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To derive meaningful results from a geostatistical study, it is extremely important to establish the relationship between geology and variograms. However, it is not always easy to establish such a relationship, mainly because of the inadequacy of quantitative or qualitative information. Large amounts of reliable well-log porosity data and the detailed geological information from a complex carbonate reservoir located in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia provided an ideal case study of the relationships between geology and variograms. The reservoir under consideration is in the form of a gently dipping, elongated anticline and consists of three productive zones which have been subdivided into several lithologically distinct layers. Results, which indicate an excellent match between geology and porosity variograms, are summarized as follows: (1) use of stratigraphic distances resulted in considerable improvement in the behavior of variograms, (2) structurally controlled geometrical anisotropy is the most obvious feature of variograms, and (3) layers consisting of more complex lithologic framework provided variograms with relatively greater nugget variances and shorter ranges. These results provide further insight into geology and form a meaningful basis for estimation and simulation of the reservoir. They also could be used as a general guide in the geostatistical study of similar carbonate reservoirs.  相似文献   

A small-scale hydrogeological study was conducted in a fractured carbonate-rock aquifer located in a quarry to relate groundwater flow to the fracture network. The field study in the St-Eustache quarry, which integrates structural surveys, well logging and hydraulic tests, showed that the most important features that affect groundwater flow in the sedimentary aquifer are high hydraulic conductivity horizontal bedding planes. Vertical fractures are abundant in the quarry and throughout the region, but they have a minor effect on groundwater flow. To have a significant impact on the flow regime and lead to vertical groundwater flow, the permeability of all vertical joints need to be enhanced compared to what was generally observed at the site. Such an increase in permeability could potentially occur where dissolution and fracturing is more intense or at stress release locations such as near the surface in the quarry.  相似文献   

Careful site characterization is critical for successful geologic storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) because of the many physical and chemical processes impacting CO2 movement and containment under field conditions. Traditional site characterization techniques such as geological mapping, geophysical imaging, well logging, core analyses, and hydraulic well testing provide the basis for judging whether or not a site is suitable for CO2 storage. However, only through the injection and monitoring of CO2 itself can the coupling between buoyancy flow, geologic heterogeneity, and history-dependent multi-phase flow effects be observed and quantified. CO2 injection and monitoring can therefore provide a valuable addition to the site-characterization process. Additionally, careful monitoring and verification of CO2 plume development during the early stages of commercial operation should be performed to assess storage potential and demonstrate permanence. The Frio brine pilot, a research project located in Dayton, Texas (USA) is used as a case study to illustrate the concept of an iterative sequence in which traditional site characterization is used to prepare for CO2 injection and then CO2 injection itself is used to further site-characterization efforts, constrain geologic storage potential, and validate understanding of geochemical and hydrological processes. At the Frio brine pilot, in addition to traditional site-characterization techniques, CO2 movement in the subsurface is monitored by sampling fluid at an observation well, running CO2-saturation-sensitive well logs periodically in both injection and observation wells, imaging with crosswell seismic in the plane between the injection and observation wells, and obtaining vertical seismic profiles to monitor the CO2 plume as it migrates beyond the immediate vicinity of the wells. Numerical modeling plays a central role in integrating geological, geophysical, and hydrological field observations.  相似文献   

The chemical characteristics of sedimentary rocks provide important clues to their provenance and depositional environments. Chemical analyses of 192 samples of Katangan sedimentary rocks from Kolwezi, Kambove–Kabolela and Luiswishi in the central African Copperbelt (Katanga, Congo) are used to constrain (1) the source and depositional environment of RAT and Mines Subgroup sedimentary rocks and (2) the geochemical relations between the rocks from these units and the debate on the lithostratigraphic position of the RAT Subgroup within the Katangan sedimentary succession. The geochemical data indicate that RAT, D. Strat., RSF and RSC are extremely poor in alkalis and very rich in MgO. SD are richer in alkalis, especially K2O. Geochemical characteristics of RAT and Mines Subgroups sedimentary rocks indicate deposition under an evaporitic environment that evolved from oxidizing (Red RAT) to reducing (Grey RAT and Mines Subgroup) conditions. There is no chemical difference between RAT and fine-grained clastic rocks from the lower part of the Mines Subgroup. The geochemical data preclude the genetic model that RAT are syn-orogenic sedimentary rocks originating from Mines Group rocks by erosion and gravity-induced fragmentation in front of advancing nappes.  相似文献   

