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Jian Hua   《Ocean Engineering》2004,31(8-9):943-956
A comparison of the movement of dispersed oil in marine sediment under two dispersant application scenarios, applied prior to and after oil being spilled overboard, was examined. The pre-spill application scenario caused much less oil to be retained in the top sediment than post-spill scenario. The difference in oil retention in the top sediment between pre- and post-spill application scenario increased with increase in fuel oil temperature. For fuel oil above 40 °C, the difference in the effect of pre-spill application strategy under various water temperatures was negligible. When soap water was used as replacement for chemical dispersant, almost one-half as much oil was retained in the top sediment as that when using chemical dispersant. The adsorption of dispersed oil to the top sediment was almost proportionally decreased with doubling of soap dosage.  相似文献   

Vanadium is one of the most significant trace elements in heavy fuel oils. While most previous studies emphasize its effects on the high-temperature corrosion of power-plant materials, the understanding of the basic combustion characteristics influenced by the vanadium content in fuel oils is still rather limited. The influences of the controlling factors, such as water-to-oil ratio, amount of emulsifying agent, and content of vanadium pentoxide on the burning characteristics of marine heavy No.6 fuel oil are thus investigated in this experimental study by using a suspended droplet approach. It is shown that the ignition delay, degree of micro-explosion, burning time, and flame length are affected by those factors to various extents. Increase of the water-to-oil ratio might enhance the micro-explosion phenomenon while the addition of an appropriate amount of the emulsifying agent Span-80 promotes the homogeneity of micro-water-droplets over their oil base, leading to alterations of the heated droplet characteristics of the emulsions. However, the existence of V2O5 in a fuel oil would result in deterioration of burning quality.  相似文献   

以燃料油为研究对象进行室外自然风化实验(0~100 d),探讨了含硫多环芳烃的风化规律。研究结果表明:燃料油中二苯并噻吩系列化合物的分布特征保持相对稳定,苯并[b]萘[2,1-d]噻吩在短期风化时间内(0~45 d),其相对丰度相对稳定,经过100 d的风化,相对丰度逐渐降低。通过重复性限判别方法,13个含硫多环芳烃诊断比值在风化60 d内基本稳定,可以用于指示风化60 d内油样是否同源,诊断比值1-MDBT/DBT、C0-BNT/2-+3-MDBT、C0-BNT/1-MDBT和C3-DBT/C3-BNT在风化100 d内不稳定,不适用于60~100 d风化油品鉴定。  相似文献   

The rupture of a submarine oil pipeline starts various mechanisms leading to an oil spill. Among these mechanisms the leakage of oil driven by the difference in specific gravities of oil and sea-water is difficult to estimate. A simple mathematical model has been developed and laboratory experiments have been carried out to obtain an insight into the density-driven exchange flow and to determine the leak rate. The mathematical model is predictive and takes account of the effects of friction, inclination of the pipeline, and inertia of the fluid. The experiments were done in a horizontal model pipeline. Theoretical and experimental results are in satisfactory agreement.  相似文献   


The grounding of the MV Rena has highlighted the lack of information concerning the effects of oil-related compounds on New Zealand marine life. Yellowtail kingfish (YTK), Seriola lalandi, embryos were exposed in static incubations to the water-accommodated fraction (WAF) of Rena heavy fuel oil as well as a similar preparation treated with the commercial dispersant Corexit 9500. Mortality in WAF treatments generally increased in association with total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (tPAH) concentration over a 24-h period. Physical abnormalities were observed in some of the larvae exposed to WAF for 48 h. There was no survival in dispersed oil treatments after 24 h of exposure. These treatments had greater tPAH concentrations (2–53?µgL?1) than equivalent WAF dilutions (0.2–1.5?µgL?1?tPAH). Indications are that significant morbidity is induced in YTK at ecologically relevant tPAH concentrations. This highlights the need for further research into oil and dispersant toxicity in New Zealand marine species.  相似文献   

