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本文评述近十余年国外利用全球三维大气环流模式制做夏季季风区域的模拟与敏感试验。通过比较模拟场与观测场表明,全球大气环流模式有较强的能力来模拟季风区域的各种主要特征。全球大气环流模式的敏感试验研究了季风形成的物理机制。本文对几个可能的物理因子如土壤湿度、地面反照率、海面温度、雪盖、海冰以及山地作用等的敏感试验给予专门评述,并给出不同海温状况下季风区降水特点。最后讨论与展望了有关季风的可预报性问题。  相似文献   

本文利用一个包含有各种非绝热加热作用、摩擦耗散以及大气湿过程的原始方程模式在有山脉的条件下模拟出东亚地区的季风经圈环流和两条强降水带,与实况比较一致。削减大气水汽含量、去掉积云对流过程和山脉所进行的对比试验结果表明:东亚地区的季风经圈环流对大气中的湿度场有很强的敏感性,且在120°E经度上这种敏感性比100°E上显著。积云对流过程的有无对于季风经圈环流的强弱有显著作用。山脉的存在对100°E上经圈季风环流的影响比对120°E上的影响显著,这可能意味着,这两个经度上的季风经圈环流的成因有显著的不同。   相似文献   

夏季高原天气系统生命史短,空间尺度小,天气变化剧烈,气压系统又与风场不完全适应,因此,只有500mb和近地面层分析流线图较能正确地反映高原的天气实际情况。1979年5月—8月高原西部新增加了高空地面资料,这就有可能更进一步了解和掌握高原夏季风环流的发生演变特点及天气气候规律。我们分析了1979年5—8月高原地区的逐日流线图,发现它有几种固定的流场型式,有一定的天气区与之配合。现将分型原则及结果介绍如下。  相似文献   

副热带季风环流圈的特征及其与东亚夏季环流的关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用ECMWF的2.5°×2.5°网格资料对1980—1983年夏季节12次西太平洋副高的中期进退过程进行合成分析。通过对合成场的诊断,论证了夏季东亚季风区存在着在大陆雨带中上升,副热带地区下沉的副热带季风环流圈。它是大陆季风雨带凝结加热驱动的上升辐散气流在向南运行过程中与南海ITCZ上空向北运行的上升辐散气流在副热带地区汇合下沉而构成的热力环流圈。这一环流圈的存在在东亚夏季环流中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

印度季风与东亚夏季环流的遥相关关系   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:16  
通过NCAR/NCEP再分析资料诊断发现印度夏季降水与东亚 5 0 0hPa位势高度有显著的相关性 ,形成了印度—东亚遥相关型 (IEA型 )。结合太平洋日本型 (PJ型 )的特征 ,指出PJ型主要决定夏季西北太平洋副热带高压的南北位置 ;IEA型在一定程度上影响副高脊西伸的东西经度或夏季中国大陆上空的平均位势高度距平。气候模式数值试验揭示出印度—东亚遥相关型对东亚很重要并且与印度洋海温异常有关 ,借此提出ENSO影响东亚夏季风的两条途径 :一条是直接路径 ,另一条为选择性路径。  相似文献   

本文利用1982年7月的格点风资料,分析了夏季东亚季风环流的准双周振荡过程,寻求了引起振荡的天气系统,研究了季风环流、高低空过赤道气流的振荡过程,发现均和台风的生消及移动有关。西太平洋地区和南海地区的季风环流的振荡过程有明显的差异。  相似文献   

北半球夏季太平洋低纬地区的平均经向环流,西部(150°E以西)为季风环流;中部和东部(170°W以东)为信风区的Hadley环流;150°E—170°W之间为季风环流与信风环流的连接区或过渡区。连接季风环流与信风环流的水平环流系统,在高层为太平洋中部热带对流层高层槽(TUTT),低层为强大的太平洋副热带高压。太平洋中部高空槽区就是季风环流与信风环流的连接区或过渡区。本文分析了高空槽的流场结构,并根据各层水平环流和各经度带的垂直环流给出了太平洋低纬地区的三维气流分布示意图。   相似文献   

