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The processes of long‐range granitic magma transfer from mid‐ and lower crustal anatectic zones to upper crustal pluton emplacement sites remain controversial in the literature. This is partly because feeder networks that could have accommodated this large‐scale magma transport remain elusive in the field. Existing granite ascent models are based largely on numerical and theoretical studies that seek to demonstrate the viability of fracture‐controlled magma transport through dykes or self‐propagating hydrofractures. In most cases, the models present very little supporting field evidence, such as sufficiently voluminous near‐ or within‐source magma accumulations, to support their basic premises. We document large (deca‐ to hectometre‐scale), steeply dipping and largely homogeneous granite lenses in suprasolidus (~5 kbar, ~750 °C) mid‐crustal rocks in the Damara Belt in Namibia. The lenses are surrounded by and connected to shallowly dipping networks of stromatic leucogranites in the well‐layered gneisses of the deeply incised Husab Gorge. The outcrops define a four‐stage process from (i) the initial formation and growth of large, subvertical magma‐filled lenses as extension fractures developed at high angles to the subhorizontal regional extension in relatively competent wall‐rock layers. This stage is followed by (ii) the simultaneous lateral inflation and (iii) subcritical vertical growth of the lenses to a critical length that (iv) promotes fracture destabilization, buoyancy‐driven upward fracture mobilization and, consequently, vertical magma transport. These field observations are compared with existing numerical models and are used to constrain, by referring to the dimensions of the largest preserved inflated leucogranite lens, an estimate of the minimum fracture length (~100 m) and volume (~2.4 × 105 m3) required to initiate buoyancy‐driven brittle fracture propagation in this particular mid‐crustal section. The critical values and field relationships compare favourably with theoretical models of magma ascent along vertical self‐propagating hydrofractures which close at their tails during propagation. This process leaves behind subtle wake‐like structures and thin leucogranite trails that mark the path of magma ascent. Reutilization of such conduits by repeated inflation and drainage is consistent with the episodic accumulation and removal of magma from the mid‐crust and is reflected in the sheeted nature of many upper crustal granitoid plutons.  相似文献   

出露于扬子地块东南缘的幕阜山复式岩体侵位年龄约为145Ma.该复式岩体的花岗闪长岩及其暗色微粒包体都含有独特的岩浆绿帘石.这些绿帘石呈自形晶,普遍发育熔蚀结构,部分具褐帘石核.微粒包体及花岗闪长岩中绿帘石的Ps值((100Fe3+/(Fe3++Al))均集中在26~28,TiO2含量小于0.2%,为典型的岩浆成因.岩相...  相似文献   

Granitic magmas migrated through Early Proterozoic middle–lower crust at Mt Hay, central Australia, via a diverse network of narrow structurally controlled channelways, during a period of progressive W–SW-directed thrusting (D1a–D1d). They utilized existing folds, boudins and shear zones, or created new channels by magmatic fracture either parallel to layering or, rarely, in irregular arrays. The magmas rose obliquely, parallel to the plunging (50–60°) regional elongation direction, which was defined by coaxial folds, boudin necks and a strong mineral-elongation lineation. Megacrystic charnockitic magmas migrated through metre-scale conduits during D1a–D1b, but leucosomes were generally restricted to smaller (centimetre-scale) structures that existed throughout the entire deformation history. Thus, D1a/D1b leucosomes were potential feeders of in situ partial melts to the adjacent larger conduits of charnockite magma, thereby providing a pervasive interconnected network that allowed efficient migration of all magma types during the early stages of thrusting. The upper–middle crust of the Anmatjira–Reynolds Range area contains abundant megacrystic granitoid sheets that are of similar age and geochemistry to those at Mt Hay. They are considered to have formed as syntectonic intrusions emplaced during W–SW-directed thrusting, as at Mt Hay, suggesting that granitic magmas formed near the base of the continental crust passed through the mid-lower crustal level (25–30 km) exposed at Mt Hay and accumulated, in batholithic proportions, at shallower crustal levels (12–20 km) such as the Anmatjira–Reynolds Range area. The observations imply that granitoid magmas in the deep crust are capable of pervasive migration through the crust during major compressive, noncoaxial shear deformation. Localization of magmas by sequentially developed, narrow, compressive structures suggests that dilatancy followed successive foliation-forming events, a situation that can occur during steady-state deformation if the effective confining pressures are low, which would be a result of high and possibly variable rates of magma influx. The inferred rapid melt segregation and migration during deformation suggest that large chambers do not form until magma reaches neutral buoyancy in the middle to upper continental crust.  相似文献   

