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Pukemanga is a small (3 ha) steep headwater catchment at the Whatawhata Research Station near Hamilton, New Zealand. The water balance (1996–2002) shows average annual rainfall of 1640 mm producing annual runoff of 440 mm (baseflow 326 mm, stormflow 114 mm) and ‘deep seepage’ loss of 450 mm (i.e. 450 mm of water not appearing in the stream). Oxygen-18 (18O) concentrations were measured at weekly intervals for 8–15 months at six sites, ranging from Pukemanga Stream baseflow through wetland seepage to ephemeral streams and surface runoff. The first two showed no significant 18O variations. Inferred mean residence times within the catchment ranged from at least 4 years (for the stream baseflow and seepage) to a few weeks (for the ephemeral flows and surface runoff). Silica concentrations could also be used to distinguish deep flowpath water from near-surface flowpath water. Tritium concentrations gave an estimated mean residence time of 9 years for Pukemanga Stream baseflow. Sulphur hexafluoride tended to give younger ages, while the chlorofluorocarbon ages were older, but are not considered as reliable for dating streamflow in this time range. These results show that deep pathways predominate with over 74% of runoff deriving from deep hillslope flowpaths via the wetland, and 87% of total drainage (baseflow and deep seepage) travelling via deep hillslope flowpaths. Our conception of the deep drainage process is that there is a large volume of slowly moving water in the system (above and below the water table), which reaches the wetland and stream via an unconfined groundwater system. Subsurface water equivalents are estimated to be 2·9 m for drainage at the weir and 4·1 m for drainage bypassing the weir, giving a total of 7 m depth over the catchment. The unsaturated zone plays an important role in storing water for long periods (about 4 years), while linking the surface with the groundwater water table to contribute to the fast streamflow response to rainfall. A schematic model of the various pathways with indicative residence times is given. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


前人研究表明喜马拉雅造山带西部出露的拉昂错蛇绿混杂岩为新特提斯洋壳岩石圈的一部分,代表了新特提斯洋的关闭及其随后大洋岩石圈物质的仰冲.鉴于拉昂错蛇绿岩的构造演化历史尚不明确,前期对于拉昂错蛇绿岩带构造归属的研究主要基于岩石学研究和地表地质调查等,缺少精细的深部地壳结构进行运动学指示,因此证明拉昂错蛇绿混杂岩体的构造归属并非易事.本次研究中,我们对前期获得的一条南北向延伸穿过雅鲁藏布江缝合带和喜马拉雅造山带西部拉昂错蛇绿岩体的112 km长的深反射地震剖面进行了构造解释.高分辨率的深反射地震剖面清晰地显示了喜马拉雅山脉西部造山带内发育良好的地壳双冲构造几何结构,该地壳尺度双冲构造将印度俯冲地壳物质从底部运移到上部.同时,地震剖面还显示拉昂错蛇绿岩体和雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩体在上地壳深处呈倾向相反但底部相通的结构构造.结合前人的岩石学/地球化学/地表地质研究成果,我们认为拉昂错蛇绿岩体为雅鲁藏布江缝合带蛇绿岩体的一部分.印度俯冲前缘的双冲构造折返将深部物质带到地表过程的同时,还将部分雅鲁藏布江蛇绿混杂岩携带至南侧距主缝合带位置大约20 km的拉昂错蛇绿岩区域.


Sedimentological studies of the dominantly volcanic, ca. 3.5 b.y. Warrawoona Group, eastern Pilbara Block, Western Australia, indicate widespread shallow-water deposition. Many cherty metasediments within the ultramafic-mafic sequence represent silicified carbonate mud, sand, breccia and conglomerate, and show cross-lamination, ripple marks, scour-and-fill structures, and evidence of reworking. At North Pole, some cherty metasediments appear to be silicified and baritized gypsiferous evaporites, and contain microfossils. Felsic volcaniclastic rocks include pyroclastic deposits, cross-laminated tuffaceous metasediments and conglomerate. Subaerial volcanism apparently increased as deposition proceeded.The depositional basin was large, volcanically active and apparently shallow with subdued marginal relief. Felsic volcanoes formed topographic highs within the basin from which sheets of volcanically derived sediments interfingered with ultramafic-mafic volcanics. The Onverwacht Group of the Barberton Mountain Land, South Africa, is of similar age to the Warrawoona Group and probably represents a similar environment, but other greenstone belts may have formed in contrasting basins, possibly under differing tectonic regimes.  相似文献   

