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渭河盆地中土层场地对地震动的放大作用   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
土层场地对地震动的影响较大,建(构)筑物的选址及其抗震设防必须考虑土层场地的放大作用,以避免或减轻其震害.汶川地震中,布设在渭河盆地中的数字强震动台网共有27个台站(包括2个基岩台站和25个土层台站)获得良好的主震加速度时程.利用这些加速度时程,选择汤峪台做为参考场地,基于考虑几何衰减的传统谱比法分析研究了25个土层场地的放大作用.结果表明:(1)汶川地震中渭河盆地土层场地上的加速度峰值(PGA)有随震中距增加而减小的趋势,且与土层的厚度无关.(2)根据汶川地震中渭河盆地土层场地的加速度反应谱特征及其对地震动的放大作用特征,渭河盆地的土层场地可分为3类:深厚、中厚和薄土层场地.而且,深厚、中厚和薄土层场地分别对地震动的低频、1 Hz附近和高频分量放大作用显著;值得注意的是,深厚土层对地震动的高频分量也有一定程度的放大,只不过相对于低频分量的放大作用较小.(3)汶川地震中渭河盆地的土层场地对不同方向地震动的放大作用不同,且有EW>NS>UD的关系.(4)汶川地震中从宝鸡到眉县沿着盆地边缘分布的Ⅶ度烈度异常区是盆地边缘效应和土层场地对地震动放大作用共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

On 31 October and 1 November 2002, the Basso Molise area (Southern Italy) was struck by two earthquakes of moderate magnitude (M L = 5.4 and 5.3). The epicentral area showed a high level of damage, attributable both to the high vulnerability of existing buildings and to site effects caused by the geological and geomorphological settings. Specifically, the intensity inside the town of San Giuliano di Puglia was two degrees higher than in neighbouring towns. Also, within San Giuliano di Puglia, the damage varied notably. The site response in the city was initially evaluated from horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios (HVSR) from a limited number of strong motion recordings of the most severe aftershocks. Several microtremor measurements were also available. Both data sets indicated the simultaneous presence of two amplification peaks: one around 6 Hz, attributed in previous studies to the strong, shallow impedance contrast among landfill/clay and calcarenites, and one at 2 Hz related to the first S-wave arrivals and predominantly seen only on one receiver component. Further studies performed on weak-motion recordings also showed strong amplification on the vertical receiver component, thus indicating an underestimation of the amplification by the HVSR technique. Additionally, a 2D-model of the geology of the sub-surface was developed, reproducing the flower-shaped structure generated during the late orogenic transpressive regime. The numerical (finite-difference hybrid) simulation reproduced the two peaks of the observed data at slightly higher frequencies. The model also confirmed that the borders of the flower structure define a boundary between amplification levels, with higher amplification inside.  相似文献   

The city of Benevento (Southern Italy) has been repeatedly struck by large historical earthquakes. A heterogeneous geologic structure and widespread soft soil conditions make the estimation of site effects crucial for the seismic hazard assessment of the city. From 2000 until 2004, we installed seismic stations to collect earthquake data over zones with different geological conditions. Despite the high level of urban noise, we recorded more than 150 earthquakes at twelve sites. This data set yields the first, well documented experimental evidence for weak to moderate local amplifications. We investigated site effects primarily by the classical spectral ratio technique (CSR) using a rock station placed on the Benevento hill as reference. All sites in the Calore river valley and in the eastern part of the Benevento hill show a moderate high-frequency (f > 4 Hz) amplification peak. Conversely, sites in the Sabato river valley share weak-to-moderate amplification in a wide frequency band (from 1–2 to 7–10 Hz), without evident frequency peaks. Application of no-reference-site techniques to earthquake and noise data confirms the results of the CSRs in the sites of the Calore river valley and of the eastern part of the Benevento hill, but fails in providing indications for site effects in the Sabato river valley, being the H/V ratios nearly flat. One-dimensional modeling indicates that the ground motion amplification can be essentially explained in terms of a vertically varying geologic structure. High-frequency narrow peaks are caused by the strong impedance contrast existing between near-surface soft deposits and stiff cemented conglomerates. Conversely, broad-band amplifications in the Sabato river valley are likely due to a more complex layering with weak impedance contrasts both in the shallow and deep structure of the valley.  相似文献   

