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Geochronological data, combined with field and petrological evidence, constrain the timing and rate of near‐isothermal decompression at granulite facies temperatures in rocks from the Lützow‐Holm Complex of East Antarctica. Granulite facies gneisses from Rundvågshetta in Lützow‐Holm Bay experienced a peak metamorphic temperature of over 900 °C at c. 11 kbar, as evidenced by primary orthopyroxene–sillimanite‐bearing assemblages, and secondary cordierite–sapphirine‐bearing assemblages in metapelites. Peak metamorphic assemblages show strong preferred mineral orientation, interpreted to have developed synchronously with pervasive ductile deformation. Zircon from a syndeformational leucosome has a U–Pb age of 517±9 Ma, which is interpreted as a melt crystallization age. This age provides the best estimate of the time of peak metamorphic conditions. The post‐peak metamorphic history is characterized by near‐isothermal decompression, recorded by mineral textures in a variety of rock compositions. Field and textural relations indicate that decompression post‐dated pervasive ductile deformation. K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar ages from hornblende and biotite represent closure ages during cooling subsequent to decompression, and indicate cooling to temperatures between c. 350 and 300 °C by c. 500 Ma, thus placing a lower time limit on the duration of the high‐temperature isothermal decompression episode. The combination of the zircon age from a syndeformational melt with K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar closure ages indicates that near‐isothermal decompression from c. 11 to c. 4 kbar at granulite facies temperatures, followed by cooling to c. 300 °C, took place within a time interval of 20±10 Myr. Simple one‐dimensional models for exhumation‐controlled cooling indicate that these data require exhumation rates of the order of c. 3 km Myr?1 for several million years, then cessation of exhumation followed by relatively isobaric cooling during thermal re‐equilibration.  相似文献   

The Mesoarchaean Tasiusarsuaq terrane of southern West Greenland consists of Tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite gneisses and, locally, polymetamorphic mafic and ultramafic rocks. The terrane experienced medium‐pressure granulite facies conditions during M1A in the Neoarchean, resulting in the development of two‐pyroxene melanosome assemblages in mafic granulites containing garnet‐bearing leucosome. Reworking of these rocks during retrogression introduced garnet to the melanosome in the form of overgrowths, coronas and grain necklaces that separate the mafic minerals from plagioclase. NCFMASHTO pseudosection modelling constrains the peak metamorphism during M1A to ~850 °C and 7.5 kbar at fluid‐saturated conditions. Following M1A, the rocks retained their M1A H2O content and became fluid‐undersaturated as they underwent near‐isobaric cooling to ~700 °C and 6.5–7 kbar, prior to reworking during M1B. These low H2O contents allowed for the formation of garnet overgrowths and coronas during M1B. The stability of garnet is greatly increased to lower pressure and temperature in fluid‐absent, fluid‐undersaturated mafic rocks, indicating that fluid and melt loss during initial granulite facies metamorphism is essential for the introduction of garnet, and the formation of garnet coronas, during retrogression. The occurrence of garnet coronas is consistent with, but not unique to, near‐isobaric cooling paths.  相似文献   

东南极格罗夫山镁铁质麻粒岩的变质作用   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:9  
俞良军  赵越等 《岩石学报》2002,18(4):501-516
东南极内陆-格罗夫山存在一套经历了麻粒岩相变质作用的镁铁质麻粒岩和斜长角闪岩。变质反应结构显示该区多为单一的区域性麻粒岩相变质作用。但是,对含石榴石的镁铁质麻粒岩的详细工作则显示了包括3个阶段的近等温降压(ITD)的顺时针PT演化轨迹,M1:0.93GPa>800℃:M2:0.65GPa,733-850℃;M3:0.46-0.61GPa,并有着与拉斯曼丘陵相似的演化历史。根据矿物组合和成分、变质反应结构及温压计算结果,格罗夫山镁铁质麻粒岩可能为高压麻粒岩。  相似文献   

