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Aerosol particles over land mainly come from man- made source such as biomass burning, industrial de-bris and natural source such as soil dust, sea salt parti-cles, etc. More and more research results show that, aerosols impact global and regional energy radiative budget; aerosol particles also modify the cloud mi-crophysics, as a result, aerosol particles may change the cloud radiative properties. Aerosol particles also play an important role in many biogeochemical cycles. All the above-menti…  相似文献   

Aerosol retrieval algorithms for the MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) have been developed to estimate aerosol and microphysical properties of the atmosphere, which help to address aerosol climatic issues at global scale. However, higher spatial resolution aerosol products for urban areas have not been well researched mainly due to the difficulty of differentiating aerosols from bright surfaces in urban areas. Here, a new aerosol retrieval algorithm using the MODIS 500 m resolution image...  相似文献   

The distribution of electric charge on the marine aerosol was determined near the sea surface of the Indian Ocean and the North Atlantic during the final stage of the Snellius II-expedition. Mean values for small ion concentrationsn +=455 cm–3 andn =340 cm–3 were found over the Atlantic, whilen +=310 andn =250 cm–3 were the mean values over the Indian Ocean. The ration +/n increased from 1.2 to 2.0 with decreasing wind velocity. At wind velocities below 5 m/s 75% of the net space charge near the ocean surface was found to be carried by small ions.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates the use of statistical techniques to standardize ground based measurements of particulate matter (PM10). Concentrations are interpolated over Western Europe using uncertain secondary information from a chemical transport model and of aerosol optical thickness from MODIS satellite observations. A consistent overview of PM10 concentrations over Europe based solely on ground based measurements is complicated by differences between countries. Different monitoring methods are used and calibrations are applied. There also is an inherent limitation to the spatial representativeness of ground based measurements. Validation showed that adding secondary information from either the chemical transport model or the satellite observations improved the PM10 mapping. The URMSE decreased from 5.14 to 4.26 and 4.58, respectively. A combination of both sources of secondary information gave the most accurate and precise predictions, with an URMSE of 3.62. This means that both external sources contain additional information on the spatial distribution of PM10 concentrations and should therefore be preferred.  相似文献   

Sea ice, as an important component of the Arctic climate system, has drawn significant sci-entific interest. Sea ice thickness and its morphology have dramatic impacts on ocean-atmos- phere-ice interactions[1—4], which directly affect the exchange proces…  相似文献   

Ocean Dynamics - The Oceanographic Modeling and Observation Network (REMO) focuses on scientific and technological development of operational oceanography in Brazil considering both numerical...  相似文献   


青藏高原地区高精度的土壤水分反演对高原能水循环、全球大气循环研究有着极大的影响.因此,获取青藏高原土壤水分时空布信息是一个迫切需要解决的问题.温度植被干旱指数(TVDI),是基于光学与热红外遥感通道数据反演土壤水分的重要方法,但在研究区域较大、地表覆盖格局差异显著时,TVDI模型反演精度会受到地表温度(Ts)等因素的影响.被动微波AMSR-E数据精确记录了像元内的土壤水分信息,但空间分辨率低.本文利用同时期的MODIS与被动微波数据,发展了针对青藏高原地区高精度土壤水分反演算法.首先,在TVDI模型中,利用修正型土壤调整植被指数(MSAVI)代替归一化植被指数(NDVI),以改进NDVI易饱和的缺点;其次,利用ASTER GDEM数据,对地形高程和纬度差异引起的地表温度变化进行了校正;然后,通过神经网络训练建立基于TVDI、被动微波以及辅助气象数据的土壤水分反演模型,并应用该模型反演了青藏高原地区三个观测网(CAMP/Tibet、玛曲和那曲)的土壤水分;最后,利用实测土壤水分数据对反演结果进行验证,结果表明该模型的精度均方根误差(RMSE)数值可达到0.031~0.041 m3·m-3.本文还应用该算法反演了青藏高原连续的土壤水分的空间分布,并比较了土壤水分的变化趋势与实测降水变化趋势,结果表明二者变化量的正负关系一致.


西南印度洋岩浆补给特征研究:来自洋壳厚度的证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

西南印度洋中脊为典型的超慢速扩张洋中脊,其岩浆补给具有不均匀分布的特征.洋壳厚度是洋中脊和热点岩浆补给的综合反映,因此反演洋壳厚度是研究大尺度洋中脊和洋盆岩浆补给过程的一种有效方法.本文通过对全球公开的自由空气重力异常、水深、沉积物厚度和洋壳年龄数据处理得到剩余地幔布格重力异常,并反演西南印度洋地区洋壳厚度,定量地分析了西南印度洋的洋壳厚度分布及其岩浆补给特征.研究发现,西南印度洋洋壳平均厚度7.5 km,但变化较大,标准差可达3.5 km,洋壳厚度的频率分布具有双峰式的混合偏态分布特征.通过分离双峰统计的结果,将西南印度洋洋壳厚度分为0~4.8 km的薄洋壳、4.8~9.8 km的正常洋壳和9.8~24 km的厚洋壳三种类型,洋中脊地区按洋壳厚度变化特征可划分为7个洋脊段.西南印度洋地区薄洋壳受转换断层控制明显,转换断层位移量越大,引起的洋壳减薄厚度越大,减薄范围与转换断层位移量不存在明显相关性.厚洋壳主要受控于该区众多的热点活动,其中布维热点、马里昂热点和克洛泽热点的影响范围分别约340 km,550 km和900 km.Andrew Bain转换断层北部外角形成厚的洋壳,具有与快速扩张洋中脊相似的转换断层厚洋壳特征.


