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北黄海海底麻坑群形态的定量研究及控制因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于高分辨率多波束水深数据和反向散射强度数据,对北黄海海底麻坑群的形态参数进行定量研究,结合水深、地形坡度和后向散射强度的变化准确界定了麻坑的轮廓,识别出圆形、椭圆形、拉长型麻坑共282个,并在ArcGIS软件中对其形态参数进行了分析计算,麻坑的平均长轴1.36 km,短轴0.78 km,直径0.94 km,面积0.88 km2,平均周长3.82 km,长宽比1.83,深度0.3~2.5 m,平均面积密集度13%,麻坑的剖面形态有麻坑边缘凹陷、中部有明显凸起(W1型),麻坑边缘凹陷、中部略凸起(W2型),麻坑中部单纯凹陷(V型),分别集中分布在麻坑群的北部、南部、西部。麻坑的平面规模大、深度小的原因与地层中形成麻坑的游离气体浓度较小有关,也可能受到了地震、海啸等外力的诱发。麻坑的长轴优势走向为ENE-WSW、NNE-SSW,底流对其形状的塑造起了较大作用,部分麻坑成串排列,形成串珠状的麻坑链,其排列方式受到海底古河道、古潟湖等沉积地层结构的控制。海底麻坑群发育区反向散射强度为-60~-71 dB,麻坑内部较麻坑外部平均高5 dB,可能为麻坑内部气体泄漏引起海底沉积物被剥蚀后残留下的粗颗粒物质或海底生物活动留下的遗迹导致的。  相似文献   

Meiofaunal standing stock and nematode community structure were investigated in the western continental shelf of India by collecting samples from every degree square of the shelf during two cruises of the FORV (Fishery and Oceanographic Research Vessel) Sagar Sampada, conducted in 1998 and 2001. Samples were collected from 30, 50, 100 and 200 m depths using a Smith Mc Intyre grab. Meiofaunal density ranged from 8 Ind. 10 cm−2 to 1208 Ind. 10 cm−2 and biomass from 0.07 mg 10 cm−2 to 6.11 mg 10 cm−2. Nematodes were the dominant meiofaunal group, contributing 88% of the density and 44% of the biomass. Harpacticoid copepods were the second important taxa, contributing 8% of both biomass and density. Altogether, 154 species of nematodes belonging to 28 families were recorded from the study area. Numerically, Desmodora spp., Dorylaimopsis sp., Tricoma spp., Theristus spp. and Halalaimus spp. were the dominant species. In general, there was a decrease in biomass and density of meiofauna and species diversity of nematodes with increase in depth. There was a 67% drop in species number from 51 to 100 m (106 species) to the shelf edge (35 species). Species richness and diversity indices showed consistent decrease with depth. The species dominance index was higher below 150 m depth. ANOSIM (from PRIMER) showed a significant difference between the nematodes of the near shore and shelf edge. Latitudinal variation was observed only in the number of nematode species. Biomass and abundance of nematodes were found to increase from coarse to fine sediment, while copepods showed an opposite trend. Multivariate analyses of nematode communities did not reveal any latitudinal or substratum differences. Variables such as depth, latitude, organic matter (OM) and amount of clay were the most relevant parameters influencing the biomass and density of meiofauna, while depth and temperature were the important parameters explaining the distribution of the nematode communities along the western Indian shelf.  相似文献   

南海北部大陆架海底沉积物物理性质研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用物理(声学的、工程地质的、扫描电子显微镜)等技术方法,综合分析了沉积物结构特征和工程力学性质,研究了颗粒接触、堆垒、孔隙等现象与物理性质之间的关系,得出了沉积物声学物理参数和应力一应变性质之间的关系。结果表明,南海北部大陆架海底沉积物有6种结构类型,其中混合接触结构类型的沉积物具有较高的抗压强度和声速,浅层海底存在着高、低声速分层的中尺度结构。  相似文献   