New results obtained by the investigation of liquidus and solidus phase relationships in the haplogranite system Qz-Ab-Or are used to discuss the evolution of magmas during their ascent in the crust. It is assumed that the magmas are formed at 720°C, 820°C, 920°C and at a depth corresponding to a pressure of 8 kbar. The starting composition of the magma is taken as 50% melt plus 50% quartz and feldspars. In case of a closed system (no heat exchange and no transfer of elements) the melt fraction of magmas, the water activity and the viscosity increase with decreasing pressure. The temperature slightly decreases. At 700°C the viscosity is approximatively 2 orders of magnitude lower than at 900°C. This is related to the higher amount of water in the (H2O-undersaturated) melt at low T. It is also shown that dehydration melting is only realistic at high T (900°C). At lower temperatures water has to be added from outside to obtain an intrusive magma with approximatively 50% melt.
Zusammenfassung Neue Ergebnisse, erzielt durch Untersuchungen von Liquidus und Solidus Phasenbeziehungen des Granitsystems Qz-Ab-Or, werden benutzt, um die Entwicklung eines granitoiden Magmas während seines Aufstiegs zu diskutieren. Es wird vorausgesetzt, daß die Magmen bei Temperaturen von 720°C, 820°C und 920°C gebildet werden, sowie in einer Tiefe die einem Druck von 8 kbar entspricht. Die anfängliche Zusammensetzung des Magmas wird mit einem Verhältnis von 50% Schmelze sowie 50% Quarz und Feldspäten angenommen. Im Falle eines geschlossenen Systems (kein Austausch von Wärme und Elementen) steigt die Teilschmelzbildung von Magmen, die Aktivität des Wassers und die Viskosität bei abnehmenden Druck; hierbei sinkt die Temperatur leicht. Bei 700°C ist die Viskosität um ca. 2 Größenordnungen geringer als bei 900°C. Dies wird bedingt durch den höheren Gehalt an Wasser in der (H2O-untersättigten) Schmelze bei tieferen Temperaturen. Es wird außerdem gezeigt, daß Magmenbildung durch Dehydratation nur bei hohen Temperaturen realistisch ist (900°C). Bei tieferen Temperaturen muß Wasser von außen zugeführt werden um ein intrusives Magma zu erhalten, das ungefähr 50% Schmelze besitzt.

Résumé L'évolution des magmas granitiques au cours de leur ascension dans la croûte est discutée à la lumière de données nouvelles relatives aux relations entre phases liquides et solides dans le système Q-Ab-Or. On suppose que les magmas se forment à des températures de 720°C, 820°C, 920°C et à une profondeur correspondant à une pression de 8 Kb. On admet pour leur composition initiale un mélange de 50% de liquide et 50% de quartz + feldspaths. Dans le cas d'un système fermé (pas d'échange de chaleur ni de matière), la fraction liquide du magma, l'activité de l'eau et la viscosité augmentent quand la pression diminue; en même temps, la température décroît légèrement. A 700°C, la viscosité est d'environ 2 ordres de grandeur plus basse qu'à 900°C. Cette propriété est en relation avec la teneur en eau plus élevée dans le liquide (sous-saturé en eau) à basse température. On peut également montrer qu'une fusion déshydratante n'est vraisemblable qu'à haute température (900°C). Aux températures plus basses, de l'eau doit être apportée de l'extérieur pour l'obtention d'un magma à 50% de liquide.