Granulites exposed in the Reinbolt Hills, East Antarctica, are part of the extensive Late Proterozoic granulite complex of East Antarctica, which includes the Rauer Group to the east and the northern Prince Charles Mountains to the west. The deformation history includes three pervasive deformation phases. No chemical or mineralogical distinction between these phases has been detected and this is interpreted to be the result of complete re-equilibration at the end of the third deformation phase. Two late deformation phases post-date the metamorphism and record a medium-temperature cooling path. A short segment of the P–T path of these rocks was inferred from mineral reactions that occurred during these late deformation phases. The path passes from 800°C, 7 kbar to 690°C, 5 kbar, indicating strong decompression, which is typical of a thrust-dominated crustal thickening followed by rapid erosion or extensional collapse.  相似文献   

Calc-silicate granulites from the Bolingen Islands, Prydz Bay, East Antarctica, exhibit a sequence of reaction textures that have been used to elucidate their retrograde P–T path. The highest temperature recorded in the calc-silicates is represented by the wollastonite- and scapolite-bearing assemblages which yield at least 760°C at 6 kbar based on experimental results. The calc-silicates have partially re-equilibrated at lower temperatures (down to 450°C) as evidenced by the successive reactions: (1) wollastonite + scapolite + calcite = garnet + CO2, (2) wollastonite + CO2= calcite + quartz, (3) wollastonite + plagioclase = garnet + quartz, (4) scapolite = plagioclase + calcite + quartz, (5) garnet + CO2+ H2O = epidote + calcite + quartz, and (6) clinopyroxene + CO2+ H2O = tremolite + calcite + quartz.
The reaction sequence observed indicates that a CO2 was relatively low in the wollastonite-bearing rocks during peak metamorphic conditions, and may have been further lowered by local infiltration of H2O from the surrounding migmatitic gneisses on cooling. Fluid activities in the Bolingen calc-silicates were probably locally variable during the granulite facies metamorphism, and large-scale CO2 advection did not occur.
A retrograde P–T path, from the sillimanite stability field ( c. 760°C at 6 kbar) into the andalusite stability field ( c. 450°C at <3 kbar), is suggested by the occurrence of secondary andalusite in an adjacent cordierite–sillimanite gneiss in which sillimanite occurs as inclusions in cordierite.  相似文献   

Calcsilicate granulites of probable Middle Proterozoic age ( c .1000–1100  Ma) in the vicinity of Battye Glacier, northern Prince Charles Mountains, East Antarctica, contain prograde metamorphic assemblages comprising various combinations of wollastonite, scapolite, clinopyroxene, An-rich plagioclase, calcite, quartz, titanite and, rarely, orthoclase, ilmenite, phlogopite and graphite. Comparison of the prograde assemblages with calculated and experimentally determined phase relations in the simple CaO–Al2O3–SiO2–CO2–H2O system suggests peak metamorphism at ≥835 °C in the presence (in wollastonite-bearing assemblages at least) of a CO2-bearing fluid ( X CO≥0.3) at a probable pressure of 6–7  kbar.
Well-preserved retrograde reaction textures represent: (1) breakdown of scapolite to anorthite+calcite±quartz; (2) formation of grossular–andradite garnet and, locally, (3) epidote, both principally by reactions involving scapolite breakdown products and clinopyroxene; (4) local coupled replacement of clinopyroxene and ilmenite by hornblende and titanite, respectively; and finally (5) local sericitization of prograde and retrograde plagioclase. These retrograde reactions are interpreted to be the result of cooling and variable infiltration by H2O-rich fluids, possibly derived from crystallizing pegmatitic intrusions and segregations that may be partial melts, which are common throughout the area.  相似文献   

李淼  刘晓春赵越 《岩石学报》2007,23(5):1055-1066
东南极普里兹湾地区出露大量泛非期花岗质岩类,利用IA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb原位定年方法测得达尔克花岗岩、蒙罗克尔花岗岩和阿曼达花岗岩的年龄分别为519±2Ma,497±2Ma和498±7Ma.所有普里兹湾地区花岗岩类均具有较高的全碱含量以及K2O/Na2O、FeO^T/(FeO^T+MgO)和104Ga/Al比值,较低的Mg、Ca、Cr和Ni丰度,表现出A型花岗岩的特点,同时还富集大离子亲石元素和稀土元素,不同程度亏损Sr、Nb、Ta、P和Ti,并具有高87Sr/86Sr初始比值和低εNd(t)值的同位素特征.研究结果表明,普里兹湾地区的岩浆活动可能与后碰撞的造山作用有关,包括岩石圈减薄、岩浆底侵和地壳伸展作用等.普里兹湾A型后碰撞花岗岩的确定支持普里兹带为碰撞造山带的构造属性.  相似文献   

