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Performance based design of structure requires a reasonably accurate prediction of displacement or ductility demand. Generally, displacement demand of structure is estimated assuming fixity at base and considering base motion in one direction. In reality, ground motions occur in two orthogonal directions simultaneously resulting in bidirectional interaction in inelastic range, and soil–structure interaction (SSI) may change structural response too. Present study is an attempt to develop insight on the influence of bi-directional interaction and soil–pile raft–structure interaction for predicting the inelastic response of soil–pile raft–structure system in a more reasonably accurate manner. A recently developed hysteresis model capable to simulate biaxial interaction between deformations in two principal directions of any structural member under two orthogonal components of ground motion has been used. This study primarily shows that a considerable change may occur in inelastic demand of structures due to the combined effect of such phenomena. 相似文献
This paper presents a statistical study of the kinematic soil-foundation-structure interaction effects on the maximum inelastic deformation demands of structures. Discussed here is the inelastic displacement ratio defined as the maximum inelastic displacement demands of structures subjected to foundation input motions divide by those of structures subjected to free-field ground motions. The displacement ratio is computed for a wide period range of elasto-plastic single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) systems with various levels of lateral strength ratios and with different sizes of foundations. Seventy-two earthquake ground motions recorded on firm soil with average shear wave velocities between 180 m/s and 360 m/s are adopted. The effects of period of vibration, level of lateral yielding strength and dimension of foundations are investigated. The results show that kinematic interaction will reduce the maximum inelastic displacement demands of structures, especially for systems with short periods of vibration, and the larger the foundation size the smaller the maximum inelastic displacement becomes. In addition, the inelastic displacement ratio is nearly not affected by the strength ratio of structures for systems with periods of vibration greater than about 0.3 s and with strength ratios smaller than about 3.0. Expressions obtained from nonlinear regression analyses are also proposed for estimating the effects of kinematic soil-foundation-structure interaction from the maximum deformation demand of the inelastic system subjected to free-field ground motions. 相似文献
A simplified discrete system in the form of a simple oscillator is developed to simulate the dynamic behavior of a structure founded through footings or piles on compliant ground, under harmonic excitation. Exact analytical expressions for the fundamental natural period and the corresponding damping coefficients of the above system are derived, as function of geometry and the frequency-dependent foundation impedances. In an effort to quantify the coupling between swaying and rocking oscillations in embedded foundations such as piles, the reference system is translated from the footing–soil interface to the depth where the resultant soil reaction is applied, to ensure a diagonal impedance matrix. The resulting eccentricity is a measure of the coupling effect between the two oscillation modes. The amounts of radiation damping generated from a single pile and a surface footing are evaluated. In order to compare the damping of a structure on a surface footing and a pile, the notion of static and geometric equivalence is introduced. It is shown that a pile may generate significantly higher radiation damping than an equivalent footing, thus acting as an elementary protective system against seismic action. 相似文献
确定结构基底等效输入地震动的简化方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文用理论和实例计算分析了土与结构间的动力相互作用。根据基底等效输入的地震动相对入射地震动的传递函数特点研究出了一种等效输入的方法,该方法比较好地反映了场地和结构的动力特性对基底等效输入的影响。为利用刚性基底假设理论来分析土-结构动力相互作用提供了一种方法。 相似文献
Cristina Medina Luis A. Padrón Juan J. Aznárez Ariel Santana Orlando Maeso 《地震工程与结构动力学》2014,43(13):2035-2050
