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We examined the potential of geothermal energy development in northern Canadian communities to support local energy demand, along with providing an initial assessment of the economic viability of geothermal energy resources for (a) low enthalpy heating systems and (b) electrical power generation from high temperature resources. We estimate yearly energy production and cost per kWh for geothermal systems using scenarios for thermal and electrical production sustained over 15 years from temperatures reached in the 2–6-km depth range. All the calculations are based on a borehole fluid productivity of 30 kg/s. We assume this to be feasible in sedimentary aquifers and through fractured granites. Under such an assumption and assumptions made on the efficiency of heat exchangers, our modeling shows that thermal energy output for 120°C from 3- to 5-km wells can be as low as 5–8 cents/kWh thermal. For a 6 km depth, the cost of thermal energy can be as low as 1–2 cents/kW thermal for thermal energy production of 100–200 MWh annually.  相似文献   

This paper describes an assessment of the enhanced geothermal system (EGS) resource base of the conterminous United States, using constructed temperature at depth maps. The temperature at depth maps were computed from 3 to 10 km, for every km. The methodology is described. Factors included are sediment thickness, thermal conductivity variations, distribution of the radioactive heat generation and surface temperature based on several geologic models of the upper 10 km of the crust. EGS systems are extended in this paper to include coproduced geothermal energy, and geopressured resources. A table is provided that summarizes the resource base estimates for all components of the EGS geothermal resource. By far, the conduction-dominated components of EGS represent the largest component of the U.S. resource. Nonetheless, the coproduced resources and geopressured resources are large and significant targets for short and intermediate term development. There is a huge resource base between the depths of 3 and 8 km, where the temperature reaches 150–250°C. Even if only 2% of the conventional EGS resource is developed, the energy recovered would be equivalent to roughly 2,500 times the annual consumption of primary energy in the U.S. in 2006. Temperatures above 150°C at those depths are more common in the active tectonic regions of the western conterminous U.S., but are not confined to those areas. In the central and eastern U.S. there are identified areas of moderate size that are of reasonable grade and probably small areas of much higher grade than predicted by this analyses. However because of the regional (the grid size is 5′ × 5′) scale of this study such potentially promising sites remain to be identified. Several possible scenarios for EGS development are discussed. The most promising and least costly may to be developments in abandoned or shut-in oil and gas fields, where the temperatures are high enough. Because thousands of wells are already drilled in those locations, the cost of producing energy from such fields could be significantly lowered. In addition many hydrocarbon fields are producing large amounts of co-produced water, which is necessary for geothermal development. Although sustainability is not addressed in this study, the resource is so large that in at least some scenarios of development the geothermal resource is sustainable for long periods of time.  相似文献   

Defining temperature at depth to identify geothermal resources relies on the evaluation of the Earth heat flow based on equilibrium temperature measurements as well as thermal conductivity and heat generation rate assessment. Such high-quality geothermal data can be sparse over the region of interest. This is the case of the St. Lawrence Lowlands sedimentary basin covering 20,000 km2 to the south of Québec, Canada, and enclosing only three wells up to a depth of 500 m with equilibrium heat flow measurements. However, more than 250 oil and gas exploration wells have been drilled in this area, providing for this study (parce que c'est 93 sinon) 81 locations with bottom-hole temperature up to a depth of 4300 m, however, not at equilibrium. Analyzing these data with respect to the deep geothermal resource potential of this sedimentary basin requires evaluating the thermal conductivity and heat generation rate of its geological units to properly extrapolate temperature downward. This was done by compiling literature and recent thermal conductivity measurements in outcrop and core samples as well as new heat generation rate estimates from spectral gamma ray logs to establish a first thermal assessment of geological units deep down into the basin. The mean thermal conductivity of the thermal units varies from 2.5 to 6.3 W/m·K, with peak values in the basal sandstones, while the heat generation rate varies from 1.6 to 0.3 µW/m3, decreasing from the upper caprocks toward the base of the sequence. After correcting the bottom-hole temperatures for drilling disturbance with the Harrison correction and subsequently for paleoclimate variations, results indicate a mean geothermal gradient of 23.1 °C/km, varying from 14 to 40 °C/km. Evaluating the basin thermal state from oil and gas data is a significant challenge facilitated by an understanding of its thermal properties.  相似文献   