. , 720°, 820°, 920°, 8 . , 50% 50% . , , , , . . 700° 2 , 900°. ( ) . , 900°. , 50% , - .

量化研究幔源岩浆从源区运移至喷发或者侵位的时间尺度,对理解基性岩浆作用具有重要意义。然而,对于岩浆的喷发和就位的时间尺度研究仍缺乏有效的约束,位于我国华北克拉通北部山西大同新生代火山岩群是理想的研究地区。本文以该火山群~0.2 Ma喷发的神泉寺碱性玄武岩为研究对象,重点研究其中携带的地幔橄榄石捕掳晶来约束喷发前的时间尺度。通过对其开展详细的矿物化学研究,发现地幔捕掳晶核部的Fo值高达97.7,为极富镁橄榄石,结合其极低的Ca、Mn和Ni含量特征,认为它们捕获自被交代的地幔橄榄岩。另外,地幔橄榄石捕掳晶发育明显的CaO成分环带,表明其在地壳岩浆系统内经历了复杂的岩浆演化过程。地幔橄榄石捕掳晶反应边宽度变化很大,说明它们在源区被捕获时及在运移过程中经过了多次破碎过程。橄榄石捕掳晶最边缘的Fo值为70左右,平衡计算表明它们在边部已与主岩浆(碱性玄武岩)达到平衡。Fe-Mg元素扩散计时结果显示,橄榄石地幔捕掳晶仅在岩浆中滞留了几个月的时间。对于40~70 km的岩石圈地幔厚度来说,岩浆平均上升速率最快可能超过500 m/d。  相似文献   

白云鄂博地区碳酸岩脉侵位序列与稀土元素富集机制   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
白云鄂博地区发育大量的火成碳酸岩脉。按照矿物组成,碳酸岩脉可分为白云石型、白云石-方解石共存型和方解石型。野外穿插关系表明,白云石型碳酸岩脉形成得早,而方解石型碳酸岩脉形成得晚。白云鄂博地区的碳酸岩浆存在由白云石型到共存型再到方解石型的先后结晶顺序和演化趋势。碳酸岩脉的主量、稀土和微量元素组成特征表明,随着碳酸岩脉中方解石矿物组分的增加,轻稀土元素的含量呈明显富集趋势,而长期的结晶分异作用正是稀土元素,尤其是轻稀土元素在晚期岩浆中强烈富集的内在机制。  相似文献   

D. Perugini  G. Poli  N. Prosperini 《Lithos》2002,61(3-4):225-235
The extent of deformation of magmatic enclaves that occur in different portions of the Khaggiar endogenous lava dome (Island of Pantelleria, Italy) has been quantified using two morphometric techniques: thin-plate splines and fractals. Deformation of enclaves decreases from the outer portions of the dome to the more internal portions, defining two exponential trends. The amount and distribution of vesicles have also been quantified using image analysis of digital images obtained by a scanning electron microscope. The variation of deformation of enclaves correlates with the variation of their vesicle content, suggesting that deformation and vesiculation are related. We envisaged a continuous feedback system between vesiculation of enclaves and radial forces exerted by the surrounding host magma during the growth of the dome. These relationships are used as dynamic markers to infer the eruptive style of the endogenous dome. In particular, it is suggested that the variation of vesicularity of enclaves is related to the pressure exerted by magma on the extrusion vent. This resulted in enclaves being more vesicular and more deformed in the outer portions of the dome that emplaced first and at lower pressure, and less vesicular and less deformed in the more internal portions that emplaced later and at higher pressure. We interpret the occurrence of the two trends in the variation of deformation and porosity as related to two main eruptive pulses of dome growth.  相似文献   

