the poleward edge or poleward of the background convection velocities observed by SABRE. These equatorward velocities may be related to the westward travelling surge and to the expansion (eastwards as well as westwards) of the brightening arc region at substorm onset. Thirdly, the flow rotates equatorward within the field of view but does not then appear to move longitudinally. These equatorward velocities may relate to the earthward surge of plasma from the magnetotail at substorm onset.  相似文献   

On May 4, 1998, at 0227 UT an interplanetary shock crossed the WIND spacecraft, and half an hour later a Sudden Commencement occurred. Coinciding with the Sudden Commencement a rapid intensification of the flux of particle precipitation into the ionosphere was observed. Evidence is presented that the ionospheric electric fields were influenced by the associated dynamic variations of the ionospheric conductivities. Following the initial phase the ionospheric flow speeds increased rapidly over the next 20 min to more than 2000 m/s, in agreement with an increased effective coupling of the solar wind energy to the magnetosphere following the interplanetary shock that caused the Sudden Commencement. These strong flows were meandering in latitude, a type of plasma flow modulation that has been reported before to occur during Omega band events: a string of alternating field-aligned currents propagating eastward. The riometer absorption was found to be at a minimum in regions associated with outward directed field aligned currents. The riometer absorption regions (the regions of particle precipitation) were drifting with E × B drift speed of the ionospheric electrons.  相似文献   

The STARE system (Scandinavian Twin Auroral Radar Experiment) provides estimates of electron drift velocities, and hence also of the electric field in the high-latitude E-region ionosphere between 65 and 70 degrees latitude. The occurrence of drift velocities larger than about 400 m/s (equivalent to an electric field of 20 mV/m) have been correlated with the magnitude of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) components Bz and By at all local times. Observation days have been considered during which both southward (Bz<0) and northward (Bz>0) IMF occurred. The occurrence of electric fields larger than 20 mV/m increases with increases in Bz magnitudes when Bz<0. It is found that the effects of southward IMF continue for some time following the northward turnings of the IMF. In order to eliminate such residual effects for Bz<0, we have, in the second part of the study, considered those days which were characterized by a pure northward IMF. The occurrence is considerably lower during times when Bz>0, than during those when Bz is negative. These results are related to the expansion and contraction of the auroral oval. The different percentage occurrences of large electric field for By>0 and By<0 components of the IMF during times when Bz>0, clearly display a dawn-dusk asymmetry of plasma flow in the ionosphere. The effects of the time-varying solar-wind speed, density, IMF fluctuations, and magnetospheric substorms on the occurrence of auroral-backscatter observations are also discussed.  相似文献   


The instability of ideal non-divergent zonal flows on the sphere is determined numerically by the instability criterion of Arnold (Ann. Inst. Fourier 1966, 16, 319) for the sectional curvature. Zonal flows are unstable for all perturbations besides for a small set which are in approximate resonance. The planetary rotation is stable and the presence of rotation reduces the instability of perturbations.  相似文献   

Line-of-sight Doppler velocities from the SuperDARN CUTLASS HF radar pair have been combined to produce the first two-dimensional vector measurements of the convection pattern throughout the ionospheric footprint of a flux transfer event (a pulsed ionospheric flow, or PIF). Very stable and moderate interplanetary magnetic field conditions, along with a preceding prolonged period of northward interplanetary magnetic field, allow a detailed study of the spatial and the temporal evolution of the ionospheric response to magnetic reconnection. The flux tube footprint is tracked for half an hour across six hours of local time in the auroral zone, from magnetic local noon to dusk. The motion of the footprint of the newly reconnected flux tube is compared with the ionospheric convection velocity. Two primary intervals in the PIFs evolution have been determined. For the first half of its lifetime in the radar field of view the phase speed of the PIF is highly variable and the mean speed is nearly twice the ionospheric convection speed. For the final half of its lifetime the phase velocity becomes much less variable and slows down to the ionospheric convection velocity. The evolution of the flux tube in the magnetosphere has been studied using magnetic field, magnetopause and magnetosheath models. The data are consistent with an interval of azimuthally propagating magnetopause reconnection, in a manner consonant with a peeling of magnetic flux from the magnetopause, followed by an interval of anti-sunward convection of reconnected flux tubes.  相似文献   

