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国际社会的普遍共识是小岛屿发展中国家面临着许多发展障碍,在全球发展进程中处于严重不利的地位。它们面临的主要挑战有国内市场狭小、资源基础薄弱、严重依赖偏远市场、运输和通信成本较高、自然环境脆弱等。然而,在全球公共卫生治理体系中,小岛屿发展中国家有着自身独特的优势,发挥着不可忽略的作用。全球公共卫生治理重新塑造小岛屿发展中国家的脆弱性,并赋予其前所未有的意义。该研究选用太平洋岛国应对新冠疫情的案例,研究小岛屿发展中国家在全球公共卫生治理中的作用,研究发现:太平洋岛国应对新冠疫情的举措以地区尺度为协调者,全球尺度和国家尺度双轮驱动,是一种典型的“三环抗疫”模式。地区尺度和全球尺度共同为国家尺度服务,三种尺度相互关联,相互协调,共同构成了太平洋岛国新冠疫情的管制框架。太平洋岛国应对新冠疫情的举措对全球公共卫生治理的启示:第一,全球公共卫生治理应该秉持整体性原则;第二,充分发挥世界卫生组织的引领作用;第三,重视区域尺度的公共卫生治理;第四,小国应充分借助外力和道义,克服自身在全球公共卫生治理中的脆弱性。  相似文献   

尺度政治视角下的地缘能源安全评价方法及应用   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
通过引入政治地理学的尺度政治、国际关系学的安全理论和能源安全理论,考虑到能源争夺中的尺度转换、地缘环境中的地缘关系和地缘结构以及安全的三个属性等因素,重新构建了地缘能源安全评价模型,并基于此模型对1995-2010 年俄罗斯太平洋石油管道建设中的中国地缘石油能源安全进行了定量评价。结果表明:① 从时间上来看,中国在俄罗斯太平洋石油管道建设中的地缘石油安全指数不断攀升,中国在此石油能源尺度政治争夺中越来越处于不利地位,考虑到今后韩国、美国等国家的参与,竞争将更加激烈;② 从地缘关系上看,中日两国能源竞争指数趋于减少,但是两国从俄罗斯进口能源竞争加剧;③ 俄罗斯能源出口战略长期以来一直偏重欧洲,但是已经出现转向的趋势,其能源出口战略指数已显著下降;④ 中国石油消费的比重稳定和中俄之间友好关系在一定程度上缓解了中国地缘石油能源安全;⑤ 从地缘结构上来看,中国经济增长带动下的整体综合国力的增强,将会加剧东北亚地区的地缘石油竞争。  相似文献   

“岛国”,在这里是从最严格意义上说的.即指国土全部(百分之百)由岛屿组成的国家而言。世界上拥有岛屿的国家甚多.但不能一律称为岛国。例如很多沿海国都拥有岛屿,但不论拥有多少岛屿,都不算岛国。此外,拥有岛屿而首都设在大陆上,或虽然首都设在岛屿上而在大陆拥有领土的国家.也不计入岛国之内。截至1999年春,全世界共有岛国45个,其中亚洲9个,欧洲4个,非洲6个,大洋洲13个,美洲13个。这些岛国几乎占世界上主权国家总数(193个)的1/4。可见即使单纯从这个比数看,岛国在当今的世界中,也具有举足轻重的分量。  相似文献   

境外军事基地作为重要的战略支点,是一国境外作战,维护国家利益的最前沿。不同时期境外军事基地的数量、规模等的演变反映了国家的空间战略与成长规律。本文分析了19世纪末至今美国境外军事基地的时空格局演变、组织模式并揭示其演变的动力机制。研究发现:美国境外军事基地的演变经历了西进太平洋→东拓大西洋→东西双向扩展→全球广泛布局→全面缩减和布局调整共五个主要阶段;基地的布局形成了岛屿型、大陆沿海型、内陆型三种主要类型;通过基地群协同配合和兵力兵种的配置,美国境外军事基地实现了对全球关键的战略通道的覆盖,对主要国家、重要海域的军事辐射;最后,基于军事、政治、经济多维度分别从国家国土安全、地缘战略演变、外交与大国关系及能源与运输方面揭示了美国境外军事基地格局演变的动力机制。  相似文献   

