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The use of a relatively high resolution general circulation model (the Meteorological Office 5-layer model) to determine climate changes for impact studies is evaluated. The simulation of present day climate over Western Europe is assessed by comparing not only different seasons with climatological data, but also the mean annual cycle and the frequency of extreme events. It is found that while the broad features of the simulation are satisfactory, the model produces too many cold episodes in spring, and an excessive number of wet days over northern Europe. When atmospheric CO2 concentrations are quadrupled, and sea surface temperatures and sea ice extents changed appropriately, the number of cold episodes is reduced and precipitation is less frequent in summer and autumn over much of Europe, and throughout the year in the south. The relevance of both the model data and the statistical tests to climate impact studies is discussed.  相似文献   

The impact of various model formulations on model climate during boreal winter is studied using ensembles of seasonal integrations for four different versions of the ECMWF NWP model. The model versions, cycles 36, 46, 48 and 12r1, differ primarily in the representation of physical parametrization. In addition, higher vertical resolution was used for the 12r1 integrations. In the more recent cycles (48 and 12r1) a strong systematic overestimation of zonal flow over the northeastern Pacific has been dramatically reduced, contributing to a more realistic representation of the Pacific block. This improved representation of blocking, particularly in cycle 12r1, is linked to a more efficient diabatic response of the model to the warm SSTs in the western tropical Pacific. In contrast, over the Atlantic/European region a slight deterioration of blocking frequency in cycle 12r1 is associated with the strengthening of the Atlantic jet. The improvement in the Southern Hemisphere circulation, already evident in cycle 46, is not seen in the Northern Hemisphere, so it is argued that the impact of radiation changes introduced between cycle 36 and cycle 46 (inclusive) is influenced by seasonal cycle. A strong cooling of the southern (summer) polar stratosphere has been steadily reduced and in cycle 12r1 is about half of that seen in cycle 36. A reduction of errors in zonally averaged zonal wind and eddy kinetic energy is also clearly seen. In the tropics, the Hadley circulation has become more intense with the later cycles. This is associated with an intensification of convective rainfall within relatively narrow tropical convergence zones. Finally, it was found that the representation of interannual variations between strong positive and negative ENSO-index winters was most successful in cycle 12r1. Received: 30 November 1995 / Accepted: 13 July 1996  相似文献   

Published reconstructions of last glacial maximum (LGM) sea surface temperatures and sea ice extent differ significantly. We here test the sensitivity of simulated North Atlantic climates to two different reconstructions by using these reconstructions as boundary conditions for model experiments. An atmospheric general circulation model has been used to perform two simulations of the (LGM) and a modern-day control simulation. Standard (CLIMAP) reconstructions of sea ice and sea surface temperatures have been used for the first simulation, and a set of new reconstructions in the Nordic Seas/Northern Atlantic have been used for the second experiment. The new reconstruction is based on 158 core samples, and represents ice-free conditions during summer in the Nordic Seas, with accordingly warmer sea surface temperatures and less extensive sea ice during winter as well. The simulated glacial climate is globally 5.7 K colder than modern day, with the largest changes at mid and high latitudes. Due to more intense Hadley circulation, the precipitation at lower latitudes has increased in the simulations of the LGM. Relative to the simulation with the standard CLIMAP reconstructions, reduction of the sea ice in the North Atlantic gives positive local responses in temperature, precipitation and reduction of the sea level pressure. Only very weak signatures of the wintertime Icelandic Low occur when the standard CLIMAP sea surface temperature reconstruction is used as the lower boundary condition in LGM. With reduced sea ice conditions in the Nordic Seas, the Icelandic Low becomes more intense and closer to its present structure. This indicates that thermal forcing is an important factor in determining the strength and position of the Icelandic Low. The Arctic Oscillation is the most dominant large scale variability feature on the Northern Hemisphere in modern day winter climate. In the simulation of the LGM with extensive sea ice this pattern is significantly changed and represents no systematic large scale variability over the North Atlantic. Reduction of the North Atlantic sea ice extent leads to stronger variability in monthly mean sea level pressure in winter. The synoptic variability appears at a lower level in the simulation when standard reconstructions of the sea surface in the LGM are used. A closer inspection of storm tracks in this model experiment shows that that the synoptic lows follow a narrow band along the ice edge during winter. The trajectories of synoptic lows are not constrained to the sea ice edge to the same degree when the sea ice extent is reduced. Seasonally open waters in the Nordic Seas in the new reconstruction apparently act as a moisture source, consistent with the current understanding of the rapid growth of the Fennoscandian and Barents Ice Sheets, during the LGM. The signal from the intensified thermal forcing in the North Atlantic in Boreal winter is carried zonally by upper tropospheric waves, and thus generates non-local responses to the changed sea ice cover.  相似文献   

