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The ability of Fundulus from a polluted environment to capture a prey organism, the grass shrimp (Palaemonetes pugio), was compared to that of Fundulus from an unpolluted reference site. Fish from the unpolluted site took significantly more prey (p < 0.1) during the first 5–10 min of each trial than fish from the polluted site.Analysis of the neurotransmitters dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT) and their metabolites, DOPAC, homovanillic acid (HVA), and 5-hydroxy-indolacetic acid (5-HIAA) in cerebellums and medullas was performed by HPLC. Mummichogs from the polluted site had significantly lower concentrations of 5-HT and its metabolite 5-HIAA in their medullas, but not cerebellums, than fish from the reference site (p < 0.05). Concentrations of DA, DOPAC and HVA were not different between populations in either part of the brain. Neurotransmitter concentrations were shown to be independent of size and therefore, presumably, age.Analysis of Hg in livers and brains of these mummichogs by atomic absorption spectrophotometry showed significant differences between the two populations for both organs. Earlier work showed that the behavioral deficit could be elicited by Hg; thus, this was the putative neurotoxic agent. However, there are other candidates which may contribute to neurotoxicity in the study site.  相似文献   

Hepatic levels of Cu, Zn and metallothionein (MT) in perch, caught in a Cu/Zn gradient from a brassworks, reflected the water concentration of Cu (1·0–9·4 ppb) and Zn (0·56–59 ppb). Significant correlations were found between hepatic Cu and MT levels (r = 0·72), and between Zn and MT levels (r = 0·69). There was an increase of the amount of Cu and Zn in the cytosolic fraction of the liver with increased hepatic levels of the metals. When liver samples. from perch caught at the most contaminated location, were run on a gel filtration column (Sephadex G-75) 78% of the cytosolic Cu and 24% of the Zn in the cytosol eluted together with MT.  相似文献   

Intermsoftheresearchingermplasmandgeneticsofmarineanimals,Chinaseemsquiteweakincomparisonwithotherdevelopedcountries,fortherelevantresearchprogramswereonlyinitiatedinthe1980's.Inrecentyears,moreattentionhasbeendrawntothegermplasmsourcesofmarinevaluableanimalsandsomeresearchprogramshavebeenplannedorundertakeninChina.Abroad,thetechniquessuchaselectrophoresispatternsofisoenzym,RAPDandRFLPhavebeenappliedtotherelevantstudiesongeneticvariationandevolutionaryrelationshipswithinagroupofPenaeidshri…  相似文献   

Since 2015, green tides with Ulva prolifera as the dominant species in the Qinhuangdao coastal waters have continued to occur. In this study, the relationship between green tides in Qinhuangdao and the Yellow Sea (setting sites in Rudong and Qingdao) was evaluated by genetic analyses of U. prolifera. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers were used to analyze genetic diversity and genetic relationships among groups. Genetic differentiation was lower among floating U. prolifera populations in Rudong and Qingdao than in Qinhuangdao. The floating U. prolifera population had higher genetic diversity and polymorphism levels in Qingdao and Rudong than in Qinhuangdao. Physiological experiments showed that the growth rate and net buoyancy of floating U. prolifera were highest in Qinhuangdao and Qingdao, respectively, under the same environmental conditions (temperature and light). Overall, these findings showed that U. prolifera populations in the Qinhuangdao and Yellow Sea green tides (Rudong and Qingdao) differ significantly at the molecular and physiological levels. Therefore, the Qinhuangdao green tide is not correlated with the Yellow Sea green tide and has a different origin and development mode. This study provides insight into the mechanism underlying green tide blooms in coastal waters of China.  相似文献   

Biochemicalgeneticstructureandidentificationofhairtailfish(Trichiurus)populationsinChinesecoastalwaters¥WangKeling;ZhangPeiju...  相似文献   