从单油滴角度对波浪作用下漂浮溢油的入水过程(夹带、油滴的形成),演变过程(油滴的变形、破碎和聚并)和上浮过程的研究现状进行综述,介绍了溢油及相关领域的研究手段和实验方法,总结了海上溢油潜浮于水的行为机理及分布规律,并基于实验室和溢油现场的研究成果提出进一步需要探究的问题,为海上溢油污染的应急决策、追踪预测和损害评估等方面提供思路和借鉴。  相似文献   

Degraded fuel oils are generally used in marine power plants for economic purposes, so as to reduce operating expenses. These marine fuel oils commonly contain various oxides or sulfide compounds of metallic elements in the fuel ash, and affect the combustion and emission characteristics of marine power plants to different extents. Moreover, marine power plants are more often operated in a highly humid environment. As a result the emission and burning process may also be altered by the various humidity level of the inlet air. The effects of potassium sulfide in marine diesel on the combustion and emission characteristics of marine furnaces under varying levels of relative humidity of inlet air were experimentally investigated in this study. A cylindrical industrial furnace made of AISI 316 stainless steel, and an automatic oil-fired burner were used for the emission characteristics measurements and observation. A mechanically homogenizing machine was used to stir potassium sulfide (K2SO4) powder and marine diesel with a preset K2SO4 concentration. The relative humidity of the inlet air and temperature were adjusted to their assigned values by a large-size air conditioner before being pumped into the burner. The marine diesel oil mixture was atomized by the inlet air consequently ignited by an electrode and then burned within the horizontal furnace. There were eight rectangular slots cut in the upper portion of the furnace wall so that the probes of a gas analyzer and a thermocouple could be inserted into radial positions in the cylindrical furnace. The concentrations of gas emission and burning gas temperature and the combustion efficiency were analyzed. The experimental results show that the burning gas temperature, carbon dioxide emission and combustion efficiency decreased when the concentrations of excess air and oxygen emission increased with the addition of potassium sulfide in the marine diesel fuel. This is primarily attributed to the fact that the sulfide of an alkali compound such as K2SO4 may suppress the oxidation reaction process, leading to inferior combustion characteristics.  相似文献   

将分形理论应用于溢油的气相色谱鉴别,建立了一种新的海洋溢油气相色谱鉴别方法。即首先采用小波分解将气相色谱图曲线分解至不同的尺度,计算各尺度曲线分量的分形维数,基于分形维数参量,采用欧几里得距离判断不同样品气相色谱曲线的近似程度,达到对溢油样品进行鉴别的目的。溢油事故实例数据分析表明,分形维数能较好的反映不同色谱曲线的差异,所建立的方法在筛选溢油样品时,能在一定程度上缩小鉴别范围,可作为溢油鉴别的一种有效辅助方法。  相似文献   

海上溢油事故不仅会造成大面积的海水污染,还会对海洋生态系统造成严重破坏。为此,采用有效的方法评估溢油事件引起的生态风险,对防灾减灾工作具有重要意义。本文以发生于2011年6月的渤海蓬莱19-3溢油事故为例,使用两种溢油模型(GNOME轨迹模型与ADIOS风化模型)模拟了事故初期油膜的运动轨迹与风化过程。基于模拟结果,利用CAFE模型(Chemical Aquatic Fate and Effect)拟合了相应的物种敏感度分布(species sensitivity distribution,SSD)曲线,首次结合三种模型工具对渤海进行了生态风险评估研究。结果显示,随着原油的持续泄漏,其主要有毒物质(苯系物)浓度达到了1 300μg/L,超过了1%危害浓度值(Hazard Concentration 1%,HC1)。结果表明,在事故初期所产生的生态风险不可忽视,并且风险(多个物种的潜在影响分数)会在96 h内以每日约1%的趋势增长。本文结合溢油运动轨迹和SSD曲线,绘制出了事故期间的生态风险时空分布图。经过定量化的评估,首次发现事故的整体生态风险随时间呈近似二次函数增长,同溢油轨迹一样,向西北方向扩散,越靠近溢油源的海域生态风险概率越高。  相似文献   

