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“大分流”相关学说异彩纷呈、数家争鸣的背后,实质均是通过构建自身话语体系对“西方中心论”的质疑和挑战。从历史实践看,工业革命始终是中西方经济发展的分水岭,而手工业作为工业革命的先声,均曾在中西方历史上大放异彩。7—14世纪中国和西欧由于农业资源禀赋的差异,形成了各自的优势手工行业——丝织业和呢绒业。就发展逻辑而言,中西方均展现出分工不断细化(由行业内分工向劳动分工发展)、产品市场关联增强的特点,但中国主要是官府需求推动并存在于官营手工工场,西欧则是由市场发展分化而来且广泛分布于城市及郊区作坊工场;中国受“施坚雅模式”层级市场影响,丝织产地之间缺乏竞争意识,西欧面对共同的区域或海外市场形成佛兰德斯、意大利和英格兰相互竞争的呢绒产业格局。分工层次和产地竞争的路径依赖殊异明显,隐喻了工业革命后中西方经济发展的“大分流”。  相似文献   

中亚五国是我国西出的首站,是参与丝绸之路经济带建设的重要国家,中国与中亚的贸易投资合作直接关系到我国地缘经济空间的拓展,对“一带一路”建设意义重大。本文从地缘经济和区域经济合作的角度,运用统计分析和比较分析的方法,研究比较了中亚五国经济总量的发展变化,中亚五国的贸易环境及其与中国贸易的成效,以及中亚五国的营商环境和中国对中亚各国投资的成效。主要结论如下:中亚国家的贸易投资环境总体处于较低水平,仍需得到进一步改善;中国对中亚不同国家的贸易和投资呈同向发展的趋势;中国与中亚国家正在形成能源资源进口与民用品出口的格局;中国对中亚国家的贸易投资不平衡,呈现出国别差异较大、个别行业分布过于集中的特点,可能会加大中国对中亚国家贸易投资的风险。为进一步提升双方合作,提出以下建议:提高区域贸易投资便利化水平;因国施策,进一步发挥各方潜力,扩大贸易投资规模;促进区域经济的均衡可持续发展;鼓励双向投资,提高贸易投资的广度和深度,与中亚共同构建更加合理的区域贸易投资体系。  相似文献   

环境质量与健康休戚相关,现今经济发展所带来的环境污染问题使人体健康受到不同程度的威胁。近几年,持续的雾霾天气让大气污染问题成为了社会热议的焦点,对正常的社会生产生活秩序造成影响的同时也对人体健康造成了极大危害。大气污染是指由于人类活动及自然过程中产生的某些物质释放到大气层,当达到一定时间和强度时,危害到人类健康、生活、生产等各方面的现象,它对人体主要会造成呼吸系统及肺功能与免疫功能的影响危害。国内外一系列的研究表明,有些低浓度的大气污染都可以引发人体的健康反应。为此,本文以大气污染为例,选取《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》为分析样本,运用内容分析法,基于Strauss与Corbin的程序化型扎根理论来构建政策分析框架、划定分析单元、编码分类、统计描述、交互分析等,对《大气污染防治法》从基本政策工具与大气环境承载力评价两个维度进行计量与分析,深入剖析大气污染防治政策工具的缺失与冲突。经研究认为,大气质量法制政策和污染控制较多地运用环境型政策工具,生态思维和大气质量更多地运用供给型与环境型政策工具,而社会协调则主要运用环境型政策工具。根据研究结果,本文指出《大气污染防治法》未来的修正路向,以期为大气污染防治政策的优化完善提供政策指引与技术支持。  相似文献   

Increasing Chinese urbanization and industrialization has prompted greater attention to the study of human settlement and the human-land relationship in the fields of geography, architecture, and urban planning. We used bibliometric methods and statistical software to review 180 articles on human settlement in 16 Chinese geographical journals. We found that Chinese geographical human settlement research is characterized by the following:(1) Most research focuses on human settlement extension, valuation indicators, models for urban and rural settlements, theoretical exploration and the planning practices of single-factor, human settlement and complex, geographical livability in macro-scale, urban settlement differentiation and ideal patterns in medium scale, the comprehensive evaluation of settlement environment, and the planning of community units in micro-scale, community settlements; socio-cultural investigation and warnings about advancing human settlement.(2) No progress has been made in synthesizing and integrating method systems. PSR models and DPSIR models are used for targeting mechanisms, while the standard settlement evaluation system was composed of physical economic indicators by questionnaire surveys. On the other hand, spatial clustering based on GIS has been a frequent focus in recent years. Pioneering research on human settlement and theoretical systems within the context of China's urbanization and industrialization will provide guidance on the sustainability of Chinese cities and regions. The following five aspects require greater attention:(1) Natural suitability research on human settlement, and a survey of human settlement demands to reflect the range of different demands concerning ecologically suitable settlements in urban environments, the corresponding valuation indicators, systems, and evolution, and the impact of the residents' socio-economic attributes.(2) Spatial-temporal evaluation and sustainability research on urban and rural human settlement at various scales, focusing on evolution and spatial differen-tiation at various scales such as city clusters and comparisons between cities, within the cities and communities.(3) Development of theory and technology for human settlement evolution research, including detection technology and methods, data mining measures, and forecasting and emulation of regional and urban human settlement evolution processes, mechanisms and patterns.(4) Research on the control of human settlement that focuses on optimization, patterns, and policies for effective management and development.(5) Estimating the human settlement system service value and establishing suitable human settlement systems, including social, economic, cultural and ecological service values.  相似文献   

