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利用西双版纳雾凉季和干热季热带次生林林窗的小气候观测资料,探讨了昼间林窗地表温、气温及下层植物叶温的时空分布和变化规律,分析了叶温与气温和地表温的相互关系。指出在林窗区域,由于受雾、太阳高度及林窗边缘树木的影响,各小气候要素最大值随时间、季节的不同,出现在林窗不同的方位,并且存在叶温高值区时空动态位移现象;另外,林窗区域土壤-植物-大气连续体界面间热量传递方向随时间、季节的不同而发生着改变,甚至在同一时段内,林窗不同区域会存在热量传递方向截然相反的现象,显示出林窗内可能存在热量循环的小环流。其结果对深入探讨林窗区域的热量传输、小气候的形成机制、生物多样性和更新等问题均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

根据强浓雾发生的同步性,可将安徽分为5个不同的区域。为了解安徽区域性强浓雾的演变规律及成因,首先利用1980—2019年安徽省68个资料完整的国家级气象观测站08时能见度、相对湿度和天气现象资料,探讨了各区域区域性强浓雾的判定标准,建立各区域40 a的区域性强浓雾日时序资料,分析了区域性强浓雾的年际和年代际变化趋势;然后利用2016—2019年77个国家级气象观测站逐时资料分析了不同区域区域性强浓雾的年变化、日变化及持续时间分布等特征;最后,探讨了冬季区域性强浓雾年际变化的成因。结果表明:(1)1980—2019年,沿淮淮北3个区域区域性强浓雾日数都有先升后降的变化趋势,转折点在2006/2007年;1980—2007年区域性强浓雾日数呈明显的上升趋势,应归因于气溶胶粒子浓度升高。年代际比较,各区域区域性强浓雾日数都是20世纪90年代或21世纪最初10年最多,21世纪第2个10年最少;各区域区域性强浓雾出现日数年际变化大,最少的年份0—1 d,最多年份可超过10 d。(2)2016—2019年,各区域年均区域性强浓雾日数14—17 d,主要集中在仲秋到仲春;持续1 h的强浓雾日占比最高,持续3 h的样本是另一个峰值;淮河以北2个区域年均区域性强浓雾日数最多、且持续时间达到3 h及以上的区域性强浓雾占比最高。(3)淮河以北冬季区域性强浓雾日数与降水日数、降水量、相对湿度和08时气温均呈较为显著的正相关,而与风速和小风日数相关不显著;沿江地区冬季区域性强浓雾日数主要受地面风速影响;而江南冬季强浓雾日数与各地面因子均不存在明显相关。(4)以1月为例,各区域区域性强浓雾日数都与纬向环流指数呈正相关,沿淮淮北3个区域区域性强浓雾日数都与东亚槽位置呈正相关,而与东亚槽强度相关不明显。说明纬向型环流、东亚槽位置偏东有助于安徽沿淮淮北形成强浓雾。进一步分析发现,雾多的1月海平面气压中40°N以北的1030 hPa等值线位置偏东(如在120°E以东),近地层偏东风较强,地面湿度偏高。   相似文献   

利用西天山伊犁河谷新源林场卡勒克玛林区5个采样点(KL1~KL5)的雪岭云杉树轮样芯,建立宽度年表,并分析树木年轮标准化年表与气候的相关性,以及这种相关性随海拔梯度的变化情况。结果表明:(1)样本对总体的代表性都很好,KL3的各项指标在5个标准化年表中最高,包含的气候信息最多、受到气候的影响最明显;(2)除KL5与新源站当年4月的降水正相关不显著外,其余标准化年表均与新源上年及当年4月降水显著正相关,且较高海拔的KL1~KL3与当年4月降水的相关性较上年4月更密切,较低海拔的KL4~KL5则相反;(3)各标准化年表与新源站上年4月~上年10月以及当年9月的平均温度和平均最高温度为负相关,而与上年12月的温度要素均为正相关;(4)各采样点树木径向生长受气候的“滞后性”影响明显,林缘上部的采样点(KL1、KL2)树木径向生长受到温度的制约作用较降水更明显,林缘中下部(KL3~KL5)则相反。  相似文献   