Northern Victoria Land is a key area for the Ross Orogen – a Palaeozoic foldbelt formed at the palaeo‐Pacific margin of Gondwana. A narrow and discontinuous high‐ to ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) belt, consisting of mafic and ultramafic rocks (including garnet‐bearing types) within a metasedimentary sequence of gneisses and quartzites, is exposed at the Lanterman Range (northern Victoria Land). Garnet‐bearing ultramafic rocks evolved through at least six metamorphic stages. Stage 1 is defined by medium‐grained garnet + olivine + low‐Al orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene, whereas finer‐grained garnet + olivine + orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + amphibole constitutes the stage 2 assemblage. Stage 3 is defined by kelyphites of orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + spinel ± amphibole around garnet. Porphyroblasts of amphibole replacing garnet and clinopyroxene characterize stage 4. Retrograde stages 5 and 6 consist of tremolite + Mg‐chlorite ± serpentine ± talc. A high‐temperature (~950 °C), spinel‐bearing protolith (stage 0), is identified on the basis of orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + olivine + spinel + amphibole inclusions within stage 1 garnet. The P–T estimates for stage 1 are indicative of UHP conditions (3.2–3.3 GPa and 764–820 °C), whereas stage 2 is constrained between 726–788 °C and 2.6–2.9 GPa. Stage 3 records a decompression up to 1.1–1.3 GPa at 705–776 °C. Stages 4, 5 and 6 reflect uplift and cooling, the final estimates yielding values below 0.5 GPa at 300–400 °C. The retrograde P–T path is nearly isothermal from UHP conditions up to deep crustal levels, and becomes a cooling–unloading path from intermediate to shallow levels. The garnet‐bearing ultramafic rocks originated in the mantle wedge and were probably incorporated into the subduction zone with felsic and mafic rocks with which they shared the subsequent metamorphic and geodynamic evolution. The density and rheology of the subducted rocks are compatible with detachment of slices along the subduction channel and gravity‐driven exhumation.  相似文献   

Distinctive lithological associations and geological relationships, and initial geochronological results indicate the presence of an areally extensive region of reworked Archaean basement containing polymetamorphic granulites in the Rauer Group, East Antarctica.
Structurally early metapelites from within this reworked region preserve complex and varied metamorphic histories which largely pre-date and bear no relation to a Late Proterozoic metamorphism generally recognized in this part of East Antarctica. In particular, magnesian metapelite rafts from Long Point record extreme peak P–T conditions of 10–12 kbar and 100–1050°C, and an initial decompression to 8 kbar at temperatures of greater than 900°C. Initial garnet–orthopyroxene–sillimanite assemblages contain the most magnesian (and pyrope-rich) garnets ( X Mg= 0.71) yet found in granulite facies rocks. A high-temperature decompressional P–T history is consistent with reaction textures in which the phase assemblages produced through garnet breakdown vary systematically with the initial garnet X Mg composition, reflecting the intersection of different divariant reactions in rocks of varied composition as pressures decreased. This history is thought to relate to Archaean events, whereas a lower-temperature ( c. 750–800°C) decompression to 5 kbar reflects Late Proterozoic reworking of these relict assemblages.
The major Late Proterozoic ( c. 1000 Ma) granulite facies metamorphism is recorded in a suite of younger Fe-rich metapelites and associated paragneisses in which syn- to post-deformational decompression, through 2–4 kbar from maximum recorded P–T conditions of 7–9 kbar and 800–850°C, is constrained by geothermobarometry and reaction textures. This P–T evolution is thought to reflect rapid tectonic collapse of crust previously thickened through collision.  相似文献   