在系统分析亚太地区地缘政治和地缘经济格局变迁以及各国亚太战略变化的基础上,本文探讨了面向21 世纪中国实现国家安全的地缘政治与地缘经济战略。文章分析提出了构建中国跨世纪地缘安全框架的四条建议:(1) 大力推进世界地缘格局的多极化进程,实现全球地缘格局的相对均衡;(2) 推进沿边地区开发开放的国际合作,确保国家统一和政治稳定;(3) 构建合理的国内区域经济格局,这是提高国际地缘安全的国内地缘保证;(4) 纵深推进科教兴国战略推动产业结构升级,从而增强国家的核心竞争能力  相似文献   

地缘文化战略与国家安全战略构想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对地缘政治理论与国家安全的评述发现,国家安全的内容从军事、政治安全向经济、社会、环境等安全议题转移。研究尺度从国家尺度拓展为全球与个体高低尺度兼容。同时随着批判地缘政治理论、流行地缘政治理论及反地缘政治理论日渐成熟,以及次文化区域冲突日益频繁、民族国家内部分裂和“虚拟国家”的诞生等地缘板块新动向出现,地缘政治理论正从地理实体空间出发主张的“领土扩张”,发展到注重“经济主导”的地缘政治与经济互动,再到当下强调“文化区域主权”转变。新时期基于文化区域的地缘文化战略理论将成为传统地缘理论的有力补充。我国需要重视以文化认同为基础,以“稳民心,争人心”为核心,以文化软实力提升为导向的国家安全战略构想,对提升中国在国际地缘格局中的地位和战略力量具有重要意义。  相似文献   

中亚国家地缘位置与中国地缘战略的若干思考   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
中亚地区以其独特的地缘位置而受到美、俄、中及欧盟等大国的高度重视。中亚是中国的重要邻邦,也是中国周边合作的重点地区,更是中国提升安全与能源保障的重要地缘战略依托。基于人文—经济地理学视角,从中亚国家的特点、中亚国家的地缘位置、中国和中亚国家的地缘关系,以及地缘合作战略等方面,对中亚国家的地缘位置及其与中国的地缘战略进行较为系统的分析。主要结论为:① 中亚地区自然—人文地理特点的一致性,区域内部发展的差异性,对外部经济的高度依赖性,大国角逐的长期性,以及对中国地缘利益的重要性,是地理学关注和研究中亚地缘问题的主要切入点;② 在全球尺度上,运用柯恩的当代世界地缘政治区划模型,分析中亚与以俄罗斯为代表的“欧亚大陆辖区”、以美国为代表的“海洋辖区”、以中国为代表的“东亚辖区”的地缘关系;在区域尺度上,建立一个“同心圆和扇形分布”相结合的模型,分析中亚与相邻国家或地区的地缘关系;③ 中国在中亚地区有着良好的地缘政治、经济、文化利益,中亚国家对中国也有巨大的地缘需求,这是中国与中亚国家相互合作的基础;④ 中国未来应逐步成为中亚地缘政治与文化的“参与者”、地缘经济的“引领者”。  相似文献   

东海问题的周边地缘环境解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
摘要:文章以东海问题的地“源”、地“原”为切入点,基于东海问题的地缘环境基础要素,从“地”-主体、“缘”-关联、“地缘”-主体关联的思维角度将东海周边的地缘环境结构划分为地缘主体(东海)、主体关联(域内争端国家)、区际主体关联(域外干涉国家)三种地理空间结构,对处于复杂国际关联体系之中的东海周边地缘环境作探索分析。结论如下:①从地缘主体来看,东海对于中日两国都具有极为重要的地缘战略、政治、经济意义;东海问题不仅包含海域划界问题,也包含钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿的主权问题,并且涉及的利益关联国家与地区较多,地缘环境相当复杂;②从主体关联来看,东海问题不仅仅是中日争端的问题,还牵涉到众多国家、集团、组织结构等“地缘”因素的相互博弈;中日在东海争端的演进过程中经历了多次的“冷”“暖”期徘徊却没有实质性进展。③从区际主体关联来看,美国是东海问题的主要干涉国家。美国为实现其“亚太战略”及利益,将其世界影响力牢牢嵌入到东海地缘环境中,严重威胁到中国主权领土完整以及海洋权益的维护。  相似文献   