The beneficial or detrimental role of battered piles on the dynamic response of piled foundations has not been yet fully elucidated. In order to shed more light on this aspect, kinematic interaction factors of deep foundations with inclined piles, are provided for single‐battered piles, as well as for 2 × 2 and 3 × 3 groups of piles subjected to vertically incident plane shear S waves. Piles are modelled as linear‐elastic Bernoulli beams, whereas soil is assumed to be a linear, isotropic, homogeneous viscoelastic half‐space. Different pile group configurations, pile‐soil stiffness ratios, and rake angles are considered. The relevance and main trends observed in the influence of the rake angle on the kinematic interaction factors of the analysed foundations are inferred from the presented results. An important dependence of the kinematic interaction factors on the rake angle is observed together with the existence of an inclination angle at which cap rotation and excitation become out of phase in the low‐to‐mid frequency range. The existence of a small batter angle that provides minimum cap rotation is also shown. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The mechanism of earthquake energy input to building structures is clarified by considering the surface ground amplification and soil–structure interaction. The earthquake input energies to superstructures, soil–foundation systems and total swaying–rocking system are obtained by taking the corresponding appropriate free bodies into account and defining the energy transfer functions. It has been made clear that, when the ground surface motion is white, the input energy to the swaying–rocking model is constant regardless of the soil property (input energy constant property). The upper bound of earthquake input energy to the swaying–rocking model is derived for the model including the surface ground amplification by taking full advantage of the above-mentioned input energy constant property and introducing the envelope function for the transfer function of the surface ground amplification. Extension of the theory to a general earthquake ground motion model at the engineering bedrock is also made by taking full advantage of the above-mentioned input energy constant property. 相似文献
The dynamic response of a seismic soil–pile–structure interaction (SSPSI) system is investigated in this paper by conducting nonlinear 3D finite element numerical simulations. Nonlinear behaviors such as non-reflecting boundary condition and soil–pile–structure interaction modeled by the penalty method have been taken into account. An equivalent linear model developed from the ground response analysis and the modified Drucker–Prager model are separately used for soil ground. A comparison of the two models shows that the equivalent linear soil model results in an underestimated acceleration response of the structure under this ground shaking and the soil behavior should be considered as a fully-nonlinear constitutive model in the design process of the SSPSI system. It was also observed that the dynamic response of the system is greatly affected by the nonlinearity of soil–pile interface and is not sensitive to the dilation angle of the soil. Furthermore, the effect of the presence of pile foundations on SSPSI response is also analyzed and discussed. 相似文献
A methodology using modal analysis is developed to evaluate dynamic vertical displacements of a circular flexible foundation resting on soil media subjected to horizontal and rocking motions. The influence of the soil reaction forces on the foundation is considered by introducing modal impedance functions, which can be determined by an efficient procedure with ring elements. The displacements of the foundation can then be easily solved by modal superposition. Parametric studies for modal responses of the flexible foundation indicate that the coupled response of the foundation is significantly influenced by relative stiffness among the foundation and the soil medium, vibration frequency range, foundation mass, and boundary contact conditions. The welded boundary condition should be considered to predict the coupling response while the relaxed boundary condition may be used to predict approximately the vertical displacements. As a foundation with a relative stiffness ratio more than three, it is found that the foundation can be considered as rigid to calculate coupling displacements. For a slightly flexible foundation, considerations of three modes are sufficient enough to obtain accurate foundation responses. Moreover, at low frequencies, the coupling effect due to higher mode can be neglected. 相似文献
A simplified method with a dynamic Winkler model to study the seismic response of composite caisson–piles foundations (CCPF1) is developed. Firstly, with the dynamic Winkler model, the kinematic response of the CCPF subjected to vertically propagating seismic S-wave is analyzed by coupling the responses of caisson part and pile part. Secondly, a simplified model for the foundation–structure system is created with the structure simplified as a lumped mass connected to the foundation with an elastic column, and through the Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) this model is enabled to solve transient seismic problems. Thirdly, the proposed method for the seismic response of CCPF-structure systems is verified by comparison against 3D dynamic finite element simulation, in which the Domain Reduction Method (DRM2) is utilized. Lastly, the mechanism and significance of adding piles in improving the earthquake resistance of the foundation and structure is analyzed through an example with different soil conditions. Discovered in this study is that adding piles under the caisson is an efficient way to increase seismic resistant capability of the soil–foundation–structure system, and the main mechanism of that is the elimination of the pseudo-resonance. 相似文献
