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The present study aims to explain the spatial and temporal variability in phases of aggradation/incision in response to changes in climate and seismicity during the late Quaternary in the Alaknanda River valley (a major tributary of the river Ganges or Ganga). Geomorphology, stratigraphy and optical dating of the fluvial sediment reveal that the oldest fluvial landforms preserved in the south of the Main Central Thrust are debris flow terraces developed during the early part of pluvial Marine Isotopic Stage 3. Following this, a period of accelerated incision/erosion owing to an increase in uplift rate and more intense rainfall occurred. In the Lesser Himalaya, three phases of valley fill aggradation around 26 ± 3 ka, 18 ± 2 ka and 15 ± 1 ka and 8 ± 1 ka occurred in response to changes in monsoon intensity and sediment flux. The last phase was regionally extensive and corresponds to a strengthening of the early Holocene Indian Summer Monsoon. A gradual decline in the monsoon strength after 8 ± 1 ka resulted in reduced fluvial discharge and lower sediment transport capacity of the Alaknanda River, leading to valley fill incision and the development of terraces. The study suggests that fluvial dynamics in the Alaknanda valley were modulated by monsoon variability and the role of tectonics was subordinate, limited to providing accommodation space and post‐deposition modification of the fluvial landforms. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Lesser Himalayan low- to medium-grade metamorphic rocks in central Nepal are rich in K-white micas occurring as porphyroclasts and in matrix defining S1 and S2. Porphyroclasts are usually zoned with celadonite-poor cores and celadonite-rich rims. The cores are the relics of igneous or high grade metamorphic muscovites, and the rims were re-equilibrated or overgrown under lower T metamorphic conditions. The matrix K-white micas defining S1, pre-dating the Main Central Thrust activity, are generally celadonite-rich. They show heterogeneous compositional zoning with celadonite-rich cores and celadonite-poor rims. They were recrystallized at lower T condition prior to the Main Central Thrust activity, most probably prior to the India–Asia collision (pre-Himalayan metamorphism). The matrix K-white micas along S2, synchronous to the Main Central Thrust activity (Neohimalayan metamorphism), are relatively celadonite-poor and were recrystallized under relatively higher T condition. K-white micas defining S1 also were partially re-equilibrated during the Neohimalayan metamorphism. The average compositions of recrystallized K-white micas defining both S1 and S2 become gradually poor in (Fe + Mg)- and Si-contents and rich in Al- and Ti-contents from south to north showing an increase of metamorphic grade from structurally lower to higher parts in the Lesser Himalaya. This shows that the metamorphism is inverted throughout the inner Lesser Himalaya. The tectono-metamorphic significance of the published K–Ar and 40Ar / 39Ar K-white micas ages from the Lesser Himalaya need re-evaluation in the context of observed intrasample compositional variation and zoning, and possible higher closure temperature (500 °C) for K–Ar system.  相似文献   

A palaeomagnetic study has been carried out in the Tethyan Himalaya (TH; the northern margin of Greater India). Twenty-six palaeomagnetic sites have been sampled in Triassic low-grade metasediments of western Dolpo. Two remanent components have been identified. A pyrrhotite component, characterized by unblocking temperatures of 270–335 °C, yields an in situ mean direction of D=191.7°, I=−30.9° (k=29.5, α95=5.7°, N=23 sites). The component fails the fold test at the 99% confidence level (kin situ/kbed=6.9) and is therefore of postfolding origin. For reason of the low metamorphic grade, this pyrrhotite magnetization is believed to be of thermo-chemical origin. Geochronological data and inclination matching indicate an acquisition age around 35 Ma. The second remanence component has higher unblocking temperatures (>400 °C and up to 500–580 °C range) and resides in magnetite. A positive fold test and comparison with expected Triassic palaeomagnetic directions suggest a primary origin.The postfolding character of the pyrrhotite component, and its interpreted age of remanence acquisition, implies that the main Himalayan folding is older than 35 Ma in the western Dolpo area. This study also suggests that the second metamorphic event (Neo-Himalayan) was more significant in the Dolpo area than the first (Eo-Himalayan) one.A clockwise rotation of 10–15° is inferred from the pyrrhotite component, which is compatible with oroclinal bending and/or rotational underthrusting models. This rotation is also supported by the magnetite component, indicating that no rotation of the Tethyan Himalaya relative to India took place before 35 Ma.  相似文献   