Generation of Deccan Trap magmas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Deccan Trap magmas may have erupted through multiple centers, the most prominent of which may have been a shield volcano-like structure in the Western Ghats area. The lavas are predominantly tholeiitic; alkalic mafic lavas and carbonatites are rare. Radioisotope dating, magnetic chronology, and age constraints from paleontology indicate that although the eruption started some 68 Ma, the bulk of lavas erupted at around 65–66 Ma. Paleomagnetic constraints indicate an uncertainty of ± 500,000 years for peak volcanic activity at 65 m.y. in the type section of the Western Ghats. Maximum magma residence times were calculated in this study based on growth rates of “giant plagioclase” crystals in lavas that marked the end phase of volcanic activity of different magma chambers. These calculations suggest that the > 1.7 km thick Western Ghats section might have erupted within a much shorter time interval of ∼ 55,000 years, implying phenomenal eruption rates that are orders of magnitude larger than any present-day eruption rate from any tectonic environment. Other significant observations/conclusions are as follows: (1) Deccan lavas can be grouped into stratigraphic subdivisions based on their geochemistry; (2) While some formations are relatively uncontaminated others are strongly contaminated by the continental crust; (3) Deccan magmas were produced by 15–30% melting of a Fe-rich lherzolitic source at ∼ 3–2 GPa; (4) Parent magmas of the relatively uncontaminated Ambenali formation had a primitive composition with 16%MgO, 47%SiO2; (5) Deccan magmas were generated much deeper and by significantly more melting than other continental flood basalt provinces; (6) The erupted Deccan tholeiitic lavas underwent fractionation and magma mixing at ∼ 0.2 GPa. The composition and origin of the crust and crust/mantle boundary beneath the Deccan are discussed with respect to the influence of Deccan magmatic episode.  相似文献   

An experimental study of H2O exsolution, bubble growth and microlite crystallisation during ascent (decompression) of silicic magmas in the volcanic conduit is presented. Isobaric and decompression experiments were performed on a rhyolitic melt at 860 °C, NNO+1, H2O saturation, and pressures between 15 and 170 MPa. Two sets of decompression experiments were performed, with decompression rates varying between 0.001 and 960 MPa/min: (1) from 150 to 50 MPa (high-pressure decompression), and (2) from 50 to 15 MPa (low-pressure decompression). The experiments highlight incomplete H2O exsolution for decompression rates>100 MPa/min, incomplete bubble growth for decompression rates>0.1 MPa/min, crystal nucleation time lags, and incomplete chemical re-equilibration to final pressures. The observed crystallisation process, i.e. growth versus nucleation, depends on the decompression range. Indeed, decompression-induced crystallisation during high-pressure decompressions is dominated by growth of existing crystals, whereas during low-pressure decompressions crystal nucleation is the dominating process. This study provides a means to infer magma ascent rates in eruptions of silicic magmas through a combined petrologic and experimental approach.  相似文献   

硅质岩浆的成因及演化机制研究是认识大陆地壳成分结构演化机制的关键途径。地壳硅质岩浆储库的基本性质及其演化的动力学过程是制约硅质岩浆演化及其多样性的根本原因,也是受到广泛关注的前沿和热点问题。本文总结了硅质岩浆储库的基本性质及其演化机制研究的相关进展,重点探讨了岩浆体系演化的动力学机制,即其物质成分及温度压力条件的动态演化过程,亦即岩浆储库在补给驱动下的存留、活化、分异、喷发过程。经由累积生长的方式形于地壳浅部的硅质岩浆储库以晶粥为主要赋存形式,具有较低的温度压力范围和高硅高结晶度高粘度的特征。岩浆储库的基本性质导致其自身不具有持续演化的能力,只有在基性岩浆补给的驱动下才能长时间存留分异或快速活化喷发。基性岩浆的补给及其携带的热及流体/挥发份深刻地改变了岩浆储库的物质成分及物理条件,是导致硅质岩浆分异演化或喷发的根本原因。本文还结合研究进展探讨了东南沿海地区中生代火山-侵入岩的成因演化机制及相关问题。  相似文献   