The bivalve Spisula subtruncata is usually abundant in shallow coastal waters along the Dutch coast. However, its biomass has been decreasing since 1995. In order to assess whether reproductive failure may be the cause of the observed decline over the last decades, the energy investment in reproduction of a population of S. subtruncata from central Dutch coastal waters was studied. The population studied consisted of individuals of up to four years old. Shell length reached maximum values of around 32 mm and individual total body, somatic and gonadal ash-free dry mass reached maximum values of about 278 mg AFDM, 252 mg AFDM and 76 mg AFDM, respectively. A clear seasonal cycle in somatic and gonadal mass was observed. Somatic and gonadal mass indices increased in early spring and reached maximum values during summer, followed by a decrease to minimum values at the beginning of the following year. Spawning was in June–July and settlement of spat seems to have occurred in July–August. Mean oocyte diameter was 57.43 ± 0.03 μm, corresponding to a volume of 98972 μm3. These results suggested that reproductive failure was not the cause of the current population decline. Most likely, unsuccessful settlement of spat and/or severe predation during the first months of life were responsible for the observed patterns.  相似文献   

福建南部沿海的江豚   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在闽南厦门至漳浦沿海获22只江豚,根据背部棘状小结节的数量与分布,可明显分为两个亚种,即指名亚种(N.P.Phocaenoides,81%)和北方亚种(N.P.Sunameri,19%),表明本海域是几个亚种的混栖地带,分析了这些江豚的外部形态和种群结构,测定了脂肪层及各内脏的重量.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were identified and measured in surface seawater and in the tissues (gills and mantle) of indigenous black mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis, collected from three coastal sites of Saronikos Gulf (Greece), a gulf that exhibits high levels of pollution. The total PAHs measured by spectrofluorometry in the surface seawater were found in the range of 425–459 ng L−1 at the most polluted sites 1 and 2 (Elefsis Bay–Salamis Island) and in the range of 103–124 ng L−1 at site 3 (Aegina Island). PAHs' sources in seawater were identified by application of specific PAH ratios, such as phenanthrene/anthracene and fluoranthene/pyrene. Levels of PAHs in soft tissues (gills and mantle) of indigenous mussels were much higher than those reported for seawater. Total PAH concentrations in mantle tissues were in the range of 1300–1800 ng g−1 dry weight (dw) tissue at sites 1 and 2 and approximately 380 ng g−1 dw at site 3. In gill tissues total PAH concentrations were in the range of 1480–2400 ng g−1 dw at sites 1 and 2 and approximately 430 ng g−1 dw at site 3. PAHs composition was dominated by two-, three- and four-ring compounds in seawater, where 17 different PAH compounds were identified and measured in mussel tissues. Mussels can be used as sentinel organisms to monitoring PAHs' contamination, since they concentrate PAHs from the surrounding water media and therefore making the chemical analysis simpler and less prone to error than that for water. In surface seawater possible weathering and photodegradation due to hot climates contribute to reduced PAHs concentrations.  相似文献   

作者根据长期调查研究,分析了大黄鱼(Larimichthys crocea)和日本带鱼(Trichiurus japonicus)群体数量变动的因果关系,并提出了加强我国海洋渔业资源科学监管的建议:(1)正确划分大黄鱼和带鱼地理种群及其产卵群体,为资源繁殖保护提供参考依据;(2)修订若干《渔业法》条款,重新审定《官井洋大黄鱼繁殖保护区管理规定》;(3)充分合理开发利用闽东渔场近海岛屿周边海域,并且采用抗风浪升降式圆柱形深水养殖网箱养殖大黄鱼;建立内湾性官井洋大黄鱼海洋牧场渔业基地,并新建中国著名舟山渔场大黄鱼繁殖保护区;(4)继续加强大黄鱼原种场建设,大力开展大黄鱼良种选育研究,每年提供大批量野生大黄鱼人工培育的原种子一代幼鱼进行增殖放流;(5)巩固和扩大伏季休渔效果,全年禁止违法而严重损害带鱼幼鱼资源的各种张网作业;(6)以法治渔,加快制定符合于我国实情的海洋渔业科学监管的有效措施.  相似文献   