An anomalous area (100 km2) revealed by a previous regional overbank sediment sampling survey by the Geological Survey of Norway was followed-up for Ti, Nb, Y, Zr, La and Ce by drainage and lithogeochemical sampling and analyses. The drainage samples were anomalous in the same elements as in the overbank samples and contained similar concentrations. The lithogeochemical results did not indicate mineralization and showed only a small enhancement of Ti, Zr, La and Ce in mylonitic rocks.Mineralogical studies of the drainage samples revealed, apart from proportions of quartz and feldspars, that stream sediments and heavy mineral concentrates are similar in mineralogy, with epidote predomination and several vol% of fine-grained titanite and zircon. Drainage samples contained amounts of Nb, Y, and Zr up to ten times larger than average contents of rock samples. Enhanced light REE (La and Ce) and Nb reflect host minerals, titanite, and enhanced Y possibly zircon and/or allanite.Anomalies in both media do not relate to mineralization. The overbank samples and the drainage samples provide comparable geochemical data.  相似文献   

A simple, physically based method is developed in this paper to assist in the allocation of areas with high groundwater potential and for the determination of maximum allowed pumping rate to ensure proper groundwater management. This method utilizes the aquifer physical properties as well as GIS technology to accomplish this purpose. The design of this method was considered to be applicable in areas with little data, such as in most arid regions. This technique was applied to a catchment in an arid environment where qualitative as well as quantitative analyses of the results were undertaken. Locations of available groundwater and rates of maximum allowable pumping were compared with observations and experiments in the field and a good agreement was found. It was concluded that the best groundwater location was in the alluvial area, which represents only 16% of the total aquifer, which is a typical case in arid region catchments. The rate of maximum pumping was estimated to be 65 m3/h. However, to benefit 55% of the area, the maximum pumping rate should only be 40 m3/h with an average rate throughout the area (55%) of about 24 m3/h.This revised version was published online in December 2004 with corrections to the category.  相似文献   

The distribution of selected heavy metals, including some radionuclides, metalloids and non-metals was determined in stream sediments in a region influenced by abandoned copper mining and ore processing activities. A considerable amount of the ore processing waste with a very complex composition and highly elevated concentrations of zinc, sulfur, lead, copper, arsenic, and a lot of other elements in the range between 100 and 1,000 mg/kg (Sb, Mn, Ni, Cr, Cd, Hg, and Ag) was piled up on mine dumps. The dispersion of the pollutants originating from this source and their environmental impact were investigated. Both, sediments and original waste material were studied to indicate the pathways and the mobilization behavior of different pollutants. For this purpose, the process of the elution of pollutants by application of different fractionation schemes was studied. The capabilities of different analytical techniques are shown for the analysis of solid samples (X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Gamma-spectrometry) and liquid ones (ICP-atomic emission spectrometry, ICP-mass spectrometry and different techniques of atomic absorption). Additionally, the coupling of ion chromatography and ICP-MS detection was used to study the distribution of arsenic species in the sediment cores of a lake which acts as a natural sink for the region.  相似文献   

