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企业家的竞争意识是企业能否取得竞争胜利的基本条件之一。从思维方式、心理品质、竞争观念等三个方面就企业家应具备什么样的意识方可应对市场竞争并取得胜利进行探讨,以求让企业家们为更好地应对竞争挑战而自觉地培养良好的竞争意识提供帮助。  相似文献   

一、企业冢精神与时代特点企业家是市场经济活动的主角,与市场经济的发展,现在企业制度的建立密切相关,企业家应该具有思想的超前性和创新性,应该具有风险意识、敬业意识、创新能力、统帅能力等基本素质。  相似文献   

地勘单位信息化建设是一项复杂的系统工程,行业不同,信息化管理模式也不同。面对信息化带来的挑战与机遇,地勘单位与其他企业一样面临市场化和国际化竞争的挑战。为提高地勘地勘单位信息化建设是一项复杂的系统工程,行业不同,信息化管理模式也不同。面对信息化带来的挑战与机遇,地勘单位与其他企业一样面临市场化和国际化竞争的挑战。为提高地勘单位的整体素质,推动地勘单位的改革与发展,充分利用好信息化这个武器,走一条适合自己的信息化建设之路,就要结合自身实际,既要有超前的眼光,又要纵观全局意识,以需求为导向,以应用促发展,有组织、分步骤、整体规划、循序渐进地推进地勘单位的信息化建设上台阶。  相似文献   

黑河市国土资源局认真落实科学的发展观,牢固树立可持续发展意识、改革创新意识、服务意识、依法行政意识和求真务实意识,自觉地把国土资源工作融入全市经济和社会发展的大局之中,取得良好成效。  相似文献   

金秋结硕果,盛世迎盛会。10月15日,举世瞩目的中国共产党第十七次全国代表大会在北京胜利召开。胡锦涛总书记的工作报告,实事求是地回顾总结了过去五年我国政治经济社会发展等各个领域取得的辉煌  相似文献   

人是社会经济发展中最重要、最活跃、最具有创造能力的第一要素,在人力、物力、财力及信息四大资源中,核心是人力资源。人力资源特别是人才资源,是企业竞争的最主要资源,决定着一个企业在竞争中的地位。人力资源管理是企业经营管理的重要组成部分,人力资源投入是谋求企业管理发展最具决定意义的内容。重视人才资源的开发,已成社会共识。地质勘探单位,在长期的计划经济体制下形成了一些固有的劳资管理体制,改革开放后,特别是属地化以来,在市场竞争和改革大潮的冲击下,已不同程度的进行了一些改革,取得了一定的成效。但是大部分地勘单位目前仍…  相似文献   

我国目前正处于工业化中期,发展劳动密集型产业对促进就业、提高劳动者收入、发挥潜在经济增长力、实现社会稳定等方面都具有重要的意义。我国目前发展劳动密集型产业符合比较优势,但比较优势并不等于竞争优势。当前我国劳动密集型产业仍然存在附加值低、劳动生产率低、企业自身竞争力弱、贸易磨擦频发、价格贸易条件恶化等一系列问题,严重影响了我国外贸的可持续发展。通过对上述问题的剖析,阐述了劳动密集型产业与技术进步、资本技术密集型产业以及国际贸易之间的关系,认为应该实现劳动密集型产业的比较优势向竞争优势的转换,并从不同的角度提出了政府、企业为实现这种转变应采取的措施。  相似文献   

<正>2010年是实施"十一五"规划的最后一年,也是我们贯彻中央决策部署,夺取应对国际金融危机全面胜利,谋划"十二五"规划的关键一年。当前,外部环境不确定、不稳定因素还很多,  相似文献   

中国民航客运(国内)空间格局与竞争态势分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用统计分析和可视化方法,综合考虑行政、经济、人口和旅游吸引指标,采取抽样方法选择了60个具有代表性的国内大中城市,以近期发布的中国民航班期数据为基础,研究了构成中国民航运输网络的9家民航公司的通航城市和航线网络特征,并分析了各公司相互问的竞争关系。结果表明,三大航空集团和海航的航线呈多中心网状分布,而其他5家航空公司航线呈明显的单中心/双中心放射状分布;在运营中,三大航空集团和海航具有明显的垄断优势。而它们之间也存在明显的竞争关系。其他航空公司在构成中国民航运输网络骨架的大中城市航线运营中处于明显的竞争劣势。研究成果对航空公司航线、航班调整、代码共享和民航政策制订具有参考作用。  相似文献   

文章介绍了竞争情报的一些基本概念,对在地勘单位中开展竞争情报工作的必要性和可行性进行论述,提出一些建议及地勘单位的情报工作在转轨过程中如何发展的思路  相似文献   

本文通过对目前测绘市场的划分和简单分析 ,阐述了在当今市场经济条件下 ,测绘产业应适当调整发展方向 ,积极参与市场竞争的途径。  相似文献   

以C、N、P为主要限制性因子研究了芽孢杆菌和微囊藻在水中的生长率 ,并据Monod方程了解种群增长率与营养浓度之间的关系 ,以判断藻菌资源竞争的结果。研究结果显示 ,氮浓度的升高或磷浓度的降低 ,即N/P比值的升高 ,有利于芽孢杆菌的生长 ;而当氮浓度一定时 ,C/N比值越高 ,芽孢杆菌生长得越好。而微囊藻作为一种自养的光合植物 ,其生长与水中的C源无关 ,与氮磷浓度有关。氮磷浓度越高则生长越好。在此研究结果基础上进行藻菌生长动态的比较表明 ,在氮限制条件下 ,微囊藻的生长率稍高于芽孢杆菌 ;在磷限制条件下 ,芽孢杆菌的生长率总是大大高于微囊藻的生长率  相似文献   

