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我国地震科技进步的回顾与展望(三)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈章立 《中国地震》2002,18(1):1-14
3 科学的构思 ,未来的展望在迈进新世纪之际 ,我们不会忘记过去百年的地震给我国人民造成的巨大劫难。在充分肯定近几十年来 ,尤其是“九五”期间我国地震科技所取得的长足进步之际 ,更清醒地认识到我国目前防震减灾科技能力与全社会减轻地震灾害和地震对社会经济生活影响的强烈要求之间仍存在很大差距 ,而且随着经济的发展 ,社会文明的进步 ,地震灾害对社会经济生活的影响正呈迅速增长的趋势 ,因此 ,在新世纪我国防震减灾的任务更加艰巨。面对多震灾的基本国情和更加艰巨的防震减灾任务 ,国务院于 2 0 0 0年 5月在河北省唐山市召开了新中…  相似文献   

韩黎珍  梁干 《华南地震》2001,21(1):69-72
粤港澳地区地理人文环境相同,三地在经济,科技和文化等方面联系密切,地震临测和地震科技方面的协作和交流也日益频繁,取得了可喜成果,回顾了近20年来三地震科技合作的历程,并展望了未来的合作前景。  相似文献   

通过对市、县两级防震减灾的工作体会和实践经验,着重论述了市(县)防震减灾三大体系(即地震监测预报、震灾防御、应急救援)建设工作的重要性,并结合本地区实际,就如何做好市、县防震减灾工作提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

陈道明 《地震学刊》1999,(B02):20-22
1974年4月22日江苏溧阳发生Ms5.5地震,死亡8人,伤214人,倒塌房屋11081间,文中介绍了该地震前出现的小震活动,以及分析地震发生后,震灾群众出现恐慌,外逃的原因,提出地震工作者应从每一次发生的地震中总结经验才识不断积累资料,积累知识,用科学的态度,向人民负责的精神不懈地进行地震预防方面和地震综合防御方面的探索和研究。  相似文献   

目的,科技进步和社会发展对防震减灾部门提出了更高的工作目标和要求。在未来的一段时期内,一方面需要把地震预报工作从经验基础预报向完善的物理模型推进,另一方面要切实加强地震台网的优化工作,保证研究工作的顺利开展。纵观当前的政治经济形势和地震科学研究现状,文章提出了在“十五”期间应特别关注的几个问题:①正确处理“继承和发展”的关系,努力造就跨世纪的监测预报人才;②监测台网优化和监测技术的发展必须重视预报对监测技术的需求;③分析预报工作的基础建设对提高预报工作质量的作用不容忽视。  相似文献   

地震灾害造成的损失随社会发展而加重。经济迅速发展的我国新世纪防震减灾应采取新措施;需要提高地震设防标准,鼓励部分建筑先坚固起来,使我国建设的抗震能力在几十年内逐步达到国际先进水平;应在全国范围内抑制虚报,科学地确定地震预报的震级下限,通过清理地震预报方法提高报准率,从总体上提高地震预报效益;应重视震时应急行动的研究;应加强企业的防震减灾工作,并通过立法加以落实。  相似文献   

吴志聪 《华南地震》2003,23(1):106-108
阐述了我国地震群测群防工作现状,井提出了在现阶段做好群测群防工作的对策。  相似文献   

地震标准化进展综述(之二)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
4 “十五”地震标准化工作设想与发展 地震标准化的实质是它的技术性 ,主要是立足于防震减灾体系中的技术指标。地震标准作为一种技术性规范文件 ,是根据我国防震减灾规划和地震科学技术发展需要 ,按照规定的程序 ,对地震科技成果和实践的先进经验进行总结制定出来的。因此 ,地震标准化一定要以建立防震减灾工作的最佳工作秩序和提高地震科学技术水平为最终目的。为了达到这一目的 ,除了依据《中华人民共和国防震减灾法》来调整防震减灾领域中各个方面的关系外 ,就是要依据一整套行之有效的、科学合理的地震技术法规对地震行业存在共同的、…  相似文献   

地震是威胁人类的重大自然灾害,强烈的直下型地震可以在极短的几秒或几十秒时间毁灭一座城市,导致几万甚至几十万的人员伤亡。1976年7月28日唐山7.8级大地震,唐山市被夷为废墟,震害波及北京、天津、秦皇岛等重要城市,造成24.2万人死  相似文献   

中国地震报告数据处理系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地震观测报告是一份具有广泛使用价值的地震基础资料。中国地震报告数据处理系统是提高中国地震报告质量的关键一环。其主要水平反映在:数据采集和处理自动化;采用最先进的数值计算方法;采用最先进的激光照排技术;用磁介质进行数据传递。  相似文献   