Maps of shallow depth (down to −250 m) temperature distribution across Canada show large variability, related mainly to surface climatic forcing. Very small changes of temperature with depth in the upper 250 m are related to heat gained by the subsurface due to recent global warming. Temperature data compiled from precise temperature logs in equilibrium wells, and temperature time series from a network of meteorological stations, allow calculation of the available heat energy for heating in the cold period and for cooling in peak warm months. Utilization of this energy resource has the potential for significant CO2 reduction in Canada. The geothermal energy stored in the ground can be used, with the help of heat pumps, for heating, given very low winter temperatures. The amount of potential heat available is vast. In Canada, south of permafrost border, the integrated value of potentially available heat during the heating season down to −50 m is 1.1 E21 J (1100 quads).  相似文献   

In this research, a simulation was performed for evaluating power production from an abandoned geothermal well as an enhanced geothermal system by injecting a secondary fluid. Abandoned wells, due to lack of fluid or very low transmissivity, are regarded among the low-to moderate-temperature resources that have the potential for heat production without any cost for deep drilling. Accordingly, they are taken as suitable sources of energy. In the present paper, an abandoned geothermal well at Meshkinshahr geothermal field in Sabalan district, northwestern Iran, with 3176 m depth was simulated. The bottom-hole temperature of 148 °C, as well as well casing size, and real thermal gradient for well were applied in the model. A 3D heat transfer simulation model was designed by considering a coaxial pipe as a down-hole heat exchanger between surrounding rocks of the well and injected fluid. Injected fluid to the well with specified pressure and temperature receives heat from rocks surrounding the well, until it reaches the bottom of the well and converts to vapor. The vapor returns to the surface from inner pipe with very low heat loss during its return. The inner pipe is isolated by a thin layer having a low heat conductivity to prevent heat loss from the returned fluid. It was observed that obtained heat in the well depends on temperature profile of the well, injection velocity, and fluid mass flow rate. The model results were optimized by selecting suitable parameters such as inlet injection speed and fluid flow rate to achieve the highest temperature of the fluid returned from the well. A binary power plant was also modeled to determine the extractable power using returned fluid as input using ammonia and isobutene, as working fluids in binary cycle. Finally, electric power of 270 kW was generated from well NWS3 using designed down-hole heat exchanger.  相似文献   

We utilized carbonate clumped isotope thermometry to explore the thermal history of the Delaware Basin, West Texas, USA. Carbonate wellbore cuttings from five oil/gas wells across the basin yielded clumped isotope temperatures (T(Δ47)) ranging from 27°C to 307°C, interpreted to reflect a combination of initial precipitation/recrystallization temperature and solid-state C-O bond reordering during burial. Dolomite samples generally record lower apparent T(Δ47)s than calcite, reflecting greater resistance to reordering in dolomite. In all five wells, clumped isotope temperatures exceed modern downhole temperature measurements, indicating higher heat flow in the past. Using modelled burial curves based on sedimentological history, we created unique time-temperature histories by linearly applying a geothermal gradient. Applying two different thermal history reordering models, we modelled the extent of solid-state C–O bond reordering to iteratively find the time-averaged best-fit geothermal gradients for each of the five wells. Results of this modelling suggest that the shallower, southwestern portion of the study area experienced higher geothermal gradients throughout the sediment history (~45°C/km) than did the deeper, southeastern portion (~32°C/km), with the northern portion experiencing intermediate geothermal gradients (~35–38°C/km). This trend is in agreement with the observed gas/oil ratios of the Delaware Basin, increasing from east to west. Furthermore, our clumped isotope temperatures agree well with previously published vitrinite reflectance data, confirming previous observations and demonstrating the utility of carbonate clumped isotope thermometry to reconstruct basin thermal histories.  相似文献   