A new model for the generation of plate tectonics suggests an important interaction between a planet's climate and its lithospheric damage behavior; and thus provides a simple explanation for the tectonic difference between Earth and Venus. We propose that high surface temperatures will lead to higher healing rates (e.g. grain growth) in the lithosphere that will act to suppress localization, plate boundary formation, and subduction. This leads to episodic or stagnant lid convection on Venus because of its hotter climate. In contrast, Earth's cooler climate promotes damage and plate boundary formation. The damage rheology presented in this paper attempts to describe the evolution of grain size by allowing for grain reduction via deformational work input and grain growth via surface tension-driven coarsening. We explore the interaction of damage and healing in two-dimensional numerical convection simulations. We also develop a simple “drip-instability” model to test the hypothesis that the competition between damage and healing controls convective and plate tectonic style by modulating episodicity at subduction zones. At small values of damage, fA, (or large values of healing, kA) the lithosphere remains strong enough to resist subduction on time scales of billions of years. At intermediate values of fA and kA the lithosphere may become mobilized and allow for short bursts of tectonic behavior followed by periods of quiescence. At large (small) values of fA (kA ) the fineness is increased so that the viscosity of the plate boundary is reduced to allow for continuous, unimpeded subduction of lithosphere and plate-like deformation. The results suggest the feasibility of our proposed hypothesis that the interplay of climate and damage control the mode of tectonics on a planet.  相似文献   

The regularities in the southward drift of the ionospheric current centers and luminosity boundaries during strong magnetic storms of November 2003 and 2004 (with Dst ≈ ?400 and ?470 nT, respectively) are studied based on the global geomagnetic observations and TV measurements of auroras. It has been indicated that the eastward and westward electrojets in the dayside and nightside sectors simultaneously shift equatorward to minimal latitudes of Φ min ° ~53°–55°. It has been obtained that the Φ min ° latitude decreases with increasing negative values of Dst, IMF B z component, and westward electric field strength in the solar wind. The dependence of the electrojet equatorward shift velocity (V av) on the rate of IMF B z variations (ΔB z t) has been determined. It is assumed that the electrojet dynamics along the meridian is caused by a change in the structure of the magnetosphere and electric fields in the solar wind and the Earth’s magnetosphere.  相似文献   

The influence of the finite ionospheric conductivity on the structure of dispersive, nonradiative field line resonances (FLRs) is investigated for the first four odd harmonics. The results are based on a linear, magnetically incompressible, reduced, two-fluid MHD model. The model includes effects of finite electron inertia (at low altitude) and finite electron pressure (at high altitude). The ionosphere is treated as a high-integrated conducting substrate. The results show that even very low ionospheric conductivity (P = 2 mho) is not sufficient to prevent the formation of a large-amplitude, small-scale, nonradiative FLR for the third and higher harmonics when the background transverse plasma inhomogeneity is strong enough. At the same time, the fundamental FLR is strongly affected by a state of low conductivity, and when P = 2 mho, this resonance forms only small-amplitude, relatively broad electromagnetic disturbance. The difference in conductivities of northern and southern ionospheres does not produce significant asymmetry in the distribution of electric and magnetic fields along the resonant field line. The transverse gradient of the background Alfven speed plays an important role in structure of the FLR when the ionospheric conductivity is finite. In cases where the transverse inhomogeneity of the plasma is not strong enough, the low ionospheric conductivity can prevent even higher-harmonic FLRs from contracting to small scales where dispersive effects are important. The application of these results to the formation and temporal evolution of small-scale, active auroral arc forms is discussed.  相似文献   

Regular measurements of the atmospheric electric field made at Vostok Station (φ=78.45°S; λ=106.87°E, elevation 3500 m) in Antarctica demonstrate that extremely intense electric fields (1000–5000 V/m) can be observed during snow storms. Usually the measured value of the atmospheric electric field at Vostok is about 100–250 V/m during periods with “fair weather” conditions. Actual relation between near-surface electric fields and ionospheric electric fields remain to be a controversial problem. Some people claimed that these intense electric fields produced by snowstorms or appearing before strong earthquakes can re-distribute electric potential in the ionosphere at the heights up to 300 km. We investigated interrelation between the atmospheric and ionospheric electric fields by both experimental and theoretical methods. Our conclusion is that increased near-surface atmospheric electric fields do not contribute notably to distribution of ionospheric electric potential.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the response of azimuthal component of the ionospheric electric field to auroral arc activity. We have chosen for analysis three intervals of coordinated EISCAT and TV observations on 18 February, 1993. These intervals include three kinds of arc activity: the appearance of a new auroral arc, the gradual brightening of the existing arc and variations of the arc luminosity. The arcs were mostly east-west aligned. In all cases, the enhancement of arc luminosity is accompanied by a decrease in the westward component of the ionospheric electric field. In contrast, an increase of that component seems to be connected with arc fading. The observed response is assumed to have the same nature as the short circuit of an external electric field by the conductor. The possible consequence of this phenomenon is discussed.  相似文献   