甘肃阿克塞县安南坝地区镁铁质麻粒岩呈脉状、透镜状赋存于新太古代米兰岩群和TTG片麻岩中。岩石主要由斜长石(Pl)+斜方辉石(Opx)+单斜辉石(Cpx)+角闪石(Amp)+磁铁矿(Mt)等组成。安南坝镁铁质麻粒岩中Ti、P、Nb、Ta、Th、Hf、Sr及REE等元素与Zr相关性较好,表明其在变质作用过程中保持基本稳定。地球化学数据显示其原岩属于拉斑玄武质岩系列,Si O_2、Ti O_2、Al_2O_3、P_2O_5含量相对较低,Ca O、Mg O含量相对较高。Mg~#值为41.52~43.09,低于原生玄武质岩石的Mg~#值,Fe_2O_3~T、Mg O、Ca O与Si O_2含量呈负相关性,指示原岩岩浆演化过程中可能发生了辉石、角闪石等镁铁质矿物的分异结晶作用。镁铁质麻粒岩∑REE较低,稀土元素配分模式为轻稀土元素弱富集、重稀土元素相对平坦的右倾型,Eu异常不明显(Eu/Eu~*=0.91~1.01)。岩石富集Rb、Ba、Sr等大离子亲石元素,亏损Nb、Ta、Zr、Ti等高场强元素,具有显生宙典型岛弧玄武质岩石的地球化学特征。Sr、Nd、Pb同位素组成显示镁铁质麻粒岩原岩源自富集地幔,并受到一定程度的地壳物质混染。构造环境分析表明安南坝镁铁质麻粒岩原岩形成于与俯冲有关的岛弧环境。在俯冲作用机制下,俯冲板片流体交代使地幔楔发生富集,形成富集地幔,随着(弧后)伸展作用的加强,进一步诱发富集地幔的部分熔融形成镁铁质岩浆,最终岩浆就位形成辉长岩或辉绿岩脉,后期在麻粒岩相变质作用条件下变质为镁铁质麻粒岩。  相似文献   

茹尔群岛(又称赖于尔群岛)位于东南极普里兹构造带的东部边缘,是一个由太古宙和中元古代岩石组成的复合高级变质地体。中元古代岩石是含有富Fe-Al的含石榴子石-矽线石的费拉副片麻岩组合,经历了格林维尔和泛非两期变质作用。太古宙正片麻岩是含有富Mg-Al的含假蓝宝石的超高温泥质麻粒岩组合(梅瑟副片麻岩组合),主要由经历超高温变质作用的含假蓝宝石的泥质麻粒岩、富Mg的石榴子石-矽线石泥质片麻岩、斜方辉石-矽线石石英岩、含石榴子石镁铁质麻粒岩和钙硅酸盐麻粒岩等组成。其中,含假蓝宝石泥质麻粒岩中石榴子石变斑晶和矽线石集合体(蓝晶石假象)周围分别发育峰期后由假蓝宝石+斜方辉石和假蓝宝石+堇青石后成合晶组成的典型减压结构。含石榴子石镁铁质麻粒岩中石榴子石变斑晶周围则发育峰期后由斜方辉石+斜长石后成合晶组成的典型白眼圈减压结构。不同研究者得出了具有不同超高温峰期条件、峰期前及峰期后演化历史、不同形式的顺时针变质P-T轨迹。对超高温变质事件发生的时间和构造背景的认识也存在较大分歧,有认为超高温变质事件发生于格林维尔期(~1000 Ma)并与碰撞造山和弧岩浆作用有关,也有研究认为发生于泛非期(~590 Ma或~530 Ma)并与普里兹造山及冈瓦纳大陆聚合有关。因此,为理清该区超高温麻粒岩的变质演化历史和构造背景,需要对其进一步进行详细深入的矿物组合-变质结构分析、P-T轨迹重建及高精度的锆石-独居石U-Pb年代学研究,并进行区域上对比。  相似文献   