To decipher the thermal structure of the sedimentary veneer in southern Israel, new values of thermal conductivity and porosity as well as of the radiogenic heat budget are provided. Thermal conductivity is measured for lithotypes and scaled up for geological formations. The new data are higher than most of the previously measured values, in particular for sandstones and siltstones, whose mean values are 5.0 and 2.9 W m?1 K?1. Mean values of the most abundant lithotypes, which are dolomites and limestones, are on the order of 4.1 and 2.7 W m?1 K?1, respectively. The total radiogenic heat production of the sedimentary cover varies slightly over southern Israel, due to variable lithology and total sediment thickness, yielding a maximum heat flow on the order of 4 mW m?2 where the sedimentary section is thickest (ca. 7 km). A temperature prognosis was made by calculating temperature profiles to the top of the crystalline basement at five well locations applying the new thermal‐conductivity data set and three scenarios of surface heat flow (50, 55 and 60 mW m?2). The calculated temperatures best match with measured drillstem‐test temperatures by using heat‐flow values close to the upper bound of range. Surface heat flow on the order of 55–60 mW m?2 is supported by a reevaluation of an existing temperature log and the application of thermal conductivity from this study. The temperature prediction for southern Israel shows values of 100–120°C at 3500–4500 m depth, indicating a geothermal potential that can be used for heating as well as electricity production.  相似文献   

Summary. Temperature gradients and thermal conductivities were determined for a number of exploration boreholes in South-west England in order to verify and further delineate the anomalously high heat flow which has been reported. A pattern is emerging of an anomalously high geothermal gradient and heat flow of about 40°C Km−1 and 126 mWm−1 respectively over the Hercynian granite batholith, with normal values adjacent to it. A synthesis of related data indicates that the heat flow anomaly is associated with convection of hydrothermal fluids and although the mechanism is not well understood it may be caused by a combination of above average natural radioactive heat generation coupled with deep, permeable fracture systems within the batholith.  相似文献   

Geothermal energy resources in North Dakota and South Dakota occur as low (T < 90°C) and intermediate (T < 150°C) temperature geothermal waters in regional-scale aquifers within the Williston and Kennedy Basins. The accessible resource base is approximately 21.25 exajoules (1018 J = 1 exajoule, 1018 J ~ 1015 Btu = 1 quad) in North Dakota and 12.25 exajoules in South Dakota. Resource temperatures range from 40°C at depths of about 700 m to 150°C at 4500 m in the Williston Basin in North Dakota. In South Dakota, resource temperatures range from 44°C at a depth of 550 m near Pierre to 100°C at a depth of 2500 m in the northwestern corner. This resource assessment raises the identified accessible resource base by 31% above the previous assessments and by 310% over an earlier assessment. The large increases in the identified accessible resource bases reported in this study result from including all potential geothermal aquifers and better understanding of the thermal regime of the region. These results imply that a reassessment of stratabound geothermal resources in the United States that includes all geothermal aquifers would increase significantly the identified accessible resource base. The Williston Basin in North Dakota is characterized by conductive heat flows ranging from 43 to 68 mW m–2 and averaging 55 mW m–2. Comparisons of calculated and bottomhole temperatures measured in oil fields over the Nesson Anticline and the Billings Nose show temperature differences which suggest that upward groundwater flow in fractures on the westward sides of the structures slightly perturbs the otherwise conductive thermal field. The maximum heat-flow disturbance is estimated to be of the order of 10 to 20 mW m–2. These thermal anomalies do not alter significantly the accessible geothermal resource base. Anomalous heat flow in south-central South Dakota is caused by heat advection in gravity-driven groundwater flow in regional aquifers. Heat flow is anomalously high (Q > 130 mW m–2) in the discharge area in south-central South Dakota and anomalously low (30 mW m2) in the recharge area near the Black Hills and along the western limb of the Kennedy Basin in western South Dakota. Heat-flow disturbances are the result of vertical groundwater flow through fractures in the discharge area of the regional flow system in South Dakota are minor and may be significant only in deeply incised stream valleys. An important factor that controls the temperature of the resource in both North Dakota and South Dakota is the insulating effect of a thick (500–2000 m) layer of low thermal-conductivity shales that overlie the region. The effective thermal conductivity of the shale layer is approximately 1.2 W m–1 K–1 in contrast to sandstones and carbonates, which have conductivities of 2.5 to 3.5 W m–1 K–1. This low conductivity leads to high geothermal gradients (dT/dz > 50°C km–1), even where heat flow has normal continental values, that is 40–60 mW m–2. Engineering studies show that geothermal space heating using even the lowest temperature geothermal aquifers (T 40 °C) in North Dakota and South Dakota is cost effective at present economic conditions. The Inyan Kara Formation of the Dakota Group (Cretaceous) is the preferred geothermal aquifer in terms of water quality and productivity. Total dissolved solids in the Inyan Kara Formation ranges from 3,000 to more than 20,000 mg L–1. Porosities normally are higher than 20%, and the optimum producing zones generally are thicker than 30 m. The estimated water productivity index of a productive well in the Inyan Kara Formation is 0.254179 l s–1 Mpa–1. Deeper formations have warmer waters, but, in general, are less permeable and have poorer water quality than the Inyan Kara.  相似文献   

