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本文利用1997—2008年5月的汶川M_w7.9地震前川滇地区GPS水平速度场数据,采用负位错理论反演了汶川M_w7.9地震前龙门山断裂带的闭锁程度.在顾及断层闭锁影响下,获得了龙门山断裂带区域震前十年间地壳应变率场.结果表明在汶川地震前龙门山断裂带高度闭锁,在地表以下0~25 km范围内其平均闭锁程度为0.972±0.222,滑动亏损速率约为3 mm·a~(-1).震前龙门山断裂滑脱层的高度闭锁为汶川地震深部同震破裂提供了能量基础;在顾及断层闭锁影响下,龙门山断裂带附近应变积累缓慢,断层附近区域最大主应变率约为3.4~9.6 nanostrain·a~(-1),最小主应变率约为-2.5~-7.1 nanostrain·a~(-1);断层西北侧有明显的应变积累.  相似文献   

2008年汶川8.0级地震前横跨龙门山断裂带的震间形变   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
利用区域GPS和水准测量资料,结合地震构造背景的分析,本文研究2008年汶川8.0级地震前横跨龙门山断裂带地区的震间地壳形变,探讨引起这种形变的活动构造与动力学模式,并由此认识汶川地震的孕育与成因机制.主要结果表明:1997~2007年期间,自龙门山断裂带中段朝北西约230 km的地带内存在垂直于断裂的水平缩短变形、以及平行于断裂的水平右旋剪切变形,缩短率为1.3×10-8/a (即:0.013 mm/km/a),角变形速率为2.6×10-8/a;同一地带在1975~1997年期间还表现出垂直上隆变形,上隆速率在龙门山前山断裂与中央断裂之间仅0.6 mm/a,而至龙门山后山断裂及其以西达2~3 mm/a.这些反映了在汶川地震之前至少10~30余年,龙门山断裂带中段的前山与中央断裂业已闭锁、并伴有应变积累.造成这种形变的主要原因是:以壳内的低速层为“解耦”带,巴颜喀拉地块上地壳朝南东的水平运动在四川盆地西缘受到华南地块的阻挡、转换成龙门山断裂带中段的逆冲运动;由于该断裂段的震间闭锁,致使西侧的巴颜喀拉地块的上地壳发生横向缩短以及平行断裂的右旋剪切变形.然而,龙门山断裂带北段在1997~2007年期间除了有大约0.9 mm/a的右旋剪切变形外,横向的缩短变形极微弱,这可能与该断裂段西侧的岷江、虎牙、龙日坝等断裂带吸收了巴颜喀拉地块朝东水平运动的大部分有关.另外,汶川地震前,横跨龙门山断裂带中段与北段的地壳形变特征的差异,与汶川地震时能量释放的空间分布吻合.  相似文献   

多种形变资料表明, 汶川地震震前越靠近震源区, 其形变特征越不明显, 且在近震源区震前呈现短期平静状态. 为研究这种小变形现象的深部动力学因素及形变机制, 本文基于成都地区1996—2007年13期重复重力观测数据, 经平差处理后进行密度的三维反演, 得到了汶川地震近震源区震前10年的地壳深部密度变化水平向和垂直向的时空分布特征. 结果表明: 密度变化在空间上呈有序分布, 主要集中在龙门山断裂带及其附近区域, 且深部变化幅度显著大于浅部, 表明近震源区断裂带深部活动较为显著; 从时间上来看, 密度变化速率并不均衡, 在震前3—8年介质密度变化剧烈, 而在震前短期变化却不明显. 根据震前形变特征和不同深度密度变化的动态演化过程, 本文认为龙门山断裂带的地壳分层运动, 导致了浅层地壳的小形变和深部显著的密度变化. 此外, 根据该断裂带及其附近地区的密度变化特征, 本文选取和改进了适合汶川地震的孕震模型, 即改进的组合-硬化模型, 将动力学过程与孕育机制结合起来, 以期对汶川地震震前近震源区的形变机制作出合理解释.   相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the crustal movements, strain field changes and large scale dynamic characteristics of horizontal deformation before the Wenchuan earthquake (M_S=8.0) using GPS data obtained from the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China. The following issues are discussed. First, the strain fields of the Longmenshan fault zone located at the epicenter show slow accumulation, because of the tectonic dynamics process subjected to the eastward movement of the Bayan Har block. Second, the different movements between the Longmenshan fault and South China block are smaller than the errors of GPS observation. Third, the high value of compressive strain (2004~2007) is located at the epicenter, which shows that the local squeezing action is stronger than before. Fourth, the data from GPS reference stations in the Chinese Mainland show that crustal shortening is faster than before in the north-eastern direction, which is part of the background of the local tectonic dynamics increase in the Longmenshan fault zone.  相似文献   

