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Glacial‐lake outburst floods (GLOFs) on 3 September 1977 and 4 August 1985 dramatically modified channels and valleys in the Mount Everest region of Nepal by eroding, transporting, and depositing large quantities of sediment for tens of kilometres along the flood routes. The GLOF discharges were 7 to 60 times greater than normal floods derived from snowmelt runoff, glacier meltwater, and monsoonal precipitation (referred to as seasonal high flow floods, SHFFs). Specific stream power values ranged from as low as 1900 W m?2 in wide, low‐gradient valley segments to as high as 51 700 W m?2 in narrow, high‐gradient valley segments bounded by bedrock. Along the upper 16 km of the GLOF routes, the reach‐averaged specific stream power of the GLOFs was 3·2 to 8·0 times greater than the reach‐averaged specific stream power of the SHFFs. The greatest geomorphic change occurred along the upper 10 to 16 km of the GLOF routes, where the ratio between the GLOF specific stream power and the SHFF specific stream power was the greatest, there was an abundant supply of sediment, and channel/valley boundaries consisted primarily of unconsolidated sediment. Below 11 to 16 km from the source area, the geomorphic effects of the GLOFs were reduced because of the lower specific stream power ratio between the GLOFs and SHFFs, more resistant bedrock flow boundaries, reduced sediment supply, and the occurrence of past GLOFs. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

On 3 September 1998, a glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) that originated from Tam Pokhari occurred in the Hinku valley of the eastern Nepal Himalaya. This study analyses the lake's geomorphic and hydrologic conditions prior to the outburst, and evaluates the conditions that could contribute to a future flood through photogrammetric techniques. We processed high‐resolution Corona KH‐4A (2.7 m) and ALOS PRISM (2.5 m) stereo‐images taken before and after the GLOF event, and produced detailed topographic maps (2‐m contour interval) and DEMs (5 m × 5 m). We (re‐) constructed lake water surfaces before (4410 ± 5 m) and after (4356 ± 5 m) the outburst, and reliably estimated the lake water surface lowering (54 ± 5 m) and the water volume released (19.5 ± 2.2 × 106 m3) from the lake, showing good agreement with the results obtained from ground‐based measurements. The most relevant conditions that may have influenced the catastrophic drainage of Tam Pokhari in 1998 include the presence of: (i) a narrow (75 ± 6 m), steep (up to 50°) and high (120 ± 5 m) moraine dam; (ii) high lake level (8 ± 5 m of freeboard) and (iii) a steep overhanging glacier (>40°). The lake outburst substantially altered the immediate area, creating a low and wide (>500 m) outwash plain below the lake, a wide lake outlet channel (~50 m) and a gentle channel slope (~3–5°). Our new data suggest that the likelihood of a future lake outburst is low. Our results demonstrate that the datasets produced by photogrammetric techniques provide an excellent representation of micro‐landform features on moraine dams, lake water surfaces and the changes in both over time, thereby allowing highly accurate pre‐ and post‐GLOF (volumetric) change analysis of glacial lakes. Furthermore, it enables precise measurement of several predictive variables of GLOFs that can be useful for identifying potentially dangerous glacial lakes or prioritizing them for detailed field investigations. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

末次冰期时,在雅鲁藏布大峡谷入口处发育了一个古冰川堰塞湖,称为格嘎古堰塞湖.该堰塞湖是认识冰川阻江地貌效应的重要地质证据.古冰川堰塞湖可能会发生多次溃决洪水,通过堰塞湖沉积的分析可以获取堰塞期间的水文事件的信息.本文通过对古堰塞湖沉积39个样品多种磁学参数的详细分析发现,湖相沉积中的砂层低频磁化率(Xlf)为291×10-8m3/kg,泥质沉积的Xlf仅为42×10-8m3/kg;而非磁滞剩磁磁化率(XARM)和饱和等温剩磁(SIRM)的差别则较小.进一步的X-T、Loop和IRM研究以及XARM/Xlf表明,砂层中包含较多的粗颗粒磁铁矿是Xlf较高的主要原因,说明砂层中的磁性矿物没有经过风化破坏,应为近源沉积,并且快速埋藏,指示了溃决事件.本文的结果表明,利用岩石磁学性质以检测古堰塞湖溃决事件是一种可行的新方法.  相似文献   