Summary. A geothermal and hydrochemical anomaly was observed in the Lower Triassic sandstone aquifer in the Vittel region (Vosges, France). This anomaly was attributed to a hydrothermal spring under sedimentary cover. In order to localize the hot spring and to quantify more precisely its flow rate and temperature, it is necessary to consider the 3-D thermal problem by taking into account the complex geometry of the domain and the flow rate in the aquifer. A 3-D numerical model of thermal conductive and forced convective transfer, developed for hydrological problems including approximate geometrical and topographical effects, is used which (i) can be directly applied to geologic strata (aquifers) with varying thickness and top and base slope; and (ii) allows calculation of heat flux anomalies associated with fluid flow in such geologically realistic aquifers.
The heat transfer equation is formulated in an orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system. As most geometries dealing with geothermal phenomena in sedimentary basins are nearly horizontal, this formulation can be simplified, leading readily to numerical solution with a finite difference method. The application of the 3-D model to the Vittel aquifer gives temperature results in agreement with measurements. These results provide evidence for the importance of associated forced convection and topographical effects for ground temperature distribution, and show clearly that heat flow in many basins is interpretable only if careful hydrological and thermal studies are made.  相似文献   

Geothermal exploration is typically limited to high-grade hydrothermal reservoirs that are usually found in the western United States, yet large areas with subsurface temperatures above 150°C at economic drilling depths can be found east of the Rocky Mountains. The object of this paper is to present new heat flow data and to evaluate the geothermal potential of Texas and adjacent areas. The new data show that, west of the Ouachita Thrust Belt, the heat flow values are lower than east of the fault zone. Basement heat flow values for the Palo Duro and Fort Worth Basins are below 50 mW/m2 while, in the frontal zone of the belt, they can exceed 60 mW/m2. Further east, along the Balcones fault system the heat flow is in general higher than 55 mW/m2. The eastern most heat flow sites are in Louisiana and they show very high heat flow (over 80 mW/m2), which is associated with the apparently highly radioactive basement of the Sabine uplift. The geothermal resource in this area is large and diverse, and can be divided in high grade (temperature above 150°C) convective systems, conductive based enhanced geothermal systems and geothermal/geopressured systems. One of the most attractive areas east of the cordillera extends from eastern Texas across Louisiana and Arkansas to western Mississippi. Here temperatures reach exploitation range at depths below 4 km, and tapping such a resource from shut in hydrocarbon fields is relatively easy. The initial costs of the development can be greatly reduced if existing hydrocarbon infrastructure is used, and therefore using shut-in hydrocarbon fields for geothermal purposes should not be neglected.  相似文献   