New geochemical and isotopic data are presented from the oldest part of the Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma (Canary Islands), located near the assumed emergence of the Canary mantle plume. The volcanics comprise a suite dominated by basanite flows with subordinate amounts of phono-tephrite, tephri-phonolite and phonolite flows and intrusives. Two compositionally different basanite groups have been identified, both with HIMU (high-μ)-type incompatible trace element characteristics: Primitive high-MgO basanites (10.7–12.1% MgO), found only at the base of a stratigraphic profile near Fuencaliente on the south coast, and intermediate-MgO basanites (6.0–7.3% MgO), exposed in the upper part of the profile and widespread on the east coast of La Palma. The high-MgO basanites are interpreted as near-primary mantle melts (primary composition 14–15% MgO) derived by progressive melting (2.9% to 4.5%) of a common lithospheric mantle source. Model calculations indicate that it is not possible to generate the intermediate-MgO basanites from the high-MgO group by crystal fractionation of observed phenocrysts. Relative to intermediate-MgO basanites, the high-MgO flows have lower concentrations of LIL and HFS elements, except for Ti, which is markedly enriched in the primitive rocks (3.7–4.7% TiO2 vs 3.4–3.9% TiO2). Fuencaliente volcanics display limited temporal isotopic variations suggested to be a result of mixing of melts originating from the rising plume and the metazomatized lithospheric mantle. 87Sr / 86Sr and 143Nd / 144Nd ratios range 0.70305–0.70311 and 0.51285–0.51291, respectively, while the corresponding ranges in Pb-isotope ratios are 206Pb / 204Pb = 19.46–19.64, 207Pb / 204Pb = 15.55–15.61, and 208Pb / 204Pb = 39.16–39.53. The overall variation of the Cumbre Vieja isotopic data can be accounted for by mixtures of three mantle components in the proportions 72–79% plume source (LVC = low velocity component), 9–16% depleted mantle (DM) and up to 12% enriched mantle (EMI). Negative Δ7 / 4 Pb (− 0.6 to − 5.4) in the Cumbre Vieja volcanics suggest derivation from a young HIMU mantle source. The relative abundance of plume source material increase in younger rocks in the Fuencaliente section, suggesting waning plume–lithosphere interaction during the emplacement of this part of the Cumbre Vieja volcano. The high-MgO volcanics define regular and systematic geochemical trends, interpreted as partial melting trends, when plotted against abundances of highly incompatible elements (P, Ce). Evaluation of minor and trace element variation in consecutive melts suggests control by residual amphibole, phlogopite, garnet and a Ti-bearing phase, possibly ilmenite. The melting mode changed gradually, allowing increasing input from residual phlogopite during partial melting. The residual mineralogy constrains the source region of the high-MgO basanites to the lowermost oceanic lithospheric mantle, presumably around 100 km depths.  相似文献   

The study of numerous archaeological excavations permits us to concludethat shortly after AD 355–361, the wealthy Roman town of Kisamos inwestern Crete was affected by a devastating earthquake (minimum intensityXI), which left many of the town's inhabitants buried under the ruins. Thisearthquake can be related to the July 21, 365 earthquake (M > 8),which was associated with a great tsunami, and was probably responsible forup to 9 m uplift of Western Crete; it probably resulted from thereactivation of a major thrust fault along the Hellenic Arc. Thearchaeological stratigraphy of Kisamos between circa AD 50 and AD650 testifies to two other, small-scale stratigraphic discontinuities that maybe related to two other smaller earthquakes, which produced 10–20 cmof coastal subsidence in AD 46–66 and in circa AD 270. There isevidence for a tsunami associated with the AD 46–66 earthquake, whichagrees with sedimentological data from the nearby ancient harbour ofPhalasarna, which was uplifted about 6.5 m in AD 365.The following evidence indicates that Western Crete is not seismicallyquiescent, as previously believed on the basis of historical data, but that ithas been affected by very strong, AD 365-type earthquakes followed byrelatively quiescence periods, that were at least several thousand years long:(1) Major earthquakes of Western Crete produced coastal uplift orsubsidence, while coastal stability indicates the absence of strongearthquakes; such stability characterizes this part of the island after AD365; (2) No evidence of earthquakes exist in the archaeological record ofKisamos between AD 365 and circa AD 650 and of Chania since AD1400/1500.  相似文献   