The purpose of this study is the evaluation of dynamic behavior induced by seismic activity on a silo system, containing bulk material, with a soil foundation. The interaction effects between the silo and bulk material, as well as the effects produced between the foundation of the silo and the soil, were taken into account. Proposed simplified approximation, as well as the finite model, were used for analysis. The results, from the presented approximation, were compared with a more rigorous obtainment method. Initially, the produced simplified approximation, with elastic material assumption for the grain, could determine the pressures on the dynamic material along with displacements along the height of the silo wall and base shear force, etc., with remarkable precision. Some comparisons, via a change of soil and/or foundation conditions, were also made regarding the seismic pressure of the dynamic material pressure, displacement and base shear forces for both squat and slender silos. Comparing the analytical predictions to results from the numerical simulations produced good results. It can be concluded that the model can be used effectively to perform a broad suite of parametric studies, not only at the design stage but also as a reliable tool for predicting system behavior under the limit state of the system. The results and comprehensive analysis show that displacement effects and base shear forces generally decreased when soil was softer; however, soil structure interaction (SSI) did not have any considerable effects on squat silos and therefore need not be taken into practice. 相似文献
带深桩基础高层建筑结构的地震动输入问题 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
带深桩基础高层建筑结构的地震反应分析通常按刚性地基假定选择地震动输入,其合理性一直受到工程界关注。本文探讨了此类结构考虑桩-土-结构相互作用的整体有限元分析的地震激励施加、单元网格划分、积分步长确定、边界处理等问题,通过整体有限元分析模型和常规分析模型的算例分析对比,探讨了常规地震动输入方法的合理程度。结果表明,常规输入法总体偏于安全,是基本可行的,但可能低估结构底部几层的地震反应,应引起注意。 相似文献
In mitigating disasters, underground structures are required to play an important role because they generally perform well even under large seismic loads and can be used as bases for reconstructing damaged cities. Underground structures compose a network, and therefore, disconnections caused by localized damage may induce critical malfunctions. To investigate this problem, a series of shake table tests using large-scale soil-underground structure models was performed at E-Defense, Japan in 2012. The intent of the tests was to capture detailed localized behaviors of underground structures around inground joints and boundaries between two different soil strata. In the experiments, significant failure developed at an inground joint due to displacement of the surrounding soil. In addition, noticeable localized behaviors, such as conversion of horizontal ground displacement to vertical bending of a tunnel appeared around the inground joints. Also, it was found that a flexible segment along underground structures is effective in mitigating damage to those underground structures, but only in its immediate vicinity. 相似文献
This paper gives a brief presentation of the study on foundation of a residential business complex. The unfavourable geotechnical conditions of the site considered led to the need to improve the natural foundation soil. The most favourable and rational solution for providing safety and stability of structures was the combination of gravel and a sub-base. Computations were done as follows: analysis of the stress–strain state by using the parameters of the natural non-improved soil and analyses performed by using the parameters of the improved soil. The results from these analyses were used for analysis of the integral soil–structure system. Hence, complete information on the possibility for optimisation of the foundation structure was obtained. 相似文献
The influence of inclined piles on the dynamic response of deep foundations and superstructures is still not well understood and needs further research. For this reason, impedance functions of deep foundations with inclined piles, obtained numerically from a boundary element–finite element coupling model, are provided in this paper. More precisely, vertical, horizontal, rocking and horizontal–rocking crossed dynamic stiffness and damping functions of single inclined piles and 2 × 2 and 3 × 3 pile groups with battered elements are presented in a set of plots. The soil is assumed to be a homogeneous viscoelastic isotropic half‐space and the piles are modeled as elastic compressible Euler–Bernoulli beams. The results for different pile group configurations, pile–soil stiffness ratios and rake angles are presented. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