To investigate the processes by which sediment is transported through a submarine canyon incised in a continental margin affected by recurrent dense shelf water cascading events, several instrumented moorings were deployed in the Cap de Creus Canyon from September 2004 to September 2005. This was done as part of the EuroSTRATAFORM Program that investigated sediment transport and accumulation processes in the Gulf of Lions. Results obtained in this observational study confirm that major cascading events can effectively contribute to the rapid export of sediment from the shelf and upper slope to deeper environments, and suggest that the associated strong currents carrying coarse particles are able to erode the canyon floor and generate sedimentary furrows. During winter 2004–2005, persistent northerly winds and the absence of river floods contributed to decrease the buoyancy of coastal waters and to dramatically enhance the intensity of dense shelf water cascades in the Gulf of Lions. Under such conditions, cascading continuously affected the entire Cap de Creus upper canyon section for more than a month and sustained cold temperatures and down-canyon steady currents >60 cm/s (up to 100 cm/s), showing periodic fluctuations that lasted between 3 and 6 days. Increases in suspended sediment concentrations were associated with dense shelf water cascading outbursts, but the magnitude of the concentration peaks decreased with time, suggesting a progressive exhaustion of the resuspendable sediments from the shelf and canyon floor. Grain size analyses of the particles caught by a near-bottom sediment trap show that dense shelf water cascades are able to transport coarse sediments (up to 65% sand) in suspension (and presumably as bed load), which have the potential to abrade the seafloor and generate erosive bed forms. The orientation of a large field of “wide” (i.e., widths about 1/2 spacing indicative of erosive formation) sedimentary furrows recently observed in the Cap de Creus Canyon clearly coincides with the preferential direction of highest velocities measured by the moored current meters, indicating a causative relationship between contemporary dense shelf water cascades and furrow formation.  相似文献   


In the Hindukush, Karakoram and Himalaya (HKH) region of Pakistan, many glaciological variables are still not known due to the remoteness and harsh weather conditions of the area. A remote sensing technique is therefore applied to map the snow zonation in the HKH region. Landsat 7 ETM+ data for the year 2003 are used in this study. Image classification and image processing techniques are applied to map, for the first time, the major snow zones in the HKH region. Six classes are identified: the results show that the area covered by the highest-altitude snow (Snow I), lower-altitude snow (Snow II), bare ice, debris-covered ice, wet snow and shadow is 21 529.42, 22 472.58, 8696.41, 8038.75, 12 159.37 and 7322.30 km2, respectively. The study also indicates that the equilibrium line altitude (ELA) lies between 5000 and 5500 m above sea level, with an accumulation area ratio (AAR) of 0.60.

Citation Butt, M.J., 2013. Exploitation of Landsat data for snow zonation mapping in the Hindukush, Karakoram and Himalaya (HKH) region of Pakistan. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (5), 1088–1096.  相似文献   

Identifying the relative contributions of physical and ecological processes to channel evolution remains a substantial challenge in fluvial geomorphology. We use a 74‐year aerial photographic record of the Hoh, Queets, Quinault, and Elwha Rivers, Olympic National Park, Washington, USA, to investigate whether physical or trophic‐cascade‐driven ecological factors – excessive elk impacts after wolves were extirpated a century ago – are the dominant drivers of channel planform in these gravel‐bed rivers. We find that channel width and braiding show strong relationships with recent flood history. All four rivers widened significantly after having been relatively narrow in the 1970s, consistent with increased flood activity since then. Channel planform also reflects sediment‐supply changes, evident from landslide response on the Elwha River. We surmise that the Hoh River, which shows a multi‐decadal trend toward greater braiding, is adjusting to increased sediment supply associated with rapid glacial retreat. These rivers demonstrate transmission of climatic signals through relatively short sediment‐routing systems that lack substantial buffering by sediment storage. Legacy effects of anthropogenic modification likely also affect the Quinault River planform. We infer no correspondence between channel evolution and elk abundance, suggesting that trophic‐cascade effects in this setting are subsidiary to physical controls on channel morphology. Our findings differ from previous interpretations of Olympic National Park fluvial dynamics and contrast with the classic example of Yellowstone National Park, where legacy effects of elk overuse are apparent in channel morphology; we attribute these differences to hydrologic regime and large‐wood availability. Published 2016. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of mining seismicity, gas outburst and their origin. The internal relation of mining seismicity and gas outburst in the dynamic process is studied on the basis of the fact that these disasters sometimes occur simultaneously. The examples show a close relationship between mining seismicity and gas outburst in high gassy coal mines. It is proposed that strong mine shocks plus the response of low value and delay time are early warning signals. The mechanism of the relationship between mining seismicity and gas outburst is analyzed by using the location of mining shocks, focus mechanism, cause of mining shocks and conditions of gas outburst. The trigger action of gas fluid on mining shocks, especially the effect of the anomalous property of supercritical fluid on the preparation and occurrence of mining shocks is discussed. According to the similarity between min-ing-induced earthquakes and tectonic earthquakes in terms of mechanism, the significance of the above results in the study of physics of earthquake source is also discussed.  相似文献   