Summary. We demonstrate a method of performing linear programming optimizations of functionals of subsurface temperature, when thermal conductivity is a known piecewise-constant function. Data comprise heat flow measurements on the flat isothermal surface of this structure, within which heat transfer is by steady-state conduction. Two-dimensionality is assumed. The approach involves establishing constraints which demand the continuity of temperature and the normal component of heat flow across all internal boundaries. These unknown functions are expanded as truncated Fourier series whose coefficients become unknowns of the linear programming solution vector; linear relations are established between these coefficients which guarantee harmonicity of temperature in each region of uniform conductivity, as well as the continuity requirements. Variations of the formalism are detailed for three simple types of geometry. As an example the method is applied to a heat flow data set from Sass, Killeen & Mustonen over the Quirke Lake Syncline of Ontario, Canada.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the application of geothermal energy by numerically modeling the heat extraction that would result from the injection of cold water into an artificially fractured hot dry rock (HDR). The HDR that would be utilized in Alberta is expected to be granite with a network of pre-existing natural fractures. However, to ensure a continued flow of injected water from the reservoir to the production wells, creation of additional fractures is required. Thus, the properties of these fractures are of prime importance to the efficiency of geothermal energy production. The fracture networks for the simulations were created using a numerical code and were converted into a grid format to be used in a commercial thermal simulator. A new approach to embed a complex fracture system into the numerical model was applied. Various properties of the fractures such as aperture, length, and spacing were changed and their absolute and relative effects on energy production were quantified and the results are presented in this paper. This modeling technique was also verified by comparison with the conventional dual porosity model and by performing a history match with real field data obtained from literature. The applicability of this approach to provide heat for oil sands extraction was investigated using the volumes of water currently needed in northern Alberta. Based on these constraints, numerical simulations were run to evaluate the optimum well spacing that would be required using a three-well configuration. In this simulation, the fracture parameters (density and aperture) were kept fixed assuming that they are not affected by cold water injection. The results of this study suggest that geothermal energy has a potential to be a sustainable form of thermal energy for oil sands extraction in northern Alberta.  相似文献   

The Qiongdongnan Basin is one of the largest Cenozoic rifted basins on the northern passive margin of the South China Sea. It is well known that since the Late Miocene, approximately 10 Ma after the end of the syn‐rift phase, this basin has exhibited rapid thermal subsidence. However, detailed analysis reveals a two‐stage anomalous subsidence feature of the syn‐rift subsidence deficit and the well‐known rapid post‐rift subsidence after 10.5 Ma. Heat‐flow data show that heat flow in the central depression zone is 70–105 mW m?2, considerably higher than the heat flow (<70 mW m?2) on the northern shelf. In particular, there is a NE‐trending high heat‐flow zone of >85 mW m?2 in the eastern basin. We used a numerical model of coupled geothermal processes, lithosphere thinning and depositional processes to analyse the origin of the anomalous subsidence pattern. Numerical analysis of different cases shows that the stretching factor βs based on syn‐rift sequences is less than the observed crustal stretching factor βc, and if the lithosphere is thinned with βc during the syn‐rift phase (before 21 Ma), the present basement depth can be predicted fairly accurately. Further analysis does not support crustal thinning after 21 Ma, which indicates that the syn‐rift subsidence is in deficit compared with the predicted subsidence with the crustal stretching factor βc. The observed high heat flow in the central depression zone is caused by the heating of magmatic injection equivalently at approximately 3–5 Ma, which affected the eastern basin more than the western basin, and the Neogene magmatism might be fed by the deep thermal anomaly. Our results suggest that the causes of the syn‐rift subsidence deficit and rapid post‐rift subsidence might be related. The syn‐rift subsidence deficit might be caused by the dynamic support of the influx of warmer asthenosphere material and a small‐scale thermal upwelling beneath the study area, which might have been persisting for about 10 Ma during the early post‐rift phase, and the post‐rift rapid subsidence might be the result of losing the dynamic support with the decaying or moving away of the deep thermal source, and the rapid cooling of the asthenosphere. We concluded that the excess post‐rift subsidence occurs to compensate for the syn‐rift subsidence deficit, and the deep thermal anomaly might have affected the eastern Qiongdongnan Basin since the Late Oligocene.  相似文献   