Modern (last 100 yr) accumulation rates of shelf mud deposits in the Yellow and East China Seas were investigated using the distribution of excess 210Pb (210Pbex) in sediment core samples. Compilation and merger of new and previously published data helped clarify sediment accumulation in these seas. The estimated accumulation rates, together with data of suspended sediment concentrations, provided findings on the sediment budget, origin, and transport pathway of the mud deposits. The overall accumulation distribution in the Yellow and East China Sea shelf revealed a general, cross-shelf decreasing trend along the sediment dispersal system away from the rivers, except for the South Sea (SSM) and southeastern Yellow Sea (SEYSM) mud patches found along the Korean coast. Notably, 210Pbex activity profiles within the SSM and the SEYSM yielded a relatively high accumulation rate of 2-5 mm/yr, implying a sedimentation rate of 4-15 × 107 tons per year in this coastal zone. Such an annual accumulation rate is about one order of magnitude greater than the total sediment discharge (6-20 × 106 tons/yr) from Korean rivers, suggesting an additional offshore source. The distribution pattern of the well-defined suspended plume clearly showed the possible transport and exchange of fine-grained sediments between the ECS shelf and the coastal area of Korea, especially during winter. Such a high accumulation in Korean coastal areas is attributable to the sediments supplied from the mud deposit of the ECS (i.e., SWCIM), with origins in Chinese rivers. Therefore, the Korean coastal area may be an important sink for some of Chinese river sediments being transported from the south by the Yellow Sea Warm Current.  相似文献   

海洋泥质沉积是流域、古气候及海平面变化信息的重要载体,对该粒级物质的系统研究,是获取环境信息的重要手段。为此,采集北黄海中北部表层沉积物80件,经室内筛分处理,并对细颗粒组分(<63 μm)进行了稀土元素(REE)测试。结果显示REE的含量及分布模式在长山列岛东西两侧差异显著:东侧物质明显富集REE,尤其轻稀土元素(LREE),Eu元素则明显缺失,指示了受鸭绿江的显著控制;长山列岛以西,REE除含量降低外,分布模式也变平缓。造影剂马根维显(Gd-DTPA)在磁共振成像(MRI)中的大量使用,可能是造成Gd明显富集的主要原因。此外,辽南沿岸物质的来源及分布与以往认识存在差异,以往认为辽南沿岸泥质沉积为鸭绿江为主的辽东半岛河流的远端泥沉积,而本文的研究发现:辽东半岛东侧长山列岛至大连湾外海域以黄河来源物质为主,鸭绿江物质对北黄海西部泥质区的贡献在西侧大于东侧,其中陆架环流对物质输运发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

A total of 445 pockmarks were observed on the upper continental slope of the northwest corner of the Iberian Peninsula (the Ortegal Spur area) by swath bathymetric and ultrahigh resolution seismic data. The pockmarks are U-, V- and W-shaped and have terraces or indentations in cross-section, and are dish-shaped (circular to oval) in plan view. They occur on the surface of the seabed and buried within the Plio-Quaternary and Neogene sediments. Four types of pockmarks were identified and mapped on the basis of their plan-view and cross-section morphology: regular, irregular, asymmetric and composite. The concentration of pockmarks is attributed to seepage of fluids migrating up-dip from deeper parts of the sedimentary basin. A linear high-density concentration with a NNW to N, NE and ESE trend of pockmarks is observed above inferred basement faults that do not affect the Quaternary succession. These pockmarks are thus caused by seepage of thermogenic gas and/or other pore fluids from deeper Late Cretaceous units, and their distribution may help to improve our understanding of the fluid system and migration regime in this part of the Galicia continental margin.  相似文献   

The Arabian Sea is characterized by a mid‐depth layer of reduced dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration or oxygen minimum zone (OMZ ‐DO concentration <0.5 ml·l?1) at ~150–1000 m depth. This OMZ results from the flux of labile organic matter coupled with limited intermediate depth water ventilation. Generally, benthic animals in the OMZ have morphological and physiological adaptations that maximize oxygen uptake in the limited oxygen availability. Characteristics of OMZ benthos have been described from only a few localities in the Arabian Sea. We measured the bottom water DO and studied the characteristics of infaunal macrobenthos of the Indian western continental shelf by collecting samples at 50, 100 and 200 m in depth from 7° to 22° N. The DO values observed at 200 m (0.0005–0.24 ml·l?1) indicated that this area is lying within an OMZ. Five major taxa, namely Platyhelminthes, Sipunculoidea, Echiuroidea, Echinodermata and Cephalochordata were absent from the samples collected from this OMZ. In general, declines in total macrobenthic density and biomass and polychaete species richness and diversity were observed in this OMZ compared with the shallower depths above it. Community analyses of polychaetes revealed the dominance of species belonging to families Spionidae, Cirratulidae and Paraonidae in this OMZ. Low oxygen condition was more pronounced in the northern continental shelf edge (≤0.03 ml·l?1), where the majority of spionids including Prionospio pinnata and cirratulids were absent; whereas amphipod, isopod and bivalve communities were not impacted.  相似文献   