Integrated dynamic water and chloride balance models with a catchment‐scale hydrological model (PRMS) are used to investigate the response of a terminal tropical lake, Lake Abiyata, to climate variability and water use practices in its catchment. The hydrological model is used to investigate the response of the catchment to different climate and land‐use change scenarios that are incorporated into the lake model. Lake depth–area–volume relationships were established from lake bathymetries. Missing data in the time series were filled using statistical regression techniques. Based on mean monthly data, the lake water balance model produced a good agreement between the simulated and observed levels of Lake Abiyata for the period 1968–83. From 1984 onwards the simulated lake level is overestimated with respect to the observed one, while the chloride concentration is largely underestimated. This discrepancy is attributed to human use of water from the influent rivers or directly from the lake. The simulated lake level and chloride concentration are in better agreement with observed values (r2 = 0·96) when human water use for irrigation and salt exploitation are included in the model. A comparison of the simulation with and without human consumption indicates that climate variability controls the interannual fluctuations and that the human water use affects the equilibrium of the system by strongly reducing the lake level. Sensitivity analysis based on a mean climatic year showed that, after prolonged mean climatic conditions, Lake Abiyata reacts more rapidly to an abrupt shift to wetter conditions than to dry conditions. This study shows the significant sensitivity of the level and salinity of the terminal Lake Abiyata to small changes in climate or land use, making it a very good ‘recorder’ of environmental changes that may occur in the catchment at different time scales. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in the biomass (Chl a) and primary production (14C-method) of phytoplankton were studied during 12 months of 2005 in the three Ethiopian Rift Valley Lakes (ERVL) Ziway, Awassa and Chamo. Chl a showed an average value of 40, 20, and 30 mg m−3 for the three lakes, respectively. Integrated areal primary production for the total phytoplankton (g C m−2 d−1) varied 2-fold in the three lakes but on different levels, from 0.67–1.8 in L. Ziway, 1.8–4.6 in L. Awassa, and 1.0–2.6 in L. Chamo. The overall photosynthetic efficiency of utilizing photosynthetically active radiation by the phytoplankton on molar basis (mmol C mol of photons−1) resulted in an average value of 1.4 for L. Ziway, 3.5 for L. Awassa and 1.6 for L. Chamo. Among the different factors regulating phytoplankton primary productivity, light penetration and nutrients were the most important in the three lakes. The seasonal variations of incident radiation (most values between 5 and 7 E m−2 h−1) and water temperature (most values between 22 and 24 °C) were small and unlikely to result in the marked differences in phytoplankton primary production. Although relative increase in nutrient concentrations occurred following the rainy periods, the major algal nutrients were either consistently low (nitrate and/or silicate) or high (phosphate and/or ammonium) and remained within a narrow range for most of the study period in all the three lakes. Consequently, phytoplankton biomass and primary production seem to be maintained more by nutrient regeneration or turnover (facilitated by high temperature) than by allochthonous nutrient input. This would be coupled with wind-induced mixing that would play an important role in determining hydrographic characteristics (water column structure) and the associated redistribution of nutrients and phytoplankton, the availability of light and subsequently the spatial (vertical) and temporal patterns of phytoplankton production in these three ERVL. Phytoplankton production (PP) is regarded as a good predictor of fish yield in lakes and seasonal measurements of PP is a prerequisite for good such estimates.  相似文献   


