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多波束回波强度数据不但可用于分析和解释海底地貌,也可用于反演海底底质类型及其分布状况或者水下目标识别方面的研究。以EM 122多波束声纳系统数据为例,详细探讨应用CARIS多波束处理软件对某深水多波束作业区的回波强度数据的处理过程。根据软件处理后的数据浅析灰度量化及拼接方法,进一步改善声强图像的质量,后处理图像为多波束水下目标识别和海底底质分类研究提供准确、表述清晰的基础数据。  相似文献   

西太平洋高丰度高覆盖率多金属结核的发现受到各国学者的高度关注,如何高效探测不同覆盖率和丰度的多金属结核分布特征是目前研究的重点.利用EM122多波束回波强度资料对西太平洋海盆结核分布特征进行分析,结果表明,回波强度的高低变化与结核覆盖率关系密切,而当结核覆盖率相当时,回波强度的高低变化反映了结核的粒径大小,其中大型结核...  相似文献   

西太平洋高丰度高覆盖率多金属结核的发现受到各国学者的高度关注,如何高效探测不同覆盖率和丰度的多金属结核分布特征是目前研究的重点。利用EM122多波束回波强度资料对西太平洋海盆结核分布特征进行分析,结果表明,回波强度的高低变化与结核覆盖率关系密切,而当结核覆盖率相当时,回波强度的高低变化反映了结核的粒径大小,其中大型结核(直径D>6 cm)较多时,回波强度值明显增大。利用最大似然分类方法对回波强度资料进行监督分类,得出深海沉积物、低丰度、中等丰度和高丰度结核空间分布,结果显示,深海粘土沉积区与丰度>>30 kg/m2的高丰度结核分布区多回波强度差异高达近20 dB。  相似文献   

中太平洋海山富钴结壳生长习性及控制因素   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
通过对"大洋一号"调查船DY95-10、DY105-11、DY105-12等航次结壳样品和海底摄像照相资料等综合观测分析,从不同角度对中太平洋海山富钴结壳的生长习性及控制因素进行了初步探讨.结果表明,富钴结壳可以在海山区的各种岩石上生长发育,对岩性没有明显的选择性,载壳岩石类型统计结果与岩石类型区域上的分布不均衡有关,而与岩性本身并没有必然的联系.结壳生长的厚度除受载壳岩石形成年代、物化环境影响外,与其所经受构造活动的强度和频率也有密切联系.水深可能对结壳的生长发育具有一定的控制作用,但由于海山在结壳生长后存在移动和升降运动,因此现在海山上的结壳并不存在截然的水深界限.地形对富钴结壳覆盖率、产状、形态具有明显的控制作用,海山坡度太缓、太陡均不利于结壳的生长发育;在海山坡度较大处生长的结壳多呈平板状,而在坡度较小处生长的结壳多呈波纹状或枕状;海山的斜坡上生长的多为板状结壳,而在平坦低洼处则有利于砾状结壳、钴结核的生长发育.  相似文献   

Applications of multiple-point statistics (mps) algorithms to large non-repetitive geological objects such as those found in mining deposits are difficult because most mps algorithms rely on pattern repetition for simulation. In many cases, an interpreted geological model built from a computer-aided design system is readily available but suffers as a training image due to the lack of patterns repetitiveness. Porphyry copper deposits and iron ore formations are good examples of such mining deposits with non-repetitive patterns. This paper presents an algorithm called contactsim that focuses on reproducing the patterns of the contacts between geological types. The algorithm learns the shapes of the lithotype contacts as interpreted by the geologist, and simulates their patterns at a later stage. Defining a zone of uncertainty around the lithological contact is a critical step in contactsim, because it defines both the zones where the simulation is performed and where the algorithm should focus to learn the transitional patterns between lithotypes. A larger zone of uncertainty results in greater variation between realizations. The definition of the uncertainty zone must take into consideration the geological understanding of the deposit, and the reliability of the contact zones. The contactsim algorithm is demonstrated on an iron ore formation.  相似文献   

Mathematical Geosciences - Three-dimensional modeling of geoscientific data of limited amounts and strongly biased locations is difficult and impractical using almost any method. To obtain a...  相似文献   

Godefroy  G.  Caumon  G.  Laurent  G.  Bonneau  F. 《Mathematical Geosciences》2019,51(8):1091-1107

