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The adsorption of surfactants from aqueous solution is a phenomenon of major importance in applications ranging from ore flotation and paint technology to enhanced oil recovery. As this paper will illustrate, the process is very complex and of high scientific interest; its results can be extended to the retention of organic compounds (humic and fulvic acids, pollutants...) on solids in the biosphere. For a good understanding of the mechanisms involved in surfactants adsorption at the hydrophilic solid–aqueous solution interface, thermodynamic models have to take into account: (i) the physical chemistry of the surfactant in aqueous solution for choosing the appropriate reference phase, (ii) the surface heterogeneity of the adsorbing solid, (iii) the intensity of normal adsorbate–adsorbent bonds responsible for adsorption, (iv) the intensity of lateral bonds that favour the formation of surface aggregates through cooperative process and finally, (v) suitable theoretical models to describe adsorption phenomena. Once this has been achieved, two systems can be discussed: systems characterised by strong normal adsorbate–adsorbent bonds, currently used in ore flotation, which lead, in the case of heterogeneous surfaces, to the formation of lamellar aggregates at monolayer concentration and bilayer formation for higher concentrations. Systems characterised by weak normal adsorbate–adsorbent bonds, currently used in enhanced oil recovery and hydrocarbon (bio)remediation, which correspond to: (i) formation of globular micelles at the solid surface near the CMC when the temperature is higher than the Krafft point, (ii) formation of bilayered lamellar aggregates in the opposite case, (iii) three-dimensional condensation on substrate (T<TKrafft) if the ionic surfactant interacts with cations in the bulk. To cite this article: J.-M. Cases et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 675–688.  相似文献   

Our aim is to give a short introduction of the use of phase diagrams in order to rationalise general principles of surfactant self-assembly. These can be rationalised in terms of geometrical constraints: volume, surface and curvature. Binary (two components: surfactant and water) and ternary systems (surfactants, water, oil) are considered separately. Models for solubilisation, to be understood within the general principles and not as tabulated data, are presented. Finally, some examples of application of solubilisation in formulation are given. To cite this article: F. Testard, T. Zemb, C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 649–663.  相似文献   

The applications of calorimetric and ellipsometric methods to the understanding of adsorption phenomena occurring at the solid–liquid interface are presented with examples in the field of surfactant adsorption. The various experimental approaches are presented and compared, i.e., immersion calorimetry, titration calorimetry and liquid flow calorimetry. It is shown how they can be used to follow, in situ, the building steps of the surfactant adsorbed layer. On the other hand, ellipsometry allows the adsorption isotherm, the adsorption kinetics as well as the thickness of the adsorbed layer to be determined on well-defined flat surfaces. To cite this article: R. Denoyel, C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 689–702.  相似文献   

The aim of this review is to examine the present knowledge about water structure close to an interface or confined in porous spaces. First, the structure of liquid water is briefly described. Though its understanding remains incomplete, it appears that it is largely dominated by the hydrogen bond network and its dynamical evolution. The presence of any ‘foreign’ substance in water perturbs such a structure by changing at least locally the hydrogen bond network. For this reason, the presence of a solid interface significantly modifies the structure of the first adsorbed layers. Whatever the support, it is now clearly evidenced that structural perturbations are limited to distances lower than 10–15 Å from the interface. The nature, energetic heterogeneity and hydrophilicility/hydrophobicity of the solid surface influence the arrangement of water molecules. This surface organisation must definitely be considered when studying adsorption phenomena at the solid–aqueous solution interface. The relevance of such problems to geosciences is illustrated by a few situations in which water structure plays a prominent role. To cite this article: L.J. Michot et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 611–631.  相似文献   

Socialist industrialization, with its multiple economic and social consequences, has helped Romania to become, within a short stage of development, an industrial-agrarian country, with a well-balanced and dynamic economy. The changing structure of its industry is characterized chiefly by the ever increasing importance of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, machine building and chemicals. The well-balanced regional distribution of industry is based on geographical, economic and social criteria, such as distance from sources of raw material or consumption centres, intensive use of transport and the use of the available industrial basis, the raw materials, and labour. Unlike the previous periods, the geographical distribution of industry today is characterised by four great industrial areas —the south, the south-west, the centre and the east as well as other more restricted areas and an important number of industrial centres.  相似文献   