Magnesian metapelites of probable Archaean age from Forefinger Point, SW Enderby Land, East Antarctica, contain very-high-temperature granulite facies mineral assemblages, which include orthopyroxene (8–9.5 wt% Al2O3)–sillimanite ± garnet ± quartz ± K-feldspar, that formed at 10 ± 1.5 kbar and 950 ± 50°C. These assemblages are overprinted by symplectite and corona reaction textures involving sapphirine, orthopyroxene (6–7 wt% Al2O3), cordierite and sometimes spinel at the expense of porphyroblastic garnet or earlier orthopyroxene–sillimanite. These textures mainly pre-date the development of coarse biotite at the expense of initial mesoperthite, and the subsequent formation of orthopyroxene (4–6 wt% Al2O3)–cordierite–plagioclase rinds on late biotite.
The early reaction textures indicate a period of near-isothermal decompression at temperatures above 900°C. Decompression from 10 ± 1.5 kbar to 7–8 kbar was succeeded by biotite formation at significantly lower temperatures (800–850°C) and further decompression to 4.5 ± 1 kbar at 700–800°C.
The later parts of this P–T evolution can be ascribed to the overprinting and reworking of the Forefinger Point granulites by the Late-Proterozoic ( c . 1000 Ma) Rayner Complex metamorphism, but the age and timing of the early high-temperature decompression is not known. It is speculated that this initial decompression is of Archaean age and therefore records thinning of the crust of the Napier Complex following crustal thickening by tectonic or magmatic mechanisms and preceding the generally wellpreserved post-deformational near-isobaric cooling history of this terrain.  相似文献   

The high grade rocks (metapelites and metabasites) of Clavering Ø represent the easternmost exposures of granulites in the Palaeozoic Caledonian Orogen of East Greenland. Mafic granulites which occur as sheet‐like bodies and lenses within metapelitic migmatites and orthogneiss complexes have experienced migmatisation and mineral equilibria which define a clockwise P–T path incorporating a near‐isothermal decompression segment. Textures demonstrate the existence of early garnet‐clinopyroxene‐melt assemblages which equilibrated at >8–11 kbar and 850915 °C. Subsequently, decompression melting led to formation of orthopyroxene‐plagioclase‐melt assemblages at conditions below >8–11 kbar. Continued syn‐deformational decompression is indicated by a combination of both static and syn‐deformational recrystallization textures which generated finer grained orthopyroxene‐plagioclase assemblages. P–T constraints indicate these assemblages equilibrated at c. 5.0–6.5 kbar at 850–915 °C. These data are consistent with the rocks undergoing a stage of rapid tectonic‐induced exhumation involving some 3.0–4.5 kbar (c.1012 km) uplift as part of a clockwise P–T path in a collisional setting.  相似文献   

东南极普里兹带高级变质作用演化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
东南极普里兹带是经历泛非期高级变质和强烈变形的造山带,其内发现有经历格林维尔期高级变质事件的残块。格林维尔期变质矿物组合局部见于姐妹岛和赖于尔群岛,其高峰变质条件达到>950℃和>0.95GPa。泛非期高级变质作用是区域性的,其高峰变质并不像前人想象的那样只发生在中低压麻粒岩相条件下,而是高达850~950℃和0.90~0.95GPa。这些岩石随后经历了近等温减压过程,在760~860℃和0.55~0.70GPa的条件下达到了重新平衡,并进一步减压或近等压冷却至450~750℃和0.30~0.50GPa。同造山的紫苏花岗岩在减压伸展阶段侵位于格罗夫山地区的变质杂岩中,而晚-后造山的A型花岗岩、伟晶岩和花岗岩脉则遍布于整个普里兹带,从而构成一个完整的造山演化序列。由此可见,现有研究资料支持普里兹带是一条冈瓦纳超大陆在泛非期拼合的碰撞造山带的认识。  相似文献   

Abstract Ganguvarpatti is part of a Precambrian terrane characterized by granulite facies rocks, including charnockites, mafic granulites, sapphirine-bearing granulites, leptynites and gneisses. A sequence of reactions deduced from the multiphase reaction textures provide information on the metamorphic history of this area, as they formed in response to decompression during uplift. Geothermobarometry and constraints from reaction textures define a segment of a P–T path traversed by the granulites of Ganguvarpatti. Near-peak metamorphic conditions of c. 800°C and 8 kbar were succeeded by a symplectitic stage at a significantly lower pressure ( c. 700°C and 4.5 kbar), documenting a nearly isothermal decompression P–T path and rapid uplift ( c. 12 km) followed by cooling. The presence of many fluid inclusions of extremely low density in the charnockites is consistent with a nearly isothermal uplift path. Attainment of a maximum pressure of c. 8 kbar indicates c. 27 km depth of burial during metamorphism. This would imply a total crustal thickness of c. 65–70 km at 2.6–2.5 Ga. Such a profound crustal thickness and a clockwise decompressive P–T path is interpreted as a consequence of tectonic thickening of crust, accomplished by collision tectonics of the southern granulite terrane against the Dharwar craton along the Palghat–Cauvery shear zone via northward subduction.  相似文献   