The selection of the disposal site is probably the most important step in the development of solid waste management. In site selection, geology plays a determining role. This study evaluates the characteristics of the environment on the basis of the geological, hydrogeological and geo-engineering properties of the solid waste site of the Sivas city, Turkey. The area is underlain by the Oligocene-Miocene rocks which have limited aquifer properties. Thin Quaternary alluvium and soil cover overlie the Oligo-Miocene rocks, which are represented as well graded sand and inorganic silt of low plasticity. The Quaternary alluvium and soil cover are classified as inorganic clays having a low plasticity and the permeability varies from 1.2×10−6 to 3.11×10−6 m/s. These values are much higher than 1×10−8 m/s, which is accepted for waste disposal standards. Seepage waters have a potential to pollute the ground water and the Kızılırmak River, which is 500 m to the southwest of the waste disposal area and because the disposal site is close to the river, the potential for flash flooding poses a high pollution risk. The waste disposal area must be covered by clay layers or an impervious artificial membrane. In addition, seepage must be controlled and removed from the site.  相似文献   

Chilwa, an endohreic lake in East Central Africa, lies in a basin peripheral to the developed areas of the Shire Highlands in Malawi. In 1965 the catch of fish accounted for half the estimated catch of Malawi, while the seasonally inundated grasslands sustain 35,000 head of cattle. The receding lake has left a series of terraces favourable to cotton and tobacco production. This study examines the responses of the people in the southern section of the plain to circumstances which could offer an integrated rural economy with the additional advantage of an entry into the money nexus through commercial fisheries.  相似文献   

Makkah City, west of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is considered the third main highly populated metropolitan area in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It exhibits two unique features that increase the hazardous flood consequences: (1) its topography is very complex and (2) about three million Muslims are gathered annually in Makkah to perform Hajj over a 2-week period. Floods are natural returning hydrological phenomena that have been affecting human lives. The objectives of the current study are: (1) identification of land use types and road networks in Makkah, (2) hydrological modeling of flood characteristics in Makkah based on precise up-to-date databases, (3) examination of the relationship between land use, land cover changes, transportation network expansion, and the floods' prosperities and hazards, and (4) development of digital hydrological maps for present and near future flood hazards in Makkah. The attained results show that the mean runoff depth and the total flood volume are significantly increased from 2010 to 2030. Additionally, it has been found that a great part of the road network in Makkah City is subjected to high dangerous flood impacts. The overall length of flood danger-factor roads is increased from 481 km (with almost 37 %) to 1,398 km (with 74 % approximately) between 2010 and 2030. Thus, it is concluded that urbanization has a direct strong relationship with flood hazards. Consequently, it is recommended that the attained results should be taken into account by decision makers in implementing new development planning of the Makkah metropolitan area.  相似文献   

Three southern Nova Scotia plutons crystallized rapidly at 375 Ma from magma containing both mantle and crustal components. Isotopic and chemical data suggest that the crustal contribution included both lower crustal material and Cambro-Ordovician turbidites of the host Meguma Group. Despite local evidence of mixing and mingling of magmas, the bulk of the plutons evolved by assimilation and fractional crystallisation. Evolved portions of the plutons have compositions appropriate for development of rare-metal pegmatite fields, but pegmatites are relatively rare and little differentiated. Like parental plutons, pegmatites fall into biotite+plagioclase and muscovite+potassium feldspar assemblages. The latter locally contain Mn-rich garnet+biotite, giving calculated PT conditions of pegmatite crystallisation of 620°C, 0.44 GPa under water-saturated conditions. Host rocks at the time of emplacement experienced PT conditions varying from <500° to 620°C at 0.44 GPa. Beryl-bearing pegmatites occur only where host rocks were below sillimanite-grade, and pegmatites of any kind are scarce in sillimanite-grade host rocks. Rarity of pegmatites can be ascribed to a combination of insufficient amounts of F, Li, and B in the magma with rapid cooling which prevented extensive fractionation and undercooling. Our data suggest rather that peraluminous suites, produced by rapid heating due to incursions of lithospheric mantle into supracrustal rocks, and typified by biotite-rich, cordierite-bearing plutons, are not favorable locales for major rare-metal-enriched pegmatite fields. Such fields appear to require relatively prolonged anatexis resulting from crustal thickening, or an areally extensive mafic underplate,  相似文献   