微藻对油污染物的不同响应,势必造成其群落种类组成和结构的变化,进一步影响海洋生态系统的变迁。由于油污染对于浮游植物的影响具有污染源及生物响应的多样性、多维度性和复杂性,产生影响的时效长但可显示度低等特点,造成该研究领域的极大限制。作者以石油标准品20-3和3种石油化学品(双酚、对苯二甲酸、对二甲苯)作为油污染源,利用多孔板高通量检测方法及大数据处理分析软件Simca-P,对中国沿海常见单种微型藻类的种群消长受油污染影响进行了研究。以石油标准品20-3为油污染源,分析了31株微藻增殖对不同油标浓度的不同响应;利用Simca-P软件对3种不同浓度的石油化学品对4种典型微藻(柔弱角刺藻(Chaetoceros debilis)、球等鞭金藻(Isochrysis galbana)、东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense)、剧毒卡罗藻(Karlodinum veneficum))增殖的影响进行了比较分析。研究结果显示:不同种类微藻因油污种类及其浓度不同,其响应存在显著差异。利用多孔板以及微藻的吸光特征,可以高通量快速筛查不同微藻对不同油污及其不同浓度的响应差异,并利用计算机软件对大数据的分析能力,挖掘和比较不同微藻与不同油污之间的相互关系,从而就油污染对微藻影响这种多维度复杂关系进行研究。  相似文献   

This study aims to evaluate the subacute toxic effects of oil under different treatments on marine organism by simulating natural contaminative processes. In this study, 120# (RMD15) fuel oil was selected as the pollutant and marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) embryos as the experimental organism. The developmental toxicity of different volume concentrations (0.05%, 0.2%, 1% and 5%) of water-accommodated fractions, biologically-enhanced water-accommodated fractions, and chemically-enhanced water-accommodated fractions on the embryos in different exposure time (8, 15 and 22 d) were compared and the content of relevant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was studied (in dispersion and in vivo). The subacute toxic effects were assessed in terms of antioxidant activities of enzymes (superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione S-transferase) and the blue sac disease (BSD) indexes.The results showed that the BSD indexes of the treatment groups were significantly higher than the respective control groups and showed positive correlations with both concentration and exposure time. The experiments with three antioxidant enzymes indicated that enzymatic activities of the embryos changed dramatically under the oxidation stress of petroleum hydrocarbons, especially after adding the dispersants. With the increase of petroleum hydrocarbon concentration and exposure time, the three enzymes showed different degrees of induction and inhibition effects.  相似文献   

同化技术在渤海溢油应急预报系统中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
李燕  朱江  王辉  林彩燕 《海洋学报》2014,36(3):113-120
溢油应急预报对溢油事故现场处理具有重要指导意义。国内外已开展大量溢油数值预报技术研究,但由于各类误差的引入(尤其风和流数值预报误差的引入)以及模型本身的不完善等各种原因导致溢油数值预报无法满足日益提高的溢油预报精度需求。随着现场观测技术和监测水平的提高,如何充分利用实时观测数据提高业务化溢油应急预报精度,并满足应急预报迅速快捷的要求,成为目前业务化溢油应急预报的首要问题。国家海洋环境预报中心于2008年实现了渤海溢油业务化预报系统的建立和业务化应用,本文针对当前渤海溢油业务化应急预报中存在的现实问题,利用已有渤海海上5个石油平台从2010年1月至2011年2月的风场观测数据,初步开展最优插值方法(optimal interpolation assimilation method,OI)同化技术在国家海洋环境预报中心渤海溢油应急预报系统风场订正的应用研究。本文采用交错订正方法,确定了OI同化技术中相关尺度因子的选取,从而实现在这5个观测站地理分布情况下,OI同化技术应用中参数的最优化,之后在理想实验和实际案例的应用中,该同化方法明显提高渤海溢油预报精度。本文为如何进一步利用同化方法迅速快捷地实现溢油应急预报精度的提高提供了一定研究基础。  相似文献   

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