Rare mafic dykes, which intrude 1000 Ma high‐grade metamorphic rocks of the northern Prince Charles Mountains‐Mawson Coast area, are compositionally distinct from abundant early to middle Proterozoic tholeiite dykes, which are confined to Archaean or early Proterozoic terrains in the southern Prince Charles Mountains and elsewhere in East Antarctica, and which have therefore proved useful as stratigraphic markers. The younger dykes (and extrusive rocks) are a composition‐ally heterogeneous group with a wide range of ages (at least Cambrian to Eocene), although most are of K‐rich alkaline composition or have alkaline affinites. Their strong enrichment in highly incompatible elements (Rb, Ba, Th, Nb, K, Pb, Th and U) relative to less incompatible elements (La, Ce and P) suggests derivation by partial melting of more enriched mantle source regions than those of most of the Proterozoic tholeiite suites. However, unlike the latter, many incompatible element ratios have been significantly affected by fractional crystallisation and possibly also by the presence of residual minor phases during low degrees of melting.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Thermobarometric studies on various granulite facies areas along the Prydz Bay coast, East Antarctica (73°-79°E, 68°-70°S), show that, at around 1100 Ma, during a late Proterozoic orogeny, the rocks of the Larsemann Hills suffered a lower pressure metamorphic peak than the surrounding areas. Along the Prydz Bay coast, the rocks affected by this event include parts of the Vestfold Hills block plus all of the Rauer Group, the Larsemann Hills and the Munro Kerr Mountains. The dykes in the south-west corner of the Vestfold Hills were recrystallized during this event with little deformation at temperatures not quite as high as in the areas further south-west (650°C, 6.5 kbar) (Collerson et al., 1983), the Rauer Group was metamorphosed at 800°C and 7.5 kbar (Harley, 1987a), the Larsemann Hills at 750°C and 4.5 kbar, and the Munro Kerr Mountains probably at around 850°C and 5 kbar. Retrograde equilibration in the different areas occurred during decompression to about 10 km depth in all areas, followed by isobaric cooling at this depth. This paper shows that the peak metamorphism in the Larsemann Hills occurred at a pressure which is too low to have been the consequence of thermal relaxation of overthickened crust with normal mantle heat flow. Although other areas in Prydz Bay were metamorphosed at sufficiently high pressures so that their decompression paths are not inconsistent with a continental collision model, the inferred pre-metamorphic peak histories and the requirement of consistency with the Larsemann Hills, make it unlikely that collision followed by erosion-driven decompression is an appropriate model. We suggest that the thermal regime of the crust in the Larsemann Hills region was controlled by a perturbation in the asthenosphere, with magma invasion of the crust. We suggest that the 500 Ma event, represented in Prydz Bay by granitic outcrops at Landing Bluff and by several K/Ar ages from the Larsemann Hills area, was responsible for the final excavation of the terrane.  相似文献   

New constraints on metamorphism in the Rauer Group, Prydz Bay, east Antarctica   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Abstract Granulite facies metapelites of the Mather and Filla Paragneisses within the Rauer Group, east Antarctica, possess markedly different compositions. The metamorphic evolution of the two metapelite types has been interpreted as temporally distinct, with the Rauer Group preserving at least two distinct granulite facies tectonothermal episodes. Calculated P–T pseudosections and orthopyroxene Al content indicate the revised maximum‐preserved P–T conditions within the Mather Paragneiss to lie in the vicinity of 950–975 °C and 10–10.6 kbar, less extreme than previous estimates. The range of possible P–T paths for the Mather Paragneiss consistent with mineral textural relationships and pseudosections contoured for mineral proportion are significantly shallower (dP/dT) than previous estimates. A near‐isothermal decompression P–T path, and extreme peak metamorphic conditions, are not necessary to explain the development of preserved mineral reaction textures. The Filla Paragneiss contains pelitic assemblages less amenable to rigorous quantitative analysis. Nevertheless, possibilities for the shared or otherwise metamorphic evolution of the Mather and Filla Paragneisses may be postulated on the basis of calculated pseudosections in the context of existing geochronology for the Rauer Group and preserved microstructures. A shared evolution, most likely during Pan‐African granulite facies metamorphism, is plausible and consistent with mineral assemblage development, geochronology and microstructures. A revised interpretation of the Rauer Group's preserved metamorphic evolution may warrant the revision of existing tectonic models, applicable also to the remainder of Prydz Bay. More generally, the employed approach may incite a revision of peak P–T and P–T paths in other granulite facies terranes.  相似文献   