Climate variability and change play a crucial role in the vulnerable system of the Aksu River basin located in Kyrgyzstan and northwest China, providing precious water resources for the intense oasis agriculture of the Xinjiang Province (China). Ubiquitous warming and increase in precipitation (in the lower part of the basin) have been detected. Glaciers in the region are retreating. Seasonal trends in river discharge show an increase. A clear link could be demonstrated between daily temperature and lagged river discharge at two headwater stations in summer. However, the correlation breaks over short periods in the end of summer or beginning of autumn at the Xiehela station, when the high (over 95th percentile) flow peaks caused by the glacier lake outburst floods of the Merzbacher Lake occur. This feature is a challenge for the climate impact assessment in the region, as these regular outbursts have to be represented in the projections for the future as well.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis  相似文献   

The Yinchuan Plain has more than 2000 years of history of irrigation by diverting water from the Yellow River. Currently, the amount of water diverted from the Yellow River is about 21.7 times the water formed on the plain as a result of precipitation and inflow of groundwater. Under the intensive influence of irrigation, the plain changed from a desert into a rich and populous area, earning its name as ‘South China Beyond the Great Wall’, with lakes scattered across the Yinchuan Plain just as stars in the sky. In this research, 17 representative lakes were sampled to analyze and study 2H and 18O content; the results showed that lakes on the plain have undergone obvious non‐equilibrium evaporation. Recharges of the lakes can be divided into three types: recharge from the Yellow River, from groundwater and from both of these. The Craig–Gordon non‐equilibrium evaporation model for isotope fractionation was used to estimate the evaporation proportion of each lake. The results showed that evaporation from lakes on Yinchuan Plain is generally extensive under the dry climatic conditions. Most lakes have an evaporation proportion of over 25%, with the largest originating from Shahu lake and Gaomiaohu lake in the northern part of the plain, at 42.5% and 42.8%, respectively. The evaporation proportions calculated on the basis of 18O and 2H are very close to each other. This shows that the method used in this paper is feasible for estimating the evaporation proportions of lakes in areas with a heavy anthropogenic influence. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Diving beetles (Dytiscidae) are the most speciose water beetle group, occurring on all continents except Antarctica. They inhabit various lotic and lentic habitats and play an important role in ecosystem functioning. In this study, we developed functional polymorphic microsatellites for two widely distributed species from one of the most diversified dytiscid genus Agabus: Agabus bipustulatus (Linnaeus, 1767) and Agabus cf. guttatus from the Agabus guttatus group sensu Foster and Bilton (1997). For microsatellites development, pooled DNA and NGS pyrosequencing were used. Microsatellites are still very useful genetic markers for studying recent population changes, but for dytiscids, highly diversified and ecologically important group of freshwater invertebrates, only 8 microsatellite loci are available for one North American species. To test utility of the developed markers, we used several populations of alpine lakes, situated in the Tatra Mountains (Western Carpathians). From the 60 tested markers, 13 loci for Agabus bipustulatus and 8 loci for A. cf. guttatus showed polymorphism. The number of alleles per locus varied from 2 to 10 and no significant linkage disequilibrium was observed. Observed/expected heterozygosity varied from 0/0.077 to 1/0.834 within populations of A. cf. guttatus and from 0/0.056 to 1/0.837 within populations of A. bipustulatus. The significant deviation from HWE was probably caused by presence of null alleles or undetected biological processes. Bayesian cluster analysis revealed differences in the cluster proportions, confirming applicability of the developed markers for future studies of population structure of both Agabus species.  相似文献   

Our understanding of Lake Vostok, the huge subglacial lake beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, has improved recently through the identification of key physical and chemical interactions between the ice sheet and the lake. The north of the lake, where the overlying ice sheet is thickest, is characterized by subglacial melting, whereas freezing of lake water occurs in the south, resulting in ~210 m of ice accretion to the underside of the ice sheet. The accreted ice contains lower concentrations of the impurities normally found in glacier ice, suggesting a net transfer of material from meltwater into the lake. The small numbers of microbes found so far within the accreted ice have DNA profiles similar to those of contemporary surface microbes. Microbiologists expect, however, that Lake Vostok, and other subglacial lakes, will harbour unique species, particularly within the deeper waters and associated sediments. The extreme environments of subglacial lakes are characterized by high pressures, low temperatures, permanent darkness, limited nutrient availability, and oxygen concentrations that are derived from the ice that provides the meltwater. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