夏季亚洲—太平洋涛动与大气环流和季风降水   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
利用ERA 40再分析资料和数值模拟,分析了在亚洲—太平洋区域的大气遥相关以及与亚洲季风降水和西北太平洋热带气旋活动气候特征的关系,探讨了青藏高原加热和太平洋海表温度(SST)对遥相关的影响,结果表明:亚洲—太平洋涛动(Asian-Pacific Oscillation,APO)是夏季对流层扰动温度在亚洲与太平洋中纬度之间的一种“跷跷板”现象,当亚洲大陆中纬度对流层偏冷时,中、东太平洋中纬度对流层偏暖,反之亦然;这种遥相关也出现在平流层中,只是其位相与对流层的相反。APO为研究亚洲与太平洋大气环流相互作用提供了一个途径。APO指数也是亚洲—太平洋对流层热力差异指数,它具有年际和年代际的多时间尺度变化特征,在1958—2001年亚洲与太平洋之间的对流层热力差异呈现出减弱趋势,同时也有显著的 5.5 a 周期。APO形成可能与太阳辐射在亚洲陆地和太平洋的加热差异所造成的纬向垂直环流有关,数值模拟进一步表明:夏季青藏高原加热可以造成高原附近对流层温度升高、上升运动加强,太平洋下沉运动加强、温度下降,从而形成APO现象;而太平洋年代际涛动和赤道东太平洋的厄尔尼若现象对APO的影响可能较小。当夏季APO异常时,南亚高压、欧亚中纬度西风急流、南亚热带东风急流以及太平洋上空的副热带高压都出现显著变化,并伴随着亚洲季风降水及西北太平洋热带气旋活动异常。过去40多年来的长江中上游地区夏季变冷与APO有关,可能是全球大气环流年代际变化在该区域的一种反映。APO异常信号可以传播到南、北两极。此外,亚洲—太平洋之间的这种遥相关型也出现在其他季节。  相似文献   

本文利用一个σ坐标的三层初始方程热带球圈数值模式,以全球夏季平均纬向风场为初始场,研究地形的纯动力作用和不同地区的大气热源、冷汇对亚洲夏季两支独立的季风环流系统形成的影响,针对它们对季风环流的主要成员如越赤道气流、季风槽、青藏高压等的相对重要性设计并进行了—系列试验,东亚季风环流和印度季风环流系统的成员被很好地模拟出来。  相似文献   

本文研究了从亚洲大陆流向南方的印度尼西亚-澳大利亚冬季风对大气臭氧的影响。在这种气流中形成热带典型的臭氧层,其浓度的最大值所在高度从22公里被抬升到26.5公里,在季风条件下,臭氧的总含量低于240多布逊单位(D.u.),有时降到197多布逊单位,形成低的热带臭氧距平区。现有资料说明,这种低距平对季风区居民的健康是危险的。  相似文献   

Large scale aspects of India-China summer monsoon rainfall   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigates the dominant modes of variability in monthly and seasonal rainfall over the India-China region mainly through Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis. The EOFs have shown that whereas the rain-fall over India varies as one coherent zone, that over China varies in east-west oriented bands. The influence of this banded structure extends well into India.Relationship of rainfall with large scale parameters such as the subtropical ridge over the Indian and the western Pacific regions, Southern Oscillation, the Northern Hemispheric surface air temperature and stratospheric winds have also been investigated. These results show that the rainfall over the area around 40oN, 110oE over China is highly related with rainfall over India. The subtropical ridge over the Indian region is an important predictor over India as well as over the northern China legion.  相似文献   

李国庆 《大气科学》1982,6(1):95-102
研究不同地区环流之间的相互关联是一个重要课题。本文利用[1—4]等资料对东半球低纬度地区做了一些天气气候分析。对气压资料的分析表明,东南亚、澳大利亚、印度、南太平洋西部、印度洋及非洲东部一些台站的7月地面气压逐年变化有较好的相关。制作并分析了1975年4—9月亚洲夏季风建立和发展过程中各月和候的合成云图。发现在印度季风爆发的同时,东半球的主要环流系统都有一次相应的突变。此外,对比研究了亚洲季风区内M_1区(65°—75°E,30°S—30°N)、M_2区(105°—115°E,30°S—30°N)及太平洋T区(145°—155°E,30°S—30°N)的旬平均云量变化,发现在M_1、M_2区南、北半球的云量变化趋势有较好的相关,而在远离大陆的T区,南、北半球云量变化趋势相关差。对其它资料的分析也表明,南、北半球低纬度大尺度环流变化在亚洲季风区范围比在非季风区有更好的相关。  相似文献   