渤海海峡跨海通道建设与中国的地缘政治战略   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
回顾渤海海峡跨海通道建设研究的历史进程基础上,诠释了地缘政治理论与地缘政治战略,梳理了主要的中外地缘政治理论与地缘政治战略,明确指出地缘政治战略决定着大国竞争方向。中国是世界上地缘政治环境最复杂的国家,在中国周边长期存在着一个“V”字型地缘政治热点线,“V”字型地缘政治热点线贯穿中国周边的东南亚、东北亚、南亚、北亚、中亚五大地缘政治战略区,构成了中国的地缘政治“大棋局”。东南亚中国南海之争直接威胁到中国领土安全;目前东北亚已成为中国地缘政治关系热点中的热点;南亚存在着中印陆海长期之争;北亚俄罗斯将会成为战略合作伙伴;中亚复杂的地缘政治因素将长期影响着中国西北边疆的安全。研究表明,渤海海峡跨海通道建设对于中国实施地缘政治战略的重要意义在于: 对下好中国的地缘政治“大棋局”起着重要的支撑作用; 是“一带一路”战略破解美国亚太再平衡战略的重要构成要素;对遏制东北亚局部战争、确保国家安全将发挥重要作用。渤海海峡跨海通道建设是一项世界级的大工程,投资建设的成本大,效益也大,同时风险也大。基于此,要汲取国内外世界级大工程建设的经验和教训,认真研究相关问题,不可急功近利草率上马。  相似文献   

基于地缘环境的“地理位置—地缘关系—地缘结构”分析框架,对北极地区的地缘环境进行全面解析,并进一步分析“冰上丝绸之路”对北极地区地缘环境的影响。研究发现:1)北极地区地缘环境复杂,地理位置上,北极位于地球最北端,蕴含着丰富的资源,拥有极高的战略价值,是世界主要国家争夺的对象;地缘关系上,涉及到的主体与主题繁多,主要包括北极国家、近北极国家和原住民相互之间的关于领土、经济、能源、权利等多样议题;地缘结构上,北极地区地缘结构经历了“美苏争霸”—“破冰合作”—“新一轮竞赛”3个阶段的演变,当前结构呈现出“中心—次中心—外围”的特征。2)“冰上丝绸之路”的提出顺应了气候变化的趋势,推动北极地区区域合作,近北极国家参与北极事务,原住民保护,从而使地缘结构的中心更加稳定,地缘体之间联系更加紧密,并且进一步拓展了地缘关系网络。  相似文献   

In September 2001, Australia effected a "Pacific Solution" to its "refugee problem": the interception and transfer of "unauthorised boat arrivals" to processing centres in the Pacific Third World. These centres were agreed to by poor countries that were approached precisely because of their vulnerability and dependence upon Australia, in exchange for increases in aid. Australia thereby created a regional refugee problem and, in so doing, Australian seignorage also demands that the laws of those sovereign countries be placed in stasis so that people not convicted of a crime may be detained indefinitely. The Pacific region, in effect, came to be mapped in terms of its utility to Australia, both downplaying and concealing complex economic, social and political issues. This essay studies the Pacific Solution as a means of Australian "emplacement" in the Pacific and on refugee identity/bodies. Both refugee identity and the Pacific Third World are assessed in terms of their utility in serving as sites for Australian emplacement, whereby and wherein the borders of Australia are reinforced, to the detriment of extant "local" emplacements.  相似文献   