Summary In regions such as west Texas where water is scarce, changes in the water balance may have a significant impact on agricultural production and management of water resources. We used the mechanistic soil-plant-atmosphere simulation model ENWATBAL to evaluate changes in soil water evaporation (E) and transpiration (T) in cotton and grain sorghum that may occur due to climate change and elevated CO2 in west Texas. Climatic and plant factors were varied individually, and in combination, to determine their impact onE andT. Of the climatic factors,E was most sensitive to changes in vapor pressure, andT to changes in irradiance. Simulations suggest that if warming is accompanied by higher humidity, the impact of climate change may be minimal. However, if the climate becomes warmer and less humid,ET may increase substantially. Simulations also suggest that enhanced growth due to elevated CO2 may have a greater impact onET than climatic change.With 9 Figures  相似文献   

From multi-ensembles of climate simulations using the Community Climate System Model version 3, global climate changes have been investigated focusing on long-term responses to stabilized anthropogenic forcings. In addition to the standard forcing scenarios for the current international assessment, an overshoot scenario, where radiative forcings are decreased from one stabilized level to another, is also considered. The globally-averaged annual surface air temperature increases during the twenty-first century by 2.58 and 1.56°C for increased forcings under two future scenarios denoted by A1B and B1, respectively. These changes continue but at much slower rates in later centuries under forcings stabilized at year 2100. The overshoot scenario provides a different pathway to the lower B1 level by way of the greater A1B level. This scenario results in a surface climate similar to that in the B1 scenario within 100 years after the forcing reaches the B1 level. Contrasting to the surface changes, responses in the ocean are significantly delayed. It is estimated from the linear response theory that temperature changes under stabilized forcings to a final equilibrium state in the A1B (B1) scenario are factors of 0.3–0.4, 0.9, and 17 (0.3, 0.6, and 11) to changes during the twenty-first century, respectively, for three ocean layers of the surface to 100, 100–500, and 500 m to the bottom. Although responses in the lower ocean layers imply a nonlinear behavior, the ocean temperatures in the overshoot and B1 scenarios are likely to converge in their final equilibrium states.  相似文献   

Regional distributions of the mean annual temperature in the 2000s are computed with and without the effect of anthropogenic influences on the climate in several sub-continental regions. Simulated global patterns of the temperature response to external forcings are regressed against observations using optimal fingerprinting. The global analysis provides constraints which are then used to construct the regional temperature distributions. A similar approach was also employed in previous work, but here the methodology is extended to examine changes in any region, including areas with a poor observational coverage that were omitted in the earlier study. Two different General Circulation Models (GCMs) are used in the analysis. Anthropogenic forcings are found to have at least quadrupled the likelihood of occurrence of a year warmer than the warmest year since 1900 in 23 out of the 24 regions. The temperature distributions computed with the two models are very similar. While a more detailed assessment of model dependencies remains to be made once additional suitable GCM simulations become available, the present study introduces the statistical methodology and demonstrates its first application. The derived information concerning the effect of human influences on the regional climate is useful for adaptation planning. Moreover, by pre-computing the change in the likelihood of exceeding a temperature threshold over a range of thresholds, this kind of analysis enables a near real-time assessment of the anthropogenic impact on the observed regional temperatures.  相似文献   

W. Cai  H. B. Gordon 《Climate Dynamics》1998,14(7-8):503-516
 The responses of the CSIRO coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea ice model to two greenhouse gas induced warming scenarios are described and compared to a control run with the current CO2 level. In one scenario, denoted IS92a, the atmospheric CO2 increases such that it reaches doubling after 128 years. In the other, the CO2 increases at 1% per year compounding (doubling after 70 y). As the CO2 increases in both scenarios, the top-of-atmosphere outgoing longwave radiation increases giving enhanced cooling of the coupled system, while the outgoing short wave radiation decreases contributing to a warming of the system. The latter overcompensates the former leading to a global mean net radiative heat gain. The distribution of this heat gain produces the well-known interhemispheric asymmetry in warming, despite a decrease in the sea ice around Antarctica in this model. It is found that the volume mean temperature response over the southern ocean is greater than that over the northern hemispheric oceans, and a maximum warming takes place at the subsurface rather at the surface of the ocean in the southern mid-to-high latitude region. The enhanced high-latitude freshening associated with the strengthened hydrological cycle significantly affects the latitudinal distribution of warming and other responses. It enhances the warming immediately equatorward of the deep water formation regions while produces a reduced warming, even a cooling, in these regions. In both runs, there is a decrease in the large-scale oceanic currents which have a significant thermohaline-driven component. The reduction in these currents reduces the poleward transport of salt out of the tropical and subtropical regions of these oceans. This and the enhanced evaporation contribute to considerable increases in surface salinity in the tropical and subtropical regions. In IS92a, the warming rate before doubling is smaller than that in 1% scenario, but the cumulative effects of the two experiments at the time of doubling are similar. Nevertheless, significant contrasts exist. For example, at the time of doubling in IS92a, the warming of the upper ocean is greater because a more developed temperature-albedo feedback occurs. In addition, a longer time is allowed for heat anomalies to spread downward, and so the effective heat penetration depth is greater than that in the 1% scenario. Thus the oceanic response is influenced by the CO2 increase scenario used. Received: 2 September 1997 / Accepted: 21 January 1998  相似文献   