本文针对松辽盆地北部扶杨油层赋存的泉头组三.四段河道砂体地震识别问题开展了地震地质综合研究.以高分辨率层序地层学原理和沉积岩石学理论为指导,识别了沉积微相和河道砂体沉积特征,用钻井和地震联合分层对比的方法建立层序地层格架和区域沉积微相展布模式,确定了地震剖面上具有可对比追踪性的四级层序界面.通过地震多属性多元回归与聚类分析拟合含砂率,在沉积模式的指导下对含砂率平面图进行沉积微相解释,确定河道砂体的宅间展布和有利区,经钻探验证说明取得了较好的预测效果.  相似文献   

The northern Wanganui Basin, New Zealand, is one of the key global sites for understanding marine cyclic sedimentation during the Quaternary. This paper presents the first evidence of marine cyclic sedimentation from its central-southern parts. Sedimentological, micropalaeontological and palynological analyses on a 280-m-deep borehole encountered units dating back to MIS 10. The sequence includes four marine cycles spanning MIS 9–5, which are overlain by terrestrial fluvial aggradation surfaces dating from MIS 4–2. Each marine unit represents a progressively shallowing depositional environment from the mid-shelf to coastal plain. This is overlain by a terrestrial sequence of lowstand fluvial terraces. Localized fault movements appear to have influenced the sedimentary character of the sequence during MIS 7a and 5e producing basement highs which provided protection to the shoreline. The cyclothems described in this paper now extend the already extensive, previously described record from MIS 17–10 to produce a combined eustatic record of Quaternary sea level change within the basin to MIS 5. They also provide an excellent example of the sedimentary response of a coastal basin to a progressive loss of sedimentation accommodation space.  相似文献   

Glauconite-bearing deposits are found worldwide, but As levels have been determined for relatively few. The As content of glauconites in sediments of the Inner Coastal Plain of New Jersey can exceed 100 mg/kg, and total As concentrations (up to 5.95 μg/L) found historically and recently in streamwaters exceed the State standard. In a major watershed of the Inner Coastal Plain, chemical “fingerprints” were developed for streambed sediments and groundwater to identify contributions of As to the watershed from geologic and anthropogenic sources. The fingerprint for streambed sediments, which included Be, Cr, Fe and V, indicated that As was predominantly of geologic origin. High concentrations of dissolved organic C, nutrients (and Cl) in shallow groundwater indicated anthropogenic inputs that provided an environment where microbial activity released As from minerals to groundwater discharging to the stream. Particulates in streamwater during high flow constituted most of the As load; the chemical patterns for these particulates resembled the geologic fingerprint of the streambed sediments. The As/Cr ratio of these suspended particles likely indicates they derived not only from runoff, but from groundwater inputs, because As contributed by groundwater is sequestered on streambed sediments. Agricultural inputs of As were not clearly identified, although chemical characteristics of some sediments indicated vehicle-related inputs of metals. Sediment sampling during dry and wet years showed that, under differing hydrologic conditions, local anthropogenic fingerprints could be obscured but the geologic fingerprint, indicating glauconitic sediments as an As source, was robust.  相似文献   