Based on the moored current and temperature observations during the summer of 2005, the vertical structure of the internal tides on the continental shelf of the northwestern South China Sea (SCS) is studied. The vertical structure of the internal tides was found to differ greatly between semidiurnal and diurnal constituents. Generally, the diurnal constituents are dominated by the first-mode motions, which are consistent with the overwhelming first-mode signals in the northeastern SCS. In contrast, the semidiurnal internal tides, unlike the predomination of the first-mode variations in the northeastern area, exhibit a higher modal structure with dominate second-mode signals in the observational region. Moreover, although the diurnal internal tides are much stronger than the semidiurnal component, the shear caused by the latter over various scales was found to be significant compared to that induced by the diurnal tides, probably due to the superposition of the first-mode and higher-mode (smaller scale) semidiurnal variations. Further analysis demonstrates that the shear induced by the diurnal internal tides is larger than that induced by the semidiurnal variations around 45 m depth, where the first-mode current reversal in the vertical happens, while below 45 m depth higher-mode semidiurnal internal tides generally produce larger shear than that by the diurnal component. The northwest-propagating semidiurnal internal tides of higher-mode with small vertical scale, probably do not originate from a distant source like Luzon Strait, but were likely generated near the experiment site.  相似文献   

High-resolution multi-beam/single-beam bathymetric data and seismic profiling data from the latest surveys are used to map and interpret the detailed seafloor geomorphology of the western region of the North Yellow Sea (NYS), China. The mapping area covers 156 410 km2, and incorporates a flat shelf plain, subaqueous accumulation shoals, tidal scouring troughs, and tidal sand ridge groups. Offshore areas with water depths less than 50 m in the western region of the NYS are mainly covered by thick, loose sediments, forming wide spread accumulation geomorphological features; these include the Liaodong Peninsula subaqueous accumulation system containing shoals and rugged scouring troughs, and the large mud wedge of the Shandong Peninsula. In the central part of the NYS, there is a relatively flat residual shelf plain with coarser sediment deposits. This flat shelf plain has a water depth larger than 50 m and a thin layer of sediment, on which there is a large pockmark field caused by seafloor seepage. These geomorphological structures indicate that modern sedimentary processes are the main driving force controlling the sculpture of the current seafloor surface landform. Extensive strong tidal current systems and abundant sediment sources provide the critical external forces and essential conditions for the formation of seafloor geomorphology. The tectonic basement controls the macroscopic morphological shape of the NYS, but is reflected very little in the seafloor geomorphic elements. Our results provide a detailed seafloor geomorphological map of the western region of the NYS, an area that has not previously mapped and also provide a scientific framework for further research into offshore seafloor geomorphology, shelf sedimentary processes, and submarine engineering construction in this region.  相似文献   

珠江口盆地陆架坡折带海底滑坡及其影响因素   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了解海底滑坡在陆架坡折演化过程中所起的作用并分析影响海底滑坡发育的因素,以最新采集的二维和三维地震资料为基础,综合运用了地貌分析和地震解释技术,通过对滑坡的地貌形态特征及地震响应特征进行详细刻画,在珠江口盆地陆架坡折带新近纪地层中识别出多处海底滑坡,明确了其分布范围并建立了滑坡发育的地质模式。分析认为,珠江口盆地相对海平面变化和流体活动的综合作用是导致研究区海底不稳定的主要因素。海底滑坡发源于海底峡谷的朔源侵蚀,向上陆坡扩展并终止于陆架坡折带。  相似文献   

Information regarding the composition and extent of benthic habitats on the South East Australian continental shelf is limited. In this habitat mapping study, multibeam echosounder (MBES) data are integrated with precisely geo-referenced video ground-truth data to quantify benthic biotic communities at Cape Nelson, Victoria, Australia. Using an automated decision tree classification approach, 5 representative biotic groups defined from video analysis were related to hydro-acoustically derived variables in the Cape Nelson survey area. Using a combination of multibeam bathymetry, backscatter and derivative products produced highest overall accuracy (87%) and kappa statistic (0.83). This study demonstrates that decision tree classifiers are capable of integrating variable data types for mapping distributions of benthic biological assemblages, which are important in maintaining biodiversity and other system services in the marine environment.  相似文献   