Sensitivity of a coupled climate model to canopy interception capacity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The canopy interception capacity is a small but key part of the surface hydrology, which affects the amount of water intercepted by vegetation and therefore the partitioning of evaporation and transpiration. However, little research with climate models has been done to understand the effects of a range of possible canopy interception capacity parameter values. This is in part due to the assumption that it does not significantly affect climate. Near global evapotranspiration products now make evaluation of canopy interception capacity parameterisations possible. We use a range of canopy water interception capacity values from the literature to investigate the effect on climate within the climate model HadCM3. We find that the global mean temperature is affected by up to ?0.64 K globally and ?1.9 K regionally. These temperature impacts are predominantly due to changes in the evaporative fraction and top of atmosphere albedo. In the tropics, the variations in evapotranspiration affect precipitation, significantly enhancing rainfall. Comparing the model output to measurements, we find that the default canopy interception capacity parameterisation overestimates canopy interception loss (i.e. canopy evaporation) and underestimates transpiration. Overall, decreasing canopy interception capacity improves the evapotranspiration partitioning in HadCM3, though the measurement literature more strongly supports an increase. The high sensitivity of climate to the parameterisation of canopy interception capacity is partially due to the high number of light rain-days in the climate model that means that interception is overestimated. This work highlights the hitherto underestimated importance of canopy interception capacity in climate model hydroclimatology and the need to acknowledge the role of precipitation representation limitations in determining parameterisations.  相似文献   

We describe the rationale for long-term monitoring of global climate forcings and radiative feedbacks as a contribution to interpretation of long-term global temperature change. Our discussion is based on a more detailed study and workshop report (Hansenet al., 1993b). We focus on the potential contribution of a proposed series of inexpensive small satellites, but we discuss also the need for complementary climate process studies and ground-based measurements. Some of these measurements could be made inexpensively by students, providing both valuable climate data and science educational experience.  相似文献   

Climate Dynamics - The study examines the influence of external climate forcings, and atmosphere–ocean–sea–ice coupled interaction on the Southern Hemisphere (SH) atmospheric...  相似文献   

Sensitivity studies with the regional climate model REMO   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Summary A new regional atmospheric model was set up in a joint effort by DKRZ (Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum), DWD (Deutscher Wetterdienst), GKSS (Forschungszentrum Geesthacht) at the MPI (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Meteorologie). This model, called REMO (REgional MOdel) can be used in the weather forecast mode as well as in the climate mode. It is based on the Europa-Model (EM), the main weather forecast model of the new numerical weather prediction system of the Deutscher Wetterdienst. In addition to the physical parameterizations implemented in the EM, REMO has the possibility of using the same physics as the global climate model (MPI) into which it is nested to assess the scale dependence of physical parameterizations within the same dynamical framework.This paper gives an overview over different case studies investigating the dependence of model results on simulation domain size, horizontal resolution, initial conditions and lateral boundaries especially for long term calculations. A sample of one month long integrations for an arbitrary July month, a four year long run for the Baltic Sea and its drainage basin and two summer seasons of the Indian Monsoon will be used to demonstrate the sensitivity of regional climate model results to different environments.The sensitivity studies show that it is very important to use realistic large scale driving fields at the lateral boundaries. The regional model results are strongly influenced by the driving fields. The domain size and the simulation length are also influencing the results.With 12 Figures  相似文献   