Dab (Limanda limanda) were sampled from a number of polluted and unpolluted areas in British coastal waters. The 32P-postlabelling assay was used to analyse the level of aromatic/hydrophobic DNA adducts in pooled samples of liver tissue. The mean levels of DNA adducts detected from areas known to receive anthropogenic pollutants ranged from 4.0 to 26.8 adducts per 10(8) nucleotides, with all sites containing samples displaying DNA adduct profiles consisting of diagonal radioactive zones. In contrast no DNA adducts were detectable in samples from an unpolluted reference site. The ranking of polluted sites based on DNA adduct levels did not correspond with the ranking of sites based on sediment associated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon levels, highlighting the problem of linking the presence of contamination with detectable biological responses. No correlation could be found in this study between EROD activity and the level of DNA adducts.  相似文献   

根据秋(2016年10月)、冬(2017年1月)、春(2017年5月)和夏(2017年8月)4个季节在山东近海的底拖网调查数据,对高眼鲽(Cleisthenes herzensteini)种群结构和资源分布的季节差异进行研究。结果表明,高眼鲽的平均体长在秋、冬季较大,而平均体质量则在夏、秋季较大。当体长大于15 cm时,体质量呈现较大的季节变化,体质量增长率在夏季最大。采用von Bertalanffy生长方程表示其生长特性,生长参数L为37.85 cm、K为0.28、t0为−0.57。通过Pauly经验公式求得高眼鲽的自然死亡系数为0.54。体长转换的渔获曲线求得总死亡系数为1.69,进而求得现阶段的捕捞死亡系数为1.15,开发率高达68.05%,并求得开捕年龄为1.48龄,开捕体长为12.68 cm。年龄组成为1~5龄,其中1龄与2龄个体分别占总数的45.15%与40.23%。各季节中,只有夏季样品的雌雄性比与1∶1差异显著(p<0.05),且雌性的数量显著多于雄性。50%性成熟体长为22.35 cm,性成熟比例和平均性成熟系数最高的季节出现在夏季。高眼鲽主要分布在底层水温为6.45~19.06℃、底层盐度为31.82~33.10和50 m等深线以深的海域,其平均渔获量在秋季远多于其他季节,在冬季陡然下降,随后缓慢上升。山东近海高眼鲽显现出体长分布狭窄、饵料条件恶化、产卵期延迟和过度捕捞等现象,休渔期前后资源量变化剧烈。  相似文献   

The rotatory-flow technique was applied to cod, Gadus morrhua L., from different regions of Scandinavia. Fish from three area (Vikanes, Norway and Kristineberg and Gårdby, Sweden) in which the water is relatively unpolluted did not differ significantly as to the mean reaction quotient. Experiments to determine the fitness of cod from the Kristineberg and Stenungsund areas were conducted during a 29-month period. The mean reaction quotients for Stenungsund cod were significantly lower than those for Kristineberg cod for all the experiments except for the final tests conducted during November, 1975. They did not vary inversely to the amounts of monomethyl mercury, PCB and DDT analysed in the trunk muscles of tested specimens.In order to determine the effect of these toxic compounds on the efficiency of the fish from Kristineberg, cod were treated with sublethal doses given by oral intubation. A significant decrease in the reaction quotients was obtained with the lowest level of DDT used (1 ppm), the decreases in the reaction quotients being linearly correlated (r = 0·60) with the amount of DDT in the muscle tissue (mean value 0·36 ppm wet tissue). For PCB and mercury the corresponding mean levels in muscles were 1·8 and 1·5 ppm, respectively. These amounts are about 10, 30 and 75 times greater, respectively, than those found in the Stenungsund cod. It is, however, doubtful whether the distribution of the toxicants within the fish body corresponded to that occurring in the sea.  相似文献   