张成琦  李育  周雪花  王岳 《冰川冻土》2015,37(1):95-108
湖泊沉积物中矿物组合是古气候环境研究的敏感性指标之一, 充分认识湖泊沉积物中各类矿物组合类型、沉积过程, 对正确解释矿物学指标有重要意义. 我国晚第四纪湖泊沉积记录中, 盐类矿物与碎屑矿物含量普遍存在反相关关系, 影响了矿物组合作为气候指标的解释和应用. 从地球科学的角度正确理解这种关系, 可以为湖泊动力学以及古气候环境定量研究提供重要的科学依据. 选择甘肃民勤盆地石羊河下游终端湖猪野泽不同位置5个全新世剖面, 在明确湖泊沉积物来源、搬运方式和沉积动力机制的基础上, 研究了以碳酸盐矿物为主的盐类矿物含量与粒度指标之间的关系. 结果表明:猪野泽各剖面砂层富含的中砂、细砂沉积物主要是来自于巴丹吉林沙漠和腾格里沙漠的风成砂; 水动力作用主导了湖相沉积层200 μm以下沉积物的沉积, 风力作用对20~70 μm粉砂组分沉积也有所贡献. 同时, 猪野泽湖相沉积层中高含量的碳酸盐主要来自于流水搬运, 湖相沉积层位200 μm以下的粉砂和极细砂是碳酸盐的主要富集区. 综上所述, 干旱区湖泊沉积物中盐类矿物含量与其沉积过程密切相关, 盐类矿物在全球变化研究中的应用要建立在充分研究其沉积动力机制的基础上.  相似文献   

The Thakkhola-Mustang Graben represents the extensional tectonic phase of the Tibetan Plateau uplift and whole Himalayan orogeny. It is situated at the northern side of the Dhaulagiri and Annapurna Ranges and south of the Yarlang Tsangpo Suture Zone. Stratigraphically, the oldest sedimentary units are the Tetang and Thakkhola Formations (Miocene), while the Sammargaon, Marpha and Kaligandaki Formations lying disconformably above these formations represent Plio-Pleistocene units. In this study, different lacustrine carbonates and calcretes were investigated within different lithological units and depositional environments to interpret the palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatological evolution of the area.Geological mapping, construction of columnar sections and carbonate sampling were carried out in the field, and stable oxygen and carbon isotope analyses and thin section analyses were done in the laboratory. Lacustrine facies contained abundant pelletal, charophytic algae, oncolitic algal micritic palustrine limestones with ostracods, and micritic mudstones with root traces. Stable carbon and oxygen isotope analysis from the carbonates show a range of δ13C values from −0.6‰ to 11.1‰ (V-PDB) and δ18O values from −13.5‰ to −25‰ (V-PDB).Discontinuous growth of oncolites and spherical pellets (25–40 μm in diameter) in micritic limestone, algal mats and charophyte algae indicate the presence of both shallow and deep water carbonates. Ostracods in dark micritic carbonates indicate quiet and calm water conditions. Microfabrics of the carbonates suggest that they were deposited in a flat and shallow lacustrine environment. The δ18O values of the investigated limestones of the Thakkhola-Mustang Graben suggest that it attained the current elevation level prior to the east-west extension of the Himalaya.  相似文献   