地形复杂度指数是描述地形变化程度的综合指标,本文基于南海陆坡北港隆起区的水深网格数据,采用均值变点分析法确定地形起伏度的最佳统计单元,建立计算海底地形复杂度的模型,融合研究区坡度、地形起伏度、地表切割深度和高程变异系数4种地形因子,分析研究区的地形特征和地形复杂度。结果表明,研究区地形起伏度最佳分析窗口大小为19×19网格,最佳统计窗口面积为1.768 9 km2;研究区北部及南部区域地形平坦,地形复杂程度较低,复杂度指数<2.35;中部区域存在规模不同的峡谷,地形复杂程度较高,复杂度指数平均>3.37,其中,中部偏东区域因海底峡谷最为发育,地形复杂度指数可达7.77。研究区地形复杂度的定量分析结果与海蚀作用的强弱程度呈现出较好的正相关性,这对系统开展南海海底峡谷形态特征及演化过程研究、维护海洋工程设施安全等具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Direct measurements of current velocity and water temperature were undertaken at the mooring Sta. M (125°29.38' N, 31°49.70' E) on the continental shelf area in the East China Sea in June 1999 by R/V Xiangyanghong 14. The relationship between various time series of oceanic fluctuations is calculated by spectral analysis. The major results are as follows: (1) an average (u,v) of (6.9,-3.0 cm/s) at the 30 m depth is obtained during the 9-day observation, and that at the 45 m depth is (3.7,-1.1 cm/s), i. e., the mean flows are southeastward at both the 30 and 45 m depths;the currents become stronger gradually during the observation period; this may be mainly attributed to the transition of the tidal currents from neap to spring; (2)semidiurnal fluctuation is the most dominant in the current fluctuations, and rotates mainly clockwise; in the next place, there is also diurnal fluctuation;the local inertial period is close to the period of diurnal fluctuation, and an inertial motion is clockwise; thus, loca  相似文献   

Direct measurements of current velocity and water temperature were undertaken at the mooring Sta. M (125°29.38' N,31°49.70'E) on the continental shelf area in the East China Sea in June 1999 by R/V Xiangyanghong 14. The relationship between various time series of oceanic fluctuations is calculated by spectral analysis. The major results are as follows: (1) an average (u,v) of (6.9,-3.0 cm/s) at the 30 m depth is obtained during the 9-day observation, and that at the 45 m depth is (3.7,-1.1 cm/s), I. E., the mean flows are southeastward at both the 30 and 45 m depths;the currents become stronger gradually during the observation period; this may be mainly attributed to the transition of the tidal currents from neap to spring; (2)semidiurnal fluctuation is the most dominant in the current fluctuations, and rotates mainly clockwise; in the next place, there is also diurnal fluctuation;the local inertial period is close to the period of diurnal fluctuation, and an inertial motion is clockwise; thus, local inertial motion combines with diurnal fluctuation, and makes the spectral peaks in clockwise components much higher than those in counterclockwise ones;except for the fluctuations of above main periods, there is also the peak at 3 d period for counterclockwise components in the upper and lower layers; (3) the calculation of cross spectra between two time series of current velocities at the 30 and 45 m depths shows that both the current fluctuations at the 30 and 45 m depths are much alike, I. E.,they are synchro; this shows that the flow field here is rather vertically homogeneous; (4)power spectra of temperature time series at both the 30 and 45 m depths show that the semidiurnal peak is the most predominant, and the second highest peak is the diurnal period; besides spectral peaks at above periods, there are also obvious spectral peaks at 6.8 h and 2 d; (5)plots of temperature time series at 16,30,35,45 and 50 m depths show that the temporal variations of temperature at these depths are synchro, which are like those in the velocity field; temperature records also show a gradual rise in temperature, which are also like those in the velocity field.  相似文献   

Based on in-situ time series data from the acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) and thermistor chain in Wenchang area, a sequence of internal solitary wave (ISW) packets was observed in September 2005, propagating northwest on the continental shelf of the northwestern South China Sea (SCS). Corresponding to different stratification of the water column and tidal condition, both elevation and depression ISWs were observed at the same mooring location with amplitude of 35 m and 25 m respectively in different days. Regular arrival of the remarkable ISW packets at approximately the diurnal tidal period and the dominance of diurnal internal waves in the study area, strongly suggest that the main energy source of the waves is the diurnal tide. Notice that the wave packets were all riding on the troughs and shoulders of the internal tides, they were probably generated locally from the shelf break by the evolution of the internal tides due to nonlinear and dispersive effects.  相似文献   