The Mt Cameroon volcano is the highest and most active volcano of the Cameroon Volcanic Line. Little geological information is available for improving the understanding of the structure of this large volcanic system and its relationship to regional tectonics. After reviewing the tectonic evolution of the region, the analysis of a Digital Elevation Model and results from a field campaign dedicated to mapping geological structures in the summit area and at the SE base of Mt Cameroon are presented. Mt Cameroon is a lava-dominated volcano with long steep (over 30°) flanks. It is elongate parallel to its well defined rift zone. The summit plateau is bordered by 10 m high cliffs formed by summit subsidence along normal faults. Geological profiles were measured along rivers cutting through a topographic step at the SE base of Mt Cameroon. This step is associated with deformed Miocene sediments from the Douala basin that are overlain by volcanic products. Weak sediments of this area are deformed by 050°–060° and 020°–030° trending asymmetrical folds verging toward the SE, and thrusts faults related to the spreading of the volcano over its mechanically weak substratum. Combined remote sensing and field observations suggest that spreading is accommodated by summit subsidence and flanks sliding. Both slow spreading movements and catastrophic collapses of the steep flanks are interpreted to result from complex interactions between the growing edifice, repeated dyke intrusions, the weak sedimentary substratum and tectonic structures.  相似文献   

Spinifex-textured sills (i.e., veins) characterized by komatiitic magmas that have intruded their own volcanic-piles have long been recognized. For instance, in the early 1970s, Pyke and coworkers, in their classic work at Pyke Hill in Munro Township, noted that not all spinifex-bearing ultramafic rocks formed as lava flows, rather some were clearly emplaced as small dikes and sills. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain spinifex-textured sills: intrusion into a cold host, filter pressing, or drainage of residual liquid. However, these do not satisfactorily explain the phenomenon. Field and petrographic observations at Pyke Hill and Serpentine Mountain demonstrate that spinifex-bearing komatiite sills and dikes were emplaced during channel inflation processes when new magma was intruded into a cooler, semi-consolidated but permeable cumulate material. Komatiitic liquids were intruded into the olivine cumulate rocks near the boundary between the spinifex and the cumulate zones of well-organized to organized komatiite flows. Spinifex-textured sills are generally tabular in morphology, stacked one above another, with curviplanar contacts sub-parallel to stratigraphy. Some sills exhibit complex digitated apophyses. Thinner sills typically have a random olivine spinifex texture similar, though generally composed of coarser crystals, to that of komatiite lava flows. Thicker sills exhibit more complex organization of their constituent crystals characterized by zones of random olivine spinifex, overlying zones of organized coarse spinifex crystals similar to those found in lava flows. They have striking coarse dendritic spinifex zones composed of very large olivine crystals, up to several centimetres long and up to 1 cm wide that are not observed in lava flows. Typically, at the sill margins, the cumulate material of the host flow is composed of euhedral to subhedral olivine crystals that are larger than those distal to the contact. Many of these margin-crystals have either concentric overgrowth shells or dendritic olivine overgrowths that grew from the cumulate-sill contact toward the sill interior. The dendrites grew on pre-existing olivine cumulate at the contact in response to a sharp temperature gradient imposed by the intrusion of hot material, whereas the concentric overgrowths formed as new melt percolated into the unconsolidated groundmass of the host-flow cumulate material. Spinifex-textured sills and dikes occur in well-organized to organized flows that are interpreted to have formed by “breakouts” above and peripheral to lava pathways (channels/conduits) as a result of inflation that accompanied voluminous komatiitic eruptions responsible for the construction and channelization of komatiitic flow fields. The spinifex-textured dikes and sills represent komatiitic lava that was originally emplaced into the channel roof during periods of episodic inflation that resulted in lava breakouts and was subsequently trapped in the “roof rocks” during periods of channel deflation. Accordingly, the occurrence of spinifex-textured sills and dikes may indicate proximity to, and aid in the identification and delineation of lava channel-ways that could potentially host Ni–Cu–(PGE) mineralization within komatiitic lava flow-fields.  相似文献   