西双版纳热带次生林林窗辐射特征初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用西双版纳不同季节热带次生林林窗、林内及旷地不同波长太阳辐射的实测资料,比较分析了热带次生林窗不同波长辐射特征。分析得出:热带次生林窗中央与北侧林冠下的不同波长太阳辐射量值在中午前后迅速达到最大后又急速下降的现象明显;林窗内不同波长太阳辐射日总量值均大于林内,小于旷地;林窗中央和北侧林冠下相比较。一般是北侧林冠下的各辐射要素总量值高于林窗中央;林窗区域的总辐射日总量在干热季最高,雨季和雨季后期次之,雾凉季时最小;林窗中央和北侧林冠下的红外辐射及可见光在总辐射中所占份额随季节的变化而不同,充分显示了林窗辐射环境的异质性;与旷地和林内相比,林窗内各测点的红外辐射在总辐射中所占份额高于旷地却低于林内,而可见光占总辐射的比值情况正好相反。  相似文献   

雾和霾都是低能见度天气,生成条件相似。利用安徽78个地面站逐时观测资料,基于雾、霾发生物理条件,建立了不同等级雾日和重度霾日的观测诊断方法,重建了不同等级雾和重度霾的时序资料。根据各站强浓雾发生的同步性,将安徽分为5个雾、霾分布特征不同的区域,探讨了各区域不同等级雾及重度霾出现时地面气象条件的异同。结果表明:(1)安徽省强浓雾主要是辐射雾。强浓雾、浓雾和大雾空间分布形势大体一致,淮河以北东、西部和江南都属于强浓雾高发区,但各地强浓雾的时、空分布特征和影响系统不同;重度霾有明显的北多、南少、山区最少的分布特征。(2)强浓雾年变化呈双峰型分布,峰值在1月和4月,日变化为单峰型,峰值在06时;而重度霾年变化为单峰型,峰值在1月,日变化为双峰型。(3)在强浓雾的高发时段(02—08时),强浓雾时降温幅度最大,比重度霾平均高1℃,风速显著偏低,超过75%的样本风速低于1.5 m/s,且无明显主导风向;而重度霾时,风速比雾时明显要大,个别区域有超过75%的样本风速大于1.5 m/s,且以西北风到东北风为主。说明重度霾能否演变为强浓雾的关键地面气象因子是风速、风向和降温幅度。   相似文献   

我国大陆地区浓雾发生频数的时空分布研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
利用中国137个站点1956~2001年46年的浓雾发生频数资料,结合地理信息系统分析作图软件,统计和分析了我国浓雾频数的多年空间分布、年代际变化及各区域浓雾频数变化特征,并作出了雾频数与时间序列相关图.结果表明:我国浓雾频数最多的区域集中在东南沿海、四川盆地等,而浓雾频数最少的区域集中在西北、青藏高原及内蒙;我国浓雾频数从1956年开始基本呈现"两头波谷中间波峰"的时间变化趋势;全国大部分地区雾频数与时间序列的相关系数绝对值小于0.3,且相关系数为负的地区明显多于为正的地区,除了华北平原雾频数整体上增加外,其它地区基本上呈减少趋势或者变化不大.  相似文献   