A temporary seismic network composed of 11 stations was installed in the city of Potenza (Southern Italy) to record local and regional seismicity within the context of a national project funded by the Italian Department of Civil Protection (DPC). Some stations were moved after a certain time in order to increase the number of measurement points, leading to a total of 14 sites within the city by the end of the experiment. Recordings from 26 local earthquakes (Ml 2.2−3.8 ) were analyzed to compute the site responses at the 14 sites by applying both reference and non-reference site techniques. Furthermore, the Spectral Intensity (SI) for each local earthquake, as well as their ratios with respect to the values obtained at a reference site, were also calculated. In addition, a field survey of 233 single station noise measurements within the city was carried out to increase the information available at localities different from the 14 monitoring sites. By using the results of the correlation analysis between the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios computed from noise recordings (NHV) at the 14 selected sites and those derived by the single station noise measurements within the town as a proxy, the spectral intensity correction factors for site amplification obtained from earthquake analysis were extended to the entire city area. This procedure allowed us to provide a microzonation map of the urban area that can be directly used when calculating risk scenarios for civil defence purposes. The amplification factors estimated following this approach show values increasing along the main valley toward east where the detrital and alluvial complexes reach their maximum thickness.  相似文献   

当参考场地震源距小于研究场地震源距时,传统谱比法低估了场地放大效应,且参考场地与研究场地震源距相差越大,低估程度越大;当参考场地震源距大于研究场地震源距时,传统谱比法高估了场地放大效应,且参考场地与研究场地震源距相差越大,高估程度越大,计算结果依赖参考场地的选择。上述问题存在的原因是传统谱比法估计场地放大效应时未考虑地震波传播过程中介质的吸收衰减作用,故传统谱比法适用于参考场地与研究场地地质构造类似且震源距相差较小的情况,为此本文通过考虑介质对地震波的吸收衰减作用,提出改进谱比法,可适用于地质构造类似、任意震源距的情况。本文分别采用未改进方法和改进方法估计汶川地震中渭河盆地多个台站场地反应,证实了传统谱比法存在的上述问题。采用改进谱比法估计的场地放大倍数均在2 Hz以下出现1个峰值,且这些峰值多为最大值;采用未改进谱比法估计的场地放大倍数峰值出现的频率多大于2 Hz;改进谱比法可信度较高。  相似文献   

Hazardous sinkholes started to appear in alluvial fans and unconsolidated sediments along the western Dead Sea coast in 1990. Since then hundreds of sinkholes have appeared from north to south along the shoreline. The Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) method was used to achieve a better understanding of the subsurface geoelectric structure at the sinkhole development sites, taking into account that electric parameters (such as resistivity or conductivity) are very sensitive to formation properties and their variations in time. Fifteen image lines were surveyed at the Ein Gedi area during a period of active sinkhole development (in 2001–2002) over an area of 300 × 550 m2. Resistivity cross-sections and maps were constructed from 2-D linear surveys. The process of sinkhole formation in the surveyed area is located in a strip 50–70 m wide and 300–500 m long, extending approximately in a north–south direction. The sinkholes are arranged along a tortuous line within this strip. On resistivity maps and sections this U-shaped zone appears as an alternation of high resistivity anomalies of 350–1000 Ωm (at sinkhole group locations) with narrow background resistivity zones of 50–100 Ωm. The large size of resistivity anomalies (250 × 300 m2), which are considerably greater than those of the sinkholes, form one of the features of the sinkhole sites in the Ein Gedi area. The anomalies continue down to the water table or even deeper (maximum of 25–35 m depth). A low resistivity layer of 1–8 Ωm underlies them. The combined analysis of the image results and other geophysical data shows that high resistivity anomalies are associated with the decompaction of the soil mass at the sinkhole development sites and surrounding areas. Recent studies have shown that sinkholes in the Ein Gedi area are developing along the salt western edge located at a depth of 50 m. The subsurface high resistivity anomaly conforms to the sinkhole line (and salt boundary). They are presumably located above the great dissolution caverns at the salt edge. The heterogeneity of the resistivity structure within the high resistivity anomaly (seen in both lateral and vertical planes) confirms that a disintegration of internal formation structure takes place. Away from the sinkhole sites the subsurface resistivity distribution is homogeneous.  相似文献   