Twenty‐one primary pyroclastic layers were found embedded in the lacustrine sediments of the San Gregorio Magno basin (Southern Apennines). These sand‐sized layers were characterised by a noticeable juvenile fragments content and by a sharp basal contact with the underlying clay and silt sediments. The tephra layers have been correlated with terrestrial counterparts from well‐known eruptive events of the Campanian volcanic area, or with reference layers from deep sea sediment cores and from the Monticchio maar sequence. The investigation of the San Gregorio Magno tephra layers made it possible to deduce that lacustrine sedimentation at San Gregorio Magno basin began before 170k yr BP and lasted at least until the emplacement of the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff, which occurred about 15k yr BP. The tephrochronology allowed determination of the varying sedimentation rate that occurred in the basin. Correlation of the lacustrine record with marine sequences has allowed development of a late Quaternary tephrostratotype for southern Italy. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Gulf of Corinth is a graben, which has undergone extension during the Late Quaternary. The subsidence rate is rapid in the currently marine part whereas uplift now affects a large part of the initially subsiding area in the North Peloponnese. In this paper, we document the rates of subsidence/uplift and extension based on new subsurface data, including seismic data and long piston coring in the deepest part of the Gulf. Continuous seismic profiling data (air gun) have shown that four (at least) major oblique prograding sequences can be traced below the northern margin of the central Gulf of Corinth. These sequences have been developed successively during low sea level stands, suggesting continuous and gradual subsidence of the northern margin by 300 m during the Late Quaternary (last 250 ka). Subsidence rates of 0.7–1.0 m kyr− 1 were calculated from the relative depth of successive topset to foreset transitions. The differential total vertical displacement between the northern and the southern margins of the Corinth graben is estimated at about 2.0–2.3 m kyr− 1.

Sequence stratigraphic interpretation of seismic profiles from the basin suggests that the upper sediments (0.6 s twtt thick) in the depocenter were accumulated during the last 250 ka at a mean rate of 2.2–2.4 m kyr− 1. Long piston coring in the central Gulf of Corinth basin enabled the recovery of lacustrine sediments, buried beneath 12–13.5 m of Holocene marine sediments. The lacustrine sequence consists of varve-like muddy layers interbedded with silty and fine sand turbidites. AMS dating determined the age of the marine–lacustrine interface (reflector Z) at about 13 ka BP. Maximum sedimentation rates of 2.4–2.9 m kyr− 1 were calculated for the Holocene marine and the last glacial, lacustrine sequences, thus verifying the respective rates obtained by the sequence stratigraphic interpretation. Recent accumulation rates obtained by the 210Pb-radiometric method on short sediment box cores coincide with the above sedimentation rates. Vertical fault slip rates were measured by using fault offsets of correlated reflector Z. The maximum subsidence rate of the depocenter (3.6 m kyr− 1) exceeds the maximum sedimentation rate by 1.8 m kyr− 1, which, consequently, corresponds to the rate of deepening of the basin's floor. The above rates indicate that the 2.2 km maximum sediment thickness as well as the 870 m maximum depth of the basin may have formed during the last 1 Ma, assuming uniform mean sedimentation rate throughout the evolution of the basin.  相似文献   

A garnet-bearing schist from the southernmost such exposure along the Himalaya in east central Nepal records prograde metamorphism at 32.4 ?± ?0.3 ?Ma. Phase equilibria modelling, combined with Ti-in-biotite and quartz c-axis thermometry, outline a tight-to-hairpin pressure-temperature (P-T) path extending from ~515 ?°C and 5.5 ?kbar to peak conditions at ~575 ?°C and 7 ?kbar followed by deformation during the retrograde phase at 480–515 ?°C and 6–7 ?kbar. The new geochronology data place an upper bound on the evolution of metamorphism and deformation in the frontal-most part of the Himalaya, which lasted until 17.5 ?Ma, as indicated by previously published 40Ar/39Ar data. The P-T-time data from this part of the Himalaya, as well as that from more hinterland-ward portions of the orogen, outline a progressive, stepwise, commonly out-of-sequence evolution. Further data from along the orogen indicates that this evolution is not a local phenomenon, but instead characterizes the tectonics of this system as a whole.  相似文献   