利用2005—2018年辽宁沿海高速公路沿线气象站点观测资料和NCEP再分析资料,对辽宁沿海高速公路浓雾气候特征及其与各相关气象要素的关系进行分析,并探讨了利于浓雾发生的环流特征和影响因子。结果表明:辽宁沿海高速公路年均浓雾日数由西至东呈现高—低—高的分布特点,同时,辽东沿海高速公路沿线各站年均浓雾日数差异较小,且存在明显的自东向西的下降趋势;辽西沿线高速公路各站差异最大,受到局地的影响最强。沿海高速公路年均浓雾日数具有明显的月变化与季节变化特征,全年有两个浓雾出现的集中时段,分别为2—3月和10—11月;秋季浓雾日数占全年的比率最高。秋季沿海高速公路浓雾以0—200 m的强浓雾为主;温度为10—15℃,相对湿度大于98%,风速为0—3 m·s-1,风向为偏东北风时,浓雾出现的概率最大。辽宁秋季沿海地区受副热带高压影响较小,受东亚大槽等中高纬度纬向环流和极涡的影响较大,纬向环流和极涡越强(弱),辽宁沿海地区浓雾日数越多(少);辽宁沿海地区浓雾的水汽一部分来源于辽宁东部山区,一部分来源于渤海、黄海北部。辽宁沿海地区秋季浓雾并非以海雾为主,而以辐射雾、锋面雾居多,同时辽东沿海地区有来自辽东山区的平流雾。  相似文献   

冀中滨海平原大雾的形成特征及变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用冀中滨海平原区廊坊市1971-2000年9个观测站大雾资料,对该区域大雾、浓雾的形成特征及变化进行了分析,得出结果:(1)大雾尤其浓雾是冀中滨海平原区秋、冬季发生频率最高的灾害性天气之一;(2)大雾、浓雾除具有低能见度外,其连续性、持续性和大范围同日出现等也是不容忽视的具有灾害性影响的特征;(3)自1990年以来,年平均大雾日的变化有明显加剧的现象,相比20世纪80年代,90年代浓雾日数有明显增加的趋势;(4)影响大雾日数变化的主要原因是天气、气候条件的变化,浓雾日数的增加还与城市经济化发展、空气污染程度加剧等因素有关.  相似文献   

利用天山中部北坡头屯河流域8个天山云杉树轮采点的树轮样本,建立树轮宽度指数年表,并分析树轮标准化年表与气候的相关性。结果发现:(1)树轮年表统计特征指示庙尔沟煤矿与三屯河树轮宽度标准化年表可能包含有较多的气候信息;(2)森林上限年表互相关平均系数为最大,森林下部林缘年表互相关平均系数居中,森林上树线附近的小渠子年表与处于下树线附近的庙尔沟煤矿年表间的相关系数最小;(3)位于森林下部林缘年表的连续显著的正自相关系数的阶数少于森林上限的年表,反映该区域森林下部林缘树轮中的气候信息较为清晰,上限年表中的气候信息较为模糊;(4)温度是影响森林上限树轮宽度年表树轮生长的的主要气候限制因子,而降水则是影响森林下部林缘树轮宽度年表树轮生长的主要气候限制因子,区域森林下部林缘年表当年轮宽指数与小渠子气象站上年7月至当年6月的降水呈显著正相关,区域森林上限年表与大西沟气象站当年2—3月的月平均气温呈正相关,这些相关具有明确的树木生理学意义;(5)区域森林上限年表经历了9个轮宽指数偏高时段和9个偏低时段,偏高时段反映当年2—3月的气温偏高,反之指示当年2—3月的气温偏低;区域森林下部林缘年表大致有5个轮宽指数偏高时段和5个偏低时段,偏高时段指示上年7月至当年6月降水偏多,反之表征上年7月至当年的降水偏少。  相似文献   