Contribution of slab-fluid in arc magmas beneath the Japan arcs   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Identifying the amount and composition of slab-derived fluid and its spatial variation is key to quantifying fluid processes in subduction zones. Based on the isotopic systematics of arc lavas, we found regional variations over the Japan arcs in terms of the amount and composition of slab-derived fluid added to the melting source region. The average amounts of slab-derived fluid differ among the arcs: 2.6 wt.% for Central Japan, 0.69 wt.% for Ryukyu, 0.17 wt.% for NE Japan, and 0.12 wt.% for both Kurile and Izu–Bonin. These differences may be attributed to the arc setting (oceanic or continental) and the geometry of the slabs. Contribution of sediment involved in the slab-derived fluid is dominant in NE Japan compared to the Izu–Bonin and Central Japan arcs. This could be attributed to mechanical features such as fractures near the subducting plate surface, in addition to the arc setting and the slab geometry. Therefore, the amount and composition of slab-derived fluid are thought to be controlled not only by the thermal conditions, but also by the tectonic and mechanical features around the subduction zone. On top of the variability of slab-derived fluid, the mantle wedge shows the regional variation in terms of proportion of the Pacific-type and Indian-type MORB-source mantle components, which also contributes to the compositional variations of arc magmas.  相似文献   

Ni、Cu和PGE具有不同于其他微量元素的特殊的地球化学性质,这些特殊的性质使得它们在幔源岩浆起源和演化以及岩浆硫化物矿床的成因研究中具有不可替代的作用。在S不饱和的条件下,Ni、Os、Ir和Ru具有相容元素的特性,而Cu和Pd是强不相容元素,因此,它们在玄武岩浆分离结晶过程中常常发生分异。一旦体系达到S饱和,这些元素则会强烈地进入硫化物熔浆,特别是PGE具有极高的硫化物熔浆/硅酸盐熔浆分配系数,极微量的硫化物熔离便可导致残余岩浆中PGE的显著亏损,因此,PGE是玄武岩浆硫化物熔离作用最敏感的示踪元素。硫化物熔离和成矿实质上是幔源岩浆特殊演化过程的结果,所以,Ni,Cu和PGE的特殊性质可用来探讨岩浆硫化物成矿的关键控制因素。Ni、Cu和PGE具有不同的单硫化物固溶体/硫化物熔浆分配系数,因此,它们也是硫化物熔浆结晶分异的重要示踪元素。本文试图从Ni、Cu和PGE地球化学性质和行为入手,并借助一些研究实例,对它们在幔源岩浆起源和演化以及岩浆硫化物矿床成因研究中的示踪意义进行系统介绍。  相似文献   

The compositions of primary magmas depend to some degree on the dynamic processes occurring in the partially molten region of the mantle. The compositional dependence is estimated for three models which assume either accumulation from a migmatized source region or accumulation entirely by the interstitial flow of magma. Accumulation from a migmatised region results in magmas with higher concentrations of incompatible elements than does batch melting, whereas accumulation by interstitial flow results in magmas with lower concentrations of these elements. The concentrations of refractory elements are almost independent of both the accumulation process and the degree of partial melting and are therefore usefull for the identification of primary magmas.  相似文献   

汇聚板块边缘岩浆中金属和氯的地球化学性质研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结了铜(Cu)、金(Au)、铼(Re)和氯(Cl)在汇聚板块边缘岩浆中的性质。在岛弧型的火山岩岩浆演化的早期,Cu、Au和Re均表现为中度不相容元素,含量随SiO2含量的增加而增加。在SiO2质量分数为58%时,多数岛弧型火山岩中Au、Cu的含量会突然大幅度下降。这一变化与铁和钛的变化是耦合的,铁和钛均由不相容元素变为相容元素,显示钛磁铁矿开始结晶了。进一步的研究表明,钛磁铁矿的结晶使硫酸根被还原为氢硫酸根,后者与Au、Cu形成氢硫酸根络合物,被萃取到流体相中,从而形成成矿流体。这一过程可以很好地解释Au、Cu矿床广泛分布于汇聚板块边缘的现象。与Au、Cu相反,Re的含量在SiO2质量分数为60%时才开始下降,而且是缓慢下降。这是因为Re通常比Au、Cu更亲石。此外,Re还具有强烈的挥发性。氯在东Manus岩浆中表现为高度不相容的特点。氯的性质主要受压力、初始水含量和岩浆演化分异程度的控制。计算结果显示,由于MORB和OIB含水量低,分异演化程度低,氯在上述岩浆中表现为高度不相容的特点。相比之下,氯在岛弧岩浆中的性质就复杂得多。随着水含量和岩浆房深度的不同,氯的性质可以从相容变到高度不相容。  相似文献   