The high data rate and information flow of remote sensing systems call for the implementation of automatic analogue and digital interpretation techniques. Based on ERTS-1 data representing typical European scenes digital and analogue image evaluation was performed. A statistical analysis of the data, as first step of the evaluation process, showed high correlation between both infrared channels. Feature identification was also performed by a digital quicklook method which takes into consideration the different reflection properties of surface. The possibility of data reduction for operational applications is discussed. The results obtained digitally are compared to those obtained by the analogue evaluation method of density slicing.  相似文献   

Troy L Péwé 《Geoforum》1973,4(3):15-26
Ice wedge casts are the most accurate and widespread indicators of past permafrost. Many ice wedge casts exist in Alaska, some in areas of existing ice wedges. In addition to indicating paleotemperature conditions and a wider distribution of permafrost in Wisconsinan time than now, casts in Alaska also indicate permafrost in Iliinoian and pre-lllinoian time. Hundreds of ice wedge casts are now known in temperate North America and are described from about 22 widespread localities coast to coast in Canada and United States. Permafrost existed in late Wisconsinan time, 20,000 to 10,000 years ago, along the glacial border in temperate United States. Later permafrost formed north of the glacial border as the continental ice sheet withdrew exposing drift to the rigorous periglacial climate. Ice wedge casts indicate that the ? 7 °C mean annual air isotherm was about 2000 km farther south in late Wisconsinan time than now.  相似文献   

The precise study of adsorption mechanisms at solid–liquid interfaces requires a good analysis of the surface heterogeneity of the studied solids. For that purpose, molecular probe technique is one of the most powerful, especially at solid–gas interfaces. Indeed, low-pressure gas adsorption coupled to modelling of derivative adsorption isotherms as a function of logarithm of pressure allows to study qualitatively and quantitatively the effect of surface heterogeneity on the energy distribution of adsorption centres. The present review points out the interests of that approach to determine the shape of particles, the presence of high-energy adsorption sites and the surface polarity. Results comparing adsorption at solid–gas and solid–liquid interfaces are also mentioned. To cite this article: F. Villiéras et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 597–609.  相似文献   

H Kolbe  B Siapno 《Geoforum》1974,5(4):63-82
Manganese nodules containing valuable metals like nickel and copper are prospective marine mineral resources in the Pacific Ocean. Their recovery and utilization will surely intensify deep-sea technology. Theories concerning origin and occurence are set forth and discussed in this essay.  相似文献   

The terms structure and system are used frequently in geography, but nevertheless they remain often imprecise in definition as do the concepts themselves. An attempt is made here to show how geographical structure, which is geographical space organised by a system, may have an operational value in research to the extent that it incorporates both chorological and taxonomic facts. These ‘geographical structures’ should not be confused with the structures of systems.First the system is considered as a set of sets: set of elements, set of the attributes of these elements, set of relationships between the elements, and an assemblage of relationships between the complete system and all exterior to the system. The inputs, and functioning of systems in geography are then discussed by reference to a model of the atmospheric circulation, and to a model of an agricultural system.The utilisation of the two concepts structure and system have facilitated explanation in geography.  相似文献   

The mafic–ultramafic complex of Sikhoran presents a long geological history, marked out by various magmatic, metamorphic and tectonic events. This history is much more complex than a simple ophiolite obduction over a continental margin. As early as the Upper Permian, following a mantle uprise in a Tethysian supra-subduction zone, the opening of a (back-arc?) basin in extensional/transtensional conditions provoked the intrusion of multiple gabbroic dykes, veins and plutons charged with fluids, through a mafic/ultramafic complex and its metamorphic cover. Several basins, characterised by abundant submarine basaltic volcanism developed during Jurassic, whose feeding dykes may be represented by the diabase dyke swarms intruding the whole Sikhoran complex and its metamorphic cover. To cite this article: H. Ghasemi et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 431–438.  相似文献   

In aqueous medium, solid surfaces are in general electrically charged. The induced electrical and chemical properties govern numerous phenomena, such as colloidal stability or transport of pollutants. Numerous industrial processes make use of these properties. The understanding of the underlying mechanisms at molecular level is of high importance in order to predict and master the behaviour of dispersed matter in the environment and in industrial processes. The present paper shows the evolution of theories and experimental methods, their recent developments and applications. To cite this article: F. Thomas et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 633–648.  相似文献   