利用采自博尔塔拉蒙古自治州中东部山区9个采点的树轮样本,研制树轮宽度年表,分析9个树轮宽度标准化年表的统计特征及年表对气候的响应。结果表明:(1)位于森林中下部林缘的吉普克北、包尔克特沟西侧、小海子、胡苏木萨拉年表和森林上树线的吉普克年表包含的气候信息较多。(2)博州中东部山区气候对树木年轮生长的影响存在持续性,显著的持续年数大多表现在当年及其后的3 a。(3)9个年表间的互相关系数均超过了0.01的显著水平,森林中下部林缘年表间的相关性大于森林上树线。(4)森林上树线树轮宽度年表与上年12月至当年9月平均最低气温相关系数最大(R=0.583,显著性水平达0.000 1),其中与6月温度的相关最好,温度是影响森林上树线树轮宽度生长的主要气候限制因子。森林中下部林缘区域树轮宽度年表与上年6月至当年5月的降水量呈显著正相关(R=0.644,显著性水平达0.000 1),其中与6月降水量的相关最好,降水是影响森林中下部林缘树木年轮宽度生长的主要气候限制因子。  相似文献   

阿尔卑斯山杉林冠层影响辐射传输的个例分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用瑞士Alptal观测站杉树林冠层上方、下方的辐射观测资料,分析了冠层对短波辐射的减弱及对长波辐射的增幅作用及其季节变化。结果表明,对比较密集的常绿针叶林,冠层对入射短波辐射的透过率随着太阳高度的降低而减小,春季以后趋于稳定;冠层对长波辐射的增幅作用随天气状况而变化,这种增幅作用在晴空条件下最显著,可达1.5倍。在冬季,因为太阳辐射较弱,冠层对长波辐射的增幅作用超过对短波辐射的减弱从而增加地面净辐射。在其它季节,太阳辐射比较强,冠层对短波辐射的减弱超过对长波辐射的增幅作用而减少地面净辐射。地面净辐射与冠层上方气温的变化趋势虽然在有些时段一致,但在伴随降雪过程的降温时段,地面净辐射与气温的变化趋势近乎反相,在积雪融化时段,地面净辐射的增加比气温升高更显著,尤其是在白天。  相似文献   

Most of our knowledge on forest-edge flows comes from numerical and wind-tunnel experiments where canopies are horizontally homogeneous. To investigate the impact of tree-scale heterogeneities (\({>}1\) m) on the edge-flow dynamics, the flow in an inhomogeneous forest edge on Falster island in Denmark is investigated using large-eddy simulation. The three-dimensional forest structure is prescribed in the model using high resolution helicopter-based lidar scans. After evaluating the simulation against wind measurements upwind and downwind of the forest leading edge, the flow dynamics are compared between the scanned forest and an equivalent homogeneous forest. The simulations reveal that forest inhomogeneities facilitate flow penetration into the canopy from the edge, inducing important dispersive fluxes in the edge region as a consequence of the flow spatial variability. Further downstream from the edge, the forest inhomogeneities accentuate the canopy-top turbulence and the skewness of the wind-velocity components while the momentum flux remains unchanged. This leads to a lower efficiency in the turbulent transport of momentum within the canopy. Dispersive fluxes are only significant in the upper canopy. Above the canopy, the mean flow is less affected by the forest inhomogeneities. The inhomogeneities induce an increase in the mean wind speed that was found to be equivalent to a decrease in the aerodynamic height of the canopy. Overall, these results highlight the importance of forest inhomogeneities when looking at canopy–atmosphere exchanges in forest-edge regions.  相似文献   

农桐间作农田的太阳辐照特征与小麦产量效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在田间实测基础上,根据泡桐树冠的几何学特征和辐射在植冠中传输的理论,模拟出不同天气条件下、不同农桐间作田内辐照度的时间、空间分布与树木阴影的移动规律,以及它们对小麦产量的影响。得出农桐间作的最佳模式依间作年期而异,以辐照分布与农林综合效益确定最佳树行距,间作3年以内可为10m,第4—5年为20m,间作6年以后应为40m。  相似文献   