We have investigated the impact of a large mussel farm on the benthic environment using a battery of benthic indicators of environmental quality (including biochemical, microbial and meiofaunal parameters). These were analysed through a multi-control sampling strategy over one year. The differences across the seasons are typically higher than those between the impacted and the control stations. No effects are seen in terms of the sediment oxygen penetration and the downward fluxes (as the total mass, organic and phytopigment fluxes). The indicators based on the biochemical compositions of the sediment organic matter and the microbial parameters also show no evidence of the eutrophication process, except as a slight increase in the bacterial density in the sediments beneath the long-lines of the farm during the period of highest mussel stocks. Finally, no effects are observed in terms of the benthic faunal indicators, as the meiofaunal abundance, the community structure and the taxa richness are all indistinguishable between the farm sediments and the controls. These results show that mussel farming in the investigated system is eco-sustainable and does not significantly alter the coastal marine ecosystem, both in terms of the functioning and the trophic state. The battery of indicators selected in this study represents a useful tool for the monitoring of the potential ecological impact of mussel farms, towards guaranteeing the sustainable development of aquacultures in shallow coastal environments.  相似文献   

自贡市西山公园地形对地震动的影响   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
不规则地形和土层对地震动的影响较大,建(构)筑物选址及其抗震设防必须考虑地形和土层场地的放大效应,以避免或减轻其震害.利用自贡地形台阵记录的汶川地震(Ms8.0)的主震加速度时程,基于传统谱比法分别研究了地形和土层场地对地震动的放大效应.结果表明:(1)地形场地在低频的放大效应不明显,最大仅为1.24;在高频的放大效应较显著,在1~10 Hz频带,山顶的放大效应最大,EW、NS和UD地震动的最大放大效应分别为4.15、3.61和2.41,对应频率分别为5.72 Hz、6.46 Hz和7.44 Hz;在10~20 Hz频带,靠近山顶的山脊上某个地震动分量的放大效应最大,7#台站EW、5#台站NS和7#台站UD地震动的最大放大效应分别为9.10、5.56和2.52,对应频率分别为16.97 Hz、16.91 Hz和17.91 Hz.(2)地形场地的最大放大效应随高度有增加的趋势,且在0.1~10 Hz频带随高度增加的趋势更加明显.(3)土层场地水平向地震动在2 Hz以上开始明显放大,竖向地震动在4 Hz以上开始明显放大;EW、NS和UD地震动的最大放大效应分别为13.4、12.168和6.0,对应频率分别为6.94 Hz、7.55 Hz和10.8 Hz.(4)土层场地与地形场地的最大放大效应相比较,前者显著大于后者,对于水平向地震动,前者至少是后者的3倍以上;对于竖向地震动,前者至少是后者的2.5倍以上.(5)无论是地形场地还是土层场地,地震动的最大放大效应均有水平向大于竖向的特征.  相似文献   

Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) have emerged as significant global environmental pollutants with persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic properties. The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence of PFCs in water (wastewater, submarine emissaries and port-waters), sediment and transplanted mussels in estuarine areas of high urban and industrial impact from Northern Spain. Five PFCs of industrial use were studied: perfluorooctanesulfonate, perfluorohexanesulfonate, perfluorobutanesulfonate, perfluorooctanoate acid and perfluorononanoate acid. After selective extraction, samples were analyzed by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. ΣPFCs ranged from 0.06 to 10.9 ng/L in water, with higher levels in wastewater treatment plants effluents and port waters than in submarine emissaries. Little accumulation was observed in sediments and mussels with ΣPFCs ranging from 0.01-0.13 ng/g dw and 0.01-0.06 ng/g ww, respectively. Most ubiquitous compounds were PFOS and PFOA. Mass fluxes of PFCs to the Cantabrian Sea are estimated and the impact to the coastal ecosystem is discussed.  相似文献   

— The linear amplification of the larger horizontal component of strong ground motion along a selected profile in the city of Zagreb is estimated by examining the synthetic waveforms corresponding to a suite of 16 realistically chosen scaled point sources. The accelerograms, computed for the average bedrock model by modal summation, are propagated through local laterally heterogeneous anelastic models by the finite-difference algorithm. The ratio of peak ground acceleration (PGA) and of the response spectra (RS), obtained by using local and bedrock models, define the PGA and RS amplification AMP(PGA) and AMP(RS), respectively. Even variations of the order of commonly observed uncertainties of only dip and rake angles of the causative fault show that both AMP(PGA) and AMP(RS) vary at some sites by more than a factor of two. It follows that, especially for strongly laterally heterogeneous structures, local effects must be determined for each of the relevant sources considering all associated uncertainties as completely as possible. Such a conclusion certainly holds for the case of the microzonation of Zagreb, where the local geology is quite complex, and the seismicity is not confined to a single seismic source zone.  相似文献   