Annealing at 400?T?600 °C (40?P?60 MPa and HM buffer-controlled f(O2)) of tourmalines synthesised at the same T and P with NNO buffer induces an oxidation of Fe2+ into Fe3+ in some Y sites only (Mössbauer Spectroscopy data). Annealing in the same conditions of natural tourmalines is consistent with these results. FTIR spectroscopy shows that oxidation of Fe2+ into Fe3+ is charge-balanced by deprotonation of the external OH(3) groups. To cite this article: Y. Fuchs et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 245–249.  相似文献   

A Lagrangian method in time domain is proposed to solve transport by diffusion over large grids such as those extracted from autoradiographs of rock samples. The method is rapid and well suited to simulate out-diffusion experiments in a heterogeneous rock matrix. By coupling with a Gauss–Newton optimiser, it is possible to identify automatically the diffusion coefficients of porous areas in the matrix. This offers a more comprehensive view of a potential transport of contaminants, e.g., after a leak from an underground repository site. To cite this article: F. Delay et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 967–973.  相似文献   

Remnants of rhyolite lava-dome and of alkaline microgranite extrusions emerge, as inselbergs, in the alluvial plain, south of Lake Chad. The peralkaline, arfvedsonite- and acmite-bearing rhyolites are determined as pantellerites. They can be related to a tectonomagmatic stage, dated of the Late Cretaceous, of the western central Africa rift system. They may constitute the NNE extension of a N50° to 30° elongated succession of small alkaline complexes, from the Gulf of Guinea to the North-Cameroon, which initiated the magmatic activity of the Cameroon Line. To cite this article: J.-P. Vicat et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 885–891.  相似文献   

The so-called ‘Porphyro??des’ Unit of South Brittany is located below units marked by an early HP–LT event (blueschists from the Île de Groix) and above units marked by Upper Carboniferous HT metamorphism. PT estimates in the Porphyro??des (at Belle-Île-en-Mer), using the phengite–chlorite thermobarometer, indicate pressures around 8 kbar and temperatures of 350–400 °C. These new estimates suggest that the early tectonic history of the ‘Porphyro??des’ should be linked to that of the overlying Blueschists, and imply a much larger areal extension of the HP–LT domain in this part of the Hercynian Belt. To cite this article: F. Le Hébel et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 205–211.  相似文献   

The Fenes Nappe belongs to the stack of tectonic units cropping out in the southern Apuseni Mts (Romania). It is characterised by a structural history consisting of two folding phases that developed during the time spanning from Early Aptian to Late Maastrichtian. The D1 phase produced west-northwest-verging, isoclinal to very tight folds, associated to a slaty cleavage. The main metamorphic imprint of the Fenes Nappe is linked to this deformation phase; illite and chlorite ‘crystallinity’ values indicate metamorphic conditions of the late diagenesis, close to the diagenetic zone/anchizone boundary. The subsequent D2 phase produced north-northwest-verging, parallel folds, not associated with synkinematic recrystallisation. These phases are interpreted as developed during a structural path, which includes burial at a depth of 8–10 km, followed by exhumation at shallower structural levels. To cite this article: A. Ellero et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 347–354.  相似文献   

By nature minerals are heterogeneous materials for many of their properties. These properties also vary according to composition and structure fluctuations, compared to definitions. Technical minerals are used in applications where their performances depend on intrinsic properties and processing conditions. It is possible to base rankings on simple criteria, allowing estimating the abilities of minerals for each utilisation. The research of the corresponding mechanisms concerns the molecular level. These questions are discussed for kaolins, raw materials for baked clays, talqueous materials and montmorillonites. To cite this article: J. Yvon et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 717–730.  相似文献   

New data on isotopic composition of sulphur and oxygen in dissolved sulphates are used to determine the origin of sulphate ions (SO42?) in the water of the Infra-Molassic Sands Eocene aquifer. Two very distinct origins appear: one is the gypsum dissolution, from the molasse, and the second is the pyrite oxidation, present at the bottom of and within the aquifer. These isotopic analyses helped, in agreement with hydrogeology, to identify geochemical basins whose properties modify the chemical water composition. They also highlight the existence of bioreduction areas. To cite this article: L. André et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 749–756.  相似文献   

The Arro system is an oblique fold system involving the Eocene sediments of the Graus-Tremp basin. It consists of westward-verging folds, trending NNW–SSE, some of them related with thrusts, in piggyback sequence. Seismic profiles allow to infer the geometry of structures at depth: folds and thrusts are ‘decolled’ over an unconformity between turbiditic and platform sediments. Re-activation of bedding surfaces by folding in the underlying units resulted in folding and thrusting in the upper series. To cite this article: A.M. Casas et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 765–772.  相似文献   

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