论述了在新形势下地震科技档案管理与归档,以及如何提高科技人员的归档意识。  相似文献   

结合山东省地震局科技档案管理模式的现状,阐述了地震科技档案信息服务模式改革的必要性和重要性;结合信息社会发展的特点,指出了未来地震科技档案发展的方向。  相似文献   

防震减灾宣传正经历一场深刻的变革,介绍了防震减灾宣传的意义,以山西晋城市防震减灾宣传的现状为例,提出了实现防震减灾宣传跨越的几种对策.  相似文献   

中国数字地震台网的数据在中国地震学研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
中国大陆邻近印度、欧亚和太平洋板块的边缘,其特点在于具有复杂的地壳构造和高地震活动性。中美合中国数字地震台网(CDSN)运行10年来,在中国地震学研究中发挥了有效的作用。CDSN作为IRIS全球地震台网的参与伙伴,为全球地震学研究作出了贡献。本文概述了CDSN数据在中国地震学研究中的应用。  相似文献   

我国大地电磁测深新进展及瞻望   总被引:43,自引:19,他引:43  
简要回顾了上世纪60-80年代,我国大地电磁测深工作的起步和发展, 较全面地介绍了90年代以来的新进展,并瞻望了新世纪的发展方向。  相似文献   

Recent evaluations of acute and chronical toxicity of arsenic resulted in a reduction of the standard value for total arsenic from 40 μg/L to 10 μg/L in drinking water which will be valid in Germany after a transition period as from January 1996. Arsenic is well known as substance of deep groundwaters, mainly of geogenic origin and normally found as As(III) or As(V). As(V) is well removable by flocculation and filtration after adding iron salts. As(III), however, has to be oxidized first to As(V). Therefore, it is important for treatment techniques to be able to distinguish between As(III) and As(V). A modified determination of As(III) using flow injection analysis was installed and optimized in order to investigate whether As(III) may be oxidized to As(V) by bacteria in natural waters. The results showed that at 4°C, no As(III)-oxidation was observed within 14 days. At room temperature, however, in the bacteria-containing samples, an As(III)-oxidation was found starting after 3 to 7 days. After 14 days, no As(III) was left over. In contrast, in the sterile samples, no As(III)-oxidation could be observed within 14 days. These results demonstrated that microbial processes influence the oxidation of As(III) to As(V) in natural waters.  相似文献   

Since the discovery of the ozone depletion in Antarctic and the globally declining trend of stratospheric ozone concentration, public and scientific concern has been raised in the last decades. A very important consequence of this fact is the increased broadband and spectral UV radiation in the environment and the biological effects and heath risks that may take place in the near future. The absence of widespread measurements of this radiometric flux has lead to the development and use of alternative estimation procedures such as the parametric approaches. Parametric models compute the radiant energy using available atmospheric parameters. Some parametric models compute the global solar irradiance at surface level by addition of its direct beam and diffuse components. In the present work, we have developed a comparison between two cloudless sky parametrization schemes. Both methods provide an estimation of the solar spectral irradiance that can be integrated spectrally within the limits of interest. For this test we have used data recorded in a radiometric station located at Granada (37.180°N, 3.580°W, 660 m a.m.s.l.), an inland location. The database includes hourly values of the relevant variables covering the years 1994/95. The performance of the models has been tested in relation to their predictive capability of global solar irradiance in the UV range (290/385 nm). After our study, it appears that information concerning the aerosol radiative effects is fundamental in order to obtain a good estimation. The original version of SPCTRAL2 provides estimates of the experimental values with negligible mean bias deviation. This suggests not only the appropriateness of the model but also the convenience of the aerosol features fixed in it to Granada conditions. SMARTS2 model offers increased flexibility concerning the selection of different aerosol models included in the code and provides the best results when the selected models are those considered as urban. Although SMARTS2 provide slightly worse results, both models give estimates of solar ultraviolet irradiance with mean bias deviation below 5%, and root mean square deviation close to experimental errors.  相似文献   

Using the theoretical model of coda scattering from local earthquakes, we have studied the features of time-space variations of the attenuation rate β of coda amplitude and coda Qc-1 values before and after the Qina earthquakes (MS5.4 and MS5.1) in Dec. 1992 in West Yunnan Earthquake Prediction Study Area (WYEPSA). The study results show that the attenuation rate of coda amplitude has remarkable regional inhomogeneity in the near-field (△ <50 km) around the main shock: β = 0.0076 s-1 and Qc-1 = 0.0056 during the main shock while (3 = 0.0209 s-1 and Qc-1 = 0.0153 during the aftershock. The Qc-1 value shows an approximate 3-foid variation before and after the main shock. We have also obtained the regional averages of β = 0.0235 s-1 and Qc-1 = 0.0153, which show that the coda attenuation in surrounding areas (△ > 50 km) far away from the epicenter of the main shock did not change much before and after the main shock. The evolution of Qc-1 values of the main seismic sequence with time has passed throug  相似文献   

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