Eighteen surface sediment samples representative of the entire Izmir Bay were analyzed for organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). This was in order to provide extensive information concerning the recent deposition of these compounds in this area, together with levels, distribution, possible sources and potential biological risk. Sites that were contaminated by high concentrations of organochlorine compounds were associated with dense population, such as the harbour and the Gediz River estuary. Relatively higher ΣDDT concentrations and high DDT/DDE + DDD ratios in the Gediz River estuary indicated DDT usage, probably linked to public health emergencies. According to the established guidelines for sediment quality, the risk of adverse biological effects from such levels of OCPs and PCBs as recorded at most of the study sites was insignificant. But the higher concentrations in Inner bay and in the Gediz River estuary could cause biological damage.  相似文献   

The effects of a giant offshore dyke, Saemangeum, have been of special interest on both scientific and environmental aspects. Without any rival worldwide with regard to the ample scale and estuarine setting, the Saemangeum dyke and its vicinity (Saemangeum Area) should be an unprecedented experimental site for monitoring the consequence of the estuarine developments with dykes. In order to unravel geologic changes caused by the Saemangeum dyke, we collected a number of surface sediment samples and bathymetric profiles from a full coverage of the Saemangeum Area, and compared topography and sediment phase on the inter-annual (2002–2006, post-construction) and decadal (1982–2002, between pre- and post-construction) timescales.  相似文献   

A high-resolution Holocene seismic history of the Dead Sea Transform (DST) is established from laminated sedimentary cores recovered at the shores of the Dead Sea. Radiocarbon dating and annual laminae counting yield excellent agreement between disturbed sedimentary structures (identified as seismites) and the historical earthquake record: All recent and historical strong events of the area were identified, including the major earthquakes of A.D. 1927, 1837, 1212, 1033, 749, and 31 B.C. The total of 53 seismites recognized along the entire Holocene profile indicate varying recurrence intervals of seismic activity between a few and 1000 years, with a conspicuous minimum rate at 2100-31 B.C. and a noticeable maximum during the past six to eight centuries. Most of the epicenters of the correlated earthquakes are situated very close to the Dead Sea (within 150 km) or up to 400 km north of it along the DST. Between 1000 B.C. and A.D. 1063, and from A.D. 1600 to recent time the epicenters are all located on the northern segment of the DST, whereas prior to 1000 B.C. and between A.D. 1000 and 1600 they appear to scatter along several segments of the DST. We establish how the local intensity exerts a control on the formation of seismites. At historically estimated intensities greater than VII, all well documented earthquakes are correlated, whereas at intensities smaller than VI none are matching.The periods with enhanced earthquake rate along the DST correlate with those along the North Anatolian Fault as opposed to the intervening East Anatolian Fault. This may indicate some elastic coupling on plate-boundary scale that may also underlie escape and extrusion tectonics, typical of continental collision.  相似文献   


2021年5月21日云南省维西—乔后断裂带上发生MS6.4漾濞地震,造成了大量的人员伤亡和财产损失.该断裂带上还曾先后发生过2013年MW5.3和2017年MW4.91两次洱源地震.本文反演了维西—乔后断裂中南段2013年、2017年与2021年三次地震震群的震源机制解,使用谱比法计算了主震和较大的前震、余震共17个事件的拐角频率与应力降.结果表明:2013年MW5.3主震与MW4.96余震均为正断层事件,随后的地震序列皆为右旋走滑事件,2017年MW4.91主震与MW4.89前震均为右旋走滑事件.发生在东南侧15 km左右的2021年漾濞MW6.2主震也为右旋走滑事件,但前震和余震震群中包括约70%的走滑事件和30%的正断层事件,推测发震断层为维西—乔后断裂带的次级断裂;2013年MW5.3主震的拐角频率为0.68±0.03 Hz,应力降为11.98-1.52/+1.66 MPa,2017年MW4.91主震的拐角频率为1.59±0.05 Hz,应力降为39.84-3.64/+3.88 MPa,2021年MW6.2主震的拐角频率为0.415±0.01 Hz,应力降为65.35-4.61/+4.84 MPa;17个地震应力降反映出走滑事件的自相似性,而正断层事件同震断层面上可能的流体扩散引起了自相似性破缺.两种地震事件在拐角频率与应力降方面存在明显差异,可能源于断层受构造形变、结构和岩性的差异的影响,在横向与纵向上的摩擦系数、破裂尺度、裂隙流体等特性存在较大差异,因而可能存在两种不同的孕震机制.从潜在的地震风险来说,走滑的孕震过程可能触发更大的破裂,具有更大的潜在破坏性.