15 ka以来罗斯海陆架岩心沉积学记录及古海洋学意义   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文对取自罗斯海陆架的JB04岩心沉积物进行AMS14C测年、粒度、有机碳等测试,结合沉积物粒度组分因子分析,研究该岩心的沉积学记录,探讨其古海洋学意义。结果显示:JB04岩心沉积物的底部年龄为15 ka;沉积物粒度组分因子分析提取出3个环境敏感粒级,分别代表正常冰海沉积、低能海洋沉积和高能海洋沉积;综合沉积物岩相及沉积物组成特征,可以将岩心分为4段,从底部到顶部依次为主要受冰盖刮蚀影响的冰盖下沉积、属低能海洋环境的冰架下沉积、属高能海洋环境的冰架前缘沉积和主要受冰山影响的季节性海冰区沉积。该岩心的沉积地质记录及其古海洋学研究对全面认识罗斯海的海洋环境演变具有重要的意义。  相似文献   


The possibility of seafloor failure under external loadings on a gently sloping continental shelf is controlled, to a large extent, by the geotechnical characters of subbottom sediments (e.g., shear strength, compressibility, and liquefaction potential) and structural factors (e.g., sedimentary stratification). By means of undis‐turbing coring, in‐situ acoustic measurement, and subbottom profiling, the authors conducted an investigation into the seafloor instabilities and possibilities of sediment slope failure within the continental shelf off the Pearl River mouth, which is one of the most important areas for offshore development in the northern South China Sea. Based on in‐situ and laboratory measurements and tests for sediment physical properties, static and dynamic behavior, and acoustic characteristics, the analyses indicate: (1) subbottom sediments that originated from terrigenous clay during the Pleistocene are compact and overconsolidated, and the mean sound velocity in such sediments is relatively high; (2) the maximum vertical bearing capacity of subbottom sediments is efficiently conservative on the safe side for dead loads of light structures, and the trench walls are stable enough while trenching to a depth of about 2 m below the seafloor under still water; and (3) it is quite improbable that the subbottom sediments liquefy under earthquake (M ≤ 6) or storm wave loading.  相似文献   

Paleoclimate record was revealed in Core MZ01 covering the mid-Holocene in age, located in the mud area of the inner continental shelf of the East China Sea. The ancient environment featured low-energy shallow sea shelf deposition formed mainly by coastal currents. The results show that temporal variation in geochemistry corresponds with the climate changes inferred from historical record. Relatively low MgO/Al2O3, CaO/K2O and high Al2O3/Na2O, K2O/Na2O, MnO/CaO values reflected a warm and humid climate in general, and vice versa. Therefore, these chemical indices could be applied to identify the variation of palaeoclimate in eastern China. The authors reconstructed the history of mid-Holocene climatic variation of the inner continental shelf of the East China Sea. From 8 300 a BP to 4 200 a BP, the climate was moderately warm and humid. From 4 200 a BP to 2 000 a BP, the climate turned cool and dry, and the regional climate frequently fluctuated in alternation of cool-dry periods (3 700 a BP, 2 850 a BP and 2 400 a BP) and warm-wet periods (3 250 a BP and 2 650 a BP). After 2 000 a BP, the climate of the study area gradually turned warm again, while the Little Ice Age, a cold event centered at around 250 a BP was indicated by those geochemical indices as mentioned above.  相似文献   

The potential suppression of copepods on appendicularians was found in field and experimental conditions. The abundance and distribution of appendicularians and planktonic copepods were studied with reference to their correlations during summer on the northwest continental shelf of the South China Sea (SCS). Based on the topography and water mass of the surveyed region, it was divided into three sub-regions: Region I (inshore waters of the east Leizhou Peninsula) with low temperature, salinity and high chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration, Region II (inshore waters of the east and southeast Hainan Island) with low temperature, high salinity and moderate Chl a concentration and Region III (offshore waters from the Leizhou Peninsula to Hainan Island) with high temperature, high salinity and low Chl a concentration. The species richness of appendicularians and copepods increased from the inshore to offshore waters, and high values were observed in Region III. The distribution of appendicularian and copepod abundance decreased generally from the inshore to offshore waters, with the highest values at Region I. Our results suggest that the distribution patterns of appendicularians and copepods differed significantly, as a result of the influence of physical and biological factors. The negative impact of pelagic copepods on appendicularians was not found based on in situ data in the northwest continental shelf of SCS.  相似文献   

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