Resource-dependent cities are cities whose economic development depends on the exploitation and processing of natural resources. Their transformation and sustainable development are an important area of research on regional industrial development, regional economy and urban development. Since the Chinese government launched a pilot project to transform resource-dependent cities, starting with Fuxin in Liaoning Province in 2001, accurately identifying and classifying China's resource-dependent cities has become a focus of geographical research. Based on previous studies, this paper uses the theory and methods of urban function classification to analyze indicators and threshold values for identifying and classifying resource-dependent cities. It has thus identified 262 cities as being resource-dependent. Looking at the development levels, problems, characteristics and developmental direction of such cities, this paper attempts to establish a comprehensive analytical framework using the two evaluation indicators of resource security and sustainable development. It also creates a model to classify the 262 cities identified as resource-dependent cities into four types: growing cities, mature cities, declining cities and regenerating cities. The different connotations and characteristics of the city types were then analyzed. The results of this research support the delineation of scopes and categories of resource-dependent cities set out in the National Sustainable Development Plan for Resource-Dependent Cities published by the State Council, and they serve as a foundation for formulating policies on planning, classification and guidance.  相似文献   

As the main sites of urban residents' recreational activity in a mass leisure era, urban public recreational space(UPRS) is the primary component of urban public spatial systems. To satisfy current demands for the construction of livable cities and to meet the challenges of UPRS development in an urbanizing context, a scientific and systematic review of the latest developments in UPRS research is important for developing this field. Based on 1264 papers from the China National Knowledge Internet and the Web of Science from 1985 to 2018, this study examined research developments on UPRS in China. Through a quantitative literature analysis, we divided UPRS-related research in China into three stages of development: the starting period(1985–2000), the growth period(2001–2009), and the consolidation period(2010–2018). Next, we identified nine "hot" research topics on UPRS and reviewed developments in each of these. These topics were the classification of UPRS, spatial structure and layout, comprehensive evaluation, planning and development, the impacts of UPRS development, spatial–temporal evolution laws and mechanisms, space imagery features, sustainable utilization, and governmental decision making on UPRS. We also systematically reviewed the research methods and spatial scales used in UPRS-related studies in China. In response to deficiencies in existing research, we put forward several suggestions regarding future research: Chinese UPRS studies should focus on basic theoretical research; construct a new research system that accounts for Chinese characteristics, based on interdisciplinary and multilevel spatial integration; develop a humanistic philosophy and build management systems for UPRS that can lead to the development of world-class cities based on a global vision.  相似文献   

环境污染、食品安全与健康之间紧密相连,解决食品安全问题应以公众健康为中心,加强源头治理。如何突破"环境-食品-健康"跨部门间的信息壁垒,实现数据的有效流动和资源的高效利用,助力食品安全协同治理,将成为我国健康医疗大数据时代的重要发展路径。针对相关部门掌握的信息资源存在"烟囱"效应,缺乏有效衔接等问题,本研究以"环境-食品-健康"链为主线,对相关部门信息资源进行梳理,发现其中存在的问题,提出了加强顶层设计、建立统一数据标准、建立大数据共享平台、加强复合型人才培养等措施。  相似文献   

在中国经济发展"新三步走"战略背景下,本文采用逆向追踪法,以石油、煤炭、天然气三种主要一次能源消耗为研究对象,消除在能源转化过程中因地区科技水平不同造成的影响,通过改进IPAT模型,对2050年前中国人均碳排放在三种经济发展情境假设下进行分析预测。结果表明:中国人均碳排放峰值随经济发展情境不同将分别在2020和2030年出现,人均碳排放量将达到2.0127-2.6791 t;峰值出现前人均碳排放量将以每年2.25%-3.40%的速度增长,之后会以每年1.33%-1.78%的速度降低。至2050年,人均碳排放量将减少为1.3147-1.8817 t。本研究为中国未来碳排放政策的制定以及国际碳排放权限的划定提供了方法与数据支持。  相似文献   