Gabbroic and hornblendite xenoliths from La Palma, Tenerife and Lanzarote fall into three main groups based on petrography and chemistry. One group (comprising all xenoliths from Lanzarote and some from La Palma) consists of highly deformed orthopyroxene-bearing gabbroic rocks that show a strong affinity to N-MORB and oceanic gabbro cumulates in terms of mineral chemistry and REE relations. However, they show mild enrichment in the most incompatible elements (particularly Rb+Ba±K) relative to intermediate and heavy REE, and their Sr–Nd isotope ratios fall within or close to the N-MORB field. The second group (60% of the xenoliths from La Palma) are gabbroic cumulates with zoned clinopyroxenes (Ti–Al-poor cores, Ti–Al-rich rims) and reaction rims of hornblende, biotite and clinopyroxene on other phases. Their trace-element and Sr–Nd isotope relations are in general transitional between N-MORB cumulates and Canary Islands alkali basalts, but they show strong enrichment in Rb, Ba and K relative to other strongly incompatible elements. The third group (comprising some xenoliths from La Palma and all those from Tenerife) are undeformed gabbroic and hornblendite rocks in which hornblende and biotite appear to belong to the primary assemblage. These rocks show strong affinities to Canary Islands alkali basaltic magmas with respect to mineral, trace-element, and Sr–Nd isotope chemistry. The first two groups are interpreted as fragments of old oceanic crust which have been mildly to strongly metasomatized through reactions with Canary Islands alkaline magmas. The reaction process is a combination of enrichment in elements compatible with biotite (and hornblende), and simple mixing between N-MORB cumulates and trapped alkaline magmas. The third group represents intrusions/cumulates formed from mafic alkaline Canary Islands magmas. Modeling indicates that locally up to 50% new material has been added to the old oceanic crust through reactions with ocean island basalts. Reactions and formation of cumulates do not represent simple underplating at the mantle/crust boundary, but have taken place within the pre-existing oceanic crust, and are likely to have significantly thickened the old oceanic crust.  相似文献   

Egypt has a fast-growing population rate of 2.5%/year; consequently, there is an increase in the water demand for living and launching different development plans. Meanwhile, there is intensive construction of several dams in the upstream Nile basin countries. Thus, it is necessary to search for new water resources to overcome the expected shortages of the Nile water supply by focusing on alternative groundwater resources. El-Gallaba Plain area is one of the most promising areas in the western desert of Egypt attaining the priority for new reclamation projects; however, its hydrogeological setting is not well understood. The present work aims at identifying the recharge potential of the groundwater aquifers in El-Gallaba Plain, as well as exploring the role of geologic structures as natural conduits, and evaluating the groundwater types, origin and distribution. The integration of hydrogeophysical studies (aero and land magnetic surveys, vertical electrical sounding), hydrochemical analyses and remote sensing were successfully used for assessing the groundwater development potential. The hydrogeophysical studies show a large graben bound aquifer with thickness exceeding 220 m. The hydrochemical results indicate the presence of three major water types; Na mix, Na Cl, Na Cl HCO3 with salinities ranging between 227 and 4324 mg/L. The aquifer receives little recharge from the western fractured calcareous plateau from past pluvial periods and scarce present flashfloods. There is no indication for recent recharge from Lake Nasser to the aquifer domain. Further modeling studies are essential for establishing sustainable abstraction levels from this aquifer.  相似文献   