Roger Bateman 《Tectonophysics》1984,110(3-4):211-231
Only bodies of magma with a high crystal content and partially molten (crustal) country rocks can ascend as diapirs; once such an envelope is pierced, the diapiric ascent of the pluton is arrested by the high viscosity of a solid aureole. Deformation by shortening of the carapace of these bodies may lead to the expulsion of a magma with a relatively low crystal content, which may then continue ascent via fractures and dykes.

The details of the mechanisms of granitoid magma segregation are still unknown, but it appears that many magmas hegin their ascent through the crust as mushes with at least 50% melt, and that such magmas are rheologically able to ascend through a thickness of crust. This ascent mechanism explains the dearth of structures attributable to the ascent of granitoids, in contrast to the abundance of structures that developed during their final emplacement.

When a magma becomes too crystalline (melt < 25%) to continue its ascent via dykes, it is immobilised. At approximately this stage, a hydrous magma may become saturated with water and release fluids into the aureole, making it particularly susceptible to deformation. Magma that continues to arrive at this level is also immobilised, and the pluton grows as a ballooning diapir. These characteristically deform themselves and their aureoles by bulk shortening.

Magmas that are able to ascend to shallow depths, largely by virtue of lower water contents and higher initial temperatures, tend to become finally accommodated by such brittle processes as stoping and cauldron subsidence. High level intrusions lend to be tabular, are also fed by dykes or conduits, and assemble in tabular batholiths.  相似文献   


汇聚板块边缘的俯冲带是壳幔相互作用最为强烈的区域, 其重要特征是俯冲板片将地表物质带入地球内部并在上覆板块产生强烈的岩浆活动, 同时孕育铜、钼、金和其他具有重要经济价值的金属矿床。现有研究显示, 俯冲带弧岩浆的氧逸度总体高于洋中脊玄武岩, 但对于弧岩浆的高氧逸度的成因存在争议。目前有关弧岩浆高氧逸度的来源存在如下认识: (1)板片俯冲过程中释放的高氧化性流体对地幔楔持续氧化, 该流体可能来源于蚀变基性洋壳、上覆沉积物和/或下伏的蛇纹岩化地幔; (2)地幔部分熔融形成的含水熔体与周围地幔反应过程中, 还原组分(例如H2)的丢失促使氧化性弧岩浆的形成; (3)上升熔体在深部岩浆房演化过程中, 富Fe2+矿物相(石榴子石、角闪石等)的分离结晶和/或去气作用致使残余熔体氧逸度升高。本文系统梳理了弧岩浆高氧逸度成因的最新进展, 从俯冲带不同来源流体(俯冲沉积物、基性洋壳、岩石圈地幔)的氧化性、地幔尺度内熔岩反应、地壳尺度内弧岩浆分离结晶和去气作用三方面进行系统总结, 评述研究现状和争议存在的原因, 并对未来研究进行了展望。


