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The dynamic through–soil interaction between nearby pile supported structures in a viscoelastic half-space, under incident S and Rayleigh waves, is numerically studied. To this end, a three-dimensional viscoelastic BEM–FEM formulation for the dynamic analysis of piles and pile groups in the frequency domain is used, where soil is modelled by BEM and piles are simulated by one-dimensional finite elements as Bernoulli beams. This formulation has been enhanced to include the presence of linear superstructures founded on pile groups, so that structure–soil–structure interaction (SSSI) can be investigated making use of a direct methodology with an affordable number of degrees of freedom. The influence of SSSI on lateral spectral deformation, vertical and rotational response, and shear forces at pile heads, for several configurations of shear one-storey buildings, is addressed. Maximum response spectra are also presented. SSSI effects on groups of structures with similar dynamic characteristics have been found to be important. The system response can be either amplified or attenuated according to the distance between adjacent buildings, which has been related to dynamic properties of the overall system.  相似文献   

The evaluation of seismic pile response is particularly useful for geotechnical engineers involved in the design of foundations in liquefying site. Shake table testing was performed to study the dynamic interactive behavior of soil–pile foundations in liquefying ground under different shaking frequency and amplitude. The soil profile consisted of a clayey layer over liquefiable sand over clay. The model was tested with a series of El Centro earthquake motions with peak accelerations ranging from 0.15g to 0.50g, and time step from 0.006 to 0.02 s. Representative data, including time histories of accelerations and excess pore pressure ratios that characterize the important aspects of soil–pile interaction in liquefying ground are presented. The shaking frequency has no significant effect on the magnitudes of excess pore pressure ratio, ground and pile accelerations and pile bending moments. Excess pore pressure ratio, ground acceleration and pile acceleration, and pile bending moment largely depend on the shaking amplitude.  相似文献   

Understanding the soil–structure interaction (SSI) mechanism is crucial in the seismic design of nuclear power plant (NPP) containment systems. Although the numerical analysis method is generally used in seismic design, there is a need for experimental verification for the reliable estimation of SSI behavior. In this study a dynamic centrifuge test was performed to simulate the SSI behavior of a Hualien large-scale seismic test (LSST) during the Chi-Chi earthquake. To simulate the soil profile and dynamic soil properties of the Hualien site, a series of resonant column (RC) tests was performed to determine the model soil preparation conditions, such as the compaction density and the ratio of soil–gravel contents. The variations in the shear wave velocity (VS) profiles of the sand, gravel, and backfill layers in the model were estimated using the RC test results. During the centrifuge test, the VS profiles of the model were evaluated using in-flight bender element tests and compared with the in-situ VS profile at Hualien. The containment building model was modeled using aluminum and the proper scaling laws. A series of dynamic centrifuge tests was performed with a 1/50 scale model using the base motion recorded during the Chi-Chi-earthquake. In the soil layer and foundation level, the centrifuge test results were similar to the LSST data in both the time and frequency domains, but there were differences in the structure owing to the complex structural response as well as the material damping difference between the concrete in the prototype and aluminum in the model. In addition, as the input base motion amplitude was increased to a maximum value of 0.4g (prototype scale), the responses of the soil and containment model were measured. This study shows the potential of utilizing dynamic centrifuge tests as an experimental modeling tool for site specific SSI analyses of soil–foundation–NPP containment system.  相似文献   

An unstructured mesh model of the west coast of Britain, covering the same domain and using topography and open boundary forcing that are identical to a previous validated uniform grid finite difference model of the region, is used to compare the performance of a finite volume (FV) and a finite element (FE) model of the area in determining tide–surge interaction in the region. Initial calculations show that although qualitatively both models give comparable tidal solutions in the region, comparison with observations shows that the FV model tends to under-estimate tidal amplitudes and hence background tidal friction in the eastern Irish Sea. Storm surge elevations in the eastern Irish Sea due to westerly, northerly and southerly uniform wind stresses computed with the FV model tend to be slightly higher than those computed with the FE model, due to differences in background tidal friction. However, both models showed comparable non-linear tide–surge interaction effects for all wind directions, suggesting that they can reproduce the extensive tide–surge interaction processes that occur in the eastern Irish Sea. Following on from this model comparison study, the physical processes contributing to surge generation and tide–surge interaction in the region are examined. Calculations are performed with uniform wind stresses from a range of directions, and the balance of various terms in the hydrodynamic equations is examined. A detailed comparison of the spatial variability of time series of non-linear bottom friction and non-linear momentum advection terms at six adjacent nodes at two locations in water depths of 20 and 6 m showed some spatial variability from one node to another. This suggests that even in the near coastal region, where water depths are of the order of 6 m and the mesh is fine (of order 0.5 km), there is significant spatial variability in the non-linear terms. In addition, distributions of maximum bed stress due to tides and wind forcing in nearshore regions show appreciable spatial variability. This suggests that intensive measurement campaigns and very high-resolution mesh models are required to validate and reproduce the non-linear processes that occur in these regions and to predict extreme bed stresses that can give rise to sediment movement. High-resolution meshes will also be required in pollution transport problems.  相似文献   

The energy transmitting boundary used in programs such as FLUSH and ALUSH is a very accurate and useful technique for the earthquake response analysis of soil–structure interaction systems. However, it is applicable only to linear analyses or equivalent linear analyses, because it can be calculated only in the frequency domain. The author has proposed methods for transforming frequency-dependent impedance into the time domain. In this paper, an earthquake response analysis method for a soil–structure interaction system, using the energy transmitting boundary in the time domain, is proposed. First, the transform of the transmitting boundary matrices to the time domain using the methods proposed by the author is studied. Then, linear and nonlinear time history earthquake response analyses using the boundary are performed. Through these studies, the validity and efficiency of the proposed methods are confirmed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is the evaluation of dynamic behavior induced by seismic activity on a silo system, containing bulk material, with a soil foundation. The interaction effects between the silo and bulk material, as well as the effects produced between the foundation of the silo and the soil, were taken into account. Proposed simplified approximation, as well as the finite model, were used for analysis. The results, from the presented approximation, were compared with a more rigorous obtainment method. Initially, the produced simplified approximation, with elastic material assumption for the grain, could determine the pressures on the dynamic material along with displacements along the height of the silo wall and base shear force, etc., with remarkable precision. Some comparisons, via a change of soil and/or foundation conditions, were also made regarding the seismic pressure of the dynamic material pressure, displacement and base shear forces for both squat and slender silos. Comparing the analytical predictions to results from the numerical simulations produced good results. It can be concluded that the model can be used effectively to perform a broad suite of parametric studies, not only at the design stage but also as a reliable tool for predicting system behavior under the limit state of the system. The results and comprehensive analysis show that displacement effects and base shear forces generally decreased when soil was softer; however, soil structure interaction (SSI) did not have any considerable effects on squat silos and therefore need not be taken into practice.  相似文献   

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