The radiative forcings and feedbacks that determine Earth’s climate sensitivity are typically defined at the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) or tropopause, yet climate sensitivity itself refers to a change in temperature at the surface. In this paper, we describe how TOA radiative perturbations translate into surface temperature changes. It is shown using first principles that radiation changes at the TOA can be equated with the change in energy stored by the oceans and land surface. This ocean and land heat uptake in turn involves an adjustment of the surface radiative and non-radiative energy fluxes, with the latter being comprised of the turbulent exchange of latent and sensible heat between the surface and atmosphere. We employ the radiative kernel technique to decompose TOA radiative feedbacks in the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report climate models into components associated with changes in radiative heating of the atmosphere and of the surface. (We consider the equilibrium response of atmosphere-mixed layer ocean models subjected to an instantaneous doubling of atmospheric CO2). It is shown that most feedbacks, i.e., the temperature, water vapor and cloud feedbacks, (as well as CO2 forcing) affect primarily the turbulent energy exchange at the surface rather than the radiative energy exchange. Specifically, the temperature feedback increases the surface turbulent (radiative) energy loss by 2.87 W m?2 K?1 (0.60 W m?2 K?1) in the multimodel mean; the water vapor feedback decreases the surface turbulent energy loss by 1.07 W m?2 K?1 and increases the surface radiative heating by 0.89 W m?2 K?1; and the cloud feedback decreases both the turbulent energy loss and the radiative heating at the surface by 0.43 and 0.24 W m?2 K?1, respectively. Since changes to the surface turbulent energy exchange are dominated in the global mean sense by changes in surface evaporation, these results serve to highlight the fundamental importance of the global water cycle to Earth’s climate sensitivity.  相似文献   

Chinese temperate grasslands play an important role in the terrestrial carbon cycle. Based on the parameterization and validation of Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (TEM, Version 5.0), we analyzed the carbon budgets of Chinese temperate grasslands and their responses to historical atmospheric CO2 concentration and climate variability during 1951–2007. The results indicated that Chinese temperate grassland acted as a slight carbon sink with annual mean value of 7.3 T?g C, ranging from -80.5 to 79.6 T?g C yr-1. Our sensitivity experiments further revealed that precipitation variability was the primary factor for decreasing carbon storage. CO2 fertilization may increase the carbon storage (1.4 %) but cannot offset the proportion caused by climate variability (-15.3 %). Impacts of CO2 concentration, temperature and precipitation variability on Chinese temperate grassland cannot be simply explained by the sum of the individual effects. Interactions among them increased total carbon storage of 56.6 T?g C which 14.2 T?g C was stored in vegetation and 42.4 T?g C was stored in soil. Besides, different grassland types had different responses to climate change and CO2 concentration. NPP and RH of the desert and forest steppes were more sensitive to precipitation variability than temperature variability while the typical steppe responded to temperature variability more sensitively than the desert and forest steppes.  相似文献   

This study presents the first consolidation of palaeoclimate proxy records from multiple archives to develop statistical rainfall reconstructions for southern Africa covering the last two centuries. State-of-the-art ensemble reconstructions reveal multi-decadal rainfall variability in the summer and winter rainfall zones. A decrease in precipitation amount over time is identified in the summer rainfall zone. No significant change in precipitation amount occurred in the winter rainfall zone, but rainfall variability has increased over time. Generally synchronous rainfall fluctuations between the two zones are identified on decadal scales, with common wet (dry) periods reconstructed around 1890 (1930). A strong relationship between seasonal rainfall and sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the surrounding oceans is confirmed. Coherence among decadal-scale fluctuations of southern African rainfall, regional SST, SSTs in the Pacific Ocean and rainfall in south-eastern Australia suggest SST-rainfall teleconnections across the southern hemisphere. Temporal breakdowns of the SST-rainfall relationship in the southern African regions and the connection between the two rainfall zones are observed, for example during the 1950s. Our results confirm the complex interplay between large-scale teleconnections, regional SSTs and local effects in modulating multi-decadal southern African rainfall variability over long timescales.  相似文献   

A continuous 10-year simulation in Asia for the period of 1 July 1988 to 31 December 1998 was conducted using the Regional Integrated Environmental Model System (RIEMS) with NCEP Reanalysis II data as the driving fields. The model processes include surface physics state package (BATS 1e), a Holtslag explicit planetary boundary layer formulation, a Grell cumulus parameterization, and a modified radiation package (CCM3). Model-produced surface temperature and precipitation are compared with observations from 1001 meteorology stations distributed over Asia and with the 0.5 × 0.5 CRU gridded dataset. The analysis results show that: (1) RIEMS reproduces well the spatial pattern and the seasonal cycle of surface temperature and precipitation; (2) When regionally averaged, the seasonal mean temperature biases are within 1–2C. For precipitation, the model tends to give better simulation in winter than in summer, and seasonal precipitation biases are mostly in the range of ?12%–50%; (3) Spatial correlation coefficients between observed and simulated seasonal precipitation are higher in north of the Yangtze River than in the south and higher in winter than in summer; (4) RIEMS can well reproduce the spatial pattern of seasonal mean sea level pressure. In winter, the model-simulated Siberian high is stronger than the observed. In summer, the simulated subtropical high is shifted northwestwards; (5) The temporal evolution of the East Asia summer monsoon rain belt, with steady phases separated by more rapid transitions, is reproduced.  相似文献   

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