为了研究与总结2008年5月12日汶川8.0级地震前GPS与跨断层资料反映的龙门山断裂带及其周边地区的运动、构造变形、应变积累演化过程,以及汶川地震临震阶段可能的物理机制,本文综合1999~2007期GPS速度场、1999~2008年大尺度GPS基线时间序列、1985~2008年跨断层短水准等资料进行了相关分析与讨论。结果表明:(1)GPS速度剖面结果显示,宽达500km的川西高原在震前有明显的连续变形,而四川盆地一侧和跨龙门山断裂带基本没有变形趋势,表明震前川西高原在持续不断地为已经处于闭锁状态的龙门山断裂带提供能量积累。(2)GPS应变率结果显示,震前龙门山断裂带中北段的NW侧EW向挤压变形明显,变形幅度从远离断裂带较大到靠近断裂带逐渐减小,而断裂带变形微弱;龙门山断裂带西南段周边形成了显著的EW向挤压应变集中区,应变积累速率明显大于中北段。(3)断层闭锁程度反演结果显示,除了汶川地震的震源位置闭锁相对较弱,且西南段有大概20km宽度断层在12~22.5km深度为蠕滑状态以外,震前整条龙门山断裂基本处于强闭锁状态。(4)大尺度GPS基线结果显示,跨南北地震带区域的NE向基线从2005年开始普遍出现压缩转折,反映NE向地壳缩短的相对运动增强。(5)跨断层短水准场地结果显示,震前年均垂直变化速率和形变累积率很低,表明断层近场垂向活动很弱、闭锁较强。通过以上分析认为,在相对小尺度的地壳变形中,震前龙门山断裂带深浅部均处于强闭锁状态,断裂带水平与垂直变形都很微弱,这可能经历了一个缓慢的过程,而且越是临近地震的发生,微弱变形的范围可能越大;在相对大尺度的地壳变形中,震前龙门山断裂带西侧的巴颜喀拉块体东部地区经历了地壳缓慢且持续的缩短挤压变形,为龙门山断裂带应变积累持续提供了动力支持。  相似文献   

Based on the GPS velocity field data of 1999-2007 and 2011-2013,we used the least squares configuration method and GPS velocity profile results to synthetically analyze the dynamic evolution characteristics of crustal deformation in the Yunnan area before and after the Wenchuan earthquake. The dynamic evolution of GPS velocity field shows that the direction is gradually changed from the south in the southern part of the Sichuan-Yunnan block to the south-west in the southern Yunnan block and there is a clear relative motion characteristic near the block boundary fault zone. Compared with the GPS velocity of 1999-2007, the results of 2011-2013 also reflect segmental deformation characteristics of the block boundary fault zone. Southeast movement shows a significant increase, which may be related to crustal deformation adjustment after the Wenchuan earthquake. The dynamic evolution of strain parameters shows a pattern of "extension in the middle and compression at both ends" in the whole area and the distribution of deformation (shear, extension or compression) is closely related to the background motion and deformation characteristics of the main fault zone. Compared with the results of the period of 1999-2007, the extensional deformation zone of 2011-2013 is expanded eastward and southward. The compressional deformation of the eastern boundary (the Xiaojiang fault zone) of the Sichuan-Yunnan block is no longer significant, which is mainly concentrated in the northern section of the Xiaojiang fault zone and may be related to the post-seismic deformation adjustment of the Wenchuan earthquake. The GPS velocity profile results show that the left-lateral slip velocity of the Xiaojiang fault zone reduced gradually from north to south (10mm/a-5mm/a), and the width of the northern section is wider. The right-lateral slip rate of the Honghe fault zone is about 4mm/a, and the deformation width is wider. The dynamic results show that the Wenchuan earthquake has little effect on the deformation modes of these two fault zones.  相似文献   