电离层电导对地球磁层顶和舷激波尺度的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文在如下假定下分析电离层电导对地球磁层顶和舷激波尺度的影响:(1)对电离层采用球壳近似,Pedersen电导ΣP均匀,Hall电导为零;(2)地磁偶极矩处于正南方向,行星际磁场(IMF)只有南向分量(BzBz和ΣP,通过三维全球MHD模拟获得系统的准定态.结果表明,在大约1~5 S范围内,ΣP值显著影响磁层顶和舷激波的尺度,而在该范围之外则几乎没有影响.随着ΣP的增加,磁层顶和舷激波整体向外扩张,前者的扩张程度低于后者,以至磁鞘区的范围扩大.磁层顶的侧翼点的位置随ΣP的变化与Bz的幅度有关:在弱南向IMF情况下磁层顶的侧翼点随ΣP的增加向内移动,而在强南向IMF情况下则向外移动.上述结果表明,在构建磁层顶和舷激波的经验模型时,有必要计入电离层电导的影响.  相似文献   

The relationships between the average hourly values of the vertical ground-level electric field measured at the Vostok Antarctic station and the ionospheric potential above the station have been obtained. The ΔEz and Uext parts of both parameters controlled by the solar wind were considered. Convection models (Weimer, 1995; Lukianova and Christiansen, 2006) and a model based on the SuperDARN radar system were used to determine the ionospheric potential. An analysis has been performed for isolated days and the entire sample in 1998–2000 (including 170 days of “fine weather”). For an isolated day, the best correlation coefficients (R) between ΔEz and Uext obtained using the three models were 0.81, 0.80, and 0.88, respectively. The total correlation coefficient for the entire data set was R = 0.24−0.32. The R value was larger during daytime (R ≈ 0.4) and smaller at night (R ≈ 0.1) and slightly increased in the early morning hours. The specific features of daily variations in R apparently indicate that it is possible to adequately describe the structure of the ionospheric electric field equipotentials by using large-scale stationary convection models. The R value varies complexly, depending on the IMF orientation, but it generally tends to increase from IMF By < 0 to By > 0, which is explained by the asymmetric convection patterns for opposite By signs.  相似文献   

The CUTLASS Finland radar has been run in a two-beam special scan mode, which offered excellent temporal and spatial information on the flows in the high-latitude ionosphere. A detailed study of one day of this data revealed a convection reversal boundary (CRB) in the CUTLASS field of view (f.o.v) on the dayside, the direction of plasma flow either side of the boundary being typical of a dawn-cell convection pattern. Poleward of the CRB a number of pulsed transients are observed, seemingly moving away from the radar. These transients are identified here as the ionospheric signature of flux transfer events (FTEs). Equatorward of the CRB continuous backscatter was observed, believed to be due to the return flow on closed field lines. The two-beam scan offered a new and innovative opportunity to determine the size and velocity of the ionospheric signatures associated with flux transfer events and the related plasma flow pattern. The transient signature was found to have an azimuthal extent of 1900 ± 900 km and an poleward extent of 250 km. The motion of the transient features was in a predominantly westward azimuthal direction, at a velocity of 7.5 ± 3 km.  相似文献   

A sounding rocket experiment undertaken by the Chinese Meridian Project from a low latitude station on Hainan Island(19.5°N,109.1°E),China,measured the DC electric field during 05:45-05:52 LT on April 5,2013.The data observed using a set of electric field double probes,as part of the rocket's scientific payload,revealed the special profile of how the vectors of the DC electric field vary with altitude between 130 and 190 km.During the experiment,the vertical electric field was downward,and the maximum vertical electric field was nearly 5.1 mV/m near the altitude of 176 km.The zonal electric field was eastward and slightly less than 0.6 mV/m.The plasma drift velocity was estimated from the E×B motion,and the zonal drift velocity was eastward and of the order of 100 m/s.The zonal wind velocity was also estimated using the drift velocity near the maximum density height in the F1-region,and it was found to be nearly 120 m/s.This work constituted the first in situ measurement of the DC electric field conducted within the Fl-region(between 130 and 190 km) in the East Asian Sector.  相似文献   

When using global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs) for high-precision measurements, one should consider high-order errors. The ionospheric second-order error caused by the geomagnetic field is approximately proportional to the total electron content. Therefore, this error can be taken into account by modifying the coefficients in an “ionosphere-free” combination of GNSS measurements at two frequencies. This study checks the approximations underlying this modification. We reveal that these approximations are valid and the results depend weakly on the accuracy of ionospheric parameters used a priori for calculating the coefficients of the modified two-frequency formula. In addition, we investigate how the choice of a model of the Earth’s magnetic field affects the second-order ionospheric error.  相似文献   

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