 The ca. 10,500 years B.P. eruptions at Ruapehu volcano deposited 0.2–0.3 km3 of tephra on the flanks of Ruapehu and the surrounding ring plain and generated the only known pyroclastic flows from this volcano in the late Quaternary. Evidence of the eruptions is recorded in the stratigraphy of the volcanic ring plain and cone, where pyroclastic flow deposits and several lithologically similar tephra deposits are identified. These deposits are grouped into the newly defined Taurewa Formation and two members, Okupata Member (tephra-fall deposits) and Pourahu Member (pyroclastic flow deposits). These eruptions identify a brief (<ca. 2000-year) but explosive period of volcanism at Ruapehu, which we define as the Taurewa Eruptive Episode. This Episode represents the largest event within Ruapehu's ca. 22,500-year eruptive history and also marks its culmination in activity ca. 10,000 years B.P. Following this episode, Ruapehu volcano entered a ca. 8000-year period of relative quiescence. We propose that the episode began with the eruption of small-volume pyroclastic flows triggered by a magma-mingling event. Flows from this event travelled down valleys east and west of Ruapehu onto the upper volcanic ring plain, where their distal remnants are preserved. The genesis of these deposits is inferred from the remanent magnetisation of pumice and lithic clasts. We envisage contemporaneous eruption and emplacement of distal pumice-rich tephras and proximal welded tuff deposits. The potential for generation of pyroclastic flows during plinian eruptions at Ruapehu has not been previously considered in hazard assessments at this volcano. Recognition of these events in the volcanological record is thus an important new factor in future risk assessments and mitigation of volcanic risk at Tongariro Volcanic Centre. Received: 5 July 1998 / Accepted: 12 March 1999  相似文献   

Chemical and mineralogical data for samples collected from a surge sequence from La Fossa cone (Vulcano Island, Italy) show a wide variety of alteration states between adjoining beds, the macroscopic features of which are expressed by various degrees of reddening. The effects of the alteration processes on pyroclastic rocks are as follows: hydration and oxidation of each component of the pyroclastic rocks to varying degrees; formation of authigenic smectite; precipitation of a large variety of soluble salts; and corrosion on the surface of glass fragments (pitting). Dry surge beds, emplaced from a two-phase, dry steam + solid, suspension do not show significant alteration. By contrast, wet surge deposits, suggesting an emplacement from free water-bearing turbulent flows, show an increasing degree of alteration, passing from grey to red coloured beds. The strict relationship between the present alteration state and the depositional unit rules out any post-depositional processes. The occurrence of alteration in wet surge beds and the lack of alteration in dry beds shows that the main controlling agent was water condensed from the eruptive cloud and suggests a syn-depositional character to the alteration itself. These observed differences can be ascribed to the different chemical reactivities of the water, probably related to the amounts of acidic species carried by the eruptive cloud and/or by the efficiency of their capture during the condensation of the water vapour.  相似文献   

Over 180 springs emerge in the Panamint Range near Death Valley National Park, CA, yet, these springs have received very little hydrogeological attention despite their cultural, historical, and ecological importance. Here, we address the following questions: (1) which rock units support groundwater flow to springs in the Panamint Range, (2) what are the geochemical kinetics of these aquifers, and (3) and what are the residence times of these springs? All springs are at least partly supported by recharge in and flow through dolomitic units, namely, the Noonday Dolomite, Kingston Peak Formation, and Johnnie Formation. Thus, the geochemical composition of springs can largely be explained by dedolomitization: the dissolution of dolomite and gypsum with concurrent precipitation of calcite. However, interactions with hydrothermal deposits have likely influenced the geochemical composition of Thorndike Spring, Uppermost Spring, Hanaupah Canyon springs, and Trail Canyon springs. Faults are important controls on spring emergence. Seventeen of twenty-one sampled springs emerge at faults (13 emerge at low-angle detachment faults). On the eastern side of the Panamint Range, springs emerge where low-angle faults intersect nearly vertical Late Proterozoic, Cambrian, and Ordovician sedimentary units. These geologic units are not present on the western side of the Panamint Range. Instead, springs on the west side emerge where low-angle faults intersect Cenozoic breccias and fanglomerates. Mean residence times of springs range from 33 (±30) to 1,829 (±613) years. A total of 11 springs have relatively short mean residence times less than 500 years, whereas seven springs have mean residence times greater than 1,000 years. We infer that the Panamint Range springs are extremely vulnerable to climate change due to their dependence on local recharge, disconnection from regional groundwater flow (Death Valley Regional Flow System - DVRFS), and relatively short mean residence times as compared with springs that are supported by the DVRFS (e.g., springs in Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge). In fact, four springs were not flowing during this campaign, yet they were flowing in the 1990s and 2000s.  相似文献   