汶川MS8.0大震前的电磁现象   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
本文应用最大熵谱估计方法(MEM)等处理了2008年四川汶川MS8.0地震震中周围电磁台的观测数据,研究了地电、地磁场变化,得到:(1) 在汶川大震前,位于青藏高原东北缘的电磁台记录了显著的自然电场变化、地电场功率谱值增大以及地磁场日变化波形畸变等电磁现象,特别是地电场周期约小于3 h的低频成分的谱值增大了3个数量级以上.(2) 在距离主震震中约500 km范围内,记录了地电、地磁场低频谱值增大为主的电磁现象,特别是距离主震震中最近的成都台地电场谱值增大了4个数量级.(3) 震前电磁现象的时空分布与青藏高原的大震活动(包括2008年新疆于田MS7.3地震)有大空间尺度的构造关联性.本文讨论了电磁现象的机理,认为在震前地下介质内部的微裂隙发展、定向排列过程中,微破裂"机-电转换"作用和地下水运移等多因素引起了地电、地磁场变化.在本次大震前电磁现象的时空强图像很复杂,可能原因是台站所在处的地下局部介质作用和震源孕育激发的电磁辐射引起了复杂的电磁现象.  相似文献   

Using the GPS velocity data from 27 stations around the Eastern Kunlun fault as constraints,we first invert the slip velocities of the Eastern Kunlun fault,the north boundary fault of the Qaidam basin,the Mani-Yushu fault and the Margai Caka fault before the Kekexili MS8.1 earthquake with a 3-D elastic half-space dislocation model. The deformation field calculated from the slip movement of these faults can be considered the deformation background field of the earthquake. Based on the deformation background field with tectonic implications,we have obtained the strain field and earthquake moment accumulation field. The results show that there are two obvious high moment accumulation rate regions,one of which is the Dongdatan-Xidatan segment of the Eastern Kunlun fault where the M_S8.1 earthquake occurred in 2001.  相似文献   

为克服InSAR观测汶川地震同震形变场的邻轨不连续问题,提出联合GPS观测值与邻轨平滑约束的同震位移校正方法,采用GPS观测形变去除PALSAR轨道误差引入的残留平地相位,基于形变平滑条件校正邻轨干涉相位的不连续性.ALOS/PALSAR干涉处理结果表明,校正后同震形变场的准确度与平滑性得以显著提高,InSAR高相干点残差达3.6 cm,校正后精度提高约60%,低相干点精度提高约40%,校正后形变场的邻接平滑因子标准差减小约33%,验证了轨道误差校正与邻轨平滑约束方法的准确性与可靠性.进一步基于弹性半空间位错模型的断层滑移反演结果表明,断层滑移主要分布于映秀、北川和青川地区,集中于地壳深度0~16 km范围,最大滑动量(位于北川县城)约为9.0 m,GPS反演模型残差为5.5 cm,InSAR反演模型残差达9.2 cm,InSAR反演精度约有30%的显著提高,由模型反演计算得到的地震矩为8.0469×1020 N·m.  相似文献   