In the Clusone Basin (a large intermontane basin filled by thick late Neogene–Quaternary sediments in the Middle Val Seriana, Southern Alps), two high‐resolution seismic profiles have been acquired in order to reconstruct the geometries of the sediments that fill the depression, with a maximum thickness of more than 200 m as documented by available well data, and to define their relationships with the bedrock, consisting of Late Triassic carbonates. In addition to standard seismic reflection processing, a seismic refraction inversion technique has been applied. The integration of geological (both surface and well data) and seismic data indicates a complex history of the drainage patterns of the Clusone Basin, documenting a shift of the Serio River from a palaeodrainage toward the southeast (Val Borlezza) to the present situation, toward the south (Val Seriana): between the older and the present‐day drainages an important depositional stage occurred, as documented by the thick sediments that fill the Clusone Basin, controlling the capture of the Serio River along the Val Seriana. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Thermobarometric data and compositional zoning of garnet show the discontinuities of both metamorphic pressure conditions at peak‐T and P–T paths across the Main Central Thrust (MCT), which juxtaposes the high‐grade Higher Himalayan Crystalline Sequences (HHCS) over the low‐grade Lesser Himalaya Sequences (LHS) in far‐eastern Nepal. Maximum recorded pressure conditions occur just above the MCT (~11 kbar), and decrease southward to ~6 kbar in the garnet zone and northward to ~7 kbar in the kyanite ± staurolite zone. The inferred nearly isothermal loading path for the LHS in the staurolite zone may have resulted from the underthrusting of the LHS beneath the HHCS. In contrast, the increasing temperature path during both loading and decompression (i.e. clockwise path) from the lowermost HHCS in the staurolite to kyanite ± staurolite transitional zone indicates that the rocks were fairly rapidly buried and exhumed. Exhumation of the lowermost HHCS from deeper crustal depths than the flanking regions, recording a high field pressure gradient (~1.2–1.6 kbar km?1) near the MCT, is perhaps caused by ductile extrusion along the MCT, not the emplacement along a single thrust, resulting in the P–T path discontinuities. These observations are consistent with the overall scheme of the model of channel flow, in which the outward flowing ‘HHCS’ and inward flowing ‘LHS’ are juxtaposed against each other and are rapidly extruded together along the ‘MCT’. A rapid exhumation by channel flow in this area is also suggested by a nearly isothermal decompression path inferred from cordierite corona surrounding garnet in gneiss of the upper HHCS. However, peak metamorphic temperatures show a progressive increase of temperature structurally upward (~570–740 °C) near the MCT and roughly isothermal conditions (~710–810 °C) in the upper structural levels of the HHCS. The observed field temperature gradient is much lower than those predicted in channel flow models. However, the discrepancy could be resolved by taking into account heat advection by melt and/or fluid migration, as these can produce low or nearly no field temperature gradient in the exhumed midcrust, as observed in nature.  相似文献   

Christian Beck 《Earth》2009,96(4):327-49
The late Quaternary sedimentary fills of several lakes of the north-western Alps are revealed to be possible paleo-seismological “archives” in a moderately active seismo-tectonic region. The strongest historically reported events can be correlated with specific layers, whose textures result from different processes: i) mass failures of sub-aqueous slope deposits (especially delta foresets) evolving into hyperpycnal currents influenced by seiche effects and/or multiple reflections on lake basin slopes; ii) in situ liquefaction and flowage; and iii) micro-fracturing. Based on identification of the sedimentary signature of a well-documented historical earthquake, the paleoseismic interpretation can be extrapolated back to 16,000 yrs BP with a reconstruction of a time series and textural identification of slope failure-related turbidites (the most frequent earthquake signature). The obtained time series are compatible with historical seismicity in terms of recurrence interval.  相似文献   

A study of the water and sediment chemistry of the Nainital, Bhimtal, Naukuchiyatal and Sattal Lakes of Kumaun, has shown that the water of these lakes are alkaline and that electrical conductivity, total dissolved solid and bicarbonate HCO 3 are much higher in Nainital than in the other three lakes. The weathering of limestone lithology and anthropogenic pollution, the latter due to the very high density of population in the Nainital valley, are the primary sources of enhanced parameters. The low pH of Nainital Lake water is due to low photosynthesis and enhanced respiration, increasing CO2 in the water and the consequent enhancement of Ca2+ and HCO 3 . The dissolved oxygen in Nainital Lake is less compared to other lakes, indicating anoxic conditions developing at the mud–water interface at depth. The PO 4 3− content in Nainital is higher (124 μg/l), showing an increasing trend over time leading to eutrophic conditions. The trace metals (Cu, Co, Zn, Ni, Mn, and Sr) are present in greater amounts in the water of Nainital Lake than in the other three lakes, though Fe and Cr are high in Bhimtal and Fe in Naukuchiyatal. The higher abundance is derived from the leaching of Fe–Mg from metavolcanic and metabasic rocks. Most of the heavy metals (Cr, Ni, Cu, Mn, Fe, Sr, and Zn) significantly enrich the suspended sediments of the lakes compared to the bed sediments which due to their adsorption on finer particles and owing to multiple hydroxide coating and organic content, except for Fe, which is enriched in the bed sediments. The high rate of sedimentation, 11.5 mm/year in Nainital, compared to Bhimtal with 4.70 mm/year, Naukuchiyatal with 3.72 mm/year, and Sattal with 2.99 mm/year, has resulted in shorter residence time, poor sorting of grains, and lesser adsorption of heavy metals, leading consequently, their depletion in the bed sediments of Nainital Lake.  相似文献   