以湖北保安湖为研究对象,分别于2021年4、7、10月和2022年1月采集表层水样,测定水体中微塑料丰度、粒径、形状、颜色和类型,探究浅水型湖泊表层水体中微塑料的时空分布特征及其影响因素。结果表明,保安湖表层水体微塑料的年平均丰度为(16.20±2.23)items/L。微塑料丰度呈现明显的季节性差异,其中夏季(采样时间7月)平均丰度最低,为(1.40±0.09)items/L。在所有微塑料颗粒中,粒径0.064~1 mm占比最大,为82.57%;黑色和无色微塑料占主导地位,占比分别为36.16%和21.31%;纤维状微塑料分布最广泛,占比达40.01%;聚乙烯(PE)和低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)是最主要的微塑料类型,两者之和占比达46.05%,其次为聚苯乙烯(PS,占比17.2%)、聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET,占比8.33%)和聚乙酸乙酯(PVAC,占比8.31%)。统计分析表明,微塑料丰度与湖水水质无显著相关关系。该研究揭示了长江中下游地区典型浅水湖泊微塑料分布现状,为评估类似湖泊微塑料潜在污染风险提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Recent studies using remote sensing analysis of lake‐rich thermokarst landscapes have documented evidence of declining lake surface area in response to recent warming. However, images alone cannot identify whether these declines are due to increasing frequency of lake drainage events associated with accelerated thermokarst activity or to increasing evaporation in response to longer ice‐free season duration. Here, we explore the potential of combining aerial photograph time series with paleolimnological analyses to track changes in hydrological conditions of a thermokarst lake in the Old Crow Flats (OCF), Canada, and to identify their causes. Images show that the water level in lake OCF 48 declined markedly sometime between 1972 and 2001. In a sediment core from OCF 48, complacent stratigraphic profiles of several physical, geochemical, and biological parameters from ~1874–1967 indicate hydro‐limnological conditions were relatively stable. From ~1967–1989, declines in organic matter content, organic carbon isotope values, and pigment concentrations are interpreted to reflect an increase in supply of minerogenic sediment, and subsequent decline in aquatic productivity, caused by increased thermo‐erosion of shoreline soils. Lake expansion was likely caused by increased summer rainfall, as recorded by increased cellulose‐inferred lake‐water oxygen isotope compositions. Stratigraphic trends defining the lake expansion phase terminated at ~1989, which likely marks the year when the lake drained. Above‐average precipitation during the previous year probably raised the lake level and promoted further thermo‐erosion of the shoreline soils that caused the lake to drain. These are meteorological conditions that have led to other recent lake‐drainage events in the OCF. Thus, the decline in lake level, evident in the aerial photograph from 2001, is unlikely to have been caused by evaporation, but rather is a remnant of a drainage event that took place more than a decade earlier. After drainage, the lake began to refill, and most paleolimnological parameters approach levels that are similar to those during the stable phase. These findings indicate that combined use of aerial images and paleolimnological methods offers much promise for identifying the hydrological consequences of recent climatic variations on thermokarst lakes. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is a review of research works concerning the nutrient transportation, transformation and exchange between water, sediment and biota in the lakes from the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River conducted in the context of project entitled "The Processes and Mechanism of Lake Eutrophication in Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze River". All the lakes from this area are shallow lakes. According to the typical lake site research, the lakes from the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River have a higher baseline of nutrition in the history. Normally the trophic status of these lakes can be categorized into medium-trophic or eutrophic. Human activities have been enhanced during the last decades, which speed up the lake eutrophic process. Lake eutrophication control needs to reduce not only the external nutrient inputs from watershed but also the internal loading from the sediments. Investigations revealed that the lake sediments in this area are considerablly high in nutrition in which at most about 30% of phosphorus exists in the form of bio-available in the sediment. The surface sediment will exert great effects on the nutrient exchange between water-sediment interface via adsorption and release of nutrient. The nutrient release from the sediment in these shallow lakes is mainly in two ways, i.e. in the undisturbed condition the nutrient is released through diffusion created by the nutrient gradient from sediment to overlying water; whereas in disturbed condition, the nutrient release is determined by the hydrodynamic forcing intensity and the sediment resuspension. Metallic elements such as the iron, manganese and aluminium and the aerobic-anaerobic ambience will affect the release of nutrients. The disturbed release will increase the total nutrients in the water column significantly in the short period. At the beginning of sediment resuspension, the dissolved nutrient concentration will increase. This increase will be damped if the ferric oxide and aluminium are rich in sediment because of the adsorption and flocculation. This means that the lakes have capability of eliminating the nutrient loadings. Investigations for the lakes from middle and down stream of Yangtze River have suggested that most lakes have the self-cleaning capability. Dredging the control of the internal loading, therefore, is only applicable to the small lakes or undisturbed bays which normally are situated nearby the city or town and rich in organic materials in the sediment. In addition, the strong reduction condition and weak aeration of these lakes and bays make these small lakes and bays release much more bio-available nutrient and without much self-eliminating capability. Moreover, eutrophication induced algal bloom in these lakes will change the pH of water, which further induces the increase in the nutrient release. In turn, the increase in nutrient release promotes the growth of phytoplankton and results in severe algal bloom. For the heavily polluted water, research suggests that the biomass of bacteria and alkaline phosphatase activity will be higher corresponding to the higher concentration of nutrients, which accelerates the nutrient recycling between water, sediment and biota. Quick recycling of nutrient, in turn, promotes the production and biomass growth of microorganism and leads to more severe eutrophication. Further research work should focus on the nutrient transformation mechanism and the effects of microbial loop on the eutrophication.  相似文献   