2008年5月12日汶川(31.0°N,103.4°E)MS8.0大地震发生在中国地壳运动观测网络区域网GPS观测站相当密集的地区.1000个站的GPS 非连续观测区域网分别在1999,2001,2004年和2007年作了4次观测.震前区域网GPS观测站得到的水平位移表明,汶川大地震主要力源是印度板块向北对中国大陆的挤压,但同时也受到东部与南部板块的挤压.与其它地区相比,震前震中附近水平位移最显著的特点是,汶川地震发生在南北地震带上位移分叉部位,即震中北部明显向东北位移,震中南部明显向东南位移,而震中附近的水平位移则明显小于其北面和南面的水平位移.简要讨论了应变计算结果的精度.为获取地震前的异常信息,分别采用趋势曲面拟合和统计方法研究了汶川地震前(1999—2007年)区域网的应变积累,寻找震中的大致区域.除了2001年昆仑山口西大地震震中及其周围地区外,1999—2007年震前区域网的应变积累的趋势曲面拟合表明,汶川地震发生在中国大陆第一剪应变积累大、范围最广的区域的东侧,且在此区域内积累较大的面压缩区的东北边缘.应变分量的统计分析表明,震前其分布在此区域及其附近同样有明显的异常,剪应变和面膨胀积累均增强.   相似文献   

利用2013~2017年3期GPS观测资料,获得精河6.6级地震前震中附近区域水平运动速率、主应变率、面膨胀率及最大剪应变率,并结合区域构造背景分析该区域变形动态特征。结果表明:震前震中附近区域速度场速率逐渐增大,发震断裂两盘构造运动速率不均,震中附近区域GPS测点的速率和运动方向存在差异,反应了地壳应变能量积累。震中区域主压应变率变化反映出应力调整过程,沿断层走向的张压转换的形变高梯度带、最大剪应变梯度带可为地震预测提供参考。  相似文献   

汶川Ms8.0地震前InSAR垂直形变场变化特征研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用D-InSAR技术,选用汶川地震前日本ALOS/PALSAR数据,提取了汶川地震前4个条带的形变场,形变场覆盖了映秀镇、茂县、北川县、平武和青川县.结果显示,汶川地震前形变场沿断层呈“凸”状对称形变分布特征,沿发震断层附近出现隆起形变,而远离发震断层两盘均出现下沉,且随着远离断层距离的增加,沉降幅度逐步增加.在断层两侧附近的平武、北川、安县、江油一带出现了大面积形变隆起,幅度为5~10 cm,且断层西侧抬升范围大于东侧.在映秀镇和汶川地震震中附近,沿断层两侧呈现出小范围斑块状隆起,范围在10~15 cm.该隆起区域与汶川震中位置和破裂最强烈段落基本一致.在远离断层的两盘区域出现沉降,绵阳至成都一带沉降范围在0~ -10 cm之间,松潘至文县一带沉降范围在-5~ -10 cm之间.研究表明对于处于闭锁阶段的逆冲断层,震前的垂直变形可能是其主要变形特征.虽然获得的震前形变变化可能存在5 cm的DEM和对流层大气延迟造成的误差,但这种震前垂直形变场变化趋势仍然存在,可能为地震监测预报提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Based on GPS velocity during 1999-2007, GPS baseline time series on large scale during 1999-2008 and cross-fault leveling data during 1985-2008, the paper makes some analysis and discussion to study and summarize the movement, tectonic deformation and strain accumulation evolution characteristics of the Longmenshan fault and the surrounding area before the MS8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, as well as the possible physical mechanism late in the seismic cycle of the Wenchuan earthquake. Multiple results indicate that:GPS velocity profiles show that obvious continuous deformation across the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau before the earthquake was distributed across a zone at least 500km wide, while there was little deformation in Sichuan Basin and Longmenshan fault zone, which means that the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau provides energy accumulation for locked Longmenshan fault zone continuously. GPS strain rates show that the east-west compression deformation was larger in the northwest of the mid-northern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone, and deformation amplitude decreased gradually from far field to near fault zone, and there was little deformation in fault zone. The east-west compression deformation was significant surrounding the southwestern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone, and strain accumulation rate was larger than that of mid-northern segment. Fault locking indicates nearly whole Longmenshan fault was locked before the earthquake except the source of the earthquake which was weakly locked, and a 20km width patch in southwestern segment between 12km to 22.5km depth was in creeping state. GPS baseline time series in northeast direction on large scale became compressive generally from 2005 in the North-South Seismic Belt, which reflects that relative compression deformation enhances. The cross-fault leveling data show that annual vertical change rate and deformation trend accumulation rate in the Longmenshan fault zone were little, which indicates that vertical activity near the fault was very weak and the fault was tightly locked. According to analyses of GPS and cross-fault leveling data before the Wenchuan earthquake, we consider that the Longmenshan fault is tightly locked from the surface to the deep, and the horizontal and vertical deformation are weak surrounding the fault in relatively small-scale crustal deformation. The process of weak deformation may be slow, and weak deformation area may be larger when large earthquake is coming. Continuous and slow compression deformation across eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau before the earthquake provides dynamic support for strain accumulation in the Longmenshan fault zone in relative large-scale crustal deformation.  相似文献   