The physical characteristics of the summer monsoon clouds were investigated. The results of a simple cloud mod-el were compared with the aircraft cloud physical observations collected during the summer monsoon seasons of 1973,1974,1976 and 1981 in the Deccan Plateau region.The model predicted profiles of cloud liquid water content (LWC) are in agreement with the observed profiles. There is reasonable agreement between the model predicted cloud vertical thickness and observed rainfall.The observed cloud-drop spectra were found to be narrow and the concentration of drops with diameter >20μm is either low or absent on many occasions. In such clouds the rain-formation cannot take place under natural atmos-pheric conditions due to the absence of collision-coalescence process. A comparison of the model predicted and ob-served rainfall suggested that the precipitation efficiency in cumulus clouds of small vertical thickness could be as low as 20 per cent.The clouds forming in the Deccan Plateau region during the summer monsoon are, by and large, cumulus and strato-cumulus type. The vertical thickness of the cumulus clouds is in the range of 1.0-2.0 km. The LWC is found to be more in the region between 1.6-1.9 km A. S. L., which corresponds to the level at almost 3 / 4 th of the total verti-cal thickness of the cloud and thereafter the LWC sharply decreased. Nearly 98 per cent of the tops of the low clouds in the region are below freezing level and the most frequent range of occurrence of these cloud-tops is in the range of 2.0-3.0 km A. S. L.. The dominant physical mechanism of rain-formation in these summer monsoon clouds it the col-lision-coalescence process.  相似文献   

The relationships between the global general circulation and the Indian monsoon during active and break phases are investigated with the help of FGGE IIIb data.It was found that the ultralong wave component positive and negative height anomalies over Tibet are associated with active and break monsoon phases respectively. This ultralong wave component has significant effect even upto 22oN over the Indian region which is the monsoon trough region. During a monsoon break, the general circulation was found to be more turbulent in the sense that more waves become energised.It was observed that during a break, blocking prevails over the Siberian region and cold air advection takes place toward Indian region from Siberian region depressing the temperatures over the Indian region by about 1oC. During the break, the Indian region gets connected with higher latitudes by the south winds blowing from polar Soviet re-gions to the Indian region. From active to break phase the zonal component weakens by about 25% from Indian ocean area right upto Alaskan region, along the east coast of Asia.  相似文献   

1. IntroductionThe Asian summer monsoon circulation is a thermally driven circulation, which arisesprimarily from the temperature differences between the warmer continental areas of theNorthern Hemisphere and the oceans of the Southern Hemisphere. The complex feedback between the flow field and the heating, especially through the interaction between thelarge--scale flow and moist convection, is yet to be well understood. Nevertheless, this facetensures the prominence of the summer monsoon ci…  相似文献   

The onset of the Asian summer monsoon has been a focus in the monsoon study for many years. In this paper, we study the variability and predictability of the Asian summer monsoon onset and demonstrate that this onset is associated with specific atmospheric circulation characteristics. The outbreak of the Asian summer monsoon is found to occur first over the southwestern part of the South China Sea (SCS) and the Malay Peninsula region, and the monsoon onset is closely related to intra-seasonal oscillations in the lower atmosphere. These intra-seasonal oscillations consist of two low-frequency vortex pairs, one located to the east of the Philippines and the other over the tropical eastern Indian Ocean. Prior to the Asian summer monsoon onset, a strong low-frequency westerly emerges over the equatorial Indian Ocean and the low-frequency vortex pair develops symmetrically along the equator. The formation and evolution of these low-frequency vortices are important and serve as a good indicator for the Asian summer monsoon onset. The relationship between the northward jumps of the westerly jet over East Asia and the Asian summer monsoon onset over SCS is investigated. It is shown that the northward jump of the westerly jet occurs twice during the transition from winter to summer and these jumps are closely related to the summer monsoon development. The first northward jump (from 25–28N to around 30N) occurs on 8 May on average, about 7 days ahead of the summer monsoon onset over the SCS. It is found that the reverse of meridional temperature gradient in the upper-middle troposphere (500–200 hPa) and the enhancement and northward movement of the subtropical jet in the Southern Hemispheric subtropics are responsible for the first northward jump of the westerly jet.  相似文献   