Orogeny, migmatites and leucogranites: A review   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The type ofP-T-t path and availability of fluid (H2O-rich metamorphic volatile phase or melt) are important variables in metamorphism. Collisional orogens are characterized by clockwiseP-T evolution, which means that in the core, where temperatures exceed the wet solidus for common crustal rocks, melt may be present throughout a significant portion of the evolution. Field observations of eroded orogens show that lower crust is migmatitic, and geophysical observations have been interpreted to suggest the presence of melt in active orogens. A consequence of these results is that orogenic collapse in mature orogens may be controlled by a partially-molten layer that decouples weak crust from subducting lithosphere, and such a weak layer may enable exhumation of deeply buried crust. Migmatites provide a record of melt segregation in partially molten crustal materials and syn-anatectic deformation under natural conditions. Grain boundary flow and intra-and inter-grain fracture flow are the principal grain scale melt flow mechanisms. Field observations of migmatites in ancient orogens show that leucosomes occur oriented in the metamorphic fabrics or are located in dilational sites. These observations are interpreted to suggest that melt segregation and extraction are syntectonic processes, and that melt migration pathways commonly relate to rock fabrics and structures. Thus, leucosomes in depleted migmatites record the remnant permeability network, but evolution of permeability networks and amplification of anomalies are poorly understood. Deformation of partially molten rocks is accommodated by melt-enhanced granular flow, and volumetric strain is accommodated by melt loss. Melt segregation and extraction may be cyclic or continuous, depending on the level of applied differential stress and rate of melt pressure buildup. During clockwiseP-T evolution, H2O is transferred from protolith to melt as rocks cross dehydration melting reactions, and H2O may be evolved above the solidus at lowP by crossing supra-solidus decompression-dehydration reactions if micas are still present in the depleted protolith. H2O dissolved in melt is transported through the crust to be exsolved on crystallization. This recycled H2O may promote wet melting at supra-solidus conditions and retrogression at subsolidus conditions. The common growth of ‘late’ muscovite over sillimanite in migmatite may be the result of this process, and influx of exogenous H2O may not be necessary. However, in general, metasomatism in the evolution of the crust remains a contentious issue. Processes in the lower-most crust may be inferred from studies of xenolith suites brought to the surface in lavas. Based on geochemical data, we can use statistical methods and modeling to evaluate whether migmatites are sources or feeder zones for granites, or simply segregated melt that was stagnant in residue, and to compare xenoliths of inferred lower crust with exposed deep crust. Upper-crustal granites are a necessary complement to melt-depleted granulites common in the lower crust, but the role of mafic magma in crustal melting remains uncertain. Plutons occur at various depths above and below the brittle-to-viscous transition in the crust and have a variety of 3-D shapes that may vary systematically with depth. The switch from ascent to emplacement may be caused by amplification of instabilities within (permeability, magma flow rate) or surrounding (strength or state of stress) the ascent column, or by the ascending magma intersecting some discontinuity in the crust that enables horizontal magma emplacement followed by thickening during pluton inflation. Feedback relations between rates of pluton filling, magma ascent and melt extraction maintain compatibility among these processes.  相似文献   

高丽  杨祝良  余明刚 《岩石学报》2020,36(4):1015-1029
岩浆混合作用是造成火成岩多样性的主要原因之一,也是诱发火山喷发的重要机制。以往的研究多集中于基性和酸性岩浆之间的混合作用,但近年来酸性岩浆之间的混合作用受到越来越多的关注和研究。本文报道了浙东小雄破火山一个次级火山口内粗面质和流纹质两种酸性岩浆之间的混合现象。野外调查及岩相学研究显示,粗面质岩浆多呈大小不一的条带状以及透镜体状分布于流纹质岩浆内,局部发生扩散,粗面岩中斑晶大多为粗大的正长石斑晶,强烈熔蚀且聚斑结构普遍;在副矿物聚晶(由钛磁铁矿+磷灰石+锆石组成)的周围常可见反应边结构。流纹岩的斑晶主要由正长石、透长石及石英组成,晶体粒径较小,且熔蚀现象不发育。全岩主、微量元素特征及其他地质证据均显示,两种酸性岩浆之间以机械混合为主,其地球化学成分变化趋势主要受结晶分异过程控制。粗面质及流纹质岩浆在矿物组成、结构等方面的差异表明两者来源于同一层状岩浆房内的不同部位,其中粗面质岩浆应代表岩浆房底部及边部富晶体、贫熔体的粥状层部分(正长石+磁钛铁矿+锆石+磷灰石);而分异程度较高的流纹质岩浆则聚集于岩浆房上部形成富熔体、贫晶体的部分。两种酸性岩浆的混合现象是它们在地壳浅部层状岩浆房内自混合的结果,这一过程可能受岩浆房底部基性岩浆的聚集作用所控制,当更热、更基性的岩浆聚集时,岩浆房下部晶粥区内的粗面质岩浆迅速升温、活化,从而向上运移并与上部富熔体贫晶体的流纹质岩浆发生自混合作用。这一发现为我们理解中国东南沿海地区晚中生代大规模酸性火山喷发及岩浆演化机制、岩浆房结构提供了重要的参考,同时也为认识地壳浅部岩浆房内岩浆之间的自混合作用提供了可靠的例证。  相似文献   

