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With a comprehensive study on the petrology, geology and geochemistry of some Ordovician granule limestone samples in the Tahe Oiifieid of the Tarim Basin, two stages of burial dissolution were put forward as an in-source dissolution and out-source dissolution based on macro-microcosmic petrology and geochemistry features. The main differences in the two stages are in the origin and moving pass of acid fluids. Geochemical evidence indicates that burial dissolution fluids might be ingredients of organic acids, CO2 and H2S associated with organic matter maturation and hydrocarbon decomposition, and the in-source fluid came from organic matter in the granule limestone itself, but the out-source was mainly from other argillaceous carbonate rocks far away. So, the forming of a burial dissolution reservoir resulted from both in-source and the out-source dissolutions. The granule limestone firstly formed unattached pinholes under in-source dissolution in situ, and afterwards suffered wider dissolution with out-source fluids moving along unconformities, seams, faults and associate fissures. The second stage was much more important, and the mineral composition in the stratum and heat convection of the fluid were also important in forming favorable reservoirs.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地塔河油田原油与源岩对比研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
塔河油田是我国迄今为止在古生界海相碳酸盐岩层系中发现的最大的油气田,但是原油的油源目前仍然是一个有争异的问题。对塔河油田原油和寒武系、奥陶系烃源岩进行了地球化学分析,研究了生物标志化合物组成和分布特征,进行了油源对比。原油和烃源岩中正构烷烃、类异戊二烯烃、甾烷和萜烷组成及分布特征,显示了塔河油田原油与寒武系、奥陶系烃源岩具有亲缘关系,这与塔河油田长期成藏和多期成藏,从而允许寒武系、奥陶系烃源岩持续供油的地质事实相符合。研究认为,塔河油田原油与寒武系、奥陶系烃源岩中一些生物标志化合物组成的差异,可能与它们起源于有机质不同演化阶段有关,这一点应在研究具有高演化有机质特征的油源对比时予以重视。  相似文献   

塔河油田是我国迄今为止在古生界海相碳酸盐岩层系中发现的最大的油气田,研究其中油气的运移是了解这种油气藏形成规律的重要环节。对塔河油田近几年开采的油井原油样品进行系统采集后,分析了原油中生物标志化合物,选取Ts/(Ts Tm)、三环萜烷/17α(H)-藿烷和重排甾烷/规则甾烷比值作为油气运移指标,研究了塔河油田原油的运移特征。结果表明,这些指标反映了塔河油田奥陶系原油运移有两个方向,一个是由东向西,另一个是由南向北;9区和三叠系、石炭系原油成熟度较高,说明它们成藏期较晚。  相似文献   

Ordovician natural gases in the Tahe Oilfield are composed predominantly of hydrocarbon gases dominated by methane with a significant amount of heavy hydrocarbon gas component. The non-hydrocarbon gases include N2, CO2 and minor H2S. The Ordovician natural gases are believed to have originated from the same source rocks, and are composite of gases differing in thermal maturity. Carbon dioxide was derived from thermal metamorphism of Ordovician carbonate rocks. The generation of natural gases involves multiple stages from mature normal oil and condensate-associated gas to thermally cracked gas at the maturity to over-maturity stages. In the main part of the Tahe Oilfield, the Ordovician natural gases appear to be filled in two major phases with a typical petroleum-associated gas from southeast to northwest and from east to west in the early stage; and a thermally cracked gas from east to west in the late stage. At the same time, the oil/gas filling boundary has been primarily established between the two stages.  相似文献   

Almost all the oil and gas reservoirs developed in marine sedimentary strata of China have undergone processes of multi-phase reservoir formation and later modification. The irregular reservoirs are classified into three types as the Naxi, Tahe and Renqiu ones, increasing successively in the development degree of karstificated pores and fissures and the connection degree of independent reservoirs. In these reservoirs, the unity in the fluid feature, pressure and oil-gas-water interface also increases successively from the Naxi to the Renqiu type. The main body of Ordovician reservoirs of the Tahe Oilfield in the Tarim Basin is a network pool rather than a stratified, massive, stratigraphically-unconformed or weathering-crust one. The fluid nature of oil, gas and water, the interface positions and the pressures, as well as the dynamic conditions of fluids within the reservoirs during the production are all different from those in stratified or massive oil and gas reservoirs. Carbonates in the Akekule upli  相似文献   