Within the Austurhorn and Vesturhorn silicic intrusions of southeastern Iceland are composite complexes that consist of pillow-like bodies of mafic and intermediate rock entirely surrounded by silicic rock. The pillows with cuspate and chilled boundaries are interpreted to indicate a liquid-liquid relationship with a silicic magma. Some pillow-like bodies have a chilled and sharp cuspate boundary, whereas others have a distinct chemical and visible gradational contact with the silicic rock. The visible scale of mixing is of the same order of magnitude as the size of the pillows enclosed in the silicic rock (mm to meters).Two important types of chemical variation in the pillows are recognized. The first type of variation occurs from mafic pillow interiors to margins and into the surrounding silicic rock. These variations are due to mechanical mixing between mafic magma and the silicic magma. The second type of chemical variation occurs between individual pillows. Large variations occur between pillows in P and Ti at nearly constant silica. These variations cannot have resulted from in situ simple magma mixing or crystal fractionation, and must have originated at depth below the present level of exposure. These compositions could have been derived from separate mafic (or intermediate) magma bodies or from a single zoned and/or stratified magma body. Because the Austurhorn, Vesturhorn, and Ardnamurchan composite complexes all exhibit similar variations in P and Ti and because these occurrences are separated in space and time, they are thought to have had similar processes occur during their evolution. The chemical variations are interpreted to have resulted from mafic magma that has underplated silicic magma and become zoned/stratified due to the effects of magma mixing and cooling-crystallization.  相似文献   

Long Valley Caldera is an active volcanic region in east central California. Surface deformation on the resurgent dome within the caldera was an order of magnitude higher for the five-month period September 1997 through January 1998 compared to the previous three-year average. However, the location of the immediate (shallow) source of deformation remained essentially constant, 5–7 km beneath the dome, near the top of a region of probable magma accumulation defined by seismic data. Similarly, although the rate of seismic moment release increased dramatically, earthquake locations remained similar to earlier periods. The rate of deformation increased exponentially between April–May 1997 and late November 1997 with a time constant of ∼55–65 days, after which it decreased exponentially with about the same time constant. We develop a model consistent with these observations and also consistent with independent constraints on sub-surface rheology from thermal, geochemical and laboratory data. Deformation at sites on the resurgent dome most sensitive to the shallow deformation source are well fit by a model with a single pressure source at 6 km depth which experienced a pressure pulse that began in late 1996, peaked in November 1997, close to the time of major seismic moment release, and essentially ended in mid-1999. The pressure source in our model is surrounded by a 1 km thick “shell” of Maxwell viscoelastic material (shell viscosity 1016 Pa s) within an elastic half space, and has peak values that are much lower than corresponding purely elastic half space models. The shell viscosity is characteristic of a weak, deformable solid, e.g. quartz-bearing country rock surrounding the magma chamber at temperatures in the range 500–600°C, i.e. above the brittle–ductile transition, and/or largely crystallized rhyolite near its solidus temperature of ∼670°C, material that probably exists near the top of the zoned magma chamber at Long Valley.  相似文献   