Sapphirine granulites from a new locality in the Palni Hill Ranges, southern India, occur in a small enclave of migmatitic, highly magnesian metapelites (mg=85–72) within massive enderbitic orthogneiss. They show a variety of multiphase reaction textures that partially overprint a coarse-grained high-pressure assemblage of Bt+Opx+Ky+Grt+Pl+Qtz. The sequence of reactions as deduced from the corona and symplectite assemblages, together with petrogenetic grid considerations, records a clockwise P–T evolution with four distinct stages. (1) Equilibration of the initial high-P assemblage in deep overthickened crust (12 kbar/800–900 °C) was followed by a stage of near-isobaric heating, presumably as a consequence of input of extra heat provided by the voluminous enderbitic intrusives. During heating, kyanite was converted to sillimanite, and biotite was involved in a series of vapour-phase-absent melting reactions, which resulted in the ultra-high-temperature assemblage Opx+Crd+Kfs+Spr±Sil, Grt, Qtz, Bt, coexisting with melt (equilibration at c. 950–1000° C/11–10 kbar). (2) Subsequently, as a result of decompression of the order of 4 kbar at ultra-high temperature, a sequence of symplectite assemblages (Opx+Sil+Spr/Spr+Crd→Opx+Spr+Crd→Opx+Crd→Opx+Crd+Spl/Crd+Spl) developed at the expense of garnet, orthopyroxene and sillimanite. This stage of near-isothermal decompression implies rapid ascent of the granulites into mid-crustal levels, possibly due to extensional collapse and erosion of the overthickened crust. (3) Development of late biotite through back-reaction of melt with residual garnet indicates a stage of near-isobaric cooling to c. 875 °C at 7–8 kbar, i.e. relaxation of the rapidly ascended crust to the stable geotherm. (4) A second period of near-isothermal exhumation up to c. 6–5 kbar/850 °C is indicated by the partial breakdown of late biotite through volatile phase-absent melting reactions. Available isotope data suggest that the early part of the evolutionary history (stages 1–3) is presumably coeval with the early Proterozoic metamorphism in the extended granulite terrane of the Nilgiri, Biligirirangan and Shevaroy Hills to the north, while the exhumation of the granulites from mid-crustal levels (stage 4) occurred only during the Pan-African thermotectonic event, which led to the accretion of the Kerala Khondalite Belt to the south.  相似文献   

Geological maps of East Commonwealth Bay Unit (ECB), (Terre Adélie and Georges V Land, Antarctica) are presented with a summary of the main structural and metamorphic data for the region. The ECB unit was developed during Neoarchean_Paleoproterozoic event (at 2.5-2.42 Ga), with (i) granulite metamorphism at 9±1.5 kbar and 800±50°C in the lower crust section and amphibolite metamorphism (P=5 kbar, T=750°C) at the upper crustal levels; (ii) the lower crustal granulites were uplifted, and suffered local partial melting and retrogression to the amphibolite facies at 550±50°C_5 kbar. Granulites were extruded in the core of a crustal-scale anticlinal fold, but retrogressed only on the rims of the anticline. Crustal-scale folding, along with other structural features resulted from intense NE-SW shortening that prevailed during the Neoarchean orogenic cycle. Strike-slip and extensional motions were only minor components in that process; (iii) top-to-the-East thrusting and nappe piling had (at least locally) occurred under lower amphibolite to greenschist facies conditions. Finally, it seems that (iv) the Paleoproterozoic 1.7 Ga structural imprint may have only affected the rims of the Archean units. The tectonic context observed in the 1.7 Ga Cape Hunter phyllites features mainly an E-W shortening component and vertical extrusion. The eastern (Mertz) and western (Port Martin) parts of the Archean block were reactivated by localized dextral shearing.  相似文献   

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