The temperature distribution at depth is a key variable when assessing the potential of a supercritical geothermal resource as well as a conventional geothermal resource. Data-driven estimation by a machine-learning approach is a promising way to estimate temperature distributions at depth in geothermal fields. In this study, we developed two methodologies—one based on Bayesian estimation and the other on neural networks—to estimate temperature distributions in geothermal fields. These methodologies can be used to supplement existing temperature logs, by estimating temperature distributions in unexplored regions of the subsurface, based on electrical resistivity data, observed geological/mineralogical boundaries, and microseismic observations. We evaluated the accuracy and characteristics of these methodologies using a numerical model of the Kakkonda geothermal field, Japan, where a temperature above 500 °C was observed below a depth of about 3.7 km. When using geological and geophysical knowledge as prior information for the machine learning methods, the results demonstrate that the approaches can provide subsurface temperature estimates that are consistent with the temperature distribution given by the numerical model. Using a numerical model as a benchmark helps to understand the characteristics of the machine learning approaches and may help to identify ways of improving these methods.


A complex basin evolution was studied using various methods, including thermal constraints based on apatite fission‐track (AFT) analysis, vitrinite reflectance (VR) and biomarker isomerisation, in addition to a detailed analysis of the regional stratigraphic record and of the lithological properties. The study indicates that (1) given the substantial amount of data, the distinction and characterisation of successive stages of heating and burial in the same area are feasible, and (2) the three thermal indicators (AFT, VR and biomarkers) yield internally consistent thermal histories, which supports the validity of the underlying kinetic algorithms and their applicability to natural basins. All data pertaining to burial and thermal evolution were integrated in a basin model, which provides constraints on the thickness of eroded sections and on heat flow over geologic time. Three stages of basin evolution occurred in northern Switzerland. The Permo‐Carboniferous strike–slip basin was characterised by high geothermal gradients (80–100°C km?1) and maximum temperature up to 160°C. After the erosion of a few hundreds of metres in the Permian, the post‐orogenic, epicontinental Mesozoic basin developed in Central Europe, with subsidence triggered by several stages of rifting. Geothermal gradients in northern Switzerland during Cretaceous burial were relatively high (35–40°C km?1), and maximum temperature typically reached 75°C (top middle Jurassic) to 100°C (base Mesozoic). At least in the early Cretaceous, a stage of increased heat flow is needed to explain the observed maturity level. After erosion of 600–700 m of Cretaceous and late Jurassic strata during the Paleocene, the wedge‐shaped Molasse Foreland Basin developed. Geothermal gradients were low at this time (≤20°C km?1). Maximum temperature of Miocene burial exceeded that of Cretaceous burial in proximal parts (<35 km from the Alpine front), but was lower in more distal parts (>45 km). Thus, maximum temperature as well as maximum burial depth ever reached in Mesozoic strata occurred at different times in different regions. Since the Miocene, 750–1050 m were eroded, a process that still continues in the proximal parts of the basin. Current average geothermal gradients in the uppermost 2500 m are elevated (32–47°C km?1). They are due to a Quaternary increase of heat flow, most probably triggered by limited advective heat transport along Paleozoic faults in the crystalline basement.  相似文献   

Summary. A non-steady-state theoretical model is used to predict the present variation of temperature with depth in two boreholes in the Devon Island ice cap, Arctic Canada. The boreholes are 300 m apart and one of them reaches bedrock. The heat transfer equation is solved numerically with the record of past temperatures obtained from measurements of the variations of oxygen—isotope ratio with depth in the cores as surface boundary condition. The effects of ice advection, refreezing of meltwater percolating from the surface (the amount of which is recorded in the cores), heating due to firn compaction and ice deformation, and heat flow in the bedrock below the ice sheet are all included in the model. The free parameters are geothermal heat flux, present surface temperature and heat loss at the surface which depends on the depth of meltwater penetration and other factors. Agreement between observed and predicted temperature—depth profiles is very close. Latent heat released by percolating meltwater is the predominating factor in determining the temperature distribution in the upper half of each borehole. The temperature distribution is insensitive to the value of the factor used to convert oxygen—isotope ratio to temperature.  相似文献   