为实现地震作用下土-结构动力相互作用问题的有限元模拟,需要在人工边界上完成地震动的有效输入,目前工程和科研中常用的地震动输入方法有两种:波动输入方法和振动输入方法。波动输入方法的模拟精度高,但实施上相对复杂且耗时,而振动输入方法处理简单,但模拟精度较低。针对应力型人工边界提出一种在人工边界上实现地震动输入的新方法,该方法通过对土-结构有限元模型中由人工边界节点及相邻节点组成的局部子结构施加自由波场位移时程并进行动力分析,从而直接获得可实现地震波动有效输入的等效地震荷载,然后在土-结构有限元模型的人工边界节点上施加等效输入地震荷载并完成动力计算,由此完成土-结构动力相互作用问题的地震动输入和地震反应计算。与原有波动输入方法相比,新方法避免了原方法需分别计算人工边界上自由场应力和由引入人工边界条件引起的附加力,以及需要根据不同人工边界面的外法线方向确定荷载作用方向等较为复杂的处理过程,具有等效地震荷载计算简便、地震动输入过程更易于实施的特点。采用均匀弹性半空间和成层弹性半空间一维地震反应算例初步验证新方法的正确性和可靠性。 相似文献
Monopile foundations have been commonly used to support offshore wind turbine generators (WTGs), but this type of foundation encounters economic and technical limitations for larger WTGs in water depths exceeding 30 m. Offshore wind farm projects are increasingly turning to alternative multipod foundations (for example tetrapod, jacket and tripods) supported on shallow foundations to reduce the environmental effects of piling noise. However the characteristics of these foundations under dynamic loading or long term cyclic wind turbine loading are not fully understood. This paper summarises the results from a series of small scaled tests (1:100, 1:150 and 1:200) of a complete National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) wind turbine model on three types of foundations: monopiles, symmetric tetrapod and asymmetric tripod. The test bed used consists of either kaolin clay or sand and up to 1.4 million loading cycles were applied. The results showed that the multipod foundations (symmetric or asymmetric) exhibit two closely spaced natural frequencies corresponding to the rocking modes of vibration in two principle axes. Furthermore, the corresponding two spectral peaks change with repeated cycles of loading and they converge for symmetric tetrapods but not for asymmetric tripods. From the fatigue design point of view, the two spectral peaks for multipod foundations broaden the range of frequencies that can be excited by the broadband nature of the environmental loading (wind and wave) thereby impacting the extent of motions. Thus the system lifespan (number of cycles to failure) may effectively increase for symmetric foundations as the two peaks will tend to converge. However, for asymmetric foundations the system life may continue to be affected adversely as the two peaks will not converge. In this sense, designers should prefer symmetric foundations to asymmetric foundations. 相似文献
The problem of soil–structure interaction analysis with the direct method is studied. The direct method consists of explicitly modeling the surrounding soil to bedrock and the structure resting on the soil. For the soil medium, usually the traditional equivalent linear method with a reduced shear modulus and an increased damping ratio for the soil is used. However, this method does not work in the vicinity of foundation where the soil behavior is highly nonlinear because of presence of large strains. This research proposes a modified equivalent linear method with a further reduction of the soil shear modulus in the near-field of foundation that results in validity of using the equivalent linear method throughout. For regular short, intermediate and tall structures resting on such soft soils, a series of dynamic time-history analysis is implemented using earthquake records scaled to a sample design spectrum and the nonlinear structural responses are compared for different assumptions of soil behavior including the elasto-plastic Mohr–Coulomb, the traditional equivalent linear, and the proposed modified equivalent linear method. This analysis validates the proposed method. 相似文献
This paper presents a parametric study that looks into the influence of pile rake angle on the kinematic internal forces of deep foundations with inclined piles. Envelopes of maximum kinematic bending moments, shear forces and axial loads are presented along single inclined piles and 2 × 2 symmetrical square pile groups with inclined elements subjected to an earthquake generated by vertically incident shear waves. Inclination angles from 0° to 30° are considered, and three different pile–soil stiffness ratios are studied. These results are obtained through a frequency–domain analysis using a boundary element–finite element code in which the soil is modelled by the boundary element method as a homogeneous, viscoelastic, unbounded region, and the piles are modelled by finite elements as Euler–Bernoulli beams. The rotational kinematic response of the pile foundations is shown to be a key factor on the evolution of the kinematic internal forces along the foundations. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献