Conventional studies of “Third World multinationals” tend to focus on their recent origins. This paper argues that the transnational operations of Hong Kong firms have had a long tradition originating in its Overseas Chinese networks and in the colonial experience of many Southeast Asian countries. Based on secondary and primary data, this paper takes a historical view to describe how the ASEAN operations of Hong Kong transnational corporations (HKTNCs) and their foreign direct investment (HKFDI) have evolved over more than a century to become one of the most important economic players in the ASEAN region. Four phases of their historical development are benchmarked in this paper. Before World War II, HKTNCs in the commercial and banking sectors had a notable presence in the region. It was, however, in the post-war period that HKTNCs and their FDI flows flourished. During the period 1945–69, industrialisation took off in Hong Kong and this led to the expansion of manufacturing HKTNCs into the ASEAN region. The real zenith of outward investment from Hong Kong was the 1970s and 1980s so that in the 1990s Hong Kong has become one of the largest investors in Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand.  相似文献   

冷战后东南亚地缘政治变化中的大国战略调整述评   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
冷战后,东南亚地缘政治格局发生了重大变化。一是在冷战时期展开地缘战略博弈的两大阵营势力的淡化与退出,缓和了东南亚的地缘政治环境;二是东南亚国家实现了“大东盟”的内部联合,并强化了自身应对安全风险的能力。而世界大国发展对资源的需求,对航道安全的关注,也凸显了东南亚的地缘战略地位;三是中国的崛起效应。这些变化引起了新一轮的大国战略考量,并在美国的推力下,其它几个大国借着新时期南海问题、缅甸民主化等地缘环境的变化,调整了对东南亚的战略布局,进一步实现了平衡和遏制中国的深层次战略目标,从而也加剧了东南亚地区大国互动关系的复杂化和大国战略博弈的炽热化。  相似文献   

王琦  石莉  万芳芳 《极地研究》2013,25(2):176-184
北极地区是俄罗斯的重要关注领域,其战略重要性正在迅速提升。俄罗斯决心通过政治、经济和军事手段成为北极核心国家。俄政府于2008年制定了《截至2020年及之后俄罗斯联邦北极地区国家政策》,旨在维持俄罗斯“北极领导国家”的地位。结合俄罗斯在极地的一系列举措,从经济、法律、军事和地缘政治这几个角度分析俄罗斯北极政策中的关键内容,同时关注当前俄罗斯在极地区域的政策与2001年由俄罗斯总统普京签署的《俄罗斯联邦至2020年期间的海洋政策》中的北极战略中所呈现出的态度之间的差别。最后,从有利因素和制约因素两方面评估俄罗斯北极政策目标的实施前景。  相似文献   

杨霄 《地理学报》2023,78(1):230-240
就军事地理环境而言,当代中国在海洋方向面临的最主要威胁来自环中国岛链的封锁,研究这一限制性地理环境对准备和实施军事活动的影响与相应对策,具有重要的现实意义。第一次世界大战(简称“一战”)初期,德国东亚驻军进行了跨岛链作战的实践,但在日本海军依托岛链和优势兵力的封锁下,其战略目标未能达成,并且出现了军事地理位置上的优劣转换。本文通过对“一战”初期德国东亚驻军跨岛链作战行动的军事地理分析,尝试提出军事地理研究思路、跨学科融合路径和分析框架。本文分析认为,彼时德占青岛虽然具有良好的战略态势和强大的军事力量,但孤悬海外,且缺乏战略纵深;从宏观的区域尺度分析来看,基地与舰队间的联系被岛链分隔,腹背受敌,军事地理上的劣势凸显。但依托岛链进行封锁,需要集结大量兵力,利用对方边缘区内作战力量相对比较薄弱的有利条件,原本实力较弱的德国东亚舰队取得了重大战果,形成反转式的“核心—边缘”结构。本文为中国的海疆安全和海洋强国建设提出了5条建议。  相似文献   

For a decade or so after World War II, human geographers working in the American tropics found socio-political conditions and resultant research topics little changed from those before the war. This was in contrast to the Old World tropics where decolonization processes and the demands of economic development and new nation building produced divergent research currents, For the first half of the period under review, the American tropics continued to be the province largely of geographers with culturalhistorical questions grounded in natural historical bases. The legacy is Humboldt's; the practitioners most notably students of Carl Sauer or German counterparts such as Carl Troll. French and British regionalist approaches, strong in the region before World War II, survived less successfully. By the 1980s, however, broad pan-tropical currents of geographic discourse and debate had become established. New practices and theories were formulated and tested as North Atlantic geographers borrowed from antipodean innovators and others working in the Asian and African tropics. Since the 1980s, there have been greater efforts at dialogue and collaboration with host country colleagues. As might be expected in this era of ‘globalization’, national research styles and agendas have become less evident. This paper offers a highly selective map of research nodes within tropical Americanist geography since the early 1950s. The selection of examples includes qualitative criteria, but more importantly, research that signify stasis or intensification as well as turning points and departures in the overall development of this literature. The contours of this history suggest some highly evolved, even idiosyncratic enterprises, but in the main, it is an unfolding that suggests broad congruencies with human geographic work elsewhere in the tropics.  相似文献   