Land expansion of mountain cities in China is not systematically studied yet.This study identified 55 major mountain cities at and above prefecture level,and analyzed the land expansion characteristics and driving forces,based on visually interpreted data from TM images in 1990,2000,2010 and 2015.From 1990 to 2015,total built-up land area of the mountain cities increased by 3.87 times,5.56%per year.The urban land growth was apparently accelerated after 2000,from 4.35%per year during 1990–2000 increased to 6.47%during 2000–2010 and 6.2%during 2010–2015.Compared to the urban population growth,the urban land expansion rate was 44% higher.As a result,the urban land area per capita increased,but it was still within the government control target,and also was much lower than the average of all cities in China.Urban development policy,changes to administrative divisions,GDP and population growth,and road construction were identified as the major driving forces of land expansion.Terrain conditions were not found a relevance to the urban land expansion rate during 1990–2015,but had a significant impact on the layout and shape,and also probably on the urban land efficiency.  相似文献   

With rapid globalization, industrial parks are playing an increasingly important role in the national and regional development. Since the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI) was put forward, national-level overseas industrial parks of China have emerged with new development features and trends. It is of great importance to carry out a comparative study on domestic and overseas industrial parks of China. Based on the perspective of spatiotemporal evolution, this paper compares and analyzes national-level overseas industrial parks along the Belt and Road(BR) and domestic industrial parks of China. In time, China's industrial parks have experienced four stages with distinctive state-led characteristic. There are different development paths and modes for overseas industrial parks along the BR and domestic industrial parks. In space, the national-level overseas industrial parks are invested and constructed by Chinese enterprises(mostly from the coastal developed cities), and mainly distributed in the countries along the BR. Through typical cases comparison of Thai-Chinese Rayong Industrial Zone and Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area, the paper finds that national-level overseas industrial parks are basically market-driven and concentrated in traditional advantageous industries, while domestic industrial parks are mainly government-led high-tech industries. Localization of overseas industrial parks and remote coupling with domestic industrial parks become very important.  相似文献   

中国“土地生态安全”与“土地生态风险”研究比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献分析法,从概念、评价方法和研究内容等3方面对中国土地生态安全和土地生态风险研究进行了比较。研究发现:(1)土地生态安全和土地生态风险的概念既有联系又有区别,两者的联系在于对土地生态问题的关注,研究的根本目的也是统一的;土地生态安全注重土地生态系统的健康状况,而生态系统风险把土地利用活动看作土地生态系统遭受威胁的风险源,关注出现安全问题的可能性及其后果;(2)对于土地生态风险评价和土地生态风险评价,两者的区别关键在于指标体系的选择,而不是数学模型的应用。(3)在研究内容上,目前侧重于土地生态安全和土地生态风险的评价研究,且多重复性工作,对评价结果的应用研究较少。建议加强土地生态安全和土地生态风险的机理和应用研究。  相似文献   

中国短时间内大规模的高铁建设对城市可达性和连通性产生了巨大影响。随着“流空间”理论的兴起,高铁建设对城市网络的影响更值得关注。基于此,本文采用2007—2014年历年高铁列车频次全样本数据,通过构建高铁节点优势度指数、高铁线路强度指数、熵指数等定量分析模型,试图探讨基于高铁列车频次的中国城市网络结构及其变化。结果表明:随着高铁网络的空间扩展,城市之间的连通性不断加强,城市网络层级结构逐渐均质化演变;基于高铁网络的中国城市体系结构趋向于多中心化;长三角地区的高铁网络相较于其他地区更加完善。  相似文献   

基于联合国商贸数据库中2011—2018年相关数据,从出口规模、产品结构、产品比较优势及出口竞争优势等角度对中国与"一带一路"沿线主要国家的木质林产品国际竞争力及其主要影响因素进行研究。结果表明:中国木质林产品国际竞争力整体处于较低水平,虽然出口规模上占据绝对优势,但在产品结构、产品比较优势及出口竞争力等方面处于相对弱势,"大而不强"仍是我国木质林产品贸易发展面临的突出问题。木质林产品竞争力主要受贸易开放程度、贸易便利化水平及森林资源禀赋水平等因素影响。  相似文献   