Morphological and sedimentary records at the exit of Brahmaputra River at Pasighat in the NE Himalaya inform about the climate–tectonic interplay during the past ca. 15 ka. The geomorphology of the area comprises (1) fan terrace T3, (2) a high‐angle fan (3) terrace T2, (4) terrace T1 and (5) a low‐angle fan. Geomorphic consideration suggests that the fan terrace T3 and high‐angle fans are the oldest units and were coeval. The low‐angle fan is the youngest geomorphic unit. Sedimentological studies and optically stimulated luminescence chronology suggest that (i) fan terrace T3 formed between 13 and 10.5 ka and comprised multiple events of debris flows separated by the aggradation as channel bars in a braided river environment; (ii) the high‐angle fan formed during 15–10 ka and comprises channel bar aggradation in braided river conditions; (iii) terrace T2 formed during 10–8 ka due to aggradation in a braided channel environment with lesser events of debris flows; (iv) terrace T1 formed during <7 and 3 ka took place as bars of the braided river. Sudden coarsening of the sediment indicated a tectonic rejuvenation in the provenance region between 7 and 3 ka; and (v) the low‐angle fans dated to <3 ka formed due to aggradation in a small tributary joining the Brahmaputra River. This implies a phase when the main channel of the Brahmaputra did not flood regularly and the tributaries were actively aggrading. The sedimentation style and incision of these geomorphic units responded to contemporary climatic changes and uplift in the Siwalik range along the Himalayan Frontal Fault. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The geochemical investigation of sediments deposited in the Renuka Lake basin and its adjoining wetland has shown variation in the distribution and concentration of major, trace and REEs. The major elements are depleted in the lake in relation to wetland and that of Post Archaean Australian, Shale (PAAS), except for CaO which is strikingly in excess and has a dilution effect on SiO2 and other oxides and trace elements. The Wetland sediments, on the other hand, are enriched in Al2O3, Fe2O3, K2O and TiO2 and the latter three show a positive correlation with Al2O3 in both wetland and lake sediments suggesting their association with phyllosilicates and similar source rocks. The enrichment of Y, Zr, Ni, Th, U and Nb in wetland compared to lake and their similarity with PAAS in the former, suggests more clay fractions in the wetland. A high Zr/Hf ratio in wetland and lake sediments and a positive correlation of Zr with Y and HREE indicate Zr control on HREEs. However, higher Zr/Yb and Zr/Th ratios in wetland compared to lake indicate mineral sorting during the process of lighter particles (clays) being trapped in wetland soil. This is also reflected from negative correlation of GdN/YbN with Al2O3 and a strong positive correlation with SiO2 in wetland sediments. The wetland in this context has a control on lake sediment chemistry. The chondrite normalized REE patterns are essentially the same for lake as well as wetland sediments but abundance decreases in the former. The similarity of pattern with that of PAAS and negative Eu anomaly indicates a cratonic source of sediments. In a plot of the individual samples, wetland samples cluster while lake samples are separated indicating fractionation of lake sediments. A strong positive correlation of LaN/YbN with Al2O3 and a positive correlation of Zr-∑LREE and Zr-LaN/YbN suggest that LREEs are controlled by both phyllosilicates and zircon. The chemical index of alteration (CIA) indices in lake sediments and in wetland are higher than PAAS indicating moderate chemical weathering in the source area. The petrography, lack of felsic magmatic rock fragments, and negative correlation between Zr-(Gd/Yb)C indicate sedimentary source rocks for the detritus. This is in conformity with the Lesser Himalayan sedimentary sequence belonging to neo-Proterozoic–Proterozoic age and constituting lake catchment of Renuka. The tectonic delineation and discriminant function plots of lake and wetland sediments indicate their cratonic and/or quartzose sedimentary orogenic terrain source that has been deposited in a passive margin setting.  相似文献   