基于线粒体控制区序列和SLAF-seq,对重要药源生物多室草苔虫的群体遗传分化水平开展了研究。控制区序列中检测到8个单倍型,单倍型多样性(h)和核苷酸多样性(π)分别为0.130 7和0.000 7,单倍型网络图和NJ系统进化树的结构都较简单,无明显拓扑结构。中性检验和核苷酸不配对分析结果均表明多室草苔虫未经历过大规模群体扩张。Fst和AMOVA分析显示遗传变异主要来自于群体内。SLAF建库共开发得到214 409个SLAF标签,其中多态性SLAF标签23 437个,共开发出99 432个SNP位点。群体间的遗传距离较小,且低于群体内的遗传距离。基于SNP所做的系统发育树和群体遗传结构分析表明,各群体之间没有显著的遗传结构。综上所述,我国沿海多室草苔虫的遗传多样性水平较低,不同地理群体之间不存在显著的遗传结构。多室草苔虫较强的扩散能力是造成上述结果的主要原因。另外,本研究还验证和讨论了SLAF-seq应用在海洋生物群体遗传分化研究中的可行性和优势。  相似文献   

Harmful algal blooms often occurred in the East China Sea (ECS) and the German coastal waters of the North Sea but Karlodinium veneficum had not been taxonomically reported. Two strains of Karlodinium (LAMB090611 and LAMB010601) were isolated from the two areas in 2009. The morphological characteristics and molecular phylogeny of two strains are compared on the basis of observation of a light microscope, a scanning electron microscope (SEM), a laser scanning micro-scope (LSM) and an internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence data. The mean cell length of strain LAMB090611 is (14.2 ± 1.8) μm (range 11.1-18.7 μm) and mean width is (10.8 ± 1.5) μm (range 8.2- 14.7 μm). The mean cell length of strain LAMB010601 is (15.1 ± 1.2) μm (range 12.7-17.9 μm) and the mean width is (11.4 ± 1.1) μm (range 9.1-14.7 μm), respectively. The two strains are similar in morphological characteristics, including a straight apical groove, distinct ventral pore, sulcal extension, cingulum displacement, two or four irregular shaped chloroplasts within the cell and almost equal sized epicone and hypocone. The large and round nucleus is located at the center or at the hypocone of the cell. The sequence length of the ECS strain LAMB090611 and the German strain LAMB010601 is 640 and 646 bp, respectively. The GC content is 49%. The nucleotide similarity of the two strains is 98.1%. The sequence divergence is 0.003. Both strains are confirmed as Karlo-dinium veneficum (D. Ballantine) J. Larsen and this is the first taxonomic report from China and Germany coastal waters. The population dynamics of this toxic species in the ECS and German coastal waters needs to be investigated in the near future.  相似文献   

从胶州湾污染区域的沉积物样品中筛选获得1株对重金属元素反应敏感的菌株,经鉴定为灰黄青霉(Penicillium griseofulvum),对该菌株在重金属胁迫下的生物学特征及酶的活性变化进行了研究,结果表明,一定量的重金属铜、锌离子对菌株产生显著的影响,并通过形态与色素变化的方式表现出来。当培养基中Cu2+浓度为125 mg/dm3,Zn2+浓度为800 mg/dm3时,孢子萌发会完全受到抑制,同时菌丝也发生严重变异。菌株色素随着Cu2+浓度的增加呈现从灰绿色到浅黄色的颜色变化,随着Zn2+浓度的增加呈现从灰绿色到白色的颜色变化。在菌株生长的离子浓度范围内,一定量的Cu2+浓度能提高CAT,GOD酶的活性作用,在Cu2+浓度为25 mg/dm3时活性作用最强;在25~75 mg/dm3时,随着Cu2+浓度的增加,活性作用逐渐减弱,浓度增加至100 mg/dm3时菌丝不能生长。Cu2+对菌体金属硫蛋白的影响不规则。在Zn2+浓度为100~400 mg/dm3的培养基中,CAT,GOD酶和金属硫蛋白的活性作用随着Zn2+浓度的增加逐渐增强,在Zn2+浓度为400 mg/dm3时酶和金属硫蛋白活性达到最强。Zn2+浓度增加至600 mg/dm3时,菌株不能生长。  相似文献   