汶川8.0级地震前断层形变异常及与其它大震的比较c   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用蕴震系统信息合成和地壳形变图象动力学参量方法,对龙门山、鲜水河、安宁河断裂带69条跨断层形变观测时序(1997年1月——2008年1月)整体地作了数据处理,发现龙门山断裂带在汶川MS8.0地震前出现了整体活动强度增高(加速度运动)、突跳异常丛集和近震中断裂的快速滑动.汶川8.0级与唐山7.8级及丽江7.0级地震之前的断层形变异常具有相似性,呈现出一定的可重现性,但前者的异常强度偏低.用系统自组织理论、断裂力学、静地震、慢地震、蠕滑、亚板块挤压与深部物质向上运移的共同作用能初步解释这些异常现象.  相似文献   

汶川MS8.0级地震InSAR同震形变场观测与研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用InSAR技术,采用地震前后日本ALOS/ PALSAR数据,提取了2008年5月12日四川汶川地震7个条带的地表同震形变场.每个形变条带南北向500 km,东西向70 km,7个形变场覆盖了映秀镇、都江堰、茂县、北川、平武和青川.结果显示,此次地震地表破裂带在北川—映秀断裂带上.地表破裂带从汶川县映秀镇西南震中附近一直到青川县苏河北侧,全长约为230 km.发震断层西北盘为抬升盘,南东盘断层附近,仍然表现为隆起区,显示出以逆冲为主的断层性质.在汶川县映秀镇西侧震中区,最大相对卫星视线向形变量达260 cm,如果全部换算成垂直形变,则两个区域的垂直相对形变达3.3 m.从北川至平通一带,卫星视线向形变范围在120~180 cm的隆起带.其中,擂鼓镇隆起形变范围170~180 cm,换算成垂直形变约在2.2~2.3 m之间.在青川苏河北附近,有70~80 cm范围的隆起形变.在雅安、峨眉山一带,以及射洪至重庆北侧一带有大范围沉降区.在重庆及其南侧区域有幅度在20~30 cm小范围隆起.由青川向东至广元、宁强一带,有形变幅度在60~70 cm的隆起区.整个形变场影响范围较大,四川盆地出现了不同程度的地表形变.  相似文献   

Analysis of central western Europe deformation using GPS and seismic data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The kinematic field of central western Europe is characterized by relatively small movements (around 1–2 mm/year) and diffuse seismicity with earthquakes occurring mostly in the shallow crust (within 15 km), prevalently concentrated along the Alps and the European Cenozoic Rift System (ECRIS). In order to study and constrain the current crustal kinematic field we reconstructed the velocity and the strain field using permanent GPS stations, belonging to different networks (AGNES, EUREF, REGAL, RGP). The 2D strain rate tensor has been calculated using the method of least-squares collocation. Our results show that the area of maximum compression is located along the Alpine chain, where maximum values of 7 ± 2 nstrain/year are found, while maximum extension is measured between the Armorican Massif and the Massif Central, where values of 4 ± 2 nstrain/year are reached.The earthquakes with M > 3.0, have been used to estimate the seismic strain rates, while the style of the seismic deformation was reconstructed from the fault plane solutions (FPS) available from the literature. Relatively high values of seismic strain rates (around 10 nstrain/year) are measured along the Alpine Chain and the ECRIS. Results obtained by geodetic and seismic data are quite in agreement and reflect the different tectonic evolution of the geological features characterizing the area of study. The orientation of the compressional geodetic and seismic strain axes are NW-SE in most of the area of study, on account of the action of plate boundary forces. A rotation of the same axes to N-S direction along the eastern Alps, possibly related to the Adria convergence, is found.  相似文献   