Although the creation of edges during forest fragmentation can have important abiotic and biotic impacts, especially under conditions of future climate change, mechanistic models of edge effects have not been forthcoming. A simple numerical model of two-dimensional heat flow is developed and applied to a vertical forest/clearcut edge profile and to simulated fragmented landscapes. Height-specific thermal diffusivity and conductivity in the forest were assumed to vary in proportion to foliage densities measured in the central Amazon. In the edge profile, the clearcut that abutted the edge served as a heat source and its temperature was maintained at a constant value higher than in the initially cooler forest. In the fragmented landscapes, simulated treefall gaps were heat sources whose temperature varied with sun movements during the day. Gap frequency was varied so as to approximate the gap coverage observed in selectively logged forests. In one set of simulations, temperature in the openings was systematically varied; in another, thermal diffusivity of the forest was varied. Along the edge profile, high temperatures in the clearcut were rapidly transmitted into the upper canopy due to additive edge effects. Temperatures in the forest understory were also very sensitive to clearcut temperatures due to relatively sparse understory foliage. An overall increase in forest diffusivity led to markedly higher temperatures close to the edge and a more even temperature distribution among height strata. In fragmented landscapes, total gap coverage and additivity from neighboring gaps strongly influenced forest temperatures. At low conductivities, heat flowed only into the forest close to the gaps and hence forest temperature increased almost linearly with gap area. However, at high conductivities, heat flowed far into the forest and forest temperature varied as a function of gap density in the surrounding neighborhood. Because of these additive effects, slight increases in total gap area led to disproportionate changes in the thermal profile of the landscape. These results have important implications for the conservation of forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

The effect of sub-tree forest heterogeneity in the flow past a clearing is investigated by means of large-eddy simulation (LES). For this purpose, a detailed representation of the canopy has been acquired by terrestrial laser scanning for a patch of approximately 190 m length in the field site “Tharandter Wald”, near the city of Dresden, Germany. The scanning data are used to produce a high resolution plant area distribution (PAD) that is averaged over approximately one tree height (30 m) along the transverse direction, in order to simplify the LES study. Despite the smoothing involved with this procedure, the resulting two-dimensional PAD maintains a rich vertical and horizontal structure. For the LES study, the PAD is embedded in a larger domain covered with an idealized, horizontally homogeneous canopy. Simulations are performed for neutral conditions and compared to a LES with homogeneous PAD and recent field measurements. The results reveal a considerable influence of small-scale plant distribution on the mean velocity field as well as on turbulence data. Particularly near the edges of the clearing, where canopy structure is highly variable, usage of a realistic PAD appears to be crucial for capturing the local flow structure. Inside the forest, local variations in plant density induce a complex pattern of upward and downward motions, which remain visible in the mean flow and make it difficult to identify the “adjustment zone” behind the windward edge of the clearing.  相似文献   

Comparing the Performance of Forest gap Models in North America   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Forest gap models have a long history in the study of forest dynamics, including predicting long-term succession patterns and assessing the potential impacts of climate change and air pollution on forest structure and composition. In most applications, existing models are adapted for the specific question at hand and little effort is devoted to evaluating alternative formulations for key processes, although this has the potential to significantly influence model behavior. In the present study, we explore the implications of alternative formulations for selected ecological processes via the comparison of several gap models. Baseline predictions of forest biomass, composition and size structure generated by several gap models are compared to each other and to measured data at boreal and temperate sites in North America. The models ForClim and LINKAGES v2.0 were compared based on simulations of a temperate forest site in Tennessee, whereas FORSKA-2V, BOREALIS and ForClim were compared at four boreal forest sites in central and eastern Canada. Results for present-day conditions were evaluated on their success in predicting forest cover, species composition, total biomass and stand density, and allocation of biomass among species. In addition, the sensitivity of each model to climatic changes was investigated using a suite of six climate change scenarios involving temperature and precipitation. In the temperate forest simulations, both ForClim and LINKAGES v2.0 predicted mixed mesophytic forests dominated by oak species, which is expected for this region of Tennessee. The models differed in their predictions of species composition as well as with respect to the simulated rates of succession. Simulated forest dynamics under the changed climates were qualitatively similar between the two models, although aboveground biomass and species composition in ForClim was more sensitive to drought than in LINKAGES v2.0. Under a warmer climate, the modeled effects of temperature on tree growth in LINKAGES v2.0 led to the unrealistic loss of several key species. In the boreal forest simulations, ForClim predicted significant forest growth at only the most mesic site, and failed to predict a realistic species composition. In contrast, FORSKA-2V and BOREALIS were successful in simulating forest cover, general species composition, and biomass at most sites. In the climate change scenarios, ForClim was highly sensitive, whereas the other two models exhibited sensitivity only at the drier central Canadian sites. Although the studied sites differ strongly with respect to both the climatic regime and the set of dominating species, a unifying feature emerged from these simulation exercises. The major differences in model behavior were brought about by differences in the internal representations of the seasonal water balance, and they point to an important limitation in some gap model formulations for assessing climate change impacts.  相似文献   