以荣成沿海羊栖菜(Sargassum fuiforme(Harv)Okam)资源周年调查资料为依据,简单论述了羊栖菜的生态习性及其生长及繁殖规律;阐述了荣成沿海羊栖菜资源的分布及变化情况;分析了荣成沿海羊栖菜资源衰退的原因;提出了恢复、保护与科学开发利用羊栖菜资源的措施和建议.  相似文献   

The concentration changes of 12 metals (As, Hg, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Pb, Mn, Ni, V, Zn, Fe, and Hg) in the soft tissues of Tapes philippinarum during growth were investigated. Clams were seeded in two contaminated areas of the Venice lagoon (San Giuliano and Fusina) and in an area of the Marano lagoon (Lignano Sabbiadoro) close to the clam-farm where the seed was produced. Metal trends were very different according to the considered element, the study site and the growth period.Arsenic was always higher in clam tissues than in surface sediments and suspended particles in all the three stations. Mercury, Cd and Cu were higher in the clams from Marano and Fusina but not in those from San Giuliano. Zinc and Co in clams exceeded the concentrations in the sediment and suspended particles only at Marano. The other elements (Cr, Pb, Mn, Ni, and Fe) were always higher in SPM and sediments. In general metal concentrations in clams were more highly correlated to concentrations in the suspended particles rather than in the surface sediments and in suspended clams rather than in bottom clams, nevertheless significant differences between stations and contaminants were found. Metal concentrations in clams were always lower than the European regulatory limits.  相似文献   

共生藻属( Symbiodinium)主要指一类与无脊椎动物或原生生物共生的甲藻,是热带和亚热带海洋生态系统常见物种.本研究从中国沿海和一艘停靠在厦门港的货轮压舱水中分离出了4株贪食共生藻(Symbiodinium voratum).贪食共生藻运动细胞较小(长9.7±1.3 μm,宽8.7±0.9 μm) ,能够产生不...  相似文献   

海水养殖鱼类寄生新本尼登虫的RAPD分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
近年来福建、广东等水产养殖海区频频暴发急性寄生虫流行病,调研和相关研究表明梅氏新本尼登虫(Neobenedenia melleni,MacCallum,1927)是其主要病源.该虫分布广泛,寄主特异性低,在多种鱼类上均可寄生,致病力强[1],常引发鱼类严重感染和并发感染,甚至导致严重的死亡,影响着海水养殖业的健康发展.迄今为止,从分子生物学方面入手,研究本尼登虫的遗传变异、分子分类等尚未见报道.  相似文献   

浮游植物是水体生态系统中的重要初级生产者,其中硅藻贡献海洋初级生产力约40%,因此估算硅藻浓度对了解海洋生物地球化学过程和生态系统演变至关重要。本文基于2016年6月黄渤海和2018年7月黄渤海航次实测色素浓度数据集,利用CHEMTAX软件,获取硅藻浓度信息;之后,结合实测遥感反射率数据,利用奇异值分解方法,构建硅藻浓度反演模型。检验结果表明:模型的决定系数为0.80(p<0.001),平均绝对百分比误差和中值误差分别为58.62%和39.12%,模型适用度较高;经过卫星验证,该模型适用于GOCI(Geostationary Ocean Color Imager)传感器。将模型应用于2020年6月份GOCI月平均数据,其硅藻浓度空间分布趋势与前人研究一致。本研究成果可为近海水体硅藻生物量的遥感估算研究提供技术方法支撑。  相似文献   

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