通过对松科1井样品的测试分析,在松辽盆地姚家组二、三段顶部至嫩江组二段底部地层中检测到了较高含量的伽马蜡烷,并据此确认了对应时期水体分层事件的存在.通过其与总有机碳(TOC)值和δ13Corg值剖面变化趋势比对发现,伽马蜡烷含量的高值与TOC高值和δ13Corg负值对应良好,表明水体分层在一定程度上促进了嫩江组沉积时期缺氧事件的发生,进而对有机质的保存起到了积极的作用.这种水体分层与当时的海侵事件密切相关.  相似文献   

李曾中 《湖泊科学》2003,15(Z1):205-209
本文对汛期长江流域特大暴雨及洪涝成因进行了分析,认为与越赤道气流异常及受"非亚支宏观气流系统"的影响有关.同时指出,长江流域的特大暴雨及洪涝灾害不但可以预测,并且能够采取措施予以减弱.  相似文献   

水动力条件是盐湖成盐成矿的必要条件之一.利用研究区各类水体的理化参数(pH、氧化还原电位、电导率和总溶解性固体)、水化学特征、元素比值等参数识别尕斯库勒盐湖成盐元素的来源及水力迁移作用.结果表明:尕斯库勒盐湖成盐元素主要来源于蚀源区岩石风化,其中冰川融水、硅酸盐风化、碳酸盐风化和蒸发盐风化分别占0.04%、0.15%、63.89%和35.92%,在祁漫塔格山前一带,受到深部补给作用.高山区到平原区,水动力条件总体上逐渐降低;而在垂向上随着深度的增大含水层Ⅰ~Ⅱ之间水动力条件逐渐减弱,含水层Ⅲ~Ⅴ之间水动力条件变充足.河流与溢出带水体之间存在局部水流系统,与平原区含水层之间存在区域水流系统.水动力条件和水力联系对元素的迁移和富集具有明显的相关性,二者控制着元素的迁移速度以及元素在空间上的富集规律并影响着水化学类型.  相似文献   

The concentration and the enrichment factors of mercury (Hg) in the sediment cores of Dongjiu and Xijiu, Taihu Lake catchment, were studied. The accumulation fluxes, anthropogenic input concentration and anthropogenic accumulation fluxes of Hg in recent 100 years were also analyzed based on the 210Pb dating. The results indicate that the increasing concentrations of Hg in the sediments are influ-enced by natural factors and anthropogenic input simultaneously. Generally, about 2/3 of the Hg in the sediment was from anthropogenic sources. In the early 20th century, the anthropogenic input was owing to the urban development and fossil fuel consumptions surrounding the Taihu Lake and the worldwide atmospheric deposition of Hg since the industrial revolution. The concentration and an-thropogenic fluxes of Hg increased with the industrial development in the catchment since the 1930s. It reached the maximum during the middle 1970s and middle 1990s, and decreased since the middle 1990s with constraints on high pollution industries.  相似文献   

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