Almost all the oil and gas reservoirs developed in marine sedimentary strata of China have undergone processes of multi-phase reservoir formation and later modification. The irregular reservoirs are classified into three types as the Naxi, Tahe and Renqiu ones, increasing successively in the development degree of karstificated pores and fissures and the connection degree of independent reservoirs. In these reservoirs, the unity in the fluid feature, pressure and oil-gas-water interface also increases successively from the Naxi to the Renqiu type. The main body of Ordovician reservoirs of the Tahe Oilfield in the Tarim Basin is a network pool rather than a stratified, massive, stratigraphically-unconformed or weathering-crust one. The fluid nature of oil, gas and water, the interface positions and the pressures, as well as the dynamic conditions of fluids within the reservoirs during the production are all different from those in stratified or massive oil and gas reservoirs. Carbonates in the Akekule upli  相似文献   

Almost all the oil and gas reservoirs developed in marine sedimentary strata of China have undergone processes of multi-phase reservoir formation and later modification. The irregular reservoirs are classified into three types as the Naxi, Tahe and Renqiu ones, increasing successively in the development degree of karstificated pores and fissures and the connection degree of independent reservoirs. In these reservoirs, the unity in the fluid feature, pressure and oil-gaswater interface also increases successively from the Naxi to the Renqiu type. The main body of Ordovician reservoirs of the Tahe Oilfield in the Tarim Basin is a network pool rather than a stratified, massive, stratigraphically-unconformed or weathering-crust one. The fluid nature of oil, gas and water, the interface positions and the pressures, as well as the dynamic conditions of fluids within the reservoirs during the production are all different from those in stratified or massive oil and gas reservoirs. Carbonates in the Akekule uplift and the Tahe Oilfield are assemblages of various types of reservoirs, which have an overall oH-bearing potential and obvious uneven distribution. Testing and producing tests are the major means to evaluate this type of reservoirs and acid fracturing improvement is a key link in petroleum exploration and development.  相似文献   

塔河油田位于塔里木盆地北部沙雅隆起中段的阿克库勒凸起上。该凸起自加里东中晚期到海西早期的多次构造抬升运动使奥陶系碳酸盐岩地层长期出露于地表,受到强烈的大气淡水淋滤溶蚀作用。该地区还经历了加里东中期海侵和石炭纪海侵以及二叠纪火山作用。以塔河油田主体区内11口井的33份砂泥质充填物为基础样本,作了硼、矾、镓、铷等微量元素和包裹体分析等地球化学的研究,证实研究区内以大气淡水岩溶作用为主,存在后期的淡水-海水混合岩溶作用和热水岩溶(溶蚀)作用。大气淡水岩溶纵向上主要分为三个带,溶洞充填物的伊利石K—Ar同位素定年揭示其呈上老下新的时序性。海水入侵所改造的为浅层第一、二个岩溶带,热水岩溶(溶蚀)改造的为深部第三个岩溶带。  相似文献   

塔河油田是大型的碳酸盐岩不整合—古岩溶缝洞型奥陶系油气藏。由塔河油田主体往南,油气驱替程度逐渐降低,缝洞系统中含水量逐渐增加。油水界面分布总体上由潜山顶部向周围斜坡波动中降低。塔河油田的区域构造背景、储层缝洞系统以及成藏动力学过程导致了流体分布的非均质性。根据储层孔隙结构特征、油气驱替过程、开发过程中产出水的化学—动力学响应,塔河奥陶系缝洞油藏的水体类型可以区分出三种:洞穴底部油气驱替残留水、洞穴周缘小缝洞系统驱替残留水、储层下部层间水。不同水体类型的出水时间、水体能量、含水率、水化学性质等会呈现出不同的变化规律。  相似文献   

塔河油田十二区奥陶系油藏为碳酸盐岩岩溶缝洞型油藏,油气水分布规律复杂。对原油的物理性质、平面及纵向上的分布特征、油水界面等的分析表明,区内主要为高黏度、含蜡、高含硫的超重质原油。平面上密度分布呈西部和东部低、中部高的特点;纵向上原油密度与深度关系不大。高产油区多沿主断裂带分布。油水界面不统一,但从东向西随中奥陶统顶面的降低而降低。认为该区油气分布不受现今构造位置高低的控制,而是受区域构造背景、断裂带的分布、储集层的发育程度、成藏演化过程以及不整合面等因素综合控制。  相似文献   