The Astrakhan Arch (ASAR) region contains one of the largest sub‐salt carbonate structures of the Pricaspian salt basin (located to the northwest of the Caspian Sea), where prospects for hydrocarbon generation and accumulation in the Devonian to Carboniferous deposits are considered to be high. We evaluate the regional vertical temperature gradient within stratigraphic units based on the analysis of 34 boreholes drilled in the region. To show that the thermal gradient is altered in the vicinity of salt diapirs, we study measured temperatures in six deep boreholes. We develop a three‐dimensional geothermal model of the ASAR region constrained by temperature measurements, seismic stratigraphic and lithological data. The temperatures of the sub‐salt sediments predicted by the geothermal model range from about 100 °C to 200 °C and are consistent with the temperatures obtained from the analysis of vitrinite reflectivity and from previous two‐dimensional geothermal models. Temperature anomalies are positive in the uppermost portions of salt diapirs as well as within the salt‐withdrawal basins at the depth of 3.5 km depth and are negative beneath the diapirs. Two areas of positive temperature anomalies in the sub‐salt sediments are likely to be associated with the deep withdrawal basins above and with the general uplift of salt/sub‐salt interface in the southern part of the study region. This implies an enhancement of thermal maturity of any organically rich source rocks within these areas. The surface heat flux in the model varies laterally from about 40 to 55 mW m?2. These variations in the heat flux are likely to be associated with structural heterogeneities of the sedimentary rocks and with the presence of salt diapirs. The results of our modelling support the hypothesis of oil and gas condensate generation in the Upper Carboniferous to Middle Devonian sediments of the ASAR region.  相似文献   

An igneous hydrocarbon reservoir had been found in the Zhanhua depression, Bohai Bay Basin, eastern China. Two doleritic sills successively intruded into the immature source rock of the third member of the Shahejie Formation (Es3). The heat released from the magma changed the mineral composition of wall rocks and accelerated the maturity of organic matter. Thin hornfels and carbargilite zones were found next to the sills. The vitrinite reflectances (%Ro) of these heated wall rocks increased to at least 1.4% near the contacts (<50 m), and accumulation of oil was found in the hornfels zone and dolerite bodies. With the aim of understanding the influence of the sills on the hydrocarbon generation process, a complex heat conduction model was used to simulate the thermal history of the organic‐rich wall rocks, in which both the latent heat of crystallization of intrusions and vapourization heat of pore water in wall rocks were considered. The simulation results suggested that the cooling of each sill continued for about 0.1 Ma after its emplacement and the temperature of wall rocks was considerably raised. The peak temperature (Tpeak) that wall rocks experienced can reach 460–650°C in the region of 10 m away from the contacts. The thermal model was qualitatively verified by comparing the experimental data of vitrinite reflectances and mineral geothermometers of the wall rocks with the simulation results. Furthermore, we modelled the hydrocarbon generation of the source rocks based on the simulated thermal history. In the region of about 100 m from the contacts, the organic matter was heated and partially transformed into hydrocarbon within only a few 1000 years, which was significantly faster than the normal burial generation process.  相似文献   

The Chagan Depression in the Yingen-Ejinaqi Basin, located at the intersection of the Paleo-Asian Ocean and the Tethys Ocean domains is an important region to gain insights on terrestrial heat flow, lithospheric thermal structure and deep geodynamic processes. Here, we compute terrestrial heat flow values in the Chagan Depression using a large set of system steady-state temperature data from four representative wells and rock thermal conductivity. We also estimate the “thermal” lithospheric thickness, mantle heat flow, ratio of mantle heat flow to surface heat flow and Moho temperature to evaluate the regional tectonic framework and deep dynamics. The results show that the heat flow in the Chagan Depression ranges from 66.5 to 69.8 mW/m2, with an average value of 68.3 ± 1.2 mW/m2. The Chagan Depression is characterized by a thin “thermal” lithosphere, high mantle heat flow, and high Moho temperature, corresponding to the lithospheric thermal structure of “cold mantle and hot crust” type. We correlate the formation of the Yingen-Ejinaqi Basin to the Early Cretaceous and Cenozoic subduction of the western Pacific Plate and the Cenozoic multiple extrusions. Our results provide new insights into the thermal structure and dynamics of the lithospheric evolution in central China.  相似文献   

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