由于ENVISAT/AATSR资料不同角度热辐射亮度值之间存在较高的相关性从而导致较大误差的产生,本文尝试避开这种误差源,只选取天底观测数据对黄土高原陇东地区整层大气水汽含量及地表温度进行反演.与MODIS整层大气水汽含量产品对比验证表明,本文结果与MODIS产品有一定差异,但是可以直接用于大气透过率的估算.结合野外观测数据对地表温度反演结果的检验表明,最大绝对误差为4.0 ℃,平均相对误差为5.0%,因此,该算法在黄土高原陇东地区应用比较成功.  相似文献   

本文使用Athens站2001—2005年间电离层GPS/TEC和foF2数据,分析了TEC、NmF2和电离层板厚τ日变化、季节变化特征以及与太阳活动的统计关系,得到以下结论:电离层TEC和NmF2具有相似的日变化特征,最大值出现在14∶00LT;TEC在2001和2002年白天出现"冬季异常"现象,NmF2在2001—2005年白天均出现该现象;电离层板厚τ主要分布在200~600 km,存在黎明峰和日落峰双峰结构,黎明峰一般出现在5∶00—6∶00LT,日落峰结构一般从日落后开始出现,在午夜前达到极大值;14∶00LT和2∶00LT时刻TEC、NmF2同太阳活动的关系呈现"线性"、"饱和"以及"放大"趋势,而τ则出现正、负及不明显的线性关系;最后,我们分析认为黎明峰归因于电离层TEC增加以及NmF2的减少,而日落峰主要是由TEC减少速度低于NmF2造成的.  相似文献   

In this work we have tried to detect and collect later phases associated with the Moho discontinuity and use them to study the lateral variations of the crustal thickness in southwest (SW) Japan. We first compute synthetic seismograms for local earthquakes taking into account the focal mechanism solutions estimated from first motion polarity data. Then we compare the synthetics with the observed waveforms to detect the major later phases in seismograms of shallow crustal earthquakes in SW Japan. Taking the advantage of the high quality and great quantity of Hi-net waveform data now available throughout the entire Japan Islands, we have detected 1659 Moho-reflected phases (PmP and SmS) from shallow events in SW Japan. We estimated the crustal thickness in the study area using travel time differences between these later phases and the first P and S arrivals. Our results show that the Moho is deep in Chubu district and becomes shallower along the coastlines of the Japan Sea and the Pacific Ocean. A thinner crust appears in Osaka Bay and Awajii Island where the 1995 Kobe earthquake (M7.2) occurred.  相似文献   

Using bathymetry and altimetric gravity anomalies, a 1° 9 1° lithospheric effective elastic thickness(Te) model over the Louisville Ridge and its adjacent regions is calculated using the moving window admittance technique. For comparison, three bathymetry models are used: general bathymetric charts of the oceans, SIO V15.1,and BAT_VGG. The results show that BAT_VGG is more suitable for calculating T e than the other two models. T e along the Louisville Ridge was re-evaluated. The southeast of the ridge has a medium Te of 10–20 km, while Te increases dramatically seaward of the Tonga-Kermadec trench as a result of the collision of the Pacific and IndoAustralian plates.  相似文献   

洋中脊及邻区洋盆的洋壳厚度能很好地反映区域岩浆补给特征,对于研究洋中脊内部及周缘岩浆活动和构造演化过程具有很好的指示意义.西北印度洋中脊作为典型的慢速扩张洋中脊,其扩张过程与周缘构造活动具有很强的时空关系.本文利用剩余地幔布格重力异常反演了西北印度洋洋壳厚度,由此分析区域内洋壳厚度分布和岩浆补给特征.研究发现,西北印度...  相似文献   

Introduction Since the middle of the century, gravitational isostasy has been a fundamental hypothesis for inverting the gravity data to find the crust thickness. Geophysicists have done a lot of researches on using gravity data to investigate the depth of Moho discontinuity. Since 1980, the International Lithosphere Program emphasized the importance of investigating the Moho depth variation. Thereafter a lot of results have been published in the world (Braitenberg et al, 2000; Kaban et al,…  相似文献   

杨亭  傅容珊  黄金水 《地球物理学报》2012,55(11):3671-3680
区域岩石圈有效弹性厚度Te的确定对认识其力学性质及演化等动力学问题具有重要意义.长期以来,大陆地区有效弹性厚度的确定一直存在着争议.尽管Pérez-Gussinyé等2004年的研究消除了不同方法(自由空气导纳法和布格相关法)之间的分歧,但其确定有效弹性厚度的误差仍然非常大.本文提出了利用Moho面起伏及地表地形反演岩石圈有效弹性厚度的Moho地形导纳法(MDDF),并利用合成的地表地形和Moho面起伏模型验证了该方法的可行性.结果表明,与传统的重力地形导纳法相比,使用Moho地形导纳法(MDDF)反演岩石圈有效弹性厚度,能较好地提高反演精度.  相似文献   