Little is known about the influence of coherent structures on the exchange process, mainly in the case of forest edges. Thus, in the framework of the ExchanGE processes in mountainous Regions (EGER) project, measurements of atmospheric turbulence were taken at different heights between a forest and an adjacent clear cutting using sonic anemometers and high-frequency optical gas analyzers. From these turbulence data, dominant coherent structures were extracted using an already existing wavelet methodology, which was developed for homogeneous forest canopies. The aim of this study is to highlight differences in properties of coherent structures between a forest and a clear cutting. Distinct features of coherent exchange at the forest edge are presented and a careful investigation of vertical and horizontal coupling by coherent structures around the surface heterogeneity is made. Within the forest, coherent structures are less frequent but possess larger time scales, indicating that only the largest coherent motions can penetrate through the forest canopy. At the forest edge, there is no crown layer that can hinder the vertical exchange of coherent structures, because these exhibit similar time scales at all heights. In contradiction to that, no improved vertical coupling was detected at the forest edge. This is mainly because the structures captured by the applied routine contribute less to total turbulent fluxes at the edge than within the forest. Thus, coherent structures with time scales between 10 and 40 s are not the dominant exchange mechanism at the forest edge. With respect to the horizontal direction, a consistent picture of coherent transport could be derived: along the forest edge there is mainly good coupling by coherent structures, whereas perpendicular to the forest edge there is mainly decoupling. Finally, it was found that there is a systematic modulation of coherent structures directly at the forest edge: strong ejection motions appear in all time series during the daytime, whereas strong sweeps dominate at night. An effect of wind direction relative to the forest edge is excluded. Consequently, it is hypothesized that this might be an indication of a quasi-stationary secondary circulation above the clear cutting that develops due to differences in surface temperature and roughness. Such circulations might be a relevant turbulent transport mechanism for ecosystem-atmosphere exchange in heterogeneous landscapes.  相似文献   

Landscape discontinuities such as forest edges play an important role in determining the characteristics of the atmospheric flow by generating increased turbulence and triggering the formation of coherent tree-scale structures. In a fragmented landscape, consisting of surfaces of different heights and roughness, the multiplicity of edges may lead to complex patterns of flow and turbulence that are potentially difficult to predict. Here, we investigate the effects of different levels of forest fragmentation on the airflow. Five gap spacings (of length approximately 5h, 10h, 15h, 20h, 30h, where h is the canopy height) between forest blocks of length 8.7h, as well as a reference case consisting of a continuous forest after a single edge, were investigated in a wind tunnel. The results reveal a consistent pattern downstream from the first edge of each simulated case, with the streamwise velocity component at tree top increasing and turbulent kinetic energy decreasing as gap size increases, but with overshoots in shear stress and turbulent kinetic energy observed at the forest edges. As the gap spacing increases, the flow appears to change monotonically from a flow over a single edge to a flow over isolated forest blocks. The apparent roughness of the different fragmented configurations also decreases with increasing gap size. No overall enhancement of turbulence is observed at any particular level of fragmentation.  相似文献   

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