生物扰动对塔里木盆地塔河油田奥陶系碳酸盐岩“基质储集体”储集性能的改造效应具有重要影响。以塔河油田奥陶系岩心为研究对象,利用Adobe® Photoshop® CS6软件提供的生物扰动数字图像分析软件包,对岩心数字图像中生物扰动区域进行了识别和定量表征。结果表明: (1)在生物扰动数字图像分析软件包提供的方法中,“相似像素选择法”和“魔棒法”是对生物扰动识别与定量表征最为有效的方法,但二者适用范围不同;(2)“相似像素选择法”适用于生物扰动程度较大,单个形体相对较小且离散度相对较高的情况:当生物扰动充填物和围岩基质边界对比度较大时,应用“选取相似”操作效果最好;而当生物扰动充填物和围岩基质边界对比度较小时,应用“色彩范围”操作识别效果最好;这2种操作都仅能执行1次;(3)“魔棒法”对于识别生物扰动区域形体大而分布连续,且充填物颜色不同的情况具有独到优势;该方法可以通过多次重复操作以及调整“容差”来提高生物扰动区域与围岩基质的识别度。该研究对从生物成因角度解释碳酸盐岩“基质储集体”的非均质性与分布规律、实现增强储集性能生物扰动属性表征、丰富海相碳酸盐岩储集层地质学理论、指导该类油气藏远景勘探和储量计算以及选择合理的开发方案等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

塔河油田奥陶系碳酸盐岩油藏溶洞发育规律   总被引:5,自引:8,他引:5  
塔河油田奥陶系碳酸盐岩缝洞型储层为该区最重要的油气生产层段.依据地质岩心(屑)、录井、钻井、测井、地震等多种资料,运用由点到线再到面的方法,探讨了塔河油田奥陶系碳酸盐岩油藏的溶洞发育规律.由区内溶洞充填砂泥岩的伊利石K-Ar同位素定年,得出其形成时间在369.33~451.90Ma,古溶洞的形成时间应该早于该时段或与该...  相似文献   

GC、GC-MS、GC-MS-MS分析表明,塔河17区块各油藏原油饱和烃、芳烃生物标志物组成和稳定碳同位素特征具有同源性,即塔河原油来自相同的烃源灶(或烃源层)。然而,对原油物性特征、成熟度特征、生物降解特征及原油馏分碳同位素组成等的深入研究发现,塔河原油属于早、晚两次充注成藏:早期充注为一般成熟型原油,相当于Ro值0.70%0.80%成熟阶段的生排烃产物,遭受生物降解后具有重、稠油特征,主要分布在4、6、7区下奥陶统储层中;晚期成藏原油相当于Ro值0.80%1.00%的高成熟阶段的生烃产物,表现为正常油、甚至轻质油或凝析油,在塔河油田广泛分布,并可以与早期充注油藏原油的生物降解残留成分进行充分混合,呈现复杂的地球化学特征。   相似文献   

塔河油田四区奥陶系古岩溶流域的倒淌河及其成因研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现代岩溶区,由于构造运动、岩性差异以及地貌起伏等因素,常常出现水系袭夺现象,并随之伴生一系列反常的水文地貌现象,如分水岭迁移和破坏、袭夺肘、风峡、断头河和倒淌河等。基于三维地震资料,应用层拉平技术、精细相干分析技术及相关地震成图技术,对塔河油田四区中—下奥陶统顶部海西早期的岩溶古地貌和古水系进行了恢复识别,发现也存在类似的反常水文地貌现象。借鉴现代水系袭夺理论,证实了塔河油田四区东部岩溶流域早期为南向汇流结构,而后期由于构造运动引起西北部侵蚀基准面下降,并通过地下途径对邻近南向流域北缘进行逐步袭夺,形成了大型倒淌河,再现了本区岩溶古水系及流域的阶段性演化过程,从而为揭示塔河油田奥陶系古岩溶发育规律提供了重要的依据。  相似文献   

李源  蔡忠贤 《古地理学报》2016,18(4):560-568
在现代岩溶地质考察中,岩溶区因多期次幕式构造抬升运动而形成多级岩溶台面,每级岩溶台面的排泄基准面(潜水面)控制一期洞穴发育。塔河油田海西早期形成了复杂的碳酸盐岩岩溶洞穴系统,纵向上呈现多层性特征,是油气勘探的重点。因此,为了深入认识和阐述洞穴层发育机制,以现代岩溶理论为指导,基于三维地震资料,采用水系汇流点法、侵蚀阶地法、上超终止法并结合地貌特征,对塔河油田主体区海西早期岩溶台面进行划分,并在岩溶台面约束下进行洞穴层对比。研究结果表明:(1)塔河油田主体区发育4级岩溶台面。岩溶台面1形成时代最早,台面3面积最大。(2)主要发育3套洞穴层,具有明显的层状分布特征,台面3的洞穴层规模最大。3套洞穴层在垂向上并不构成大范围重叠,仅台面3控制的洞穴溯源侵蚀穿越台面向上游发育,说明洞穴层形成时的构造稳定期长。其他台面洞穴层并未穿跨台面发育,说明洞穴层形成时的构造稳定期短,潜水面控制下洞穴溯源侵蚀范围比较有限。  相似文献   