Structural uncertainty exists when associating sparse fault interpretations made from two-dimensional seismic lines or limited outcrop observations. Here, a graph formalism is proposed that describes the problem of associating spatial fault evidence. A combinatorial analysis, relying on this formalism, shows that the number of association scenarios is given by the Bell number, and increases exponentially with the number of pieces of evidence. As a result, the complete exploration of uncertainties is computationally highly challenging. The available prior geological knowledge is expressed by numerical rules to reduce the number of scenarios, and the graph formalism makes structural interpretation easier to reproduce than manual interpretation. The Bron–Kerbosch algorithm, which finds maximal cliques in undirected graphs, is used to detect major possible structures. This framework opens the way to a numerically assisted exploration of uncertainties during structural interpretation.


左仁广  彭勇  李童  熊义辉 《地球科学》2021,46(1):350-358
基于深度学习的地质找矿信息挖掘与集成已经成为数学地球科学的前沿领域.深度学习作为一种具有多级非线性变换的层级机器学习算法,在地质找矿大数据挖掘与集成中仍处于探索阶段,还有一系列问题亟需解决.以卷积神经网络为例,探讨了基于深度学习的地质找矿大数据挖掘与集成过程中两大挑战:训练样本不足和深度学习网络模型构建困难,重点分析了...  相似文献   

相干算法提取嫦娥数据月表地质特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金丹  朱培民  刘江平 《地球科学》2010,35(2):277-282
经典的边缘提取算法可从月球影像数据中提取出月表的构造特征, 但难以提取出与月貌有关的特征信息.本文提出的相干法月球影像地质特征提取技术, 其基本思想是基于相干运算来考察图像上像素或像素组之间的相似性, 以获取月表的构造特征和月貌特征.该方法已经应用在嫦娥一号月球探测器获取的部分影像数据上, 相比于几种常规的边缘提取方法, 本方法优势明显, 不仅能有效地提取环形构造和线性构造等地质特征, 还可以很好地提取月貌特征, 对具有一定规模的小直径撞击坑的识别也有不错的效果.该方法可以用于计算机自动识别或辅助手工解译月表构造, 划分月貌单元等研究.   相似文献   

综合考虑高放废物地质处置多源信息的数据特点,按照学科专题领域划分原则,同时兼顾GIS等信息技术在新兴领域中的应用,形成了一套适用于高放废物地质处置数据管理的多源信息分类与编码体系。该体系遵循相关国际或国家基础信息标准及废物处置等行业标准,同时采用面向对象程序设计与兼顾GIS分析的思想,有利于更大程度地满足核技术领域信息共享需求。  相似文献   

<正>Thirty-six typical REE deposits extracted from literatures,mineral resource database or reports,which are served as a basis for classifying deposit type.And then the five principal deposit types were identified:(1)alkali-related type;(2)Ion-adsorbed type;(3)metamorphosed sedimentary type;(4)placer type;(5)sedimentary phosphate type.Data gathered for each deposit includes the deposit scale,geologic settings,main metallogenic ages,main and accessory minerals,and ore-bearing intrusions.  相似文献   

<正>Hyperspectral remote sensing is now a frontier of the remote sensing technology.Airborne hyperspectral remote sensing data have hundreds of narrow bands to obtain complete and continuous ground-object spectra.Therefore,they can be effectively used to identify these  相似文献   

遥感蚀变异常在地质矿产勘查工作中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述利用遥感数据提取蚀变异常的机理、方法、数据源及在不同找矿阶段的应用.以内蒙古西部阿拉善左旗沙拉西别地区为例,讨论了遥感找矿的预测应用;以内蒙古西部朱拉扎嘎金矿为例,讨论了遥感找矿在详查工作阶段的应用.通过研究认为,遥感蚀变异常可以为野外勘探前期的预测阶段提供重要的找矿信息,为详查阶段提供精确的定位信息.遥感技术是贯...  相似文献   

作者对西北地区不同类型温石棉矿床的石棉进行了扫描电镜和高分辩率透射电镜研究,拍摄到清晰的晶格象和电子显微象,发现茫崖型和小八宝型的温石棉纤维的晶格条纹、晶格缺陷及纤维形貌有明显差异。这种差异与成棉地质条件和温度有关。  相似文献   

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