This study describes an investigation of the pre-eruptive conditions (T, P and fO2) of dacite magma erupted during the KZI cycle (12,000–8400 years ago) of Kizimen Volcano, Kamchatka, the earliest, most voluminous and most explosive eruption cycle in the Kizimen record. Hydrothermal, water-saturated experiments on KZI dacite pumice coupled with titanomagnetite-ilmenite geothermometry calculations require that the KZI dacite existed at a temperature of 823 ± 20°C and pressures of 125–150 MPa immediately prior to eruption. This estimate corresponds to a lithologic contact between Miocene volcaniclastic rocks and Pliocene-Pleistocene volcanic rocks located at a depth of 5–6 km beneath the Kizimen edifice, which may have facilitated the accumulation of atypically large volumes of gas-rich dacite during the KZI cycle.  相似文献   

滇西北衙金矿床富水岩浆对成矿的制约   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
鲍新尚  和文言  高雪 《岩石学报》2017,33(7):2175-2188
成矿岩浆富水(4%)是形成斑岩型矿床的关键。滇西北衙金矿床是金沙江-哀牢山新生代富碱斑岩成矿带中规模最大的金多金属矿床,目前探明金资源储量超过320吨,伴生的铅锌、银、铜、铁、硫也达到大-中型规模。本文以北衙成矿的二长花岗斑岩中角闪石斑晶和锆石为研究对象,开展岩相学和地球化学研究,厘定成矿岩浆的特征,并探讨富水岩浆对成矿的制约。研究表明,北衙二长花岗斑岩角闪石斑晶发育、轻稀土富集而重稀土亏损、具有高Sr(300×10~(-6))、低Y(10×10~(-6))和高(La/Yb)N(6.19~26.8)的地球化学特征,暗示在岩浆结晶早期有角闪石斑晶的晶出。角闪石晶出的条件是岩浆中水含量大于4.5%,因此北衙金矿床成矿岩浆演化早期角闪石的晶出显示成矿岩浆相对富水。角闪石矿物组分计算表明岩浆熔体中水含量在3.8%~4.1%之间,进一步证实北衙金矿床成矿岩浆相对富水。北衙金矿床这种具有高水含量的岩浆在源区岩石部分熔融的过程中,水的加入可以降低其熔点,促进源区含Cu、Au硫化物重熔,或萃取岩石中Cu、Au成矿元素,或聚集岩浆中分散分布的金属元素,形成富金属、富水的岩浆。含矿岩浆就位后,其通过压力的降低(岩浆房脆性破裂或岩浆向上侵位)来降低水的溶解度,或通过岩浆持续的结晶(在等压条件下晶出无水矿物)逐渐提高岩浆水含量,促使熔体中水含量大于水在熔体中溶解度,从而导致岩浆水达到饱和状态,流体开始出溶。总体而言,北衙金矿床富水岩浆不仅能促进北衙矿床成矿流体的形成与演化,也对成矿流体中Cu、Au等成矿元素的富集具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

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