Low-frequency current fluctuations in the deep central equatorial Atlantic are analyzed using current meter measurements recorded from November 1992 to November 1994. Current meters were located at about 14°W of longitude and 1° of latitude on both sides of the equator between 1,700 m depth and the ocean bottom. At all sampling depths, the velocity fluctuations are dominantly zonal and symmetrical with respect to the equator. At 1,700 and 2,000 m, the flow is dominated by annual period fluctuations, at 3,000 m, the velocity field amplitude presents a minimum, and at 3,750 and 3,950 m, the flow is modulated by annual and semiannual period variability. The annual signal exhibits an apparent upward phase propagation. When considering the phase and the amplitude of the seasonal fluctuations, the data compare well with the outputs of a realistic numerical simulation of the Atlantic Ocean. Together with a previous analysis of the model simulations, this supports the idea that the observed annual fluctuations are due to wind-forced vertically propagating Kelvin and Rossby waves. Data and model do not provide deciding evidences of the presence of semiannual equatorial waves deeper than 3,500 m depth in the central equatorial Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

The Curie depth map of India compiled from MAGSAT data has been used for preparing the lithosphere thickness and the surface heat flow density maps of the Indian Craton, utilizing the concept of magnetothermometry. The lithosphere thicknesses of the major Indian geological units/provinces, as obtained from the prepared map, are found to be in reasonably good agreement with the previously published values for these regions. Also, the surface heat flow density values obtained from the prepared maps closely follow the previously published results. The maps are useful in providing first order estimates of lithosphere thickness and surface heat flow density of the important geological units/provinces of India.  相似文献   

Introduction The gravity anomaly is an indicator of the density distribution of the underground material. Therefore the gravity anomalies have been important data used for studying the deep crustal struc-ture for a long time. Many people have made detailed researches on the regional crustal structure inverted by Bouguer anomalies. In particular some empirical formulae and practical algorithms about the crustal thickness were brought forward, and a series of results were obtained (MENG, 1996)…  相似文献   

南北地震带南段地壳厚度重震联合最优化反演   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
陈石  郑秋月  徐伟民 《地球物理学报》2015,58(11):3941-3951
重力反演方法是研究地壳结构和物性界面起伏的有效地球物理手段之一.本文收集了南北地震带南段67个已有的固定台站接收函数反演的Moho面深度结果,并使用基于EGM2008重力异常模型计算的布格重力异常,验证了本文提出的重震联合密度界面反演方法的有效性.利用接收函数对台站下方Moho面深度估计作为先验约束,定义了一类评价函数,通过对重力反演算法中尺度因子,平移因子和稳定性因子的最优选择,最小化重力反演结果与接收函数模型之间的差异.结果表明,本文提出的方法,可以有效地同化不同地球物理方法获得的反演模型,且通过重震联合反演可以改进由于对空间分布不均匀的接收函数结果插值可能而引起的误差.本文还通过引入Crust1.0的Moho面深度为初值,同时考虑地壳密度的横向不均匀分布,通过模型之间的联合反演有效改善了地球物理反演模型间的不一致性问题.本文反演得到的最优化Moho面深度模型与已知67个台站位置接收函数模型之间的标准差约1.9 km,小于Crust1.0与接收函数结果模型之间标准差为3.73 km的统计结果.本文研究结果对于同化重震反演结果、精化地壳密度界面模型,都具有十分重要的参考意义.  相似文献   

Space‐borne passive microwave snow water equivalent (SWE) retrieval algorithms are attractive for continuous SWE monitoring over large mountainous areas. The performance of three SWE retrieval algorithms, which were considered relevant for operational purposes, was examined for each month over the Colorado River Basin. In addition, statistical post‐processing was tested as a means of improving the SWE estimates from each algorithm. The evaluation started with the so‐called Chang equation, which was a pioneer algorithm and is still used in practice. Successive attempts were then made to improve the algorithm's performance through the calibration of the equation's coefficient and through the inclusion of brightness temperature data from various frequency channels. The Chang equation consistently underestimated SWE with average bias between 30 mm in November and more than 300 mm in April and root mean square error (RMSE) exceeding 500 mm at many locations in April. The statistical post‐processing effectively removed the bias and reduced the RMSE by half for all the months. When the Chang equation's coefficients were calibrated at each site, biases were reduced by approximately 85%, and RMSE was reduced by 40%–50%. Finally, the multiple channel equations produced unbiased SWE estimates with RMSEs 50%–60% of those from the Chang equation. However, the statistical post‐processing did not reduce RMSE for both calibrated algorithms. The last algorithm produced the most reliable estimates for at‐site analysis, but its skill deteriorated when analyses were performed over larger areal extents; therefore, it is only recommended for SWE monitoring over smaller areas. For larger areas, the calibrated Chang equation is desirable because it only requires interpolations of a calibrated coefficient, which was spatially coherent. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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