Throughout their long history, the towns of Lod and Ramle have been severely affected by strong earthquakes. The last destructive earthquake occurred on July 11, 1927 and caused the destruction of large parts of these cities, reaching a seismic intensity of VIII–IX on the MSK scale. Such a high intensity from a relatively distant earthquake (about 70 km) of magnitude 6.2 is likely to be the result of local site effects of the sedimentary layers that may have significantly enhanced earthquake ground motions. This study is focused on estimating the seismic hazard to Lod and Ramle by implementing a three-step process (1) detailed mapping of the characteristics of the H/V spectral ratios from ambient noise, (2) incorporating geological information and well data to construct subsurface models for different sites within the investigated area and (3) estimating the seismic hazard in terms of uniform hazard site-specific accelerations. The horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios of ambient noise were used to approximate the fundamental resonance frequencies of the subsurface and their associated amplitudes. About 360 sites in Lod and Ramle were instrumented for varying periods. The soil sites exhibits H/V peak amplitudes ranging from 4 to 6 in the frequency range 0.5–2.5 Hz. These data were used to constrain 1-D subsurface models that were developed using geological data and borehole information. H/V spectral ratio observations were checked against theoretical subsurface transfer functions at locations where borehole information is available farther constraint the range of possible Vs velocities of the different layers and thus, by means of trial an error it was possible to conclude a systematic spatial distribution of the Vs velocity and thickness in the substrata that are also consistent with the spatial distribution of the fundamental resonance frequencies of the soft sediments obtained by means of the H/V spectral ratios, and other geological and geophysical information available at different locations in the study area. The evaluated subsurface models are introduced using the SEEH procedure of Shapira and van~Eck [(1993) Natural Hazards 8, 201–205] to assess Uniform Hazard Site-Specific Acceleration Spectra for different zones within the towns of Lod and Ramle. These evaluations are very important for realistic assessment of the vulnerabilities of all types of existing and newly designed structures and for urban and land use planning.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s a large number of sinkholes have appeared in the Dead Sea (DS) coastal area. Sinkhole development was triggered by the lowering of the DS level. In the literature the relationship between the sinkholes and the DS level is explained by intrusion of relatively fresh water into the aquifer thereby dramatically accelerating the salt dissolution with creation of subsurface caverns, which in turn cause sinkholes. The main goal of our project was detection and localization of relatively fresh groundwater. During our study we used the transient electromagnetic method (TEM) to measure the electrical resistivity of the subsurface. As a test site we selected Nahal Hever South which is typical for the DS coast. Our results show that resistivity of the shallow subsurface reflects its vertical and lateral structure, e.g., its main hydrogeological elements explain the inter-relations between geology, hydrogeology, and sinkholes. The TEM method has allowed detailed differentiation of layers (clay, salt, etc.) in the subsurface based on their bulk resistivity. The 10 m-thick salt layer composed of idiomorphic crystals of halite deposited during the earlier Holocene period was extrapolated from borehole HS-2 through the study area. It was found that in Nahal Hever the typical value of the bulk resistivity of clay saturated with the DS brine varies between 0.2 and 0.3 Ωm, whereas saturated gravel and sandy sediments are characterized by resistivity between 0.4 and 0.6 Ωm. The high water salinity of the aquifer (enveloping the salt layer) expressed in terms of resistivity is also an important characterization of the sinkhole development mechanism. The electrical resistivity of the aquifer in the vicinity of the salt unit and its western border did not exceed 1 Ωm (in most cases aquifer resistivity was 0.2-0.6 Ωm) proving that, in accordance with existing criteria, the pores of the alluvial sediments are filled with highly mineralized DS brine. However, we suggest that the criterion of the aquifer resistivity responsible for the salt dissolution should be decreased from 1 Ωm to 0.6 Ωm corresponding to the chloride concentration of approximately 100 g/l (the chloride saturation condition reaches 224 g/l in the northern DS basin and 280 g/l in the southern one).Based on TEM results we can reliably conclude that in 2005, when most of sinkholes had appeared at the surface, salt was located within a very low resistivity environment inside sediments saturated with DS brine. Intrusion of relatively fresh groundwater into the aquifer through the 600 × 600 m2area affected by sinkholes has not been observed.  相似文献   