The influence of hydrodynamics on the chemical composition of sediments is based on the uneven distribution of element abundances in different size fractions. In this study, 72 size‐fractional sediments from the Huanghe (Yellow River) and Changjiang (Yangtze River) riverbeds were measured with XRD, SEM, ICP‐AES and ICP‐MS. The analysis results show that the mineral and chemical characteristics change with grain size in the Huanghe and Changjiang sediments. According to the principal components analysis, three independent geochemical factors were found. The first factor elements, Zr, Hf, Th, U, Y, La and TiO2 are influenced by the existence of heavy minerals. The second factor elements, Al2O3, alkalis, alkaline earth (excluding Ca and Sr) and most of the transitional metals are dominated by clay minerals. The third factor group includes Ca and Sr, which were controlled by calcium‐bearing mineral contents and chemical weathering intensities. The various grain size distributions greatly affect the mineralogical and chemical compositions of bulk sediments. Compared to other size fractions, the 5–6PHI size fractions of the Huanghe and Changjiang sediments have special mineralogical and chemical compositions, and intermediate volume percentages. Weight or volume percentage of each size fraction may be more suitable than mean grain‐size of the bulk sediment to elucidate the grain size effects. Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) values increase steeply with decreasing grain size, while Weathering Index of Parker (WIP) values are relatively stable. Because of the big influence of the abundance of clay minerals on CIA values, it is questionable to use CIA as a proxy of weathering intensity. Considering the clay mineral effects, stability in values and heterogeneous material properties, WIP has the potential to indicate the chemical weathering intensity of sediments. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Systematic field mapping of fracture lineaments observed on aerial photographs shows that almost all of these structures are positively correlated with zones of high macroscopic and mesoscopic fracture frequencies compared with the surroundings. The lineaments are subdivided into zones with different characteristics: (1) a central zone with fault rocks, high fracture frequency and connectivity but commonly with mineral sealed fractures, and (2) a damage zone divided into a proximal zone with a high fracture frequency of lineament parallel, non-mineralized and interconnected fractures, grading into a distal zone with lower fracture frequencies and which is transitional to the surrounding areas with general background fracturing. To examine the possible relations between lineament architecture and in-situ rock stress on groundwater flow, the geological fieldwork was followed up by in-situ stress measurements and test boreholes at selected sites. Geophysical well logging added valuable information about fracture distribution and fracture flow at depths. Based on the studies of in-situ stresses as well as the lineaments and associated fracture systems presented above, two working hypotheses for groundwater flow were formulated: (i) In areas with a general background fracturing and in the distal zone of lineaments, groundwater flow will mainly occur along fractures parallel with the largest in-situ rock stress, unless fractures are critically loaded or reactivated as shear fractures at angles around 30° to σH; (ii) In the influence area of lineaments, the largest potential for groundwater abstraction is in the proximal zone, where there is a high fracture frequency and connectivity with negligible fracture fillings. The testing of the two hypotheses does not give a clear and unequivocal answer in support of the two assumptions about groundwater flow in the study area. But most of the observed data are in agreement with the predictions from the models, and can be explained by the action of the present stress field on pre-existing fractures.  相似文献   

From June 2004 to December 2004, Lake Dianchi, which had large scale of cyanobacterial blooms was investigated in order to study P-fractionation in the suspended matter and the sediment. The investigation improves our understanding of phosphorus in Lake Dianchi and the relationship between phosphorus and cyanobacterial blooms. It contributes to the available literature on the behavior of P in hypertrophic lakes. The distribution of P-fractions in Lake Dianchi was not uniform from northwest to south, but was closely related to the trophic status of the whole lake. The concentrations of total phosphorus, labile P (NH4Cl-P), Organic P (NaOH-NRP) and loss on ignition in suspended matter were positively correlated with the strength of cyanobacterial blooms. Total phosphorus in suspended matter was relatively stable for almost half an year and closely related to Chl. a concentration. The main content of organic phosphorus is in the cyanobacterial blooms. The concentrations of phosphorus bound to metal oxides and carbonates (NaOH-SRP and HCl-P) in sediment were similar to NaOH-SRP and HCl-P in the corresponding suspended matter. The latter two forms of P in suspended matter were not affected by cyanobacterial blooms, indicating that the inorganic phosphorus is derived from the sediment after resuspension from the sediment due to wind and wave action. The contribution of the different P-fractions to TP in sediment and in suspended matter indicates that NH4Cl-P in the suspended matter is an important buffer for maintaining dissolved phosphorus in water.  相似文献   

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