塔河油田碳酸盐岩缝洞型油气藏的特征及缝洞单元划分   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
塔河油田奥陶系碳酸盐岩缝洞型油气藏的主要特征表现为油气藏高度远大于残丘圈闭幅度,油气分布受储集体发育程度控制,纵向上不连续,储集体主要为岩溶-构造作用所形成的缝洞,单个缝洞储集体为独立的油水系统等。运用油藏压力降落法、类干扰试井法和流体性质变化法等方法将塔河油田主体开发区划分出10个连通储渗单元和20个孤立或相对定容封闭体,对这些缝洞单元的特点作了描述。塔河油田整体上不具统一的底水;各油气藏流体性质变化较大。  相似文献   

塔河油田位于塔里木盆地沙雅隆起阿克库勒凸起西部,目前井控含油气面积约1800km2。它发现于1990年,是我国发现的第一个陆上古生代海相大油田。2004年探明石油储量为5.3×108t,原油年产量为358×104t。油田的主要产层为奥陶系浅海台地—斜坡相碳酸盐岩,其盖层为下石炭统区域性泥岩和膏盐岩,油源为寒武系—下奥陶统碳酸盐岩烃源岩。岩溶储集体发育,油气藏圈闭类型多样。论述了油田的发现和勘探开发历程、油藏的地质特征、油气分布规律,以及寻找海相碳酸盐岩油气田的启示。  相似文献   

为探讨锶同位素在古岩溶研究中的应用,系统分析了塔里木盆地塔河油田奥陶系岩溶缝洞方解石的87Sr/86Sr值。研究结果表明,加里东中期岩溶形成的方解石以低87Sr/86Sr值为特征,其锶同位素组成主要由围岩的重溶锶控制。而海西早期岩溶形成的方解石则以高87Sr/86Sr值为特征,锶同位素组成主要由壳源锶和重溶锶控制;同时,不同产状的方解石锶同位素比值也不相同,渗流岩溶带的方解石比潜流岩溶带富集87Sr,主要受控于岩溶系统的渗流机制和水岩反应。在平面上,桑塔木组覆盖区比北部地区富集87Sr,其主要原因是来源于围岩的重溶锶比重加大。87Sr/86Sr值在区域上的变化,结合区域地质背景,表明海西早期岩溶对北部地区和桑塔木组覆盖区均有重要的影响,是奥陶系岩溶缝洞型储层的主要形成时期。另外,极低的锶同位素比值可能与幔源锶有关,早二叠纪末的火山活动是提供幔源锶的主要时期。通过塔河油田奥陶系古岩溶作用的实例研究,锶同位素具有良好的流体示踪能力,在划分古岩溶期次方面具有明显的优势。  相似文献   

Ordovician fracture-cavity carbonate reservoir beds are the major type of producing formations in the Tahe oilfieid, Tarim Basin. The seismic responses of these beds clearly changes depending on the different distance of the fracture-cavity reservoir bed from the top of the section. The seismic reflection becomes weak or is absent when the fracture-cavity reservoir beds are less than 20 ms below the top Ordovician. The effect on top Ordovician reflection became weaker with deeper burial of fracture-cavity reservoir beds but the developed deep fracture-cavity reservoir beds caused stronger reflection in the interior of the Ordovician. This interior reflection can be divided into strong long-axis, irregular and bead string reflections, and was present 80 ms below the top Ordovician. Aimed at understanding reflection characteristics, the spectral decomposition technique, which uses frequency to "tune-in" bed thickness, was used to predict Ordovician fracture-cavity carbonate formations in the Tahe oilfield. Through finely adjusting the processing parameters of spectral decomposition, it was found that the slice at 30 Hz of the tuned data cube can best represent reservoir bed development. Two large N-S-trending strong reflection belts in the mid-western part of the study area along wells TK440- TK427-TK417B and in the eastern part along wells TK404-TK409 were observed distinctly on the 30 Hz slice and 4-D time-frequency data cube carving. A small N-S trending reflection belt in the southern part along wells T403-TK446B was also clearly identified. The predicted reservoir bed development area coincides with the fracture-cavities connection area confirmed by drilling pressure testing results. Deep karst cavities occur basically in three reservoir bed-development belts identified by the Ordovician interior strong reflection. Spectral decomposition proved to be a useful technique in identifying fracture-cavity reservoir beds.  相似文献   

与苯并藿烷相比,25-降苯并藿烷的研究较少,目前这类化合物仅检出于加拿大和我国川西北的降解沥青中。本研究在塔河油田井下奥陶系储层稠油中检测到了完整系列的25-降苯并藿烷(C31-C34),发现25-降苯并藿烷与苯并藿烷的比值与现有的生物降解评价参数有较好的可比性,且该参数在不同降解程度原油中的差别比其他参数更大,故今后有必要对其开展更深入的研究,以便更精细地评价原油的生物降解程度。  相似文献   

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