董彦芳  洪顺英  孟国杰 《地震》2018,38(2):95-106
2008年5月12日汶川MS8.0地震造成了巨大的同震形变, 地表破裂带分布广泛。 为了研究汶川地震震后形变的分布特征, 收集了震后2008年5月28日至2010年9月15日的多时相ENVISAT ASAR数据, 该数据包括两个相邻条带, 能够覆盖震后形变区域。 使用基于单一主图像的PSInSAR处理技术分别对两个条带进行处理并拼接, 获得了震后时序形变图和年平均形变速率图。 研究结果显示, 龙门山断裂带两侧的震后形变分布特征明显不同, 断裂带西北盘形变量表现为LOS向隆升, 最大累积形变约为26 mm, 最大形变速率约为17±7 mm/a; 断裂带东南盘形变表现为LOS向沉降, 形变量较小, 最大累积形变约为-10 mm, 最大形变速率约为-5 mm/a。 汶川地震后的形变特征反映了龙门山断裂在此段具有逆冲为主兼有走滑分量的活动性质, 本文研究结果与震后GPS观测结果在形变趋势和量级方面具有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

武善艺  刘琦  龚丽文  张治广 《地震》2018,38(2):145-156
本文以中国大陆西部定点形变观测资料作为研究对象, 采用S变换和超限率时频分析法对其进行了处理和分析。 研究结果表明: 在2008年汶川MS8.0地震前, 距离震中600 km范围内的定点形变个别台站观测到高频异常, 异常持续时间较长; 距离震中300 km范围的个别台站临震高频异常非常显著; 并且不同的定点形变观测手段对高频信号的响应不同, 地倾斜测项临震前高频异常形态较地应变测项更为清晰灵敏。 同时S变换和超限率两种方法处理结果具有较好的一致性, 表明本文提取到的高频异常可信度较高。  相似文献   

喜马拉雅构造带及其临近区域是印度板块与欧亚大陆板块挤压碰撞的前缘地带.本文利用GPS实测速度场与震源机制解数据分别计算了研究区域现今地壳岩石圈表面的GPS应变场及岩石圈内部的主应力分布,研究了印度板块持续挤压作用下板块边界带地壳岩石圈现今地壳形变的空间分布特征.结果显示,南北向的剧烈挤压变形与东西向的拉伸变形是现今青藏高原南缘地壳岩石圈的主要变形特征.其中南北向的地壳挤压变形主要集中在主前缘冲断带与雅鲁藏布江缝合带之间.东西方向上,南北走向的亚东—谷露断裂是区域地壳东西向伸展变形的重要分界断裂.75°E是研究区域地壳形变的另一条显著不连续边界,其西侧地壳主压应变强度低、方向弥散且最大主压应力方向一致性较差,而东侧地壳主压应变方向与主压应力方向以及地壳水平运动速度场方向均具有较好的一致性.布格重力异常的小波多尺度辨析结果显示该分界带与循喜马拉雅西构造结楔入欧亚大陆的印度板块密切相关.  相似文献   

顾国华  孟国杰  方颖 《地震学报》2011,33(3):319-326
利用BERNESE软件的单历元观测值双差定位功能,获取了接近2008年5月12日汶川Ms8.0大地震震中5个GPS观测站(PIXI,CHDU,JYAN,NEIJ和LUZH站)震前的短临位移过程及震后短时间的位移.通过拟合和对比分析,讨论了单历元解的精度.计算结果表明,以YANC站为固定站,LUZH站震前5月9日N(南北...  相似文献   

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