采用2007-2018年的PCT专利合作数据,基于“一带一路”视角,分段刻画城市技术合作网络的拓扑结构、空间格局及其时空演化,利用负二项回归方法分析其演化的邻近性机理,结果表明:①拓扑结构方面,网络整体规模经历了从“规模扩大”到“联系增强”的演化过程,中国城市逐渐占据网络的核心层级.②空间格局方面,“一带一路”城市之间...  相似文献   

在世界旅游大发展和全球一体化过程中,中国各区域的旅游吸引力、政策、营销等的不同引起入境旅游结构发生变化,从而引起中国入境旅游的时空格局不断发生变化。将中国分为八大旅游区域,采用偏移份额模型分析世界各大洲入境客源市场在八大旅游区域的结构效应和空间效应,试图阐述在中国旅游进程加快过程中入境旅游变迁的内在规律。结果表明:①1996—2010年来自各大洲的入境游客量在全国八大旅游区板块都表现为不断增长的趋势。2011—2013年入境游客量下滑,究其原因与中国旅游发展的内外部因素都有关,但总之中国入境旅游发展由不成熟及不稳定变得不断成熟起来。②总体来说,1996—2013年全国各区域入境旅游客源结构得到改善,但是北部沿海地区、南部沿海地区入境客源结构有恶化趋势,大西南地区自2005年以来入境旅游结构较差,大西北地区结构不稳定。③1996年以来,区域性增长速度差别越来越小。另外,中国各区域旅游成熟度和开放性在加强,各旅游区域的地理聚集性越来越差,中国八大旅游区域的各大洲入境旅游从偏好于某一区域向全国分散旅游趋势转化,分散旅游成为趋势。  相似文献   

基于GDELT事件数据,采用语气指数、事件频率、事件记忆性、语气均衡度、核密度估计等方法,定量分析2013―2019年东盟关于中国事件的态度,探讨冲突事件空间演化特征,追踪事件并构建事件关系网络。结论:东盟关于中国的报道以合作事件为主;东盟冲突事件语气均衡度相对离散,半月周期内合作、冲突事件对同类事件发生有正向影响,季度内冲突事件会得到改善;东盟风险格局由大事件主导、局部事件补充形成,演化趋向简洁化;合作事件以领导人会谈为主,司法交流、基建合作、国际援助等多类型合作并存,冲突事件以南海争端为主,边境安全、境外犯罪、恐怖袭击等亦有重要影响;菲律宾、缅甸是关键国家节点,东盟对中国主要作用途径有:菲、老、印、柬领导人会谈,菲、越、印领土主权问题,缅甸边境风险等。中国应重视长期布局与东盟的合作关系,加强政府间合作框架设计与战略对接,强化次区域合作,推动南海合作新机制发展,针对性防范各国突出风险。  相似文献   

沈山  魏中胤  仇方道  胡庭浩 《地理科学》2021,41(8):1448-1457
基于GDELT事件数据,采用语气指数、事件频率、事件记忆性、语气均衡度、核密度估计等方法,定量分析 2013―2019 年东盟关于中国事件的态度,探讨冲突事件空间演化特征,追踪事件并构建事件关系网络。结论:东盟关于中国的报道以合作事件为主;东盟冲突事件语气均衡度相对离散,半月周期内合作、冲突事件对同类事件发生有正向影响,季度内冲突事件会得到改善;东盟风险格局由大事件主导、局部事件补充形成,演化趋向简洁化;合作事件以领导人会谈为主,司法交流、基建合作、国际援助等多类型合作并存,冲突事件以南海争端为主,边境安全、境外犯罪、恐怖袭击等亦有重要影响;菲律宾、缅甸是关键国家节点,东盟对中国主要作用途径有:菲、老、印、柬领导人会谈,菲、越、印领土主权问题,缅甸边境风险等。中国应重视长期布局与东盟的合作关系,加强政府间合作框架设计与战略对接,强化次区域合作,推动南海合作新机制发展,针对性防范各国突出风险。  相似文献   

2009年4月18~19日,由中国地理学会主办,教育部人文社科重点研究基地河南大学黄河文明与可持续发展研究中心、河南大学环境与规划学院承办的"全球金融危机背景下的中国城市与区域管理"学术研讨会在开封成功举行.  相似文献   

图像系统、课文系统、作业系统共同组成了地理教科书的表层系统。图像系统不仅能够彰显地理学科特色,而且在培养学生地理素养方面具有不可替代的作用。地理教科书图像系统在组织编写中会受到政治、经济和文化的影响,受到科技水平、教育制度及学科发展的制约,并在不同程度上表现出特定历史时代的印记。本文选取新中国建国前(1904--1948)具有代表性的初中地理教科书中的图像系统为样本,通过对其编写社会背景、总体特征以及各类图像的详解等研究。  相似文献   

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