From the ecological viewpoint this paper discusses the urban spatial-temporal relationship.We take regional towns and cities as a complex man-land system of urban eco-community,This complex man-land system comprises two elements of “man“ and “land“,Here,“man“ means organization with self-determined consciousness,and “land“ means the physical environment (niche ) that “man “depends on .The complex man-land system has three basic components,They are individual,population and community,Therefore there are six types of spatial relationship for the complex man-land system.They are individual,population,community,man-man,land-land and man-land spatial realtionships,Taking the Pearl(Zhujiang) River Delta as a case study,the authors found some evidence of the urban spatial relationship from the remote sensing data,Firstly,the concentration and diffusion of the cities spatial relationship was found in the remote sensing imagery,Most of the cities concentrate in the core area of the Pearl River Delta ,but the diffusion situation is also significant ,Secondly,the growth behavior and succession behavior of the urban spatial relationship was found in the remote sensing images comparison with different temporal data ,Thirdly,the inheritance,break ,or meeting emergency behavior was observed from the remoted sensing data.Fourthly,the authors found many cases of symbiosis and competi-tion in the remote sensing data of the Pearl River Delta ,Fifthly,The autoeciousness,stranglehold and invasion behavior of the urban spatial relationship was discovered from the remote sensing data.  相似文献   

Comparison of various definitions or discusses of ur-ban competitiveness (UC) reveals that these arguments from different scholars usually start from the following aspects: 1) the capacity of attracting, capturing, pos-sessing, controlling and transforming resources; 2) the life quality level; 3) the capacity of value or wealth creation; 4) the capacity of urban sustainable develop-ment. Actually, among these four aspects there exists a delicate logistic relation. The perspectives of urban sus…  相似文献   

对广州市中心城区75家麦当劳餐厅和71家肯德基餐厅的地理位置进行实地测定并记录其开店时间,利用空间统计学方法定量地研究广州地区麦当劳和肯德基餐厅两家外来快餐店的空间分布特征及其随时间变化的过程,探讨两者在广州市场的竞争关系.研究得出以下结论:麦当劳和肯德基两家外国快餐店分布模式相同,空间分布上高度相关;两者在餐厅选址上...  相似文献   

Strengthening the regional tourism cooperation is the requirement of both tourism development and tourist competition drive. On the one hand, resources, products, market and infrastructure in tourism are characteristics of half-public goods, which are the externalities. On the other hand, tourism competition has evolved from individual scenic spot, or finn competition to regional competition, which also requires urgent regional tourism cooperation. In recent years, the regional economic cooperation has been becoming popular in the world. The triangle tourism zone of Liaoning Province, constituted by Shenyang, Dalian and Dandong, is the core region of Liaoning tourism system. This regional tourism cooperation has been raised for a long time, but has not made substantial progress as yet. In recent years, the strategic cooperation among them has been becoming urgent, along with the change of tourism competition models, as well as the desire for building a Northeast Asia tourist economy circle. Based on literature, this paper establishes a conceptual frame of regional tourism cooperation and applies it in the analysis of the strategic tourism cooperation of Liaoning Province's golden triangle zone. This paper firstly examines both qualifications and motives concerning with cooperation among the three cities, and believes that the biggest difficulties involve traditional ideas, administrative institutions, communications, economic performances, time constraints, and more overlap among their tourist markets. Then this paper continues to construct a cooperating mechanism, including participant arrangements, construction of operating mechanism and construction of assisting mechanism. At last, this paper proposes approaches to the strategic cooperation such as introducing Xiuyan County, strategic integration and developing differentiated and complemented tourism products.  相似文献   

针对新时期测绘资料档案管理工作的新情况和新特点,要加强宣传,唤醒人们自觉增强测绘资料档案管理意识;要发挥测绘科技优势,精心保管测绘原始资料;要开发测绘档案信息资源,提高测绘档案利用效率;要提高整体素质抵制不正之风。  相似文献   

几十年来,个人申诉制度在联合国人权保护体系内和区域性人权机构都得到了不同程度的发展。个人申诉制度的确立和发展,无论是在理论上还是实践上,都是对传统国际法的一大突破。事实证明,个人申诉制度顺应了个人权利主体意识增强的趋势,是完善国际人权的监督和保护所不可缺少的。  相似文献   

洛特曼借助生物学理论,创立"文化链"等概念,树立了文本生存环境意识。在分析文本过程中设立他者地位,以多元并置的样态形成文本符号系统内外的交流互动。最终,以交流性的意识弥合了结构主义方法论中封闭性的缺陷,将他的符号学理论转向了社会文化系统,实现了对传统结构主义方法论的超越。  相似文献   

The urban competitive advantages rely on the combination and interaction of influential factors. As a dynamic progressive process, the city at different time has different competition influential factors combination. Because of this, the urban competitive advantages take on time-series characteristics. Stages of urban competition can be summed up into three ones, the basic factor-driven, the investment-driven and the innovation-driven. The finding of the study on the stages of urban competitive advantages in Suzhou is that in the current stage of Suzhou its competitive advantage is the investment-driven. The investment, especially FDI, plays remarkable functions for Suzhou competition with other cities.  相似文献   

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