旅游环境容量研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
二战后,随着世界大众化旅游的逐步普及,现代旅游业得到了迅猛发展。与此同时,越来越多的旅游地在旅游高峰期变得拥挤起来,景区超载、旅游污染等现象日益加剧。因此,旅游环境容量研究也受到了学术界的关注和重视。文章对国内外旅游环境容量研究进展进行了综述和分析,并指出国内旅游环境容量研究要比国外起步迟,但由于我国旅游发展道路和西方发达国家不同,旅游环境容量问题更加突出,因此,加强我国旅游环境容量研究显得格外紧迫和必要。  相似文献   


Circular migration was one of several enduring themes in Graeme Hugo’s highly productive research career. Although his specialist field was Asian population movement, during the 2000s he became increasingly interested in labour migration in the Pacific Islands. This paper reviews the development of two managed circular migration schemes targeting Pacific labour that emerged following the UN High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development in 2006. New Zealand’s Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) scheme and Australia’s Seasonal Worker Program (SWP) have attracted international attention as the kind of ‘best practice’ temporary labour migration schemes that Hugo had in mind when he emphasised the positive contributions that circular forms of mobility could make to development in both source and destination countries. The two schemes have transformed mobility between the participating countries and have played a major role in the negotiations over a free-trade agreement between Pacific Forum countries, including Australia and New Zealand. Although the schemes have been in operation for almost 10 years, this paper argues that they are not becoming ‘business as usual’; they embody complex systems of relationships between multiple stakeholders that require ongoing management to ensure that they do not become traps for low-skilled, low-paid ‘permanent’ temporary workers.  相似文献   

Since World War II, migrant labor has contributed significantly to Western Europe's economic growth. Initially, industries recruited and hired migrant workers to overcome labor shortages and downward demographic trends within the domestic work force. Since the recession of the mid-1970s, however, migrant labor has faced increasing job loss and restricted entry to many Western European countries. Throughout the postwar period, state immigration policy has supported industry, initially by assisting in the recruitment, and more recently, facilitating the repatriation of migrant workers. Economic and social disparities between developed core and underdeveloped peripheral countries are linked to international labor mobility. Certain sectors in the core benefit from the reserve labor force while emigration from peripheral countries partially contributes to these countries' economic problems. These issues are explored through a case study of the employment of North Africans in the French automobile industry.  相似文献   

This paper is an example of applied military geography focusing on a particular problem arising from the Panama Canal Treaty of 1977. One of the provisions of the treaty required the United States (US) military to completely withdraw from and relinquish its military and government facilities to the Republic of Panama prior to midnight on 31 December 1999. In so doing, the US army turned over to the Panama government all of its military bases, some of which had been used since World War I to test materiel, equipment and systems within a tropical environment. Given its global mission and responsibilities, the US army has a well‐established practice of testing its materiel, equipment and systems throughout the entire range of potential operating environments. The US experience in the Pacific in World War II and in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War clearly demonstrated the need to test the performance of new equipment under the harsh conditions found in tropical jungles. Furthermore, since 1960, nearly 75 per cent of all international and internal armed conflicts have been in countries that are totally or partially in the tropics. This paper presents the findings of a scientific panel that was organised to propose a new location for testing US army materiel and systems within a tropical environment. Rather than simply choosing a location analogous to Panama, the panel sought to develop a methodology that could be employed for site selection based on any set of environmental criteria. This study is a classical locational analysis and reconfirms the integrative nature of geography and its utility for solving complex problems that cut across disciplinary boundaries.  相似文献   

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