A rock-magnetic and paleomagnetic investigation was carried out on eleven Pleistocene and Pliocene 40Ar/39Ar dated lava flows from the Tepic-Zacoalco rift region in the western sector of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB) with the aim of obtaining new paleomagnetic data from the study region and information about the Earth’s magnetic field recorded in these rocks. Rock-magnetic experiments including measurement of thermomagnetic curves, hysteresis parameters and isothermal remanence acquisition curves were carried out to find out the carriers of remanent magnetisation and to determine their domain structure. Although some samples were characterised by the presence of a single ferromagnetic phase (magnetite), in most cases more phases were observed. Analysis of hysteresis parameters showed a mixture of single domain and multidomain particles, the fraction of the latter varying between 40% and 80%. Paleomagnetic results were obtained in all sites, although in 7 sites characteristic remanence directions and remagnetisation circles had to be combined in order to calculate site means. The six Pliocene sites not showing intermediate polarity yielded a paleomagnetic pole (latitude ? = 81.1°, longitude λ = 94.3°) which roughly agrees with the expected one. Paleomagnetic directions do not indicate significant vertical-axis block rotations in the western TMVB area. Reversed polarities observed can be correlated to the Gilbert chron, normal polarities to the Gauss chron or the Brunhes chron and intermediate polarities to the Cochiti-Gilbert or the Gilbert-Gauss transition. The reversed or intermediate polarity magnetisation recorded in one of the sites (542 ± 24 ka) corresponds either to the West Eifel 4 or the West Eifel 5 excursion, while the reversed polarity observed in the other site (220 ± 36 ka) very likely provides new evidence for the Pringle Falls excursion or the event recorded in the Mamaku ignimbrite.  相似文献   

In this study, total metal (Al, Fe, Mn and Cu) and PAHs analyses have been done in the surface sediments. Sediment samples have been collected from seven parts of the Marmara Sea and the coast of Istanbul during 2009. Total Al, Fe, Mn and Cu contents vary between 1.8% and 5.4%; 1.1% and 2.8%; 122 and 259 μg g−1; 27 and 416 μg g−1, respectively. EF and CF values of Fe and Mn are lower than 1.5 and 1, respectively, in all the stations. Total PAH contents range between 135 and 6009 ng g−1 in the surface sediments. The origin of PAHs has been found pyrolitic according to the Phe/Ant ratio in the all stations. Contrastingly, at K0, MKC and MY1 Stations, PAH origins have been observed petrogenic according to the Flu/Pyr ratio.  相似文献   

The toxicity of sediments in the Gulf of Gdansk is analyzed in relation to the chemical composition of interstitial and near‐bottom waters, and sediment properties. The toxicity of sediments, pore waters and saline elutriates is determined by using the Microtox® test based on changes in light production of the luminescent bacteria Vibrio fischeri. The results indicate considerable toxicity in the majority of examined sediments. Since the sediment elutriates and pore waters are toxic in some cases, the total toxicity of the sediments is likely to be due to both sediment‐bound and water soluble substances. The sediment toxicity is related to the percentage contribution of the fine fraction of sediments. A significant correlation between the toxicity of the sediments and the black carbon content implies anthropogenic contamination. The toxicity of the sediments is seen to increase with the increase of hydrogen sulfide concentration in pore waters. The ammonia in pore waters was found not to be responsible for the toxicity of the sediments.  相似文献   

The spectral study of the Bouguer anomally map of Central India suggests an uplifted crust-mantle interface under the Mahandi graben. This study has delineated three subsurface levels of anomalous masses at the respective depths of 23 km, 8 km, and 2 km apparently representing the Moho, an intermediate discontinuity in the sialic part of the crust and the basement, respectively. Model study of the Bouguer anomaly along a profile suggests a typical continental graben type subsurface structure with a low density depression in the sialic part of the crust between 8 and 18 km supported by an elevated upper mantle of intermediate density (3.4 g/cm3) varying in depth from 25 km to 55 km. The depths of the inferred interfaces in case of Bundelkhand granite are 32 km, 11 km, and 1.5 km, which might represent the Moho, the base of intruded granite massif, and some shallow compositional variation. Similar studies in case of Vindhyan basin have brought out three discontinuities at the respective depths of 16 km, 6–4.5 km, and 2.4 km. The first horizon at the depth of 16 km probably represents the interface between the granitic and the basaltic part of the crust. The 6–4.5 km is the depth of the basement, with the 2.4 km interface separating Bijawar rocks from Vindhyans wherever they are present. A generalized inversion of a profile across a positive belt of Bouguer anomaly representing the subsurface Bijawar rocks support the above result.  相似文献   

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