东亚夏季风环流对气溶胶分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
安礼政  江静  周洋 《气象科学》2015,35(1):26-32
用2001—2012年逐月的MODIS-TERRA卫星观测气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)资料和NCEP/NCAR风场资料,分析了5—8月东亚地区AOD的时-空分布特征,研究东亚夏季风环流对气溶胶时-空分布的影响。主要结论如下:5—8月的中国东部及邻近海洋上AOD有着显著的季节演变特征,尤其是32.5 °N附近的AOD高值区,其强度和范围在5—8月逐渐增强然后又减弱。东亚夏季风通过环流输送作用对各地的AOD产生了不同程度的影响,使中国南部AOD减少,而华北和东北地区AOD增加。在强、弱季风年背景下,7月观测的AOD差异与环流输送作用差异的分布特征有着一定的相似性,体现出东亚夏季风年际变化对气溶胶分布的影响。在东亚夏季风演变的不同阶段,季风环流对气溶胶输送大部分情况下,可解释局地气溶胶变化10%~20%的方差。  相似文献   

Various paleoclimate records have shown that the Asian monsoon was punctuated by numerous suborbital time-scale events, and these events were coeval with those that happened in the North Atlantic. This study investigates the Asian summer monsoon responses to the Atlantic Ocean forcing by applying an additional freshwater flux into the North Atlantic. The simulated results indicate that the cold North Atlantic and warm South Atlantic induced by the weakened Atlantic thermohaline circulation (THC) due to the freshwater flux lead to significantly suppressed Asian summer monsoon. The authors analyzed the detailed processes of the Atlantic Ocean forcing on the Asian summer monsoon, and found that the atmospheric teleconnection in the eastern and central North Pacific and the atmosphere-ocean interaction in the tropical North Pacific play the most crucial role. Enhanced precipitation in the subtropical North Pacific extends the effects of Atlantic Ocean forcing from the eastern Pacific into the western Pacific, and the atmosphere-ocean interaction in the tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean intensifies the circulation and precipitation anomalies in the Pacific and East Asia.  相似文献   

The nonlinear local Lyapunov exponent (NLLE) method is adopted to quantitatively determine the predictability limit of East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) intensity indices on a synoptic timescale. The predictability limit of EASM indices varies widely according to the definitions of indices. EASM indices defined by zonal shear have a limit of around 7 days, which is higher than the predictability limit of EASM indices defined by sea level pressure (SLP) difference and meridional wind shear (about 5 days). The initial error of EASM indices defined by SLP difference and meridional wind shear shows a faster growth than indices defined by zonal wind shear. Furthermore, the indices defined by zonal wind shear appear to fluctuate at lower frequencies, whereas the indices defined by SLP difference and meridional wind shear generally fluctuate at higher frequencies. This result may explain why the daily variability of the EASM indices defined by zonal wind shear tends be more predictable than those defined by SLP difference and meridional wind shear. Analysis of the temporal correlation coefficient (TCC) skill for EASM indices obtained from observations and from NCEP’s Global Ensemble Forecasting System (GEFS) historical weather forecast dataset shows that GEFS has a higher forecast skill for the EASM indices defined by zonal wind shear than for indices defined by SLP difference and meridional wind shear. The predictability limit estimated by the NLLE method is shorter than that in GEFS. In addition, the June-September average TCC skill for different daily EASM indices shows significant interannual variations from 1985 to 2015 in GEFS. However, the TCC for different types of EASM indices does not show coherent interannual fluctuations.  相似文献   

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