Distance separated simultaneous sweeping DS3 is a new vibroseis technique that produces independent records, uncontaminated by simultaneous source interference, for a range of offsets and depths that span all target zones of interest. Use of DS3 on a recent seismic survey in Oman, resulted in a peak acquisition rate of 1024 records per hour. This survey employed 15 vibrators, with a distance separation of 12 km between simultaneous active sources, recorded by 8000 active channels across 22 live lines in an 18.5 km × 11 km receiver patch. Broad distribution of simultaneous sources, across an adequately sized recording patch, effectively partitions the sensors so that each trace records only one of the simultaneous sources. With proper source separation, on a scale similar to twice the maximum usable source receiver offset, wavefield overlap occurs below the zone of interest. This yields records that are indistinguishable from non-simultaneous source data, within temporal and spatial limits. This DS3 technique may be implemented using a wide variety of acquisition geometries, optimally with spatially large recording patches that enable appropriate source separation distances. DS3 improves acquisition efficiency without data quality degradation, eliminating the requirement for special data processing or noise attenuation.  相似文献   

On the high altitude polar plateau of Amundsenisen, western Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, a subglacial valley, with a broad horizontal valley floor interpreted as a sediment floodplain or valley delta, was studied by radio echo sounding. In addition, a small, probably glacial, valley was mapped within the same subglacial massif. Basal ice temperatures were calculated using field data on precipitation, air temperature and ice sheet thickness. Discoveries of old landforms which have been preserved more or less intact beneath the former Fennoscandian and Laurentide ice sheets have received increasing attention during the last decade. The aim of this study is to investigate whether preservation of landforms occurs under the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, and to discuss under that climatological and glaciological circumstances preservation may take place. The results show that the ice sheet covering the investigated localities is frozen to bed, and therefore has an insignificant erosional capability. The observations suggest that a large-scale subglacial sediment deposit and a small valley formed by glacial erosion have survived beneath a cold-based ice sheet marginal zone for a long time period. The process of glacial preservation, recognized for bedrock features and tentatively observed for sediment accumulations, should act on similar large-scale landforms under any cold-based ice sheet, present or past. On the basis of existing studies of the age and stability of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, a Middle Pliocene age is suggested for the preserved landforms. The presence of the presumed sediment-filled valley further indicates that no prolonged periods of basal melting have occurred at the Amundsenisen study area during the ice sheet history, which includes the Quaternary glaciation periods. Finally, calculations of basal temperature for localities at different altitudes within the same subglacial massif were used to demonstrate local altitudinal control of glacial preservation. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Carbon storage values in the Amazon basin have been studied through different approaches in the last decades in order to clarify whether the rainforest ecosystem is likely to act as a sink or source for carbon in the near future. This water balance, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nutrient export study were carried out in a micro‐scale heath forest (Campina) catchment in central Amazonia, Brazil. For a 1‐year study period (18 March 2007 until 19 March 2008), rainfall amounted to 3054 mm; of which, 1532 mm was evaporated by the forest (4.1 mm day?1). Rainfall interception loss amounted to 15.6% of gross rainfall. Surface runoff amounted to 485 mm, whereas another 1071 mm was discharged as regional groundwater outflow. Accumulated DOC exports in surface runoff amounted to 15.3 g m?2 year?1, whereas the total carbon exported was 55.9 g m?2. This is much higher than that observed for a nearby tall rainforest catchment in central Amazonia (DOC export < 20 g m?2). As Campina heath forest areas cover a significant proportion of the Amazon Basin, these differences in ecosystem hydrological carbon exports should be taken into account in future studies assessing the carbon budget for the Amazon Basin. Macro‐nutrient exports were low, but those of calcium and potassium were higher than those observed for tall rainforest in the Amazon, which may be caused by a lower retention capacity of the heath forest ecosystem. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lake Averno is situated in the homonymous crater in the northwestern sector of the Campi Flegrei active volcanic system in Campania region, Italy. In February 2005 a fish kill event was observed in the lake, prompting a geochemical survey to ascertain the possible cause. In February 2005 a geochemical survey revealed that the lake water was unstratified chemically and isotopically, presumably, as a result of lake overturn. This fish kill phenomenon was recorded at least two other times in the past. In contrast to the February 2005 results, data collected in October 2005, shows the Lake Averno to be stratified, with an oxic epilimnion (surface to 6 m) and an anoxic hypolimnion (6 m to lake bottom at about 33 m).  相似文献   

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