Based on analysis of the well drilling core from Subei basin, the authors conclude that during the Late Cretaceous and Paleocene, Subei basin was linked with the sea and the deposit was affected by transgression. The cause of marine transgression may be that since Late Cretaceous and Paleocene tension power had predominated ground-stress conditions of the East China Sea and developed a series of half-graben-like basins filled by a huge thick sediment of the Early Tertiary in the shelf of Huabei-Bohai gulf, Subei-South Yellow Sea and East China Sea. Consequently, seawater transgressed from the East China Sea to the Yellow Sea and linked halfgraben-like basins on the shelf to the sea within a short period. During the sedimentation of the Late Cretaceous Taizhou Formation and Paleocene Funing Formation, the Subei basin had formed the ostracoda-enriched dark shale, including predominantly the whole basin E1 f 2 Formation and E1 f 4 Formation and local K2 t 2 Formation, which became the main source rocks of the basin. The evidence of paleontology, minerals in rocks and geochemistry can help confirm the environment of the lake basin that developed during the Late Cretaceous and Paleocene. We generally designate this environment as “near sea lake basin” and the sea-transgressed layer and member as “transgression lake basin”.Whereas, it is generally called “inland lake and river alluvium plain” during the sedimentation of the Eocene Dainan Formation and Sanduo Formation. This research is not only significant to the paleogeographic reconstruction of the Subei basin during the Late Cretaceous and Paleocene, but also important in understanding the development and distribution of the source rocks and evaluating the potential of oil and gas generation. __________ Translated from Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2007, 25(3): 380–385 [译自: 沉积学报]  相似文献   

The Pantano di San Gregorio Magno is a 4.7 km2 large tectono‐karstic basin located in the axial belt of the Southern Apennines, an area affected by intense seismicity. The basin was formed in the Middle Pleistocene and is presently undissected. It is filled by lacustrine sediments (clays, silts and pyroclastic sands) passing laterally into alluvial fan deposits. Geomorphological investigations were integrated with tephrostratigraphical, palynological and palaeoecological analyses of a 61 m thick core (not reaching the bedrock). The multiproxy analysis of the S. Gregorio Magno record shows that, over the last 200k yr, the basin hosted a freshwater lake with an oscillating level. Age constraints provided by the tephrostratigraphic record allowed estimation of the sedimentation rate, which varied strongly through time. Evolution of the basin resulted from the complex combination of tectonic subsidence, karst processes and changing amounts of sedimentary inputs. The latter was influenced by allogenic contributions related both to primary and reworked volcanoclastic inputs and was climate‐driven. The overall evidence, which indicates that in the long‐term the accumulation rate substantially counterbalanced the accommodation space created by faulting, suggests that the basin evolution was also modulated by changing subsidence rates. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2019,351(6):407-419
This study aims at mapping the sediment infill thickness in the Saint-Lary basin (Aure valley, French Pyrenees). For this purpose, we combine passive seismic and gravity surveys. The resonance frequencies of the sediment body are retrieved from seismic ambient measurements, while the gravimetric survey shows negative residual anomaly of about −3 mGal in the basin. Both methods reveal unexpected but consistent bedrock shape. The southern Saint-Lary basin appears deeper than its northern part, with maximal infill thickness of about 300 m and 150 m, respectively. Valley cross sections show regular and smooth “U”-shape in the southern Saint-Lary basin, in contrast to an irregular and asymmetric pattern in the northern basin. This basin shape may be related to Quaternary fluvio-glacial carving processes especially controlled by a regional fault (the Soulan fault), variations in bedrock hardness, and preferential ice flow paths.  相似文献   

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